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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1913)
BY THOMAS DIX0M 1 jgfcs Copyright. 1911. by PROLOGUE. This renrarkabte tale, in which each character is sketched from life by a master hand, goes be' necdh the surface of modern so ciety and lays bare the canker at the root. Like alt Mr. Dixon's work, it is a tale of American life, essentially trae in the picture it draws and done with a swing ing power which brings its dra matic scenes home to as. The splendid strength of the tale lies in the conflict between James Stuart and Nan, in which love and greed of wealth straggle for mastery. CHAPTER V. Struggle. THE longer Stuart wrestled with the problem of Nan's yielding to the lure of ClvenB gold the more hideous ind hopeless It becntne. lie Iwruu to feci that he bud been to blame. Why had he allowed the foolish pride of a lovers' quarrel to keep them apart for two weeks? When ho cnme downstaira he paused at the door. Harriet was playing and (dnging asain. and the soft tones of her roice were healing. lie walked gently to the door of the music room, leaned aninst the panel and watched and listened. kt last she stopped reluctantly, tip rcd her golden bead sideways in a co quettish little triumphant movement awl In the quaintest Imitation ef a tnaa's voice said: "I congratulate you. Miss Harriet I Kke that very much!" "Do you, professor? Oh, I'm so glad to please you!" She shook her curls with genuine de light and played out the little dialogue with vivid imaginary touches. Stunrt laughed. The girl leaped to her feet, flushing scarlet, rushed to his side and seized bin band. "Did you see me, Jim? Was 1 very foolish?" "Certainly not. I quite agree w!th the professor. You will some day slug before kings and queens, little girl." lie left her waving and smiling to htai from the steps. lie walked with new vigor and a deepening sense of gratitude to her. His breath deepened, and tils step grew firm and swift. He would fight for his own. He would go straight to Nan and laugh at this an uouueement He would compel her to hear him. It was an absurd hour to call, but all the better. Mrs. Primrose's greeting was so cor dial, so gcniiiuely frieurlly, that for a moment he was puzzled. Could it be possible he had misjudged her? She pressed his band warmly and Hageringly. "Oh. Jim, I'm so glad you've cornel SJfay have you stayed away so long? Jl was so foolish of you. You gave up without a struggle. I'm shocked be yMid measure at Nan. I told tier that his millions would never brhig bappl ness unless her heart went with them that her love for you was a thing eh? couldn't lay aside as a cloak she bad worn. I told Nan the day she promised to marry Mr. Blvens that you were worth a dozen such men, no mat ter how many millions be bad. You fcuve always beeu my choice you know that" Stuart could control himself no long r. He rose and faced Mrs. rrlmrose with a look which brought ber elo Queuce to an abrupt end. "Mrs. Trlmrose, for once In my life I am going to tell you the truth. You have always been my bitterest foe. lau brought Nan to New York to get her away from me" The niotber'a eyes blazed with hon est: wrath. "Yes. I did; and I'm glad I did It yon ungrateful wrwtch!" ' "Ami you have always been busy polrtonlng ber mind against me and corrupting her Imagination with dreams of a life of luxury." "And. thank God, I've succeeded at last lu bringing her to ber senses in time to save her from throwing herself way on you. Jim Stuart!" As Mrs. Primrose left Nan quietly en tared the room. Her face was set for battle in a proud defiant smile. She was totally unprepared for the way iti whli-h Stuart met her. With n quick step he was at ber side, seized both her hands In a grip of fierce tenderness and In low tones of vilii;nu passion said;. Thomas Dixon "This thing don't go with me, Nan. 1 won't accept It I'm going to flght flght for my own for you are mine mine by every law of God and man, and you are worth fighting for!" The bard smile of defiance melted from tho beautiful face, and a flush of tenderness slowly overspread ber cheeks. It was sweet to be loved like that by a strong, masterful man. She started to speak, and he raised his hand: "1 know, dear, you said our engage ment was broken. I don't believe you mean it. I couldn't. The news of your engagement to Blvens came as p bolt out of the blue sky. 1 refuse to accept such nn act as Ilnal. You did it out of pique. Yon don't menu It Yon can't mean It! I told you the other day I had a surprise for you. 1 tunc Ifs worth a day. You promised me one in the country before our foolish ounrrel. 1 want It now. Yon will come?'" 1 She hesitated a moment and said: "Yes." Within an hour they had reached the bills overlooking Gravesend bay. and the magniflreut sweep of water below the Narrows Nan had scarcely spoken on the. way. answering Stuart's ques tions In friendly nods, smiles and mon osyllables "Before we go farther," Stuart said when they had left the car. "I want to show you a model home a friend of mlue has built out here. It's my ideal, and 1 think you'll like it" As they entered the gate, half bid- ( den in the hedge, the girl exclaimed: "What a lovely little place!" A gardener who was watering some flowers on a sign from Stuart hastene.l up the gravel walk and opened the door. Every window commanded entranc ing views of the bay and ocean. Rv ery ship entering or leaving the harbor of New York must pass close and roulil be seen for miles going to sea. When Stuart finally led Nan out on the broad veranda of the m-mml Hjior she was In a flutter of excitement over the perfection of Its details. "I think It's wonderful. Jim.'" she exclaimed, with enthusiasm. "I've "I think It wonderful, Jlml" never seen anything more nearly per feet. Whose Is It?" Stuart looked Into ber dark eyes with desperate yearning. "It's yours. Nun!" "Mlue?" "Yes. dear; this la my secret I've been building this borne for you the past year. I've put all the little mon ey my father gave mo with every dol lar 1 could save. It's paid for, and here's tha key. I meant to ask you out here to fix our wedding day. I ask you now. Forget the nightmare of the past two weeks, and remember only that we love each olher." Her lips quivered for Just an In stant, and her hand gripped the rail of the veranda. "If I'd seen It four weeks ago, Jim. I really don't see how I could have re slsted it, but now" she shook In bend and laughed "now It's too late." "My God! Pnn't say that, Nan!" he pleaded. "It's never too late to do right. Yon know that I love you You know that . von love me." "But I've discovered." she went on. with bantering, half challenging frank ness. "that I love luxury too 1 never knew bow deeply and passionately lc-tore"- She paused a moment, look ing toward Sea Gate. "l::n't that the anchorage ef the Atlantic Yacht club?" "Yes." he answered tuipatiectly "Then tli:'.:'s Mr. Blvens' yacht, the big. ugly black one lyi:ig close Inshore with steam up He told mo he would send her Into drydock today tie was talking last night of a wedding cruise in her to the Mediterranean. I con '.wi .Tim th:t I ivnnt fii shine to mic- coeit anil t'.nzzie ami reign. I tns is perhaps the one chance of my life". "Do you hold yourself so cheap?" "You can't realize how much the power of million means to a woman who chafes at the limitations the world puts on tier sex It's too late" "Don't, don't say It Nan!" "Why not be frank? This little cot tago is a gem. I admit But I've seen a splendid palace set In flowers and gleaming with subdued light Soft music steals through its halls mingled with the laughter of throngs who love and admire me. . Its banquet tables are laden with the costliest delicacies, while liveried servants hurry to and fro with plates and goblets of gold." Stuart seized her arm with fierce strength that hurt "You shall not do this hideous thing. You are mine. I tell you. and I am bigger than money. I have the power to think, to create Ideas, to create beauty the power that remakes the world I expect to have all the money we shall need. In the years to come we shall be rich whether we seek It or not. But the sweetest days of all life will be those In which wo fight side by side the first battles of life In youth and poverty when we shall count the pennies and save with care for the little ones God may send us." "But life is short. Jim. I can have things now lie has already promised (hem a palace In town, another by the sea. a great castle In the heart of the blue soul hern mountains we used to watch as children and armies of servants to do my bidding. I can live now." - "And you call these trappings and tinsel life?" "1 want, i hem." "My God. Nan. haven't you n soul? Hasn't the life within no meaning for you? To me such luxury Is sheer in sanity The possibilities of personal iuxury have been exhausted thousands of years ago It's commonplace, vul gar aud contemptible If yon wish for power why choose the lowest of all Its forms? The way you are entering is worn bare by the feet of millions of forgotten fools whose bodies worms have eaten. Not one of them lives today even in a footnote of history." "And yet, Jim. you kuow as well s 1 do that mouey is the sign of success and power; Its absence, of failure and weakness If you make a mistake in your career yon can correct It and be gin again. Being a woman. 1 cannot, for marriage Is my only career. A mistake now would be to me fatal." "Aud you are making the one tragic mistake no repentance can undo The deliberate choice of evil, knowing it to be evil Your heart is mine mine, 1 tell you! Do you deny it ':" Again lie seized her hand, gripped It fiercely and looked into her eyes with tender, searching gaze. Nan looked away "Oh. Nan. dear, believe me!" he pleaded "You can't deny this voice within the soul and live. Happiness Is Inside, not outside, dear." The lover paused a moment. over onie with his emotion, and be knew by the quick rising and falling of the girl s breast that n battle was raging. tjuick to see his advantage, he drew her gently inside. ".See, Nan, there are no cheap liplta tlons In here, no vulgar ornaments which mean nothing. Tills home will be a real one because it will have a soul. There can be no coarse or menial tasks within its walls because Its work shall be glorified by the oftl Immortal song of love and life." Stuart leaned close and spoke In a low tense voice: "And It will always be beautiful. Nan, because it will be peuetrated with the touch of your hand. Every piece of furniture will glow with that radi ance. Gold and precious stones can have no such luster. See, here I have planned to place your piano. There will be no music on earth like the songs those throbbing strings shall make to my soul when they quiver be neath the touch of your hand." The lover slipped his arm gently around the girl's yielding form, her head drooped on his shoulder, the great dark eyes blinded with tears. For a moment be held ber in silence, broken only by a deep sob. nis band touched ber balr with tbo tendercst gesture as he whispered: "We can only know a few real friends in this world, dearest But one great love comes to any human soul, and life Is all too short to loso a single day." "nush-hush. Jlml" the girl cried In anguish. "Don't say any more, please." Tell mo that It's all right, dear," ho urged. "You know you cannot leave me now. Yon know that you love me and that your love la a deathless thing." "Yes, yes; I know," she gasped. "But I'm going to marry him. I can't help It The spell of his millions Is on mo, aud I can't shake It off." With a determined effort sho drew herself from his embrace and In hard, cold tones continued: "No, Jim; you must face the truth. 1 am going to marry this man, and (he most horrible thing I can say about myself Is that, deeply as I love you, I know 1 shall bo content with the splendid career that will be mine. I shall never ferret my marriage." The lover looked at her in a da.ed way. a If unable to grasp the mean ing of ber words. "But you rixu't do this vile thing. Since the world began 1 know that "Tha spall of his millions is on ma." rain, weak, ignorant women have sold themselves to men they could not love for money, rank and luxury. But you are not of that breed. Nan. You are the typical American girl. You repre sent women whose hearts have been pure, whose lives have been clean, who have kept burning lu the hearts of mcu the great faiths of the soul. Be spect for women has been one of the foundations of our moral life. Tho woman who sells herself to buy bread stands h'rgber in the moral world than you"- He hesitated. "Go on, Jim; say the worst. And still I'm going to do It." "Knowing full well that no ceremo ny of church or state, no word of priest or judge, no pealing of organ or pomp or pageantry can maue mis thing a marriage?" The lover dropped in silence to the window seat and burled his face In his hands In a paroxysm of emotion be yond control At length he rose and looked at the girl ho loved long nnd tenderly "God in heaven! It's Inconceivable when 1 look Into your beautiful facet Have you no pity In your heart?" The full lips smiled a cruel little smile. "Men are strong. Jim. They can stand hard blows. Yon come of fight lug stock. I know that you will sur vlve. I'm sorry to hurt you, Jim, but I must; It's fate. The big world I some how feel I'm akin to Is calling me. aud I'm golng"- "And Blvens is tills big world! II you will throw tne over for money can t you wait until a real mau goes witli It? It wouldn't be so bad If I felt on had chosen one who was my o!ir:il physically and mentally In nil ture end breeding- but Bivens!" "Yon unden v.lntale his ability. You may li;:te hi:n. but he is a man of genius" "He Is everything you lontlie and ye you are going to marry him. You are pvi.ig up too easily. Bivens has only a couple of minions, and lie may lose theiii. Don't hold yourself so cheap If A oil were on tin block for sale I'd give a million for each dimple in your cheeks The smile that plays about your lips should bring millions. Your deep dark eyes. I swear, are worth a million each." "Hush, .lini. dear, we must go now. 1 can t stand any more. There's a limit." "Yes. I know. Forgive me." Wllh'itit a not her word he led her front the place, closed the' little gate quietly and returned to her home. Alone Inside the parlor they stood In silence n moment and she took his hand In hers. "I'm sorry, but It must be good by. Your love has been n sweet and won derful thing In my llfe"- "And you throw It aside as a worth less rag." "No," she answered, smiling. "It shall be mine always. Goodby." She raised her lips to bis lu a cold kiss. Dazed with anguish, he turned 'and left The door closed on his retreat ing figure, and Nan burst into a flood of passionate tears. (To He Continued.) THE SECRET TERROR. Tho haunting fear of sickness and helplessness is the secret ter ror of the working man. Health is his capital. Kidney diseases sap a man's strength and vitality. They lessen his earning capacity. Foley Kidney Pills bring back health and strength by healing the disease. They are the best medi cine made for kidney and bladder troubles. Tho genuine are in the yellow package. Refuse any sub stitute. For sale by F. fl. Fricke Si Co. For baby's croup, WillieV daily cuts and bruises, manim's sore throat, grandma's lameness Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the house hold remedy. 2!o and fine. Paul Stadelman takes subscrip tions for any magazine or club of magazines at special rates. OflE OF NEBRASKA'S I It Happened 25 Years Ago Today and Is No Doubt Remembered by Many of Our Citizens. from Wednesday's Dally. Twenty-live years ago l inlay, on January N, 1888, the slate of Ne- iraska and t lit entire west was isited by one of the- most severe lizards thai ever swept over this cgion, and the damage done was untold, especially in the western ind northern portions of I he stale, where many were frozen or in jured by the intense cold that prevailed for several days. The blizzard struck this city about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, coming unexpectedly, as the weather had not been severe up to that hour, and all night and into the next day the storm held full sway. The suffering .caused by the blizzard was intense, and for days it was impossible to pet into communication with many fam ilies in the thinly populated sec tions of the state and the loss of live stock exposed to the fury of the storm was one that is still re niembered by the citizens who were compelled to undergo the rigors of the blizzard. In the country districts many heroic acts were performed by the school teachers in an effort, to protect, their pupils from the blizzard, and one instance occur red in South Dakota where a teacher, at the cost of lreezing herself, drove several miles and delivered Hie children safely to eir homes, lull she herself was badly injured by the cold. I Ins wits one ol llie record- breaking" storms and it is vividly recalled by thousands of residents of the state who bad the misfor tune to be caught in it. The cost of the storm in lives and loss to live fjlock will really never be fnl ly counted. "TIE BUILDERS" MEET WITH MR. AND MRS. C. C. PARMELE From Wednesday's Dally. The young men of (ho Presby terian church, known, as "The Huilders." met at the home of their former teacher, Mrs. CI. C I'armele, last evening, llie pur nose of the meeting was to reor- ganize and plan for some re ligious, educational and socia work. Fifteen were present am all fell truly at home with Mr. am Mrs. I'armele. Mr. William Hob eel son, their present teacher, am Hev. M. W. I.ormier, Ihe pastor were present. After a good (inn and refreshments the following commit Ices were appointed: (In place of meeting in the church Ralph Larson, Joe Chapman and llev. I.orimer; on study subjects and literature, lleuben Saxon, Sam Windham and V. A. Robertson; on social events, Carl Schmidt tiiann and Marion Hiekson. The next meeting will be held at Mr. Ilobertsou's law ollice next Tues day evening to bear nnd consider reports of llie committees. All young men who have belonged at any lime or wish to join "The Hiiihlers" should be present at the next meeting. FORMER PLATTSMOUTH BOY COMING TO PARMELE SOON F.special interest will be center ed around the performance of "A Hachelor's Honeymoon," at the Parmele theater Tuesday night, January 14, from the fact that V. O. Hankin, a former Plattsmouth boy, is in the cast, playing the part of a very busy man who "has no time to stand on ceremony in mailers matrimonial. "Ora," as he is known to his numerous friends in Plaltsinouth, is more than "making good," if news paper criticisms are to be taken as a eirterion, and his formlr as sociates will no doubt bo pleased to see him behind the footlights. Judgment Is Given. tn county court today, in the case of T. F. Naughton vs. Mrs. Maude Kaspar, seeking to re cover judgment for goods sold and delivered, the defendant fail ed to appear in court and contest the claim and the court accord i 1 1 V 1 uranleil the judgment as praxed for. When ordering flour ask your grocer to send you a sack of Forest Rose Flour the best (lour OS Entertains W. Ft C. The V. 11. C. held their social meeting yesterday after and were ulcrtainvd in a most delightful manlier by MesdameJ Yal Hurkel unl L. 15. F.genbergcr at the home of Mrs. Hurkel. This social meet ing was not so largely attended as il would have been had tho weather not been so bad. Most of the ladies brought their fancy work and spent some very pleas- int moments plying the needle, which was interspersed with other liversions calculated to make the occasion an enjoyable one. The hostesses had prepared an ex- el lent luncheon, and this was served at the proper lime. On I heir departure the ladies voted Mesdames Hurkel and Kgenbergcr splendid entertainers and were glad they had braved the storm. ITTLE BABY IN HOSPITAL GETTING ALONG NICELY From Wednesday's Daily. Mrs. William Weber has just returned from South Omaha, where she has' been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Schille and family. The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Schille, which has been in the hospital for some time, is getting along nicely and the pros pects are good that the little one will gain the use of its limbs, which were in such bad shape. This news will be pleasing indeed to the friends of tho family in this city and vicinity, who have been anxiously awaiting news from the lie one. The Schille family have also just moved into their new home in the Magic City and now possess one of Hit neatest lit tle collages in that city. THE BUSY WOMAN'S DAY. It begins early, ends late, and is full of work. Sho often has kidney trouble without knowing it. Her back aches, and she is tired and worn out. Sleeps poorly, is nervous, no appetite. Her bladder gives her trouble, too. Foley Kidney Pills will cure all that and make her strong and well. Thoy are the best medicine made for kidney and bladder disorders. For sale by F. fl. F'ricko & Co. FOREST EOSH WAHOOMILLCO WAHOO, NEB. FOREST ROSE .. . FLOUR, 'J) Forest Roso Floor Guaranteed to Be the Best on the Market SOLD Br LEADING DEALERS Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION! Insurance Placed in Best Companies! Farm Loans and Rental Agency - Virgil Llullis ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Viltrinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Date9 can be made at he Journal office. WILKINSON & HALL- Real Estate