The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1913, Image 6

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If any of the readers of tht Journal know of a borial ecent or an item of intercut n
tmiiil all items of interest. Editor Jour ml.
1 iZIiil'n ik
Home Bank Owned
Hurray State Bank
Capital $10,000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Lloyd of
Kairbury, Nth., were t lit guests
of Mr. and Mrs. I. ft. Hhoden last
IJrinK your old magazines lo
the library, I hey will help some
one to spend a pleasant winter
Mrs. Iliall and Mrs. Tutt have
offered to exchange hooks at I he
library any day for those who live
out of Murray.
Mrs. K. II. Oueen was a pas
senger for Nebraska (lily I'riduy,
where she was having some
denial work done.
James Loughridgc weul lo
Omaha Sunday lo see his mother,
who is sick at I he home of her
son, I)r. W K. I.oiighriilgc.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Holmes and
Mr. and Mrs. (Ilcnn Moedeeker
were visiting friends in Omaha
Saturday and Sunday of last week.
The Missionary society will
meet wilh Mrs. J. I. I'M man Fri
day afternoon. January lit. All
members are invited to be pres
ent.. You will 1 1 1 1 1 1 sum1 vers in
teresting books and a bundle of
ma::aine at I lie library that will
furnish oii amusement and
pleasure these lot))-' wilder even
ings. Mrs. Nicholas .Klarrenee ami
family spenl Friday of last week'
with Dr. and Mrs. (1. II. (lilniore,
Mrs. I'hilip Keil was in Omaha
Saturday isiling her sier-in-law
at the hospital.
I. (',. f.rosser ami wife, who
have been spending I he holidays
with Mrs. Crosser's parents, II.
II. Nickels and wife, departed
Monday morning for I heir Innim
at. Wood lliver, Neb.
Mrs. William I.oiighriilgc is n -ported
niueh heller at Ibis lime,
Mrs. Wililam Itrnwn has I h
numbered with the siek Ibis-week.
Jark Cbalfaiil is supporting a
tine new Overland auto.
nn a
ill be in Murray, on Tuesday, Jau
uary 14th, at the livery barn of D.
C Rhoden. All kinds of horses are
wanted, and the highest market
price will be paid. All ages taken,
from 3 to 20 years old. Bring in
your horses. I will be there rain or
Murray Department
by Home People
Surplus S5,000
Vice - President
G- BOEDEKER, Cashier
3 C
Miss Hose Mae Creamer is re
ported seriously ill.
Frank Rhodeii has been listed
among Hie sick the past week.
Albert Queen was a county seat
isitor Thursday of this week.
Mrs. Henry Sans was looking
after business in Nebraska City
Mrs. James Loughridge is
numbered among the sick this
Ftla M. Nickels was transact
ing business in Nebraska City
A. F. Nickels is eontlned lo his
bed wilh a severe attack of
John Hobscheidt was visiting
anion:-' IMallsniouth friends Tues
day evening of I his week.
I. an Challiint of Lusk, Wyo., is
visiting his parents, John (Ilia I -
fa;M and family, near Union.
Mrs. II, O. Lewis returned home
Wednesday alter a few days' M'sit
wilh her sisler. Mrs. Court, in
Mrs. John llob.-chb'dl "n,.r.
laincd al dinner Saturday Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. ( ',i'Of.s'ei' ami Mr, and
Mrs. O. s. Ray.
Robert (iood and wife, accom
panied by 1 1. C. I '.rosser and vv ife
ami Mrs. (ieorge Ray. motored lo
Nebraska Cily Friday.
John Cbalfaiil ami wife were
passengers lo Falls City Friday,
where lb"v will -pend a few days
wilh Ibe laller's brother.
Robert Oood ami wife ami Miss
Fslher Itav. Miss Henrietta
Creamer ami Oussie Oood were
looking after business in I'latls-
mouth Salui'i
(irassiiiau. wlio has
her home wilh Mr.
, Davis, was visiting
Miss F,
been niakin
and Mrs. A.
wilh her mother
in I'l.-.t I -ni'iui h
Mr. ami Mrs. It. R. Nickels, and
ilaugiiler, jiiss Uertlia. entertain
ed al dinner Wednesday evening
in honor of D. C. Grosser ami w ife,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hobscheidt,
Mr. ami Mrs. F. L. Rhoden and
Miss F.I I a Nickels.
Mrs. Frank Lillie entertained a
company of friends Friday even
ing in honor of Mr. Lillie's birth
day. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. G. S. Ray and daughter,
Esther; Robert Good nnd wife,
Gussie Good, W. V. Moore and
family and D. ft. Crosser and
wife of Wood River, Neb.
Dr. H. Thomsen, dentist, 4
I- of Plattsmouth, will make
Murray one day of each 4
! week for the purpose of 4
J- looking after the dental j
work of this community. He j
4 will be in Murray on Thurs- 4
4 day of each week, beginning l-4-
January 2, 1913, until fur- 4
4 ther notice. .
A Want Ad In tho Journa! will
bring what you want.
this vicinity and Kill mail name to this
Riley Contest.
Following is the program for
I be Ililey Contest, to be held Sat
urday evening, January 1 K, at H
Ouarlel Selected
Mrs. J. Holmes, Mrs. K. Tuit, Mrs.
J. Loughridgc, Mrs. V. A.
Solo - . -
. . Miss Harriet Adams
. Mrs. Mira McDonald
. . .Mrs. Lloyd Gapen
. .Ilev. Hoss Williams
Mrs. l. E. Main
Solo . . .
Reading Mrs. Wm. Troop
Solo Miss Harriett Adams
Reading Mrs. Win. Seybert
Reading . . . .Mrs. Thomas Tilson
Solo ........ Rev. Ross Williams
Ladies' Quartet.
The Riley Contest is given for
the benefit of the library. Admis
8ion 25c and 35c.
Dr. Thomsen in Murray.
Dr. Thomsen, the dentist, of
I'lattsmouth, will commence mak
ing his trips lo Murray next week.
He was unavoidably delayed in the
time he expected to commence
making Murray, Union and Ne
hawka. Look for him in all of
these places next week.
The proceeds of the Riley Con
test will be used lo buy books for
I he children. The children are
very enthusiastic readers and
have read nearly all the juvenile
books in the library. Their books
are higher priced than, fiction, so
make it, possible with your liberal
patronage to gel, the much-needed
Mrs. Alva Long was compelled
lo spend a week or ten days in the
hospital for treatment, going
Omaha Monday. Mrs. Long has
been sick for a number of weeks
and her many friends hoped that
she might regain her health with
out hospital treatment.
Mrs. W. K. Dull is spending Ibe
week with relatives iir Omaha.
P. C. Long has commenced Ihe
foundation of a new residence on
his farm across the road from the
presenl dwelling. Mr. Hamilton
and his force of men will do ihe
FOR SALT'. Thoroughbred
It. P. R. Cockerels. .in
each. Fggs 7Tc per selling -in
season. Mrs. J. W. Hendricks,
Platlsmouth. Neb.. Route 1.
'Phone 3-L, Murray.
J Dr. H. Thomsen, dentist,
I of Platlsmouth, will make v
Nehawka one day of each J
J- week for the purpose of
looking after the dental !
work of this community. He J
will be In Nehawka on Frl-
day of each wcok, beginning -
January 3, 1913, until fur-
' thor notice. .J.
Don't forgetl The Journal
office Is prepared to do all kinds
of fancy Job work. Give us a trial.
LOST Last night, between Mc
Daniel's saloon and the Majestic
I healer, a pockelbook containing
a ln bill. Finder please leave
same al this olllce ami receive re
ward. 1-8-3M
General Dlacksmilhing
and Yagon Work
Horseshoeing Is Our Specialty
All Work Guaranteed
Murray, Nebraska
office it will appear under thin heading
Mr. ami Mrs. Propst made a fly
ing trip to Weeping Water Friday.
Henry Johnson contracted to
unload coal from cars received
by Propst.
Charles Davis and family visited
in Murray over Sunday, guests of
Oswold Virgin.
Albert Wetenkamp is on the
sick list. We trust it is only for
a short duration.
District No. ') had no school
Monday on account of the cold
and stormy weather.
William Fight was called lo
Shenandoah, Iowa, recently to at
tend to business matters.
Oillespie & Snyder shipped a
line carload of fat hogs to the
South Omaha market Monday
Miss Carrie Newcomer of York
has returned home, having visited
in the Propst home for the past
two weeks. : ' ;
Lee Cole and Charles Harnard
are supplying fresh beef to all
that are in need of that article,
"providing you have the price."
Weather of the past few days is
a reminder of what has become of
your last, summer's wages,
especially if your wraps and foot
gear are limited.'
Addison Kiser, after .-pending
the holidays wilh his family al
University Place, has returned lo
the farm, where he is helping his
on. Oiiy, manage the farm work.
I)i'. T. P. Livingston made a
visit to see Mrs. Goodwin, who has
been rallier poorly for the past
six months. Mrs, Goodwin has
seen Kl birlbdavs and does not
get around
as Well as she did a:
few years ago.
S. C. Stevens, one of I lie mem
bers of the sawmill gang operat
ing Propsl's sawmill on the farm
of Mark While, was in town for
provisions la
i i .
I evening. The boys
in bac'ielois' hall,
Ihe-r .cam cooking,
are in muite in uac ien
where tin; do their a cooking,
Calv in Ci'ablree. !i iug near
Av o; a. viied wilh iii bro her,
I.ewK several ila s !.i-l week. Mr,
Ciabtree lias rcreii Irlil'licil
from I be western part oi l In'-1 ale,
where be purchased a larg
of i' :il s.'u per acre,
nephew. Ha;. Long, will m
the lard in the --'ring am
ve oil
The holidavs are past and Ihi
routine of work has again re.
its normal condition
School teachers have returned to
their work al vai ions places, rela
tives have each gone to their re
spective homes, ami t!M- is num
bered wilh Ibe years Ibal are past
ami gone. Let us try and make
the new ear more pleasant for
ourselves, our neighbors and our
If you havo anything to sell an
ad In the Journal will sell it.
Hazol-Mcnthol Plasters
Effectively relieve piiin. TLa soothing of.
fonts of Menthol lire quickly felt in liack.
nche, lUinumntiRtn, Kcintira nnd other
painful affoctions. Yard rolls $1.00; reun.
lac size; All (IrnRK'11' or direct by Iiiuil.
Dvu A Lawrence Co., New York.
Samplea mailed upon requol, 6c altnips.
Deep-seated Colds
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis
Contains no harmful rfrugs.
All th'slrri.
WENT. All persons interested in the
estate of Thomas J. Fountain, de
ceased, now pending in the Coun
ty Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
will lake notice that the ad
ministratrix has tiled her final ac
count and petition for final sttle
ment in saiii eslate. A hearing
will be bad upon said account and
petition at the ntlice of said
County Court on the 18th day of
January, 15)13, at the hour of ten
o'clock a. in., at, which time any
and all persons interested in said
eslate may appear and contest
said account and petition.
Dated this -JCdh dav of Decern,
her, 1012.
County Judge.
Entertained at Roberts' Home.
The Ladies' Auxiliary held a
most enjoyable meeting at I ho.
home of Mrs. J. M. Roberts yes
terday afternoon. The attendance
was small on account of the
weather being so bad, but never
thless those who braved the storrn
felt that they were well repaid.
The ladies held their regular busi
sess session, after which they
spent some time in discussing the
new work which they are plan
ning lo lake up. Mr. Lorimer was
present and explained this inew
work very thoroughly. The re
mainder of the afternoon was
whiled away in conversation
and other amusements. The hos
tess served dainty refreshments.
Sells Fine Chickens.
C. C. . Wescott, the chicken
fancier, has just disposed of two
of his fine Huff Orpington
cockrels to Ed Recker, who is also
a raiser of this celebrated breed
of chickens. These cockrels are
full-blooded and Aiming the finest
in Mr. Wescotl's pen, and Mr.
Pecker can feel very proud over
securing them, as they are among
the finest in the county and will
give him a tine start with his
stock of thoroughbreds. The
fowls are of good size and weight
and are very handsome in ap
pearance. Return From Stanton.
Mr. and Mrs. John McNurlin re
turned from Stanton, Neb.. Sun
day evening, where Ihey had been
making a visit of two weeks with
Udward Sprieck and family. Mrs.
Sprieck made her home wilh Mr.
and Mrs. McNurlin when a little
girl. Mr. McNurlin reports a
great ileal of snow in Ihe vicinity
of Stanton, some of the drifts be
ing Ibree nnd four feel high. He
also staled that at the time he
went mil there that I here was no
snow in this vicinity and when he
arrived al Slanlon and found so
much snow it seemed strange.
They report a most enjojable visit
all hough Mr. McNurlin suffered
slighlly wilh an attack of
rheumatism. Mr. Sprieck had Mr.
McNurlin renew his subscription
lo Ibis paper.
L'niliiy was ninviii day in llio
re uf llie rounly commission
s ami Julius I'ilz .sucimmmUm! Id
nll'ire nf (iiminissiDmT from
First ilislrirl llial ha. been
lil Inr Mm lasl six cars by Mar
tin C. Krii'ilrich. Mr. I'ilz is a
ymniK man ami nies prnmisi' of
making diu' f I hi? bi-sl rnminis
HiuiiTs Dial ibe county has i'cr
had ami lie can he ilcpcmlcil upon
Id look after I lie interests of the
laayers every juni in Ihe road.
In Hie eipiinly attorney's oHire Mr.
Taylor, who has made a most
cllicienl and able lepal rcprcseiil
nlivc of the county, will succeed
himself, having been elected with
out opposition al Ibe recent, elec
tion. W. II. P.ryan will lake up
I he dul ics of (he county assessor's
job laid down by 11. M. Soennich
sen. These are Ihe only ofl'ces
that were nlfeclcd in Ihe recent
election, Ihe cither candidate
beiiiK merely on the legislative
la the IH.irtn Court la aB, ir
V'Hle J. Holmes, I'la!nt:!T.
S r1'" M. Alwlue, formerb
Iplr i u-e"a"- (!orKe H. Alwiae.
ik . J, h''"nn. Annette Keenan.
John Keennn. Jum.-.s Keen
an ami J h me W. .Holmes,
Vn,i, , , w lefentl.intM.
bv v 'J ''er('b' S'vn that under and
n litue ot a decree entered in this
' 10th day of Det-f rnber, A.
V.i Ul" "'"lersiKned 5ole referee
oi.i on.tll,e th day of February, A. 1'
1J1., at cittvfin o'clock a. m.. at the
eolith door f the Court House ) the
Urllu, 1,ll,,1u1""t''.. '" County. N
i , at f"''' auction the fol-
n . . . u. rP!u "'ate, situated
tnthc lounty of Cass, Nebraska, to-
Coinnit'ni-iriL' at u . ' ...
stetson line riinn v.t i w
throiiirh s....i. ...v "lit" "."T1
eleven (11), Kanse fourteen (14), in
( ass County, Nebraska; 1574 6-10 feet
U- . , llp 'luarter section corner on
r!lnPiVluv.,,.n U)' ltHnK" f(""'n (14):
U n.?l"."i,',1,:e !,outn -77;! f'''t; thence
.,.yt metice .North feet;
thence Kast 9M ot; thence North 6S2
i,. , ... i. t.i mr nanKH ot llie
Missouri river; thence alonjf the bankHof
. ... ... i river in a northerly direc
tion to a point where vuld bunk of the
Missouri river intersects the quarter
section line running Kast and Went
thmilirh Sloir,n nx rr, . .
eleven ll),lJaim-e fourteen (14); thence
West aloiisr said quarter section line to
w. mhiv ueKinninx-, together with
described landH by accretion, alluvion,
i viivaiuii aiiu rvuiMUn.
four (4), five (5), Kix (6), seven (7),
ei(fht (8), nine (9). ten (10). eleven
U.?n? twelve (12), m block three
a-s,s County, Nebraska. Haid nroperty
wm on Boia ror cash to tho hisrheHt re
sponsible bidder.
i.uiea ai i iansmouth, Nebraska, this
31st day of December, A. I). 1912.
f V u.. -
tiAWLS r.orKrtTSf.N.' "CIcrw
The Lvinnston Loan and Buildinp; As
Mociation, Plaintiffs,
Adelaide Bates and John T. BateH, her
husband, Defendants.
To Adelaide BateH and John T. Bates,
her husband, non-resident defendants
in the above entitled action:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff ban com
menced an action against you in the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of foreclosing
a mortKHKe Riven by you to the Living
ston Loan and Building Association on
the IHth tlay of January, 1908, coverlnpr
the following described real estate In
Cass County,, Nebraska, to-wit: Com
mencing at a noint in the center of
Bryant street, said point being- 166
feet west antl 15 fe-it north of a stone
at the southeast corner of the NKVt ot
Section 24, Township 12 north, Uanire
13, east of the 6th p, in., thence north
?li. 8 feet to a stake, thence west 2H0
feet, thence south 217. S f.-et to a stake,,
thence east 200 feet to tho place of
b viiininn, containing one acre, be the
s-ime mo;e or less and Vnown as rub
lot 1 of lot 46, in the SKVi of the NK$4
of Section 21, Township 12 north. Range
13 east, or the 6th p. in., in Cass County.
Nebraska, which mortgage appears of
record in Book .'if. of Heal Kstate
Mortgages at page 275, in the olllce of
the Kegister of Deeds of Cass County,
Nebraska, and to recover 110.70 for In
surance which plaintiff has been com
pelled to pay, and to recover taxes for
the years 190K-1911 inclusive in the sum
of $14.48, with Interest thereon from the
12th day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief.
You anl each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of February, A. D. 1913, and
in failing so to do your default will be
duly entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's peti
tion. The Livingston Loan and Building As- '
sociatlon, Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDl , It's Attorney.
(oi.VTV, m:iihsk.
The Lvintfston Loun iind Iluililins As
sociation, 1'lnintilTK,
I'eW'itt Stanley mid Anna Stanley, his
wife, Defendants.
To DeVi'ltt Stanley and Anna Stanley.
Iiise wife, non-rexident defendants in
the above entitled action: ,
You and each of you are hereby
notilled that the plaintiff has com
menced an action aainst you in the
lilstilct Court of Cukm County, Ne
hraska, for the purpose of forecloslnt;
a uiortKUKe Riven by you to the ldvlnn
hton Loan and Building Association on
the lllilk day of September, 190(i. cover
ing the following described real estate
to-wit: Lots :i and 4, in Hlock 10, in
Thomps'in's Addition to tlie City of
I'liitlsmnuth, Caxs County Nebraska,
which niort anic appenrs of record in
I'.Dok :'.U' of Kcal lO.siate MortKai?es, at
paro ;:it, In the ollice of the Keirister
of lieedti of Cass County, Nebraska; and ,
to recover the sum of $H.50 Insurance,
which plaintiff has been compelled to
pay, and the sum of $77. IS taxes, In
terest and costs for the years 1907-1911
Inclusive, Willi Interest thereon from
Ihe lL'th day of November, 19U and for
cmillable relief.
You and each of you nie required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of February, A. l. 1013. and
in fiillliiK' so to do your default will be
duly entered therein and judgment
taken as praved for In plaintiff's peti
tion. The Livingston Loan and l!ulldinK As
sociation. Plaintiff,
llv A. L. Tltn. It's Attorney.
Ihe District Court In nml for ('!!
( on lily ebniHkn.
Louisa Hay
and Albert II. Hay,
N.nncv .1. Dvsart. Elizabeth Wolfe.
Henry Wolfe, Kllen Kreltrer. Adolph
KrelKer, Jda (.Mine, Mrunson Cllne,
.Inline A. Dysart, Frank P. Sheldon.
Ilninia Sheldon, Thomas I'. Dysart,
Louise Dysart, Jessie K. lysart, Clara
liysarl, Charles II. Dysart and
OKio'ettn Dysart. Defendants.
To the . Defendants, Kllen Krelper,
Adolph KrelKor, Thomas P. Dysart
and Louise Dysart: .
on are hereby not Uteri that on the
'-'Ith day of December. 1!M2, plaintiffs
tiled their petition analnst tho above
tiHined defenilants in the District Court
of the Count v of Ca.-s. Nebraska, pray
Ini; inii'titlon or the following desorlberi
real e.-late Kiiunteri In the County of
Cns: Nebraska: '
The Southeast Quarter (SK'i) of the
Southeast Quarter (SF.Vi) of Section
twenty-seven (1:7), the Northeast,,
Quarter (NKH of the Northeast Quar
ter (NK4) of Section thirty-four (r).
the North half of the Northwest Quar
ter INW'm of the Northeast Quarter
(NIC'i) of Section thirty-four (.14), all
In Township ten (10). ItniiRe 1 Kast
of the lith p. m. and settinK forth tlie
Interest of plaintiffs nnd defendants
therein. , .
This notice Is Riven pursuant to nn
order of the court and each of you are
required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, tho 10th day of leh
lunrv, A. I. 1913. or your default will
be d til v entered of record, and partition
of sold lands mndo In accordance with
tho findings and orders of the court
LoTmsa TUY and ALT1EUT M, BAY.
P.AW'LS & IIOBEKTKON, Attorneys.
4H. .H-I-H -HH!- W-H
Auctioneer, Murray, Neb.
Public Sales a specialty,
-I- and care taken to pet the
! high dollar for your goods
and slock. Your business
solicited. Telephone 5-N.