The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 03, 1913, Image 3

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! nn: iiTMirT ioiht of as
ill Ml, KllK.Mv.. j
Th l.ini;ston Loan and BuiUlin,; As-J
t. ..ii. inn, l'laintifts. ,
vs. j
Adr-.iiic liate.x ainl John T. r.;.te. lier j
tnil uml, Uefemluiits. i
To Adelaide Vulva and John T. Kali's.
linr lilts-buntl. imn-ri'siilfiit clftiniiaiUis j
in the above entitled action. ,
You and each of you aiv hereby i
ii.rt.'ii il that tlin bkJntiff mm- I
mem -d an uction aRalnst you in the I
lUKtric t Court of Cass County, re
brask.i. for the purpose of foreclosing
;i iiun-t.iKe tfiven Ivy you to the LIvlnK
tori i.oun and Ituildinn Association on
tho !t;tli iluv of .lanuary, l'Jils, covering
the I'oliou'iiiK tiescrihed real estate in
Oa County, Neliraska, to-wit: Com
incm'iir at a point in the center of
Krytnl street, said point being 156
f,vt wi-.-t and 15 feet north of a stone
nt M'. southeast corner of the NKV4 of
Section :'4, Township 12 north, Uantre
13, fast of the tit Ii p. in., thence ruuth
;n h :t'ii to a stake, tlnnce Wet -CO
Jei. tl.t pce south 17.8 f'.'t:! to a sink', east -U0 feet to tiu place of
u irt:i. uiim, containiiiK one aero, ho the
same mn.e or less nnl ) nown as j-ub-lot
I t.i lot 4, in the SRVi of the NE'
of kS -el ion 24, Township 12 north, Kanse
i:S east, of the Bth p. in., In Cass County,
Nebraska, which mortgage appears of
reoor.l in Hook 3! of Keal Kstate
Murt.t;,iKes at pa kb 275, in the onice of
the K.-ulster of Deeds of Cass County,
Nebraska, and to recover 110.70 for in-sunm-e
which plaintiff has been com
pel letl to pav, and to recover taxes for
th vears 190S-1911 Inclusive In the sum
of $14. 4S. with interest thereon from the
12U day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief.
You anl each of you are required to
aniiwtT said petition on or before the
mn dav of February, A. D. 1913, and
in i use o to do your default will be
duly entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's peti-
The Livingston Loan and Building As
sociation, Plaintiff.
Ey A. L. TIDD, It's Attorney.
The Lvingston Loan and Building As
sociation, Plaintiffs,
DeWitt Stanley and Anna Stanley, his
wife. Defendants.
To DeWitt Stanley and Anna Stanley,
bise wife, non-resident defendants in
the above entitled action: ,
You and each of you are hereby
nouiietl that the plaintiff has com
mem ed an action against you in the
DlHtrict - Court of Casf County. Ne
braska, for the purpose of foreclosing
a mortgage given by you to tho Living-"
ston Loan and Building Association on
h 10th day of September, 1906, cover
ing the following described real estate
to-wit: Lots 8 and 4, in Block 10, in
Thompson's Addition to the City ot
I'l.ittsmouth, Cass County Nebraska,
which mortgage appears of record in
Book 32 of Keal Kstate Mortgages, at
pagu 2X6. In the office of the Keglster
of Deeds of Cass County, Nebraska; and
to recover the sum of 18.50 Insurance,
which plaintiff has been compelled to
pay, and the sum of $77.15 taxes, in
terest und costs for the years 1907-1911
inclusive, with Interest thereon from
the. 12th day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief.
Vou and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th dav of February, A. D. 1913. and
in falling so to do your default will be
duty entered therein and Judgment
takiHi as prayed for in plaintiff's peti
tion. Th Livingston Loan and Building As
sociation, l'lalnttff.
By A. L. TIDD. It's Attorney.
la tfce District Court la and fur Caaa
County Nebraska. ,
Louisa Bay and Albert M. Bay,
Nancy J. Dysart, Elizabeth Wolfe.
Henry Wolfe, Kllen Krelger, Adolph
Krelger. Ida Cllne, Brunson Cllne,
Junes A. Dysart, Frank P. Sheldon,
louise Dysart, Jessie It. Dysart, Clara
Dysart, Charles it. Dysart ana
Ogaretta Dysart, Defendants.
To the Defendants, Ellen Krelger.
Adolph Krelger, Thomas P. Dysart
and Louise Dvsart: .
You are hereby notified that on the
21th day of December, 1912, plaintiffs
tiled their petition against the above
named defendants In the District Court
of the County of Cass, Nebraska, pray
inir Durtitlon of the following described
tc1 estate situated In the County of
Cans Nebraska: ,
The Southeast Quarter (SEU) of the
.Southeast Quarter (SKH) of Section
twenty-seven (27), the Northeast,,
Quarter (NE'4) of the Northeast Quar
ter (NK'4) of Section thirty-four (34),
the North half of the Northwest Quar
ter (NWU) of the Northeast Quarter
NKi) of Section thirty-four (34), all
in Townshln ten (10). Range 13 East
of the 6th p. m. and setting forth the
interest 01 piaintins ana aerenaams
therein. .
This notice is given pursuant to an
order of the court and each of you are
required to answer Bald petition on or
rrore Monday, tne lutn aay or pd
ruary, A. D. 1913, or your default will
be duly entered of record, and partition
of said lands made in accordance with
the findings and orders of the court
RAWL.S & ROBERTSON. Attorneys.
la tbf DlMtrict Court of Casn Conaty,
Charles P. I'felfer, l'laintiff,
Frances J. Solomon, et al..
To tho Defendants: Frances J. Solo
"'.Hi J'. inuiumun, 11101 liailio un
known; Elizabeth 11. Solomon, Josiah
Moores, Mary j. Aioores, Mary j. Lath
rop. K. M. Henderson, first name un
known; Bertha O. Dalton, Mary
Arminda Huffman, Caroline Huffman,
Kdward J. Moores, Alfred M. Moores,
Knoch (1. C. Moores, Eliza Moores,
Mahala Gray, A. J. Moores, first name
unknown; Nancy K. Epperson, Henry
Monies, t;awara or r;a Jocklm, Ida is,
Jockim, Andrew V. or A. W. Mc
Laughlin. Alena R. McLaughlin. John
W. or J. V. Seymore, S. J. Seymore, first
name unknown, .einam or .etham 1
McCulloch. Ithmar 1. or I. 1. Pills
bnrry, Nellie B. Smith, Chester II.
Smith. Fred Black, also the unknown
heirs and devisees of the following
namen, t rances j. csoiomon, ueceaseu,
ij. ii. Miiomon, neceasea, nrst name un
known, Josiah Moores. deceased. E. M
Henderson, first name unknown, de
ceased; Bertha O. Dalton, deceased;
Mary Arminda Huffman, deceased,
1 aioune itulimim, deceased, Kdward J
Moores, deceased, Alfred M. Moores. de
ceased, Knoch G. C. Moores, deceased;
Mahala Gray, deceased; A. J. Moores,
first name unknown, deceased; Nancy
K. Epperson, deceased, Henry Moores,
deceased. Kdward or Ed Jocklm, de
ceased; Andrew W. or A. W. Mclaugh
lin, deceased, John V, or J. W. Seymore,
deceased; .etham or zelham 1'. McCul
loch, deceased; Ithmar P. or I. I'. Pills
hurry, deceased, you are hereby notified
that on January lKth. A. 1). 1913. plain
tiff tiled his suit in the district court
or Cass county, Nebraska, to quiet title
to the following described lands in
I'lattsmouth, to-wit: Lots numbered
eleven and twelve, In Block number
rorty-three. In the City of I'lattsmouth,
Cass county. Nebrnska.
Becnuse of his adverse possession by
himself and his grantors and their
grantors for more than ten vears prior
in tne commencement or mis suit ana
to enjoin each and all of you from
having or claiming to have any right,
title, Interest or claim, either ivgal or
equitable in or two said lands or any
part thereof, and to require you and
each of you to set forth your right,
title. Hen or Interest therein. It any,
either legal or equitable, and to have
the same adjudged Inferior to the title
of plaintiff and for general relief
This notice Is made pursuant to the
order of tho court. You are required to
answer snld petition on or hero
Monday, March 3rd, A. D. 1913, or your
oeiauii win no nuiv eniereu tnorein.
CHAKLES P. PFE1KKU. Plnlntlff.
.t. K. DOUGLASS. Attorney.
ir you have anything to sell an
ad In the Journal will sell It.
la the District 4 onrt in 11 ml for 4 n
1'ihiiiIv ttrafckn.
Nettie J. Holmes. I'laiutiff,
s. '
V. S. Slieru. Joseph II. KeeitHll, Augusta
Keeiiun. Helen M. Alwine, formerly
Helen M. Keenan. Cit-m ge 11. Alwine,
Herbert J. Keeiinn. Annette Keenan,
John Kamhilpli Keenan. James Keen
an ami James W. lioiiaes.
Notice is Lcioi.y given that under and
by v li t ur of a decree entered in this
ruse on the J.'.th day of January, A.
1 . 1913, the undersigned sole nfi i'ee,
w ill 011 the oil day of March, A. D.
1913. at eleven o'clock a. 111., at the
south door of the Court House in the
City of riallsmoutli. Cass County, Ne
liraska. sell at public auction the fol
lowing ilescri betl real estate, situated
in the Comity of Cass, Nebraska, to
wit: Commencing at a point on quarter
section line running Kast and West
through Section nine till. Township
eleven (111, iiange fourteen (14), in
Cass County, Nebraska: 1T74 6-10 feet
Kast of the quarter section coiner on
West side of Section nine (!), Town
ship eleven (11), Iiange fourteen (14);
limning thence south 2773 feet: thence
Kast 400 feet; thence North 2lifi feet;
thence Kast 924 feet; thence North 532
feet; thence Kast to the banks of the
Missouri l iver; thence ulong the banks of
the Missouri river in a northerly direc
tion to 11 point where said banks of the
Missouri river Intersec ts the quarter
section line running Kast and West
through Section nine '.'). Township
eleven (111, Hange fourteen (14 ) ; thence
West along said quarter section line to
the place of beginning, together with
lands formed upon and against said
described lauds by accretion, alluvion,
reliction und evulsion.
Also lots one (1). two (2). three (3).
four (4). five (5). six (6). seven (7).
fight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven
(11) and twelve (12), in block three
(3) West and block one (1) North, and
one (1) Kast of the public square in
the Village of nock Bluffs, Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, together with the portion
of the vacated streets surrounding tho
same belonging thereto. Said property
win oe soiu ror casn to me nignesi re
sponsible bidder.
Datea at t'lattsmoutn, .enrasKa, tins
S'.th day of January, A D .1913.
C. K. TKFFT, Iteferee.
J. J. Thomas, Attorney.
In the District Court of Seward County,
Nebraska, in tne Matter of the Estate
of Thomas A. Healey, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable
George F. Corcoran, one of the Judges
of the District Court In and for Seward
County, Nebraska, made on the 2nd day
of July, 1912, at Chambers, at the Court
House In the City of York, York
County, Nebraska, for the sale of the
real estate hereinafter described. I will
sell at the front door of the Court House
In the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska, on the 1st day of February,
1913, at one o'clock p. m., for cash, the
following described real estate, to-wlt
Lots suven (7) and eight (8), in block
ten (10), of Carter s Addition to weep
ing Water, Cass County, Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
HENRY J. MATZKE, Administrator,
with the will annexed of the
estate of Thomas A. Healey, de
ceased. NOTICE.
State of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss.
To James V. Kaspar, 'on-
Ilesident, Defendant.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, Louis Rotter, has com
menced an action against you and
Maud V. Kaspar, jointly, in Justice
Court, before M. Archer, Justice
of the Peace in and for said Coun
ty, the object and prayer of which
is to recover judgment against
you on a promisary note for $100,
with interest at the rate of 8 per
cent, from the 7th day of Ftb-
ruary, 1912, and costs of action.
You are hereby notified to
answer said action on or before
the 21st day of February, 1913,
at 9 o'clock a. in., and in failing
so to do your default will be duly
entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for by plaintiff.
LOUIS ROTTER. Plaintiff.
Ia the District Court ot faun County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Nicholas Halmes, Deceased.
This cause came on for hearing up
on the petition of Nicholas C. Halmes,
executor of the will and estate of
Nicholas Halmes, deceased, for con
struction of paragraph nine of the
win or said deceased and ror order and
license to sell the real estate, as re
quired by law, and the will of said
deceased, which real estate Is more
particularly described as follows.
N SU 4. Sec. 2S, Twp. 12, Hangfl
9. SH of SW 4 and NV hi of SW
i of Sec. 8-12-13. S of SE 4 and 8
U of KW and NW 4 of SW
U of Sec. 7-12-13, NE M of NW
V, of Sec. 5-12-13, all In Cass County,
Nebraska, Lots 10, 11 and 12, In Block
2, of the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska. It is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested in said estate appear
before me on the 15th day of March,
1913, at 10 o'clock a. m to show cause.
If any they have, why said will should
not lie Interpreted and construed by
the Court and show cause why order
of Court, directing and guiding the
executor in making a sale of the said
real estate belonging to the estate of
said deceased, and why a license
should not be granted to said executor
to sell the above described real estate
of said deceased.
It Is further ordered that a copy of
tms oruer to snow cause oe puuusiied
for jour successive weeks prior to said
time of hearing. In the Plattsmouth
Journal, a newspaper published twice
a week at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, and
of general circulation throughout said
Dated this 30th day of January, 1913,
Judge of the District Court.
Attorney for Executor.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
Chopie Gasoline Engine Company
(Limited), of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, has issued fully paid up
capital -stock to the amount of
Fifty-four Thousand Nine Hun
dred Thirty Dollars ($54,930.00),
and that said Corporation has an
indebtedness for current expenses
only amounting to the sum of
Dated this fith dav of January,
Jno. A. Chopieska,
Edw. Rynolt,
Adolph Giese,
II. M Soennichson,
II. F.'Goos, ,
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
King of the F.ariiosi seed po'tn.
Iocs for sale. F. L. Rhoden, n .
ray, Neb. 'Phone 8-J.
J. W. Davis will tal-e notice that on
the 2nd dav of January, 1913, M. Archer,
a justice of the peace of Cass County,
Nebraska, issued an order of attach
nicui for the sum of Jj.oi) in action
pending before him, wherein A. ti. Hach
.V; Co. is plalntitf and J. . Davis de
fendant, that property of said defend
ant, consisting of money, has been at
tached under said order, said cause
was continued to the 20th day of Feb
ruary, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. 111.
A. C. BACH & CO.. l'laintiff.
110 n
When Plattsmouth Citizens Show
a Way.
There can he no reason why
any reader of this who suffers I he
Initiues of an aching hack, the
annoyance of urinary disorders,
I lie pains and dangers of kidney
ills will fail lo heed the words of
a neighbor who has found relief.
Head what a Plattsmouth citizen
Charles L. Hates, fanner, Ninth
and Walnut streets, Plattsmouth,
Neb., says: "Kidney complaint
seemed lo come upon me all of a
sudden. I attributed it to a heavy
cold, which settled on my kidneys
and made them weak, causing the
kidney secretions to pass too fre
quently. I often had pains across
the small of my back. When I
stooped sharp twinges darted
through me. I felt languid and
had little ambition. When some
one advised me to try Ir an's Kid
ney Pills, I got a supply from
Ilynott's Drug Store. They soon
benefited me and two boxes made
a permanent cure. I can cer
tainly recommend this remedy to
anyone who has kidney 'coin
plaint." For sale by all dealers. Foster
Milburn Co., Hufl'alo, New York,
solo agents for the United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no othr.
Surprise Your Friends.
For four weeks regularly use
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
stimulate the liver, improve diges
tion, remove blood impurities,
pimples and eruptions disappear
from your face and body and you
feel belter. Begin at once. Buy
at Rynott & Co.'s.
Public Sale!
Sale Will Begin Promptly at 10
O'clock A. M.
The undersigned will oifer for
sale at public auction, at his farm,
1 miles west of Murray and 7
miles north of Nchawka, on
the following described property,
Horses and Hogs.
1 bay mare, 7 years old,
1 bay marc, 8 years old.
2 bay mares, smooth mouth.
1 black mare, 4 years old.
1 black gelding, i years old.
1 bay gelding, 4 years old.
1 brown gelding, 3 years old.
1 bay gelding, coming 3 years
1 brown gelding, coming 3
years old.
1 pair of black geldings, coming
2 years old.
1 black colt, 1 year old.
1 black mare colt, coming 1 year
80 head of stock hogs.
30 head of brood sows, bred.
Farm Implements.
3 setts of work harness.
1 single harness.
1 Deeriug mower.
I Acme mower, nearly new.
1 Hoosier broadcast seeder, with
grass seed attachment.
1 Sucker State press wheat drill.
1 Packmaker gang plow.
1 John Deere two-row disc plow.
1 Peru riding lister.
1 Sterling disc.
1 1-horse wheat drill, new.
1 2-row stalk cutter.
1 Jayhawkcr hay stacker.
2 Jayhawker hay sweeps.
1 16-inch walking plow.
3 corn plows.
1 Float corn drill, lister attach
2 steel corn plow boxes.
1 harrow cart.
1 Chatham fanning mill.
2 sickle grinders.
1 pair bob-sleds.
1 low wheeled wagon, with hay
2 farm wagons.
And many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Lunch will bo served on the
ground at noon by M. G. Churchill.
All sums of $10.00 and under
ash; over $10.00, 12 months' time
with 8 per cent interest, purchaser
giving not with approved security.
No property lo bo removed from
the premises until settled for.
II. C. Long, Owner.
Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers
T. M. Patterson, Clerk.
Local fJcws
Kimiions ltiehey was a passeng
er yesterday afternoon for Oma
ha, where he was called to look
after some business matters.
Kit Uummell. the genial fanner
from near Mynard, was in the city
Saturday for a few hours, coming
up to look after some shopping.
A. V. Meisinger of Mynard was
in the city Saturday attending to
business matters with the ditl'er
ent merchants for u few hours.
George Y. Snyder came in
from his farm in Plattsmouth
precinct Saturday and attended to
some trading with the merchants.
Attorney William C. Ramsey of
Omaha came down yesterday noon
rn No. 24 and visited with his
father, Judge II. S. Ramsey, be
tween trams.
Miss Herniie Spies departed
Saturday evening for Kansas City,
where she will make a short visit
with her brother. Elmer, who is
located in that city.
S. II. Snyder of Omaha, inspect
or of the water system of the
Burlington, was in the city today
for a few hours looking afl,er
business for the company.
Mike McCool and wife, and
brother, A. McCool, of Mulberry,
Kansas, departed this afternoon
for Omaha, where they will at
tend to some business matters.
Misses Marie Fitzgerald, Made
line Minor, Opal Fitzgerald and
Theresa Droege were passengers
yesterday afternoon on the Mis
souri Pacific, whero they attend
ed the performance of "The Pink
Lady" at the Brandeis.
Roy Burdjck and wife were in
the metropolis yesterday for a
few hours visiting wilh friends
and looking after business mat
ters. C. L. Wiles of near Mynard
drove up Saturday afternoon from
his farm and spent several hours
here attending to business mat
ters. Charles Jelinek came down
from Omaha Saturday evening
and spent Sunday here with rela
tives and friends, returning to the
metropolis yesterday afternoon.
George A. Kaffenberger drove
in Saturday afternoon from his
home west of this city and spent
several hours here looking after
business matters with the mer
chants. Israel Pearlman, jr., and Will
Pearlman were in the city yester
day afternoon for a few hours
visiting with their old friends, re
turning to their home on the aft
ernoon Missouri Pacific.
Mr. Dodson of Plattsmouth was
here this week endeavoring to
negotiate the purchase of J. P.
Kuhney's barber shop, but tho
deal had not been completed at
the hour of going to press and
may not be made. Havelock
,Do you know that more real
danger lurks in a common cold
than in any other of tho minor
ailments? Tho safe way is t.i
take Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, a thoroughly reliable prei -aration,
and rid yourself of the
cola as quickly as possible. This
icniedy is for sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
More Marriage Licenses.
County Judge Beeson today is
sued the necessary permits to wed
to Mr. Roscoe li. Fraiser, aged 24,
of Ashland, and Miss Lola Fthel
Timmons, aged 20, of Greenwood.
The wedding ceremony will take
place at the homo of tho bride,
near Greenwood. Tho young peo
ple are well known in tho west
ern part of tho county. Tho year
1913 starts out like a red letter
one in tho judge's office in tho
number of licenses issued.
Fine Eight-Pound Son.
This morning the home of
Claus Boetel, jr., was gladdened
by the arrival of a fine new eight
pound son, who will make his
home with them. The little son
and mother are doing nicely,
while Claus is wearing one of
those heavenly smiles and simply
treading on air, and Grandpa
Claus Boetel, sr., is feeling con
siderably elated himself over the
addition lo his descendants.
The Journal Want Ads for results.
New Daughter at Mason Home.
This morning about to o'clock
the stork arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Mason and left
in their care a bright-eyed little
ten-pound daughter. The mother
and little one are getting along
nicely and today Will is the hap
piest man in town, having now a
son and daughter to gladden their
home. Mayor Saltier, the grand
pa of the young lady, is also feel
ing pretty foxy over the new ar
rival and is wearing a broad and
winsome smile.
Players' Club, Noticel
The Plattsmouth Players' club
will meet at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Austin on every Mon
day and Thursday evening of each
week for their regular rehearsal
for the "Princess Chrysanthe
mum," a light opera which they
will give on March 26.
This is the season of the year
when mothers feel very much con
cerned over the frequent colds
contracted by their children, and
have abundant reason for it, as
evciy cold weakens the lungs,
lowers the vitality and paves the
wa for the more serious diseses
that, so often follow. Chamber,
iaiu's Cough Remedy is famom
for its cures, and is famous for
for its cures and is pleasant and
safe to lak'3. For sale bv F. G
Kricke & Co.
Surprise Your Friends.
For four weeks regular use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They
stimulate the liver, improve diges
tion, remove blood impurities,
pimples and eruptions disappear
from your face and body and you
feel bettor. Begin at once. Buy
at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s.
Hogs for Sale.
Puro bred Poland-China sows,
bred for April farrow. 'Phone
No. 362-Green. C. L. Mayabb.
For Sale.
I have just a few of those full
blooded Barred Plymouth Rne.k
cockrels left. 'Phone No. 31 White.
C. E. Babbitt, Plattsmouth.
Seed Corn for Sale.
Extra good, hand-picked yellow
seed corn for sale. F. L. Rhoden,
Murray, Neb. 'Phone 8-J. ,
Will Hold Train at Omaha.
Train No. 106 over tho Missouri
Pacific will bo held at Omaha un
til 11:30 on next Tuesday even
ing, February 4, for the benefit of
those attending "The Pink Lady"
and who desire lo see the entire
St. Mary's Qulld, Notloel
The St. Mary's Guild will meet
with Mrs. H. N. Dovey tomorrow
(Tuesday) afternoon, at 2:30.
For Sale.
House and eight lots, all front
ing on Main street, in Murray.
Call or address Nettie Connally,
Box 138, Murray.
For Sale Cheap.
House of six rooms, pantry,
porches, well, cistern, chicken
house, sheds. All in good condi
tion. Three lots. Young, bearing
fruit trees. Cement walks. Call
on Mrs. Emily Dickson at Mor
dock's store. l-21-2wksd&w
Visiting caras, invitations, pro
grams, and all otner kinds of
fanoy printing done at the Jour
nal office.
Dancing Cirlt Ar Married to Idol
Rprtnting Gods.
Parrotfl are taught In India to spend
a large portion of their time In repeat
ing the name of gods, and such a
npokesman brings a great price, espe
cially among business men, who Im
agine that by owning such a parrot
thulr spiritual treasures are accumu
lating while they attend to their usual
Many of the dancing girls in India
belonging to the temple aro called the
wires of the gods. At an early age
they are united In wedlock to the im
ages worshiped in the temples. This
strange matrimonial connection is
formed in compliance wltli the wishes
of the parents, who believe It to be
a highly meritorious act to present a
beautiful daughter in marrlngo to a
senseless idol.
The only foreigner who ever saw the
Inside of the great Templo of Jugger
naut was nn English officer, who suc
ceeded in gaining admission by paint
ing and dressing himself like a native.
When tho Brahmins dlscororcd that
their holy place had been thus defiled
they becamo so enraged that all the
English residing at the station were
obliged to flee for their lives.
Suspecting their pursuers to bo more
desirous of gratifying their avarice
than their reveiiRo, they strewed silver
money by the way, nnd whllo the nn
tlves stopped to pick it up they gulnod
time nnd succeeded in reaching a place
of sufety.-Hilkidulphla Inquirer.
trodLCs Bill at Lincoln.
Thinks Nebraska Should Take Lead
in Move Against Alleged Practice of
Country Doctors and City Surgeons.
Wolz Would Censor Films.
Lincoln, Feb. 3. Dodge of Douglas
will introduce bills for Important legis
lation in the senate this week. He is
going after the city doctor who gets
his patients from the country by split
ting the feo with the country ' prac
titioner. There is crying need all over the
country to force physicians to cease
the practice of maintaining a staff of
country doctors, whose main business
Is to end patients to tho city doctor
for operations, receiving a portion of
the fee for his Interest In tho matter.
That this custom prevails there is no
doubt and to such an extent that the
Hate Is very much interested in tne
legislation. It is suld to prevail not
only In Nebraska, but In other stated
and If Nebraska takes the lead in pro
tecting its sick from such methods, it
is the belief that tho wave of reform
will sweep over the country.
A bill will be introduced by Wol
of Dodge before the time for introduc
tion of bills lapses to create a state
censor bonrd of motion picture films.
This bill Is Introduced at the request
of the motion picture people them
nelves, who organized a short time ago
a state society of motion picture ex
hibitors. Doody May Get Allowance.
The house committee on claims vot
ed to allow $5,000 to Thomas B. Doody.
the guard who was shot during the
attempted escape of the three con
victs, Gray, Morley and Dowd, last
March. Doody fired at the men as long
as he was able while they were break
ing out of the prison.
Condition of Treasury.
State Treasurer George has pre
pared his report for the month of
January, which shows a balance on
hand of $615,384.28, as against $567.
429.3.4 last month. The receipts for
the month have been $842,284.97 and
tbe payments $794,330.02.
Cast Against Trading Stamp Concern
Submitted for Decision.
Hastings, Neb., Feb. 3. The suit
of the state to oust tbe Sperry ft
Hutchinson company, a New Jersey
trading stamp corporation, .from Ne
braska under the anti-free gift enter
prise law passed in 1911 was taken un
der advisement by Judge Dungan fol
lowing three days of argument. Be
sides local counsel, the defendant was
represented by New York and Lin
coln attorneys. The company's de
fense was made on the grounds that
its business of selling trading stamps
redeemable In premiums is not la
violation of the act, and that the act Is
unconstitutional. Authorities were
Quotsd from seventeen states where
laws said to be similar to the Ne
braska act were held to be invalid.
Ne decision Is expected for two weeks.
The case Is the only one now being
pushed for the enforcement of the
anti gift enterprise law, which affects
nearly all retail business in the state.
The losing 1de will undoubtedly ap
Crushed Between Locomotive aand
Baggage Car at Wray.
McCook, Neb., Feb. 3. Englneei
AInsworth Monks waa killed at Wray,
Colo. There was some trouble with
the coupler on the baggage car and
the engine was disconnected from the
train to correct the trouble. In some
manner the engine started and caught
Mr. Monks between the engine and
baggage car, crushing his chest and
killing him instantly. The body wal
brought to his home in McCook on
the same train he was pulling, No. 2.
More Money for Soldiers' Homes.
Lincoln, Feb. 3. The legislature
will be asked to appropriate funds for
additional buildings and equipment at
the soldiers' homes at Mllford and
Grand Island. According to statistical
comparison furnished by General Cul
ver, the membership of these homes
will Increase for tbe next five years
and that the demand will Increase foi
more room by reason of tbe fact that
as the sick Incresne it will be neces
sary to give each a room by himself.
Anthrax Killing Cattle In West.
Ogallala. Neb., Feb. 3. A fatal out
break of what veterinarians say they
believe to be an apoplectic form of
anthrax is killing cattle by scores in
western Nebraska. Andrew Tuckson,
a ranchman living twenty-flve mllcs
north of hero has lost fifty-two head
of hU herd of COO.
Seidhoff Cleared of Blame In Accident.
Crete, Neb., Feb. 3. A coroner's
Jury In the case of Mrs. J. Bemls, who
was killed by an automobile, driven by
Clements Svidhotr, found the death an
nccldent. It Is likely the case will he
pnttled by tho payment of damages to
the family. Scldho.T has been pros
trated nervously since the accident