The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1913, Image 2

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    m, . ..i M,.-.w.mH'.g..-3HrHr' v ...! yi V , i,.i!ewr-IT--''',j1 j
also furnished Hi' music fur the
f . - .. .. ... . - " . ,u..V.'...,.'i- -..',,., ' nl.ui i...iirr.ii '
We Sure Have It
Both Large and Small
And hope to have enough to supply you all.
But to make sure you're not too late call Indepen
dent phone 128, and order your coal either large
or small.
Also a Good Line of Soft Coal
Lumber and Coal Company
uii'i' which fallowed thi' play, ami
which was enjoyed hy a large
crowd (if hold young ami old, ami
it was one of I he most, pleasant
ccnls thai has occurred in this
cit v f, ii' miiih' t inn'.
Wednesday's Proceedings Closed
- With a Fine Dance Last
Thi! convention of the Catholic
Workmen that is being held in
this city this week lias brought a
largo number of delegates to this
city to lake part in the grand lodge
at the K. S. hall in the west pail
of the city. The meeting Tuesday
afternoon and yesterday was de
voted .strictly to the business in
terests of the order nnd matters of
interest to the order was discussed
by the dilTerent delegates present
at the session of the grand lodge.
This order is one of the strongest
financially, as in membership (.'!,
892 members in twenty-six dilTer
ent state). It has a reserve fund
of $152,783.31, ami has paid out
to date in benefits to members and
their families the sum of $2i0,.
000, which shows the splendid
financial condition of the order.
The lodge was founded in IK'.'l
at St. Paul. Minnesota, with twen
ty-three charier members and was
incorporated in that slate the fid
lowing year. Since that lime the
expansion of (he order has been
steady and increasing each year,
until it has become one of the
leading Moheinian fraternal so-
cities in the count ry
Kales in attendance from
various slates are as follows:
President, John M. Jerousek;
chaplain. John Ylcek; vice presi
dent, Joseph A. Drozda; secretary,
Thomas 0. Hovorka; treasurer,
Frank .1. 1'olak; medical examiner,
Dr. M. F,. Lorcnz; counsellor, C.
C. Kolar; trustees, Vaclav Vachal,
Anton J. Malek, Anton V, Vana.
North "Dakota Frank Spalc,
Frank Jelinek.
Minnesota John Neslaval, Jos
eph Chalupsvy, A. .1. Kuhes, llev.
Joseph F, Hovorka, Vaclae Kucera,
Vaclav IMoghart.
Illinois V, Kilian, Vaclae Von-
druska, Joseph Mahr, Thomas
Cervenka, Vac Moravce.
Ohio and Pennsylvania John
Leherka, Ilynek liaslyr, Vaclav
Maryland lames J. Valis, K.
K. Krabek.
Oklahoma Joseph Trojan.
Texas F. J. Parma, Frank JJez-
dek, Frank Paslnsek.
Iowa John Pavik, Malt Kob
liska, C. Cekal.
Nebraska loseph F. lle.nicek,
J. A. Sluchlik, V, J. Koran, Joseph
l'ekarek, August Miller, C. F. Her
nionek, Joseph Nejepinsky, Vaclav
Polak, J. V. Pazdersky, J. V. Tuma,
J. M. Machovec, Joseph Kopocky
South lakol.a Martin Kaslal.
Kansas Vaclav J. F.osh. ''
Wisconsin John Nekola.
The lodge wiil be in session to-
day and tomorrow and the election
of ollicers will probably occur at
the session tomorrow Hie scIccj
lion of Ihis city as the place foi
holding the grand lodge this year
was a most graceful tribute to lb
president of the order, Mr. Jeroti
sek, as well as the grand chaplain,
Father Vlrck, both of whom residi
here, ami the city would he pleasei
to have I he grand lodge meet with
us again in I he fut ure and as
sures the delegates they will re
reive a royal welcome here.
Last, evening the dramatic, club
presented a most pleasing three-
act idav enlilled '"The Lost, Sis
ter, " in the Kohemian languag
ami il was received with delight
jiv the immense audience present.
lo witness il. The acting of the
entire company was excellent and
rellecled great credit, upon Mr. F.
.1. Hacek. who bad charge of the
... I I - 1.
production, .miss Aiane .lennch,
who appeared in one of Ihe lead
ing female roles, as the object of
e at lent ion of several rival
lovers, was splendid in her act
ing ami made a deep impression
. . I IV. I
on llie audience ny ner griiceiiu
stage presence. As the vidian, I..
Hacek made a strong character
and won much applause from the
audience by his strong and force
ful acting, and F. J. Hacek, as
Josef Novak, the lover, won the
entire audience by his pleasing
acting. The play as a whole was
as clever a one as has been pro
duced here by a home talent com
pany and was very pleasing in
every respect, lo all who braved
the disagreeable weather and at
tended. During the progress of the play
several delightful musical num
bers were furnished by the or
chestra, consisting of Frank Jan
da, jr., violin; Miss Pearl Mumm,
piano; 'Anton Toman, drums;
Tom (Jradoville, claironet; Tom
Swoboda, cornel. This orchestra
Marriage of Mr. John Hobscheldt
and Miss Ethel Sherwood,
Father Shine Officiating.
Yesterday morning at St. John's
Catholic church occurred the mar
riage of two very popular Cass
county young people Mr. John
llobscheidt of Murray and Miss
Ethel Sherwood of near Union.
The nuptial mass was celebrated
by llev. Father M. A. Shine, and
the wedding mass was attended
by a large number of the relatives
and friends of the contracting
parties. The bridal couple was
attended by Miss Anna Kopia as
bridesmaid and Mr. John J. Cloidt
as best man. After the ceremony
a most enjoyable wedding break
fast was served at the home of 0.
C. NelT and the youirg people were
showered with congratulations by
their friends.
The young people- are well
known throughout this part of the
county, the groom being a very
successful young farmer residing
near Murray, who possesses the
respect ami esteem of all who
know him, as a man of llie high
est character. The bride is a very
charming young lady and has been
an immense favorite in the lo
cality in which she. has resided
and where she has been reared to
womaniiood and ine nesi wisnes
of their many friends will go out
to the newly wedded couple for
life of happiness and sunshine,
without a cloud lo mar the joy
of their married life. They expect
to reside on the farm near Murray
e i mure.
Reed's Enameld Ware the Best Ware
and at Prices that cannot be Duplicated from the Factory
30 Day Sale, Commencing Saturday, Jan. 11th
P. E
Here Is Sample of the Beauties of
Patronizing Mail Order Houses,
Especially When in a Hurry.
A very pleasant surprise party
was Kiven Tuesday evening at the
home of J. V. Clugy and wife, w hen
their daughter, assisted hy Miss
horns Winscolt, planned and sui
cessfully carried out a surprise
in honor of Mr. Chivy's llfly-lirst
birthday. The affair was most
successful and the worthy reci
pient of Ihe surprise was very
much taken hack hy the arrival of
so many of his friends. A most
delightful luncheon had heen pre
pared hy the young ladies, and
at a proper hour it was served to
the merry crowd and proved a
most delight fill feature of the
evening's entertainment. Several
musical selections were given by
the different members of the com
pany and were warmly received by
Ihe crowd, and it was with regret
that they departed for their
homes, wishing Mr. Clugy many
more such happy occasions. There
were some twenty-two present at
the Clugy home.
-Grand Mask Ball!
at the- -
Cass Camp M. W. A.
Saturday Evening, January 25
Five Big Prizes Offered!
Masks Off at 10:30
Music by M. W. A. Orchestra
Good Time for Everybody Assured
The beauties of patronizing the
mail 'order houses of the great
extern cilies was illustrated this
week when one of the patrons of
these concerns sent an order lo
the linn that was received on Ie-
rember 1 i, and a short lime after
wards he received from Ihe com
pany a notice thai it would be im
possible to ship the goods ordered
until January 25. 1 Miring all this
lime the company had bad the use
of the money of Ihe, person order
ing the goods and he had been
compelled to wail, over a month
and has not, yet received the ar
ticles ordered.
If he bad gone lo some of Ihe
local merchants and procured the
articles he could have gotten I hem
at, once. 'or if they were ordered
through them, delivered lo him,
but by ordering through the mail
order bouse be is the one who is
compelled to bold Ihe sack and do
the wailing.
This is only one of Ihe many
little annovances thai come up
through doing business in this
manner, ami the sooner llie peo-
le wake up to Ihe fact that they
an buy cheaper at home and see
what they are getting the sooner
they will be able lo practice true
'cononiy, for with a mail order
house you lake what you can get
and be glad that you got anything
for your money.
The I own in which you I ivo.
lolds all that goes lo make up life
and you owe it to yourself to
make it as good a town as possible
by building it up, and the only
way lo do that successfully is to
give the business interests your
heartiest support by patronizing
them on every possible occasion.
No town can thrive whose resi
dents take their money which
they have made there and send it
to some other place to be spent or
Moves to Town.
M. A. Hall and family, who have
been living south of this city,
have moved lo town and taken up
their residence in the Dr. Hall
property in the Third ward. Mr.
Hall has for many years been one
of the prosperous farmers v)f
Cass county and we are glad to
know that he has taken up bis
residence in IMatlsmoulh. The
young folks of the family are at
tending the citv schools here.
You Can't Keep a Good Thing
Down, and That's Why "Mutt
and Jeff" Are So Popular.
The Helpers of the Christian
church were delightfully enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Henry
Miller yesterday afternoon. There
were a large number in attendance
and during the business session,
which Ihe ladies held, it was de
cided to serve coffee and sand
wiches at llie public sale of drove
Livingston which lie wiU hold on
January 28. The remainder of
the afternoon was whiled away in
social conversation and other
amrscinents, and at the proper
lime a line two-course luncheon
was provided by the hostess,
which was most highly appreciat
ed by the guests.
An accident that might have re
ulled fatally occurred yesterday
afternoon, and as a result of it
Clint Leach received a broken leg.
He was hauling ice on a wagon,
and while driving along the tongue
dropped down and tipped the
wagon, causing Clint to get one of
his legs caught in the spokes of
the wheel, and the leg was broken
in a horrible manner below the
knee. The bone was badly splint
cred and protruded through the
underwear and two pairs of over
alls when the young man was
rescued, lie was conveyed to the
doctor's office, where the wound
was dressed and the attending
physician holds out Ihe hope that
the limb can be saved.
Woodman Circle "fleets.
Tho Woodman Circle held
meeting last evening at the A. O
U. V. hall and a number of the
lodge members from Omaha were
present to assist in tho work of
th'o order. The local lodge is con
stantly increasing their member
shin under tho effective work of
tho local deputy, Mrs. Joseph
Henry Ileil, jr., of Cedar Creek
and V. M. Prosch of Murdock,
were in the city today and made
the Journal a brief, but pleasant
visit. Mr. Prosch is a cousin of
Mrs. Ileil and is a guest of the
Ileil home. We were pleased to
meet both gentlemen.
You can no more make a suc
cess out of bad material than you
can keep a good thing down. "Mutt
and Jeff" scored a pronounced bit
at its tfrsl performance. Why?
J'.ecause Ihe play possessed real
merit, and the people instantly
recognized Ihe fact. That success
has been grow ing and reading out
until the report from every part
of the 'country says: "The one
big hit of thi' season."
Not only the people, critics and
newspaper comment pronounce it'
a hit, but the heads of the great
theatrical syndicate, who control
Ihe booking of the thousands of
theaters throughout this vast
country, send out the report,
"'Mutt and Jeff,' the financial
success of the year." Think of
it, overshadowing the success of
all the great "stars," little "Mutt
and Jeff" leads them all. Is it
any wonder that everybody wants
to see it? The reports of the
newspaper critics nor the report
from the syndicate did not make
"Mutt and Jeff" a success. The
people made it a success because
it was just the sort of entertain
ment they wanted to see. (Jus
Hill knew the wants of the people
and gave it to them, that's the
answer. Secure your tickets at
tho Riley hotel now and avoid the
rush at the box office.
Here From Primrose.
W. M. Moore, one of the best
fellows that ever lived in Cas
county, but now residing near
Primrose, Neb., arrived in the
city this morning for a brief visit
willi old home friends, departing
this afternoon for Lincoln, where
he has some business mailers lo
look after. Tor many years . Mr.
Moore lived over near Murdock.
Several years ago Mill, said he had
decided to live a quiet life, and
took up his residence in-JIurdock.
Now he has gone west and is into
'the work habit again stronger
i than ever, looking after his farm
interests in lliat locality.
For Sale.
Nig boned Plymouth t Hock
cockerels. Inquire of Mrs. J. W.
Yardley, Route 1, Plaltsmouth,
N.eb. 1-23-tf-wkly
The Condition of Employment.
Kvcry employment, either
physical or mental, depends, in
the first place, upon perfect
health, because steady work will
become impossible when our
strength gives out every little,
while. The main requirement is
to keep the digestion apparatus in
good condition. As long as we can
accept and digest enough food,
our earning capacity will not
weaken. Should we notice any
change we should at once use
Triner's American Elixir of Hitter
Wine. This remedy will act
quickly and decidedly. It will
drivo all impurities from the body
and prepare the digestive organs
for new food. It will strengthen
these organs and make their work
regular. At drug stores. Jos.
Triner, 1.133-39 So. Ashland Ave.,
Chicago, III. Triner's Liniment
radically expels pains from
muscles and joints.
Marshall, Dentist, Coatea block.
3 BIG c
In invoicing we have thrown out all short lengths,
and you will find them on sale TOMORROW. Don't
miss it if you want something good at a small price.
Droego, and it is one of tho lead
ing fraternal societies of tho city
" ' V