The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 16, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 4.
Much Business of Importance
Was Transacted, Including
Claims Allowed.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Despite the fact that last even
ing was pay-day night and a very
busy one in this city, all of the
councilirieu except Dovey and
Riohey were present when the
mayor rapped for order, and the,
gentleman from the Third ward
came in later and was marked
A communication was presented
to the council signed by. John
Kopia and twenty-five other
citizens of the west part of town
asking that a subway be put in
by the Missouri Pacific over their
tracks on Maiden Lane, onelhalf
block north of Main street, as at
present it is hardly safe for the
residents of that section. The
matter was referred to the
judiciary committee for con
sideration. County Surveyor Patterson also
presented a communication in
quiring why his claim against the
city for services performed had
not been acted upon. Tho claims
committee has had this matter
under consideration for some lime
and has not been able to get in
touch with Mr. Patterson, and the
city clerk has been empowered to
see "the surveyor ami attempt to
pet the matter arranged between
tho city and Mr. Patterson.
Chief of Police Raiiiey present
ed his report for the' month just
ended, showing that thirteen per
sons had been arrested during
that t J i fi. This was referred to
tho police committee, for (he pres
ent. The report of the city clerk for
the month showed the following
amounts had been collected by
that oillcial: Mrs. L. M. Taylor,
part payment on cemetery lot, $5;
Q., K. Parmele, auctioneer's oc
cupation tax, one day, 1; Waller
Davenport, occupation tax to sell
medicine, 5; Carl M. Molmburg,
one-half cemetery lot, .$10. The
report of the clerk, after being
read, was referred to the finance
committee for cousiderul ion.
The finance commit tee, after
the consideration of the follow
ing claims against the city de
cided lo recommend their pay
ment by the council: Nebraska
Lighting company, street lighting,
$127.80; 0. Hoelel. burving four
dogs, 2; Plat I smooth Water
company, water to library. Sl.fiO;
C. W. Haylor & Co., coal and
labor at library, $14.75; Cass
county, boarding city prisoners,
11; (i. P. Eastwood, hardware,
CO cents; Lincoln Telephone com
pany, rent and lolls,; Ne
braska Lighting company, light
at city hall, '.() cents; Platlsmoulh
Water company, water rent at
library. .p.r,0; Warga Cecil,
wiring lower part city hall. tfX.ytl;
Nebraska Lighting company, light
at library, 2.r0; H. i. Wiirl, ex
pense for December, $1.(15; L.
Hotter, street work, 92.80; James
Kebal, street work. $5.70 ; L'd
Snodgruss. street work, .ii).20; J.
II. Donnelly, salary, $i.50; Olive
Jones, salary, $.'J5; library ex
pense for December, $2.59; M.
Archer, salary, $.10; Ed Snodgrass,
repairing bridge, 50 cents; Henry
Trout, salary, .$50; Hen Rainoy,
salary, $05; John Filzpatrick,
salary, $10.
. Police Judge Archer reported
that during the month ten offend
ers had faced him and that .$9 had
been collected in fines and $0 in
costs. This report was turned
over to (he police committee for
The city treasurer reported the
condition of the finances of the
city as follows:
Fund Paid Out. Ilalance.
Huilding 12.00 s 525.30
General i03.r 91.12
load :i30.7(i ' 7.1 i
Fire Dept .... 55.75 1 4.i;
Library 71.15 7.!t
I'ark 20.50 20 i.ll
Police 127.51 210.01
Fire hydrant
'I'nlal 701. 03
Lighting 132.05 33H.57
Interest 2.105. iO 3.541.21
' 889.58
' -81
Halance, less over
draft of $2,139.0(5. . . $6,526.32
" Denotes overdraft.
The streets, alleys and bridges
committee reported that they had
inspected the new paving on Pearl
street, and found it to be in good
condition and recommended that
the same be accepted by the city,
as the company is bonded to carry
out the fulfillment of the con
tract. On motion of Richey war
rants will be drawn to pay this
claim, but 10 per cent will be
held for one year by tho city to
sen that tho paving is satisfactory.
Councilman Hallstrom report
ed that during the cold weather
we are having there has been a
number of tho gas lamps on the
streets in freezing up condition
and that he thought that the night
police should keep track of the
lights in such condition and re
port it to the light company, as
the company would place them in
proper condition, and that the
police report the number of lights
out to the council every two
Councilman Lushinsky slated
that on a recent visit to the
library he had been informed by
the librarian of the great need of
the library for reference works for
use in the public schools and in
the Catholic school, and that he
would move that 50 be ap
propriated by the city lo procure
these books at once, lie slated
he believed the library to be one
of the best institutions in the city
and that the ouncil ought to take
steps to aid the library in supply
ing these reference works. Coun
cilman Hultcry thought' this was
rushing matters a little and did
not believe the sum should bo ap
propriated until a more thorough
invesigation had been made of the
mailer. Mr. Lushinsky, in reply,
stated that the matter bad been
laid before him on his visit at the
library and the great need for the
books pointed out, and as Mr.
Tidd, a member of the library
hoard was present, he would like
lo hear what ho had to say on the
mailer. Mr. Tidd stated that
while the librarian had reported
the need of books, no list bad
been presented lo the board and
that, they bad taken no action on
the mailer. The sum was needed
badly, as the library here receives
double the use that the library in
Omaha does, considering I he dif
ference in population, and I hat it
was one of Iho best patronized
libraries in tho slate. Council
man Richey settled the matter by
amending the resolution to refer
it to the library board for con
sideration. Councilman Hullery suggested
that it would bo a line thing if
the snow around the city hall be
cleared away nt the first oppor
tunity, and the matter will be
looked after by the street com
missioner as soon as possible.
Councilman Patterson called
the attention of the council to
the stone wall belonging to V. V.
Leonard that, had fallen down
some lime ago and had been
ordered cleaned up once by the
council, bul that part of it still
remained on the walk and street,
and that he would like to have Mr.
Leonard nidified to remove the
stone and debris at. once, which
was so ordered by the council.
Councilman Richey asked thai
the Missouri Pacific railway be
requested to place an electric
light on their crossing on Oak
street, near the old Fairfield
homestead, as this is one of the
most dangerous places in tho city
and those using the street were
entitled to some protection, ami
as I he cost of the improvement is
not great and it will aid greatly
in saving the company from ac
cidents. On motion of Pottery tin' city
council adjourned, to meet as a
board of equalization lo pass on
the matter of assessing the pav
ing lax against the property own
(i on Pearl street.
For any pain, burn, scald or
brirse. apply Dr. Thomas' LYIectic
Oil the household remedy. Two
sizes, 25c and 50c. at all drug
Cemetery .
lousiness tax..
(ten. school . .
Teachers' . . .
Paving Dist.
No. 3
Plenty of "Eats" for Them
Lincoln Next Week, and
Fine Program.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The week of "Organized Agri
culture" at Lincoln, January 20
24, will be signalized by a round of
festivities for the visiting farmers
and their wives. The gastrono
mic program opens on Monday
evening with the annual banquet
of the Corn Growers at the Lin
dell hotel. Those who recover
will have opportunity to attend
two banquets on Tuesday evening
the big annual feast of the
Horliculijral Society at the Lin
dell and the banquet and business
meeting of the Nebraska Associa
tion of County Fairs at the pala
tial new quarters of the Lincoln
Commerical club.
On Wednesday evening the en
tire body of visiting farmers is in
vited (o attend the "official" Or
ganized Agriculture banquet at
he Lincoln, at which Dean Chas.
E. Ilessey, the Nestor of the slate
university faculty, will be the
guest of honor. This event will bo
preceded by an informal reception.
Thursday evening the Live Stock
Preeders hold carnival at the same
hostelry and will have one of the
great social meetings of the week.
The round of gustatory pleasure
will conclude on Friday evening
with the Farmers' Institute ban
quet at the Lindell, at which a
mock farmers' institute will add
hilarity and intellectual diversion
to the more material pleasures of
the hour.
From Wi'dnemlay'i Daily.
The First National bank of this
city has just elected their new
officers for the coming year, and
the following gentlemen will con
tinue lo guide the destines of that
reliable institution for another
President George E. Dovey.
Vice President Frank E.
Cashier II. N. Dovey.
Directors (i. E. Dovey, !'. E.
Schlater, (5. Knapp, II. N. Dovey,
Dr. E. W. Cook.
This bank has enjoyed a good
business during the past year, as
has the other financial institu
tions of Iho city, and the showing
made was very pleasing to the
stockholders of tho bank. The
customary dividend was declared
at the meeting.
From Tuecday'a Dally
Another deal involving one of
the desirable residences in Ibis
city was completed when T. II.
Pollock became the owner of the
Ambrose Patterson property on
High School Hill. Mr. Pollock will
have some very extensive changes
made in the houso, involving the
placing of new plumbing
throughout the houso and the
painting and decorating of the
exterior and interior of the home.
This will make Mr. Pollock and
his family a most comfortable and
attractive home and is located in
one of the nicest residence sec
tions of the city and within easv
distance of tho business part of
town. The residence that is oc
cupied by Mr. Pollock at present
has been sold to Mr. James Sage.
Here for Modern Woodmen.
From Vdneaay'a Dally.
W. C. James of Omaha, rep
resenting the Modern Woodmen
of America, is in the city today
looking artcr Iho interests of the
order. Mr. James is one of the
rustling deputies of Iho slato and
organized a largo class here two
years ago and has always been
very successful in securing new
members for this order.
Meeting of County Commissioners
From Tuo.kIu v Dnilv.
The board of count commis
sioners are holding their regular
session today at the court t ouse.
This is the first meeting of the
new board, and Chairman Jordan
made a most imposing presiding
officer over the board. The com
missioners will begin in a few
days to check up the different
county officials, which will occupy
their attention for some time.
She Passed Away at Her Home In
Grand Island Last Sunday
at Noon.
From Tuenday'8 ually.
Mrs. Anna Weckbach Roth,( af
ter a severe illness of several
months, and a lingering malady of
over a year, passed away at her
home, Elm and Koenig, yesterday
at noon, deeply mourned by a
loving husband, three daughters,
her mother, fivo sisters and five
brothers. Mrs. Roth wan loved
and esteemed by a large circle of
friends and acquaintances, hav
ing resided in Grand Island Tor
the past twenty-lhi'co years. She
was known as a most, devoted wife
and mother, and a woman of do
mestic and artistic tastes in
whose homo it was a pleasure to
be a guest and whose solicitude
for the family and friends endear
ed all to her.
Mrs. Roth was born at IMatls
mouth, Neb. She was married to
Mr. Fred Roth in 1890 and three
daughters have blessed the union,
Miss Lydia, aged 17; Clare, aged
15, arid Dorothy, aged 12. About
a year ago she underwent an
'opeVcHlmi and' for a time seemed
to have recovered health. Several
months ago, however, she was
again compelled to go to Iho hos
pital. Her malady proved to be
a fatal one, however. For some
weeks, however, she was again in
the home which meant so much
for her and of which she was so
large a purl.
Mrs. WYrkbaeh, the mother,
over 70 years of age, resides at
Lincoln. It is a singularly sad
coincidence that she, loo, has been
in a very critical condition, it be
ing impossible to advise her of
the daughter's severe condition
and resultant demise, or the
laughter of the mother's extreme
illness. Tho brothers of the de
ceased are Charles W. Weckbach,
Crete, Neb.; Edward J., assistant
cashier of a national bank at
Denver; Eugene II. of Denver, Jos
eph V. of Cleveland, and Louis G.
of Denver, and the sisters, Mary,
Lydia and Agnes of Lincoln, who
are with the mother; Mrs. Ma
thilda Coslello of Ames, la., and
Catherine (Sister Mary Leon) of
St. Joseph's convent, Dubuque,
The devoted husband and
daughters and bereaved sisters
and brothers, in (heir unusually
grievous affliction. have the
deepest sympathy of all.
The funeral will lake place
Tuesday morning at 9:30 at SI.
Mary's Catholic church, the Rev.
Father Wolf officiating in the
requiem high mass service.
Grand Island Independent.
This afternoon John Meisinger,
jr., and wife drove in from their
farm, bringing in tlicif little son,
Harvey, who was operated on this
afternoon for a local ailment from
which ho has been suffering for
some lime. Tho little fellow was
operated on before, but the result
was not as satisfactory as it
should have been ami (he doctor
decided it would be necessary to
operate again. The little one was
removed to the home of his grand
father, Jacob Meisinger, after I he
operation and his niolher will re
main lo look nfler him until he
is able to be removed lo his home.
Mr. Meisinger was compelled lo
return to the farm lo look after
matters (here this afternoon.
To Compel Drivers of Automobiles
to Come to a Stop at Rail,
road Crossings.
From Tuesday' Dully.
A bill to compel drivers of auto
mobiles lo come to a slop before
lioiiig over Nebraska railway grade
crossings probably will bo in
troduced at the present session of
the legislature. This bill will have
the support of railway labor or
ganizations and of tho railroads
themselves, being one of tho bills
that the managements and the
employes have agreed lo urge in
Engineers say that few people
know the number of hairbreadth
escapes that take place on Ne
braska railroads every day of the
year. The number of fatal ac
cidents, largo as it is, gives no
hint of the number of near acci
dents. Tho crop of reckless driv
ers is not diminishing and the en
ginemen complain that the
chances taken by aulo drivers is
wearing on t he nerves of men who
sit in the cabs of fast engines. The
management desires the risks les
sened that the number of acci
dents may be reduced, the move
being in line with tho safety cam
paign (hat is now being waged on
all railroads, and which has been
productive of much good.
The bill's merits have been sug
gested to a number of legislators.
One legislator who had discussed
tho matter with those favoring it
said that he had also been sound
ed on a measure intended to do
away eventually with all highway
grade crossings in the slate, that
public safely might be better pro
b'rom Tui-Hduy'i Dauy.
Last evening John I'rish and
Herl I'rish came up from their
home, near Murray, accompanied
by Henry I'rish, bringing up a
line I'ercheon stallion that lliey
shipped over the Hiirlington lo
Olluinwa. Iowa, from which point
it will be sent to Minnesota to be
used for breeding purposes. The
Iwo first. named gentlemen de
parted on No. to hix evening for
Hie Iowa city, where they will look
after the horse and see that it. is
started for .Minnesota in proper
shape. The Messrs. I rish ex.
pert to receive another line animal
in about a week from E. J. Ilcisel
of Fremont, Iowa, and it. will be
taken al once to their fine farm
near Murray. The animal that
was shipped lo Iowa was a 1-year-old
and weighed 1,9(10 pounds, ami
was one of the finest animals that
has been shipped out of this city
for some time. Henry I'rish iv
mained in this city over night, re.
turning to his home Ibis morning.
"The Servent in the House,"
which will be seen at the Parmele
theater on Friday night, January
17, began its remarkable career
in Washington, D. C. On the
morning after the premiere, the
Washington Post said: "A more
powerful play has no been seen
by Iho present generation. It was
written by Charles Rami Kennedy,
whose command of pure English
would gain for him nn enviable
reputation were he lacking in all
other qualifications of a dramatic
author, It js a play with a pur
pose; one that will leach a lesson
stronger than those heard from
the pulpits of modern churches;
a more damaging attack on hypo
crisy than can be found in a doen
plavs by Henry Author Jones; a
play in whose quietly spoken lines
stir the emotions more deeply
than vivid pictures of action, and
which start a (rain of thought not
easily abandoned by even those
who prefer not to I h ink.
Taken to Reform School.
Sheriff Quinton departed this
morning for Kearney, taking with
Ed Mnvhee. who will lia
ed in I he reform school at
place. He was sentenced to
school last summer, but
e Meeson naro'ed him nn
I behavior. hoi hi irnt infr
uble a few weeks ago and the
Ige turned him over to tho
iTilt' to take to the school.
Stockholders of tho new flower
pot manufacturing company have
met and perfected an organization
under the name of tho Kahler
Pottery, company, with headquar
ters ut Louisville. .The authorized
capital stock is $5,000. Tho busi
ness of tho new company will be
for tho manufacture and sale of
flower pots, vases and fancy ware
of all kinds.
The officers are: Thos. K. Par
mele, president; Phil II. Kahler,
vico president and general man
ager; James Slander, secretary-
treasurer. Tho board of direct
ors are: Thos. E. Parmele. E. G.
Paulsch, Phil II. Kahler, A. J.
Hoover and James Slander.
Unlike the geat majority of
companies which appear on paper
long iiefore they are developed in
a material way, this company had
II ' building erected and almost
ready to begin business beforo
I hey were really a company. Tho
present cold snap has put a damp
er on the work of erecting kilns,
however, but Manager Kahler
says with n few davs of f:iir
weather ho will bo able lo gel be
yond Iho frost lino and then the
completion of the work will not bo
n difficult task. Louisville
From TtitNilny'a Dally.
The news has just been received
in Ihis city of the arrival at tho
home of Mr. ami Mrs. Art Evans
of Glenwood, Iowa, of the finest
baby boy in the world, who mado
his appearance at their home on
Saturday, January II. Mrs. Evans
was formerly Miss Pearl O'Neill,
daughter oT Mr. ami Mrs. Frank
O'Neill, who were residents of this
city for twenty-five years, re
moving a .short lime ago to a
ranch near Ilasselt, Neb. The
many friends of the family will
rejoice with the happy parents
over the arrival of Iho new sou
and trust, that he may grow up
to be a comfort and joy to his par
ents in their old age. Wo can
imagine the happy smile that il
luminated the countenance of
Grandpa O'Neill when ho heard
the news, as this is Iho first
grandchild, and therefore an
objeel of much admiration from
his relal ives.
from Wednesday' Dally.
The contracting firm of Rich
ards & Peters of this city have
closed one of the most successful
seasons that any firm of a similar
nature has enjoyed in Ihis city in
years and have received some as Iho result of their
labors along this line and they
have paid out the sum of if 10,000
for labor, most of which has been
given lo Platlsmoulh men for
their work for Ihis company. All
of this money that the company
has received has passed through
the I'latf smoulli banks and tin
bigger portion of it remained in
this city. This is no small ilem
to the business interests of the
city, and the fact lhat these gen
tlemen have been so successful
speaks well for Iho town and ils
spirit, of improvement, as in addi
tion lo Messrs. Peters and Rich
ards Hie other contractors and
builders have enjoved a most
successful year and the prospects
are good for even a larger busi
ness this voar.