oo A Ml ittOMD own VOL. XXXII. PLATTSIYIODTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1913. NO. 16. a I Ill Dll ill Proposition for Building City Jail Important Matter and. Every Member Favorable. From Tuesdays Daily. Thert! was nothing lust evening at tho session of the city council to mar tho serenity of the worthy members, who were all present with the exception of Councilman Richcy of the Third ward, who was out of the city. The council received a com munication from all tho property owners in the block on the south side of Main street between Fifth and Sixth streets, asking that a manhole be opened up in the alley, which it was decided to do. The llnanco committee of the council got away with the grant ing1 of several small claims, the report for this meeting being one of the smallest for some time: W. B. llishel, street work, $1; W. II. Miller, labor for city, $1.55; Q. K. Parinele, hauling hose, $1.50; C. Boelel, hauling dogs, 50c;. James Wynn, street work, .r.fio. Councilman Patterson of the judiciary committee reported that the committee had an interview with two of the officials of the Missouri Pacific railroad in re gard to the underground crossing asked for under the tracks of that road at the Oak street crossing, and that the oflleials had declined to take action in the matter, as they did not think it could be suc cessfully carried out; owing to tin) sleep srad! there, but agree to install elenrie gongs on the crossing tit warn passers of I he coming of trains. The claims committee imported favorably upon the lnllowing claims and recommended their payment, which report was adopt ed: P.ruce & Staudeven. survey ing for city, si io.-JS; .Nebraska Lighting company, street, lighting, 12(.UI; C. W. I'.aylor, coal to tin library, $15.49; Frank Kunfrsl, taking down tire bell. 813; Cass county, boarding prisoners, 10.50. The lire and water committee, which had I he reports of the various lire companies under con sideration, reported theni favor ably and also recommended that t.he various hose companies be known by numbers hereafter, in stead of names, as at present, and the committee was granted fur ther time to see the chief of the tiro department in regard to this matter. Councilman Johnson of the cemetery committee slated that Mr. Kurtz, who has held the posi tion of sexton at the cemetery for a long period of years, has moved to the central part of the city, and with his advancing age found it difficult to attend to the duties of the position and a younger man was needed I hero in the opinion of Mr. Kurtz, and that a house should be secured for t) i it i so he could reside there. Councilman Kurtz stated that be understood that the Mercerville school house was to be closed up and he thought it would be an excellent thing for the city to secure this building to convert into a resi dence for the sexton, and that a man be employed there and be given sufficient .salary to permit him to devote his time to looking after the cemetery, lie believed it a duty of (be city to see that the last resting place of so. many of our people be looked after in proper shape ami not be allowed to run down, and he knew by ex perience that it would require all of one man's lime to look after the mailer. Councilman Pallor son thought as Mr. Kurtz did. that it was a matter that the city should act on and he thought the lot owners would be glad to con tribute to the salary of a man to look after Hie work. Councilman Lushinsky moved (hat a com mittee ho appointed by the mayor to look after tho matter of secur ing the school house for a resi dence for a sexton. The mayor appointed the regular cemetery committee Johnson, Dovey and Kurtz to look the matter up. City Attorney Tidd stale J to the council that the judiciary committee had a survey made of the sand bar east of the Burling ton tracks and that the amount of land embraced in the bar that belonged to the city was about 100 acres and that the matter was where the council could take whatever steps they thought besl. Councilman Johnson thought that the matter should be taken up at. once, so that the city could gel possession of the land before the parties living there had put in any crops, and that they should be notified to vacate at once. On motion of Lushinsky, the city at torney was instructed to notify the parlies to vacate the land and start suit (o eject them from the land in dispute if the land was not vacated by March 1. Councilman llallstrom thought that it was doubtful if the city could slarl the suit so soon, but. the motion of Lushinsky carried unanimously. The picture show ordinance, closing the shows on Sunday, was read for the second lime and laid over until the next meeting for its final reading. Mayor John P. Sattler had tho following resolution read and the council passed it unanimously: Whereas, The building now used lor inn county jau, suuaicu in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, has been con demned by the state fire warden of the slate of Nebraska; and, Whereas, Said building now so used for the county jail is situat ed in an unsanitary place and dangerous to the health of the persons confined therein, and has been so declared by Hie county commissioners of Cuss county, Nebraska; and, Whereas, The city of Platls mouth has heretofore been con fining its city prisoners in said county jail; therefore, lie It Resolved, By the mayor itid city council of the city of Plattsnnmtb that said cily of Plattsmouth proceed to provide an independent city jail for the confinement of cily prisoners; that a special committee bo ap pointed by the mayor of said cily for lb.1 purpose of obtaining in formal ion as to making pro visions for a cily jail, and get estimates of (he eul. yf putting the brick building on the south end of (In; premises belonging to said cily in proper condition for a cily jail; and thai, said com mittee be inslrueled to report at the next regular meeting of tho city council. the mayor appointed as a committee to take charge of tho jail proposition Councilmen Dovey, Johnson and Shea. Cily Attorney Tidd informed the council that the Base Ball As social ion had made a request to the cily lo grant (hem a lease on the land where the ball park is now located, and on motion of Dovey the lease was ordered granted, after which the council adjourned. DISTRICT COURT CONVENED YESTERDAY AND JURY IS From Tuesday's wily. The session of the district court convened in this city yes terday afternoon, with Judge Cochran of York presiding, in the absence of Judge Travis, and the lirsl case taken up was that of the Mauley Co-operative (irain com pany vs. the Missouri Pacific Railway company, which case was continued over until next term of courl. In I he. case of Frederick Ifag- gener, et al., vs. Henry Meising er, the jury brought in a verdict in favor of the defendant am gave him $1 on his counter claim for improvement made on the properly of the plaintiff which Meisinger had been farm ing. The slander case of I'redric Waggner vs. Charles Fetzgor, c al., was continued over until the next term of court. Jim go uienran tins morning excused (he jury and most of them departed for their homes today. The Journal supplier. for typewriter "AW. VW0DR0W. I WOULDN'T V ta ft,); C. V. TOURTELOTTE OF LINCOLN ADDRESSES THE. YOUNG MENS' BIBLE GLASS From Tuesday's Dally One of the most, carefully pro ired and well presented lectures that it has been the pleasure of the Young .Men's Bible class of the Methodist church to listen to was delivered last evening by C. V. Tourtelolle of Lincoln, who ;poke for an hour on I he origin, lislory and development of prayer. I lie talk was most in teresting and greatly pleased the arge number that assembled at the rooms lo hear it. He traced prayer from the supplications of the pagans and Indians to their gods down to the present Chris tian era, with its prayers lo the Almighty. The address was clear and no minister of the gospel has ever given a more able address on this most interesting subject. The class was also given a rare treat in two readings by Mrs. William Baird, as well as two very pleas ing solos, and both the readings and solos proved most pleasing features of the evening and last night's gathering will be a red letter day in the history of (ho class. RELATIVES ENTERTAINED AT CHARLES MANNERS HOME From Tuesday's Dally. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manners, in (he south part of (he city, was (he scene of a most delightful social event Saturday noon, when they enter tained at a dinner party in honor of a number of their relatives. The affair was one that will be long remembered by the jolly crowd who participated and the dinner that was served the guests was one calculated lo tempt the appetite of an opicurian. . The gnosis for the dinner were: James Manners and wife and daughter, Majorie, of llavelock; Mrs. J. W. Manners of University Place, Mr. Austin Johnson of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Olmstead of Car roll, Neb., and Ilarve Manners of this city. New Barber at Riley Shop. From Monday's Dally. (ieorge Tuttle of Lincoln has accepted a position here in the barber shop of Perry Tbackston, in the Motel Ililey. Mr. Tuttle is a barber of experience in the irade in the larger cities and will prove a very valuable addition to (he shop of Mr. Thackston. til S v vmmu mm i I if :fMm I - - i krk I JtMm I'nm'xtf St ' I I L, TREAT YOU THAT WAY!" Syket in Philadelphia Ledger. "Uncle Henry" Wallace, Editor of Wallaco's Farmer, Talks to the Nebraska Legislature. "L'ncle Henry" Wallace, editor of Wallace's Farmer and chair man of the Hoosevell Country Life commission, one of the principal speakers of the Nebraska Con servation congress, spoke before the legislature by invitation on last Friday. Dr. Wallace touched on taxation, good roads, educa tion and the tenant problem. He said that the legislature of Iowa is about to submit a constitution al amendment abolishing the gen eral property tax and apportion ing railroad and other-corporation lax for purposes of state ad ministration, leaving the county free to make such levy as Iho voters see fit for local purposes; it is his belief that this method will remove inequalities in taxa tion due to evasions of the per sonal property tax. Speaking of the education sys tem Dr. Wallace declared that a survey of Iowa statistics shows that the million people on the farms furnish but 10 per cent of the criminals, while the million and a quarter in the cities furnish DO per cent. Only 1 per cent of the young criminals come from the farms. He staled further that but 1 per cent of the farm boys secure a finished education under the present system and that so much money is spent on Ibis 1 per cent that it is impossible to educate the remainder properly. He pleaded strongly for a belter system of rural schools. Dr. Wallace says that in Iowa I he road problem is complicated with more mud than in Nebraska and that in his state "mud, money and misery go together and com plicate tho road problem," which they are endeavoring to work out by building permanent roads be tween county seat towns and good dirt roads from the town lo tin; school house in the country. Mr. Wallace characterized the one-year lease as "a conspiracy between the landlord and tenant through which both rob the land to the limit of their ability" and argued for the English system through which the tenant is en -litled to an equity proportioned to the amount of unused fertility which he restores to the land in the form of manure. This system has contributed to long leases and a permanent tenant class in Eng land with largely increasing crop PRESENTS FIGURES FROM 101 production. Dr. Wallace pre dicted that the state which first adopted a similar system would set the mark for advancement in the economic development of igriculture. An Old Friend Calls. From Moiuliiy'B lally. Our old friend, II. M. Pollard, of Nehawka, arrived last evening to be in readiness early this morning to serve on the jur, but. the judge did not arrive (ill on (he noon train. Mr. Poliard, con sequently, had a little spare lime to visit among his friends, of which Kiev are legion in Plattsmoulh. In his rounds be called on the Journal, and we en joyed his visit greatly, as we re gard him one of the level-headed citizens of Cass county and ulso a most clever gentleman. While here he also renewed his faith in the Journal for another year. FAREWELL RECEPTION IN HONOR OF ML AND IS. G. W. LIVINGSTON From Tuesdny'H Dally. About fifty friends of Mr. and Mrs. (1. W. Livingston met at the home of Ilev. and Mrs. D. L. Dunkleberger last evening to tender a larewell to mem, as they are to depart for Dewcese this state, on Thursday, where they will make their future home. It was in recognition of tho friendship entertained for those who are to remove trom our vicinity that this manifestation of friendship .was given. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston have lived in thi vicinity for (lit! past five years and have gained a host of friends by their kind and genial ways both in and -out of the church They both have been -tireless workers for the good of flu church and all its auxilaries Their help will be greatly missed by the church ami those who work therein. While it will be a loss lo this community lo have Ibis family depart, it. will be a gain for that place where they will make I heir abode. Those of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Living ston will ever keep green the friendship cultivated here. A general good lime was had until a late hour, when dainty refresh ments were served, the guests departing at a late hour wishing I heir friends a happy and pros perous home in their new loca tion, and extending their thanks to Ilev. and Mrs. Dunkelberger for opening I heir home for the enter tainment of their friends. Mr. Livingston will begin loading his car today and hopes to depart for their new home on Thursday. "THE CITY" IS PRAISED Of HARPER'S MAGAZINE From Tuitfsiluy'H Dally. Harper's Magazine said, dur ing tho first, weeks that "The City" was bidding New York theater goers in a thrill: "Occasionally the accused public has a chance to show that it rather enjoys looking into its own soul and is still able to appreciate an idea. Tho audience loses ilself in the unfolding of this great play and awakes to I he realities of life at the end with a sigh of regret." The United Play company has Ibis great attraction on a tour of the larger cities and has arranged with Manager Shlaes of the Parinole theater lo be hero on Saturday night with he same strong cast, beaded by Hugo . Koch, Stork Visits Dasher Home. l'Vorn Monday'H Dally. Last evening- the home of Charles Dasher and wife, on North 12th street, was gladdened by the arrival of a line new girl baby, and tho happy parents are convinced that there was never a handsomer young lady in the city than the new Miss Dasher, who, with her mother, is getting along nicely. The many friends of the Dasher family will be greatly pleased to learn of the good luck that has befallen Mr. and Mrs. Dasher. MEMORIAL SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Befitting Tribute to Memory of Two of Deceased Members of Young Men's Bible Class. The Young Men's Bible class i i no .ueinoiiisi, cnurcn as sembled at their rooms in the hurch building Sunday and held i short memorial service in tho memory of two of their departed classmates, Kdvvard W. White and Oscar llallstrom, both of whom were very faithful members Of the class. The exercises were opened by Hev. W. L. Austin with prayer, af ter which tho Young Men's (51eo club sang a number appropriate to tho occasion, and which deeply improssed the attendants. Jesso Perry, in behalf of the class, paid a short tribute to the worth of the ones taken from the scene of their earthly activities and how deeply their going had grieved tho class, but the example I hey had set by their lives was one well worthy of following. The principal address of the afternoon was delivered by At torney C. A. Uawls, who spoke quite eloquently on the beauty of holding these memorial services in honor of those who had gone before. His address made a deep impression upon all tho audience, as he is a very earnest, and con vincing speaker and always pleases his audiences by the loie and beauty of his addresses. Superintendent V. fl. Brooks sang "Building for F.lernily Tears." in bis usual finished manner, which served as one of the most pleasing features of the services, and Iho beauty of the song was very appropriate lo the occasion. Ilev. Ausl in oll'ered I lie benedic tion and the auditors departed, feeling that Iho exercises had given 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a givai lesson in Christian religion. SURPRISED ON THEIR 20TH IiLuuiiiu fimiiiLiiUHiil IVoni Tuesday's Dully. Last evening ttie friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar (iapen, who reside southwest of this city, gave them a most pleas ant surprise to remind them of their twentieth wedding anniver sary, and the occasion was one that will be long remembered by those attending, as well as tho host and hostess as one of the most pleasant (hey have ever en joyed. Tho guests brought with them an elegant, luncheon, which was placed on the table, and to say that the display of good things was tempting fails lo fully express it, as lliere was every thing that was possible to lompt the appetite. The large crowd, which numbered some seventy persons, leu, Willi llieir wormy friends on their departure a very handsome cash present as a slight token of the high esteem in which they were held. The host and hostess were completely taken by surprise by their friends, but made them feel that anything in the (iapen home, was theirs for the the asking, and the whole party had an eveninar of perfect enjo merit . Appointed Deputy Fire Warden. Krom ilondiiy'H Dally. Chief C. M. Maimer of the lire department has just received his certificate from Ciovornor More bead as a deputy lire warden of tins slate for this cily. This is a merited recognition of the serv ices Mr. Manners has given as Iho chief of tho lire department, and he is eminently qualified for Hie office, as his experience as a fireman Ills him to judge the. needs of proper lire protection, and he expects lo 111! the otlico to the best of his ability and to see that the law in reaard to the proper protection against fire is carried out. If you have a house for rent try a Journal Want Ad.