The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1913, Image 6

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ublic Sale!
r rra i7dJ H'T
Public Sale!
W tji Al W MMM
II n,, of the rethhr of the Journal know
Ytii unl nil item f ' E'lHnr Jour lu'.
Home Bank Owned
lira State
Capita! $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CIIAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
' VV. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law.
3 C
John Irwin is numberbed with
Uio sick this week.
George Wiley was u county seat
visitor Saturday.
Lee Nickels was vi.iil.iiiK friends
in Plattsiiioulli Saturday.
John Nobschiodt, sr., made a
business trip to Plaltsmouth Sat
urday. Robert Nickels and family spent
Sunday willi A. F. Nickels and
Mrs. K. II. Queen was transact
ing business in Nebraska City
Frank Jtliuden and wife were
guests oT .1, W. Hendricks and
family Sunday.
G. Raker had Hie misfortune to
gel, his limb badly bruised by a
falling tree Friday.
Mrs. Fiuley of Omaha, daughter
of Rev. Hannah, presented the
library w il It four books,
Lee Nickels penl a few hours
in I lie counly seal. laxl Sal unlay
afternoon and oening.
Mrs. J. llo.-li-l fcr is spending
a few days in Omaha this week
with friends and relatives.
James McCullnrh was visiting
with counly seal. Triends last Sat
urday afternoon and evening.
Mrs. K. R. Queen entertained at
dinner Sunday (I. E. Nickels, Miss
Etta Nickels and Miss Vera Moore.
Wayne Lewis, who has been
suffering from an allack of neura
ligia of the hearl, is rapidly im
proving. Mrs, William Itaylor of (ilen
. wood arrived Sal unlay for a visit
with her daughter, Mrs. 1. Hostel
ler. Mary Creamer, who has been
suffering with blood poisoniiiK in
the hand, is much better at this
Mrs.'Nollie Lour left this -morning
for the hospital for a week's
trealinent. Mrs. Long believes
she is recoeriiiK rapidly.
Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Gilmoro
entertained Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs
William lloal of IMainview, Pau
line Oldham and Albert Young at.
supper Wednesday evening.
L. 1), Hi. i It was looking after
some business matters in Omaha
Tuesday of this week, returning
homo in the evening, via Plaits
mouth, whero ho spent a few
hours with county seat friends.
On account of tho rain Wednes
day evening only thirty wero pres
ent at tho library meeting. Mr.
Kniss was unable to get hero and
. he will read his paper in tho
March meeting. Messrs. Davis
and Hamilton were chosen to load
a debate on somo interesting topic
at tho February meeting.
Elsewhere in this issuo of the
Journal will bo foun dtho adver
tisement announcing the public
sale nf W. K. Shepherdson. Mr.
Shepherdson has a big offering in
this sale, and it might bo well for
those wanting farm property to
mark well tho dale. Mr. Shep
herdson expects to move to tho
extreme west, and every article
mentioned in tho ad will be sold.
of a xorial event or ait Hem of inle.rt.4 n
by Home People
Dr. H. Thomson, dentist,
of Plattsmouth, will make
Murray one day of each
week for the purpose of
looking after the dental
work of this community. He
I will be In Murray on Thurs
day of each week, beginning
J. January 2, 1913, until fur
I ther notice.
H. C. Long was in the counly
seat Thursday of this week post
ing his bills preparatory to hold
ing his public sale, "in advertise
ment of which will be found in
Ibis issue of I ho Journal. Henry
will to some extent cease farming
and will turn the home pVico over
to his son-in-law ami wife, Mr.
and Mrs Robert, Shrader, who
have been making their home near
lleiidlcy, Neb., for lite past few
ears. II is the intention of Mr.
ami Mrs. Long o move to the farm
icross the road from the home
place, where a new residence will
be creeled. It is pretty hard for
a man that has been as active all
through life as Henry Long to
cease work altogether, so he will
feed cattle and hogs and to some
extent take life msier than he has
for the past thirty-five years.
A Farewell Party.
The neighbors ami many friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sands
gathered at their home last
Thursday evening lo celebrate
their fifteenth wedding anniver
sary, and also a farewell, as Mr.
Sands and his highly esleemablo
family will leave within the next
few weeks for Wyoming, whero
they will lake possession of a
ranch. The evening was spent in
games and social visiting and a
dainty luncheon was served at a
late hour. Those present were
Messrs. and Mesdames Robert
Oood, Cms Split, K. M. Ciodwiu. F
L. Rho.len, F.. H. Queen, W. F.
Moore, Frank Lillie, John Hen
dricks, J. T. Brcndlc, James Tig
nor, Oeorgo Wiley, Charles Reed,
Fritz Tigner, C.ussio Good, George
Nickels, Vern Heiulrick, Arthur
Anderson, Esther Ray, Etta Nick
els, Leo Nickels.
Missionary Society Entertains.
Tho Missionary society enter
laincd Tuesday aft8rnoon in tho
parlors of tho church for Mrs. Vir
gin, who will leave Friday for her
new homo at Randolph, Neb. Mrs
G. II. Gilmore delightfully enter
tained tho guests with two piano
solos. Mrs. James IJolmcs sang
in a very pleasing manner. Covers
wero laid for thirty guests "Tho
society presented Mrs. Virgin with
n set of solid silver teaspoons
Mrs. Virgin was ono of tho oldest
members of tho society and they
regret her going away very much
For Sale or Trade.
Ono vacant lot, between D and
E, on 24th street, in South Omaha.
Address Nettie Connally, Box 138,
Murray, Neb.
this vicinity ami mil mod name to thin
Notice to Builders!
We now have an expert drafts
man in our employ, and anyone con
templating building will do well to
see us first. We are prepared to
urnish plans and specifications for
any kind of a building on very short
Peters & Richards,
The Riley Contest.
The Riley contest was very well
attended Saturday evening, con
sidering the weather, and 20 was
the dodr receipts. The ladies did
extra well in the rendering of
their prizes, and it is with regret
that all could not receive a prize,
but all diil gel honor. Miss Troop
was given first place ami Mrs. Mc
Donald second. Miss Harriett
Adams sang two solos that were
very much appreciated. Miss
Ogla Minford gave a number of
instrumental solos. Miss Minford
is a favorite with Murray audi
ences. Rev. Ross Williams sang
"On the Deep, Deep" Sea" in his
pleasing manner. Miss Perry of
Mynard, Miss Applegale of Piatt s
moulh and Mrs. Jamison of Weep
ing Water were the judges. Rev.
Williams made the presentation of
the Riley prizes.
For Sale.
House and eight lots, all front
ing on Main street, in Murray,
Call or address Nellie Connally,
Box 138, Murray.
Players' Club Meets.
The Plaltsinoulh Mayers' club
held a session last evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Aus
tin on Vine si reel, and tho special
occasion of lite meeting was the
initiation of a number of new
members, who were inducted into
the club with many wild and won
derful ceremonies, and the event
will long be remembered by those
w ho participated, especially I he
candulalos, who uau some very
thrilling experiences. Tho club
is preparing an entertainment
which they hope to bo able to pro
duce in a short time, and which
will bo one of the treats of the
Creates Neighborhood Discord.
Plaltsmouth is making a vigor
ous protest against the use of air
guns by the youngslers, somo of
the boys having made targets of
hickens, pels and other humans.
u air gun in tho hands of a
mischievous youngsters can create
more neighborhood discord than
a batch of unruly chickens afflict
ed with the wanderlust. Ne
braska City Daily Press.
Seed Corn for Sale.
Extra good, hand-picked yellow
seed corn for sale. F. L. Rhoden,
Murray, Neb. 'Phone 8-J.
Sues for Attorney's Fees.
Today the case of Matthew Gor
ing vs. Paul Slreignt is occupying
the attention of the county court
being tried before a jury com
posed of J. W. Crabill, E. II. Wcs-
cott, E. G. Dovcy and Col. J. II
Thrasher The suit is for $300
attorney's fees, Mr. Gering having
acted as Mr. Streight's attorney
in the settlement of tho estate of
Mrs. Johanna Streight, tho mother
of tho defendant, and they had a
disagreement over tho fee duo to
Mr. Gering. Tho case was on all
morning and will probably take up
the best part of the afternoon.
For Sale.
I have just a few of those full
blooded Barred Plymouth Rock
cockrcls left. 'Phono No. 31 White.
C. E Bappitt, Plaltsmouth.
Faculty Recital.
Tho University School of Music
of Lincoln will present Mr. Arvid
Samuclson in a faculty recital at
tho resident studio at tho homo of
Miss Kitlio Cummins Thursday,
January 30, at 8 p. m. All ma
triculalcd pupils admitted free of
charge. A small admission will
bo charged the general public.
office it will appear umh
this hcnilini)
W. E. Banning Elected President
and Convention Decides in
Favor of Searls' Bill.
The good roads meeting at Lin
coln yesterday was very well at
tended by parlies from all sec
tions of I he slate who are in
terested in the project, and this
county was represented by T. H.
Pollock of tho Commercial club
and Counly Commissioners C. R
Jordan of Alvo, C. E. Heebner of
N'diawka ami Julius Pitz of this
city. There was much discussion
over I he uiuerent measures that
are proposed to be enacted by tin:
present session of the legislature,
and at limes the debate on the dif
ferent bills grew decidedly warm.
The meeting went on record as
favoring a bill proposed by S. A
Searl, which favors the creating of
a stale highway commission.' Tho
bill provides for a commission of
six, including I lie governor, at
torney .general, commissioner of
public lands and buildings and
three deputies, no more than two
nf whom can be members of the
governor's political parly. He-
sides superintendents will serve
in each county, not as elected
officers, but appointed. Under the
bill plans and specifications for
all bridge building in the slate
will be furnished free of charge
by the commission's engineer
llie lull also provided lor com
pulsory road dragging.
mo meeting, in ineir election
of officers, certainly made a splen
did choiec for president in the
person of Hon. W. H. Banning
who is one of the original good
roads men in I he slale, and wilh
him at the head of the association
some mighty good results may be
looked for from I heir work. Mr.
Banning has devoted considerable
lime lo the study of this cjuoslion
and is capable of handling tho
good roads proposition in any
manner that may come up, and
dining the time he was in Hie
legislature he was a strong worker
in this cause. The good roads
question In this day and ago is
one of the most, vital that con
fronts the people and the work
done to improve the roads is labor
well placed.
Death Near Union.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The news was received here this
morning of the death yesterday at
his farm near Union of John
Irvin, a life-long resident of that
locality. Mr. Irvin was a man of
about 50 years of ago nad was
well known throughout this coun
tv, Tho death was quite sudden
and no information could be se
cured as to the cause of it. He
leaves a wifo and several children
lo survive him.
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
King of the Earliest seed pota
toes for sale. F. L. Rhoden, Mur
ray, Neb. 'Phone 8-J.
The Journal
for typewriter
General Blacksmithing
and Vagon Work
Horseshoeing is Our Special)
11 Work Guaranteed
Hurray, Nebrask;
Sale Will Uegin Promptly at 10
((clock A. m.
Tin' und'iigned will offer for
lie at nub I ic and ion. at his farm.
1 :) miles wot of Mtiisay and 7
miles north of Nehawka. on
the following doiTibed properly,
to-wil :
Horses and Hogs.
t bay mare, 7 years old.
1 bay mare, 8 years old.
2 bay mares, smooth inoulli.
i black mare, i ears old.
1 black gelding, i 'years old.
1 bay gelding, i years old.
1 brown gelding, ;i years old.
1 bay gelding, coming ;i years
1 brown gelding, coining 3
years old.
1 pair of black geldings, coming
years old.
1 black coll, 1 year old.
1 black mare colt, coming 1 year
80 head of slock hogs.
30 head of brood sows, bred.
Farm Implements.
3 sells of work harness.
1 single harness.
1 Deering mower.
1 Acme mower, nearly new.
1 Hoosier broadcast seeder, with
grass seed attachment.
1 Sucker Slale press wheat drill.
1 Paekmaker gang plow.
1 John Deere two-row disc plow,
t Peru riding lister.
1 Sterling disc.
1 1-horso wheal drill, new.
1 2-row stalk cutter.
1 Jayhawker hay stacker.
2 Jayhawker hay sweeps.
1 10-inch walking plow.
3 corn plows.
1 Float corn drill, lister attach
ment. 2 sleel corn plow boxes.
1 harrow cart.
1 Chatham fanning mill.
2 sickle grinders,
1 pair bob-sleds.
1 low wheeled Wagon, with hay
rack. 2 farm wagons.
And many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Lunch will be served on the
ground at noon by M. G. Churchill.
All sums of $10.00 and under,
cash; over $ 10.0(1, 12 months' time
Willi 8 per cent interest, purcnaser
giing hot wilh approved security
No properly to be removed from
I he premises unlil so) I led for.
H. C. Long. Owner.
Wilkinson & Hall. Auctioneers
I'. M. Pallerson, Clerk.
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction at the Walker
farm, two miles south and one-
quarter mile west of Plaltsmouth,
one mile past and one mile north
of Mynard, on
the following described property,
Eight Head of Horses and Colts.
One bay mare with foal, smooth
mouth, weight 1,400.
Ono gray mare with foal,
smooth mouth, weight 1,300.
One bay gelding, G years old,
weight 1,000.
One brown gelding, coming 4
years old, weight 1,050.
One sorrel gelding, coming 2
years old.
One sorrel gelding colt, 9
months old.
Two brown mare colts, 9
months old.
Six good milk cows, threo fresh.
One two-seat carriage, good as
One single buggy.
One manuro spreader.
One hay rake.
Dne hay wagon and rack.
One cultivator.
8 head yearling cattle.
11 head shoats.
14 head shoats.
One two-row machine.
One feed grinder.
One corn planter.
One gasoline engine.
One set work harness.
And numerous other articles.
Lunch will bo served on the
grounds by the ladies of the
Christian church.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand; over $10, a credit of
twelve months will bo given if do
sired, purchaser giving good
bankable paper bearing 8 per cent
interest from date. All property
must bo settled for before being
removed. Sale to commence at
12 o'clock.
G. W. Livingston.
Win. Dunn, Auctioneer.
E. G. Dovey, Clerk.
The 11 Milel l-: ll'il will sell at
Public Auction to the highest bid
der, on the old McVey farm, 4 la
miles noil liwe.-t of Murray, 7
miles m i t ti of Ni huwka. 11 miles
northeast of Weeping Water, 11
miles southwest of Plaltsmouth,
1 mile north of the old Fulton
b!aekmilli lnt, and 1 miles
south of Kiulit Mile Grove ceme
tery, the following described prop
erly mi
Commencing at lo O'clock A. M.
Lunch Will I!e Served at Noon,
t 3 Head of Good Horses,
(i Head of Good Mules.
15 Head of Cattle 7 Cows.
1 gray gelding, 12 years old,
weight 1.300.
1 black gelding
weight 1,200.
1 bay gelding,
9' years
9 years
weight 1,200.
i roan gelding, 8, years
weight 1,250.
1 bay mare, 4 years old, weight
1 gray gelding, 2 years old,
weight 1.150.
1 team bay mares, C years old,
weight 2,100.
1 gray mare, 12 years old,
weight 1,350.
1 sorrel gelding, 3 years old,
weight 1,050.
1 gray mare, 7 years old, weight
1 roan pony, kid broke, saddle
or drive, 9 years old, weight 850.
1 bay pony, 5 years old, weight
1 team of inulos, both mares, 3
years obi, weight 2,300.
1 team of mules, mare and
horse, 5 years old, weight 2,100.
1 brown mule, 4 years old,
weight 1,000. '
7 good milk cows, some fresh
and others will soon be fresh.
8 head of calves, coming year
lings. Some good brood sows.
About nine dozen chickens.
Farm Implements and household
1 8-foot Deering binder.
1 5-foot McCormick mower.
1 McCormick weed mower.
1 McCormick 10-foot rake.
1 Broadcast seeder, 10-foot.
1 Bradley riding lister.
1 John Deere walking lister.
1 John Deere corn planter with
furror openers.
1 tank heater.
1 John Deere corn drill, edge
1 John Dore 2-row cultivator.
2 Float drills.
1 Avery walking cultivator.
1 Avery riding cultivator.
1 Badger riding cultivator.
1 3-section harrow, 105 toolh.
1 P. & O. 16-inch walking plow.
1 12-inch Peru gang plow.
1 Peru disc.
1 2-row stalk cutler.
1 single buggy, rubber tire. '
1 road buggy.
1 low wheel truck wagon.
1 Moline lumber wagon.
1 Newton lumber wagon.
1 10-foot hay rack.
1 Sweep feed grinder with new
set of burrs.
1 pair of bob-sleds.
1 Wcnzelman corn elevator,
1 10-horse Woodberry power.
1 G-hole Marseilles corn shel-
1 one-hole seed corn sheller.
1 seed corn grader.
1 dipping tank.
1 stock tank.
4 setts of good work harness.
1 set single harness.
1 Economy cream separator.
1 Old Trusty incubator.
1 brooder.
Some barb-wiro and 1,500 or 2,
000 feet of good lumber.
1 grindstone.
Household goods and many
other articles too numerous to
NOTE There is no Consigned
Property in this sale.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of $10.00 and under
cash; over $10.00 a credit of from
six to eight months will be given,
if desired, purchaser giving good
bankable paper bearing 8 per cent
interest from date. No property
lo be removed until settled for.
W. K. Shepherdson, Owner.
Wilkinson & Hall. Auctioneers
W. G. Boedeker, Clerk.
Many ills come from impure
blood. Can't have pure blood with
faulty digestion, lazy liver and
sluggish bowels. Burdock Blood
Bitters is recommended for
strengthening stomach, bowels
and liver and purifying the blood.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire to pay their subscriptions
in wood are requested to bring it
in before the roads get bad, as
we desire to place it in the dry.
Come in with it, boys, right away.