The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1913, Image 2

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    A great num
ber of men
have taken advantage of our
suit and overcoat sale dur
ing the past two weeks.
They got good serviceable,
stylish garments at a saving
of from $5.00 to $10.00.
Forone week longer we will
offer our stock of fall and
Winter suits and overcoats at
reduced prices:
$15 suiU and (Hi OP
overcoats, now pllJ
$18 suits and djIO CA
overcoats, now plOJV
$20 suits and dlC AA
overcoats, now plUU
$22.50 suit.
"w.verco. $16.25
$25 suits and djIO "7C
overcoats, now ylO I
$27.50 suits
$30 suits and t00 C A
overcoats, now yLtUfDX)
coin Monday. Slit' returned Tues
day, accompanied by her .siller,
Miss Agatha Tinker.
Mrs. Carlton Gullion ami son
visited relatives here Saturday
and Sunday. Hrr mother return
ed wit h her to Lincoln.
Iti-v. Saundcr.soii of Lincoln
spoke on th.' subject, of "Tlic
Freeman's Aid" Sunday evening
at the M. :. church.
Mrs. Arthur Mini and children,
Gale and Iva, w 1 1 1 to Waverly
Tuesday evening to visit the for
mer s lamer lor a lew uajs.
Mrs. Flora It. Kocfor, who was
recently operated upon for ap
pendicitis at Los Angeles, Cal., is
not doing well at last reports.
F. 14. Patterson purchased the
stock of merchandise at this
place from Dreamer & Cashner
last week and is selling dry goods
at reduced prices. Look for his
The Alvo puhlie school has
challenged the Tipton school to a
spelling contest, to he held in
Alvo on the evening of February
28. The latter school has accept
ed the challenge and both schools
are workinur hard to win. A box
social will be given in connection
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kcckler.
Omar Coon was in Minnesota
the latter part of lul week, re
turning home Saturday evening.
Charles Gerlao and 1-1 i Keekler
were transacting business in
Plattsmoulh one day this week.
Mrs. Frank Honey went to Oma
ha. Tuesday morning to see her
husband, who was operated on.
There will he Sunday school and
hurch at the Union church Sun-
lav. All are cordially invited.
Mrs. Harry Green visited with
Spring Goods Arriving
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
I. .
Alvo Mews
Slone went to Omaha
Having purchased tho
Dreamer k Cashner slock of
merchandise, we will be
pleased to meet all the old
customers and also new
ones. We expect to locale
here permanently and solicit
a part of your trade. Our
motto is to live and let live.
Wo are pleased with Alvo
and its business enterprises.
We wish to co-operate with
Hie business men in every
detail that pertains to the
business interests of the
town. We. will be one among
you to boost If we please
4 4
you in business, tell others; J
if not, tell us.
Successor to !'
Dreamer k Cashner. J
14. M
William Casey drove to Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casey went In
Lincoln Wednesday.
Mrs. Charles llosenow was o,l
11)0 fcick list last week.
Hoy Armstrong was a passeng
er to Murdock Monday.
Mrs. Uelle Dennett, who lias
been miile sick, is ronvalescenl.
Paul Thurason of Lincoln re
turned to Lincoln Sunday evening.
The Missionary society met.
Wednesday at Miss Mary Wolfe's.
Mrs. Fnima Cashner was visit
ing in Lincoln a few days this
Miss Marie Slroemer is alled
ing the slate university this
Mrs. Charles rUieknell went to
Lincoln Monday to visit relatives'
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman,
sr., were passengers to Lincoln
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer and sister,
Miss Violet Ough, spent Thurs
day in Lincoln.
Dr L. Muir is entertaining his
uncle. William Flanagan, of
Lorena. Oklahoma.
Mr. ami Mrs. K. M. Stone and
ton spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Casey.
Mrs. Dan Manners and children
visited a few days last week with
her mother. Mrs. Kindt.
Miss Flo Itoyles spent Saturday
and Sunday at. home, reluming to
Lincoln on No. 17 Sunday.
Glenn Lew is sold the restaurant
lo Klmer itarrelt last week, giv
ing immediate possession.
Mr. Und Mrs. Charles Godby
visited Monday and Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Weise at Lincoln.
Miss Alice Allen of Greenwood
visited a short lime Sunday at the
home of her cousin, F. M. l'routy.
Miss Alice Kellogg and brother,
Skip, ale Sunday dinner with Rev
and Mrs. 14. L. Fntegrove and
The youngest child of Mr. ami
Mrs. Marie Nickel has been very
ill. but is iieltincr belter at this
Mrs. I4va Wurl Murley ami
Daughter, Miss Aurel. of Lincoln,
visited relatives and friends here
Miss Eninni Finland and friend,
Mr. Seattergood, visited Sunday
with Ihe former's cousin, Miss
Grace Itucknell.
W. O. Doyles of Lincoln accom
panied his nephew, Dale Doyles
home Sunday, returning home
Monday evening.
Henry Dennett came over from
Waverly in his new Ford auto
Sunday, visiting with Mrs. Hollo
Dennett and family.
Mrs. Harry 1'arscll went lo Ltn-
I-H"M l-H-W" MI-M WH
e sic
is sick with lb
av in
well al-
Miss Helen Coon is on
list, (his week.
Mr. Fssick was a passenger
Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. Caproii
UTippc Ibis week.
M. C. Walker was in Omaha on
business Tuesday.
Mrs. Erhart spent, one
I'lallsmoiilli Friday.
Mrs. John Murphy was
ping in Omaha Friday.
The lecture was very
tended Friday evening.
Mrs. C. P. Fordyce
home Monday evening.
Fred F leisclimann was in Oma
ha on business Monday.
Clyde Jenkins is making repairs
in the postolllce Ibis week.
Master Ralph Coon has been on
the sick list Ihe last week.
D. D. Dranu drove to Weeping
Water Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Russ, the section foreman,
returned from Iowa this week.
Mrs. Purl Long is on Ihe sick
list with tho grippe this week.
Editor Mayfleld of Louisville
was in town Wednesday morning.
Alex Miller and family drove to
Weeping Water Friday afternoon.
John Gnuse of Fremont visited
at Ihe lluam Stohlman home
ast week.
I'mplirey Murphy expects to
day in the state base hall league
I his year.
Mr. and Mrs. Sohwind and
Master Clarence spent Sunday in
the country.
Mrs. Dow Critchllebl and two
daughters were shopping in Oma
ha Saturday.
Ihe usual song practice was
held at the Ed Fleisclimann homo
Tuesday evening.
Miss Maggie O'Leary and Miss
Katie O Leary were shopping in
Omaha Saturday.
Mr. Miller, Ihe traveling sales
man for Russel. Harris v Co., is
in Mauley this week.
William Stohlman and family
spent Sunday with Mrs. Herman
Schlifert and family.
Clyde Jenkins and Frank Roister
made a trip to Weeping Water
one evening this week.
Charles Gerlao. and Jim Murphy
wero passengers to Louisville
Tuesday on the freighl
Joo Messiana and wife visited
in Ihe country Wednesday with
Fred Gansmeier and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Drunkow
and son, Ivan, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Jake Miller two days this
week before leaving for her home.
Miss Lily Tighe spent Tuesday
venmg in Weeping water, re
turning home Wednesday morn
Mrs. George Stohlman and fain
ly took dinner Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Stohlman am
Virgil Miller was unable to at-
lend the academy at Weeping Wa.
ter Wednesday on account of
Mesdames Tom Keckler and
Aaron Jenkins spent Fri
day in Omaha, returning on the
evening train.
Miss Hazel Crew of Weeping
Water visited at the Jenkins
home Saturday, returning homo
in tho evening.
Miss Lily Stcincamp returned
lome Saturday evening from
Omaha, where she had an opera
tion performed.
Mrs. L. D. Harmon of Shelbina,
Mo., arrived Friday evening for a
two weeks' visit with her niece,
Mrs. Ed Fleisclimann.
Eddie Murphy unloaded his car
of goods Friday and moved out to
his father's farm, where he will
farm the coining vear.
Mrs. Andrew Krecklow and chil
dren left for Falls City Monday
evening, after visiting a couple of
weeks with relatives here.
Mr.'and Mrs. Grover Living
stone and children aulood over to
Mauley and visited several days
with J. A. Keedy and wife.
Arnold and William Harms
went to visit at Lorton Friday
evening. Mr. Harms and wife
went down Saturday evening, re
turning Tuesday morning.
Frank Pankonin accompanied
Frank Honey to Omaha to a hos
pital Monday, where Mr. Honey
underwent an operation. Mr. Pan
konin returned home Tuesday
evening and reported Mr. Honey
netting along as nicely as rofffl
he expected. .
Harry Green loaded his carload
two children, of Riverlon, Cal.,
came Tuesday for an extended
vi?it with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 14. T. Comer.
Mrs. James Turk and son,
ublen, and Mrs. Mary Hall went
to Lincoln Monday to visit the
bedside of Dan Fells for a couple
of days. Mr. Eells is considered
critically ill, which comes as
painful news to his many Elm-
wood irienas.
William Winkler has purchas
ed the Heltrick residence and lots
in the northwest part of town, and
he and Mrs. Winkler will move lo
town as soon as the proper ar
rangements can be made. Mr.
Hot t rick and family will move lo
thi! farm southwest of town.
A little son of Mr. and Mrs. W,
II. McHride met with an accident
Saturday which came near being
fatal to the sight of one eye. The
boy was carrying stove wood,
when in some manner a stick
struck him in the eye, inflicting
injuries which were necessary to
treat by a specialist in Omaha.
Hopes are now entertained that
the sight will be saved, which will
certainly be glad tiding to the
parents and the many friends of
the McDride family.
IE ISTa IE 55 5 IE ?i fs Eh EH ?S Eh
Is ir Ir-a lr it k tr s h k s L- r k-5 lr k sir F3
HM-J .jig j'j. HH
J Courier. 4
of goods and farming implements
Monday and Tuesday, which he
shipped lo Kimball county, where
he expects lo make his future
home. The best wishes of the
people of Mauley go with them.
Mrs. Green will visit for a couple
of days at Lousiville with her
brother before going on to Kim
hall county.
A Farewell Party.
Mr. and Mrs. John Heil gave a
farewell parly, in honor of Mrs.
Heil's brother, Alvm Jung, who
will leave in a short time for Mai.
come, Neb. The evening was spent
in playing games and al midnight
a delicious lunch was served.
Those present were: Misses Fran,
cis Heil, Mahle Wcndt, Mary lloff,
Ilulda Grafe, Hattie and Eliza
Hartman, Martrha Stohlman,
Clara and Mollio Kraft, Lena and
Mary Lau, Messrs. Fred and
Walter Heil, Henry and Fred
IIopp, Charles Lau, Leonard
Wendl, Louis Krecklow, Oris and
Arnold Schliefert, Walter and
Willie Stohlman, Fred and Louie
Gaebel. George and Willie Krau,
Frank Reister, Alviu Jung, Mr
and Mrs. John Rohrdanz and fain.
ilv. All present voted Mr. am
Mrs. Heil splendid entertainers.
The two daughters of John
Durke of Weeping Water visitor
with Dan Durke and mother Sal.
Joe Siience gave an exhibition
wrestle at Omaha last Friday
night before the Flambeau club.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hichey went
to Omaha Monday to see Alice
Dovey in "The Pink Lady."
Mrs. W. W. Valentine is here
from Slater, Mo., at the beside of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (I. W.
Malleld, who have been seriously
ill for the past two weeks.
Geo. II. Jucknian left Tuesday
for Kimball county, where he
went lo look tor land. Mr. Jack-
man sold his farm east of town
lo T. E. Parinele a short time ago.
Mrs. John Kahler returned
from Omaha Monday, where she
went to visit, her brother, Ray
mond Teodorski, who is taking
treatment in a hospital for rheu
matism. She reports his condi
tion somewhat improved.
Gottlieb Sprieck came down
from Stanton last week, and while
here sold the obi home farm east
of town to his son, Otto. The farm
consists of lid acres, well im
proved, and ils nearness to Louis
ville makes it a valuable pos
Mrs. D. ( i. Hoover has re urned
home from an extended trip in
Arizona and southern California.
She epenl several weeks at Los
Angeles and Lone ! leach ami was
much taken up with the beauty
of Ihe country. Sin; arrived home
just, in lime lor i in coin wave.
Mr. and Mrs. 14. A. Secord ar
rived Monday evening irom im
aso, Texas, having been called to
the bedside of Mrs. Secord s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. (i. W. May-
field, who have been quite
seriously ill for the past two
weeks. Mr. Secord is superin
tendent of telegraph of the El
Paso & Southern railway and on
account of olllcial duties was
compelled to return Wednesday.
Mrs. Secord will remain for some
iVf VS.
' "if!
I '
1 V""
2 u
2 I?:;t7
We have a few furs left, and are offer
ing you a very special price. It will pay yon
to look this up.
p t0 J00-4 this UP- pi
I IC. G.
News. J
! Leader-Echo.
Mrs. D. C. We.-Pund J. M. Slone
were passengers lo Lincoln Tues
day morning, where they went to
see Mr. Stone's brother, who is in
a hospilul there.
Clyde Fleshnian, who has been
ipiile sick since last Friday, is
better and the nurse that was
here from Lincoln caring for him
went home yesterday.
Ralph McCann, a nephew of J.
M. Palmer and Mrs. Rockwell,
came in the first of the week from
Ruddell, Saskatchewan, Canada,
for n visit with relatives here.
R. D. Danning, a nephew of J.
14. Danning, who has been in this
part of Nebraska for several
weeks, visiting relatives, was
here this week. His home is in
Dillon, Mont.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis of western
Nebraska, who were here for sev
eral days visiting Mrs. Davis' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Newman,
left on Wednesday evening for
William P.alfour came home
Wednesday from Plallsmoulh,
where he was a contestant among
Ihe ibldlers. Mr. Ualfoiir did not
land a prize, but says he had a
bin' lime and lots of fun.
Mrs. Pel or Opp came hoim;
from Omaha Monday morning,
where she had been for several
days with her son, John, who is
in a hospital there with a broken
leg. She says he is gelling along
The farmers are pretty gen
erally agreed that a little more
moisture would he a good thing,
even if it came in the form of
snow. The fall plowing is blow
ing badly and if the present con
ditions continue there will be a
good deal of growling about the
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mr. L." L. Caygill, living east of
town, Wednesday, reuruary u.
Miss Cecelia Drekenfeld re
turned Saturday from an extend
ed trip through Oregon and Cali
fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hopkins are
Ihe happy parents of a beautiful
baby daughter, born Saturday,
February I.
Mrs. Frank Raker and daugh
ter, June, of Imperial, Nidi., came
in Tuesday to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tighe,
newly wed, of Dancroft Neb., are
gnosis this week at the homo of
Ihe former's aunt, Mrs. William
Mr. and Mr?. Charles Dird and
Fanger's Department Store
is still looking alter the Clothing for the entire family, and are still
extending you a most cordial invitation to call and see us before you
make your purchases. Here we want to remind you that we are sell
ing goods cheaper than anywhere else, and if you will call at the
store we can show you that we speak the truth, so try and make us
a visit before making your selections either in Omaha or elsewhere.
Pay-Day Specials!
As the winter season is drawing to a close and we are being left with
a few heavy garments in various lines, we want to close them out
at a price that will be almost your own price. The profit has been
forgotten and the cost mark has been lost on all winter goods. So
don't fail to see us this pay-day for bargains. Every article bears
our former iron clad guarantee satisfaction or your money refunded."
V. ZUCKER, Manager
"The Home of Guaranteed Values" - -
J i