The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1913, Image 3

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    In Personally
If you would like to know more about our personally conducted tour
ist lecper excursions to California, via Denver and Scenic Colorado, ask
the anient for descriptive literature, or write me. These tours are in
charge of special conductors. They accompany you all the way and give
you the benefit of their experience.
Another way to go is via Denver and the Santa Fe-Grand Canyon
Route. We run through tourist sleepers from Omaha every Tuesday
r.ight that way, leaving Denver W ednesday evening. While these are not
personally conducted, they are through sleepers, and are carried on high
class trains.
Our California "Personally Conducted Excursions" folder tells you all
1 . Kfjjy katM-t. .
Week of January
The LviriRHton Loan and Building As
sociation, Plaintiffs,
Adelaide Itates and John T. Bates, her
husband, Defendants.
'Pn Adelaide Bates and John T. Bates,
her husbund, non-resident defendants
in the above entitled action:
Tou and eanh of you are hereby
notilied that the plain! iff lias com
menced an action against you in the
Kistrlct Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of foreclosing
a mortgage given by you to the Living
ston Loan and Building Association on
the lfith day of January, 1908, covering
the following described real estate In
Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point in the center of
Bryant street, said point being 156
feet west and 15 feet north of a stone
at the southeast corner of the tiR'A of
Section 24, Township 12 north, liange
IS, east of the 6th p. m., thence north
1' 17.8 feet to a stake, tlnnce wefl :!n0
feet, thence sout'i 217.8 f?ot to a stak'.-,
thence east 200 feet to tha plaue of
o.y.nnlnK, containing one acre, lie the
fame nio.e or less and Inown sis i ub
Int I of lot 4ti, In the SBVi of the NEVi
of Section 24, Township 12 north, Range
13 east, of the 6th p. m., In Cass County,
Nebraska, which mortgage appears of
record In Book 35 of Real Kstate
Mortgages at page 275, In the oltice of
th Register of l)eeds of Cass County,
Nebraska, and to rocover $10.70 for In
surance which plaintiff has been com
pelled to pay, and to recover taxes for
the years 1U08-1911 Inclusive In the sum
of $14.48, with interest thereon from the
12th day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief..
You an)' 'each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of February, A. D. 1913, and
in failing so to do your default will be
duly entered therein and Judgment
taken as prayed for In plaintiff's peti
tion. The Livingston Loan and Building As
sociation, 1'lal nt iff.
By A. L. TIDD, It's Attorney.
The Lvingston Loan and Building As
sociation, 1'laintiiTs,
DeWitt-Stanley and Anna Stanley, his
wife. Defendants.
To DeW'llt Stanley and Anna Stanley,
hise wife, non-resident defendants in
the above entitled action: ,
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the 'plaintiff has com
menced an action against you In the
District Court of Cuss County, Ne
braska, for t lie purpose of foreclosing
a mortgage given by you to the Llving
ton Loan and Building Association on
ihe 10th day of September, 1906, cover
ing the following described real estate
to-vit: Lots 3 anil 4, In Block 10, In
Thompson's Addition to the City of
I'lattsmouth, Cass County Nebraska,
which mortgage appears of record In
Jiook 32 of Real Katate Mortgages, at
page 236, in the olllce of the Register
if Dttnls of Cass County, Nebraska; and
to recover the sum of $8.b0 Insurance,
which plaintiff lias been compelled to
pay, and the sum of $77.15 taxes, in
terest and costs for the years 1907-1911
inclu.-ive, with Interest thereon from
the 12th day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of February, A. D. 1913, and
In failing so to do your defnult will be
duly entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's peti
tion. The Livingston Loan and Building1 As
sociation, Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD, It's Attorney.
la Ihe lyxtrlct Court In and for Cam
County Nrbranka.
liouia Bay and Albert M. Hay,
. Plaintiffs,
Nancy J.' Dysart, Elizabeth Wolfe,
Henry Wolfe, KUen Kreiger, Adolpli
KrelKer, Ida Cline, ilrunson Cllne,
James A. Dysart, Frank P. Sheldon,
Emma Sheldon, Thomas P. Dysart,
Louise Dysart. Jessie U. Dysart, Clara
Dvsart, Charles II. Dysart and
Osnretta Dvsart, Defendants.
To the Defendants, Kllen KrelRer,
Ailolph KrelRer, Thomas T. Dysart
and Louise Dysart: ,
Vou aie hereby notified that on the
'-'4th day of December, 1!12, plaintiffs
tiled their petition against the above
named defendants in the District Court
of the County of Cass, Nebraska, pray
Jnir nartltlon of the following described
real estate situuted in the County of
Cass Nebraska:
The Southeast Quarter (SK) of the
.Southeast Quarter (SK'.i) of Section
t wentv-seven (27), the Northeast,
Quarter (NK'-D of the Northeast Quar
ter INK'O of Section thirty-four (34)
the North half of tlie Northwest Quar
ter (NWm of the Northeast Quarter
(Nl;'i) or section imriv-rour an
In Townshln ten. (10). Ranee 13 ICast
if the 6th p. m. and setting forth the
interest of plaintiffs and defendants
This notice Is srlven pursuant to an
order of the court and each of you are
required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the linn day or f en
ruart. A. D. 1913. or your default will
bo duly entered of record, and partition
of said lands made in accordance with
the findings and orders of the court
I herein.
TtAW'LS & ROBERTSON, Attorneys.
J. J. Thomas, Attorney,
Jn the District Court of Seward County,
Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate
of Thomas A. Hoaley, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that In pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable
ieorKe F. Corcoran, one of the Judges
of the District Coul in and for Seward
Countv, Nebraska, made on the 2nd day
of July, ) 912, at Chambers, at the Court
liniK. in iha Pltv of York. York
County, Nebraska, tor the sale of the
real estate hereinafter described, I will
sell at the front door of the Court House
In the City of I'lattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska, on the 1st day of February,
191,1, at one o'clock p. m for cash, the
following described real estate, to-wu:
T.nm aiiven (7) and eight (8). In block
ten (10), of Carter's Addition to Weep-
inir Water. Cass County. Nebraska.
Said dale will remain open one hour.
HENRY J. MAT.lvi;. Administrator,
with the will annexad of the
estate of Thomas A. Healey. de
Conducted Excursions
about the trip and the country enroute. Free on ap
plication. R. W. CLEMENT, Agent.
W. L. WiKELY, General Passenger Agent, Oiaha, Neb.
12th and 19th
In the 1 Hot riot Court of Can County,
Charles I l'felfer, .Plaintiff,
Frances J. Solomon, et al.,
To the Defendants: Frances J. Solo
mon, I). II. Solomon, first name un
known; Kllzabeth II. Solomon, Juslali
Moores, Mary J. Moores, Mary J. Lath
rop, K. M. Henderson, first name un
known; Bertha O. Dalton, Mary
Armindu Hull man, Caroline Huff man,
Edward .1, Moores, Alfred M. Moores,
Knoch O. C. Moores, Kliza Moores,
Mahala dray, A. J. Moores, first name
unknown; Nancy Iv. Kpperson, Henry
Moores, Kdward or Ed Jocklm, Ida E.
Jocklin, Andrew AV. or A. V. Mc
Laughlin, Alena R. McLaughlin, John
W. or J. V. Seyniore, S. J. Seymore, first
name unknown; Zctlium or el ham I'.
Mcculloch, Ithmar V. or I. V, PIlls
buiiy, Nellie B. Smith, Chester II.
Smith, Fred Black, also the unknown
heirs and devisees of the following
named, Frances J. Solomon, deceased,
l. II. Solomon, deceased, nrst name un
known, .1 os In h Moores, aeeeased, E. M.
Henderson, first name unknown, de
ceased; Bertha O. Dalton, deceased;
Mary Armlnda Huffman, deceased,
Caroline Huffman, deceased, Edward J.
Moores, deceased, Alfred M. Moores, de
ceased, Enoch (J. C Moores, deceased;
Mahala Gray, deceased; A. J. Moores,
first name unknown, deceased; Nancy
K. Epperson, deceased, Henry Moores,
deceased, Edward or Ed Jocklm, de
ceased; Andrew V. or A. W. McLaugh
lin, deceased, John W. or J. V. Seymore,
deceased; Zetliam or Zetham V. McCul
loch, deceased; Ithmar 1'. or 1. I'. Rllls
burry, deceased, you are hereby notified
that on January 18th, A. D. 1913. plain
tiff tiled Ills suit in the district court
of Cuss county, Nebraska, to quiet title
to the following described lands in
l'lattNmoulh, to-wit: Lots numbered
eleven and twelve, In Block number
forty-three, In the City of I'lattsmouth,
Cass county. Nebraska.
because or tils auverse possession by
himself and his grantors and their
grantors for more than ten years prior
to the commencement of this suit and
to enjoin each and all of you from
having or claiming to have any right,
title. Interest or claim, either legal or
equitable In or two said lands or any
part thereor, and to require you and
each of you to set forth your right,
title, lien or Interest therein, If any,
either legal or equllHble, and to have
the same adjudged Inferior to the title
of plaintiff and for general relief
This notice is made pursunnt to the
order of the court. You are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, March 3rd, A. D. 1913, or your
default will be dulv entered therein.
CHARLES 1". I'FEI FEU, l'lninlilf.
J. E. DuL'tlLASS, Attorney.
ATl'ACinillXT MtTK K,
J. W. Davis will take notice that on
the 2nd day of January, l!li:i, M. Archer,
a justice of the peace of Cass County,
Nebraska, Issued an order or attach
ment for the sum of $5.00 In action
pending before him, wherein A. O. Hach
k Co. Is plaintiff and J. W. Davis de
fendant, that property of suld defend
ant, consisting of money, has been at
tached under said order, said cause
was continued to the 20th day of Feb
ruary, lain, at o clock a. m.
A. u. ifACU & JJ., I'laintnt.
Stale of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss.
To James V. Kasnar, Non-
Resident, Defendant.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, Louis Holler, has com
menced an action against you and
Maud V. Kaspar, jointly, in Justice
Court, before M. Archer, Justice
of the Peace in and for said Coun
ty, the object and prayer of which
is to "recover judgment against
you on a promisary note for $100,
with interest at tho rate of 8 per
cent, from the 7th day of Feb
ruary, 1912, and costs of action.
You are hereby notified to
answer said action on or before
the 2 1st, day of February, 1913,
at 9 o'clock a. m., and in failing
so to do your default will be duly
entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for by plaintiff.
LOUIS ROTTER. Plaintiff.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
Chopie Oasoline Engine Company
(Limited), of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, has issued fully paid up
capital stock to the amount of
Fifty-four Thousand Nine Hun
dred Thirty Dollars ($5i,930.00) ,
and that said Corporation has an
indebtedness for current expenses
only amounting lo the sum of
Dated this 6th dav of January,
Jno. A. Chopieska,
Edw. Rynolt,
Adolph Giese,
IT. M Soennichsen,
II. F.'Ooos,
Sell your property by an ad In
the Journal.
From Tuesday's Dallv.
I ivii Ohm was aiikiu'tl in tin
u.-lii'i' t'oui'l yi'slenldy al'tcriiduii,
failed willi having broken int.i
a ('ml lxx lit'lmi.uini: to Russ.-il
Krai (t'l-infitmi ami taking from
lliov M'vi'ral tliflVrenl cai'iie nter
!.i"ls which lie sold 'at seeral
jilaics, and as the ollVuse was
(It ciiicil burglary lie was so cliarg
cl !iy (he county attorney. Fml
enlerttl a ilea of guilty to the
clihi.uc inatle against him ami tho
judge placed him under r0) bond
cilil the next Icrm of district
court, in default of which he was
i eiuanded to jail to serve until Ihe
ir'M session of the court. The
mailer will probably result in l-'rej
linng lo spend several months in
1 1'" county baslile.
From Tuesday's Dallv.
Peter Christenson,
whom complaint was filed a few
days apt for breaking quartinine
and leaving the home of Lesliu
Wiles, near Mauley, on January
i!i, was brought into county court
yesterday afternoon and a fine of
S25 and costs, amounting lo some
s.'i,'), was assessed against him by
the court. This should be a warn
ing to those who so recklessly
iolale the provisions of the
quarantine law anil endanger the
health of Ihe public by running
around and scattering Ihe dis
eases all over the counly. The
rulhorilies are determined lo see
that, Ihe law is enforced and any
one violating the quarantine law
should prepare to lake Ihe con
sequences of their acts.
Local News
From Tuesday's Dally.
Sell your property through a
little ad in the Journal.
Itave Amick was in the city to
day from his farm near Mynard,
attending lo some trading with the
Henry Kaufman drove in Ihis
morning from his home, south of
Ihis city, and departed for Omaha
lo look afler .some business mai
lers. Fred Warner relumed lo Oma
ha Ihis morning, afler visiting
here willi his parents. Chai
Warner and wife, for
l inn'.
Mrs. O. A. Nyst relumed Ihis
nfli'i'iifion lu. her Imme in Omaha,
alter visiting over Sunday and
Monday with her parents, Augusl
Johnson and wife.
Mark White came up this
morning from his home near Hock
Willi's and was a passenger on
No. 15 for Omaha, where he
visled for Ihe day.
L. 1). Hiatt, (he Murray mer
chant, came up last evening, and
afler visiting here over night de
parted this morning for Omaha to
look afler some business matters
W. !. Meisinger and brother,
L. A. Meisinger, drove in this
morning from their farm homes
and looked after some business
mailers here with the merchants.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Adam Hild of near Mynard was
in Ihe city today looking after
some matters of business with the
Martin and Elmer Lohnes of
the vicinity of Cedar Creek were
visitors in this city yesterday and
were pleasant callers at this office.
Everett Wiles departed this aft
ernoon on the Burlington train for
Omaha, where ho will look after
some business matters for a few
Oeorge II. Tarns, superintendent
of the county farm, departed this
afternoon for Brcedon, Iowa,
where be will visit relatives for a
short time.
Luke L. Wiles departed this
morning for Lincoln, where he
will attend the meeting of the Ne
braska Organized Agriculture as
sociation, which meets there this
A. O. Ramge was attending to
some business matters in this city
yesterday and called at this office
and had his name enrolled on our
Semi-Weekly list.
All persona Interested In the estate
of Krivvln It. Tortfl, now pending In the
County Court of Chr County, Nebraska,
nre hereby notified that a petition, set
down by snld Court on the 1st day of
Fohruary, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., when nny and all persons In
terested in said estate may contest said
Dated this 18th day of Jaminry, 1913.
County Judge.
Sheriff of New York,
Who May Go to Congress
In "Big Tim's" Place.
President Assures Klnkald He
Will Sim His Bill.
Washington, Jan. 23. Representa
tive Klnkald stated that he had th
arsurance of the president that the
bill throwing open to sottlement a por
tion of the abandoned Fort Niobrara
military reservation would be signed
by him when it reached tha WTtlte
House. The bill lias recently passed
the senate.
Mr. Klnknld Rppisred before the
committee on agriculture In a hearing
on his bill to amend the law relating
to adulterated butter. Under the
present law many small creameries,
not only In Nebraska, but In Iowa,
Minnesota and other northwestern
states, hava been subjected to sovere
penalties by the Internal revenue ef
nce because their butter has been
shown to contain more than 16 per
cent of moisture. Representatives of
many states have been trying to ae
rure nu amendment to the law, which
!-. ullesdil to ho unduly harsh, ns It
subjects violaters to a penalty of $."00
for enen often?"', even when committed
Three Leap From Fifth Floor of Burn
ing Building Into River.
Columbus, O., J;in. 23. Three glrli
ji;mped from the fifth floor of the
burning factory building of the Bur
dell Sweat Fad company into the Sci
oto river and then swam to shore and
Scores of tills are employed in tha
factory and when of them were
seen to jump lrom the fifth floor win
dows tl.o report became current that
several had met death. Firemen, po
licemen and onlookers rushed to the
bank of th9 river and helped rescue
the three girls from the river, which
because of heavy rains is at flood
Son f Governor of California to Ap
pear in Tournament.
San Francisco, Jan. 23. Assurance
was given by offclala In charge of the
Pacific coast amateur boxing tourna
ment, to be held in the Olympic club
tonight, that Archie Johnson would
appear as an aspirant for the welter
weight title. Johnson Is a son of Gov
ernor Hiram W. Johnson.
Conferees Amend Immigration Bill.
Washington, Jan. 23. Conferees on
the Immigration bill agreed to elim
inate the certificate of character of
the bill, which it was cleamed would
bar many Jew immigrants from Rus
sia and Rumania. The conferees did
not share the view of those objecting
to the clause, but conceded the point
In the Interest of expedition. Several
other minor changes were agreed
Large Brazilian Battleship Launched.
Newcastle-on Tyne, Eng., Jan. 23.
The largest and most powerful battle
ship afloat, the Brazilian superdread
noutht Rio de Janeiro, was launched
from the slips at Elswlck. It dis
places 27,600 tons and Is armed with
fourteen 12 Inch guns and twenty 6
Inch guns. It is designed to attain a
speed of twenty-four knots an hour,
Idaho Town Suffers Heavy Fire Loss.
St. Anthony, Ida., Jan. 23. Fire,
originating In the basement of the
Ross Hamer block, completely gutted
that and several other buildings and
for a time threatened the dsetruc-
tlon of the entire town. The loss la
estimated at $250,000.
W. R. Bernhardt Is Released on Bond.
Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 23. Will
lam R. Bernhardt of Cincinnati, who
entered the federal prison here with
other labor leaders convicted In con
nection with the "dynamite conspir
acy," was released on Bond of 10,000.
' 1 o
Tha Survivors Ask Total of
55,500,000 For Bereave
ment and Losses.
TOMES of death, suffering and
permanent physical Injuries, ac
counts of utter finnnciul desti
tution ami recitals Of loss of
costly gems and laces and gowns are
to lie found net forth in the formal
phrasing of the law in the 279 claims
thus far tiled with United States Com
missioner Gilchrist for damages due to
the Tltuulc disaster.
The total nuumnt is $5,500,000.
Death claims constitute the larger
part of this sum. Then follow claims
fir loss of baggage and personal ef
fects. Many European countries and
most states of tho Union nre repre
sented. The largest claim Is that of Mrs.
Irene Wallach Harris, widow of Henry
B. Harris, New York theatrical mana
ger. She asls $1,000,000 for his death.
She also demands $-7,700 for loss of
her effects and $ 1,025 for his. On a
pearl string $10,000 Is claimed by Mrs.
Harris, on a set of diamond vest but
tons $350 and ou a gold cigarette- case
Tho smallest claim Is for $16.00, regis
tered mall lost by Meyer & Muller of
Germany, The most costly single Item
listed is a pink diamond on which
Charlotte l. M. Cardeza of Germnn
town, Til., claims $'-'0,000. Tno least
expensive single Item is an eyecup, for
which If'red O. Spedden of New York
wants 25 cents. He asks $1,C4Q for oth
er belongings.
The second largest damage claim Is
that of Mrs. May Futrelle of Plymouth,
Mass., who asks not only $300,000 for
the loss of her husband, Jacques Fu
trelle, novelist, but $1,701.50 for his
baggage and $4,378.50 for hers. Manu
scripts and plans for books she values
nt $3,000.
Another $300,000 Demand.
The third largest claim was filed by
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Case of Rochester,
asking $300,000 for the death of her
husband, Howard B. Cace. He was
managing director of the Vacuum Oil
compauy and drew $110,000 yearly.
For tho deaths of William Skoogh of
Sweden, his wife and their four young
children, Mr. ami Mrs. Anders Johan-
soii, grandfather and grandmother of
the dead man, ask $125,000. They
want $2,250 bexldes for baggage.
Mrs. Lily Mlllt-t. widow of Frank IX
Millet, artist, claims $100,000 for his
No dentil claim Is made by Mrs. John
II. Thayer of Haverford, I'u., widow
of a vice president of the Pennsylva
nia, but lu seeks $11,010.50 for loss
of tho family's baggage. Eighteen
hats are rated at $050. ami $30 Is claim
ed for a set of Ivory donilnos. Silk
shirts, silk stockings and three hot
water bottles figure on the list.
Lewis V. Butt, executor of Major
Archibald W. Butt, one of the heroic
figures of the wreck, nays the major
had seven trunks, and $1,000 is claim
ed therefor.
Jessie Farquharson, as executor of
Daniel W. Marvin of New ,York. who
was ou his honeymoon when he died,
asks $200,000.
The heaviest claim for loss of bag
gage Is that of Charlotte I). M. Car
deza. who claims $177,352.75. This
amount Is the estimated value of her
wardrobe, tho Items of which cover
sixteen closely typewritten pages. She
had fourteen trunks, four bags, three
packing cases and one Jewel box,
which she had given to the purser.
Her most expensive dress is a Worth
product valuel nt $000. Hatpins to
the amount of $500 are listed. There
nre eighty-four pairs of gloves and
Physician Discovers Family With Odd
Vital Organs.
Dr. James Morgenstern of Enston,
Ta., has discovered a family in which
the mother and three children are each
provided with two hearts. Investiga
tion has established the fact beyond a
doubt. The woman Is Mrs. Berton
Perkins, and the children are Anna,
Allen and Doris Perkins, aged thirteen,
eleven and four, respectively.
Dr. Morgenstern was called to the
home of Berton Perkins to attend a
child suffering from chicken pox.
While Inspecting the chest of tho child
he felt a heart beating on the. vlgbt.
side. He hastily shifted bis hand over
to the left part of the chest and felt
another heart beating there, ar parenf
ly as any well behaved heart should do.
Dr. Morgenstern then determined to
see If tho phenomenon was repeated
in tho other children. He called lu
two, and again two hearts were beat
ing, ono in each side of the chest He
then summoned the mother, and she,
like her three children, was possessed
of two vital organs, each pumping
blood through the body.
Canada Bars Miss Glyn.
The Canadian government has Is
sued an order prohibiting the sale on
the government railway trains of
books of Elinor Glyn and nubert
Wales, complntnt having been made
by the Social Reform league.
Woman Writes of Pitiful
Plight Ovraers Refer
Her to Charity.
thirty-three pairs of shoes. Other
items are $300 for a lace parasol, $250
for a lace and mother-of-pearl fan.
$80 for au elephant's breath paradise
feather and $1.75 for a cake of soap.
Her Jewels were valued at $101,753,
among them being a Burma ruby ring
worth $11,000.
This claimant says sbo paid $3,200
for her passage.
Fainting His Chief Lost.
Another big claim for Iojs of per
sonal effects is that of II. B. Steffanson
of the Hotel Gotham, who asks $102r
030. He vulues a painting by Bbndel.
"La ClrcnsHienno au Bain," at $100,000.
The Itlght Hon. Lucy Noel Martha,
countess of Kothes, Leslie House, Fife,
Scotland, asks $12,425 for her ward
robe. Her maid wants $K)0 for hers.
Mrs. Catherine Ilarbeck of Toledo,
widow of W. II. Ilarbeck, wants $25,
000 for his death and $55,823.84 for his
belongings. Among these were 110,
000 feet of moving picture films, which
she values at $55,000.
I'he Merchants' Marino Insurance
company nsks $132,000 for twenty-six
property schedules ou which it has
paid insurance.
One of the pathetic claims is that of
Mrs. Angele Noutal of London, Eng
land, who writes to Commissioner Gil
christ ou heavy mourning paper. She
says she is destitute as the result of
tho death of her husband, Uauuian
"I am totally unprovided for," she
writes, "and have a little daughter and
my mother to support From the lord
mayor's fund I nm now getting $20 a
month, hopelessly Inadequate for three
people. I have written three times to
the White Star Hue. They have re
plied, regretting thc-y could do nothing
and referring me to the charitable
funds. I cannot believe that they are
to be permited o refer victims of their
neglect to charity."
Helen C. Candeo asks $10,000 for per
sonal injuries and $4,0-10 for baggage.
She says she was forced to Jump from
the deck of the Titanic to a lifeboat,
(hat there was no proper arrangement
of oars or equipment In the boat and
that In the confusion she fell and broke
her ankle, from which she suffers lame
ness. She asserts she hud to help to
row the boat for hours.
Mrs. Frederick C. Quick of Detroit
claims $3,100 for suffering due to the
shock of the disaster.
"I and my daughter have never been
tho same since," she says.
George Ithelms was on "a siibmerg
ml. defective collapsible lifeboat for
hours." he says, and for "shock and
anguish" he demands $10,700; for bag
gage. $0.4 IS.
Mrs. Florence Angle asserts she suf
fered terribly from shock due to her
own physical hardships and the death
of her husband, William A. Angle.
She claims $I1.(nkj for her personal
sufferings mid $50,000 for her hus
band's death.
Was Kept From lifeboat.
Mrs. Kllzabeth I Rothschild of New
York sets forth that "her husband,
Martin Rothschild, wus prevented from
entering the lifeboat" with her and
was lost. Her mental state was such
that she was tinder a physician's care
for n long perltnl. for which she asks
$20,000, with $50,000 for her husband's
Several other widows say their hus
Ixinds were "prevented from entering
the lifeboats." Several claimants re
fer to the presence of J. Bruce Ismay
on tMiard and assert he had knowledge
that the ship wan being navigated reck
lessly. Captain Smith Is mentioned in
one claim for Incompetence,
Professor Boni Clears 120 Foot Shaft
In Palace of Caesars.
A dispatch from Rome to the London
Daily Mail says:
"Professor Bonl, who has been carry
ing ou excavations on the site former
ly occupied by the palace of the Cae
sars on the Palatine hill, has proved
that at least three large lifts were used
in the pnliu-e, enabling the Roman em
perors to ascend from the forum to
the top of the Palatine. One shaft
which has now been completely cleared
from the debris which encumbered It
Is 120 feet deep.
"A storm which displaced a tract of
sandy beach at Porto D'Anzo, near
Rome, revealed the existence beneath
tic level of the sea of ruins which are
supposed to be the remains of a patri
cian villa of Antium, the fashionable
seaside resort of ancient Rome."
Millionaire Drives Bulls.
Qulncy A. Shaw, said to be Boston's
richest man, president of the Calumet
and Hecla Mining company, has a new
fad. It is driving a pair of Imported
Gerry bulls brought over from Ire
land. Beverly Farms never saw a
stranger sight than these powerful
animals hitched side by side with the
copper magnate holding the reins. The
bulls are driven by ordinary reins
passed through rings which plcrca
their loses. They are tractable and
respond readily to their driver's orders.
nfvTT MM