MioojOfEwll THOMAS DIXON H j&s Copyright, 1011. by CHAPTER XI. Th Lamp of Aladdin. THE clouds of the panic slowly lifted and tbe sun begao to shine. A fearless officer of the law had struck a blow for Jus tice that marked tbe beginning of a new era of national life. Slowly but sorely the prices of stocks began to nnt. Incidentally a corner In wheat was suddenly developed, and the price of bread rose 20 per cent Bivens was tumid to be the mysterious power be hind the deal, and before the old timers In the wheat pit could marshal their forces to crush him he closed out his holdings at a profit of fire millions. The little financier awoke next morn frg to find himself the most famous muo in America. Ills picture now ap peared everywhere and all sorts of writers began to weave marvelous sto ries of his achievements. Nan was insisting again that he make Stiart an offer to become his associate 1b business. "I'm sure he will consider your offer now." Bivens looked at her a moment curi ously and she turned ber eyes away. "Why do you think he has changed his attitude toward me?" "From something be said. That mob has written a question mark before bis life." "By George!" be exclaimed, his black eyes sparkling. "It may be possible." "You'll try?" Nan asked eagerly. . "I'll not try-Mi do it. "I've an enemy somewhere among tbe fallen," Blvens went on musingly, "who Is dying hard, in spite of the fact that I have unlimited resources, thin man is constantly circulating re ports about the soundness of my bounces. lie uses tbe telephone principally and he has started two mi: on my bank within the past manth. Another la pending. I'm go ing to ask Jim to preside over an in vestigation of my resources In tbe presence of a dozen newspaper re porters." Nan stooped and kissed him. Then Stuart reached Hlvens' new offi ces In Wall street be was amazed at tbetr size and magnificence. Tbe first impression was one of dazzling splendor. Tbe huge reception ball was trimmed from floor to dome In onyx and gold. Stuart nodded to a group of reporters waiting for the chance of a word with the great man. "Looks like a full house, doesn't it?" be said. 'They've been here for hours." said a reporter. "There are a senator, three members of the housa of representa tives, an ambassador, the governor of a Chinese province, a Japanese prince and a dozen big politicians from as mauy states, to say nothing of tbe small fry." "Well, I have an appointment with Mr. Bivens at this hour." "Ueally!" the reporter gasped. "Then for heaven's sake give me a chance at yon five minutes before tbe other fel lows. Remember now. I saw you first!" lie was still pleading wheu Stuart smilingly drew away and followed one of P.lvens' secretaries. Rivens came forward to greet blm with outstretched hands. "I needn't say I am glnd to see you. Jim. How do you like my new quar-. ters?" "Absolutely stunning. 1 had no idea you cultivated such ceremonial splen dors In your business." . "Yes. I like it." the financier ndtult ted thoughtfully. "I don't mind con fesKing to yon on the sly that it wn Nan's Idea ot first, but I took i It like a duck to water " In spite of Stuart's contempt for the mere possession of money, in spite of his traditional contempt for Blvens' an tecedents, character and business meth ods, he found himself unconsciously paying homage to the power the little, dark, swarthy figure today incarnated. Bivens had become more .difficult of approach and carried himself with quiet, conscious pride. Stuart was scarcely prepared for tbe hearty, old fashioned cordial way in which be went about the business for which he bad asked blm to come. "Now, Jim, this Is your day; those fellows out there In the reception hall can wait You and 1 must have the thing out-man to man. heart to heart. You can talk plainly and I'll answer squarely. "I've got a proposition to make to you, mo big you've got to hear it, so big you can't get away from it, because you'rgjiQt a.fool. You're a man of gen Thomas Dixon ius. There lso heighTTo"'ririch"''you cannot climb when once your feet are on the ladder. And I'm going to put them tber" Tbe assurance In Blvens' voice and tbe contagious enthusiasm with whicb he spoke Impressed Stuart Bivens was quick to recognize it and strike at once. "Before 1 present my plans 1 want to show you that I can make good my word. 1 have caused these reporters to be sent here today for the purpose ot giving tbe widest publicity to tbe facts about my fortune. Another run has been planned tomorrow on one of my banks. I have placed my money and securities In the next room, so arranged that you can verify my statements, and at tbe proper moment I shall ask these reporters Into tbe place and let them see with their own eyes. There can be no more rumors In Wall street about my financial status. Come In here," Bivens led the way Into the room beyond, which was the meeting place of the directors of bis many corpora tions. Stuart had scarcely passed tbe door when be stopped, struck dumb with amazement In tbe center of tbe great office was a sight that held him spell bound. An Immense vermilion wood table, six feet wide and fifty feet in length filled the center. On It the wiz ard bad placed bis fortune of ninety millions of dollars. Twenty millions were In gold. Its heavy weight sustain ed by extra stanchions. Tbe coin, ap parently all new from tbe national mint, was carefully arranged around tbe edges of tbe table In a solid bul wark two feet high. Behind this gleaming yellow pile of gold be bad placed bis stocks and bonds eacb pile showing on Its top layer the rich green, gold or purple colors of Its Issue, each pile marked with a tag which showed Its total amount The effect was stunning Blvens approached the table softly and reverently, us a priest approaches the high altar, and touched the gold with the tips of his slender little fingers. "I've us4 begun" "You've Just begun?" Stuart Inter rnpted laughingly. "Yes, you'll understand what I mean before I've finished the day's work." "But why?" the young lawyer asked passionately. "Such a purpose seems On It tha Wizard Had Placed Hia For tune of Ninety Million. to me In view of this stunning revela tion tbe sheerest Insanity. Life, the one priceless thing we possess, Is too short I can see you shoveling coal through all eternity" "But I happen to be going to the other place," Blvens broke In good na tu redly. Stuart looked at tbe pile of gold a moment and then at Blvens and said lowly: "Well. If you do get there, Cal, there's one thing certain, the angels will all have to sleep with their pocket books under their pillows." Blvens' eyes sparkled and a smile played about tlio hard lines of his mouth. In spite of Its doubtful na ture he enjoyed the tribute to his financial, genius beneath the hunter of his friVuTtf juke With a gesture of conscious dignity he turned to the table and quietly said: "Yon will find it (Ms tulile exactly $!X).i0.ooo Within an hour you can eiainine p.-u'h division of roin. stivks ami bond yml I war witness to the truth of my assertions. I'm going to close that ilwr and leave you here for to hour." "Alone with all that?" "Oh. there's only one way out." Blv ens lauched-"throuch my little recep tlou ivom, and I'll tie there I'll meet some ot the gentlemen who are wait lng. When you are satisfied of the ac curacy of my account Just tap on my door and I'll Joiu you immediately. Do tbe inspection carefully. It's of grave importance. 1 shall call on you as a witness by and by before that group of newspaper men." When Stuart bad satisfied himself of the, accuracy of the count be stood gazing at tbe queer looking piles of yellow metal and richly tinted paper, stunned by the attempt to realize tbe enormous power over men which It represented. When the huge pile should thrill with life at the touch of the deft fingers of the master who could grasp its stunning force In hu man affairs, who could tell iu possi bilities? The age of materialism bad dawned, and the new age knew but one god,, whose temple was the market place. A wave of bitterness swept his spirit and for the first time be questioned for tbe briefest moment whether be bad missed the way in life. Onij for a moment and then the feeling passed, and in Its place slowly rose a sense of angry resentment against Wvens and all bis tribe. When the little swarthy figure suddenly appeared In tbe door way bis soul was in arms for tbe struggle be knew coming. "Well, you found I've not made a mistake?" "No. To put It mildly, you will not be forced to apply to the charity bu reau for any outside help this year." "You have counted $00,000,000 there As 1 told you awhile ago. I've Just be gun. I've schemes on foot that circle the globe. I've made up my mind to have you with me. We won't discuss terms now that's a mere detail the thing la for us to get at the differences between us. Now say tbe meanest and hardest things you can think. I under stand." "My opinion. Cal. of your business methods are known to every one. They say that the warriors of the Dakota Indians used to eat the heart of a fallen foe to Increase their courage Your business methods haven't made much progress beyond this stage, so far as 1 can see." Blvens stroked bis silken benrd wttb a nervous, puzzled movement and said- "The passion for money, money for Its own sake, right or wrong. Is the motive power of the modem world Thot's why I laugh at my critics and sneer at threats. I am secure because I've built my career on the biggest fact of the century." "But." Stuart brpke In. "you don't live. You are engaged In an endless light, desperate, cruel, mercenary for what?" "The game. man. the game!" "(Same? What came? To crush and kill for the mere Hake of doinc it, as a sheep killing dog strangles fifty lambs In a night for the fun of liptirliM them bleat V" "But. Jim." the little financier pn tested. "I don't make men as they are, uor did I make conditions." "You are a wrecker and not a builder." "But Is that true?" Blvens Inter rupted eagerly. "I'm organizing the Industries of the world. 1 have furthered the progress of humanity." "Yes, in a way you have. And If the price of goods continues to rise for another ten years as It has during the past ten under your organizing the human race will be compelled to make still further progress. They will have to move to another planet. Nobody but a millionaire can live on this ono. A day of reckoning Is bound to come. But a millionaire dies every day. No body knows. Nobody cares. Is such a life at its best worth living? And yours is never ot Its best You con't ent much. You don't sleep well and you can't live beyond fifty-five." "Don't talk nonsense. Jim; I'll live as long as you." "And yet you turn pale when I speak of death " Blvens suddenly drew his watch and spoke with quick, nervous energy: "I must call those reporters and get ri'l of them as soon as possible." lie gave the order, and in a few moments wo iked back Into the room followed by the newspaper men. half dozen young fellows with clean cut eager faces. Not one of them showed n pencil or a note book, but not n feature of the startling exhlbl tlon escaped tbelr Intelligence. Kvery eye flashed with piercing light, every nerve quivered with sensitive Impres sions. They looked at Blvens with peculiar awe. Stuart noted with' a smile that not one of them spoke loudly In the presence of ninety millions of dollars. When Blvens led them out at last and returned to the room, be was in high spirits. "Now. Jim," he began hastily, "If you have said all the bad things you can possibly think about me. we'll get down to business and I'll present the big proposition you can't resist" (To I3o Continued.) A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man an unhappy slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver, use Burdock Blood Bitters. On the market 35 years. $1.00 a bottle. Local News b'rom Wcim-siiuys I'ally. Mrs. W. ;. Brooks was a pa si'Iiiut llii- afternoon for Omaha, whore she visited lor a few hours v ith friends. Mrs. ("art Kopisehka was a pas. sender I his afternoon on 'o. 23 for Omaha to look after business matters for a few hours. Mis Margaret Bonner of Cen tral City arrived in this city yes terday to take a series of chirop ractic treatments of lr. Bacli- niann. Attorney C. A. Haw Is w as a passenger tins morning on No. 15 for Omaha, whore lie will look af ter business matters for a few hours. John Hadraoa departed this afternoon for Madison, Neb., where he was called to look after some business matters for a few days. Mrs. C. L. Bulger returned to ier home at Omaha this after noon, after a short visit here with her parents, V. V. Leonard and wife. Glen Perry and daughter came up this morning from their home near Mynard and wore passeng- rs on the early Burlington train for Omaha. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Br. Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such emergencies. Two sizes. 25c and 50c. at all stores. Henry Outhman and wife and hild, and Charles Outhman came in this afternoon from Murdock for a short visit at the F. It. Outhman home. George II. Woods of Louisville w as in I lie city today attending to iiisiness matters at the court house, as well as visiting with lis many friends. George M. Ilild drove up this anernoon irom ins Home near Mynard and departed on the aft ernoon train for Omaha to se cure repairs for some machinery. O. H. Hist was attending to some business matters in this city yesterday and called at this otllco for the purpose of having his name placed on our Semi-Weekly list. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment. The result was last. ing." Hon. John It. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. C. F. Weber came in last even ing and visited with his wife and little daughter here over night and departed on the early train for Omaha to look afler business matters for the day. Mrs. Lewis II. Glen nnd lillle son of Morrill, Neb., who have been here for several days visit ing her husband's parents, T. W. Glenn and wife, departed this afternoon for her home. Miss Marguerite Shull return od yesterday from Lincoln, where sire had been visiting for severa weeks with relatives and friends and returns to make a visit here with the family of her uncle James Robertson. George W. Shrader, from near Union, and Homer Shrader, from near Murray, drove up this morn ing from their homes and were passengers on the early Burling ton train for Omaha, to look af ler business matters. J. K. Meisinger of the vicinity of Cedar Creek was a visitor in this city yesterday, and while here called at this olllce and renewed the subscription of the paper go ing to George Miller at Tntlle, Oklahoma. I. J. Becker and wife departed this morning on No. 15 for Fair bury, Neb., where they will visit a few days before continuing on their journey to California, where they expects to make their future home. G. Pullon, who hao been slay ing at the home of Robert Good near Murray, came up this morn ing from that place and departed on No. G for Corning, Iowa, for a short visit. C. L. Wiles and Roy O. Cole from near Mynard, drove up from their homes this morning and were passengers on No. 15 for Omaha to look after somo mat ters of business. C. A. Gauer, wife and daughter and their guest, Charles Cost of Bellevue, accompanied by Mrs. William Stewart, wcro passengers this morning on No. 15 for Oma ha, where they visited for tho day. Mrs. Agnes Chapman and daughter, Miss Helen, wero pas sengers this omrning on the early Burlington train for Omaha to look after some matters of busi noss. ih W La Lia uiiu W CAN BEjGURED! I Will Prove It To You At My Expense. YOU WHO ARE RUTFER INiJ THK TORTURES OF ECZEMA. WliOSK DAYS A HE MISERABLE. WHOSE NIGHTS ARE MADE SLEEPLESS HY THE TERR1HLE ITCIl- INU. HE KM NO PAINS, LET ME SEND YOU A FREE TRIAL OF TIIE TREATMENT WHICH HAS CURED HUNDREDS WHICH I BELIEVE WILL CUKE VOL'. IV.1LLRENP IT FREE. POSTAGE PAiD. WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART. JUST WRITE ME A LETTER, OR SEND YOL'R NAME AND ADDRESS ON A POSTAL CARD. I WILL SEND THE TREATMENT FREE OF COST TO YOU. CHUTZELL, 119 W.Main St.FtWa7ns.Ind From Tuesdays Dally. Jay Matson, wife and children returned .this afternoon from Omaha, where they were visiting for a short time. Rev. Allan O. Wilson departed this afternoon for tho western part of the state, where he will visit for a few days. Lig Brown, the genial farmer from Kenosha, was in the city to day looking after some trading with the merchants. Br. A. L. Parks of Omaha was in tho city today for a few hours looking after business matters for the Burlington Relief. W. C. Hamilton departed this morning on No. 4 for Red Oak, Iowa, where he will visit with his parents for a short lime. T. M. Carter and wife departed today for Blair, Neb., where they were called to attend the funeral of niece, which will occur lomor row. C. M. Read, residing south of this city, was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where he was called to look nfter business mat ters. II. M. Soennichsen departed this afternoon for Omaha, where he was called to look after business matters wilh the wholesale houses. James Holmes and wife of Mur ray motored up yesterday from their home and looked after some business matters here for a few hours. Gus l'ein of Pender, Neb., is in tho city visiting with his family for a few days. Gus is looking tine and greally enjoys his posi lion in that city. Miss Margaret Kennedy depart ed this morning for Havelock where she will resume her studies in school, after a short visit with her father, James Kennedy. Robert Mierwood, sr., was a passenger on No. 211 yesterday af. ternoon for Lincoln, where he wil meet his son, George, and visit with him for a few hours. W. H. Miller and wifo departei yesterday afternoon for Memphis Net)., whore they will assist in celebrating the birthday of a brother-in-law of Mr. Miller's. Mrs. James Ilolmrako of Hem ingford, Nebraska, who has been here visiting her sister, Mrs Henry J. Schluntz and family, de parted yesterday afternoon for he home. Miss Lena Kearn, who has bee here visiting her father, Andy Kearn, for several months, de parted this morning for Kearney Neb., to visit her mother for I ime. Bennett Criswisser and wife were passengers this morning on No. 0 for Glenwood, where tin will attend the funeral of II. I Merrill, an old friend of the Cris wisser family. Mrs. Mary Bolt of Plainview Neb., who has been here visit in her parents, Adam Kurt and wife departed this afternoon for Oma ha, where she will visit, wil friends for a few days before re turning home. John P. Wiseman and son of Oconta, Neb., came in Monday morning lo visit for a short lime at the home of II. T. Ballon and family. Yesterday they drove out to the beautiful country home of John F. Wehrbein and wife. James Leacn or Illinois and Mrs. C. L. Mitchell, who have been here visiting at tho homo of Alvin Ramgo and wife, deported this afternoon for Lincoln, where Mrs. Leach will visit with Mrs. Mitchell and family. Final settlement was held this morning before Judge Beeson in tho county court in tho J. F. Schumaker estate, from near Ne hawka, and tho administrator's aceounls examined and ho was discharged from his duties. 1). Moon? was a passenger this morning for M yinore, where he ill visit for a short time. K. H. Shoemaker of Nehawka as in the city yesterdav for a few hours attending' to some mat ters of business. Miss Beth Jackson was a pas- enger on the afternoon Burling- . ton train today for Omaha, where ho will isil her parents for a few hours. W. B. Rishel was a passenger for Omaha yesterday afternoon, where lie wont to look after busi ness matters for the Woodmen of the World. Miss Margaret Hallahan and niece, Miss Margaret Hallahan, of pringfleld, Massachusetts, who is ere visiting her, were passengers thjs morning for Omaha, whero they visited for the day. Joe Beeson departed this after noon for Hilldale, Michigan, whero 10 will enter tho employ of tho Almo Engino company. Mr. Bee son is a very bright young man and will undoubtedly make a splendid success in his new posi tion. Frank E. Schlater, Emil Walt ers and John Nemetz were pas sengers yesterday afternoon on the Missouri Pacific for Omaha, where they attended the big Red Men's meeting that is being held in that city. Mrs. Katie Wilson, who has been employed for several weeks in the restaurant of William Bar clay, departed yesterday after noon for Lincoln, whero she will make her home. PIANO BARGAIN I have a splendid piano which I wish to sell to someone in the vicinity of lattsmouth. It is a big bargain for someone. Terms, cither cash or easy payments, as low as five dolfars per month. Address E. M. Wallace, caro Smith & Barne3 Piano Co., Chicago, HI. 1.20-wkly-tf THE KNIGHTS OF ST. ANDREW MEET AT THE THOMAS HE From Wednegday's Dally. The Knights of St. Andrew, a boys' organization of St. Luke's church, met Monday evening at I mo homo of Karl and Georgia Thomas, on Sixth street. Tho boys, after tho regular business session of the club, enjoyed them selves as only young lads can, In panics and a general good time. At an appropriate hour sonic very delicious refreshments were served, which added greatly to the enjoyment of tho occasion and made tho boys wish for another opportunity lo gather at tho Thomas home to be entertained. About twelve of the members wero present to enjoy the occasion. Early Chickens Still Come. From Wednemlay'i Daily. The entries for early hatches of chickens has received another boom today, Mrs. Hattie Cum- mings bringing in a report that she had a lino brood of chickens hatched out by n hen ti week be fore Christmas, and a week later another hen came off wilh an equally line assortment of little chicks, and as the score stands, Mrs. Ciimmings holds tho "cup" for early hatching, but we await with interest the reports from the different chicken breeders in this section, as the contest is open to nil. James Hlgley Getting Better. 1' nun Woilnenduy'8 Daily. James Higley, who has been conllned to his home for several weeks by an attack of pneumonia, is steadily improving and is now able to sit up a lillo and it is now only a question of a short time until ho will Ik; able (0 be up and around as usual. This will bo most cheering news lo his-many friends, who havo been very anxious over his condition for the past few weeks. Has Toe Mashed. Jim Sedlock, who is employed in tho freight repair department of tho Burlington shops, received a very badly , mashed toe this morning as a result of a timber falling, upon it, but tho injury, while quito painful, will not cause him to loso much time from his labors. Six O'clock Dinner. Mrs. L. B. Whito delightfully entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Baylor, Mrs. II. E. Lloyd, Miss Frances Weidman, Messrs. Fritz Frioko and Nelson Jean at an elaborate 0 o'clock dinner at her home last evening, the dinner be ing served in six courses.