The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 03, 1913, Image 6

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    -Pawl's News Stand!-
. Ledger. 4
J Republican.
You are Cordially Invited
A full line of Magazines, Daily Papers and Popular
Periodicals. A splendid stock of
Foreign and Domestic Cigars,
Tobacco. and Smoker's Materials, best brands of
Chewing Gum, Post Cards, Etc.
Will Appreciate Your Favors
Paul Stadleman,
Bookmeyer Building, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
J News. !
to 1m
1 Autonioltiles have lieen Hying
around Ibis week almost, as thick
as in the summer lime.
Frank Martin got tioine last
week from Huntington, W. Va.,
where lie had heen for several
weeks visiting with relatives.
John Opp, who is in St. Cath
erine's hospital in Omaha re
covering from hid hroken leg, is
reported as getting along finely.
Warren Munn, sr., of Avoca,
left this week for Ohio, where he
will visit a brother and other ac
iuaintaiiccs that ho has not seen
for 25 years. To expects
gone for a month.
Hon. (Jeorge J. Spolin wa
down from Lincoln Tuesday visit
ing his brother-in-law, A. r.
Sturm. Mr. Spohn would not plead
guilty to more than a passing in
terest in the present legislature,
although an ex-members of a for
mer one.
Harry McConncll, who has been
Hick with pneumonia since last
week, is reported as getting along
as well as could be expected with
this disease. The whole family
have been sick with colds ami the
grippe, nut Harry seems to nave
heen hit the hardest.
J. M. Stone, accompanied by
his brother, William, who has
heen here from South Dakota
visiting, were passengers to Lin
coln Tuesday morning. The lat
ter, who has been in poor health
for some time, expected to enter
a hospital there for treatment.
John Schwartz has been work
ing for several weeks finishing up
the interior of Henry Sturm's
large new house. There are 16
rooms 11 n is lied in oak. Mr.
Schwartz has been "slinging
paint here for many years and
has plenty of monuments that
testify to the excellence of his
Wes Kivett, who went to North
Carolina about a month ago to be
gono all winter, came back Fri
day. We do not know for sure
whether it was the lure of a pair
of bright eyes that drew him
hack, or what it was, but Wes is
a bully good fellow and we neec
him here as bad as they do in
North Carolina.
Ft. M. Heck, engineer at the
east quarry, and Mrs. Mary SI rat
tori, who runs the iinarnmg
house there, were passengers to
Nebraska (lily Tuesday, and as
Mob sent a box of cigars up to the
boys that evening, the supposition
is that they patronized "one of
those celebrated matrimonial
mills at the City. If they did
here's wishing them all kinds of
luck and prosperity.
.J. Courier. 4
We are sorry to report the ill
ness of Mrs. (ieorge Slohlman's
Horn, Wednesday, January 2H,
to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watson, a
Mrs. Edward Jochim has been
on tho sick list, but we are pleased
to note that she is convalescing.
Fritz Ahrens moved his family
here last week from Syracuse.
They will occupy the Mcl.crsin
The nurse who has been caring
for Elmer Spangler returned to
Omaha, as the little fellow is re
covering steadily.
W. F. Diers has been at
(iresham this week assisting in
taking an inventory of the stock
at one of tho Diers Bros', stores.
John Koop was called to Herlin
Monday evening on account of
tho illness of his father. He re-
urned home Thursday morning,
eporting the old gentleman
somewhat improved.
Herman and. Louisa Stohlman
went to Sioux City Monday to at
tend the funeral of Louie Stell
macher. Ho was a Burlington
engineer and had made his homo
with the tieorge Stohlman family
about twelve years ago.
C. L. Miller is here from Ogden,
Utah, visiting at the homo of his
wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
August Panska. Mr. Miller is in
charge of tho commissary depart
ment of the Oregon Short Line
railroad and is taking a short
C. A. F. Dehning and wife of
Omaha visited here last Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schlei
ferl. Mr. and Mrs. Denning were
married on Christmas day and
spent their honeymoon in the
south, returning home on Thurs
day of last week.
Lewis Bird has been one of the
very sick ones the past two weeks,
but there is some improvement in
his condition.
W. 11. Cross has had a very long
siege of sickness and was confined
lo the bed a few weeks, but is now
gaing strength.
Mrs. Deane Lynde of Kings
ville. Texas, arrived last Friday
lo make an extended visit with
the family oT Myron Lynde.
Mrs. J. W. Taylor arrived home
Saturday from several days' visit
with her son, Sam Stiles, and
Either relatives at Ainsworth
"Hud" Thacker of Sloan, Iowa,
was here last week to make a
visit with his relatives and friends
and made a short call at this
Bert Crawford of the vicinity
of Coleridge arrived Monday to
spend a few days attending to
business and visiting relatives
here and at Murray.
Mrs. Matt. McQuin was in Oma
ha Monday and Tuesday to hi:
with her brother, Robert Trook,
who was operated upon for ap
pendicitis on Monday.
Herman Coiner departed Satur
day night for St. Louis to make
visit with his uncle, Ed Orimes
and family, and will spend some
time with relatives in Macon and
Randolph counties, Missouri.
William lloman and family
who have been employed on out
of L. C. Todd's farms for the pa
three years, departed last Satur
day for Missouri, where thvy ex
pect to make their home perman
Clint Leach, who had his right
leg broken last week by being
thrown from a wagon, has not
been very cheerful this weeK,
owing to the fact that it was
necessary to perforin an opera
lion and remove two pieces of
bone that refused to knit togeth
er. He is very fortunate in hav
ing the limb saved.
Mrs. John W. Huliga and sou.
Johnnie, went to York Saturday
o visit a lew nays won ner
Mrs. A. C. Welch went to Lin
lu Sunday evening to meet her
daughter, Mrs. Towle, of llarl
well, Xeh., who is no) very well
uid is coming to slay with her
parents for a time.
John Andrews, who lives nine
miles southwest of town, was in
our ollice Friday and lefL an
order for some job work. He
said that he brought three hogs
to town that netted him $81.-15.
C. II. Dusch. Cass and Otoe
counties' float representative
spent Sunday with bis sister, Mrs.
Diet rick Koester and family,
south of town, returning to his
dulies at Lincoln Monday morn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen,
who live four and one-half miles
east of town, went to Omaha
Tuesday in company with Dr.
Hungate, and on Wednesday Mrs.
Hansen underwent an operation
at. St. Joseph's hospital, which the
doctor said was very successful,
and at the latest report she was
pelting along nicely.
B. L. Philpol. and his father,
Charles Philpol, will leave Friday
of this week for Chicago to at
tend an automobile show, in
order that they may keep the
Philpol garage up-to-date. They
will visit several places of in
terest while on their trip, among
them Hanover, Illinois, the old
home of , the senior Philpol.
Mrs. F. H. (iorder enjoyed a
visit, last week from two cousins,
Mrs. Mary Blitz of Meservy, la.,
and her sister, Mrs. Sarah Van
lackum of Omaha. Mrs. Bulz was
on her way home from a visit with
her daughter at Blackfoot, Idaho.
A sister of Mrs. Oorder's, Mrs.
Turner McKinney of Alvo, was
also here to enjoy the visit with
I lie cousins.
Harry Mack, the advance man
for "The City," was here yester
day, looking after the closing of
the contract with Manager Shlaes
for the appearance of his show
here at the Parmele on Saturday
evening, March 1. Mr. Mack is a
very genial and alfable getillemau,
and if the show is as good as its
advance man il will, Certainly
prove a rare treat to the theater
going public. "The City" is show
ing through Louisiana this week
and comes direct from that state
to Platlsnioulh. en route to Chi
cago, where I hey will, show at the
Crown theater there. The show
carries a well balanced company,
beaded by Hugo B. Koch, as lead
ing man, for which; he receives
$300 a week, and it is a strictly
first-class city production in
every respect and has been mak
ing only the larger cities on their
tour, and Mr. Shlaes was-fortunate
to secure I hem for the Parmele.
Public Sale! '
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction to the highest bid
der, oil the old McVey farm, 4'j
miles northwest of Murray, 7
miles -north of Nehawka. 11 miles
northeast of Weeping Water, 11
miles southwest of PlatUmouth,
1 mile north of the old Fulton
blacksmith shop, and 1 miles
south of Eight Mile Grove ceme
tery, I he following described prop
erty on
Commencing at 10 O'clock .A. M.
Lunh Will Be Served at Noon.
13 Head of flood Horses.
6 Head of Good Mules.
IS" Head of Cattle 7 Cows.
1 gray gelding, 1:
weight 1,300.
1 black gelding
weight 1,200.
1 bay gelding,. t years
weight 1,200.
1 roan gelding, 8 years
weight 1,250..
1 bay mare, 4 years old, weight
.9 years
Dr. King's New Discovery
Soothes irritated throat and
lungs, stops chronic and hacking
cough, relieves tickling throat,
tastes nice. Take no other; once
used, always used. But it at
F. (I. Fricke & Cos..
Public Sale
4. Beacon. !!
-H-H-I "H-H
A bill in equity has been tiled
in the district court by Nicholas
C. Halmes, executor of the estate
of the late Nicholas Halmes, ask
ing that the court make an order
allowing the sale of certain real
estate of the deceased, in com
pliance with the provisions of the
will, which directs that the pro
ceeds be divided among the dif
ferent heirs as follows: Mrs.
Henrietta Halmes, widow; Mary
Thiers, Plainview, Neb., daugh
ter; Nicholas C. Halmes, Weep
ing Water, son; Peter Halmes,
Plattsmouth, son; Lena Heine,
Hayward, California, daughter;
Cleorge J. Halmes, San Jose, Cali
fornia, son; Rose Schulz, Texas,
daughter; Joseph A. Halmes,
Greenwood, son. The widow has
decreed to take the allowance
made by law to her and the land
will be sold subject to the life in
forest of hers in the homestead in
this city.
Thomson, Dentist, Wescott Blk,
We Sure Have It
1 11 ' 1 ' V " ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1
Both Large and Small
And hope to have enough to supply you all.
But to make sure you're not too late call Indepen
dent phone 128, and order your coal either 'large
or small.
U0rnTo Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Kavser. seven and one-half miles
southwest of Eagle, Sunday, Jan
nary 20, an eight-pound boy.
Mrs. Eugene Selz of Plaits
mouth visited her mother, Mrs.
A. H. Vanlandingham, last week,
returning homo Monday.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Keltlehub, four miles southwest
of Eagle, Monday, January 2", a
ten-pound boy.
Robert McClanahan, who for
merly lived here, now traveling
salesman for the Omaha Cold
Storage Co., was in town the fore
part of the week
L. M. Mieleuz, formerly cashier
of tho Bank of Eagle, now resid
ing in Lincoln, was shaking hands
with friends here the latter part
of last week
Miss Maud Jack, who has been
visiting at tho homo of her par-It i pnini CnPICTV
enls for the past three months, , J, UUIUL UUuIlII
left Thursday morning for Wash.
ington, D. C, where she has a
position in the congressional
Valley Trumble and Joe Ru-
dolph, two of our best base ball
hoys, have signed up for a tryout
with the Seward state league
base ball club. They will be
notified later when to report for
spring practice.
R. E. Allen has purchased tho
old Gishweller properly and is as
busy as a bee fixing it up. He
intends to move there tho first of
the week. Wo think this will
make him a nice homo and con
gratulate ,him on doing a wise
4 Dp. H. Thomson, dentist,
of Plattsmouth, will make
4 Union one day of each
4 week for the purpose of
J. looking after the dental
4 work of this community. He
4 will be In Union on Satur-
day of each week, beginning
January 4, 1913, until fur-
J ther notice.
-Also a Good Line of Soft Coal-
Lumber and Coal Company
Last Saturday Te!ng M. W
Spahnle's birthday, a number of
friends remembered him with a
sock shower, receiving in all 15
pair, no received one pair v. men
was made out of a gunny sack
and patched with crazy work,
which was largo enough for an
elephant. Max prizes this par
ticular pair very highly. He re
quests us to lhank all of those
who remembered him with the
The members of the T.
Sokol society and their families
gathered at their hall on West
Pearl street Saturday evening and
enjoyed their annual old-fashioned
dance, and most of the com
pany came clad in the costumes
that were reminders of their
native land across the sea, and
some of them were very original
and one could almost imagine
that they were at a gathering in
the old country. Tho music for
the ball was furnished by a band
composed of several pieces and
they rendered somes plendid se
lections, which were greatly en
joyed by tho very largo crowd of
merry dancers until a late hour,
when they departed for their
homes, feeling that tho occasion
had been one of the most enjoy
able they had ever taken part in
Having sold by farm, 1 will offer
at public auction, to the highest
bidder, on the premises, 3 miles
northeast of Neliawka, 5Vj miles
northwest of Union, 5 miles
southwest of Murray, and 9 miles
east and one-quarter south of
Weeping Water;. on
the following described property
Sale Will Commence at One
O'CIock Sharp.
Eleven Head of Horses, and Mules.
One span of black mare mules,
oming U years old, weight 2,800.
One span of black geldings,
coming 1 years old, weight 2,600.
One black gelding, coming 5
years old, weight 1,300.
One black mute, coming G years
Id, weight MMV
One smooth mouthed horse,
weight 1,200.
One iron gray pony, coming 4
years old:, weight 850.
Ooe roan horse, coming 4 years
old, weight 1,050.
One span black mules, coming
years old.
One good milk cow..
Farm Implements.
Two lumber wagons, good as
One McCormick binder.
One Zanesville broadcast seed
er, new.
One 2-section harrow.
Ono 3-section harrow, new.
One walKing cultivator.
Ono Badger riding cultivator.
One 16-inch John Deere sulky
One 14-inch walking plow.
One 2-row corn stalk cutter.
One John Deero corn planter,
Ono St. Joe riding lister, com
bined, 14-inch.
Ono St. Joo 14-inch walking
Ono Hoosier one-horso corn
Ono 16-foot log chain.
One Zanesville disc, 16x16.
One cross-cut saw.
Three sets of work harness.
Two barrels of cider vinegar.
Ono old buggy.
Many other articles loo numer
ous to mention, including some
household goods.
Terms of Sale:
All sums of $10.00 and under
cash; over $10.00 a credit of ten
months will bo given, purchaser
giving good bankable paper, bear
ing 8 per cent interest from date.
No property will be removed from
the premises until settled for.
J. F. MAUCK. Owner.
Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers.
D. C. West, Clerk.
1 gray gelthng, 2 years - old, -woight
1 team bay mares, 6 years old,
woight 2,100.
1 gray mare, 12 years old,
woight 1,350.
1 sorrel gelding, 3. years old,
weight 1,050.
1 gray mare, 7 years old, weight.
1 roan pony, kid broke, saddle
or drive, 9 years old, weight'850,
1 bay pony, 5 years old, weight
1 team of mules, both mares, 3
years old, weight 2,300.
1 team of mules, mare and
horse, 5 years old, weight 2,100.
1 brown mule, 4-years-old,
weight 1,000.
7 good milk cows, some fresh
and others will soon-he fresh.
8 head of calves, coming, year
lings. Some good brood sows.
About nine dozen chickens.
Farm Implements. and Household
1 8-foot Deoringbinderk.
1 5-foot McCormick mower
1 McCormick weed mower.
1 McCormick 10-foot rake.
1 Broadcast seeder, 10-foot.
1 Bradley riding, lister,
1 John Deere walking lister.
1 John Deere corn planter with
furror openers.
1 tank heater.
1 John Deere corn, drill, edge
1 John Deere 2-row c-ulllvator.
2 Float drills.
1 Avery walking, cultivator.
1. Avery riding cultivator.
1 Badger riding cultivator.
1 3-sdion harrow, 105 tooth.
1 P. & O. 16-inch walking plow..
1 12-inch Peru gang plow,
1 Peru disc.
1 2-row stalk euttcr.
1 single buggy, rubber tire.
1 road buggy.
1 low wheel truck wagon.
1 Moline lumber wagon.
1 Newton lumber wagon.
1 16-foot hay rack..
1 Sweep feed grinder with new
wit of burrs.
1 pair of bob-sleds.
1 Wenzelman corn elevator,,
1 10-horse Woodberry power.
1 6-hole Marseilles corn shel
ter. 1 one-hole seed corn sheller,
1 seed corn grader.
1 dipping tank. ,
1 stock tank.
4 setts of good work harness.
1 set single harness.
1 Economy cream separator,
1 Old Trusty incubator.
1 brooder.
Some barb-wire and 1,500 or 2,
000 feet of good lumber.
1 grindstone.
Household goods and many
other articles too numerous to
NOTE There is no Consigned
Property in this sale.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of $10.00 and under
cash; over $10,00 a credit of from
six to eight months will be given,
if desired, purchaser giving good
bankable paper bearing 8 per cent
interest from date. No property
to be removed until settled for.
W. K. Shepherdson, Owner.
Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers,
W. O. Boedeker, Clerk.
If You Doctored 19 Years For
.nd eventually found something that drove It out ot your Bytttom would you tll
verybody you could about it or rould you kep the noret to yurnplf T I think
one should tell, and If you wrltd an old aufrerer sha will toll you what drove II
from her at a coat of Irai than $2.00. Pleasa baar In mind 1 huva no medicine or
merchaadl of any kind to acll. ao you naed not be backward In aendlng for in
formation. I want to halp you and will give you all the Infornmtion without one
cent deposit. I can never forget how 1 Buffered from Rheumatism and how crip
pled I was for a long time, and now-no limp, pain or fear-all alRns of it are gone.
That la why I am not asking you to lend money for aotnethlng you know nothing
about, an 1 realize how many there uie who ask a lot and give nothing. Knclow
pontage for reply.
MRS. M. 2. COLLY, Apartment 100, 117 So. Leatborn St., CHICAGO.
For Sale.
Full-blooded While Wyandotte
cockerels. Price $1.00. Write or
'phono lino 19-N, Weeping Water.
Mrs. J. B. Dawson.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire lo pay their subscriptions
in wood are requested to bring it
in before tho roads get bad, as
wo desire to place it in the dry.
Come in with it, boys, right away.