The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 24, 1913, Image 6

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    For Lo.s of Hair
We will pay for what you use tf
Rexatl "'.l" Hair Tonf: Jes not
promote the growth of yoor hair.
la a!! o,: ixi.ri' tvith hair
tonic tie ciiiv ( lin moM to
pain our roufutc:i'-i is Krxnll "Mi"
Hair Toni. We have mirh well
fouuJtd (iiitH in it thut w wank
you to try it at our risk. If it duca
not antWy yuvi in every particular,
we will pay for tvliat, you uw to the
extent ol a 30 1iy treatment.
If Rexull K3" Hair Tonic doee
not remove dandruff, relieve aralp
irritation, iitop tUr hair from fulling
and promoto a new growth of hair,
ronie back to u and ack us to return
the money you paid for it, mid wo will
promptly hand it to you. You
don't aiun anything, promiw any
thing, liring anything hack, or in any
''. way olilifrateyouraclf. Inn't that fair?
Doesn't it aland to reaaon that we
would net make auch a liberal offer
If we did not truly bnlieve that
Kciall "!U" Hair Tonic will do all
we claim for it that it will do all
nd more than Any other remedy!
- We have everything thorn is a dV
re.&nd fur, and are aMo to judge the
merits of the thing! we evil. Om
tomera tell ua of their mwcphn. There
are mora antlafird uaarn of Itexall
"83" Hair Touio than any aimilaf
preparation we soil.
Start a treatment of Rexall "O.V
llair Tonic today. If you do, w
believe you will thank ua for thii
rid vice. Two aiie bottles, 60o and II.
You can buy Iteiall "93" Flair Tonie
Is this community only at our store:
ItSI ft
"The City" Ono of Interest to Old
and Young Alike and Greeted
by Immense Audiences.
The Balance of Our Overcoat Stocli
now offered at astonishingly low prices!-- -.- ... - -
We intend to close out every last overcoat in the house. We haven't very many left, but if you caii find
your size it will pay you 10 buy one now at the bi saving we offer you and carry it over till next winter. We
have lost sight of the former price and even the cost in closing out these final numbers. We have nothing
but good coats to sell, so whatever price you pay you will get a good coat. Good-bye prices $6.85, $9.85
and $11.85. Come in and look at these coats and you will see without doubt you are saving big money.
Fur Coats $15
Then) Is a Retail fltnm in nr.rlv ..-
and city in tuo United Htnten. Canal
lreat Britain. There is a different Itnall
Remedy for noarly every ordinary human ill
each enpecially flnainned for the particular ill
fur which it is reouunucuded.
The R.xall Stores are America'
U. ug Stor.a
ery town
From Saturday's Uully.
'1 inlay was generally observed
throughout tho cily as u holiday,
it being llio anniversary of the
birth of "Tho Father of His
Oounlry," (ioorge Washington
Tin; Burlington shops, the Itiinks
and- bostotlice wore closed in
honor of tho day, and Hit; snow
made most of the citizens hang
around I ho base burner I ho groat
or portion or the day, except a
few of I ho bravest, who ventured
out. lho snow last night was
quite badly drifted in places by
I he wind, and it made gelling
around lho streets difficult for
lho early risers, but the in
duslrious merchants soon had
most of the walks cleared off of
lho surplus fall of "the beauti
The late Clyde Fitch was the
author of more than fifty plavs,
at least two-thirds of which liao
enjoyed wide popularity unions
American theater patrons. Many
of them, notably "Tho Climbers
and "The (iirl With the (ireen
F.yes," were distinctly society
I dramas. 11 was once sum mat. nc
could not write a man's play.
"The City" was his answer. It
seemed a bit of irony that tin;
liiugest thing ho ever wrote
should have been I lit; one ho was
lever lo see acted, for Fitch's
leath occurred before tho night
of production. "Tho City" proved
a thundering success. It ran for
an entire season at the Lyric
theater in New York and later
duplicated its triumps at the MCDDRCVI Cut P A TDI M
(irand opera house in Chicago. lltuiinuun ui uuinu nmui
Tho play has never been pre
sented in this city and it is a
nailer for satisfaction that tho
Cnilod Play company has elected
o send it here. Hugo B. Koch,
an actor who nas acmevcu a une
following through his artistic
vork in "The Servant in tho
House," "Tho Tort of Missing
Men," "The House of a Thousand
Candles," and other recent suc
cesses, will bo seen in the loading
role. Mr. Koch personally se
eded his company and has an
irganizal ion of lho highest merit.
The production is complete ami
lho mnsl, beautiful, it is promised,
over sent out with a United Play
oinpany attraction. The date of
I bo local engagement is Saturday
night, March 1.
Wescott's Sons
Child's Coats $1 and $2
mandan, south Dakota
To Attend Convention.
from Saturday's Imllji
County Superintendent, Mary K.
Foster departed this morning for
Philadelphia, whore she will at
tend a meeting of the National
Association of Superintendents,
which will meet in that city tho
coining week. It is possible Miss
Foster will find lime to visit in
Washington and witness tin; in
auguration of President Wilson.
Seeds Thai Grow.
Host recleaned native clover, U'J
per cent pure, 08 per cent growth,
HI 2.00 bushel. Homo grown tim
othy, .V-.75. Blue garss,
lied top, $2.25
nraska airalla, tw per cent pure,
U8 per cent growth, MO. 45. Kan
sas alfalfa, $0.90. Alsyko, $11.90
Johnson county white corn, $2.50,
in ear. Our corn took cwoep
stakes at Lincoln Corn show. Buy
now. Seed will bo higher. Ask
for wholesale catalog-, field and
garden ,oods. Samples mailed
Johnson Bros. Seed Co.,
Nebraska City, Neb
ior n miM, easy action oi uie
hov els, irv noon s llogiiiols, n
modern laxative. 25c at all
Some lift eon men are engaged
! mlay in the task of tearing down
the house owned by the C order
eslale on South Highlit street,
ami which litis been purchased by
Louis Jiran, who will have the
material shipped lo Mamlan, N.
I)., where it will bo erected on lho
farm of Mr. Jiran, near Unit
place. The material in the house
is in excellent condition ami will
make a very comfortable home
for Mr. Jiran ami his family in
ieir new location. This worthy
cilien and his family will leave
about the middle of March lo take
charge of tho farm.
The special train for the in
auguration of President Wilson
from Nebraska, which will bo ac
companied by (iovernor More-head
and slati and a largo delegation
of Nebraska citizens, will leave
Lincoln over the IHu'liuglon on
February 28, at 4:30 p. in.; leave
Omaha the same day at b:.JU p.
m., and arrive in Chicago at 8:30
a. in. March 1; leaving Chicago at
9: 45 over the Big Four, and reach
Cincinnati at ( p. in., where a
stop-over of throe hours has been
arranged for. The train will
reach Staunton, Virginia, tho
birthplace of NVoodrow Wilson,
March 2 at 11 a. m., and remain
there an hour and a half, leav
ing for Charlottesville, where
they will arrive al t :30 p. in., and
a visit will bo paid to I In; former
homes of Thomas Jell'erson and
James Monroe, and the train will
arrive in Washington al 7:.'in p.
m. March 3. A number from this
city are figuring on aecompany
intc tho train, anil connections
will be made here by a stub that
will meet the train at Paeilic
Junction, as the special will be
sent around by way of Council
niufTs. The fare will be $13.55
for tho round trip and good un
lil March 10.
(real possibilities are offered
lo this city in lho proposition
presented at tho Commercial club
meeting Thursday evening in re
gard to the opening of a stone
c;uarry along the river south of
this cily. The project is one
which can make a good enterprise
for the city and ono that would
employ a large number of men
and add greatly to the increase of
business in the cily. Tho great
est difficulty is in getting tho
work under way after the mailer
of financing the project lias been
carried out, but it is understood
that several years ago parties
here secured through Senator
Hurkett permission from tho war
department to dump the dirt
from lho grading into the river,
where it would bo washed away,
or if it was so desired it could be
hauled from the scene of the ex
cavation and used in tho filling of
places along the road from the
city to the quarry. The railroad
could easily put in a spur of
track from near Happy Hollow to
the scene of the operations below
the bridge and the rock could
easily bo shipped out, as it is
only about a mile jo where the
quarry is proposed to be located.
It is to be most earnestly hoped
that capitalists can be inleresled
in the project and soon, as it will
be the means of making the town
improve greatly ami that it would
be tin immense success cannol
bo doubled, as the supply of .Inne
in this part of I In.1 country i-i
wholly inadequate In supply lho
No Need to Stop Work.
When tho doctor orders you to
slop work it. staggers you.
can't, you say. You know you are
weak, run down and failing in
health day by day, but you must
work as long as you can stand.
What you need is Electric Bitters
to give tone, strength and vigor
to your system, to prevent break
down and build you up. Don't be
weak, sickly or ailing when Elec
tric Bitters will benefit you from
the first dose. Thousands bless
them for their glorious health and
strength. Try them. Every bot
tle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only
50c at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s.
from Saturday's Dally.
The High school basket ball
team received a defeat last even
ing at the hands of the team rep
resenting tho South Omaha High
school, by the score of 02 to 9.
The game was decidedly one
sided, and the local boys did not
display their usual skill and speed
in lho game, duo doubtless to the
lack of practice, as the team has
been practicing only one night a
week, which has greatly dis
couraged the boys. Frank Mar
shall did I lie principal scoring for
Platlsnioulh. Meiiel'eo was the
principal star of the South Oma
ha loam, securing 19 field and 4
foul goals. fn the first half
Plait smoulli scored ' 8 points
against 2 for Soulh Omaha, while
in the second half I hey only se
cured 1 point.
Are You a Cold Sufferer?
Tako Dr. King's New Discovery.
The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and
Lung medicine made. Money re
funded if it fails to euro you. Do
not heilale lake it al our risk.
First tloes helps. J. II. Wells,
Floydada, Texas, writes: "Dr.
King's New Discovery cured my
lerriblo cough and cold. I gained
15 pounds." Buv it at F. O.
Fricke & Co.
Surpriso Your Friends.
For four weeks regular use Dr.
a v . m 1 1 I I ri I.
lung ievv i,ue rius. ie
stimulate tho liver, improve diges
tion, remove, blood impurities,
pimples and eruptions disappear
rnm your face and body and you
feel bettor. Begin at once. Buy
at F. a. Fnckc Si Co.'s.
! 'mm 1
Simplest, Safest, Surest
icclnttloa fer the prevention
Jet little pill to M plictd under the akin of
the animal by a tingle ihruat of the Initrunnpu
ror t limited time we will fire to any (rock-
nun an Inlecior free with bit Drat purchtae ef
100 vacclnatloua.
rmanaiD av
PARKE, DAVIS & CO., ManufQ Chemists,
fill BT
Fricke S Go.
Call or writo for free booklet.
From Suturdny i Onlli.
The llrst of the series of oc
cupalion addresses to He given
by prominent professional men of
the slate was given last evening
at the First Presbyterian church,
under lho auspices of tho Build
ers' class of lho church. The bad
weather interferred largely with
the attendance to hoar tho most
excellent talk given by Attorney
Charles (S. McDonald of Omaha
who addressed tho young men on
Tho Lawyer." He told of the
course or study necessary to no
come a practicing attorney and
the different processes by which
cases are handled through the
courts. Those lectures uro given
with the idea of giving lho young
men an outline of the different
professions and their duties to
assist them in choosing a career
ami will prove of untold benefit to
nil who tako advantage of I hem
to attend. Rev. Lorimer and lho
young men of the church are di
serving of much praise for
their efforts in behalf of Hit
young men of the city lo pick out
a career that is soiled lo them
For Sale.
Two good milk cows ami tw
curling calves. T. S. Barrows
ti miles south of Platlsnioulh.
from Kuturduv'f Dal If
Miss Frank Starr of Kansas
Cily, Missouri, has arrived in this
city and will at once enter upon
ior duties as trimmer in the mil-
iuery department of the Fa tiger
Department store. Miss Starr is
one oi I no expert li iininoi s sent
out by tho wholesale house, and
will be able to furnish the most
artistic creations in the millinery
lino. She has had extensive ex
nerience in tho leading' stores of
lho big cities and her stay hero
will furnish tho ladies of Plaits-!
mouth an excellent opportunity!
to have their hats made by an ex
pert in this line of work. Mr.
Zucker, manager of tho store, is
making preparations lo make this
season's opening of the millinery
line ono of the mosl brilliant
ever held nere.
Dr. King's New Discovery
Soothes irritated throat and
lungs, slops chronic and hacking
cough, relievos tickling throat,
tastes nice. Take no olher; once
used, always used. But it at
F. (i. Fricke A; Cn.'.s.
Old-Fashioned Dance.
Ono of the I real s of the sea
son in uie dancing line win no
e old-fashioned dance given by
Missouri Tribe No. G9, Improved
Order of Hod Men, at their hall on
Wednesday evening, February 20.
The most expert fiddlers in this
part of the country will bo on
hand and a big lime is looked for
ward to. . 2-22-it-d
For Sale at a Bargain.
0 II. P., twin cylniler, magneto,
boll drive, with idler. For further
information call or write,
Ktlgar Sleinliauer,
Clyde Fitch's posthumous
drama, "The Cily," which for two
seasons was a sensation in New
York and Chicago will have its
llrst local presentation .at the
Parmolc theater next Saturday
night, March 1. Hugo II. Koch,
lho well known dramatic star, will
appear in the loading role, sup
ported by an unusually good com
pany. The attraction is under the
direction of the United Play com
pany, a firm responsible for many
recent successes, notably, "The
Lion and Hie Mouse," "The Third
Degree," "(Iraustark" and
"Kindling." The engagement of
"The City" will bo one of the
notable ones of the season.
Effort to Prevent Accidents Now a
Feature of Organization of
Men and Officers.
"Safety First" is now a feature
of lho organization of men and
officers of all the big systems in
lho west. Reports from roads
where the idea has been worked
out for more than one year show
that it has been effective in sav
ing life and reducing the number
of personal injuries. The North
western in a recent report show
ed a remarkable reduction of the
number of accidents, and reduc
tion of accidents means reduction
of operating expense, and more
economical operation. Tho pub
lic benefits fro ill a lower cost of
j operation.
New method is being employed
by Burlington officials and em
ployes to lessen tho frequency of
accidents to men in railroad serv
ice. "Safety Postal Cards" ad
dressed to the superintendents
are put al the disposal of the
men, who are encouraged to send
in suggestions for making con
ditions as safe as possible in
yards, shops, etc. It is said that
lho employes are freely availing
themselves of the use of these
cards, which is an indication of
interest being taken in safety
first. Very many of these sug
gestions sent in by the men are
found to be valuable, as they re
port conditions where there is
possibility of danger and which
usually, it is a simple mailer to
Officers of a company can
hardly see every obstructed pas
sageway, every piece of defective
machinery, every rotten board in
platforms, along hundreds of
miles of railway. But some em
ploye, somewhere, knows about
every such condition, and tho
safety postal is found to be a
practical means of reporting
these dangerous things so that
they may be made safe before
someone gels hurt.
Sell your property by an ad
the Journal.
There is no better' medicine
made for colds than Chamber
iain's Cough Remedy. It acts on
nature's plan, relieves lho lungs,
o;ons tho secretions, aids e.
pectoration, pnd restores tho sys
tem to a healthy condition. For
snle by F. O. Fricke & Co.
For Sale.
Duroc sows, bred for spring
farrow. V. E. Perry, Mynard,
Neb. 2-20-wkly-tf
How's This?
Vi i rrvr One Ihmilrrd Dollar Ri:ir.1 d r viy
(use i.l I utnrrl) caiiuut be mrril liv ilu'l't
c i. i.'irrti Cuit'.
I'. J. CHENEY & CO., T. I o.
VVi, I !n nmli'MlgniMl, bite '"inn ! .
( ln'h. V ur t lit' 1-li.t ft .M ain. O il l.. ;c. I . :l
, huht'i-; lilf in nil Im-liii l.'.-i if
: nil liiiiiiu 1 I i v i. Mi to curry nit m.y i.!.1'...ii ;.i
f. 'ill" ly hU t'rip.
; . it : (
Itn'Va C;it::rr' (iri !.i t l.'"i !'!"-::: !' . r.
illivi'lly ii'it'i ll'c Miiil it;, il linn-Hi. .!?
I i vi'li'in. 'i'i-l1i'iv!!.i wiit (!. I'i L i
? nf irr luttlc. t: . liv all Ijrinsr'i-ta.
lul.0 1!..I!'3 l'aa;l!y l'i!! fr eniii'ioulka.
FOR SALE 50 thoroughbred
while Leghorn hens al 75c each.
Call 'Phono BUick-272.
Mothers Can Sarely Buy
Dr. King's New Discovery and give
it to tho little ones when ailing
and suffering with colds, coughs,
throat or lung troubles, tastes
nice, harmless, once used, always
used. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Nia-
gra, Mo., writes: "Dr. King's Now
Discovery changed our boy from
a pale, weak, sick boy to tho pic
ture of health." Always help
Buy il al F. C.. Fricke & Co.'s.
A car of American Field Fence, all heights
and all meshes
Poultry netting, all heights, diamond mesh
and square mesh
Rabbit and poultry fonco, barbwiro, nails.
;trap hinges, builders' hardware
5 I
Prices right
Don't forgetl The Journal
office Is prepared to do all kinds
of fancy Job work. Glvo ua a trial.
(Successor to John Bauer)