The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1913, Image 2
. ',-rr ;::.' '--.tit j: ... I i ! V i:T8 9 (I!! 1 5 wnen I Buving I i Baking J g Powder J For this is the baking powder f tliat"inakesthe B baking bcucr." I I I I I It lcavtn3 the P food evenly B I throughout; null's m III U ... J fc'"- ness, makes it dc- g 8 lijjliifully appetiz- ing and wholesome. " p Uemember, Calu 5 5 ni"t id moderate in B g price highest in Q g quality. Q 9Asl; your ;rncer fr g Cnhurtt. Don't take a B J C'.ib::lit'ite. g R !ECKIVIJO HICHKST AWARDS ft r Unrlj' Pik heed Cxtianition, r.... i.-, Mj.ih, 1312. SV QUAKING POWDEH Not TRUSt. Pj inut c I nit. w KM St V i v ''r BAKING 4 MAN LEY. v BAKING PC CHICAGO You Jon 'l sace money u .V n jjoii lug twap or blg-cun buJUK ponder. Don't hi mialiJ. I'irJ Cu'ume'. li'i man economical more uholewmt give hat results. Calumet It far tuperht to tout milf and soda. Operation Very Successful. I.iltlo Carl Wurl, who was oicr alcil on yesterday morning in Omaha for appendicitis, at last reports this morning was resting easily and was apparently getting along nicely and all indication pointed to I he recovery of ttio boy in . a Nery short tiino. The. friends here of tin; young man and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11 (J. Wnrl, will be greatly pleased to learn that the operation was apparently so successful and trust mat (.arl will soon be up and nrmiml again. I. D. Hraim was a passciiarer to Omaha Monday. Dr. Foidce was a passenger to Omaha Tuesday. James Carper and wile were shopping in Omaha Tuesday. Miss Lucy Hoom isiled with Mrs. Kd Kleischmann Tuesday afternoon. John Murphy, wife and two daughters were trading in Omaha Thursday. Clyde Jenkins made the usual Sunday trip to Weeping Water Sunday evening. llev. W. L. D. lliggins and mother, and Mrs. John Murphy spent Monday in Omaha. Johnnie Horn went to Louis ville last Thursday, where he is working in the stone quarry. Mrs. Jennett Hayes of Mon tana is spending the week with her niece, Mrs. Herman Urunkow. The Misses Daisy Jewell and Carrie Schaffer spent Sunday in Weeping Water with Miss Jewell's folks. Howard Johnson and family and Dan Rockwell spent Sunday in the country with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Keckler. Ed Kelly, Eli Keckler, Floyd Rockwell and James Murphy were passengers to Louisville this week one day. Mrs. May Taylor of Louisville visited with her sisters, Mes dames Fred and John Fleisch mann, over Sunday. Eddie Murphy and family of Archer, Neb., are visiting with Mrs. Murphy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carper, this week. The farmers say they will have some line gasoline engines and I he best washinging machines on the market to sell this week. Jake Heniiings' little daughter came home from Louisville Mon day, where she visited with her grandparents in the country. O. A. Coon and Mr. O'Brien were among the passengers on the Mis souri l'acillc lor Umaiia on inisi ness the latter part of the week. Hugh O'llrien and wife moved their household goods Tuesday to the farm formerly occupied by Mr. Haber, where Hugh will farm I his year. Anion Hayden shelled com last Saturday and hauled it to the Farmers' elevator, where they al- wnvs pav Hie nifiliesi price mr grain. 1'be Misses Katie and Mangio Walpbert ami Mrs. Char!" lae attended the funeral of Mrs. Williams at Louisville last Wed nesday. Leonard Schall'er returned home from I'latlsmuuth Saturday evening, where lie had been work ing in the Itnrlinglon shops for some time. Mrs. SchalVer and two daugh ters of east of Manley were pass sengers to Omaha Monday, where they spent the day, returning on the evening train. Mr. O'llrien is moving his fam ily to the Easlerday farm, for merly occupied by Andrew Kreck low, this week, where he will farm the ensuing year. Mrs. Herman Stohlmanu and sister, Louise, went to Sioux City, Iowa, last Monday evening to at tend the funeral of Louis Steel- macher, who died last Wednesday morning of rheumatism of the heart. Mr. Sleelniacher was an John Tigb unloaded a carload of alfalfa Monday. Miss S.inny Ah went lit York, where she will go to school. Jake Milh-r has increased his livery stock with a young driving team. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Coon took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Essick Sunday. Mr. Yates of Lincoln was in town Saturday looking after his lumber yard. Mrs. Dick Doom and daughter, Lucy, were passengers to Louis ville Saturday. The Farmers' Co-operative drain association held a business meeting Tuesday. 0. A. Coon is transacting busi ness in the western part of the stale this week. drandpa Wright and Miss Edith Strough took dinner at the Jake Miller home Saturday. The farmers are busy hauling their grain to the elevators while we have such good roads. Mrs. Jake Hennings had the misfortune to have her knee dis located one day this week. Mrs. Jake Miller and children attended Sunday school and church at Sunnysidc Sunday. There will be Sunday school at the usual hour next Sunday at Union church. All are cordially invited. Miss Anna Kraft entertained a crowd of young people last Fri day evening and everyone reported a good time. The Reiler Brothers are in this vicinity shelling corn with their new Cylinder sheller, and they are the boss shellers. The claim agent Tor the Colum bia Fire Insurance company was hero Tuesday and settled up the Mr. dregory loss. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. deorge Stohlmann's baby has been sick and hope the little one has fully recovered. Tom Tigho and wife and Mrs. Smith are here visiting relatives. William derlac is the proud possessor of a new bicycle. Ed Ruby was hauling wheat this week, and expects to buy a corn sheller from the Manley . Co operative drain association. Joe I'ortis of rairlax, Mo., was in town this week and purchased a horse of Jake Miller and rude hack to Missouri horseback. ,i. Ed Fleischinann built bimsJf a dandy little chicken coop tlih week back of the store building and expects to raise some chick ens this year. ' Andrew Krecklovv and family moved to Falls City Wednesday, where Andrew will work in an elevator. We wish I hem sueeess in their new home. Johnnie lioom and cousin, ..(VI herl lioom, of Colorado came home from Louisville Saturday evening and returned to work at the stone quarry Sunday even ing. Andrew Krecklovv had his sale last week and there was a good crowd present and his property sold reasonably well. Ho will work for a Mr. Mans! at Falls City. 1 1 Mrs. William Stohlman's We Sure Have It Both Large and Small And hope to have enough to supply you all. But to make sure you're not too late call Indepen dent phone 128, and order your coal either large or small. Also a Good Line of Soft Coal With! Lumber and Coal Company "7 $5 WORTH FOR $4 RJff3 $5 WORTH Ml It if i4 iSEMI-AHNUAILc 9 Ira 15 February 1st to February 8th Anything you want in this Great Big Stock of Dry Goods at 8c obh tine PoIIat9 11 or in other words any $1.00 worth of merchandise you buy only costs you 80c. There will be nothing held back the entine stock with the few exceptions be low will be out for you to select from. Groceries, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Cotton Thread, Carpet Warp and Paper Patterns will not be included in this sale. Saturday, February 1st to Satur day, February Sth, 1913 Krecklow, Will and Ceorge Kraft, ami John Sabs. The even ins was spent in music and various kinds of games. At the u.oial hour a sumptuous supper was served, which was furnished by Mrs. Iliirtmann and guests. At a late hour all departed for their homes, wishing Miss lledwiu many more happy birthdays. The miscellaneous .shower Unit was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray at the home of Troy Wiles, was a great suc cess, Tuesday February i. All were invited to lake picnic dinner at the dinner hour, and all present were formed in line and marched around the table, filling their plates vvilli the good things to eat. Those present were: Mes dames Frank MeXiirlin. Anna Pulls, Charles Meveragc. Merl Salcheil, Miss Hosa SchatVer, Mrs. Fred Schaffer. L. V,. Walker. Frank Johnson, Ed Ruby, l L. Strough and children, Menson; Anna John son, Frank llooney and children, Spence, John Greogory and daughter, Dolly; Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Murray, Frank Spangler, Phil Spangler, Charles Spangler, Harry Green,. Frank "Woods, Jake Mil'er arid daughter, Mary; Earl Wiles and son, Englekemier. George Wiles, Emberry and baby and Airs. Gregory's niece from Xe hawka. There were many' useful presents given by lhos(. present, and. lots unable to come reniem- ! bored them. Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray were soon convinced that they were among friends and plenty-of them, and gave many I hanks to Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wiles for Ihejr hospitality and also to the good ladies of Ibe neighborhood. brother, Walter Thingahn, am sister, Pauline, of South Ilend, came over and helped the former do their summer's butchering last week. Miss Lily Steincamp, who was taken to the St. Joseph's hospital at Omaha last week to he operatcc on for appendicitis, is getting along nicely and her friends are clad to hear of her speedy re covery. adopted son if Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stohlmanu and leaves a wife and three small children to mourn his loss. The community extends their sympathy to Mrs. Stohlmanu and family and the wife and chil dren. Herman Kupka came over from Murdock Saturday and slopped at the Farmers' elevator to see about his corn that was in the elevator, and Mr. K. said it was rough motoring. Fleischinann Brothers have the agency for the Wisconsin gaso line engines, and anyone wishing a good engine will tlnd that they have it. A sample engine is in the building occupied by Ed Fleischinann. There was a delightful surprise party given by Miss Mulda Grafe in honor of her cousin, Miss lled wig liar! maim, on Sunday even ing, January 'J (5, t'.il.'t, it. being her sixteenth birthday anniversary. Those present were: Misses llulda Grafe Mary and Lena Lau, Ileii riellla Gaebel, Martha Stohlmanu, Clara and Mollie Kraft, Herlha Sails, Mabel Wendt, lledwig and Elsie llartmann, Messrs. Fred and Louis fiaehel, Charles Lau, Walter Stohlmann, Louis and Lorence THIRD ANNUALS n r n GIVEN BY: PLATTSMOUTH AERIE NO. 565, (Do i AT COATES HALL c Saturday ight, Februoty i ith l 1 r" in Tt""- i imii i mm i ii i I u One for Best Gent's Costume, Representative of Character One for Best Lady's Costume, Representative of Character One for Most Comical Gent's Costume One for Most Comical Lady's Costume music by the HI. W. A. Orchestra Ek Cl ITS I S S I O SI Ispectato 25c Vai G BiUaVBI j Udles in Costume Admitted Free SITNo dancers without full costume admitted to the dance floor until after the Grand March and the Awarding of Prizes. WA costumer from Omaha will be here, and may be found on the second floor of the Coates Block on February 15th, during the afternoon and evening I