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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1913)
A M moutb Soutrta VOL. XXXII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1913. NO. 17. I HE GREAT BURLINGTON STRIKE 25 YEARS AGO Many Citizens Now Living In Plattsmouth Will Remember This Qreat Calamity. From Thursday's Daily. February 27, 1888, is a day well remembered by the residents of this city, as it was on the morn ing of that day that tho Brother hood of Engineers went out on a strike that lasted over a period of several months and which caused many of the veterans of the throttle to bo rejected from the service who have never re sumed their work on the Burling ton. The strike caused much bitter feeling along tho lines of the road and in this city the citizens took sides and much bad feeling was engendered. The State Journal of this morning has the following to say of the in cidents of the outbreak of the strike: Tho Burlington strike, in which all members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers left their engines, and traffic of the system was tied up for weeks, took place twenty-five years ago today, the strike order becoming effective at a. m., February 27, 1888. The Journal of February 27, 1888, said: "Yesterday afternoon the B. & M. officials received notice from 'General Manager Stone of the C, B. & Q. that the brotherhood of engineers and firemen of tho en tire system would go out this morning at 4 o'clock, as the road had refused to make any conces sons to their demands. superintendent Calvert was scon by a reporter for the Journal last night. The strike, he said, would cause a general tie up for some time, as the road had made no preparations for such an emergency. No attempt was made to handle freight today and orders have been given to receive ho perishable voods. All freight will bo taken, subject Id delay. He Joes not expect any trains in from Chicago today. The com pany will skirmish around and give tin! bi;st service possible. "Engineer 0. F. Sanborn, a member of tho grievance com mittee, who lias just returned from Chicago, where he has been engaged for the past live weeks in work with the committee upon questions which have resulted in this strike, said to the Journal re porter last night: " 'We do not strike. We simply leave tho employ of the company and will place no obstructions in tho way of the running of trains. We exercise the same right that the company does when they in form an engineer when he comes in off his run, that they do not require his services. The com pany informs us that they can run their mail without our help, so we have made them no proposition on Hi a I. ff we are requested by the government In haul the mails we will do so wihout pay simply as an accommodation to the public. The standard pay we ask for is-what nearly all of the trunk lines are paying. The same rule goes into effect on the Pennsylvania lines on the first of March, and is now in effect upon the Santa Fe, Chi cago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul, Chi cago & Alton and other roads. All of the other roads in Nebraska pay more than the B. M." ' The Journal for February 28, 1888, gave an account of the trains run on February 27, the day of the strike, as follows: "The first train out of the city yesterday was No. i, which left on lime at 8 o'clock for Omaha, wilh Conductor Chamberlain at the throttle. "No. 5)2 from Wymore arrived here at 8 o'clock, about 10 min utes late. The train was brought up by a car wiper who has been in the employ of the company but a few months. "No. H, from Ravenna came in at 7:30 in the morning, on time. No. 51. from Nebraska City was on lime. The excursion train from Alliance was delayed from i a. in. until noon at Broken Bok. It was pulled out by Assistant Superin tendent Bigne-ll, who brought it as far as Seward and returned on a west bound train. The party ar rived here at 8:45. "No. 72, from Columbus, ar rived at 2 o'clock, one and one half hours late. On Sunday night an engineer was sent to Columbus to bring down this train, but the man joined the strikers.- A pile driver engineer was secured and brought the train through safely. "The morning flyer from the east and the noon train from Omaha were combined and reach ed tho city at 5 o'clock in the aft ernoon in charge of Conductor Miller. "Tho flyer from the west and the accommodation train from Hastings were combined and ar rived here at 3:30 in the after noon, the engine being run by Conductor Willis. His train left here at 4:20 for Omaha. "The Concordia train left at 2 o'clock and the train for Colum bus at 5:15. "Travel on the B. & M. was light, the other roads profiting by the derangement of the trains of their unfortunate rival." T i MAKE Two Young Men, Reared Near Murray, Establish Hospital at Seward, Nebraska. The Union Ledger has the fol lowing to say in reference to two former Cass county boys, who are making good at Seward, Ne braska: "Most people in Cass county, especially in the vicinity of Mur ray, remember the Morrow boys Milt, and Joe who grew to man hood at that place and later entered the slate university and took medical courses there and in other colleges. Some years ago the 'boys' began tho practice of their profession in the city of Seward, specializing in surgery ami diseases of the eye, ear, noso and throat. As their ability be came known tneir pracuce oui- grew the ordinary office, and to gether they established 'Morrow hospital' in that city. This is not an advertising 'puff,' but an un solicited item that will please their many Cass county friends, who are glad to know that the gentlemen they once knew as the little Morrow boys have made good. That they are 'up there' in their profession is indicated by the following item we copy from tho Seward Blade: " 'The office building recently erected and now occupied by the Drs. Morrow, is the most modern and better equipped with the latest scientific instruments used by physicians, thany any ofllce in the state. The building is of chipped brick, furnaco heated The floors are of asbestone, the latest sanitary floor covering Down stairs are five rooms the reception room, office for Dr. M Morrow, drug room and office foi Dr. J. Morrow. The upstairs is divided into four rooms for laboratory work. Dr. M. Morrow's office is especially fitted for treat merit of the nose, throat, ear and eyes. The room is tiled in white and is fitted with white and nicke cabinets, stands and chairs. A movable electric light to be usee in the examination of the throat is one of tho newest inventions A hospital nurse is in attendance at all times." " CAN'T KEEP HOUSE ANY LONG ER WITHOUT THE JOURNA From Friday's Dally. II. D. Coleman of Groenwooi one of the worthy citizens of Salt Creek precinct, was in the city today attending to business mat ters at the court house, and while in the city had his name added to the list of Journal readers. Ho returned to his home this after noon, going on No. 23. Sell your property by an ad In the Journal. m MORE OF CASS COUNTY'S YOUNG "I MUST CLEAN UP BEFORE W00DROW MOVES IN." -V' '..-, .4 ; yjfc Hu- v . . . -'Cm; ''- "- r-, n in -:3i r-, i ?. V '.''.." '.""' i ( .'Atk ET THE CORRESPON- OENTS TO OMAHA PA- PERS TELL THE FACTS From Friday's Lally. An article appeared in the Woi Id-llerald this morning con sisting of a dispatch from this city stating that the city had started suit to evict the squatters on the laud east of the Burlington station in the interest of the Ne braska Lighting company. This is not the real facts of the case, however, as the city as long as a year ago began to take the mat ter of claiming the land up, as there was grounds to believe that the city held tho title to the land, and the proposition of tho light ing company was only brought out a few weeks ago, and it is not set tled as yet whether they will erect a plant or not. That tho city had not commenced action long before was due to the fact that tho en gineer for the city was engaged in making a survey of the land to discover just where the land claimed by the city lay, and as soon as the report was presented, with the blue prints of the local ity, the council ordered the city attorney to start proceedings. The article in the World-Herald does tho council and the city author ities an injustice, as they are merely taking up what they be lieve to bo the city's rights in tho matter and not to aid any cor poration. New Case Is Filed. From Thurodny's Dully. a new case nas neen nied in the ofilce of Clerk of the District Court James Iloberlson entitled John Wise vs. John It. C. Gregory. The suit is to recover tho sum of $7 4.132 due for labor performed by plaintiff and his son, Frank, on the premises of the defend ant near Weeping Water. Having a Good Time. From Thui'Bday'a Daily. The Journal is in receipt of a postal card from our old friend, Jesse H. McVey, at Sidney, Ohio, where lie is enjoying a visit with friends and relatives, and he in forms us that he is feeling fine and greatly enjoying his visit there. White Holland turkeys for sale. Mrs. W. F. Moore, Murray, Neb. 'Phone 3-P. 2-27-twks.wkly Minor in &t. Louis Post-Uispicn. C?P,IB PLATTSMOUTH BOY HERE FROM WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON From Frlday'H lmlly. Ai. old-lime Pall'.ioouUi resi ib-nl was in the city today visiting will) oli -time menus ami nc- 'liiaintances, in the person of V. l;. Mi!iMn, wife and two rhildrc.i of Walla Walla, Washington. Mr I Uison was born in the city ol PlallHyouth, where his father, Ii IT. Ellison, served as county judge of Cass county for some years Ellison removed from tliiJ county in 1891 and at the time of his removal was a ros'dont of the ici,iity of Weeping Water. Mr ri!is-)i and wife stopped off hero to visit Mrs. Perry Walker, but found to their surprise that she had passed away. They departed for their home this afternoon over the Burlington at 1:58. THE LADIES' OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH ENJOY SOCIAL TIE The Ladies' Aid society of St Paul's church held their social meeting yesterday afternoon and were entertained in a most de lightful manner by Mrs. P. Ooos in the parlors of the (loos hotel. A most enjoyable time was had in conversation and various games. During the course of the after noon's entertainment the hostess served some most delicious re freshments, consisting of coffee and coffee cake. The ladies of this organization hold no business sessions at these meetings, the entire afternoon being devoted to a social time. In spile of the cold weather there was a large number present, nil of whom report Mrs. Ooos as ho ins; a splendid enter tainer. Carl West Buys Store. J. Marks & Sou, who succeeded L. A. Kropp in business in Wyom ing some months ago, have dis posed of their business to Carl West of that precinct. Mr. West will take charge of the business at once. Nebraska City Press. Herman 8ple Is headquarters for all kinds of pipes. 8ee his big line. Con Gillespie Hurt. From Friday's Dally. Con Gillespie, the veteran sec tion foreman of the Burlington, had the misfortune yesterday to :iave his hand mashed by getting it caught between two rails while working along the tracks, and as a result he will be forced to carry it in a bandage for a few days. Visits Sister in Lincoln. From Friday's Dally. Henry Theirolf, jr., and Frank Blotz, of the vicinity of Cedar Creek, arrived in this city from incoln on tho noon train Wed nesday, where they had been visit ing the former's sister. They re turned to Cedar Creek on tho Schuyler train that afternoon. Mr. Thjirolf took time to call at this ofilce and renew his allegiance to the Old Reliable for another year. L Miss Gladys Marshall Married to Mr. W. S. Bull in Portland, Oregon, February 22. The announcement has been received in this city of tho mar riago last Saturday evening in Portland, Oregon, of one of Plaltsmoulh's fair daughters in the person of Miss Gladys Mar shall. Miss Marshall and mother, Mrs. C. A. Marshall, departed from this city a week ago Wednesday, and Saturday afternoon reachei Portland, where the groom, Mr W. F. Bull, met them and the ceremony making them one was performed that evening in the Oregon city, where the young pen pie expect to make I heir home for the present. Tho bride is one of the mos talented and accomplished oiing ladies that our city could boast of in the musical lino, possessing remarkably line voice, and her presence will be sadly missed in the musical circles of I he city The large number of friends o Miss Marshall and her parents Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall, will extend to the newly wedded couple their best wishes for a long am happy matrimonial career, free from trouble and care. The groom, Mr. W. F. Bull, is well known here, where he was employed as an electrician for the telephone company, and is young man of good, industrious habits and possesses tho esteem of all with whom he has come in contact. DRAFT FOR $2,000 IS RECEIVED FOR WIDOW OF J. CRAWFORD E This morning W. B. Ilishel clerk of the local camp of the Woodmen of the World, received a draft from the head camp at Omaha for $2,0(10 in payment the policy carried by the late J i.rawioni MKonoary, wrio was killed at Lincoln on February (5 This is certainly a record for prompt payment and one that speaks well for this insurance order, which is one of the strong est in the country, and the mom hers ol I he order can take great pride in the promptness in which the claims are handled and nd ju-lcd. The policy is made pay able to the widow, Mrs. Emily Xikenbary, who resides al Lincoln and will be a great aid to her providing for the future. Big Stationery Sale. As you will see by our ad vertiscment in another column of Ibis issue, the Journal slationei department is now offering it annual stationery bargain sale, in order to clean up on all l'.)l stock. Head this nd and from th prices you will see that we are sure offering you some bargains "von greater than last year. Kvery box will certainly be sold at these prices, and as we only have about 500 boxes you must call early in order to get them. 'LSI 11 II 16 If! in O H D n Between Twenty and Thirty Guests Are Said to Have Perish ed in the Flames. From Friday's Dally. One of the most destructive fires that has visited Omaha in ecent years occurred early this morning when the Dewey hotel at the corner of Thirteenth and Far- nam streets caught fire, and de- pito a brave fight made by tho firo department of that city, was destroyed. Between twenty and thirty persons are supposed to have perished in the flames and tho work of identifying the dead is handicapped by the fact that the register of the hotel was de stroyed in the firo and it is impos sible to place the exact number who were in the hotel at the time of the fire. Two of the policemen on the beat there noticed sparks and flames issuing from the chimney of tho hotel about 11 o'clock, and reported the fact to the manage ment of the hotel, who in vestigated the mailer, but could not find anything wrong about the hotel, and the next, known was at when the hotel was dis covered on fire, and in a few min utes the entire structure was a volcano of flames and the escape of the guests was made impos sible. Charles Cummings, a bartender at the llenshaw, who has lived at. Hie Dewey for fourteen years, was killed by jumping from a window on the third floor, ami when picked up from the pavement, was a mass of crushed llesh. Several were seen lo rush to the windows of Hie rooms, but before help could reach them had been swept up by the flames, which were growing in grealer volume each minute. The hotel was filled to ils capacity by the large crowd in at tendance at the automobile show. and it will be some time before the list of I he dead can be ascer tained. The Dewey was a second- class hotel and was not modern in any way, the si airways and halls being small and served as a line for the flames to spread through. For some time it was feared that the entire block would lie swept away, but late reports from Omaha state that the fire had been extinguished without spread ing through the other places in the block. This afternoon the death list h.;d grown to fifty and the firemen were busily engaged in trying to remove the charred remains of Hie victims of the fire from the building, only one wall of which is left standing. Owing to the charred condition of the bodio the task of identifying them is very difficult. LADIES' AID SOCIETY HOLDS A VERY PLEASANT MEETING From Friday's Dally. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. K. church held their regular meeting yesterday afternoon al the church parlors, and were very pleasantly entertained by Mes dames Luella I.eesley, Margaret and Helen Mauzy, they being the hostesses on this occasion. Th'M'o was quilo a number of tho ladies present, in spile of the very cold weather. They held their usual business session, at which time I hey made some plans for t heir spring bazaar. The remainder of the afternoon was whiled away in conversation and other amuse ments. The hostesses served some excellent refreshments, and which was most thoroughly ap preciated. Attention, Farmersl Clean up your yard now and see 0. P. Monroe about buying all old scrap iron at the highest market price. 2-27-tf-wkly II