The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 30, 1913, Image 6

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murray juepartment
I If any of tlie renders of the Journal know of a t'n:ial event or an item of intend n this vicinity and will mail same to this office it mil appear uwkr this haul imj
"Ve want all itemx nf interest. Editor Jour tai.
Home Bank-Owned by Home People
Murray State Bank
X Capital 810,000 Surplus 85,000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F. L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law.
3 C
Mr. Bird of Union is still in
very poor health.
O. K. Nickels was a Plattsmouth
visitor Tliur.Hilay.
A. F. Nickels is improved
enough to get around again.
Mrs. L. Rusterhollz lias been
on the sick list for the past few
Mrs. K. 11. Queen made a busi
ness trip to Nebraska City Satur
day. F. L. Rhoden and wife were
guests of G. S. Ray and family
John Stones lias been moving
this week to bis new home in
Mrs. Addie Stokes was visiting
Miss Kit a Nickels Tuesday and
Lee Nickels went up "Jeff
and Mutt" at the Parincle Satur
day evening.
Miss Ml t ii M. Nickels was trans
' acting Spirella business in Plaits
mouth Thursday.
The children of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Campbell are numbered
with the sick this week.
The little babe of Mr.. and Mrs.
Fred Ramgo has been quilf sick
for the past few days.
C. Bengon, sr, who has been
quite, ill for the past , few weeks,
remains about. I he same.
Mrs. Robert (iood, who has been
real sick the past few days, is re
ported belter at this writing.
John llobschiedl, jr., and wife
are spending a few days with J.
Sherwood and family near Union.
Leo Nickels drove to Nchawka
Tuesday, where he assisted Henry
Ost, do the butchering act Wed
Frank SI ranch and w ife of
Darnoslon, Neb., came to attend
the llobschiedl-Sherwoiid wed.
ding, returning In their home Sat
urday. The Sunshine band is prepar
ing to give a play, "Next Door,"
on March 1st at, Jenkins' ball.
Plan to he (here.
The oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
McConnell, residing near Nc
hawka, is suffering this week from
a severe attack of pneumonia.
New supply of magazines at the
Reed was in Omaha
Auctioneer, Murray, Neb
Public Sales a specialty, I
and caro taken to get the !
high dollar for your goods j
and stock. Your business !
solicited. Telephone 5-N. j
.JJ..J..J..J. jj.
The Ladies' Aid society met
with Mrs." 11. F. Brcndol Wednes
day afternoon for tho regular
business meeting. As it was the
first meeting of tho year a short
program was given, with refresh
ments nt tho usual hour. Mrs.
Carroll and Mrs. iSlauffer will
entertain tho society at tho next
rcgu'nr meeting two weeks later,
at the homo of tho former. All
members are requested f hp
The children of Mr. and Mrs.
the sick list this week.
Mrs. C. L. Creamer lias been
quite sick for the past few days.
Mrs. Perry Marsh has been on
the sick list for the past few days.
Harry Creamer and Waller
Reed took in the show Saturday
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Straw, on January 23, a ten-pound
baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. (J. M. M in ford look
dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Farris.
Mary Creamer, who has been
suffering with blood poisoning, is
greatly improved.
Misses Pauline and Fay Old
ham were Piatt sinoulh visitors
Thursday of this week.
Mrs. George Shrader and Mrs.
Charles Creamer were railing on
Murray merchants Saturday.
Mrs. Williams spent the day
with Mrs. (iapen last Wednesday
and with Mrs. Davis Thursday.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Royer, a bouncing ten-pound baby
boy, on the .rdli of January. Doth
mollier and little one are doing
J. W. Derger shipped a car of
ice from Nebraska City this week,
which will be packed in his house
for summer use.
Steven Deoknor has been assist
ing K. Shepherdson for the past
few days in making preparations
for his sale in the near future, j
There was a large attendance
at tho church last Sunday evening.
There was a great deal of interest
manifested and a very interesting
Robert Trook of Union was
operated oil for appendicitis at
the Presbyterian hospital in Oma
ha Monday of this week, lie is
getting along nicely.
Mr. ami Mrs. William Sporer
entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
ltaker and daughter, Opha, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mrendel at, a (
o'clock dinner Tuesday evening.
Rex Young was an Omaha visit
or Wednesday of this week, ac
companying his cousin, Miss
Gametic Mann, that far on her
return homo to Currin, Iowa, after
a few days' visit in Murray.
Little Martha Hollo Dooloy went
to Deallie, Kansas, this week,
where she will spend a few weeks
visiting with her grandparents.
Tho little one made tho trip alone,
bearing a lag giving her destina
tion. Mrs. Stephen Ueckner was
operated upon at tho Clarkson
hospital in Omaha last Monday
for a troublo of long standing.
Dr. Patton performed tho opera
lion, and hones arc entertained
for her complete recovery.
John Kinser came down from
Plaltsmouth Wednesday morning
and will lako up tho work of
plastering tho new homo of Harry
Todd, south of Murray. This will
bo quite a task, as there will bo
nearly 400 yards of plastering in
the Job.
A. L. Daker was in Plattsmouth
Please bring your magazines to
the library;
Miss Kdilh LaRue has been on
Jack McNatt have been sick this
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomasen
have been on the sick list for the
past few .days.
Albert Young has been building
a couple of ice bouses for Harry
Todd this week.
Mrs. Glen Perry is receiving
treatment at the Presbyterian
hospital in Omaha.
Ed Slocum and Henry Sands,
jr., were Plattsmouth visitors last
Saturday evening.
Lylo Lawton, who has been
quite sick for the past few days,
is some belter at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Porter and
family spent Tuesday with rela
tives and friends at Union.
Miss Anna Kikenbary of Lincoln
has been visiting for the past few
days with Miss ida Doedeker.
Murray was well represented at
the "Mult and Jeff" play in Plaits,
mouth last Saturday evening.
The Thimble Doe will hold their
next meeting with Mrs. S. O. Pit
man. The public are generally in
Charles Swan and Miss Clara
Copenhaver drove to Plattsmouth
Saturday evening to see "Mutt and
Jeff" at the Parmelo.
Miss Rosa Shaffer has been
visiting here for the past few
days, a guest at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Nick Friedrich.
Miss Mary Creamer, who has
been suffering with blood poison
ing for the past few weeks, is re
ported much belter this week.
Mrs. C. Tracy and son returned
home from Kansas City Monday
morning, w here I hey had been
visiting friends ami relatives for
I he past few days.
Murray has sure been on the
map for the past twelve months,
when it comes to slock shipments.
The total bead shipped for the
year 1912 was as follows: Caltb
1,72'J head; hogs, 3,9(5 1 head, and
one car of sheep. Tho sheep in
duslry has been rather slow. Th
month of April was the largest,
There being a total of 711) head
shipped in that month.
Vivian, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Doedeker, was
quite seriously burned Tuesday
Mrs. Doedeker was preparing to
scrub the floor and had placed a
pan tilled with hot water on the
floor. Little Vivian was playing
around the room and slipped, fall
ing hickward into the pan, quite
seriously burning the body. The
liltlo one's life will be saved, but
it may be dilllcult to grow new-
skin over the deeply burnc
Robert Filch was a Plaltsmouth
visitor Tuesday of this week.
Ms. Segil Davis is spending the
week with the family of Mr. and
Mrs. I. M. Davis.
A very interesting story, "Polly
Ann," in the Christian Herald.
You can get the story at the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spang lor
and family spent Sunday with
Mrs. Spaugler's mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman spent
Sunday with Mrs. Pit man's sister
and family, Mr. and Msr. Scliaffer,
near Cedar Crook. They returned
home on the M. P. from Mynard
Sunday evening.
Frank Schlichtemier and Joseph
Mauck were Plattsmouth visitors
Tuesday, calling at tho Journal
ofllce to have the bills armmrncrng
tho public sale of the latter, print
ed. You will find an advertise
ment announcing the sale irt an
other column of this paper.
A Social Time.
On last Saturday evening, Jan
uary 25, Mr. ami Mrs. J. 1. Royer
gave an oyster supper to a num
ber of their friends at their homo.
The affair was given on tho eve of
Mr. Rover's departure for Mem
phis, Mo., within a few days, for
short visit with relatives and
friends. There were quite a
number of neighbors and friends
present, and tho evening was most
pleasantly spent in games
and music. At a late hour all
departed for home, wishing Mr.
Royer a safe and speedy return.
Those present were: Jake Smith
and family, John Porler ami fam
ily, Karl Lancaster and family,
Jake Smith and family, John
Porler and family, Karl Lancaster
and family, John Kppings and
family, Herl Lloyd and family,
Herman Smith, Green Pickell, Or
val Rover, Fern McVey. Mamie
Royer, Nellie Tloyer.
One Who Was There.
John S. Irwin Born December
21, inr.5. in Pennsylvania. Died
at 7:20 p. in. on Monday, January
20, 1913, at his home 7 miles
northeast of I'liion, Neb., at tho
age of 5 7 years and 21' days.
The death of Mr. Irwin came as
a great shock. l only lo the
family, but to (he many friends, a
very few of whom had learned of
his illness, which was of only a
week's duration. He suffered a
severe attack of lagrippo and grew
worse so rapidly that medical
skill could not avert the death
summons that came so speedily.
Tho funeral services were held at
the noon hour on Wednesday in
Lewislon church, conducted by
Rev. W. A. Taylor of this village,
and interment was made in tho
cemetery adjoining the church.
The pall-bearers were: Emery
Hathaway, Isaac Dye, William
Rakes, Frank Rhoden, Levi Single
and Robert Good.
Deceased spent bis boyhwwl
days in his native state of Penn
sylvania, corning to this county
about thirty years ago, and ever
since then he has made his home
in Rock 11 luffs precinct. Novem
ber 27, 1889, be was married to
Miss Laura Midkiff, and they were
the parents of eight children, of
whom three sons are deceased.
Those surviving are: Mrs. Moarl
Murray, residing near here;
Bertha, aged 15; Verru'e, 13; Hazel,
9, and Jessie 5.
The writer became acquainted
with John Irwin soon after he
came to this county, and we know
of his excellent reputation when
a young man and his honorable
life thereafter, his industry and
determination lo accumulate suf
ficient, properly lo provide for his
family, in later years. He and his
wife and children had many
friends in this part of the county,
and all extend sincere sympathy
to the sorrowing family. Union
Card of Thanks.
We- wish to express our ap
preciation of the many acts of
kindness and the sympathy shown
us irr our, bereavement bv the
loath of our husband and father,
ind we are very grateful to all
the many friends who so kindly
honored him at the close of his
Ii fi" here.
Mrs. John Irwin and Child"en.
Dr. Thomson, Dentist, of
Plattsmouth, will bo in Mur
ray on Thursday's, Nc
hawka on Friday's, and
Union on Saturday's of each J
week, where he will bo $
j pleased to meet all parties
desiring dental work done. J
M. G. Churchill is preparing lo
open up a genuine up-to-date bil
liard parlor in Murray, locating
his tonsorial parlor in the same
building. Ho has rented the
building of Colonel Jenkins on
Lower Main street, and is thor
oughly renovating tho same; now
paint and paper is being added to
tho interior and several new tables
will bo placed in this week. He
will bo open and ready for busi
ness on Saturday of this week.
Mrs. D. A. Young and son, Roy,
returned homo last Wednesday
from Moorchead, Iowa, where they
wcro making a ten days' visit at
the homo of the parents of Mrs.
Young. Tho old people are well
advanced in years, but arc still
enjoying good health; both have
passed the 00-year mark. They
wero accompanied home by a sis
tor of Mrs. Young, Mrs. Ida Wei
liver, and son and daughter, of
Kddyville, Neb., who returned to
their homo Monday of this week
A Pleasant Evening.
One last Saturday evening a
number of friends and neigh
bors gathered at the Irvin Low
home, south of Plattsmouth, in
response to an invitation to spend
Ihe evening. The hours up to
midnight, were spent in dancing,
at which time a delicious lunch
was served. Afler lunch the dan
cing program was continued until
the hour of departure, when the
visitors were given an invitation
to soon return, and Mr. and Mrs.
Low were unanimously voted royal
entertainers. Those to enjoy the
evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Luth
er Ranard. Mr. and Hrs. Frank
Sheldon, brother and wife; Mrs. S
D. Fitchorn and daughters, Virgie
and Katie; Mrs. Dishop, Miss
Gladys Low, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Low, Walter Gouchenour, John
Gouchenour, Frank Rice, Georgi
Green, Glen Fitchorn, Charley and
Albert Low, Ralph Ranard, Charley
Lambert, Bert Swinneger, James
and D. Ferguson, George Derger
George Poisall, Wilbur Baldwin,
Kdda Ranard, Kdgar Morton
Harry McConnell and John
Thomas. The music was fur
nished by Mr. Koppert of Iowa,
Charley line and Dert Swinneger
of Plattsmouth.
W. W. Hamilton has been en
gaged fn repairing Ihe Spangler
house, recently vacated by O. V.
Program of Study Club.
The Sludy club will meet in the
irary rooms Tuesday, February
at 2 o'clock. The following
program will be rendered:
Roll Call.
Quotations From Lincoln.
Indian Names, Their Meanin;
and Legends, by Class.
"Tho American Indian, Mrs. Mc
"Tho Indian Deforo Civilization,"
Fay Old horn.
"The Indian Afler Civilization,"
Kate Gapen.
"Places Made Famous by In
dians," Bessie Gilmore.
Parliamentary Drill.
Visitors are cordially invited.
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
King of ihe Earliest seed pota
toes for sale. F. L. Rhoden, Mur
ray, Neb. 'Phone 8-J.
For Sale.
Big boned Plymouth Rock
cockerels. Inquire of Mrs. J. W.
Yardley, Route 1, Plattsmouth,
Neb. 1-23-tf-wkly
Quite a Loss by Fire.
J. R. C. Gregory, from west of
Murray, was in the city Tuesday
of Ibis week looking; after somo
business matters, and in con
versation with lAin in regard to
his loss by lire on the McNurlin
place a few days ago, he informed
us I hat his loss was partially
covered by insurance. Ho held
$1,200 insurance on tho bouse,
but tho furniture and contents
of the bouse, belonging to Mr.
Murrav. were a total loss. While
Mr. and Mrs. Murray were almost
homeless the morning of the flre,
they wero soon convinced of the
fact that they were among friends
and plenty of them. A movement
was soon on foot to assist the un
fortunate friends in more ways
than one, and several hundred
dollars will bo contributed to re
place their furniture, and Ihe good
women of tho neighborhood were
not long In arranging for a quilt
ing and sewing party to assist
them in whatever might be needed
along this lino. Mr. Gregory has
tho material on the ground for
the new house, and soon Mr. and
Mrs. Murray will be as comfort
ably situated as they were bfore
tho flro.
Hogs for Sale.
Pure bred Poland-China sows,
bred for April farrow. 'Phone
No. 302-Green. O. L Mayabb.
General Blacksmilhing
and Wagon Work
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction to the highest bid
der, on the old McVey farm, kj
mile northwest of Murray, 7
mile north of Nchawka, 11 miles
northeast of Weeping Water, 11
miles tmiithwosf of Plaltsmouth,
1 mile north of the old Fulton shop, and 1 miles
south of Fight Mil Grove ceme
tery, the following described prop
erly on
Monday, February 10, 1913,
Commencing at 10 O'clock A. M.
Lunrli Will B Served at Noon.
13 Head of Good Horses.
0 Head of Good Mules.
15 Ifad of Cattle 7 Co-ws.
1 gray gelding,. 12 years uiu,
weight 1,300.
1 black gelding",. 9 years old,
weight 1,2110.
1 bay gelding, 9 years old,
weight 1,201.
1 roan gelding, $ years old,
weight 1,250.
1 bay mare, 4 years old, weight
1 gray gelding, 2 years oli,
weight 1,150.
1 team bay mares, G years old
weight 2,100.
1 gray mare, 12 years old,,
weight 1,350.
1' sorrel gelding, 3 years old,,
weight 1,050. y
1 gray mare, 7 years old, weight
1 roan pony, kid broke, saddle
or drive, 9 years old, weight 850,
1 bay pony, 5 years old, weight
1 team of mules, both maTes, 3
years old, weight 2,300.
1 team of rnules, mare and
horse, 5 years old, weight 2,100.
1 brown mule, 4 years old,
weight 1,000.
7 good milk cows, somo fresh
and others will soon be fresh.
8 head of calves, coming year
lings. Somo good brood sows.
About nine dozen chickens.
Farm Implements and Household
1 8-foot Deering binder.
1 5-foot McCormick mower.
1 McCormick weed mower.
1 McCormick 10-foot rake.
1. Broadcast seeder, 10-foot.
1 Bradley riding lister
1 John1 Deere walking lister.
1 John Deere corn planter with
furror openers.
1 tank heater.
1 John- Leere corn drill, edge
1 Jobm Deere 2 -row cultivator.
2 Float drills.
1 Avery walking cultivator.
1 Avery riding cultivator.
1 Badger riding cultivator.
1 3-seelion harrow, 105 tooth.
1 P. & O. 10-inch walking plow.
1 12-inch Peru gang plow.
1 Peru disc.
1 2-rdw stalk cutter.
1 single buggy, rubber tire.
1 road buggy.
1 low wheel truck wagon.
1 Moline lumber wagon..
1 Newton lumber wagon.
1 10-foot hay rack.
1 Sweep feed grinder with new
set of burrs.
1 pair of bob-sleds.
1 Wenzelman corn elevator,
1 10-hwsc Woodherry power.
1 O-hole Marseilles corn shel
ter. 1 one-hole seed corn shelter,
1 seed corn grader.
1 dippfng tank.
1 stock tank.
I setts of good work harness.
1 set single harness.
1 Kconomy cream separator,
1 Old Trusty incubator.
1 brooder.
Soitio hni'li-ivirn nixl K ".nn o
. . . v. .. .1. (.Ill, ,tjlv Ui ,
000 feet of good lumber.
1 grindstone.
Household goods and many
other articles loo numerous to
NOTK There is no Consigned
Properly in this sale.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of $10.00 and under
cash; over $10.00 a credit of from
six to eight months will be given,
if desired, purchaser giving good
bankable paper bearing 8 per cent
interest from date. No property
to be removed until settled for.
W. K. Shepherdson, Owner.
Wilkinson & Hall. Auctioneers,
W. G. Boedeker, Clerk.
Horseshoeing is Our Specialty
All Work Guaranteed
urray, Nebraska
For Sale.
Full-blooded White Wyandotte
cockerels. Price $1.00. Write or
'phone line 19-N, Weeping Water.
Mrs. J. B. Dawson.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire to pay their subscriptions
in wood nro requested to bring It
in before tho roads get bad, a3
wo desire to place it in the dry.
Come In with it, boys, right avay.