The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1913, Image 6

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    Public Sale!
u Fray I
It any of tht renhrs of the Journal know of a uncial ennt or an iteoi of intercut n
Ve 'rant till iton of in!' rest. Editor Jour utl.
CMfcD C ' r "-"i ' ' '-if r ."r "i'Tji
Home Bank Owned
Murray State Bank
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CIIAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZM AN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law.
Miss Esther Ray spent Sunday
witli Mrs. Frank Rhoden.
J. T. Porler was a county scat
visitor Monday of this week.
Frank Dugay was a passenger
to Platlsmuuth Tuesday evening.
Miss Etta Nickels was looking
after business in Omaha Friday.
The little son of Joe Campbell,
who has been real sick, is greatly
improved. .
Mrs. Charles Creamer and Miss
Vera Yardley spent Tuesday visit
ing friends at Union.
Wayne Lewis and Fritz Tigner
were transacting business in Ne
braska City Friday.
Mont Shrader of Nehawka
spent Sunday with her grand
parents, 0. W. Shrader and wife.
The Lewiston Glee club is pre
paring an excellent home talent
play, which will be played at the
Jenkins' hall in I ho near future.
William Hice was looking after
Homo business matters in the
county seat Wednesday, driving
up to spend a few hours with
friends and look after some busi
ness matters.
Will Patterson departed this
(Thursday) morning for his old
home over in Iowa, when) he will
tnake a few days' visit with home
folks and attend the fiftieth wed
ding anniversary of his parents.
G. M. Minford shipped a car
load of hogs to South Omaha
Thursday of last week.
Mrs. A. (5. Long, who has been
in the hospital at Omaha for the
past few weeks, returned home
last Friday. She has greatly im
proved in health.
I. T. Hoyer and brother arrived
here last Sunday evening from
Downing, Missouri. Mr. Royei
went to Missouri a few days ago
to assist ins hrolner in moving
to C3S county, where he will
make bis future home.
J. T. Porter and family visiUul
last Sunday at the home of Calton
Snaveley and family near Union.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rice are
in receipt of a letter from their
daughter, (Lucille) Mrs. Coorge
Benedict, who is now living at
South Platte, Colorado, where Mr.
Benedict has u good position. Mr.
Benedict was formerly operator at
Murray, and is at present employ
' ed in the samo lino at South
Platte. Mrs. Benedict writes that
they are well pleased with that
part of the country, are having a
line winter and are in every way
enjoying life. :
If You Doctored 19 Years For
And eventually found aomothlnn Mint drove It out of your yntcm would you toll
everybody you could about It or would you kfep tho oi'rt t yniirnrlf T I think
one should tell, and if you write an
from her at a copt of lene than i00. rieare baur In mind I have no nn-dlclne or
merchandise of any kind to sell, so you need not be backwMrd In sending; for In
formation. I want to help you and will
ctnt depoHlt. I can never forget how I suffered from nheumtlnm and how crlp
dIihI I was fur a lona time, and now-no llmu. mln or fm ull of It are tone.
'I ll it la why I am not aaklns VOi to aend money for something you know nothing
HlMiut, as 1 realize, how many there ore who auk a lot and Klve nothing. Enclose
postage for reply.
MRS. M. Z. COLLY, Apartment
V"i?? 'f",-" ''In"! CH3
by Home People
W-W A Ma!k flaffWWk
' The Journal
for typewriter
A. L. Baker was a county seat
visitor Thursday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Minford
were Omaha visitors last Friday,
Miss Margie Walker snent
Saturday evening in Plattsmnuth
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II.
N. Dovey..
Mr. and Mrs. M. (i. Churchill
attended the fiddlers' ronlesl al
Plattsmouth Tuesday evening,
Mac acted as one of the judges.
The sale at II. C. Long's farm
Wednesday was well attended and
everything sold at a good price,
All parts of Cass county was rcn-
Mrs. Fred Patterson of Plaits-
mouth is spending a few days this
week with her son, John Thomas,
near Rock Bluffs,
llohert ShrnrW nn.i hi- r.-.irm,.
G. W. Shrader, drove to Union
Monday to see Mrs. Charles Wolf,
who was seriously hurt in a run
away last week.
Mrs. (Hen Perry entered the
hospital in Omaha last Monday
for treatment. Just how long it
will be necessary for her to re
main there is not known.
For any itching skin trouble,
piles, eczema, salt rheum, hives,
itch, scald head, herpes, scabies,
Doan's Ointment is highly recom.
mended. 50c a box at all stores
Jack Chalfant, from near Union,
autoed to Murray Wednesday, and
while here attended the sale of
H. C. Long. Ho was accompanied
by his father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. John Chalfant.
Mr. and Mrs. James Loughridge
were Omaha visitors Monday of
this week. Mrs. Loughridge will
remain fur n few il:v' viuil with
relatives,, and Mr. Loughridge
drove home Wednesday with the
new horse he purchased in South
Omaha a few days previous
Andy Morrow of Hock county,
and wtdl known to the people of
eastern Cass, where he spent his
boyhood days, is spending a few
days with old neighbors and
friends, nlsn ninVinir Rom. in,,
nrovements on hi mother' farm
north of Murray. Andy is one of
the best fellows in the land, and cnjoyau.e events oi mo season ana
you bet everybody in this part of the boys were voted tip-top enter
fhA u-m-iH una micrhtv oi...i in. u lainers. Some excellent music
Seed Corn fop Salo.
Extra good, hand-picked yellow
seed corn for sale. P. L. Rhoden,
Murray, Neb. 'Phono 8-J.
old sufferer she will tell you what drove It
give you all the Information without nne
100. 117 So. Dearborn St., CHICAGO.
thin vicinity and will mail tame to thin
Carl West spent last Saturday
at the Walker home.
Mrs. Mary Dull spent a few days
with relatives in Plallsmoulh this
Willie Boedeker took the early
morning train Monday for Ne
hawka. Miss Edith Laltue lias boon con
lined to her bed this week suffer
ing with pleurisy.
The Study club will meet Tues
day afternoon at Hie library.
Visitors are invited.
Mrs. M. S. Davis spent a few
days last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Davis.
Mrs. Jennie Rhoden
seriously sick at' the
Mrs. Carroll for the
has been
home of
past few-
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tilson will
entertain Saturday evening in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harve
Rev. Hansen is conducting a
series of sermons on the Cross.
The will be continued until
Alf Gansemer and Olio Puis
shipped a car of hogs to the
South Omaha market. Monday
The ice men have evil designs
upon several of the frozen ponds.
Thanks to the cold weather for
this one favor.
Mrs. Dooley, who has been on
the sick list for the past week, is
able to be on duly again at the
telephone central.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Oregg were
by Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Mutz at a 0 o'clock dinner
last Friday evening.
The new fifteen-wire, lead-
covered cable of the telenhonn
company has been strung and
mighty good service is an-
tieipaled in the future
A three nights' vaudeville and
I'm show will be put on at the
Jenkins' hall Thursday, Friday
and Saturday nights of this week.
A show will be something new to
Murray folks.
Kniss, our worthy R. F. D
carrier, is now taking his annual
vacation, which is for fifteen
days on full pay. His brother,
Edmund, is substitute during the
hilarious days for Lee.
D. C. Rhoden was called to
Lincoln Monday, where his
brother-in-law, Mr. Cline, had
died very suddenly Sunday. The
funeral was held Tuesday, and
Mr. Rhoden returned home Wed
Mesdames J. I). Pitman, II. L.
Oldham, Olen Perry and S. O. Pit
man entertained the Thimble Bee
at the home of Mrs. S. I). Pitman
last Friday afternoon. The day
was extremely codl and but few
Thomas B. Smith returned
from Omaha this week, where he
has been under the care of Dr
Mlison for the injury he received
to his arm in the steam engine
last fall. Dr. Allison has en-
couragtd him with a complete re
Ilex oung has invested in
,nr0P ,'D(lon .,Joose' Purc m
Missouri. This variety is the
mammoth bird of the tribe,
weighing in the neighborhod of
twenty pounds when full grown
Rex Intends furnishing eggs for
this variety next season.
Lloyd Lewis and Fritz Tigner
P'aiuiy ciueriamea a largo
company of friends at the home
of Mr- nn,! Mrs- F- D- Rhoden
Tho Pining was ono r the mosl
was furnished by the Lewislon
Glee club, and a dainty luncheon
was served by Mrs. Rhoden at a
late hour. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lew is, Mr. ant
Mrs. J. F. Prcndel, Mr and Mrs. D
J. Hostel tor, Miss Ella Harris, Mr
and Mrs. Arthur Copenhaver, Mis
ses Clara Copenhaver, Vera Moore
Pearl Dugay, Esther Klaurens
Margaret Moore, Esther Ray, Ruth
Klien, Francis Moore, Mae Lewis
Dora Albun, Willa Moore, Rose
Mae Creamer, Etta Nickels, Mr
and Mrs. John llobschiedt. James
Tigner, Roy Klien, Wayne Lewis
Frank Dugay, George Nickels, Ray
Klaurens, Ezra Albin, Arthur linn
sen, Wes Copenhaver, Elbert
Queen, Joe Creamer, Mont Shrad
er, Lloyd Lewis, Fritz Tigner, Mr.
and Mrs. Levi Slade and Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Rhoden.
ofire it will appear under thin hcaltn
How's This?
Wo offi-r One Jluuilrrd Dollars Itcwiiril fir a'iy
ram- of Cotnrrh tbnt caniKit be cutvd liy Hull i
Catarrb Cure.
K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toltdo. O.
We, die iinilcrtluniMl, have known F. J.
Cheney fur the lt 15 yearn, ami bellevu him
perfectly lioiinrublo 111 all business triuisitvtioiia
and financially able to curry out any ublluatluwt
made by Ma linn.
Toledo, Ohio.
nail's Catarrh Cure In taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucus aurfaceg of
the ayateiu. Teatlmonlalu dent free, l'rlce 76
cents per bottle. Sold by all lriiKKl"ta.
Tako Hull's Family rill for ctusliatIon.
Pauline and Fay Oldham were
the guests of their aunt, Mrs.
Dora Moore, also Mrs. Mary Alli
son, in Plallsmouth, last week.
William M. Patterson, from
Nebraska City, pave a free lecture
at the Christian church Tuesday
evening on the correct interpreta
tion of the bible.
Vivian, the infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boedeker,
suffers greatly from the burns
she received a week ago. Her
condition is still grave.
Mrs. Charles Carroll and Mrs.
W. II. Stouffer will entertain the
ladies of the Christian church
Wednesday afternoon at the home
oi Mrs. L,arroii. All members are
requested to be present.
Cupid's Capers.
Last Wednesday, January 29th,
Cupid cut another one of his
capers, when Miss Edna Shep-
herdson and Mr. Harvey Gregg,
both of Nehawka, accompanied by
the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Carroll, boarded the
train for Nebraska City, at which
place they were married by the
county judge. They returned on
the evening train and stopped at
Mynard, where they went to visit
the bride's sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vallery. The
bride is (he daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Shepherdson of Weep
ing Water, where she has lived
all her life, having a host of
friends, and where she is loved by
all who know her. The groom is
the son of Mrs. George Gregg of
Nehawka. and is a well respected
young farmer. Miss Shepherdson
spent part of one year in Murray
and in that short time won for
herself the respect and admira-
ion of all who knew her. Mr.
and Mrs. Grlgg will be at home to
their many friends after March 1
on a farm two miles west of Mur
Social Dance.
George- Nickels and Mont
Shrader will give a social dance
in Murray, at Jenkins' hall, Sat
urday evening, February 15. Music
y Jacobs' orchestra of Omaha. A
good time assured.
Dr. Thomsen, Dentist, of 4
Plattsmouth, will be in Mur
ray on Thursday's, Ne
hawka on Friday's, and
Union on Saturday's of each
week, where he will be
pleased to meet all parties
! desiring dental work done.
"Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil is the
best remedy for that often fatal
disease croup. It has been used
with success in our family for
eight years." Mrs. L. Whiteacre,
Buffalo, N. Y.
For Sale.
I have just a few of those full
blooded flarred Plymouth Rock
cockrels left. 'Phone No. 31 White
C. E. Babbitt, Plattsmouth.
General Blacksmilhing
and Wagon Vork
Horseshoeing is Our Specialty
AH Work Guaranteed
HtUllUjfj lyLiUl Ctoaitl
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction, on the Slreight
farm, known as the old Patterson
dace, one and one-quarter miles
northwest of Plallsmoulh, on
Sale t" commence at 1 p. in.
Free lunch served on the
The following described prop
erly: Seven Head of Horses.
One gray Percheron coining 5
weight 1,200.
One dun; horse. 9 year, old,
weight 1,150.
One sorrel mare, years old,
weight 1,100.
One brown mare, 9 years old,
weight 900.
One bay driving horse, 3 years
old, weight 800,
Two bay sucking colts.
One T. G. Mandt lumber wagon,
almost new.
One McCormick mower.
One John Deere walking
One John Deere lO-inch walk
ing plow.
One harrow.
About 35 bushel.-, of good seed
potatoes .
Two sets of work harness, one
one and one-half inch, nearly
new; one one and one-quarter
inch, in good condition.
About 75 bushels of corn.
Four tons of sheaf oats.
A number of barrels of apples
and turnips.
Many other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Terms of Sale:
All sums of $10.00 and under,
cash; all over 10.00 a credit of
eight, months will be given, pur
chaser giving good bankable
paper, bearing 8 per cent from
date. All property must be set
tled for before being removed.
Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers.
J. P. Falter, Clerk.
Public Sale
Having sold by farm, I will offer
at public auction, to tho highest
bidder, on the premises, 3 miles
northeast of Nehawka, 5 miles
northwest of Union, 5Va miles
southwest of Murray, and 9 miles
east and one-quarter south of
Weeping Water, on
the following described property
Sale Will Commence at One
O'clock Sharp.
Eleven Head of Horses and Mules.
One span of black mare mules,
coming 9 years old, weight 2,800
Ono span of black geldings,
coming 4 years old, weight 2,600
One black gelding, coming I
years old, weight 1,300.
One black mule, coming C years
old, weight 1,100.
One smooth mouthed horse
weight 1,200.
One iron gray pony, coming
years old, weight 850.
One roan horse, coming 4 years
old, weight 1,050.
One span black mules, coming
2 years old.
One good milk cow.
Farm Implements.
Two lumber wagons, good as
One McCormick binder.
One Zanesvillo broadcast seed
er, new.
One 2-secl.ion harrow.
One 3-section harrow, new.
Ono walKiug cultivator.
One Badger riding cultivator.
One 10-inch John Decro sulky
plow. One 1 4-inch walking plow.
One 2-row corn stalk cutter.
One John Deere corn planter.
One St. Joe riding lister, com
bined, 14-inch.
One St. Joe 14-inch walking
One lloosier one-horse corn
One 10-foot log chain.
One. Zanesville disc, 10x10.
One cross-cut saw.
Three sets of work harness.
Two barrels of cider vinegar.
One old buggy.
Many other articles too numer
ous to mention, including some
household goods.
Terms of Sale:
All sums of $10.00 and under
cash; over $10.00 a credit of ten
months will be given, purchaser
civing good bankable paper, bear
ing 8 per cent interest from date.
No properly will be removed from
(be premises until settled for.
J. F. MAl'CK, Owner.
Hall, Auctioneers.
D. 0. West, Cler
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction to the highest bid-
irr, on me oiu moey larni. 4M
miles northwest of Murrayr, ,7
miles north of Nehawka, 11 miles
northeast .of Weeping Water, 11
miles southwest of Plattsmouth,
1 mile north of (lie old Fulton
ilaeksiniUi shop, and 1 94 miles
south of Eight Mile Grove ceme
tery, the following described prop
erty on
Commencing at 10 O'clock A. M.
Lunch Will lie Served at Noon.
13 Head of Good Horses.
0 Head of Good Mules.
15 Head of Cattle 7 Cows.
1 gray gelding, 12 years old,
weight 1,300.
1 black gelding, 9 years old,
weight 1,200.
1 bay gelding, 9 years old,
weight 1,200.
1 roan gelding, 8 years old,
weight 1,230.
1 bay mare, 4 years old, weight
1 gray gelding, 2 years old,
weight 1,150.
1 team bay mares, G years old,
weight 2,100.
1 gray mare, 12 years old,
weight 1,350.
1 sorrel gelding, 3 years old,
weight 1,050.
1 gray mare, 7 years old, weight
1 roan pony, kid broke, saddle
or drive, 9 years old, weight 850
1 bay pony, 5 years old, weight
1 team of mules, both marcs, 3
years old, weight 2,300.
1 team of mules, maro and
horse, 5 years old, weight 2,100.
1 brown mule, 4 years old,
weight 1,000.
7 good milk cows, some fresh
and others will soon be fresh.
8 head of calves, coming year
Some good brood sows.
About nine dozen chickens.
Farm Implements and Household
1 8-foot Deering binder.
1 5-foot McCormick mower.
1 McCormick weed mower.
1 McCormick 10-foot rake.
1 Broadcast seeder, 10-foot.
1 Bradley riding lister
1 John Deere walking lister.
1 John Deere corn planter with
fitrror openers.
1 tank heater.
1 John Deere corn drill, edge
1 John Deere 8-row cultivator.
2 Float drills.
1 Avery walking cultivator.
1 Avery riding cultivator.
1 Badger riding cultivator.
1 3-section harrow, 105 tooth.
1 P. & O. 16-inch walking plow.
1 12-inch Peru gang plow,
1 Peru disc.
1 2-row stalk cutter.
1 single buggy, rubber tire.
1 road buggy.
1 low wheel truck wagon.
1 Moline lumber wagon.
1 Newton lumber wagon. i
1 10-foot hay rack. 1
1 Sweep feed grinder with new
set of burrs.
1 pair of bob-sleds.
1 Wenzelman corn elevator,
1 10-horse Woodberry power.
1 C-hole Marseilles corn shel
ler. 1 one-hole seed corn sheller.
I seed corn grader.
1 dipping tank.
1 slock lank.
i setts of good work harness.
1 set single harness.
1 Economy cream separator.
1 Old Trusty incubator.
1 brooder.
Some barb-wire and 1,500 or 2,
000 feet of good lumber.
1 grindstone.
Household goods and many
other articles too numerous to
NOTE There is no Consigned
Properly in this sale.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of 910.00 and under
cash; over J? 10.00 a credit of from
six to eight months will be given,
if desired, purchaser giving good
bankable paper bearing 8 per cent
interest from date. No properly
to be removed until settled for.
W. K. Shepherdson, Owne. .
Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers
W. 0. Boedeker, Clerk.
For Sale.
House, and eight lots, nil front
ing on Main street, in Murray.
Call or address Nellie Connally,
Box 138, Murray.
Work as foreman on farm.
Well experienced. Married man
with small family. Wrile to E.
A. Nelson. Plattsmouth, Neb.