The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 30, 1913, Image 7

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far f
MS out
Reed's Enameld Ware the Best Ware
' and at Prices that cannot be Duplicated from the Factory
30 Day Sale, Commencing Saturday, Jan. 11th
Public Sale
P. E
Local News
A. lledengren of Omaha was in
the city today looking after busi
ness for the Burlington.
Gus Pein returned this morn
ing to Pender, after a short visit
in this city with his wife and family.
Mrs. C. Iske was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where
she will visit witli her sister for
the day.
C. C. Jackman of Louisville was
in the city yesterday attending to
some business matters at the
court house.
Everett Wiles was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where
he was called to look after soim
business matters.
Mrs. John A. Donelau was a
passenger this morning for Oma
ha, where she will visit with
friends for the day.
F. O. F.genbcrger was a pas
senger on tne eany uurnngioii
train for Omaha, where he was
called on some matters ol busi
Prof. Ji. J. Kolbaba was a pas
senger on the early train this
morning for Omaha to look after
some business matters for a short
A. D. llhoden and George
Berger of Murray came up yes
terday from their homes and at
tended to some matters of business.
Edward llynott was a visitor in
Omaha for a few hours today, be
ing called there on some busitiess
Albert Shellhorn of Louisville
came down this morning to secure
a license lo hunt in this county
11. S. Austin returned this
morning from 'Glenwood, Iowa,
where he had been attending to
some matters of business for a
few days.
Henry Jess,' proprietor of the
Plallsmoulh Hot I ling Works, was
a passenger this morning for
Omaha to look after some matters
C. M. Head, from south of the
city, was a passenger this after
noon for Omaha to look after
business mat ters.
George Nickels, one of the in
dustrious joung farmers of near
Murray, w as in I lie city today do
ing some trading with the merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. (i. Hagcl of Wa
terloo, Wisconsin, who have been
here visit ing John Fight and fam
ily, departed Ibis morning for
their home.
lla ing sold by farm, I w ill offer
al public auction,, to the highest
bidder, mi the premises, :J:,l miles
northeast of Nebawka, 53 miles
northwest of I'nion, Ti'i miles
southwest of Murray, and it miles
east and one-iiuarter south of
Weeping Water, on
the following described property
Sale Will Commence at One
O'Clock Sharp.
Eleven Head of Herses and Mules.
One span of black mare mules,
coming It years old, weight 2,800.
One span of black geldings,
coming I years old, weight 2,000.
One black gelding, coming 5
years old, weight i.IiOO.
One black mule, coming 0 years
old. weight 1,100.
One smooth mouthed horse,
weight 1,200.
One iron gray pony, coming i
years old, weight 850.
One roan horse, coming i years
old, weight 1,050.
One span black mules, coming
2 years old.
One good milk cow.
Farm Implements.
Two lumber wagons, good as
One McCorniick binder.
One Zanesville broadcast seed
er, new.
One 2-section harrow.
One -section harrow, new.
One walking cultivator.
One liadger riding cultivator.
One 10-inch John Deere sulky
One 14-inch walking plow.
One 2-row corn stalk culler.
One John Deere corn planter.
One St. Joe riding lister, com
bined, 1 i-inch.
. One
There is one thing lor which
the citizens of IMattsmoulh may
be truly thankful and that is the
absence of contagious diseases in
the city at the present, and the
health rale was neer belter than
it is today. Several months ago
there were a few cases of scarlet
fever and diphtheria in the city,
but the authorities took hold of
the matter promptly and stamped
the diseases out before they got
headway, ns they did in some sec
tions of the county, and as a re
sult a condition of good health
prevails throughout this city. No
party residing outside of town
need have any fear in coining to
IMattsmoulh to visit or trade, as
the conditions here are the best
and the ultet absence of disease
shows the natural healtful condi
tion surrounding us as compared
with other communities, which
have been swept by contagious
diseases. If you are looking for
a place to get well and stay well,
you ought to -come to Plaits
St. Joe 1 i-inch walking
lloosier one-horse corn
J. E. Tucy was a passenger this
morning on No. 0 for Glenwood,
where he will attend io business
matters for ihe day.
It. C. Bailey, the genial citizen
of Nebawka, was in town yester
day, being called here to look after
some matters of business.
Mrs. Rhoda Coiner departed for
Stella, Neb., this morning, where
she will visit her sister, Mrs. Lee
Johnson, who is quite sick.
Sheriff C. D. Ouinlon was a
passenger this morning on No .15
for Lincoln, where he was called
to look after some business mat
ters for a short time.
Mrs. Luke Wiles and Miss Mar
iner were passengers this morn
ing on the early liurlington train
for Omaha, where
friends for the day
they will visit
Mrs. F. II. Stcimkor was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha,
where she attended to some mat
ters of business for the day.
Mrs. Sarah Ward and Miss Eva
Ward were passengers this morn
ing for Springfield, S. D., where
they will visit, for some time.
Miss Clara Mockenhaupt was a
passenger yesterday afternoon on
No. 2 for Glenwood, where she
attended the ball given in that
Mrs. K. It. Wescott and Miss
Clara Mae Morgan were passeng
ers this morning on the early
Burlington train for Omaha to
look after some business matters.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
M. E. church will be entertained
in the parlors of the church to
morrow afternoon at 2:30 by Mes
dames Orpha Hall, Josie Cecil and
Ida Campbell.
Mrs. O. A. Davis of Murray was
in the city for a few hours this
morning, en route to Omaha,
where she attended lo some mat
ters of business.
David O'Brien and wife
Osmond, Neb., who were ca
here by the dealh of W.
O'ltrien, departed this morning
No. 15 for their home.
Mrs. John L. Maylleld and lit
tle child, who have been here
visiting at the home of Mrs. May
field's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. II.
Peterson, departed tin's morning
for their home at Hubbard, Neb.
Joseph Mick, one of the most
prominent Bohemians in the west,
and one of the most genial men
in the world, was in the. city yes
terday for a few hours, coming
down from Omaha to look after
some business matters.
Andrew Morrow of Burwell,
Neb., came in yesterday afternoon
on No. 21 to visit with A. J. Sny
der and family. II is wife and Mrs.
James Gilmore camo in later on
No. 2 from Ulysses. Neb., for a
short visit.
Hoy Mayfield departed this aft
ernoon for Omaha, being called
there by a message announcing
that his sister, Miss Nellie May
field, of Memphis, was to be taken
to the hospital today, and Hoy
hastened up to meet her, as the
cause of the Trip to the hospital
was not stated.
10-foot log chain.
Zanesville disc, 10x10.
One cross-cut saw.
Three sets of work harness.
Two barrels of cider vinegar.
One old buggy.
Many other articles too numer
ous to mention, including some
household goods.
Terms of Sale:
All sums of 810.00 and under
cash; over $ 10.00 a -credit of ten
months' will be given, purchaser
giv ing' good bankable paper, bear
ing 8 per cent interest from date.
No properly will he removed from
Ihe premises unlil settled for.
.1. F. MAI'CK. Owner.
W ilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers.
D. C. West, Clerk.
To Remove to Havelock.
Frank McKlroy, who has been
engaged in the tailoring business
in this city for a number of years,
has secured a tailor shop in Have
lock and expects to remove to that
city in a short lime lo engage in
business. Mr. McKlroy has the
only tailor shop in that city and
should make a success of the
business there. Ho recently dis
posed of his residence property in
this city to Charles Hula, who will
occupy the same as soon as the
McElroy family remove.
Grandma DelesDernier has
been suffering with lagrippe.
Mr. and Mrs. Butler Morgan
left this morning for Missouri,
where Mrs. .Morgan will enter a
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. MeCiory
spent the latter part of the week
with their daughter, Mrs. O. 11.
Allen, near Wabash.
L. F. Langhorst left Wednesday
afternoon on a few days' business
and pleasure trip to Omaha and
other .Nebraska points, being ac
companied by Mrs. Langhorst.
George Warner and family,
just returned from California,
wh re they had been in the in
terest of Mr. Warner's health, are
visiting hen- at, the home of his
brother, Frank Warner and fam
ily. William Monroe of Murdock is
engaged as a clerk in the L. F.
Langhorst department store at.
this place, beginning his new
duties Monday morning. In com
ing lo Klmwood Mr. Monroe leaves
a good position with Martin St
Tool, one of Murdock's foremost
business firms.
- W ill Bickert ami son, Law
rence, of Kxcler. Neb., came in
Saturday and spent a few days
wilh Klmwood relatives and
friends. Mr. Bickert called at
this office to renew his subscrip
tion, and we were pleased to
earn from him that he and his
family enjoy good health and are
prosperous and happy.
Fiddler's Contest
Plttsmouth, Nebraska
Given by the Missouri Tribe No. 69, Improved Order Red Men
-Parmele Theatre
Tuesday Night, February 4, 1913
Three Cash Prizes for the Event:
-First $10- -Second $6- -Third $3-
There will be special features and many other prizes awarded. No en
trance fee charged to contestants, and is open to all fiddlers in Nebraska and
T 11 Pit . 1 ' l j-tM mm
lowa. LveryDouy coraiany inviteu. tienerai admission zo ana no cents.
All communications in regard to entrees and other business should be ad
F1 dressed to John Cory, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Miss Sena (loom .-pent Tuesday
in Mauley.
Virgil Miller drove'lo I.cuisville
Mr. Kssick returned from Oma
ha last Friday.
Clyde Jenkins visited in Weep
ing Water Sunday.
Mr. Murphy, who is quite sick
east of town, is slowly recovering.
Mr. and Mrs, Kssick took din
ner Sunday with Omar Coon and
John Carper and family spent
Sunday with James Carper and
family. " ,
M. C. Walker and Frank Rney
were trading in Mauley one day
this week.
Oliver Chandler of Klmwood
look dinner with James Carper
and family Monday.
Tom Keckler and son, Ralph,
attended a sale in the country
Wednesday afternoon.
Willie Carper and wife and
baby spent Sunday in town with
James Carper and family.
Mill Lene Coon spent Wednes
day afternoon with her aunt, Mrs.
Omar Coon, in the country.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bills attend
ed the funeral of Mr. Bills' father
at Pleasantdale, Wednesday.
Mrs. Ralph Keckler and two
children spent Tuesday afternoon
with Mrs. Thomas Keckler.
Miss Anastasia Tighe of Omaha
visited with her grandmother,
Mrs. Margaret Tighe, recently.
Miss Idly Steincanip was opev
aled on for appendicitis this week
and we hope she w ill soon recover.
. Dr. Fordyce and wife and Frank
Bergman and John Fleischmanu
j-vvere passengers lo Omaha Satur-
llil J .
Mrs. James Murphy enjoyed a
visit from her brother and wife
of Iowa from Friday until Mon
day. Jake Miller, James Murphy,
Charles (lerlac and Kli Keckler
made a trip to Louisville last
Mr. Nickels of Falls City has
rented the blacksmith shop and
will begin work about Ihe llrst of
March. ,
Dick Boom has opened up the ,
blacksmith shop and will work
until Mr. Nickels of Falls City
lakes possession.
There will be Sunday school at
the Fuion church Sunday and
prayer inecling Sunday evening.
All cordially invited.
Virgil Miller 'started in at. the
academy at. Weeping Water Mon
day, after being absenl for sev
eral weeks on account, of diph
theria. Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy and
Mrs. Charles (lerlac and two chil
dren were' passengers to Omaha
Tuesday jnoruing, returning on
the evening train.
To Attend College Banquet.
R. B. Windham was a passeng
er on No. L'3 this afternoon for
Omaha, where he will attend
bancpiel to be given this evening
al the University club, at which
former students of Harvard, Yale,
l'rincelon and Michigan will be
present, and Mr. Windham will be
on hand lo see that old Michigan
is well represented.
Mrs. C. F. Vallery and Mrs. Will
Rununell were passengers this
morning on No. 15 for Omaha,
where they al tended to some busi
ness matters for the day.
lion. Francis K. While of Oma
ha, grand secretary of the Ma
sonic lodge of (he slate, was in
the city today attending lo some
important business matters.
Charles Peacock and Phil
Becker drove in from their farm
yesterday afternoon anil spent
several hours looking after busi
ness matters with tho merchant.
John Bauer, jr., was a passeng.
er this morning for Council BlulTs,
Iowa, where he was called to look
after some matters of business.
K. If. Wescolt was a passenger
this morning on No. IT) for Oma
ha, where he was called to look
after some matters of business.
Attorney D. O. Dwycr departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where
hn will look after legal matters
for a lime.
JJJ,,J v"!JI
Republican. j
Or. lliingale reports the birth
of an 8-pound baby girl at, the
home of T. A. Wiles, northeast of
town, Sunday, January lit.
Will Ileebner is back of the
counter again at Ambler's store,
after a week's wrestling with
rheumatism, which had him
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tigh of
Havelock changed cars here Mon
day night for their home. 1 liey
bad been visiting at. the home of
James Carper at Mauley a few
Mr. ami Mrs. John Lean of
Klmwood. changed cars here
Friday morning, going to Louis
ville to attend Ihe funeral of Ihe
wife of Mrs. Lean's brother,
Charles Oxley.
Friday, January .'), al the home
ir her son, D. 11. llawley, of
Woodbburn, Oregon, occurred the
death of Mrs. Kmily !'. Havvley,
well known to many residents of
this place, where Ihe family were
long-time residents.
Herold, the -year-ohf son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Otte, living
northeast of lown, is very sick
with follielar tonsililis, so pro
nounced by Drs. Wilson and Carr
of the state board of health, who
were called lo examine the case by
the attending physician, Or. A. G.
Henry Karfl", slalo represent
ative of Cedar county, Neb., was in
town Saturday afternoon. He
used lo live near Avoea, and was
going to spend Sunday with his
old-time friend, John Wunderlich,
near Nebawka, returning to his
duties at Lincoln Monday morn
Klmer Brown of Oulhrie, Qkla.,
visited bis old friend, J. YV. Col
bert, Monday night, going to Lin
coln Tuesday morning to visit his
sister, Mrs. Miller. Mr. Brown
and Mr. Colbert wero boys to
gether nl Wabash some years ago
and it was the former's father that
built the Wabash hotel.
Maple Grove Notes
W. 11. Puis made a business trip
lo Nebawka Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Durmaii
moved lo Maple drove last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam llild spent
Tuesday at the home of L. II.
R. A. Young sawed wood Mon
day. Young and SI. John did the
Miss Johnson is on the sick list
and Miss Fit.patrick is teaching
in her place.
Mrs. Nick Friedrich spent Mon
day al the home of her mother,
Mrs. Schafer.
Miss Laura Puis spent Sunday
with home folks, returning lo
Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. Oelef Bannick of Coleridge
is visiting wilh her daughter, Mrs.
W. II. Puis, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herren at
tended the Hahsheidt-Sherwooi
wedding last Wednesday.
Quite a number of friends
gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George llild Saturday even
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis and
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis attended
the play at the Parmele Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Jake llild attend
ed the birthday anniversary at
Mrs. Fred Shoemaker's, near Ne
bawka, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Puis and
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. llild were tho
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kngelkemcicr Sunday.
Seed Corn for Sale.
Extra good, hand-picked yellow
seed corn for sale. F. L. Rhoden,
Murray, Neb. 'Phono 8-J.
New Directories.
The new directories for tho Lin
coln Telephono and Telegraph Co.
have been completed and all sub
scribers aro requested to call at
tho company's ofllco and get one.