The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 30, 1913, Image 3

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    t. ' - -- ---
is Tin: lMviiiitT ( in iit ok
( Ol V1V, M-:itKSK.
The !iVinKstti l.nan a n t liulU'.ii,;;" As
MJl'liltlUll, i'laiiit!!'i,
iVdlalI ll.itf.-s arid T. Halts,
hu.slmnil, I irfemiuitt.
To Adelaide l'lU,' a:nl .!! " T. l!:itis.
her lius-l-Ji ml. ii'i'.-ivsiiiit il-1 imuIuius
in the abiu intitU'J uetn'ir
Ym and tad: uf vou arc lu'ieby
.untitled that the plaintiff l as c-oni-inein.-eil
an action spuinsl you In t tie
District Court of Cass County. Ne
hra.sita. for the purpose of f orecloslno;
u mortaane Kiven liy you to the Living
ston l.oan ami lUiiltlins Association on
the llitli ilav of January, l'JOS. coverint;
the following .liscrilicd real estate In
Cans County. Nehraskii, to-wii: wm- ,
mencitis t a poin t in the center of'
lirvunl street, sa id point nelnjj 15S
feet west unit 15 feet north of a btone
at the southeast corner of the Nil1 of
Section 24. Township 12 north, KanRe
13, east ( the tith . in., t'len-e mirth
;'17S feet to a stake. Ounce west 2U
feci, thi nce south 217.8 f?:i to a ?tak,
tt:ece east 200 feet to til.! place ot
b if .iiuiiiK. containing one acre, lie the
same mo:e or less un-1 I novvn as :ub
lot 1 of lot 46. In the HKVt of the NE
of Section 24, Township 12 north, Hanse
13 east, of the tith p. in., in Cass County,
Nebraska, which mortgage appears of
record in I look 3a of Keal Hstate
MortKaifeH at phkb 275, In tl otiice of
the Register of Deeds of Cass County,
Nebraska, and to recover 1111.70 for in
surance which plaintiff has been com
pelled to pav, and to recover taxes for
the years 1904-1911 inclusive In the sum
of $14.48, with interest thereon from the
lith day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief.
You anl each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of February, A. P. 1913, and
ii falling so to do your default will be
duly entered therein and Judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's peti
tion. The Livingston Loan and Building As
sociation. Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD, It's Attorney.
The Lvlngston Loan and Building As
sociation, I'lalntiffs,
DeWltt Stanley and Anna Stanley, lits
wife, Defendants.
T DfiWitt Stanley and Anna Stanley,
bise wife, non-resident defendants in
tiie above entitled action: ,
You and each of you are hereby
Tittilied that the plaintiff has com
menced an action against you in the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
bras k a, for the purpose of foreclosing
a. mortgage given by you to tne living
Ktou Loan and Building Association on
the 10th day of September, lu, cover
4bk the following described real estate
tn-wit: Lots 3 and 4. in Block 10. in
Thompson's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth. Cass County Nebraska,
wtiu-li mortgage appears of record in
Book 32 of Keal Estate Mortgages, at
page 236, In the otiice of the Register
of Deeds of Cass County, Nebraska; ana
to recover the sum of 18.50 insurance,
wMch plaintiff has been compelled to
mv. and the sum of 177.15 taxes, in
terest and costs for the years 1907-1911
inclusive, with Interest thereon from
the 12th day of November, 1912, and for
eanitable relief.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of February, A. D. 1913, and
in failing so to do your default will be
duly entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's peti
The Livingston Loan and Building As
liociation, Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD. It's Attorney.
la the DIMrlct Court In and for Cass
County Nebraska.
Ioiisa Bay and Albert M. Bay,
JVancv J. Dvsart. Elizabeth Wolfe
Henry Wolfe, Ellen Krelger, Adolph
Kreiger. Ida Cllne, Brunson Cllne
Jimes A. Dysart, Frank P. Sheldon,
Emma Sheldon, Thomas P. Dysart,
Louise Dysart, Jessie R. Dysart, Clara
Dysart, Charles H. Dysart . and
Ogaretta Dysart, Defendants.
To the Defendants, Ellen Krelger,
Adolph Krelger, Thomas I. Dysart
and Louise Dysart: ,
You are hereby notified that on the
24th day of December, 1912, plaintiffs
(lied their petition against the above
named defendants In the District Court
of tiie County of Cass, Nebraska, pray
ing partition of the following described
real estate situated In the County of
Ca. Nebraska: ,
The Southeast Quarter (SE'J) of the
.Houtheust Quarter (SE'i) of Section
twenty-seven (27), the Northeast,,
Quarter (NK4) of tht. Northeast Quar
ter NEVt) of Section thirty-four (34),
the North half of the Northwest Quar
ter (NW4) of the Northeast Quarter
(NKU) of Section thirty-four (34), all
in Township ten (10), Range 13 East
of the 6th p. ni. and setting forth the
n teiest of plaintiffs and defendants
tliereln. ,
This notice is given pursunnt to an
order of the court and each of you are
required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 10th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 1913, or your default will
be duly entered of record, and partition
of said lands made In accordance with
the findings and orders of the court
In the INstrlet Court of Can Comity
Charles P. Rfelfer, Plaintiff,
Frames J. Solomon, et at.,
To the Defendants: Frances J. Solo
mon, D. H. Solomon,' first name un
known; Elizabeth 11. Solomon, Josiah
Moores, Mary J, Moores, Mary J. Lath
rop, M. M. Henderson, first name un
known; Bertha O. Dalton, Mary
Armiiida Huffman, Caroline Huffman,
Kdward .1. Moores, Alfred M. Moores,
Knoch (i, C, Moores, Kllzn Moores,
Maiiala (iruy, A. J. Moores, first name
unknown; Nancy K. ICpper.son, Henry
Monies, Edward or Ed Jocklm, Ida l&.
.1 or k i in. Andrew YV. or A. W. Mc
LiuiKhlln, Alena 11. McLaiiKtilin, John
W. or .1. V. Soymoi e, S. J. Seymore, tlrst
naimi unknown, Zrtlinm or'.ethnm 1'.
Mii'ulloch, Ithmar 1'. or I. 1'. I'llls
hiliry, Nellie Ii. Smith, Chester H.
Smith, Fred Black, also tlio unknown
heirs and devisees of the following
named, Frances J. Solomon, decensed,
I). II. Solomon, deceased, first name un
known, JoMiali Moores, deceased, K. M.
Henderson, first name unknown, de
ceased; ileitha O. Dalton, deceased;
Mary Armlnda Huffman. deceased,
Caroline Huffman, deceased, Kdwnrd J.
Moores, deceased, Alfred M. Moores, de
ceased, Knoch (i. C. Moores, deceased;
Mahalii dray, deceased; A. J. Moores,
first name unknown, deceased; Nancy
K. Epperson, deceased, Henry Moores,
deceased, Edward or Ed Jocklm, de
ceased; Andrew W. or A. V. McLailKh
1 in. deceased, John W. or J. W. Seymore,
deceased; el ham or Zctham 1'. McCtil
loch, deceased: Ithmar 1'. or I. J l'llls
bui j y, deceased, you are hereby- notllled
that on January 1Mb, A. D. 1 ! 1 :i . plain
tiff tiled his stilt In the district court
of Cass county, Nebraska, to quiet title
to the following described lands in
I'lattsmouth, to-wlt: Lots numbered
eleven and twelve, In Block number
forty-three, In the City of i'lattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska.
Because of ills adverse possession by
himself and his grantors and their
grantors for more than ten years prior
to the commencement of this suit and
to enjoin each and all of you from
having or claiming to have any right,
title, interest or claim, either icgal or
equltnble In or two said lands or any
part thereof, and to require you and
vacli of you to set forth your right,
title, lien or Interest tliereln, If any,
either legal or equitable, and to have
tho same adJtidKcd Inferior to the title
of plaintiff and for general relief
This notice Is made pursuant to the
order of the court. You are required to
answer said petition on or before
Mnndny, March 3rd, A. I). 1913, or your
default will be duly entered therein.
J. I',. DOUULASS. Attorney.
Sell your property
the Journal.
by an ad In
iikkkhk.i: mm:.
In I lie Dinlrlct t'tiurt iu mill for '
County. rlrnkii. j
Nettie J. Holme;,, I'lainlill,
s. I
V. S. (Sheia, .loeili M keciiau. A:ivasta
l.etn.iii, l.-uii M. A li i in" formerly!
Ileli ii M. Keeuaii. to m re II. Alttine, !
Ilei l i vt .1. K i - 1 1 j 1 1 . Anaelte Keeiiun, j
John I; iiiiIii!i). Keen, in. James Keen-
Idl urn! J.illies Y. lloliues,
Notice is I it-re by given that under and
by virtue ol a decree entered in this
case on the 2.Mli day of January, A.
1', 1 i 1 : . the undersigned sole referee,
will on tiiu :id day of March, A. D.
191.:. at eleven o'clock a. in., at the
south door of the Court House in the
City of I'lattsinouth, Cass County, Ne
braska, sell at public auction the fol
low In,' described real estate, situated
in the Couutv of Cass, Nebraska, to
wit: Commencing at a point on quarter
section line running East and West
through Section nine (9 1, Township
eleven (111, liange fourteen (14), in
Cass County, Nebraska; 1574 6-10 feet
East of the quarter section corner on
West sldo of Section nine (9i, Town
ship eleven till, liange fourteen. (14);
running thence south Zll'.i fet't ; thencti
East 400' feet; thence North 206 feet;
thence East 9L'l feet; thence North 632
feet; thence East to the banks of the
Missouri river; thence along the banks of
the Missouri river in a northerly direc
tion to a point where said banks of the
Missouri river Intersects the quarter
section line running East and West
through Section nine (9), Township
eleven (111, Range fourteen (14); thence
I West along said quarter section line to
the place of beginning, together with
lands formed upon and against said
described lands by accretion, alluvion,
reliction and evulsion.
Also lots one (1). two (2). three (3),
four (4), five (5). six (6), seven (7),
eight (S), nine (9), ten (10), eleven
(11) and twelve (12), in block three
(3) West and block one (1) North, and
one (1) East of the public square in
the Village of Rock Bluffs, Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, together with the portion
of the vacated streets surrounding the
same belonging thereto. Said property
will be sold for cash to the hlsrhest re
sponsible bidder.
natea at riaiismoum. isenrasna. mis
25th day or January, a d ,i13
C. E. TKFET. Referee.
J. J. Thomas, Attorney,
In the District Court of Seward County,
Nebraska.- in the Matter of the Estate
of Thomas A. liealey, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable
George F. Corcoran, one of the Judges
of the District Court in and for Hjward
County, Nebraska, ninde on the 2nd day
of July, 1912, at Chambers, at the Court
House in the City of York. York
County, Nebraska, for the sale of the
real estate hereinafter described. I will
sell at the front door of the Court House
In the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska, on the 1st day or February,
1913, at one o'clock p. in., for cash, the
following described real estate, to-wlt:
Lots seven (7) and eight (8), in block
ten (10), of Carter's Addition to Weep
ing Water. Cass County. Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open one hour,
11ENKY J. MATZKE, Administrator,
with the will annexed of the
estate of Thomas A. liealey, de
AH persons interested in the estate
of Edwin K. Todd, now pending In the
County Court of Cass County. Nebraska,
are hereby notified that a petition for
final settlement of said estate had been
made and a hearing upon said netiion
set down by said Court on the 1st day of
February, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m.. when any and all persons in
terested in said estate may contest said
net tion.
Dated this 18th day of January, 1913
County Judge.
J. W. Davis will take notice that on
the 2nd day of January, 1913, M. Archer,
a justice of the peace of Cass County,
Nebraska, Issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of $5.00 in action
pending before him, wherein A. (1. liach
Ac Co. Is plaintiff and J. W. Davis de
fendant, that property of said defend
ant, consisting of money, lias been at
tached under said order, said cause
was continued to the 20th day of Feb
ruary, 1913, nt 9 o'clock a. m.
A. U. BACH & CO., l'lalntllt.
Stale of Nebraska,
. Cass County, ss.
To James V. Kaspar, Non-
Resident, Defendant.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, Louis Hotter, has com
menced an action against you and
Maud V. Kaspar, jointly, in Justice
Court, before M. Archer, Justice
of the Peace in and for said Coun
ty, the object and prayer of which
is to recover judgment against
you on a promisary note for $100,
with interest at the rate of 8 per
cent, from tho 7th day of Ftb
ruary, 1912, and costs of action.
You are hereby notified to
answer so id action on or before
the 21st day of February, 1913,
at 9 o'clock a. m., and in failing
so to do your default will bo duly
entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for by plaintiff.
LOUIS ROTTER. Plaintiff.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
Cliopie Casoline Fmgine Company
(Limited), of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, has issued fully paid up
capital stock to the amount of
Fifty-four Thousand Nine Hun
dred Thirty Dollars (?5 i,930.00),
and that said Corporation has an
indebtedness for current expenses
only amounting to the sum' of
Dated this tl It day of January,
Jno. A. Chopieska,
F.dw. Rynott,
Adolph Oiese,
II. M Soennichsen,
II. F.Ooos,
For Sale.
House and eight lots, all front
ing on Main street, in Murray.
Call or address Nettio Connally,
Box 138, Murray.
For Sale.
I have just a few of those full
blooded Marred Plymouth Rock
corkrels left. 'Phone No. 31 White.
C.F.. rtabbitt, Plattsmouth.
for typewriter
Mint K OK
tist-ar Kiniiioni visiieu nisi
daughter, Mi Kariue, at Omaha
over Sunday.
Mis. T. K. Wiles am! 'laughter,
Mrs. Troy Wiles, were at Omaha
la.-l Saturday.
K. Palmer made an uxor Simdaj
visit in Omaha with his sun, At
torney H. O. Palmer.
Mrs. C. A. Hichey entertained a
few friends at an informal 1
o'clock luncheon Wednesday.
Miss Mabel Osenkoit went to
Plattsmouth last Saturday to
isit aver Sunday with Miss
(lladvs Marshall, who expects ,to
eave February i for Portland,
Platlsnuiuth people complaint
of the careless use of air guns by
the kids of that city. Up here the
air gun is loo lame for the aver
age kid and if a citizen gels a
puncture it will he from a 2
caliber rifle or perhaps a shot
l'red Rolling, the well known
and popular Missouri Pacitlc
brakenian, who has been in serv
ice on the local passenger train
the past few years, is laid up with
a broken leg. The accident oc
curred in the railroad yards at
Auburn one night last week.
Howard Jackniaii of Louisville
and Miss Laura Selden of Omaha
were married at me nomo oi me
bride's parents in Omaha at high
noon Wednesday, January 15.
The groom is a son of J. M. Jack
man of this city and has hosts of
friends who unite with the Courier
iit extending hearty congratula
tions. Two large trestles will be erect
ed on which ininature engines and
cars "will cross over the Burling
ton tracks and carry immense
amounts of earth from the blulT
to the river bank. A large steam
shovel is to be installed and the
work pushed with all possible
speed. Half a hundred men have
already been put to work getting
things in readiness and actual
operation is to start as soon as
the tracks can be laid and the
steam shovel installed.
For Sale or Trade.
One vacant lot, between D and
E, on 24th street, in South Omaha.
Address Nettie Connally, Uox 138,
Murray, Neb.
aim iaits t
! News. i
Hugh Warden put in several
days bad last, week in successful
effort to overcome a bad case ofj
Among Hie sick this week are
E. E. Hadley, Herman Schacht and
the two children of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Cliriswisser. (irippe suf
ferers mostly.
The young lady from Lincoln
who had been here since last week
in the capacity as nurse for Mrs.
Robert Vial!, returned home Tues
day. Mrs. Vial! is much heller.
The hill quarry has shut down
again for a time and those who
were not laid oil have been moved
out to Snyderville. Just when it
will open again is uncertain, but
probably not until spring.
J. M, Stone and son, Uruce, left
Tuesday for Denver, where they
will attend the National slock
show soon to meet there. They
will be met by Charles Stone of
Yampa, Colo., and Lester of Del
John Opp is in Omaha with his
ankle in a plaster cast and it will
be some time before he is able
to use it. It was found necessary
to break it over again in order to
get a proper alignment on tho leg.
Mr. Opp, it will be remembered,
had his ankle badly broken last
summer, when a load of hay over
turned with him.
Vincent Straub, the Avoca line
slock man, was in town Friday,
going from hero to Plattsmouth.
He had been making arrangements
to exhibit his herd of Galaways at
the Denver show, soon to bo held,
but has been barred for some rea
son. Last year ho cleaned up
nearly everything in his class at
Everybody's friend Dr. Thom
as' Eclectic Oil, tho great house
hold remedy for toolhacho, ear
ache, soro throat, cuts, bruises,
scald9. Sold at all drug stores.
2rc and 50c.
A healthy man is a king in his
own right; an unhealthy man an
unhappy slave. For impure blood
and sluggish liver, use Burdock
Blood Bitters. On the market 35
years. $1.00 a botllo.
Alvo News
Mrs. liud drove went to l.inei
C. II. Jordan was a capital c
it y
utor Wednesday.
Perry Cook returned from Lin
coln on No. 13 Fridav.
I. A. Miatler was m Lincoln on
business Wednesday.
Perry Cook transacted busines
in Lincoln w ednestJuv .
Harvey Rasp was a passenger
to Lincoln Friday morning.
W. O. Movies returned to his
home in Lincoln Wednesday.
Mrs. I.iwi-i KuiiiiiIV was a nas
senger for Lincoln Wednesday. 1
F.mmelt Friend of Methany
came in on No. il Wednesday.
J 11. Stroemer was iu Lincoln
on business Thursday.
John Murtey aud (iamble Hros.j
shipped hogs Monday to South
J. II. Stroemer and Henry Rugge
were visiting friends in Lincoln
Roy Dennett left Wednesday for
Burr Oak, Kansas, to visit with
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Swanson, January 25, 1913, a
daughter, '
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stroemer
visited Herman Rogge at Elm
wood Sunday.
Henry Snoke is having a severe
oitack of lagrippe, having taken
sick Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Georgo Leibhart
moved into the Hess property in
West Alvo Tuesday.
Miss Grace Bucknell went to
Lincoln Friday for a few days'
visit wilh relatives.
A. I. Bird and family drove to
Waverly Sunday to visit Mrs.
Bird's father, Mr. Penn.
Mr. and Mrs. Strain and Mr.
Gardner of Bethany took dinner
Thursday wilh Mrs. I). A. Vincent
Miss Marie Slroemer went to
Lincoln Thursday on No. 1 to
visit friends for a few days.
Austin Ough of Geneva, Neb.,
visited his cousin, Mrs. J. A
Shaffer. Wednesday and Thurs
T. N. Bobbilt went to Lincoln
Thursday evening to make his
home wilh his son, Charles and
Miss Marie Stroemer spent
Saturday and Sunday with Miss
.Marjory Garr at Hie hitter's homo
near Fagle.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogge of
Independence, Kansas, are visit
ing wilh J. H. Slroemer and fam
ily this week.
Dan' and Jako H'ardknock o
Wood River, who have been here
on business, returned lo uo'ii
homes Monday.
Mr. llamel of Nelson sloppci
off here Sunday to visit friends
for a day or two on his way hoint
from a trip lo Illinois.
Word has been received here
from Los Angeles, California, (hat
Mrs. Flora B. Keefer is seriously
ill there with appendicitis,
Mr. and Mrs. George Towle o
Wabash spent Monday with John
Murtey, Mrs. Murtey having gone
to Clay Center, Neb., to attend the
funeral of a friend.
Miss Amelia Kamin and niece
Miss Elsie Keefer, of Wood River
Neb., left on No. 13 Friday morn
ing for a few days' visit with rela
tives at Bennett.
Miss Emma Smith of Franklin
Neb., came in Saturday lo visit her
cousin, Mrs. Geo. Curyea, for a
few days. She returned home
Tuesday, Mrs. Curyea accompany
ing her to Lincoln.
Mrs. C. R. Jordan and son, Sam
auloed to Elinwood Tuesday to
visit Mrs. Jordan's sister, Mrs
Bartlelt, who has had an altar
of lagrippe. Mrs. Bartlelt us
visiting her son, Willie Bart let I
and family.
Within His Means.
If a man wants lo remain
honest he must live within his
means and avoid all excesses. Ho
also must live within his strength
and avoid overwork. Ho should
not work more than his muscles,
his nerves and his brain can
stand. Ho should cat and drink
what ho can comfortably digest.
If ho forces on tho stomach more
than this organ can handle ho
overtaxes and exhausts it. Tho
result is indigestion. It must be
treated immediately. Tho quick
est relief is Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine. It will
strengthen tho muscles and the
nerves, will clean out tho intes
lines and will stimulate all organs
to work. Should bo used in con
stipation, indigestion, headache,
abdominal pains, neuralgia and
lervousness. At drug stores, Jos.
Triner, 1333-39 So. Ashland Ave,
Chicago. Try Triner's Liniment
for pains in Iho muscles and
- Eedmen's Play -
The Four-Act Comedy Drama
"Struck Oil"
By the Rex Stock Company of Glenwood
Monday Night, February 3
Benefit Missouri Tribe, I. O. R. M.
(Read and see if any of your friends appear)
(Characters named as they appear in the play:)
Mill Smith Lester Sa&r
Alvtin St. George Charlock (Alias Dave
Forrester) Will Rathke
Wildcat (Maiio Morley) Hattie Sherman
Gabriel BastaUium ; Emery DeWolf
Frank Forester Ralph Emery
Graeie Nell Johnson. Marsh ' David Burnett
Martha Jane Biggins ... Elouise Morgan
Job Jenkins..... Dave Bennett
Dick Morley. Clayton Murphy
Victorine Morley Nell Johnson
ACT I-Scene: (Old Grizzley's Hut) The plot-Wildcat meets Rasta-baunv-Frank
and Wildcat find Grade the will Old Grizzly his
death-the hut on fire no, you don't, "you here?" "Always here
mit de actent on der trigger."
ACT II Scene: (Dick Morley's farm yard and the oil wtlla two weeks
later)- Where's the pesky critter got to anyway Wildcat a torment
toa Rstabaum Charlock meets Morley Victorine's arrival from
boarding school Rastabaum poisoned on pork Frank meets Vic
torine Rastabaum finds torpedo the well exploded "the old farm
is worth a million."
ACT Ill-Scene: (Parlor of Dick Morley's mansion, New York City,
two years later) Victorine gives Job a lessonin etiquette Martha
Jane pays a visit to tho city "Land Bakes, these carpets are jest
like a walkin on plowed ground" Charlock threatens Morley the
devil always helps his own Job proposes to Martha Jane Rasta
baum interferes Gracie recognizes her husband Morley's death
Frank under suspicion.
ACT IV Scene: (kitchen at the farm. Six months later) "Job will
you wake up" Job in trouble as usual Charlock arrives; threatens
Mpzie-Rastabaum on the job the torn will Charlock arrested
Every cloud has its silver lining.
Specialties by Hattie Sherman and Ralph Emery.
Tickets on Sale at Riley Hotel.
Carl Cross and wife, northwest
of town, are the parents of a fine
new daughter, born on Wednes
day, January 15.
W. B. Banning went to Lincoln
Monday morning to participate in
a meeting of the slate fair board,
of which he is a member.
R. 11. Frans went to Omaha on
the Monday evening train, having
a full dav's business scheduled
for Tuesday at I he wholesale
Mrs. V. C. Browning and little
daughter arrived home last Friday
from Wolbach, Neb,, where they
had been visiting relatives for
several weeks.
Edward MidkilT drove in Wed
nesday morning from Avoca to at
tend the funeral of his brother-in-
law, the late John S. Irwin, which
was held that day.
Rev. W. A. Taylor, Ray Frans,
John McCarroll and Ward Cheney
went to Nehawka on Iho Wednes
day evening (rain to attend a
meeting of the Masonic lodge.
Mrs. C. I). Sline suffered a very
severe attack of the grippe and for
a few days her condition was
somewhat alarming, but wo arc
pleased to report that she is now
getting along very well.
). B. Chapman returned Tues
day from his little holiday visit,
having spent several weeks among
his relatives and friends in Oloe,
Polk and Saunders counties, and
declares there wasn't a dull min
ute for him in the whole time.
Amos McNamee arrived home
Wednesday morning from Kansas
City, where he had been visiting
his uncle, I'hillip Steele. Amos
was a few days' overdue, hero and
some of his friends began lo fear
that l'at Crowe had nabbed him.
Dr. H. Thomson, dentist, !
of Plattsmouth, will make
Union one day of oach
week for the purpose of
looking after the dental
work of this community. He
will be In Union on Satur
day of each week, beginning
January 4, 1913, until fur-
! ther notice.
L. R. Upton arrived homo on
tho 9:20 train yesterday morning
ho and Joe Bauer having spent
several weeks seeing Cuba, Florida
and other parts of tho country.
Roy informed us that ho succeed
ed in getting Joe married, and
that he and his bride slopjed off
for a visit with relatives in Chi
cago and will probably reach here
next week.
Monday, Feb. 3 i
Prices, 25e, 35c and 50c. II
Public Sale!
Sale Will Begin Promptly at 10
O'clock A. M.
The undersigned will offer for
sale at public auction, at his farm.
Hi miles west of Murray and 7
miles north of Nehawka, on
the following described property,
to-wit; f
Horses and Hogs.
mare, 7 years old.
mare, 8 years old.
mares, smooth mouth.
1 bav
1 bay
2 bay
.1-black mare, 4 years old.
black gelding, years old.
bay gelding, 4 years old.
brown gelding, 3 years old,
bay gelding, coming 3 years
1 brown gelding, coming 3
years old.
1 pair of black geldings, coming
2 years old. '
1 black colt, 1 year old.
1 black mare colt, coming 1 year
80 head of stock hogs.
30 head of brood sows, bred.
Farm Implements.
3 setts of work harness.
1 single harness.
1 Peering mower.
1 Acme mower, nearly new.
1 Hoosier broadcast seeder, with
grass seed attachment.
1 Sucker Slate press wheat drill.
1 Packmaker gang plow.
1 John Peere two-row disc plow.
1 Peru riding lister.
1 Sterling disc.
1 1-horse wheat drill, new.
1 L'-row stalk cutter.
1 Jayhawker hay slacker.
2 Jayhawker hay sweeps.
1 lO-inch walking plow.
3 corn plows.
1 Float corn drill, lister, attach
ment. 2 steel corn plow boxes.
1 harrow cart.
1 Chatham fanning mill.
2 sickle grinders,
1 pair bob-sleds.
1 low wheeled wagon, with hay
rack. 2 farm wagons.
And many other articles too
numerous lo mention.
Lunch will bo served on tho
ground nt noon by M. O. Churchill.
All sums of $10.00 and under,
ash; over $10.00, 12 months' time
wilh 8 per cent interest, purchaser
giving not wilh approved security.
No property to bo removed from
the premise? until settled for.
B.C. Long, Owner.
Wilkinson A Hall, Auctioneers,
T. M. Patterson, Clerk.