The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1913, Image 7

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J u u 'fesr- u ivl
-fedH :
Threshing Machines, and all reat Time and Labor Savers
for the Farm Work The Famous J. I. Case Automobiles!
The following letter speaks for itself, as do the users of all J. I. Case Machinery:
Mr. M. E. Manspeaker,
Dealer in Case Machinery, )
Plattsmouth, Nebraska j
Dear Sir: In awarding the prizes to those dealers successful in our recent Advertising Contest, it is a pleasure to find that your efforts have placed you
among the winners. We are, therefore, enclosing our check for the amount awarded you by the judges. We take this opportunity of congratulating you upon the
success of your endeavors. We, however, feel that had you not been among the winners, that the time and effort spent in this advertising would still have been
valuable, as judicious advertising never fails.
We give you herewith a part of the report of the judges on this contest, knowing that this detail will be of interest to you: "We take this occassion to
state that we have been greatly impressed by the high standards of all the advertisements submitted by your dealers during this contest. The exceptional char
acter ot this publicity has made the task of choosing the winners one of considerable difficulty."
"We have judged the relative merits of the different advertisements in strict accordance with the rules laid down by your company, being forced to throw out
very many excellent ones, as, through some oversight, they failed to comply fully with the rules as outlined in your circular."
"We hereby announce those to whom we have awarded prizes, stating briefly the reasons for so doing:"
First Prize
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
$275.00 in Gold
Points of Superiority in Ads.
2nd Price E. E. Whiting, Balaton, Minn.,
$200.00 IN GOLD
Originality in Display
-'; ''v 'j.'-y'1
3rd Prize -Jos. Nocthc, Elkton, S. D.,
$150.00 IN GOLD
Regular use of half and quarter page ads.
4th Prize John Stahle, Bountiful, Utah,
$100.00 IN GOLD
Notable for originality and force
5th Price C. C. Bymastcr, Crystal, N. D.
$50.00 IN GOLD
Display & sales articles exceptionally good
There were six other prizes of $20.00 each that were awarded in various other sections of the United States. Also six of $10.00 each
Publisher's Note In printing the above advertisement for Mr. Manspeaker, the Journal cannot refrain from com
mending the excellent work that the J. I. Case Company have accomplished in conducting their strenuous advertising con
tests among their dealers. Many dealers, just like Mr. Manspeaker, have grown into excellent advertisers through the year,
as well as at the season of the contests. The results have no doubt been mutual, for the dealer, the manufacturer and the
publisher, and as the .Journal published a share of the advertising, we are pleased to learn of Mr. Manspeaker capturing the
first prize.
v- :-: :
$ t Special Correspondent.)
Pete lair of Plallsinmitli isit
fd in town Sunday.
Fred Kaufman visited over
Sunday wilh liis brollior, Henry.
Philip Horn oT Eight Mile
Grove precinct transacted busi
ness in town yesterday.
Frank Wiles lias had a severe
attack of grippe, but we are glad
to know that he is rapidly re
covering. Hoy Howard and William Wet
enkamp had corn shelters and
.wood sawers last week. Charles
Shopp did the work.
The ice harvest is under head
way by Propst and Dr. Brown.
Ilolh will try and he on the cool
order next summer.
W. 13. Porter, traveling for an
investment company of Omaha,
transacted business in the south
ern part of the stale last week.
Albert Vallery, lightweight
wrestler, will now try his skill in
motorcycle ruling. Buck can beat
the wind if he has a fair chance.
Miss Baltic Adams, teaching
school in the Murray district,
visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Adams, over Sunday.
Jacob Lohness is hauling a
pood supply of alfalfa meal from
tow n, lie- knows what will make
his fattening stock bring the top
pi ice.
Revival meetings are in prog
ress at Liberty chapter, conduct
ed by Rev. Eads. Interest is
manifested and the attendance is
Ideal weal her continues and
a'most makes one forget tho
hard winters of the past. May
the good weather continue, as it
will be a blessing to the poor.
Butchering is in order and
much of the meat is made into
wcinies, swatomoga, blood pud
ding, headcheese and causage,
which will be held for summer
W. T. Richardson transacted
business in Omaha last week.
Frank Schlolman, formerly a
resident in the precinct, but now
of Omaha, visited with Henry
Johnson and family for several
days last week.
Special preaching services were
held at the home of Grant Wet
enkamp last week by the district
superintendent of the Methodist
church. Grant not being able to
attend services at the church was
the occasion for holding the meet
ing at his home.
Grandpa Marler is confined to
his bed with a bad cold. Father
Marler is quite aged and hopes
are entertained that his condition
will be of only short duration, as
his congenial ways are missed by
his fellow townsmen.
Those having to change loca
tions for the coming season are
commencing to move as much of
their implements and other goods
as possible while the roads are in
such splendid condition.
David Ami"k received a carload
of No. 1 prairie hay, which he
hauled to his farm, four miles
south of town. Dave has again
taken up the occupation of farm
ing. Success to you, David.
We are sorry to announce that
Grandpa Bengen is not so well as
his many friends would wish, but
with good care and nursing it is
hoped that he will soon be bis
former self again.
A slight udvance in the price
of grain has had the tendency to
induce some farmers to' dispose
of their last year's crop, and the
number of teams on our streets
presents a business-like appearance.
J Beacon.
Edith Peterson was on the sick
list the fore part of the week.
Mrs. II. E. Smith was quite
sick last week with a seige of (be
Miss Celia Peterson returned
home Wednesday from a live
weeks' visit with relatives and
friends at Defiance, Iowa.
Mrs. H. L. Swanson and chil
dren, of Julian, Neb., are visit.
nig at the home ol her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Itenner. j
C. C. Price received a tele- j
gram Sunday from Kildun", Iowa,
stating that his sister, Mrs. T. W.j
Earp, had died that morning at
her home there.
W. W. Irey and family, former
ly of Eagle, but who have been
living in Wyoming nnd the west
ern part of this state for the past
four years, returned to Eagle
Monday night, and expect to
make their future home here.
Mr. Justice, who resides five
miles northwest of Eagle, was
taken to a hospital in Lincoln last
Saturday, where he was im
mediately operated on for ap
pendicitis. His case was found
to be a very serious one, his ap
pendix having been found to be
ruptured at the time of opera
tion. As we go to press his con
dition is reported as much im
proved. The wolf hunt southeast of
town Monday was a decided suc
cess. The territory covered was
six miles square, and when the
roundup took place, just south of
William Lee's place, live coyotes
were bagged. One buried himself
in a slrawslack, but Art Skinner
of AIvo mustered up courage
enough to crawl in after him,
tying a rope lo his tail, and he
was then drawn out and killed.
The Farmers' Grain company
held their annual meeting in the
ball Tuesday afternoon. The old
officers were re-elected to act for
another year. All of the directors
with the exception of I. A. Stall
and Henry Snoke, jr., were re
elected. August Siekman nnd Fred
Schwegman were elected instead
of the two mentioned. J. W.
Shorlhill of Hampton, Neb., state
secretary of the Farmers' Grain
association, was in attendance at
the meeting and gave a very in
teresting talk.
((invent there. Mr. Ash went to
lur located.
Mrs. E. D. Jones returned Fri
day from l.ongmonl, ('.(dorado,
vvhcie she had been for several
weeks visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. Vincent. Wing,
Mrs. I). M. Johnson left Tues
day morning for Grand Island in
answer lo a telephone message
slating that her daughter, Mrs. E.
J. Wright, was entirely helpless
with rheumatism.
A lot of corn has been coming
to town from the west during the
past week and the farmers enjoy
the new Hubbard boulevard in
stead of the steep and stony hill.
Mrs. Harry Kuhney and little
niece, Clara Johnson, of Platts
mouth, came over Saturday to
spend a few days wilh her daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred H. Speck and fam
ily. James Johnson purchased last
week of Mrs. Tabetha Thacker
the south side property formerly
known as the Gerard place. Mr
Johnson will lake possession as
soon as Mrs. Thacker can find a
suitable location.
N. C. Nelson, one of our hust
ling farmers west of town, has
added to his farm 30 acres of
land, which he purchased last
week. It was a part of the John
C. Jones farm. The deal was
mnde through our real estate
man, J. W. Colbert.
Talk about culling 3 crops of
alfalfa in one season and how
much each crop is worth and
how little it cosjs to seed the
land, etc. G. E. Joyce has one
belter. He was harvesting the
second crop of ice Monday and
he never even sowed the seed and
it will be worth ?H or I0 a Ion
next July.
William Ash left Monday morn
ing for York, with his daughter,
Fannie, who will enter a Catholic
Born To Mr. and Mrs. A. YY
Hopkins, living two miles west of
town, Saturday, February I, a
daughter. Also to Mr. and Mrs.
Ewarl, at, the home of Mrs,
Ewarl's . parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Mills, February i, a daugh
ter. Also lo Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Cnygill, southwest of town, Wed
nesday, February 5. a six and
one-half. pound daughter.
Valentine greetings.
Spring moving will soon be the
I heme of I he day.
A bouncing baby boy arrived at
the Lindle home last Wednesday.
Emmet Fightmasler was around
calling on old friends Tuesday.
Tell Paul Schcwe most cars
need gasoline in order to run.
William Gherto was a business
visitor in Omaha between trains
Rev. and Mrs. Branchle visited
over Sunday with (heir daughter
at Mil ford, Neb.
Charles Long and Lacey Mc
Donald were Lincoln visitors Fri
day. The Pickwell sislers came home
for an over Sunday visit with their
Mrs. II. V. McDonald visited her
sister, Mrs. C. A. Beasock, at
Springfield Saturday.
The Geohry sisters, Miss Anna
of Lincoln and Miss Mina of
Omaha, came home for a Sunday
isit with their parents.
A large crowd listened lo the
splendid sermons delivered by
Rev. Ilenlz Sunday morning and
evening at the M. E. church.
Got anything to sell? If so,
Murdock is planning a public, sale
for Saturday. February 22. For
particulars see William Wcddle.
The Farmers' Co-operative
Creamery stalion is now open and
ready for business in the old
restaurant building on Main
A number of our little folks
were entertained at the Snider
home last .Monday evening, the
occasion being in remembrance of
Carl's seventh birthday.
A. J. McNamara and daughter,
Mrs. W. 0. Gillespie, returned
from Fairmont, where they had
been visiting their son and
brother, William McNamara and
family, last Sunday
Feeling the need of outdoor
exercise. Miss Verde Thorpe and
E. Viola Everett walked lo AIvo
Sunday afternoon, returniisq on
Rock Island No. I 1. Bulli report
the exercise as beneficial.
George Mills and son, James,
and Mr. and .Mrs. I!d Jumper
motored In Weeping Water Sun
day to spend Hie day with a niece
of Mr. Mills who was formerly a
teacher in the Elmwood schools,
but is now home on a visit from
one of our western stales.
The Woodmen camp of Mur
dock invited their families to the
hall last Friday evening to an
oyster slew, which was thor
oughly enjoyed by all who were
present. Many were unable to at
tend on account of the cold
jj..j jjjj,j.j
A transaction was made Thurs
day whereby Mr. Schrader be
comes owner of the Monroe prop
erly in the south part of town.
We understand Mr. Monroe in
tends moving his family lo Elm-
wood, where he has employment
in the Langhorst store. Here's
wishing them success in their new
Murdock, Neb.,
Painter and Decorator,
Paper Hanger,
Wall Paper.
Receives Prize of $275.
In Ibis issue will be found the
half-page advertisement of M. E.
Manspeaker, the implement deal
er, who has handled the J. I. Case
implements for years, and the
hosts of satisfied customers
sneak well for the splendid ma
chines turned out by this com
pany, as well as (he ability of the
agent, Mr. Manspeaker. He has
just received another prize of
$275 in gold for the advertising
that he had done, part of which
has been in the Journal, and the
company recognizes the hustling
qualities of I heir agent in gelling
up such artistic ads by bestow
ing a prize on him.
Tho Journal Want Ada for results.
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