The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 16, 1913, Image 7

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ustomer Here. Is a KEAL
& Yor You!
Do you know that this Store did a better business during 1912 than ever before, and the reason is Better Goods for
Less Money and a guarantee, better treatment and prices that cannot be surpassed by any metropolitan store.
Clothing and Shoe Department!
Men's Overcoats
lined and unlined, combi
nation collars, wortM $15.00
to $18.00 During this sale
$6.75 to $9.50
Men's Guaranteed
Wool Suits
in all imaginable styles and eol
.ors, worth $15.00 ami ..'..OD.
During this sale at
$8.95- $12.75
Men's Pants
in latest patterns ami s-tvlos,
worth from S2.00 up to $0.00.
During this sale at
89c and $2.98
Boys' Suits
'with two pairs of Knicher
'brirkere, worth $1.50. During
this sale t
Boys' Overcoats!
Latest styles combination
collars, worth up to $.00, will
he sold during this sale at
"The Home of Guaranteed Values"
lrl mir seuls now :' r 'The
Si'ivanl in Hie 1 1 1 1 -. "ii ale at
Itib-v hulel.
Ii A. McKlwain pel nnicil this
Miriiing from Oinalia. wheii- lie
was called In Itmk afler iim' mat
ters nf business.
Asbury .larks d'iarti'd verier
day al'leiiiuiiii for llaiiiliui'y. Iowa,
wlinre lie will isil for a lioil
time willi friends.
Prof. II. S. Austin came in lliis
niornin)-' from (llenwood. where
lu had been looking afler his
class in music, in that city.
In Personally Conducted Excursions
If you would like to know more alout our personally conducted tour
ist leeper excursions to California, via Denver and Scenic Colorado, ask
the ntfent for descriptive literature, or write me. These tours are in
charge of special conductors. They accompany you all the way and Jive
you the benefit of their experience.
Another way to 0 is via Denver and the Santa Fe-Grand Canyon
Route. We run through tourist sleepers from Omaha every Tuesday
night that way, leaving Denver Wednesday evening. While these are not
personally conducted, they are through sleepers, and are carried on hih
class trains.
Our California "Personally Conducted Excursions" folder tells you all
Wek of January 12th and 19th
Boys' Overalls
will be sold during this Jan
uary sale at
23 and 33c
Men's Overalls and
will he sold during this sale at
sold at
Men's and Boys' (Men's
Winter Caps
in Cloth and Corduroy, will be
sold during this sale at
15 and 23c
Heavy Sweaters!
We sell pure wool sweaters
during this sale cheaper than
the wholesale price
Men's Work Shiits 45c
Men's dress shirts, with and
without collars. Fine madras
and Bilks, worth up to $2.50,
will go during this sale at
$1.90, $1.19, 90c and
ing this
Thomson, Dentist, Wescott Blk.
John lladraba and Karl (ieise,
two df our popular young men,
were in (he metropolis today look
ing alter business matters.
Hen Meuncliau of Eagle was a
iior in this city yesterday and
look lime to call at this ollire and
order a copy of Ilic IMallsiiiouth
Journal sent In his address.
J. i. Hicliey was a visitor in
Omaha today, going to that city
on No. 15 this morning, being
called lliere on mailers of busi
nltfrtit the trip and the country enroute. Free on ap
plication. R. W. CLEMENT, Agent.
W. L. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
i u
u o
o z
o S
CO 3
u o
worth 35 and 75c, dur
this January sale at
20 and 38c
in o
Men's Hats
X o
X v
. a
u ?
E a
V -a
u a
Oh G to
U (-1
A t O
C w -
CD co
up to $:?,00, will he
$2.25, $1.75 and
Lamb Down
Si .25
- sold in metropo'itan stores
at 75c per garment. Sale
Men's Underwear
fiat-fleeced and ribbed
fleeced underwear, per gar
ment during this sale
Union Suits
$1.25 and $1.50, dur
sale at
. .2
3 J3 O
w co ci
V. ZUCKER, Manager
The lecture given last evening
at the Majestic theater by Mr.
Scott of the bureau of explosives
of the American Railway associa
tion was one of (he best ever given
in this city. The lecture was very
largely al l ended by railroad men
from all departments of the shops
and the address was one well
worllt hearing and treated on Hie
safe handling of explosives and
other dangerous articles and how
the exercise of a little care on I lie
part, of the employes or others
handling these dangerous articles.
The lecture was illustrated with
slides showing the way these dif
ferent articles were shipped and
how they should be properly
handled. This lecture is in line
of Ibe campaign of education that
the lturlinglon has started to try
and reduce Hie number of ac
cidenls on Iheir system and I rain
the employes to remember that
the safest way is the easiest way
in llio long run. Since those lec
lures wero started the accidents
1 have been cut down considerably
throughout the Hurlington
s slem.
Miss Mary E. roster returned
this afternoon from Omaha, where
.lie had been for a few hour
visil ing friends.
Joe Ikpson was a passenger this
morning lor Omaha, where he will
visit for a couple of days with
relatives and friends.
Marshall, Dentist, Co&tei blooK.
Ladies' Hose!
15c values at 10c
20c " " 14c
35c " " 22c
Children's Hose 25-19c
Twilled Cloth
for Comforts
worth 12c at 7K-c
worth 20c at 11c
Special Prices on
Madam May
Apron Ginghams
bett grade
during this January sale.
t' '41
t "3 1
Ladies' "Setsnug
Sells everywhere for $1.25
2-piece fleece-lined aud rib
bed underwear for La
dies, sells everywhere
for 50c, during this sale
raw a m&m a
Harold Tool was in Omaha
Mrs. Oeorge Monmey was in
Omaha last Friday.
W. O. (lillespie was in Lincoln
one day last week.
Several are busy this week till
ing their ice houses.
Paul Oochry was in Omaha
Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Long went to
Lincoln on No. 18 Tuesday.
A daughter was horn to Mr. and
Mrs. I',d llau one day last week.
Miss Coder of Lincoln, music
teacher, was in town Tuesday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
llayinond West lake last Saturday
Mrs. M. Soriek and daughters,
Lyda and Kva, were shopping in
Omaha last Friday.
Paul Scliewe ami family spent
Sunday afternoon and evening
with John Amgwert and family.
Muriel (iillespie relumed home
last Wednesday from low a, where
lie lias spent (he pa-l seven
Announcements base been re
ceived of I he marriage of Robert
Neilzel of Itoise, Idaho, to Miss
L'dna I'.nnlehardl, of Milwaukee,
which look place last Saturday,
January 11, 11)13, al the laller
place. The groom has many
friends hero who wi.-h him and
his bride many long years of joy
and happiness. They will make
Iheir homo In lloise City, Idaho.
Sell your property through a
little ad In the Journal.
Goods, Cloaks
Ladies' Coats!
(all Colors)
$35.00, during sale $18.50
20.00 " " 13.50
15.00 " " 8.50
12.00 " " 0.50
Ladies' Suits!
(in all colors)
$25.00 during sale $11.50
20.00 " " 10.50
15.00 " " 7.50
Misses' and Children's
$ 5.00 during snlo $2.-15
8.00 " " . . . . 3.95
10.00 " "... 4.i):
13.50 " " .... 0.13
Baby Coats, all sizes. . . 1.43
Ladies' Dresses!
Latest Styles, all colors
and sizes
$ 9.00 during sale.... $4.45
12.00 " " .... 5.95
15.00 " " .... 7.43
19.00 " - " .... 9.45
Skirts from $2.00 Up
House Dresses!
$1.50 during sale $ .95
2.00 " " 1.25
Children's Dresses 48c up
Komonas worth $1.50 at 95c
Heatherhloom Skirts, worth
75c and $1.00 at 48c
I Louisville.
I Courier.
Sixteen below zero Wednesday
prelly 1 fur a .-tarter.
Mrs. (ieorge I'orcade has been
on Ihe sick list this week.
Mr. ami Mrs. Pearl Vandeveiiler
are iiling with Ihe former's
parents al Mound Cily, .Mo.
J. II. Noyes relumed from
( irapoland, Texas, Monday, where
lie hail been visiling with bis
brother for a couple of weeks.
Miss I'.dilh Shryuck, niece and
l.'.lilh iti.l Tli... ..1. O'iii
II' ... llllllll llll'l I III IMII'll- .',1111- J
dor, relurned Saturday from a lwnJ
weeks iil willi Ihe family of!
Kdwanl I'iddock al I'lxie, .Neb.,
and Ivl Seiver al Maiiuelle.
Mrs. I'.d Joi'hin went o Ah
land Thursday afleinoon In viit
her niolhec, Mrs. John Scheel, j
who is under Ihe care of Irr, Yon
Manlield. Mrs. Scheel is sull'er
ing from a severe case of blood
pojsiui on one of her hands.
Henry Thieroif and wife of
f'.edar Creek are rejoicing over the
arrival of a daughter at. iheir
home. The lil He miss arrived at
their home Sunday morning, and
to say I hat I hey are pleased is
but pulling it mildly.
John Meier was at Omaha
Tuesday, where he went In consult
a physician regarding a smokers'
cancer on his upper Jip. Mr.
Meier had an operation performed
and Ihe cancer removed a few
ears ago, but now fears it is re
luming again.
Frank MoNurlin came lo town
Friday and look the evening train
lo Ilnvelock, where he wont to
v'sil his daughter, Mrs. It. A.
llarrotl. Tie snvs Hint in forty
yours' travel nvor Cass county!
and Suits!-
The Millinery
sold during this sale at $1.00,
$1.98, $2.45. $2.98, $3.45, $-U5,
$5 to $15
We Ftill have a large line of
Wool Sweaters
worth $.1.00 and $5T0, will be
sold at $2.95, $2.45, $1.9S, $1.50
Scarfs and Fascinators
go during this sale at 21, 41,
71) and 9Sc.
Ladies' Caps 21, 40 and 79c.
Wool Gloves 19 and 41c.
Blankets! Blankets!
lilankets worth $1 25 fr r 79c.
Wool lilankets worth $0.00
at $2.95.
Comforts worth $2 at 98c.
For sale home-made comforts
Extra Fine Cotton!
15c roll.. 9c
20c " Wk
25c " 18c
A large roll of cotton worth
$1.25 for
Plnttsmouth, Nebraska
roads he never saw snow drifted
as il is on t In road between bis
farm and Weeping Water.
I Leader-Kcho. J
L J. Jeary was in Lincoln be
tween trains Tuesday.
Ir. and Mrs. Troulmlm were
Omaha passengers Wednesday.
.1. F. Hoover had a car of Imus
on I lie Omaha market Tuesday.
Howard Savlou of Pender, Neb.,
spent Sunday willi his parents,
Mr. ami Mrs. I. Saxtnn.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. are
Ihe happy parents of a bouncing
baby boy, born Friday owning.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner are
Ihe happy parents of a beauliful
baby daughter, born Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ilarl enler
laiued Mr. and Mrs. ill C.a-e oT
Aho and Mi-s Hhena Towel of
W abash at dinner Sunday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Charles llailey,
Mr. and Mrs. II. I. Clements and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams
spent an enjoyable evening at Ihe
L. I''. Lnnghorsl. home Monday.
(Hen Atchison and Albert Oelu
leiking went to Lincoln Monday
evening, where I hey take up work
al the Male a'-rieullural experi
ment station, among Ihe student
Miss Nona Neiharl returned n
Kansas City Saturday, afler an
extended visit with her parents
and Klmwond friends. She was
accompanied by her grandmother,
Mrs. Louisa Hollenheck.
Perry Marsh and wife were in
Omaha today, returning home on
N'o. ?.T Ibis afternoon.