The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1913, Image 4
-The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekij at Plattsmouth, Nebraska R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the I'ostolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraoka, as second-clas matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE K-K-MH-hM-W'M-j. THOUGHT FOR TODAY. I am hap- I I'ily me not. J pier than you; for I am 1 1 jj: fi t i n -r lo lie free Francis $ Marion. ;o: I'laltsmouth properly offered for sale finds" ready purchasers. Many newcomers are locating in our city. :o: This paper does not believe the Fulllcr telephone bill will help I tie telephone busiues to any groat extent. :o: Slate appropriations now asked for amounts to the enormous sum of !? 11,000,1100. Don't this make I he taxpayers of Nebraska .shud der? II ought lo if it don't. :o: The legislature should increase i lie sularv of the governor and let it go at that on the salary raising question. The governor' salary never was what it ought to have been. ;o: Many new residences are con templated for the ensuing season. The music of the saw and ham iner has been heard all through winter, consequently it will not prove much of an attraction when I he building season properly pens. :o: There is one paper out in the west part of the county that has already raised a howl against (he county jail. Hut, thank the Lord, the paper nor the fellow who makes such a public attempt to publish it has very much inlluence either one way or the other. Prejudice should be thrown aside when it. conies lo the jail proposition. Twelve thousand dollars is a very small sum to build a jail that will be safe in which to keep prisoners. Think what a saving a new jail would be to I ho taxpayers of Cass county. :o: Toting around revolvers is not a very healthy business these days if you are caught in so do ing. -The statute enacted two years ago provides that whosoever tdiall carry a concealed weapon, such as pistol, bowie-knife, re volver, dirk, metal knuckles or other dangerous weapon, shall, on conviction, be lined in any sum not exceeding $1,000, or imprison ed in the penitentiary not exceed ing two years. An exception is made under the law, however, in favor of any one who is engaged in any lawful business, calling or employment, and is placed in such circumstances as would justify a prudent person in carrying a weapon for the defense of his per son, property or family. :o: The passage of the bill in the house of representatives to print the constitutional amendments in pamphlet form and send them out, in preference to publication in tho newspapers is a direct insult to every democratic editor in Ne braska, and we hope to see tho bill defeated in tho senate. There are but precious few democratic papers in the stale that aro mak ing anything over a baro living, and the publication of the amend, men Is once every two years comes to them as a fiod-send, and it is outrageous to take the palronago that belongs to them and give it to some Lincoln print shop that is nn enemy to tho party. No worder the democratic party fs in the !::inoilty in Nebraska. Cioveriior Morehead is having the time of his lift; in trying to please all comers. It, is a safe proposition that he does not suc ceed, and in his effort to do his duty he docs 'not care whether he does or not. Do your duty, (iov- ernor, as you see the way, and we have the utmost faith you will be all right with the genuine common people. The newspaper publishers are all right before the election, but LEGISLATION FOR MERCHANTS. Nebraska business men, especi ally those engaged in the mer cantile business,1 from time .to lime have found it ditlicult to get greatly needed legislation through the legislature or past the veto of the governor. An important measure along this line asked by the retail merchants two years iij-u. mu iiut:u ami tut; cuim uiu is now pending with only a fair prospect of its going through. What is true in this regard in Nebraska seems to be true in other states as well. There seems to be an unwarranted and uncall ed for suspicion that because merchants arc asking better pro lection in their credit that they are seeking to impose some hard ship on someone else, when the fact is that no honest man would get anything but helpfulness out of the legislation asked for. In Kansas there has been this year, a concerted en on maue to at?mmmi?mmmimmmmmyfflmmtiffl after once inducted into office, the men whom they supported soon P't two or three bills of import forget the pari they had taken to ance through that legislature. elevate him to his present posi- -ne oi tnem was tneir duik saies i lion. There is one thing certain, bill; this passed the committee of the democratic papers of Ne- t"e whol(J in the Kansas house by braska, generally, gel the worst a good majority, but when it came of it from their own party friends to iinal passage, the opponents of the bill, beat it by one vote. A garnishment law is also bein worked for in Kansas, but this is receiving the usual opposition that conies from those who would purposely escape payment of just obligations or those wlio are ignorantly afraid that someone is going to be injured if a iner chant gets added relief in secur ing payment for goods sold by him. Lincoln Trade Review. I hey forget services rendered. :o: Commercial clubs in every cily in Nebraska are waking up to their local interests, and they comment extensively upon what the IMallsinoulh Commercial club has done. I'laltsmouth has been placed very prominently on the map of Nebraska, and we want to see it remain there. Every citizen can help to do it, and they should all " li on their armor", and light tor I'lallsiiiouin ami tier in terests. .o: :o: ft -"See Plattsmouth Succeed!"- and Place Your Laundry Orders with The New Plattsmouth Steam Laundry WM. BARCLAY, Manager A man with years of experience in the laundry business will have charge, and all work will be gotten out on time, and everything left in our care will be guaranteed' in every particular. All that we ask is a trial to prove that we know our business, and if we please you we would like for you to tell your friends if not tell us. The new management takes possession Monday, February 10th, and we will not be responsible for any business relations that patrons have had with the old management. The Plattsmouth Steam Laundry Mrs. Florence Gamble, who styles herself "the champion heart breaker of Iowa," has finally A Duluth, Minn., carpenter has been lodged m jail ror tailing to .... . ... . l 1 ... I V......1 I iceu lo it a legacy or !?j,iiuo,uuu ny pui i cl numi iu the death of an uncle in England, answer the charge of using the When he received the news of the mails to defraud. Mrs. Gamble's I 1 .'i 1 1 . ... I. . i . . .1 mi' It i viil . . . I I l.niA I i II I III S ' 1M 1 W IS 111 M'llll ll eiu ,, iif in i'iiiiu-ii iu iiiMC I '"" ...... ... - , said: "I am 5(5 years old, have a photograph, and as she was un wiTe and two children, together usually good-looking, she suc with a modest home, and I have ceeded in entrapping large num- earned to be contented with a hers of men. To ask for money -I:.. . 1 ... i.. I i.... poor man s lot. Ten years ago 1 omei- io prepare m-i uuuimu would have welcomed the for- was oas'' aml tllu Postofllcc was tune. Now I feflr it is going to soon burdened with loving mis spoil my happiness." sives. She caught a man in at o: least every state in the Union, and farmer remarked to us tho aril if she bad operated tnrougu other day that it is more com- the express olllces, she could fortable to travel over the roads ve escaped, but unfortunately now than it was 25 or 30 years she (,hoso the posloffiee. How ago iu this part of the country, ever, she accepted her sentence Tim observation is correct, but with the utmost sang froid, it must be borno in mind that laughed at the United States mar more money is being emended on shal who arrested her and smiled our roads and belter methods of t tlie jailer when he turned the makinir roa.ts nro in voirim now. key upon her. She declares that Slip-shod methods' of road niak- all men are fools and that it is ing have given way to scientific the easiest thing in the world to methods and better roads aro the humbug them. She has a hus esult. band and three children in Boone, o: Iowa, and when she was arrested Men may make mistakes and and taken to Des Moines sno yet have the best of motives. Ono smilingly kissed them all around, . .. i i i i j r 1 may have a conviction that this wuveu ner iiuauauu u iuuu uuiuu or that is clearly for the best in- and bade him bo of good cheer. terests of his cily, only to ascer- Nuch a wife is worth having, tain that the consensus of :o: . .. tiaev nirrrnrnr opinion and the common juclg- Mirrs.ns.nvt.. ment does not bear him out and The Lincoln Journal pretends that, unintentionally, he has done to find a far departure from the more harm than good.' Such a legislative action two years ago, result should neither condemn requiring a 33 per cent affirmative him in tho opinion of those of popular vote to adopt a constllu opposing views nor, submitting to tional amendment submitted by the verdict of the majority, ex- initiative petition, in a recent ac pect him to change his own view, lion of the lower house of tho if he cannot honestly do so. present session. Tho house o: passed favorably by unanimous i We are not a knocker, to say vote, on a proposed constitutiona the least, but we do like to receive amendment providing that a ma. all that is coming to us. That is jority of the votes cast on the all we demand, and should re- question shall suffice to adopt a ceive. Some people who run and constitutional nmendmont sub are elected to ofilco seem to think milled by the legislature. that it is the duly of the news- There is, of course, a world of paper editors to support them, difference. whether wo want to or not. This A constitutional amendment i is anolhing thing in which they proposed by initiative petition are mistaken. This paper has stands in a very different light been democratic nt all times and from an amendment submitted by under all circumstances, but it the legislature. makes ono who has been so faith- When an amendment is sub- fnl to tho causo of tho parly and milled by the legislature oppor individuals representing the same tunily has been given for its care tired "to have it rubbed in," when ful consideration and discussion they have nn opportunity to lend by the legislature. It has been a beliinir band otherwise. considered first by a standing commit l ee of one house, then in committee of the whole of that house before passage. Then it has been considered by the stand ing committee and committee of the whole of the other house. If any differences have developed between Hie two houses it has been considered linally by a joint comitlee and gone back to both houses for a final vote. There has been opportunity for full dis cussion, for careful study, for amendments and changes. When both houses finally agree on the amendment and submit it to t lie people it is reasonably sure that I is a well-considered constitu tional amendment on which the people are asked lo vole and the people have had I he benefit of all the legislative discussion, as re ported in the newspapers, to en able them to form an intelligent opinion of its merits. It is altogether different with a constitutional amendment sub milted by initiative petition. No body has had an opportunity to amend the initialed amendment. It has been discussed and passed on by no public, official body. It has not "been put through the mill." It may represent tho wishes and idea? of only a few "leaders" and a comparatively small portion of the voters. Yet there is danger that such an amendment, possibly "half baked," poorly put together, in judicious and unnecessary, if not positively harmful, might be adopted by default in a popular election. Even the legislature has made serious mistakes, after the fullest opportunity for consideration as note the biennial election amendment submitted by the last legislature, and adopted by the people without thought or in vestigation. How much greater is the danger of mistake with an initiative amendment that nobody has considered except those who first drafted it and started the petitions goingl For this reason it is wisely pro vided that initiated constitutional amendments must poll at least 35 per cent of the popular vote to carry. The necessity does not exist for a similar requirement in the case of amendments sub mitted by the legislature. World-Herald. 1111211 now on and as Usual are Closing Out the Line at Less than Cost We have placed on sale about 500 Boxes that have sold for 25 and 35c at j ; I 2ffl I Our Big Annual Stationery Sale is I OJj I 'I II K5 15c with a few that will he sold for 10c, a mere fraction of cost. eJT1 We have about 60 Boxes of the High-Grade 60c Quality that we are closing out at 30c. 135 Boxes of Initial Paper! A few in Gold Letter and the balance in Colored letter. This paper cost twice as much as we are selling it at, but we are go ing to quit handling this line and we want to clean up every box during this sale. While they last they will be sold at 20c per Box Just think of it. the entire year. 2 At this price you should buy enough to last This opportunity is only offered you once a year, and that at the Journal office. Call early, for at these prices the 500 boxes will be sold this week. The - Journal Stationery Department - In the Initial Paper we have every Iettler except H. L. and M. t5J J 22 n min rssn szrzir --n mn rrr-im r, -.n m m m 4 m n r u w hi w ii L;r- Lx m sin :ri ltt-ti tr;