s V" thjerootopewl BY THOMAS DIXON Copyright. 1011. by CHAPTER XV. The Dane of Death. AI'I.USIl of excited pleasure overspread Stuurt'a face as he led bis beautiful bontetw to the ditilns room. Apparently on entering the bunquet hall they were nteiplng outdoors Into nn eneliauted jjiue forest. The walls were complete ly hUMeu by painted scenery repre Heating the mountains 'of western North Carolina. The room bad been transformed Into a forest, trees and shrubbery meltlug Imperceptibly Into tlie scenery on the walls and mock ing birds were singing in cages hidden blgb among the boughs of the trees. "Why. Nan," Stuart gasped, "that's a view of the river hills at home where you and I used to roam." "Well, If you hadn't recognized It. 1 should never have forgiven you. Are you pleased with my fantasy?" "Pleased Is not the word for It," he replied quickly. "I'm overwhelmed I never thought you so sentimental." "Perhaps I'm not; perhaps I've only done this to please a friend. Do you begin to feel at borne lu this little pot I've brought back by magic to night from our youth?" v "I'm afraid I'll wake up and And I'm dreaming." Btnart gazed with increasing astonish, meat at the magnificently set table. Winding In and out among the solid bUver candelabra a tiny stream of crystal water flowed among miniature trees and flowers on its banks. The flowers were all blooming orchids of rarest coloring and weirdly fantastic shapes. The service was all made for this occasion, silver, cut glass and china. Bach piece had stamped or etched on It the cont of arms of his native state. with the motto, "Peace and Plenty." "And you've done all this In alz weeks? It's Incredible." "The world will say tomorrow morn. tag that 1 have given this lavish en tertainment for vulgar display. la a sense It's true. I am trying to eclipse In splendor anything New fork has seen. ' But I count the fortune It cost wellspent to have seen the smile on yurfaco when you looked at that painting of our eld hills. I would have Siren five times as much at any mo ment the past ten years to have known that you didn't hate me." "Von know it now." ' "Ves' she answered tenderly. "You have said so with your lips before, now you mean it You are your old baudsome self tonight" ' Apart from the charm of Nau's pres eace Stuart found the dinner Itself a tnpld affair, so solemnly stupid It at last became funny. In all tho rang niacently dressed crowd he looked In aln for a man or woman or real In tellectual distinction. Ho sw only money, money, money! lu spite of tho low murmurs of Nan's beautifully modulated voice in his Mrs he found his nnger slowly rising, not afatiist any one In particular, but against the vulgar ostentation In which thpso people moved, and the vapid as sumption of superiority with which they evidently looked out upon the world. . , lint whatever might have beeu lack tu; li) tbe wit and genius of the guests who sat at Nan's tables, there could be uo question about the quality of the dinner set before them. Wheu tho fenst euded at 10:30 Nan led the way to the ballroom, where tlw .entertainment by hired dancers, skigers and professional entertainers begin n on an improvised stage. During this port of the program the women and men of the buuquetlng party who were to appear in. the fancy dress ball at It Including Nan, retired to the rooms above to dress for (heir parti. . . ' Stuart noted with somo astonishment tbe peculiar somber effects of the ball room, ne had expected a acene ot uplendor. Instead the Impression was distinctly funereal. The lights were dimmed like the Interior or a theater daring the performance, and the lofty gilded ceilings with their mural decora tions seemed to bo draped In filmy black crape. The professional entertainment be gao ou the little stnj;e amid a univer sal gabble which made It impossible for anything save pantomime to be In telligible beyond ll"' foottlubt Htar after star, whose mtvIccs hud cost $1,000 each for one hour, appeared without comuiiindlns the slightest in tention Stuart turned t' the prouTuiu in III" hand ntid bll hmI the next iiuinbci : "A sum; I j v im ;t:i l.iiou n t ir " ram Thomas Dixon De was wondering what Joke the manager was about to perpetrate on the crowd when his ear caught tho first sweet notes of Harriet's voice singing tbe old song he loved so well, the song she bad first sung the day he came from tbe south Ills heart gave a throb of paiu. Who could have prepared this humiliation for his little pal? lie pushed his way through the throng of chattering fools until be stood nlone straight In front or the slender little singer She saw hlii at once, smiled and sang ns ho b:i never heard her sing To his furthei surprise Stuart saw the doctor stand Ing In the shadows at the corner of the stage looking over the gossiping, noisy crowd with n look of anger nnd horror When the Inst note of the song died away, quivering with a supernatural tenderness and passion, he brushed a tear from his eyes, lifted his hands high above his bend and made a mo 8he 8ang as He Had Never Heard Her Sina. tlon which said to her, Tumultuouk applause." She nodded and smiled, and ho rush ed behind the scenes to ask an expla nation. lie grasped both her hands and found tftem cold and trembling with excitejient. . "What on earth does this mean?" "Simply that I was engaged to sing tonight, nnd f wanted to surprise you. Didn't you like my song?" "it lifted nie t the gates of heaven, dear." "Then 1 don't care whether any oue else heard it or not. But I did so much wish that she might have heard it or her husband becauso they nre from the south." "Hut 1 don't understand your father bates Blvens so." A big hand was laid on his shoulder, he turned and faivd tho doctor smiling. "Hut I don't hate him, my boy! I've given up such foolishness. We've buried the hatchet. I'm to see him In few minute mid we are lo bo good friends." "Hi veus invited you here lo discuss n business proposition tonight!" Stuart exclaimed, blankly. "No, no, no," the doctor answered. "I cntno with Harriet, of course. Her music teacher placed her on the pro gram. Hut Mr. Illvens nnd I have had some correspondence nnd I'm to see blm in n little while and talk things over quite Informally, of course, but effectively." "He has agreed to a conference hore?" the young lawyer naked, anxiously. "Why, of course. Ills butler has Just told ine ho would see me Immediately after tho ball begins." Stuart breathed easier and turned to Harriet. "You look Klorious tonight, little pal! Funny that I never saw you In eveu Ing dress before. You look so tall and qneenly, so yrown, so mature. You're beginning to make mu feel old, child. I'll be thlpKtng of you ns n grown woman next." "I am twenty four, you know," plie said, slmpl;'. "I have never believed It until to i nlht. I w".rdu't have l-:ii""'n mil ft I ft!-t but fr your vote. I Iml to ru!i my eyes the'i." The light were suddenly turned lower, approaching total darkness. The attendants noiselessly removed the temporary stage and cleared the great room for the dancers. As the chimes struck the hour of midnight, skeleton heads slowly began to appear hhpIur from the shadows of the arched celling and from every nook and corner of the huge cornice nnd pillars. Draperies of filmy crape flowing gently In the breeze vre lighted by sulphurous lined electric rays from tho balconies. Tiny electric lights blinked In every skeleton's sunken eyes and behind each grinning row of teeth. Suddenly two white figures drew aside the heavy curtains in the archway and the dancers marched Into the somber room. The men were dressed ns shrouded skeletons and the women as worms. Tho men wore light flimsy gray robes on which skillful artists had painted on four sides in deep colors the pic tures of human skeletons. The women wore curious light robes of cotton fiber which were drawn over the entire lsdy and gave to each figure the appearance of a hugo caterpillar. Tho strange figures began to move slowly across the polished tloor to the strains of n ghostlike waltz. From the corners of the high balco nies strange lights flashed, developing In hideous outlines and phosphor escent colors of the skeletons and long, fuzzy, exaggerated lines of tho ac companying worms. Tho effect was thrilling. Suddenly the music stopped with a crash. Fnch ghostly couple, skeleton nnd worm, stood motionless. The silvery note of a trumpet called from the sky. Tho blinking eyes of the death heads In the celling nnd on the walls faded slowly. The trumpet Itealed a second signal the darkness tied and the great room suddenly blazed with 10.000 electric lights. The orchestra struck tho first notes of a thrilling wultz, and, presto. In nn in stant the women appeared In all the splendor of the most gorgeous gowns, their bare arms and nocks flashing with prlcoles Jewels, nnd each man bowed Imfore her In immaculate even ing clothes. From tho four corners of the vast room were released thousands of gorgeous ly tinted butterflies, imported from tho tropics for the occasion. As the dancers glided through the dazzling scene those wonderfully colored crea tures fluttered about them in myriads. darting and circling in every direction among the flowers and lights until the room seemed a veritable fairyland. A burst of applause swept the crowd as Nans radiant figure pnssed. eiieir cled by the urm of the leader. Stuart nodded and dapped his hands with enthusiasm. A more marvelous transformation sceuo could scarcely be imagined. When Nan had passed he turned to speak to Harriet, but she had g4n A soft hand was suddenly laid on Ids arm. and be turned to confront Nan. her eyes flashing witli triumph, her cheeks flushed and her lips parted in a tender smile. "Come. I'm going to honor you by sitting out the next two ilauees." When she bad sea bid herself by his side under a bower of roses he was very still for a moment. She looked up with a (lul.l. nl expression and said: "A penny for your thoughts. Am I so very wicked after nil'?'" "I don't think I have ever seen nny thing nmr- ilazzllngly benutlful than your ban-.;et and ball, except the wo man who oun-lved anil oxwuted It. I was luwf woiii.Vrlnc whether vonr imagination was vivid enough to havo 3 rem i ied haf the splendors of such a life when you turned from the little cottage I built for you." A look of imln clouded the fair face, and she lifted her Jeweled band. "Please. Jim, I'd like to forget some things." "And you haven't forgotten?" She looked straight into his eyes and answered in even tones: "No." Both were silent for a long while. and then they began to talk lu low tones of the life they had lived as boy and girl in the old south and forgot the flight of time. (To Be Continued.) Before Time. Nelson said once: "I owe all my success in life lo having been always a quarter of an hour be fore my lime." It is a great les son for those who love to post pone things. Maybe some of you have had the experience that, in case of sickness, a few minutes saved the patient. Thi3 . shows that even the smallest indisposi tion should be treated at once. If it is from tho stomach or from the intestines, use Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine without delay. This remedy is very good in all maladies of tho digestive organs, because it cleans them out, strengthening them at the same time. Many at tacks of grave diseases have been averted by using this remedy in time. At drug stores. Jos Triner, 1333-39 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Triner's Liniment-will always satisfy everybody. For Sale or Trade. One vacant lot, between D and F., on 24th street, in South Omaha. VMress Nettle Cnnnally, Box 133, Murray, Nob. l-23-iwk-d&w. ur Store is Always penE We leave town for a few days to attend the Retail Hardware Convention, and on our re turn will be able to make manufacturers' prices on all Builders' Hardware. All Mechanic's Tools I will give 10 per cent discount till March 15th I will make a rate on Nails at $2.60 per keg Strap Hinges 4-inch 10c per pair; 6-inch 15c per pair; 8-inch 20c per pair -all with screws And all other goods in proportion. Yours for a good, square deal p. Local News From Tuesday's Dally. Mrs. Wolcott of Weeping Water is in the city today making a short visit at the home of Mrs. M. A. Street. Attorney C. S. Aldrich of Elm- wood was in the city today at- lending to some matters of busi ness in I he county court. Carl Kunsmann was a passeng er fins morning on ). i: lor Omaha to look after some matters of business for a few hours. It. H. Nickels of near Murray came in this afternoon from Omaha on No. -"i, where he was called to look after business mat ters. Attorney C. A. Hawls was a business visitor in the metropolis today, being a passenger on the early Hurlington train for that city. I. W. Teegarden, one of the prominent residents of Weeping Water, came in today lo look af ttr some business mailers for a time. Miss Dora (ilenn came in this morning from Rock Island, 111., and will visit here with her par Mits, T. W. (ilenn and wife, for a time. Mrs. Mary Roberts of Thur man, Iowa, who has been visiting here for a few days with friends, departed this morning for her home. fieorgc N. I.aRue of Union was in the city yesterday attending the meeting of the soldiers' relief commission, of which he is a member. 1'. A. Meisingcr, one of the rustling young farmers of the county, was in the city today at tending to some trading with the merchants. ; Harry Smith, the hustling farmer from west of the city, was a passenger this morning for Omaha to attend to some matters of business. Mrs. Mary Owens of Ashland, who was in Hit city visiting at the home of W. R. Bryan and family, departed yesterday afternoon on No. 23 for her home. Michael Martin was a passeng er on the early Burlington train this morning for South Omaha to attend to some business mailers and visit with relatives. Fred Ebinger was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he will attend the convention of the hardware dealers, which is meeting there this week. Mrs. C. H. Peterson and Mrs. Herman Gartleman were pas sengers this morning for Pacific Junction, where they will visit for a short time with friends. Joseph Mullen, the democratic war horse from Stove Creek pre cinct, was in the city yesterday attending the meeting of solditrs' relief commission. the G. V. Eastwood, the hardwaro man, was a passenger this morn ing' for Omaha, where he will at tend tho Harflwaro Men's conven fimi w Inch is meeting in that citv. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schneider of Cedar Creek were visitors in this city yesterday and called at this oillce for the purpose of renew ing their subscription to this paper. Mrs. John Wiles and son, John, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wiles returned from Malvern, Iowa, yes terday afternoon, where they have been visiting for a few days with Mrs. Wiles' sister, Mrs. Robert Knight. (Successor to John Bauer) Ben llcckman and his son-in-law, Louie Rheinackle, drove up this morning from the farm near Murray lo look after some busi ness matters for a lime. Joseph Kuntz and wife of Oma ha arrived last evening on No. 2 and will visit for a short time at the home of Mrs. Kuntz's parents, Charles Miller and wife, south of this city. C. C. Tucker and wife of near Murray drove up this morning from their home and were pas sengers on the early Burlington train for Omaha to attend to business matters for a time. Harry Henton of Mynard, who has been quite sick for tho past two weeks, departed this after noon for Missouri Valley, Iowa, where he wil lvisit relatives for a short time. Mrs. Jacob Stenner and her guests, Mr. ami Mrs. William Hurton, of Hartley, Neb., were passengers this morning for Omaha, where I hey spent the day taking in the sights. Mr. and Mrs. . lies, residing south.of this city, were attending to the week-end shopping here Saturday, and while here Mrs. lies called at this oillce and renewed her subscription to this paper. Mrs. Ellen Durkee of Ashland, a sister of County Assesoor W. R. Bryan, is in the city for a few days visiting her brother and family, while her husband is in Kansas City taking treatment at a hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gardner and son, Albert, returned from Omaha Sunday evening, where they spent the day with Mr. Gardner's mother, who is 1)7 years old. She survives all of her nine children with tho exception of two sons, W. R. of .this city, and Sam of Washington. Theodore D. Todd of Los An geles, California, has been mak ing a visit at Stockton, New York, and stopped in this vicinity ou his way back to his western home for a week's visit with his cousins, L. C. Todd of Nehawka, L. (i. and Miss Jessie Todd of Union and H. G. Todd of Murray and A. L. Todd of I'lallsmouth precinct. Ve are Ready! with our 1913 Stock of New Wall Paper. A bigger line than ever before. A new plan too. We will sell borders at the same prpcoirlelre ns the wall and ceil ing. Weyrich & Hadraba, DRUGGISTS and Kodak Dealers Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Todd of Ne hawka, Miss Jessie Todd of Union and T. D. Todd of Los Angeles, California, motored lo the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Todd, in I'lattsmoulh precinct, yesterday and spent the day with tho Todd) family. During tho afternoon they motored to this city and did some shopping and attended to somo business matters at the court house. ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates can be made at the Journal offica WILKINSON & HALL- Dhn! f$nn I ltiu! I Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION! Insurance Placed in Best Companies! Farm Loans and Rental Agency Virgil Mullis S ) ; (