The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1913, Image 6

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    Murray Dparim
(If any of the reader of the Journal know of a social event or an Item of Interett In this vicinity and will mail tame to thi office it will appear under
this heading. We want all items of interest. -Editor Journal.)
Home Bank Owned by Home People
Mrs. Ben Dill is on the sick list.
Aunt Sarah Young is quite
poorly at present.
The Hamilton children arc on
e sick nsi wiiii com
Murray State
Capital 510,000 Surplus S5.000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F. L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law.
or THE
Murray State Bank
of Murray, Nebraska
William Rice was a I'latts
moulh visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Avin While have
hecn on the hick list this week.
There is now a new station be
tween Murray and Union Todd's
Lcroy Hire, who has been suf
ferinK from pneumonia, is much
better, but, not out of danger.
Miss Wee Applegale of Platts
moulh spent Saturday and Sun
day with Miss Margie Walker.
Bert ClulY of Winatoon, Neb.,
was an over-night visitor of Alex
Young, coming down to attend the
auto show at Omaha.
Charles Reeves of Kast Hock
lllutl's precinct returned tin's week
from southern Missouri, where
he had spent a month with his
Obe Ashlock, from Liberty pre
cinct, has moved to F.usl Hock
Muffs, where he will bo in the
employ of Mark While for the
coming year.
Quito a number of .witnesses
were summoned from Murray and
vicinity to attend the trial regard
ing the equity of the Mrs. Chris
Miller laud.
Dave Amick, who now lives four
miles northwest of town on his
farm, was taken suddenly sick
Saturday night. At present he is
but slightly improved.
William Scbolt, S. (). Pitman
and James Loughridge attended
the Masonic lodge Tuesday night
at Plat I smooth, where Will is
learning the mysteries of the
The combination sale at the
livery barn last Saturday was
complete success, under the man
agement of Ilex Young, who acted
as auctioneer, and in this capac
ity he won the title of "Colonel,
a title iriven only to veteran sale
Late Tuesday night an auto
mobile with bright horning lights
was seen ploughing through the
deep drifts on the Scenic road
east of Murray. It has been
learned since that Marklo of Ne
braska City in one of his Fords
was clearing the highways of
I roublesome snowdrifts.
Mark White will erect
barn in the near future.
11. Min ford shipped hogs
South Omaha Wednesday.
W, W. Hamilton was a business
visitor in Omaha Tuesday
Charles Spaugler shipped hogs
to South Omaha Wednesday
Tom f siicr was looking after
business in Murray Tuesday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Joe uawls were
guests of James Holmes and wife
nr.. . st. !. ii'i. - i
nir. aim airs. .uaiK one
were calling on Murray merchants
Dr. and Mrs. It. F. Hrendel en
lerlained Newton (iaines durinf?
bis slay in the village last week
The Study club has adopted the
Hayview course and will likely go
y lb" name of the Hayviow club
reafter. A very interesting
meeting- was held Tuesday after
market will be conducted in
the library on Saturday afternoon
ie, cake, cookies, home-made
tread and all the things that go
to make a good Sunday dinner wi
round there at a very reason
able price.
Newton Gaines spoke to a large
rowd at the Presbyterian church
Saturday evening. A goodly por
turn of llio audience were young
pi'ople who heartily enjoyed the
enure. As a general rule young
people steer clear ol a lecture, but
not so with Newton (iaines. The
Lyceum Course has been very well
ill ended this year.
Auctioneer, Murray, Neb.
Publio Salos a specialty,
and caro taken to pot the
high dollar for your goods
and stock. Your business
J solicited. Tcicphono 5-N.
Miss Waugh of Lincoln spoke
in a eonumny of over twenty at
the library rooms Thursday after
noon. Her subject was the benefit
derived in Ibis community from
iii lil.tnt-v. She cave us so much
encouragement that we all fe
lili ue had a new set of batteries
Miss Waugh is a pleasant am
....... i.iii.op ami her address vas
1 .,.v infi'l'C siincr. The refresh
....... itmf wvi'n mtv')! nolli'il in
I T I I I I 1 " " " ' -
association $3.75.
25 AND 15 CENTS.
Mrs. S. L. Ilhoden visited Mrs.
I Midcalf at Berlin rriday.
Mr. I'.dmunds was confined to
i House a lew nays 1111s wech.
Henry lleebner attended the
auto show in Omaha Tuesday.
Kdgar Darker, living west of
Mynard, lias a very sick baby.
great difficulty settled at the
hall March 1. Come and see how.
J. D. Lewis and sons were call
ing on Union merchants Tuesday.
George Nickels, who has been
quite sick, is able to be out again.
M. F. Hrendel entertained Miss
Florence Waugh at dinner Thurs
James Lougbridge and Henry
Ilice attended the auto show Wed
Mrs. W. S. Smith came home
from a month's slay at Oiig
White Holland turkeys for sale.
Mrs. W. F. Moore, Murray, Neb.
'Phone a -P. 2-27-twks-wkly
Robert Shrader and wife were
looking after business in Lincoln
II. C. Creamer shipped a car of
cattle to the South Omaha market
firing your family and enjoy
a new the play at Jenkins' ball, Satur
day, March 1.
Ed Midcalf of IJcrlin was visit
ing friends in tins vicinity last
week for a few days.
The little son of Ilev. and Mrs.
Ross Williams is numbered with
the sick this week.
Miss Florence Waugh conduct -
d a slory telling period at the
school Thursday morning.
The meeting of the library
association will be held on Wed
nesday evening, March 5.
He sure to be at Jenkins' hall
Saturday night, March 1, and see
"Next Door." 25c and 15c.
Mrs. Frank Rhoden. who has
been visiting Mont and O01
Shrader, came home Tuesday.
Take your best girl a sleich
ride Saturday night and bring her
to the play. Only 2' cents.
Malvern, the lillle son of
Charlie Heed, is quite sick, being
threatened with pneumonia.
A. I,. Decker, who had a serious
accident with his auto last week,
is reported to be up and around
Mberl Wilson left for Oregon
Tuesday, where he will make his
future home. Mrs. Wilson will
go later.
The little 4-year-old son of
Sherman Glasman fell into a pan
of scalding water Tuesday evening
and was severely burned. II is in
a very dangerous condition.
Gerald Williams has been very
low the past week with pneu
monia, but is some better at this
writing. Mr. Williams did not
return to school this week.
Cornelius Richard, son of
Cornelius Hengen, jr., died last
Thursday morning after five days'
illness. The closing of the an
tenor fontenelle, or soft spot, was
the cause of death. He was
weeks old.
The Lewiston Glee club met
with Mr. and Mrs. L. McVey Tues
Charter No. 578
Iiicorixji'iitcd In the State of Nebraska, at the
clcvie of business I'ebrunry 15, 1913.
Loans untl discounts. ti'AlM 22
Overdrafts W
Bnnklni; house. furniture and fixtures .rtuu 00
Current expenses, taxes and Interest
nald 4.5 II
pue f i-oiii national and statu
hanks illia (H
Gold coin
Silver, nickels and cents.
1. Mi) tM)
t5 00
Ml 74-1G.4SW 68
21 87
Capital stock paid In 810,000 00
Surplus fund 5.000 00
l iKlivkled. profits fl.:i!'l 43
Individual deposits subject to
check tfis.u w
Demand certificates of deposit 4(W SO
Time certificates of deposit.. lxYM :
Cashier's checks outstanding, l.hil L7-ti3,4,"9 Kt
Dcpositora guaranty fund 570 til
Total ?is7.4:.'l ST
State or Neiiiiapka, I
County of Cass, I I. W. (J. liocdeker.
cashier of tho aliove named bank, do hereby
swear that the. alxive statement Is a correct
and true copy of the report made to tho State
UankliiK board. W. O. Uokdkkek, Cashier.
An..!- iC'hasj. C. I'akwki.e. Director
Autsi. f Kkk) l Director.
bub-! bed and sworn to In-fore me I his. nth
dayof February. MIS. Vkkxa Hatt,
rsolary I'tibllc.
My commission expires July 2,'ith, 1017.
Beautiful Holiday Party.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Walker, just south of town, was
the scene of an unique Washing
ton birthday parly, given by Mrs.
G. II. Gilmore and Miss Margie
Walker, and in which a score of
lady friends partook. Each lady
appeared in an old colonial gown
lischu, corsage, pannier and
powdered hair was a picture of
revolutionary limes. The guests
assembled promptly at 1 :iiu and
a three-course luncheon was
served. After refreshments an
hour of amusements common in
the time of Washington were in
dulged in. The Virginia reel was
danced and the artists drew
crayon pictures of Washington.
Those iood in riddles tried their
band at "auto race." A medley
composed of sixteen old tunes our
grandparents knew was played
upon the piano, and a guessing
contest followed. Mrs. G. W.
Uoedeker recognized fourteen of
the sixteen, from "Auld Lang
Syne" down to "Pop (Joes the
Weezel." In "hanging the
Britisher," a large crayon pic
lure of a tree, with a hangman's
noose suspended from one of its
bare limbs, was fastened to the
wall. The contestant was given
a paper English soldier, and while
blindfolded tried to place his neck
as near to the rope as possible.
In a contest, on all games Mrs.
Lloyd, Gapen carried oil' the
honors. When the colonial
ladies were about to depart they
were invited to attend a "Boston
tea party," in which tea, cakes
and candy were served. The tea
parly was under (ho able guid
ance of Miss Ogla Minford. Those
present were: Mesdames Lloyd
Gapen, G. M. Minford, C. D.
Spaugler, William Hamilton, M.
Fredrich, John Fan-is, H. G. Todd,
J. M. Holmes, G. W. Doedeker, D.
C. Rhoden, Joe Cook, Jeff Hrendel,
Arthur Baker, Misses Ida Doedek
er, Gertrude Long, Clee Apple
gate, Elizabeth Baird. Ogla Min
ford, Hannah Hansen and Lydia
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express, our most
heartfelt thanks to the many kind
friends who aided us in the sick
ness and death of our baby and
for the beautiful floral tributes.
May the same kindly treatment
be shown them as was given us.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doedeker.
Boy Scouts Organize.
The solution of the Mexican
trouble has about been solved in
Murray through the organization
of the "Boy Scouts." Dale Dooley
was elected president, Walker Gil
more, vice president; Ralph
Holmes, secretary, and Everett
Spaugler, treasurer. Their first
expedition will be into the wilds
of F.asl Rock Muffs precinct,
which they will explore carefully,
makina' accurate notes upon the
Horn, fauna and big game in the
region. may not. lay Roose
velt's African trip in the shade,
but it's I be stuff for the boys.
Women Suffrage in Nebraska.
Colurado and Kansas have
adopted ettual tianchise and the
Missouri lei'-lal lire oled to sub
mit Ho question to the voters
next fall. Nebraska will soon join
the ranks. She has never been
behind very long on the questions
of importance and most generally
settle them right.
Not many object to women vot
ing, but a few put up such excuses
as these: "If the women want the
ballot, lei the women say so by
voting." That is the question of
the day all right; but we are not
soso selfish as to want an election
all to ourselves.
But to be serious. I personally
know of a number of men of this
preciiut who did not vote last fall
and it was a presidential year and
their reason for not voting was
that they were not interested
enough to make the effort. Hut
would that, justify the depriving
of other fnen of the precinct of
their vote? Just so with the
women. Not for a moment do I
think but what the majority, and
a big majority of the Nebraska
(Continued on Page C.)
Prepare for Your
Spring Work Now!
VOUR plows need
sharpening, and other
machinery may need re
pairing. Line them up
now and bring them in,
and let me put them in
good condition for you by
the time the Spring rusb
arrives. You will be busy
then and so will I.
Walter Green,
Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing
Murray, Nebraska
Hiatt j Tutt's Giant Candle
The Giant Candle fs 32 Inches High, 2 Inches in Diameter, Weighs 2 lbs
The following item will be of day night. The trip was made
interest to many readers of this by the crowd in bob-sleds. Avery
vicinity: The unsettled conditions pleasant time-was enjoyed by
of Mexico made it necessary for those present.
Rev. and Mrs. Melenger and chil- Mrs. M. 13. Allison stopped a
dren, Mrs. Melenger, Mrs. Grace few minutes with friends hero on
McDonald Melenger, daughter of her wav from Union, whore, sho
Mrs. Mira McDonald, to cross over had visited her brother, Abe Heck
into the United States to Corpos er. who was hurt in an auto ac-
Cristi. It has always been the eident last week.
fear here that tiiey would slay loo Thn r flWiston Glee club has set
ong ami this ttiey nearly urn, and Uie dale for Marcn 15 nl Jenkins
tho Irain they were on was plan.
ned by the rebels to bo wrecked,
but a freight pulled out ahead and
met the fato that was intended for
the passenger. I ho passenger
pulled in behind tho freight, but
as soon as they discovered what
had happened they abandoned
their train and crossed the river
by skilT, and reached a railway
station some eight miles away,
and reached Corpes Crist i in
safely. The experience was every.
thing but pleasant, wilh two small
children, and their many friends
will be glad to know that they are
in safety. Nearly all railroad
conneclions are cut, off in Mexico
and a number of missionaries and
oilier Americans are forced to re-
main whore they are
hall to slago tho home talent play
entitled "Uncle Josh, From Ver
mont." The proceeds will be used
for tho Lewiston cemetery and
other charitable purposes, as
seem advisable by the club.
Dr. Thomson, Dentist, of
Plattsmouth, will bo in Mur
ray on Thursday's, No
hawka on Friday's, and
Union on Saturday's of each
week, whero ho will bo
pleased to meet all parties
desiring dental work done.
With every 25c purchase at our store you get one estimate. You
get another guess with every additional 25c purchase, so you have many
opportunities of guessing right. Nobody knows before hand how long
the giant candle will burn. Your guess may win. Come in and try
it now, and be one of the first to register your estimate.
Here is a Chance for You to Get
a Handsome Present
the Married Lady making the nearest guess to how
long the candle will burn will be given the
Handsome Eighty Piece Dinner Set
To the Young Lady making the nearest
will be given
A Handsome Manicure Set
To the Little Girl making the nearest guess
A Fine Rubber Tired Doll Buggy
To the Little Boy making the nearest guess
A Dandy Red Wagon
To the Man making the nearest guess a New Hat
Free Tickets to all School Children
To all school children in town and country who visit our store on
Saturday, April 12th, we will give one estimate ticket free.
Come in and get a ticket, take it home and fill it out and bring
it back to our store any time during the contest and place it in the
ballot box.
Contest Starts Feb. 22d and
Closes May 1st
Candle will be Lighted 11 ay 2d
the Big Candle in our window, and gue.s how long it will burn
Hiatt & Tuft, Murray.
seaJ See