The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1913, Image 7

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    Auto Livery!
i fitv, Supplies!
A!vo Kews
Inter-State $1750; $2400; $3400
Imperial $1285; $1650; $1875
Detroiter $850.00 and $900.00
tor All cars fully equipped. Agents for Chopie Gasoline En
gines $40.00 per h. p. The Gasoline Saver.
, Cecil & Manners,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
H"H M-H-I M-K H-Hi
i Ledger. J
Reu Frans wont to IMallsniouth
on the Tuesday evening train for
a few hours' visit with friends.
Jack Lowlher of Magnet arrived
yesterday for a visit with his rela
ives and friends in this vicinity.
V. C. Hrowning returned Sunday
from several days' business trip
to Sidney, Neb., and other point s
in that pari of the staie.
Kay Frans departed last Sunday
evening for Ottumwa, la , where
some business matters required
his attention, and spent a few days
with relatives in that oil v.
Thomas Ueggs and wife arried
last week from Sandy Lake, Pa.,
and have been making a visit with
Mrs. Hoggs' sister, Miss Lenna
Barber, at the home of V. (1.
James and wife, southwest of
Reese Dolanev has been having
a vey serious altaok of stomach
trouDle that kepi nun prisoner in
his home two weeks, but the Wed
nesday morning wont hoi- coaxed
him out and he was able to walk
over to the posloli'iee.
V. II. (Hilly) Hells of Avoea
was in town Tuesday ami made us
a short isil. Mr. Bells was start
ing for Kansas City wilh two oar
loads of his fat oat lie. coiiviueed
that taking his stock to thai mar
ket is a paying proposition.
James (i. Easier arrived home
Monday from his several weeks'
trip lo Texas, where he was look
ing after his Manhandle land. On
the return trip he stopped three
weeks at lint Springs, Ark., to
test the value of the water and
Our young friend, Carl, West,
one of the most popular gentle
men in this part of the state, has
captured one of Plattsmouth's
charming and talented young
ladies, Miss Florence Dovey, the
wedding taking place in that city
last Salurdr.y evening.
Mrs. Robert Viall was reported
as among those on the sick lisl
Xels Anderson is again able lo
bt around after a couple of weeks'
sejge wiah the grippe.
r m . . I r i I.
.tirs. Miariey Hansen, wnose
health has lx-en precarious since
last summer, is reported as not
so well again.
Joe Lindsay, who lives down
near Union, is justly proud of the
arrival at his home Saturday night
of another sturdy boy.
Mrs. C.raee Long of Columbus,
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. Irene Mason, for a few days,
returned to her homo Saturday.
Fred Rughe of South Bend was
here the first of I he week at tend
ing the Sehliehlomoier funeral.
.Mr. Rughe used to live here a good
many years ago.
L S. Fries, who has enough of
this world's goods lo take life
easy, left Wednesday for Kansas
City on his way lo Galveston,
Texas, where he will spend I he
next few months.
Yesterday was a red letter day
at the M. K. parsonage. About 100
brothers and sisters of the church
together with a numerous sprink
ling of brothers-in-law, gathered
at I be parsonaue in an old-fashioned
house wanning. They
brought in enough good things
for everyone lo eat. They have
but lately finished improving the
parsonage and now have a com
forlable S-i in house of which
the congregation is justly proud.
Paul I'lvhlieh came in from
Lincoln Ydueda .
James Rouse was in Lincoln on
business Wednesday.
Miss Lizzie Ta lor went to Mur
dock Sunday on No. 1 S.
(iuy and F.d l'arsell of Lincoln
were in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kanun were
capital city visitors Tuesday,
Miss Kthel Stewart came in
from .Lincoln Monday on No. 1 L
Miss Pearl Keefer was visiting
friends in Lincoln Wednesday.
Mrs. F.d Casey was a passenger
lo Lincoln Wednesday on Mo. 1J.
The Mothers' Council met Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. L. Muir.
Charles Sutton went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning, returning Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk-
patrick returned Wednesday from
tloorge l'. Foreman, sr., was a
passenger to Lincoln on No. 13
Jake llardknock came in Mon
day from Wood River, Neb., to
visit relatives.
Dan llardknock of Wood River
came in Wednesday lo visit with
relatives a lew uays.
John Elliot I, shipped a mixed
load of hogs and sheep to South
Omaha Tuesday evening.
Steve Clough of Lincoln was in
lown Wednesday to help Harry
l'arsell repair his engine.
Miss Cordelia Condra of Lin
coln, accompanied Miss Flo Boyles
home to spend Sunday with her
pouiii' boy at his home mi Satur
day, January 11, III 13.
S. J. Marshall received word
M"iiday of the death of his
cousin, John Maw, of tJiitner,
Neb, lie was the only son of Mrs.
Lucy Maw, who is ipiite well
know n to our" people here.
Local iicvj
T. W. Nailery was in the city to
lay looking after some mailers of
business for a few hours.
Henry Hirz. was in the oily Ihis
afternoon from the farm, attend
ing to some miriness mailers.
(pes to Submit to Proposals
(or Peace Settlement.
P. J. Linch returned on No. 1
The Journal for Calling Cards.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred
B. P. R. Cockerels, $1.00
each. Eggs 75c per jetting in
season. Mrs. .1. W. Hendricks,
Plattsmouth, Neb., Route 1.
'Phone 3-L, Murray.
After a hearty meal, lake Doan's
Regulets and assist your stomach,
liver and bowels. Regulets are a
mild laxative. at all stores.
Monday from a brief business It in
lo York and Fairhury, where he
w ent Sat unlay.
Mrs, Hello Hennell, who has
been visiting relatives in Burrock,
Kansas, the past few weeks, re
turned home Tuesday on No. 1-1.
Mrs. W. E. Casey went to Lin
coln cm No. 17 Tuesday evening lo
attend the Bresenhani-Dullonly
wedding Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Calebpule, who has boon
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Strong, returned to her
home in 1 louver, Colo., Tuesday
Mrs. Emma DeVore of Fort
Morgan, Colo., and Mrs, Maggie
fngwerson of Minilare, Nob., came,
in Wednesday on No. 18 to visit'
relatives for a few weeks.
Mrs. T. W. Barry and lit lie
daughter, Staeia, left on No. 17
Monday for a brief visit in Kansas
Cily, from wivire she will go lo
Duke, Texas, to spend a few
months wilh her husband, who
has employment then;.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Moore
head of Delta, Colo., came in Sun
day from Nelson, Neb., where they
had been visiting, to spend sev
eral days with Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Rouse and other relatives here.
Mrs. Moorehead is a niece of Mrs.
Word was received by hom
folks from Mrs. George Bobbitl
and Mrs, Jesse Stone that they
arrived at Moorehead, Kansas,
safely Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock, and Mr. Bobbitt arrived
wilh the car of goods Friday noon.
ilere s wishing them success in
their new homes.
1 1
The Round Oak Base Burner will burn suc
cessfully, economically and satisfactory Solvay
Chestnut Coke and gas house crushed Coke with
magazine also uncrushed gas house Coke by re
moving the magazine.
Makes a hot, bright, clean fire costs much
less per ton.
The only Base Burner with exclusive feature.
Ample capacity in patented flue construction
makes it possible.
Estate of P. D. Beckwith, Inc., Dowanica, Michigan
Maker of Good Goods Only
Dr. Foiihce is veiling at
Cily for a couple of days.
Andrew Krocklow expects to
move to Falls City shortly.
Iaae Wiles and wife were pas
sengers lo Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green were
visiting in Louisville Monday
Mr. Rau had the misfortune to
lose his moustache last week
Charles Jenkins of Avoea visited
ohe day last week with his par
Vera Gerlae has boon bavin
lonsolilis, hut is able to be out
Mrs. Boone and son, Johnnie,
wore passengers lo Omaha Tues--day.
Mrs. Ed Pankonin of Weeping
Wafer visited Wednesday with her
Mrs. Shipman has been visit iruy
ofr some time with her son at
John Fleischiuann was trans
acting business in Council BlulTs
Alex Miller and w ife ami daugh
ter, Callie, visited in Nehawka
over Sunday.
The Misses Maggie and Kalie
WallVert visited in Louisville one
day Ihis week.
Frank Bergman, Mr. Essiek and
James Murphy were passengers lo
Omaha last week.
Grandpa Wright visited one day
this week with his lillle grand
daughter, Mary Miller.
Waller Jenkins and wife and
son of Havelock visited over Sun
day wilh Aaron Jenkins and fam
ily. Dr. Fordyce enjoyed a visit over
Sunday from his parents, Dean
Fordyce and wife, of University
Mr. Shopbell, the Heat rice
Creamery superintendent, of Uni
versilv Place, was in Manley Wed
Miss Daisy Jewell visited at
home Wednesday evening, return
ing to her school work Thursday
School reopened again Monday
morning, after being closed sev
eral weeks on account of the
Floyd Rockwell, Waller and Joe
O'Brien, who have boon at Mem
phis, Neb., working-, returned
home Tuesday evening.
Fmphrey Murphy, who had been
operated on for appendicitis, came
home this week and look suddenly
worse and is very sick at this writ
Mr. Franklin, the horse buyer,
will be in Manley Friday, Januar
L'i, for the purpose of buying up
horses and mules of any size and
Mrs. Aaron Jenkins and daugh
ter, Clara, entertained the Ladies'
Kensington club in honor of their
William Wolfe of Union was in
the city today for short time at
tending to some matters of business.
A. F, Sevbert came in this aft
ernoon from Omaha, where he
had been visiting his wife at Ihe
Mrs. V. Zucker was a passenger
this afternoon for Omaha, where
she visited for a few hours with
George Edminslon, jr., of
Union was in the cily today for n
few hours attending to some busi
ness matters.
James B. Tipton, the Platte
river bridge tender, was in the
,ity today doing some trading wilh
the merchants.
J. P. Fallot' was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where
ho looked after business mailers
for a few hours.
II. S. Austin returned this
morning from Glenwood, where
ho har. been attending lo some
matters of business.
George Thomas departed this
afternoon for Omaha, where he
will attend a meeting of the Ma
sonic Home board.
Herman Pankonin of Louisville
came down this morning from his
homo, being called here on some
mailers of business.
Clayton Rosencrans rolurnei
tins morning from iNciiawka,
whore he has been visiting with
friends for a short time.
Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans was a
visitor in I. ho metropolis today,
being a passenger on No. IT) this
morning for (hat city.
Rev. M. W. Lorimor was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha,
where he looked after business
mailers for a short lime.
II. C. Long of Murray was in
the cily today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of busi
ness with the merchant s.
Balkan Delegates in London Are
Pleased With News, but Are Not,
Yet Sure Turkish Government !
Entirely Sincere.
Constantinople, Jan. 23. Turkey
submitted to tho will of the powers.
The grand council of the Ottoman
empiro decided In favor of accepting
the proposals of Europe for a pes'
settlement between Turkey and tLe
Balkan allies.
As officially announced the gran
council "approved the governments
point of view, declared Its confldonc
In the sentiments of equity voiced by
the great powers and expressed their
wish to see their promises and pro
posed assistance effectively realized.'
It also asked the government "to
crt all Its efforts to ensure In the fut
ure the safety of the country and tho
development of Its economic Inter
The question submitted by the Turk
ish government to the grand council
"Should the recommendations con
tained In the note of the European
powers be accepted or rejected?"
Tho government frankly confessed
Itself In favor of agreeing to the sug
gestion nindo by tho powers.
Allies a Little Doutbful.
Imdon. Jan. 23. The plenipoten
tiaries of tho Balkan kingdoms are Im
mensely pleased over tho decision of
tho grand council nt Constantinople
to ncctpt the advice of tho powers.
This action Is so unlike the custom
ary Turkish policy that somo sus
picion Is entertained until supporting
proof Is received (hat. Turkey still
might have cards up Its sleeve. Tho
crucial point of difference remains to
be settled the question of Indemnity.
Caravan on Way to Mecca Over
whelmed by Avalanche and Flood.
Snaklm, Egypt. Jan. 23. Throo bun.
dred and fifty Mohemmaden pilgrims
from India to Mecca were drowned by
flood which overwhelmed tho entire
caravan at us cnenmpmeni nuaway
between the cnered city of Medina,
Arabia, and the port of Ycnibo, on the
Rrd 6oa
n avalanche, accompanied by grat
torrents of water, swept down the
mountain near the camp, earrylnjl
away people, animals and tents.
Only fifty nt the mo pilgrims com
posing the caravan were Raved and
have since reahid Yemlio.
Nicholas lluimes, Ihe Weeping
Water inil'er, was in the cily to
day for a few hours attending lo
some mailers of business.
Itching, torturing skin erup-
fiima i i c fl friiT'n nnnnv lriv nnn
(Hover, from FndayJ., oin(mcrt is praiscd
for its good work. SOe at all drug
i-M-H MM-I 4-M-H 'J-H
Republican. -
JJeJ? oe?e2? eJte??? -
Charles Spolm enjoyed a visit
over Sunday from a cousin from
Superior, Neb.
A. Hilderbrand was looking af
ter some business matters at
Murdock Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H L. Pbilpot and
daughter, uiadys, visited friends
at Fairbury, from Friday until
Mrs. J. It. Chandler and son,
Earl, wore visiting her mother,
Mrs. R. O
until Saturday, going from hero
to Havelock, whore they will
make their borne.
Thelma Wallick came in from
Omaha Saturday night to spend
the winter with her grandmother,
Mrs. Askew, and attend school
here. Her brother, Victor, went
lo Omaha lo slay with his mother
for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Shumate,
who .live on tho A. A. Lasch
farm, went to Lincoln Monday
night in answer lo a message,
stating that Mrs. Shumate's
father, Thomas Elliott, had died.
Ho was for a time a resident of
Weeping Water a number of years
W. C. Lant came down from
Lncoln Monday afternoon lo at
tend the K. of P. installation and
oyster stew. lie reports the ar
rival of an eight and one-half-
guests Friday afternoon at a 5
o'clock tea.
Kd Fleischmann has rented the
old store building on Main street
and will use tho down stairs for
tho cream station, and his family
will live upstairs.
Ed Jenkins and wife and A. II.
Jenkins and wife of Cleveland,
Ohio, who have been hero visiting
their brother, Aaron, returned to
their home Monday,
Mrs, Jane Kennedy and Mrs.
Casey of Lockridge, Okla., return
ed to their homos Monday evening,
after visiting. several weeks with
relative.; in and around Manley.
Attorney W. A. Robertson was
a passenger Ihis morning for
Omaha lo look after some busi
ness matters for a few hours.
The Rev. Allan 0. Wilson and
wife were passengers this after
noon for Omaha, whore they Aill
visit for a few hours with friends
Mrs. James Allison departed
this morning on No. Hi for Oma
ha, whore she will spend the day-
looking after matters of business.
P. A. Meisingor and wife won
passengers this morning on No
15 for Omaha, where they will
visit for a short lime with frien''
Auctioneer, Murray, Neb. '
Public Sales a specially,
and care taken to got the !
high dollar for your goods J
! and stock. Your business !
solicited. Telephone 5-N. -
Charles Hrinkman came in last
evening from Cedar Creek, where
he is employed, and visited with
bis parents, Frank Hrinkman and
Mrs. It. li. Lloyd, Miss Frances
voidman ami .Nelson Jean wore
passengers this morning foi
Omaha, where they visited for Ihe
Mrs. W. L. Austin and daugh
tor, Miss Clara, were passengers
this morning for Omaha, where
they visited for liie day wilh
Everybody's friend Dr. Thom
as' Eclectic Oil, the great house
hold remedy for toothache, ear
ache, sore throat, cuts, bruises,
scalds. Sold at all drug stores.
25c and TjOc.
If you have anything to sell an
ad In the Journal will sell It.
Mrs. Luko Wiles was a pas
songer this morning on the early
Hurlinglon train for Omaha
where she attended to business
mailers for the day.
Mrs. Harney Wampler wus
passenger on the early train for
Omaha this morning, where she
visited for a few hours with
friends and attended to business
Orvill Kintz departed last even
ing on No. 2 for Decatur, Indiana
where ho will visit with his par
cuts for about two weeks. This
is Ihe first timo ho has been home
in a long timo and the visit will
be greatly enjoyed.
Hearing Wyoming Contests.
Cheyenne, Wyo.. Jan. 23. The
house conimi'teo on elections of the
Wyoming legislature spent Us time
reading evidence In the contests three Uintah county Republic
an members. The report Is to be mads
to the house tomorrow and will bs
taken np as a .p''clal order of busi
ness Saturday. The senate referred
Its contests to a committee com
posed of two Republicans and one
Democrat, with Instructions to reporl
Jan. 27, the day before the vote on
the senatorial candidates will be takea
Postmaster Wounded by Mail Carrier.
Rrlghnm City, Utah, Jan. 23. James
M. Morris, postmaster at Rosette,
Utah, was rushed hrc on a special
train, having been shot and probably
fatally wounded by William M. Oohta,
a mall carrier. The two men quar
reled over some land Cobla had rented
from Morris.
McGoorty Has he Better of Hicks.
New York, Jan. 23 Eddie Mo
Ooorty of Oshkosh. Wl , dfented
Freddie Hicks of Detroit ;n a ten
round bout here.
Closing Quotations on the Chlcage
Board of Trade.
Chicago, Jan. 22. Closing prices:
Wheut May, 9.1c; July, 90-ic.
Corn May, 52Vic; July, 63Vi o.
OatsMay, 34Vic; July, 3-1-VC-c
Pokk Jan., ;tS.57!i; May, $18.90.
Lard Jan.. $10.1 2j! May, $10.17',.
Ribs Jan., $10.12'j; May, $10.15.
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat, 919r,o: No. 2 yellow corn,
00c; No. 2 white oats, S533Vic
Chicago Live Stock. ,
Chicago, Jan. 22. Cattle Receipts,
16,000; flow, generally steady; beeres,
$5.8509.10; western steers, $5.40
7.10; stockers and feeders, $4.75
7.50; cows nd he'fers, $2.70070;
calves, $7.0010.83. Hons Receipts,
42,000; BfflOc lower; light, $7.20
7.50; heavy, $7.057.fi0; rough, $7.06
C7.20; bulk, $7.407.IO. Sheep Re
ceipts, 28,000; strong; natives, $4 85
f.60; westerns, $4.90(Jf6 50; yearlings,
$.40JT8.40; lambs, $7.00C9.B0.
South Omaha Live Stock.
' South Omaha, Jan. 22. Cattle Re
eelpis, 4,300; steady to stronger;
beef steers, $G.008.75; cows and heif
ers, $4.75516.75; stockers and feeders,
$6.237.R0; bulls, $5.8506.15; calves.
$5.B09.00. Hogs Receipts. 16,400;
So lower; bulk of sales. $7.2037.S0;
tep, $7.25. Sheep Receipts, 11.000;
steady to stronger; lambs, $7.758.7J:
wethers, $r..C56.40; ewes, $4.753B.50.