ti Tin-: iiixTiiiCT (Diiir ov tuiMi, nkhhamvA. CAS I i Th- I.-inrifon I.nnn ur liuilillnif As- "'iiiuuii, i'mmdui, vs. Ad.:Uite HiiUs and John T. Hates, Iter liusband, lH-ferulatit. To Adelaide t:tes and Julin T. Futes, lir tiusbund. l.cn-rf Kidnnt dt-r"iitlunts In tlie abuvt entitled uetion: f j mnd men of you nr- hereby ti tified that the plaintiff l.aa turn mem et in action against o.i in tlie District I'otrt vt Cuss (.'flinty, Ne tuasku, f'.- the purpose of f orei'loslng1 h iinntsme fciven liy yon to the Living ston I .nun it ml Unlldln? .psociation on the lBtli day of January, lHOsi, t-overlnff tr.e fullciwiim ilesri ileil real estate In 'asa County, N'ebiuska, to-wlt: t.'oin nicru ins at a joint in the center of llryint Mreet, said point being feet west and 15 feet nortli of a Mone at the t-outhenst coiner of the of lection U4. Township 12 lioi'ii, Uunge i:j, e ist of tlie tit h . in., thence north :' i 7 t feel to a Mtake, thence west :!oO fftl, thence south 17.8 f?et to a st:ik., thence east SOU feet to ilia plane of b)x;inini., coniaiiiiiitf one aero, bo the cunt nu". e or less unl I nou n as :-ul-1 . it 1 of lot it'; In the KU of the NBVi of Section Township 12 north, Ranee t:l ont, of tlie Btli p. in., in Cass County, Mebr.isUa, which niortKHge appears of record in Hook 35 of Ileal Kstate Mortnawes at lKe 5. In tlie ottlce of the KeKister of Deeds of Cass County, Nebraska, and to recover $10.70 for In surance which plaintiff has been com pelled to pay, and to recover taxes for the years 11'0S-1911 Inclusive In the sum of f 14.4S, with Interest thereon from the 12th day of November, 1912, and for equitable relief. You ttnl each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of February, A. D. 1913, and In faillnff so to do your default will be iluly entered therein and Judgment laken as prayed for in plaintiff's peti tion. The Livingston Loan and Building As- nooiatlon, Plaintiff. By A. U TIDD, It's Attorney. IS Till: DISTRICT COfllT OF CASS COl.Vn, MIUKASKA, Th Lvlngston Loan and Building As sociation, i'lalntlfTs, vs. He Witt Stanley and Anna Stanley, hU .wife, Defendants. To DeWitt Stanley and Anna Stanley, hlse wife, non-resident defendants In the above entitled action: , . you and each of you are hereby notified that the plaintiff has com menced an action against you In the District Court of Cass County, Ne braska, for the purpose of foreclosing a mortgage given by you to the Llving uton Loan and Building Association on the 10th day of September, 1906, cover ing the following described real estate to-wit: Lots 3 and 4, in Block 10, in Thompson's Addition to the City of l'lattsinouth, Cass County Nebraska, which mortgage appears of record in Book 32 of Heal Estate Mortgages, at page 236, in the ollice of the Register of Deeds of Cass County, Nebraska; and to recover the sum of $8.50 insurance, which plaintiff has been compelled to l,av, and the sum of $77.15 taxes, in ,r mid routs for the vears 1907-1911 inclusive, with interest thereon from the 12th day of November, 1912, and for umillxlilo relief You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of February, A. D. 1913, and in falling so to do your default will be duly entered therein and judgment taken as prayed for In plalntin s pen linn The Livingston Loan and Building As- , sociatlon, t'lainini. By A. L. TIDD, It'a Attorney. NOTICE. In tbe nintrlct Court In and (or Caaa County Nebraska. Louisa Bay and Albert M. Bay, rialntllls, vs. rivunrt. Elizabeth Wolfe Henry Wolfe, Ellen Krelger, Adolph Kreiger, Ida Cllne, Brunson Cllne, James A. Dysart, Frank P. Sheldon, Emma Sheldon, Thomas P. Dysart, Louise Dysart, Jessie K. Dysart, Clara Dvsart. Charles H. Dysart and ncrnrnttA Dvanrt. Defendants. To "tlie Defendants, Ellen Krelger, Adolph Krelger, Thomas P. Dysart .1 f . . I T .. You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of Decemoer, isiz, piainiuia filed their petition against the above named defendants in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, pray ing pnrtltion of the following described real estate situated in the County of i 'nii XT a lira u tin ' The Southeast Quarter (SEW)"' t"e Southeast Quarter tSEVil or ecuon twentv-seven (27), the Northeast, rinnrinr INKU) of the Northeast Quar ter (NE"4) of Section thirty-four (34), the North half of the Northwest Quar ter (NW"4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'.i) of Section thirty-four (34), all in Tnurnaliln ton (101. Itftnefl 13 Last if the 6th p. m. and setting forth the interest of plaintiffs and derenaams therein. t This notice la clven pursuant to an order of the court and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before wonaay, tne luiu oay ui ' miiw. A. n. 1B13. or vour default will be duly entered of record, and partition of said lands made in accordance with the findings and orders of the court lIoUISA BAY and ALBERT M, BAY, Plaintiffs. P.AWLS & ROBERTSON, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SLIT TO 0.1 1 ET TITLK. In the lMstrlet Court of Caaa County, NrnrasKa. Charles P. Tfelfer, Plaintiff, vs. Frances J. Solomon, et al., Defendants, To the Defendants: Frances J. Solo mon. L. H. Solomon, first name un known; Elizabeth II. Solomon, Joslali iloores, Mary J. Moores, Mary J. lam mi, '. m i (eiidei'soii. first name un known; Bertha O. Dalton, Mary Armlnda Huffman, Caroline HulTman Edward J. Moores, Alfred M. Moores ,'m,i,i n. (' Moores. Eliza Moores Mahala Gray, A. J. Moores, first name unknown: Nancy K. Epperson, Henry M. ..,.. Edward or Ed Jocklm. Ida E Jock I in, Andrew W. or A. W. Mc Laughlin, Alena K. McLaughlin, John W. or .1. W. Seymore, S. J. Seymore, first name unknown, Zetham or Zetham P, McOiilloch. Ithmar P. or I. P. PUls- loirrv. Nellie li. Smith. Chester H smith. Fred Black, also tlie unknown heirs and devisees of the following named, Frances J. Solomon, deceased it II stolnmnn. deceased, first IIHtne Utl known. Joslali Moores, deceased, K. M iunrli.rnn. first name unknown, do ceased: Bertha O. Dalton. deceased More Armlnda Huffman. deceased Caroline Huff man, deceased, Edward J Moores, deceased, Alfred M. Moores, de. d. Enoch (1. C. Moores. deceased fnbiiln (!r.v. deceased: A. J. Moores, rirst name unknown, deceased; Nancy K. Epperson, deceased, Henry Moores deceased, Edward or Ed Jocklm, de- enued: Andrew XV. or A. W. Mcltugtl )in, deceased, John W. or J. W. Seymore, leceased; Zotham or fcemam r. mcuui inrli. deceased: Ithmur I', or I. P. Pills hurry, deceased, you are hereby notified thot on January 18th, A. D. 1913. plaln-fift- Hind his suit In the district court of Cuss county, Nebraska, to quiet title to tho following nescrioea ninns in riattstnouth. to-wlt: Iot8 numbered eleven and twelve, in Block number forty-three, In the City of I'lattsmouth, rnua rmnntv. Kehraska. ' itocniiKn of his udverse possession by himself and his grantors and their grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement oi mm mm nuu to en loin ench and all of you from i.ovinir or claiming to have any right 4itlo, Interest or claim, either icgal or equitable In or two said lands or any Vart thereof, and to require you and eacli or you to set lorin your rigni, in.. Hen or Interest therein, if any, cither legal or coultnble, and to have iv,.. umo ndhidircd Inferior to the title of nlnlntlit and for general relief 1 1 f. Id v This notice Is made pursuant to the order of the court. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday. March 3rd. A. D. 1913, or your vlefnu t will no auiy entered uierein. CHARLES 1'. PFKIFER, Plaintiff. J. K. DOUGLASS. Attorney. r-. V - If you have anything to sell an ad In tho Journal will sell It. 'TICK OK HKKKHKE'S SLK. lu 4ke lllMlrlet (uurt iu aud for tana I 4uiil, Nt-l.ranka. ; N". I lii- .1. 11. .Hue. l'l.iii.l.iT, ! vs. I W J. iu ia. Joseph H. Keeniin, Augusta ! kiruan. Helen M. A I wine, formerly Helen M. Keenau. Ccuitc 11. A I wine, Herbert J. Keenau, Annette Keetian, John I lamlnljili Keenau. James Keen- i an iiiui James V. Holmes. i Defendants. j Not u e is heieoy given that under und j l virtue i.f a decree entered in this ease on the ."ith day of January, A. I '. IS I Li, the undersigned sole referee, "ill on the lid day of March, A. 1. l!'l I, at eleven o'clock a. m., at the south door of the Coiut House ill the "iiy of I'lattsmoiith. I'ass County, Ne luaska, sell at public auction the fol low iiiw described real estate, situated In the County of Cass, Nebraska, to rt il: Commencing at a point on quarter section line running East und West tluouMi Section nine (SO, Township eleven (11), Kange fourteen (14), iu Cass County, Nebraska; 1 7 4 6-10 feet East of the quarter section corner on West side of Section nine (9), Town ship eleven (lit, Kange fourteen (14); running thence south 2773 feet; thence East 4(h) feel; thence Nortli 266 feet; thence East 92i feet; thence North 5;12 feet; thence East to the hanks of the Missouri river; thence along the banks of the Missouri river in a northerly direc tion to a point where said banks of the Missouri river Intersects the quarter section lino running East und West through Section nine (9), Township loven ( 1 1 ), llange fourteen (14); thence West along said quurter section line to tho place of beginning, together with lands formed upon und against said escribed lands by accretion, alluvion, eliction and evulsion. Also lots one (1), two (2), three (3), our (4), nve (a), six (ti), seven to, Ight (8, nine (9), ten (10), eleven 11) and twelve (12). in block three (3) West nd block one (1) North, and one (1) East of the public square in the Vlllagn of KocK limns, Cass coun ty, Nebraska, together with the portion of the vacated streets surrounding the same belonging thereto. Said property will be sold tor cash to the hliThest re sponsible bidder. Hated at I'liittsmoutn, iNenraska, una th day of January, A D .1913. C. E. TEFFT, Keferee. It AWLS & hobeutson', Attorneys. J. J, Thomas, Attorney, NOTICK OK AimiMSTllATOirS SALIC In the District Court of Seward County, Nebraska. In tho Matter of the Estate of Thomas A. llealey, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that In pursu ance of an order of the Honorable Ueorge F. Corcoran, one of the Judges of the District Court in and for Seward County, Nebraska, made on the 2nd day of Julv, 1912, at cnumuers, at tne court House In the City of York, York County, Nebraska, for the salo of the real estate hereinafter described. I will soil at the front door of the Court House In the City of I'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the 1st nay oi ueoruary, 1913, at one o'clock p. m., for cash, the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lots seven (7) ana eigtit (8), in uiock ten O0V of Carter's Addition to Weep ing Water, Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one nour. HENRY J. MATZKB, Administrator, with the will annexed of the estate of Thomas A. llealey, de ceased. NOTICE. Plate of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. To James V. Kaspar, Non- Resident, Defendant. You are hereby notified that the plaint iff, Louis Rotter, has com menced an action against you and Maud V. Kaspar, jointly, in Justice Court, before M. Archer, Justice ( f tho Peace in and for said Coun ty, the object and prayer of which is to recover judgment against you on a promisary note for $100, villi interest at tho rate of 8 per cent, from the 7th day of Ftb- ruary, 1912, and costs of action. You aro hereby notified to answer said action on or before the 21st day of February, 19t:t, at 9 o'clock a. ni., and in failinfi sn fo rin your default will bt duly entered therein and judgment taken as prayed for by plaintiff. T.OUIS ROTTER. PlainlilV. Oil I) EH TO SHOW r.tl'UK. Iu the IliHtrict Court of Cnmt County. iNehraNka. In the Matter of the Estate of NleholaH Ilalmes. Dereuxed. This cauxe came on for hearing up on the petition of Nicholas C. Ilalmes, executor of Hie will and estate 01 Nicholas Ualmes, deceased, for con struction of paragraph nine of the will of nald deceased and for order anil license to sell the real estate, tin re quired by law, and the will of said deceased, which real estate is more particularly described as follows N 'A, SE ",. Kec. 2K. Two. 12, nanore 9, S' of SW and NW V4 of SW y4 or Sec. X-12-13, H Vi or SE '4 and S Vi of r!W V, and NW of SW U of Sec. 7-12-13. NE V of NW 4 of Sec. 5-12-13, all In Cass County. Nebraska, Lots 10, 11 and 12, In Block 2. of the City of I'lattsmoutli, Ne braska. It Is therefore ordered that all per sons Interested In said estate appear before me on the lfdh day of March, 1II13, at 10 o'clock a. ni., to show cause, If any they have, why said will should not be Interpreted and construed by the Court and show cause why order of Court, directing and guiding the eecutor in maklnx a sale of tho said real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased, and why a license should not bo granted to said executor to sell the above described real estate of said deceased. It is further ordered that a copy of this order to show cause be published for iour successive weeks prior to said time of hearing, in the i'lattsmouth Journal, a newspapsr published twice a week at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, and of general circulation throughout said County. Dated this 30th day of January, 1913. HAItVKY D. TKAVIH. Judge of the District Court. D. O. DWYEU, Attorney for Executor. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that tho Chopie Gasoline Engine! Company (Limited), of .lMattsmouth, Ne braska, has issued fully paid up capital stock to Hie amount of Fifty-four Thousand Nine Hun dred Thirty Dollars (9" S.930.00) , and that said Corporation has an indebtedness for current expenses only amount inp to the sum of ?20i.7C. Dated this (Uh dav of January, 1013. Jno. A. Chopieska, President. Edw. Rynolt, Adolph Giese, II. M Socnniclisen, II. F. Goos, Directors. Seed Potatoes for Sale. i Kil1- !! Earliest seed pota. ,,)0S f,. v . niiodnn Mnr. ray, Neb. 'Phono 8-J. ..TT.U'UMKVr SOTICK. J. W. Davis will take notice that on the 2nd day of January, 1913, Al. Archer, a justice of tiie peace of Cass County, Nebraska, issued en order of attach ment for the sum of $5.00 In action pending before him, w herein A. ll. llach .V Co. is plaintiff and J. W. Davis de fendant, that property of said defend ant, consisting of monev, has been at tached under said order, said cause was continued to tlie 20th day of Feb- ruarv, 1 1 :t . at it o'clock a. in. A. ti. BACH & CO.. 1'laltitllT. Public Sale! The undersigned will sell al Public Auction, at his home, four and one-half miles west and one mile soulh of Murray, four miles north and one-half mile west of Nebawka, one mile soulh and one. half mile west of the old Fulton blaeksmil h shop, on THURSDAY, Fff BRUARY 20, 1913. Sale will commence at 1 o'clock sharp. The following described properly:. A Head of Horses 4. One black gelding, 6 years old. One sorrel gelding, 3 years old. One bay gelding, 7 years old. One bay mare, smooth iiiouIIk First-class milk cow li years old. Farm Implements. One Salt ley riding lister. Ono riding stirring plow. One -'-row Badger cultivator. One One tongue cultivator, tongueless cultivator. One broadcast Hornet seeder. Two sets good harness. One 3-row slalk cutler. One farm wagon. One single buggy. One set of bob-sleds. One base burner. One Sure Hatch incubator eon egg. Some lumber and woven wire. Household goods and numerous ether articles. Terms of Sate: All sums of $ 10.00 and under, cash; all over $10.00 a credit of eight months will be given, pur chaser giving good bankable paper, bearing 8 per cent from date. All property must be set tled for before being removed. ' 0. V. BAILEY, Owner. Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers. V. G. Hoedeker, Clerk. Maple Grove Notes Mrs. John Diirman is on ,-ick list this week. the Rev. Huebner was a Maple Grove caller Tuesday. John Quisl and son, Henry, were Murray visitors Monday. Miss Johnson spent Sunday with her mother at Nebraska City. Will Gilniore spent Tuesday at the home of his uncle, Wilson (iilmore. Quite a number of Maple Grove citizens were county seat visitors Saturday. P. A. Hild shelled corn last Friday, delivering it to Grover Will & Co. Otto Puis and Henry Engelke meir delivered hogs to the Murray market Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wulf of Avoca spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hild. Quite a number of farmers of this community are delivering wheat to the Murray market this week. P. A. Hild had a very sick h .'-se Monday. Dr. Tuck was summon ed, and with hard work he soon traveled again. Mrs. W. H. Puis and Mrs Dellef Bannock of Coleridge spent last Thursday at the county farm with Mr. and Mrs. Tains. Mr. ami Airs, l ritz Lutz and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gansemcr spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Otto Pulo. Mrs. Adam Hild aDd Mrs. Fred Hild celebrated their birthday an niversaries Sunday. A large crowd was present to heip in the occasion. A double birthday anniversary was held at the homes of Mr. ant Mrs. Adam Hild and Mr. and Mrs Fred Hild last Sunday, which was attended by the following Messrs. and Mesdames William Puis, Henry Wulf, George Mei singer, August Engelkemeir Michael Hild. George Hansen George Hild, Edward Gansemcr, F. A. Hansen, Louie Friedrich, Louie Puis, Jake Hild, P. A. Hild, W. H. Puis. Mr. John Mock, Mrs. Dellef Bannock, Rev. Huebner and Miss Amick. Players' Club, Notlcel The Plattsmouth Players' club w ill meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Austin on every Mon day and Thursday evening of each week for their regular rehearsal for the "Princess Chrysanthe mum," a light opera which (hey will give on March 2(5. i MURDOCH. 5 Special Com'j.poiHlent.) v W-W-!"HI-WH-K-4-:":-K Some ctilil, snappy weather this wook. Mrs 1'ritlay (u'uriio l it was in Omaha I'.mma Hurgimwi isiei friends in Klmwood Sunday. Mr. Williamson was in Lincoln Thursday on business. Morel (iillespie was a passenger lo Lincoln Friday on No. 1 Lena Wieshiet Sundayed with her sister, Ida, at the Hotel (iil lespie. Orayee Lawton of Wabash has been visiting friends here for a few days. After a long absence Lee le Ford has returned to his old home for a short visit. Some of our young- folks at tended the dance at Klmwood Wednesday evening. Esther Hart of Alvu came down Saturday evening to spend Sun day with Eva Sorick. The Ladies' Aid society met at the M. E. church Wednesday and spent a pleasant afternoon. Warren Richards left Sunday for Chicago, where he expects to attend the automobile show. A bouncing baby boy arrived at Oscar ink's home last week. The mother and baby are doing line. Miss Louisa Swaker and Mattie Carpenter of Alvo have been visit ing relatives here the past week. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Outhmaii and family have returned home from a short visit at l'laltsniouth. Wo are glad to know that the many sick ones of Murdock and vicinity are improving as well as can be expected. Some of the young folks of our town attended the dance at John Rung's house last Tuesday even ing and they all came home say ing they had a delightful time. The Rush sisters, Nellie and Jessie, attended the wedding re ception of their cousin, James Foreman, of Alvo, Friday night, returning home Sunday evening on No. li. I- MAX DUSTERHOFF, l- Murdock, Neb., 4 J Painter and Decorator, 4 J. Paper Hanger, 4 Wall Paper. Mrs. W. O. Gillespie and father, A. J. McNamara, took No. 13 Tuesday morning for Lincoln, from where they will go to Fair- bury to visit relatives for a few day, John Amgwert loaded his household goods Thursday for Omaha, where he and his wife and daughter, Marvel, will make their home in the future. We wish them success. Misses Lyda Sorick and Hello Davison, thinking walking a grand exercise, started out Sunday morning and by noon found them selves the guests of their old friend, Grayce Lawlon, f Wa bash. Lost Wealth. Lost wealth may be regained if we do not lose our head with it. We should start with new energy and try our best to repair tho loss. Even if we lose our health we must not despair, because, in most instances, we can get well again. In such cases it will be necessary, in the first place, to strengthen the digestive system with Triner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine. As soon as this system will accept enough food and digest it thoroughly, the whole body will recover. This remedy will clean mil the system, will strengthen I he body, will re lieve constipation, colic and cramps, headache, many diseases of the stomach and t lu; intestines and will give you new energy. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1. 130-3".) So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Triner's Liniment for sore muscles and joints. Ilazol-Menthol Plasters Effectively relieve pain. Tbe toothing ef. foots of Menthol are quickly felt In Buck, acho, Rheumatism, Sciatica and other naiofnl affection. Yard rolls $1.00; regu. lainize 2ro. All drugging or direct by mail. Davit A Lawrtnc Co., New York. UamplM mailed opoa reqaeit, 6c lUmpa, . Contnina no harmful drug: All dealers. DAVIS LAWRENCE CO., Nw York. ft Decp-seated Colds OCoughs, Croup, Bronchitis , -Paul's News Stand! You are Cordially Invited A full line of Magazines, Daily Papers and Popular Periodicals. A splendid stock of Foreign and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos and Smoker's Materials, best brands of Chewing Gum, Post Cards, Etc. Will Appreciate Paul Stadleman, Bookmeyer Building, Alvo Hews Mrs. Ilendriekson was in Lin coln Thursday. Fay l'arsell of Lincoln visited friends here Sunday. Miss Violet Ough visited friends in Murdock last Thursday. Orion Baldwin has been clerk ing for Fred Dreamer the past week. Miss Kale Sutton went to Lin coln Sunday evening for a couple of weeks' visit. Miss Grayce roreman visited last week at Lincoln with friends and relatives. Jake Forsythe came down Sun day to attend the funeral of bis old friend, Henry Snoke. Mrs. (ieorge Foreman, sr., was a passenger lo Lincoln Sunday evening on No. 17.. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hoyles visit ed Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Hoyles at Lincoln. Morgan McCurdy of Lincoln spent several days last week with his sister, Mrs. F. M. Grove.. Ray Parsell and family of Elm wood visited Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jv E.. Parsell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and children of University Place visit, ed Sunday with Mrs. IJina Kitzel Mrs. O. P. Cook and children visited a few days with her sister, Mrs. Carlton Gullian, at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of University Place ale Sunday din ner with Mr. and Mrs. R. A Stone. Mr. Lemon of Lincoln accom- baum, home Sunday, visiting with haum, homo Sunday, visiting with him until Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Keuhn returned Friday evening from Omaha, where their little daughter, Alice, underwent a successful operation for ademoids. Mrs. William Powell of Lincoln, who spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Shaffer, and Miss Violet Ough, returned to her home Friday evening. Mrs. George Peterson, who has been quite ill for the past two weeks, is getting along nicely. Her sister, Mrs. Fredericks, of Eagle, spent the past week with her. J. A. Shaffer went to Lincoln Tuesday to meet his sister-in-law, Mrs. Fred Shaffer, and son, Ross, of Denver, Colo., who visited with Mr. and Mrs. SbafTer until Thurs day, when she went lo Wilber, Neb., lo visit her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. George Ross. United In Wedlock. Mr. and Mrs. James 11. Fore man, sr., went to Grand Island, Neb., to attend the wedding of their son, James H. Foreman, jr., aged 23 years, to Miss Gladys M. Appleberg, aged 18 years, of that place, which occurred January 30. Mr. and Mrs. Foreman gave a re ception for the bride and groom Friday evening, January 31, at their home, north of town. About sixty invited guests attended. Among those from out-of-town were: Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Apple berg of Alliance, Neb., parents of the bride; Mrs. William A. Linch and daughter, Eva; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Linch and Harry Linch of University Place; Mr. and Mrs. John Linch of Lincoln, A. J. Fore man of Havelock, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linch of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Andel of IMen mont, S D., and the Misses Nellie and Jessie Rush of Murdock, Nidi. We extend congratulations to (be happy young coupb'. Death of Henry Snoke. Henry Snoke died al the hnine of his daughter, Mrs. Sam Cash- HIT, on January 31. 1913. at the aue of 77 years, after onlv one Your Favors Plattsmouth, Nebraska week's illness, although he had not been real well for tho past live or six years. Mr, Snoke was born in Pine Grove, Pa. At the age of 22 he came west to Ohio, but soon left there for Oskaloosa, Iowa, where he was married to Miss Mary M. Prouly March 4, 18(50. They moved to Nebraska in I8(i0, homesleading near Eagle, and since resided in Cass county. Funeral services were held Sun day at 1:30 o'clock at the M. E. church, Rev. E. L. Uptegrovo con ducting the services, and the re mains were laid to rest in the Eagle cemetery beside his wife, sho having passed away Septem ber 5, 1 900.. Ho is survived bv a daughter, Mrs. Samuel Cashner, and an adopted son, Ellon Snoke. Mr. Snoke was highly respected by all who knew him and many friends sympathize with the be reaved families. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the kind friends and neighbors wbo assist ed us during the illness and death of our beloved father, Henry Snoke, and for tlie- beautiful floral offerings from the Ladies' Aid society. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cash ner, sr. Mr. aud Mrs. Elton Snoke and Children. Heavy, impure blood makes muddy, pimly complexion, head aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound di gestion, use Burdock Blood Bit ters. $1.00' at all store. Hogs for Sale. Puro bred Poland-China sows, bred for April farrow. 'Phono No. 362-Green. C. L. Mayabb. l-30-5t-wkly For a' mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doan's Ilegulets, a modern laxative. 25c at alt stores. Circus rider? No, School Boy. The class room only half trains the boy. Strong bodies, steady nerves, quick thinking, courage these also should be developed. The old fashioned school did not do it. Culver does it wonderfully. Make a little journey to Culver with Lyman Howe's moving pic tures tonight and see for yourself. You will be intensely interested in the dashing drills and scienti fically regulated training of this modern school. After the performance write The Superintendent, Culver, Indiana, that you have pecn Mr. Howe's Culver pictures. A beautifully illustrated hook will be Bent you deHcrintive of a course that has attracted the sons of tho most intelligent and representative people of forty-one states of the Union. Culver cuit fully inv..":'ate3 every applicant imd accept- .inly boys of excellent chm-acLr.