The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 24, 1913, Image 4

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- The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Seml-Weekl) at
Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas
Dles.od are Hit; Happi-
ness Makers. Blessed are !
.J. they who know how to !
J shine oil one's gloom with J
J their cheer. Henry Ward J
Bcerhor. !
Secret sessions usually in
dicate distrust of the people.
This is a sour old world for
I hose who possess a sour old dis
position. :o :
lie sure you are right. Then
go home and lalk it over with
our wife.
Evory young man should learn
to paddle his own canoe, even if
dad does own an auloinoliile.
One should look himself over
occasionally, Probably I he in
ventory wouldn't lake a groat
We wonder how I he moving
picture men are going to make
the seige in I he Mexican capital
fearfully graphic for us.
If Mr. l'ujo finally reports (hat
there nclually is such a thing as
a money trust, most of us will!
know at last whal has been ailing
oiii' pocket hooks.
The weather man may have
gotten us mixed up with Florida.
Now, if he doos.n'1 get us Jniyed
up with Canada a little later on,
we will he very lhankful.
If I he deposed president of
Mexico happened to he as good a
llnaucier as old man Diaz was, ho
can retire lo some sunny land for
a prolonged period of peace and
The citizens of l'laltsmouth
who are against Sunday hasehall
can now have an election if they
want to lo decide (he matter. It
will thou he up to the people.
Yes, "el I he people) rule."
Vermont has eifdorsed Hie in
come tax and the direct election
of United Slates senators by the
people, as well as the blue-sky
law. Gradually (hose down-east
slates are coming to their senses.
The Commercial club is boom
ing", and so is Plattsmouth, and
I ho Commercial club members de
serve credit for both booms, Get
in line and help both booms boom
louder and. longer until every
good citizen joins tho procession.
A Canadian postmaster has
been mulcted in tho sum of $1,000
damages for kissing the wife of
a farmer. At last an explanation
has been found as lo why so
many men want to bo post
masters. Lincoln Star.
The. dinner tendered to Uncle
Joe Cannon, former speaker of
the house, was a titling tribute to
the old man. Tho 1th of March
his long services close in the
Viouse. The writer knew Uncle Joe
nearly forty years ago, when he
was in Hie prime of 1 if o and when
lie first ran for congress. Per
sonally, we admired him, but
politically we considered him one
of I he most rndical. Old ago will
compel him to retire from public
life. Ho is ono of those energetic
fellows who began life very poor,
hut amassed a very large fortune
May lie end his great career on
earth in peace and happiness.
PUttsmoutti, Nebraska
Next Saturday is the anniver
sary of the Flaher of Our Coun
try George Washington.
It is not improbable that the
hands at the inaugural will be
playing the Mexican fandango.
There will be no constitutional
convention the stale senate re
fuses to submit the question to a
vole of the people.
Uncle Sam has proved lo Cuba
that he is a friend of international
order and opposed to territorial
Uncle Sam owns some seige
guns whose range is fifteen miles.
They deserve lo be mentioned
among the peace preservations.
West Virginia, with her capital
and executive mansion threatened
by striking miners, has been hav
ing a little Mexican experience of
its own.
:o: -
While the frost gathered a
large pari of the California
orange crop, the tourists who in
fest Hie Golden West continued to
be pretty ood picking.
A leu days' battle with cannon
in the heart of a large city does
not speak very highly of the
inarkmanship on either side in
Mexico -City.
Porlirio Diaz pays he would
come back to fight American in
tervention. He welcomed it in
1805-00, and it helped Mexico to
its feet ayi!! ft" free, independ
ent slate.
In speaking of candidates for
governor two years hence, isn't it
si range that someone has not
mentioned tho name of Jerry
Howard of South Omuha? Jerry
should get in the limelight some
way. The Lord knows he is try
ing lo awful hard.
The proposition that postmasl
ers of the fourth class shall be
chosen by primary election is in
reality a scheme whereby senators
and congressmen may avoid a
mess of trouble.
A bill has been introduced in
congress lo appropriate. $2,000,
000 for a memorial bridge across
Ihe Potomac in honor of Generals
Grant and Leo. Here's another
opportunity for "resoluting" so
cil ies lo gel busy.
: o:
At the close of (he civil war a
large part of Ihe army would have
been sent lo the Ilio Grande if
iocosary lo end foreign int er
udition in Mexico. In this case
tho United States restored Mexico
lo its own people, and the great
service should not be forgotten.
Vincent Astor, son of tho lalo
John Jacob Astor, and said to be
the richest youlh in America, has
announced that he will become n
farmer. However, ho will likely
never worry much over the corn
being down after a storm or that
its market price is only 30 cents
a bushel.
Every democrat in the legis
laluro is endeavoring to make a
record for himself. If they are
not careful they will not only
mako a record for themselves, but
also a record for the parly that
the people will refuse lo endorse
Tho legislature is a representative
body of the people, and tho mem
hers thereof are walched very
closely in their efforts to spread it
on for themselves, in defiance of
Ihe people who elected thorn.
Another Mexican president de
posed. Madero ha walked Ihe
chalk line.
Lei's not worry what March
weather is to be. We will know
soon enough.
The man who started out to
tell the truth about Mexico has
undertaken to bite oil more than
he can chew.
We predict the proposition to
remove the slate university will
be defeated by the legislature,
and it ought to be.
That this is to be Plaltsinouth's
big year is very certain. And you
can make it more certain by aid
ing Ihe Commercial club. Get in
line now by joining the club.
There will no doubt bo plenty
of money appropriated for the
support of higher education by
the present legislature. More
money for lower education is
what is most needed in Ne
braska. :o:
J our ears and one term
only" is a provision relative to
the governorship of Nebraska, in
the proposed amendment increas
ing the salary to $5,000 per an
num. That is a wise nronosi-
lion and is now in force in many
states. Two years is loo short a
No matter how much we would
ke to attend Ihe inaugural ion
of President Wilson we will be
unable to do so, simply because
we have not the wherewith lo pay
Ihe necessary expense. It is not
all the true and faithful demo
crats who can afford Ihis pleas
Arthur Mullen defended tin
slate guarantee law. after i
solicitation by Ihe governor lo
do so. He should be paid a
reasonable attorney's fee for his
vigorous and effective defense -of-;
the law in Ihe federal court, and
the stale should pay him for thi.-j
work without any furl her delay in
the matter.
Senator Norris "Brown may end
his career in the United Slates
senate on Iho 4th of March, hut
his name will go down in history
as the father of the Sixteenth
Amendment to the Constitution of
the United Stales. It is an honor
lo Senator Brown, as well as the
slate which he has ably represent
ed lor me past six years.
I'lii' legislature might just as
well adjourn now, for all Ihe good
it is doing. They can save a few
uisand dollars for the taxpay
ers of (he stale by thus doing.
Outside of Ihe necessary ap
propriation lulls, there is none
that are worth a continental to
anyone, except the originators
Clerks in the various committee
rooms sland around with nothing
lo do, and drawing three dollars
a day for simply going lo and
from the capital.
;0 :
The newspaper publishers of
Iho western section of Nebraska,
about thirty in number, met in
Alliance Wednesday and or
ganized the Western Nebraska
Editorial association. There
were eleven counties represented
We have always contended that
these district associations can ac
complish more good for them
selves than can be dono in
slate-wide association, which is
generally manipulated by design
ing politicians who always nave
their eyes on Ihe pio counter
There should be at least four o
these organizations in the stale
and arranged as the northwest
southwest, northeast and south
east press associations, to nice
twice a year. Thusly arranged
the newspaper men will find moro
comfort and the benefits derive
will be much more satisfactory
What do the boys iv. soul beast
Nebraska say about ruch an or
Any burned coffee, in the cup
may be on account of Congress
man NoitN. who persist in
keeping up in the house his
roasts on the coffee trust.
There is very apparently some
definite and deep-seated opposi
tion to the proposed medical in
spection law. Some of the press
comment in Ihe Nebraska dailies
is even bitter, despite the fact
that medical authority over
schools, especially in case of
contagious sickness, is not only
desirable but necessary.
In t rut It Tom Darnell has the
softest graft of any attorney in
Ihe slate of Nebraska. He is attor
ney for the Anti-Saloon League,
is subject to the beck and call of
any of those in any community
who have a little spite work to
perform. Tom Is generally on
hand promptly, if Ihe. money is on
hand to pay him. Tom is work
ing for (he money, the same as
oilier people.
While some of the boys at Lin
coln are springing candidates for
governor I wo years hence, w hat's
the mat I or with Hon. W. B. Ban
ning of Cass as the democratic
standard-bearer? He is a gentle
man and scholar and possesses
every attribute necessary to till
the position with grace, dignity,
ability and honor, and his friends
throughout Ihe slate are legion.
A yellow label on your express
package indicates that express
charges have been prepaid, and a
white label indicates that the
package was forwarded "collect."
This system of while and yellow
labels has been adopted by ex
press companies by order of the
interstate commerce commission.
I he Molieii inn to i i-1 1
-mi i tit
its iii
of Ihe
Collsl II III loiial ailleililllienl
pamphlet form instead
newspaper.- has been
"deader than a door nail'
iii i no
now be
0I0. Itnllen Miouhl
onsiuned lo ins political grave,
I no doiibl will be. There are
plenty o olliers in I lie present
gislnlure who are destined to
i!c (be same route.
Ex-Senator Fred Volpp of
Scribner, a prominent member
of the democratic parly, declines
lo figure as a colonel on Gov-
rnor Morehead's stall to Wash
ington. He stales that he left
Germany lo get away from serv
ing in tne army and does not ue
sire to go on such display. But
says he will go with the Ne
braska parly in citizen's dollies,
if allowed to accompany the
crown tnusiy.
Former Slate Senator J. II.
Buhrmau hits the proverbial nail
on Ihe head when he suggests that
Ihe university removal proposi
tion is a trap set for (he demo
cratie legislature, lo saddle upon
Ihe party the responsibility for
the big expenditure of funds, and
its consequent high taxation,
which tho people do not approve.
He might have added that it is
also for the purpose of fostering
a republican boom for governor.
Lincoln Star.
Every session of tho legis
laluro occasions the agitation of
a consolidation or tne two
Soldiers' Homes. If there should
be any such action taken, the old
veterans at Mil ford should bo re
moved to the Grand Island Home
It is more convenient for tho old
vets to get in and out of, and then
look how nicely the Grand Island
Homo is located on a largo tract
of lnnd owned hv (he stH.p. md
surrounded by many pretty little
collages. Then Grand Island is
a great big city, not a littlo vil
lage like Milford.
The governor's special lo
President Wilson's inauguration
will start for Washington from
Lincoln on Friday, February 28
The staff will congregate in Oma
ha, where a large number of the
members reside. Governor Mole
head, Adjutant General Hall, Na
tional Committeeman P. L. Hall
and others will leave Lincoln at
i:30 p. m. on the dale mentioned,
and will leave Omaha at 0:30 p.
in., with several hundred en
thusiastic Wilson shoulors
aboard it.
The income tax was declared
unconstitutional by Ihe supreme
cour of the United Stales a num
ber of years ago. Throe-fourths
of ihe states have now ratified an
amendment to the constitution
making an income tax legal. It
is estimated thai Ihis tax will
bring si into the treas
ury. That will enable congress
lo reduce the tariff tax on house
hold necessities without imparing
Ihe treasury. But a whole lot of
people who don't know where
bieakfasl is to come from will op
pose reducing the tariff tax.
Dohl rolls a man over and over,
binding hand and fool, letting him
hang upon the fatal mesh, until
the long-legged Interest devours
him. There is hut one thing upon
Ihe farm like it and that is the
Canadian lliisllo which swarms
new plants every lime you break
ils roots, whose blossoms are
prolific, and every (lower the
father of a million seeds; every
leaf is an awl, every branch a
spear, and a Held of them like an
armed host. The whole plant is a
tormented vegetable curse, and
yet the farmer had better make
his bed of Canadian thistles than
attempt lo be at ease on interest.
The proposition lie fore the
legislature to appropriate $30,000
for the continuance for another
i wo years oi nie commission
created to codify Ihe statutes,
should be knocked out in Ihe first
round. II is simply a graft, and
the appropriation asked for lo do
this work is more than the
statutes are worth when complete
The work simply creates a place
r several attorneys whoso prac
ice is not worth half as much as
ey receive for the lime engaged
in doing Ihe codifying. Another
Ihing is one good, live attorney
an do Iho work of three in the
same length of time that tho three
have been" engaged nearlv, if
not quite, two years.
Since the organization of the
Commercial club four years ago,
everybody knows thai , Platts
mouth has improved more in
those four years than in any
previous ten years. Don't it ap
pear to every reasonable citizen
that the organization has a great
deal to do with the genuine, gen
oral prosperity of our pity that
exists today? Of course it does
Then let every citizen who has
any interest whatever in stil
greater improvements for Plaits
moulh put his shoulder to tho
progressive wheel, which the
Commercial club has started, am
lelp it with all his might ami
power by joining the organization
and doing their duty in stUI mak
ing a Greater Plattsmouth.
No man who makes a practice
of being dishonest and repudiat
ing his just accounts ever
amounts to a hill of beans. In the
commercial world they never get
to the quarter pole. The success
ful business man thinks moro of
his credit than he does of his wife,
for ho knows if his wife leaves
him he stands some show of gel
ting another, but if his credit for
sakes him he is up against it. Ho
can have but one credit. It
seems strange with all this in
mind that young men will start
out beating little bills at the
rostauaranls and at the stores.
They will even borrow 50 cents of
a friend and refuse lo pay it
back. That class of fellows al
was wear a banner that can be
seen all over town and everybody
is onto them. When it comes lo
paying your debts, "honesty is
I lie best policy."
It has often occurred to us that
hildren would get on so much
heller at .school ii' parents would
only cultivate the friendship of
Ihe teacher more, and win hr.i-
onlidence. We are quite sure
that if mothers would let the
teachers see that thev havo n
interest in them and the children.
oo, it would stimulate the teach
ers and I heir pupils. It stands
to reason that if the teacher
knows that the parents are co-
pending with her, the efforts
which she puis forth are more
likely to result in greater progress
being made by the children. There
no need wbalefer to make a
great friend of the teacher, but it
would certainly help matters a
great deal ir, say, (he teachers
were asked to come and take tea
d a definite time or spend a cer
tain evening with the children and
parents. Such little matters are
worth thinking about, and we feel
convinced that mothers, who try
what we have suggested will bo
pleased with the results. This
was not written at the suggestion
of any teacher, either.
Years ago Rhode Island abol
shed capital punishment chief
y because of a notorious miscar
riage of justice, in which a man
believed lo have been innocent
was hanged. Recently tho attor
ney general of that stale, in a
public address, said that the state
would be better otf if capital pun
ishment were restored by tho
lalutes. The subject of capital
punishment has always been a
mooted question in this country.
Thai-a state has no right, ethical
ly, lo inflict the death penalty,
even in a clear case of guilt, is
offset by the equally potent fear
of what (he effect of the abolition
of capital punishment would be
u the vicious and criminal
classes. The multitude of desper
ate characters abroad, always
ready to commit the most heinous
crimes, need a powerful deterrent
which many people believe is af
forded only by the prospect of
punishment by death. Protection
of society is obviously of chief
importance, drastic as the prac
Ir.'nl means of attaining it may
he. Rhode Island just now seems
to be suffering from a surfeit of
desperate criminals, and public
sentiment of lhal state is grad
ually reversing itself at tho ex
ecution once upon a time of a
possibly innocent man is fading
from memory.
You may talk about the women,
Their styles and all that;
But. the smaller the woman
The bigger the hat.
Yonkers Statesmen.
You may talk about the women,
As much as you can;
But the prettiest woman
Picks the homeliest man.
Youngstown Telegram.
You may talk about the women,
Who giggle and flirt;
But the fatter the woman
The tighter her skirt.
Chicago Record-Herald.
You may talk about the women,
The bold and sedate;
But tho taller the woman
The shorter her mate.
Indianapolis Star.
You may talk about the women.
Their 6kirts and all that;
But the balder the woman
The bigger her rat.
Cooperslown Courier.
You may talk about the women,
The dear little lasses;
Who wear the tight hobblo
And flirt with the masses.
We'll wager a "rat," "hobble"
Or new ostrich plume,
That fashions are made
By tho man in the moon.
Warwick Sentinel.
You may talk about tho women.
Who drink whisky and flz;
But here's lo tho woman
That minds her own biz.
Molt Spotlight.
You may talk about the women.
Who flirt and wear .i light suit:
But give them Ihe ballot,
And Iho men will be in the soup.
Fairmount News.
You may talk about Ihe women,
All ou wise and willy ones,
And may God help Iho women
Who are mothers of such son.
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