The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1913, Image 4

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i-The Plattsmouth Journal -
i r Published Seml-YeeMj al fiim Nebraska CUD
Wc are trctlimr a
inter lloVV.
fair taste of
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered itt the I'oHlolIice v. I I'luttHmouth, Nebrauka, as ;
Five ami
jii'flty cold,
MV below I'l'n H
thank i)ti.
Now is IIh- lime to lliiuk of
what you done willi your last
summer's wages.
It is said Kearney actually
saved !; (i.dimi by going without
lighl sewn nights. We arc from
Missouri and 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 ) to he shown.
The mail who went away from
Hal.lsinoul h a few weeks ago, de
claring thai, lie was ilniie with tho
(own ami ijiijn't. want to hear an
other word about IMattsmnuth,
has returned Id IMattsinouth to
look for a job. He is now ready
to declare: "There are many (owns than Piatt smoulh."
They soon learn thiij fact.
The remodeling of the Hurling
lon depot is one of the big im
proveinen'.s for IMatlsmouth in
1913. It will virtually he a new
building, with all modern improvement.-,.
The Commercial club
is responsible for this enterprise.
Then say that a pood working
body of business men does not
accomplish much to benefit the
eily. Why, it is simply prepos
terous. - - :o:
We base slarled on a new year,
bill "where wc are" nobody knows.
Tin- astronomer.- wilh Iheir in
struments base ascertained by
the ohseiv al em of oilier heavenly
bodies thai we arc at least 300,
(1(1(1,000 miles from where we were
when the past year began, a:id say
I hat. we will be :i()0,000,(i00 miles
further on when I he year ends,
but where we are going or when
we w ill get there I bey do not pre
tend to know.
The government has recently
brought suit to determine if a
wholesale grocer, after having
l'laltsiiiiuilli merchants are
showing symptoms of rising In
I he parcels post occasion.
Woodrow Wilson ir not at, nil
superstitious. He believes '13
will prove a lucky number for him.
We hope so.
Stories of how bard the winters
used to be remind us I hat fur
naces and steam heal, were not in
use in those days. That makes u
big difference iu these days.
:o- .
A Kansas lown has appointed
three women to censor picture
shows. Speedier matrimony for
the galloping cowboys in Dims
would lighten f 1 1 monolony.
Uncle Sam owns the I'anama
railroad ami operated it last year
with a net prolit ..r Sl.TO-'.Ul-.
There is no compel ing line, but
no allempl is made lo charge all
that, I he I runic will bear.
Fred Jlellier of Nebraska City is
the Ibird or fourth candidate lo
come out for I he postolllre in I hat
city, and wanls Hie people lo de
cide the matter. Fred is a good
man for the place and very pop
ular with I he masses of the people.
:o :
The members of the legislature
will receive $10 per diem, but the
chief clerk ami oilier assistants M)( wan,
will receive only Ibe same old ,j,.a,.
pay, and some of them dou'l earn j pi jri. sm., ,-ctailer must sell upon
thai. They are simply hangers- ;,,.,, Ilf M)(.,, lni, . retailer
on and wall llowcrs most of I he , slnll( 1 aUl.,. ,,, maintain the
lime, price. The practice of doing so
:o: 1)ls been coinnmn. The case in
One of our exchanges has aj.poinl has been brought against a
r....i i' ..I ; ,, 1.,..,..)..
1 1 1 (i 1 1 1 1 1 in i hi ii i'i ii iiiiniii in run'
If the company is found
perls." The advice is good; lliey,!" bac been violating I he law of
A girl ni Urn home is worth two
dozen on tin- tire.
Thi' sort of walher will put a
ipiietus oil outdoor work for a
I into.
The legislature meets tomor
row, and Hie ipie.-tion is, who will
be speaker?
:l( ;
This is Ibe ,-ort of weal her I hat!
makes the coal man look wise, and
the ire man smile.
Congressman Maguiro wants
?-'7ii,0l)0 for I he construction of
a four-story addition lo the fed-
ral building at Lincoln.
lo a retail grocer, can
the retailer at what
long article advising against the
employment of "special sales ex- f"! food.
do nothing more than the iner-,
chant can do himself, if he ju-l 1
has (he nerve. Omaha Trade Fa- !
hibit. j
An ex-president with the aver
age grit has no fear that American
opportunity will fail to opea a
way by which he can make a suit
able living.
Coventor Morehead will be in
augurated on Thursday next,
when Chester Aidrich will retire
to private life, but will make his
home in the capital city.
Parcels post appears to be the
subject of Ibe hour over the coun
try. Kvcrywhere 'there was in
tense interest as to who would
send out and receive the first
Seventy-live Omaha bull moos
i i met Ibe other nisli! in lian
ipiel ami resolved that they never
would fuse with the republicans
again. Would it not have been
a good idea for them lo have
wailed until lliey were asked?
Those who have stuck it out
Ibis long and are still able to walk
past a thirst parlor wilh a lirm
step, and not even look in Ibe
windows, are to be commended,
and at the same time reminded
I bat il is only 3(50 days fill an
other New Year conies along)
It behooves each and every
member of the legislature to keep
their eyes open when Hie ap
propriation bills are presented.
Nebraska is a great stale, and Ibe
taxpayers are perfectly willing
I hat the 'stale institutions should
be well cared for, but they have
no money lo throw away on graft
ers. :o:
Came Warden Miller will
Entire Stock of Men's and Boys' SUITS
and OVERCOATS in Our Semi-Annual
Clearance Sale at Big
Price Reductions !
Bear in mind the reliability of the clothing we sell and the reasonableness
of our regular prices. Read over the price reductions for this sale then stay
away if you can. You certainly can't afford to. Men who are buying their
clothes at this sale are saving good money and are mighty well pleased.
Our Entire Stock Divided into 4 Lot
Lot No. 1
Boys' Suits worth
$10 now $7.50
Lot No. 2
Boys' Suits worth
$7.00 now $4.75
Lot No. 3
Boys' Suits worth
$4.00 now $2.85
Lot No. 4
Boys' Suits worth
$3.50 now $2.35
Men's Fur Coats at 10 to 20 per cent reduction. Men's new Aviation Caps
95c. Men's and Boys' Sweaters 39 and 59c.
Delays are dangerous. The sooner you investigate this opportunity for sub
stantial money saving the better for you.
C. E. Wescott's Sons-&
Always the Home of Satisfaction
mil iiiiwi
One of I he first bills to bo prr-
seiiled in I he new legislature will
provide for public ownership of
telephone exchanges and long dis
tance loll lines in Nebraska. We
do not believe such a bill can get
A perusal of Hie report of the i CROUP' COUGHS AND WHEEZY
warden of Ibe penitentiary for tho
year i instructive. It discloses
I lie inlci e.-d ing fact that of the
r i r prisoners who left Ihe in
stitution in Ihe year, only 29-'i, or
through, although there could not , nlly ,,.; (V)l,. 3 mit wm
possiniy lie any serious oiijcriiou
lo such a measure.
commerce, and such a
lick, slate laws lo I he i recommend that the law which
law will
same ell'ecl will follow, if indeed j "rants to any person Hie right,
the practice is mil already forbid- upon Ihe payment of a fee $1 and
Some merchants have a ipieer
idea of retaining trade, They
claim il is loo dull to advertise,
when that is Ihe very time they
should advertise. Advertising,
and keeping constantly at it. at all
seasons is what, counts, and Mm
successful merchant does il.
There does not appear U be
inmi'i of the old, experienced
members in the new legislature.
There are enough, however, to
"pull the wool over the eyes" of
the unexperienced members, if
I hey don't keep both eyes in the
right direction.
den under Ihe Junkiu anti-trust
Hid )nii make a New Year's
resolution? Yes, several of them,
And have broken Ihem all al
io :-
Tho Journal is for any and
everything thai is calculated lo
benefit IMattsmoulh, and every
man who owns properly and lives
here should feel the same way. A
citizen is either for his town or
ho is against it." There can bo no
sidestepping when Ihe interests
of the whole community is at
slake. v
Tho name of former Governor
David II. Francis has been sug
gested for ambassador to Eng
land. Mr. Francis possesses an
international reputation and is
one of the ablest men in tho west
aui possesses every essential to
make a worthy successor of the
lale Whilclaw Itenl al the court
of St. James.
ready? Well, you have only had
six days so far. Take another
week ami llien reporl. Maybe the
inventory we lake of ourselves on
New Year's day is a good thing.
Ii probably is. Wc look ourselves
over, see now badly worn our
bad habits are and how much
dust has accumulated on our good
habits from lack of use, and then
resolve lo turn over a new loaf.
We do so and then proceed to
soil Ihe new, white year-page with
jusl the same sort of rubbish or
worse, that was marked all over
the one we turned down. Hut,
honestly, we don't think much of
New Year's resolutions. If any
man knows he ought to brace up
and do something he is neglect
ing, or quit doing something he
is letting do him harm and waits
along until New Year's day to de
cide to make tho change ho is
very probably planning all Ihe
lime not to keep his resolution.
There may be some New Year
resolutions kept now and thou,
but give us the resolutions that
are made along through the year,
when it is iml popular or fashion
able or "the thing" lo "resolve"
and you can keep all your New
Year's resolutions and we'll ask
no odds or favors.
a deposit certified check for $100
to go to any part or tract, of water
taking llsh therefrom with seines
be repealed, lie claims thai it is
useless io try to protect llsh in
Ihe waters of the slale while Ihe
use of seines are permitted.
Kxpress company ollicials de-
Tbe head ollieers of Ihe Modern
Woodmen oT America continue to
advise ihe local camp organiza
tions of that suciet; lo advertise
in lln' local new pnper.-. Many of
I hein are following this sugges
tion, not only in the slates ro
cenlly entered by the society, but
iiso in others in which il is well
lablisbe.!. Where Ihe Held will
arrant, the ollieers recommend
ie display advertisement as Ihe
thing. Such camps have used
bole pages of local newspapers
within the last nionlh or two.
Others have found it possible to
set forth within twenty lines the
laims of the society respecting
otind insuarnce at the lowest
ales. A snappy paragraph once
week will get results, in the
opinion ol Head Counsel A .11.
Talbot, though Ihe display ad will
itt I rart greater attention.
dare they will keep the rates up
and wait, for Uncle Sam to make
Ihe ran1; failure of parcels post
thai is surely due bad Uncle
Samuel. Too bad Uncle Sam didn't
go lo the express companies for a
little advice before he tried such
an expensive experiment, lint the
old man never has failed iu any
thing that ho has undertaken yet
U cannot be denied that there
are some business men in Platts
mouth who will insist on having
nothing to do with the Commercia
club under existing circunislnces
Hut those circumstances the Jour
rial is not familiar wilh. Itut if
there is any illfeeling engenderoi
by some maneuvers of the club
Ibis paper desires lo see such
feelings pacified. We need the
Commercial club, and every busi
ness man in IMattsinouth shoul
bo one of the spokes in Ihe wheo
that makes things go. Let us
start I ho new year with a slron
Commercial club. (live ever
business man a voice in its de
liberations and let everyone
his duly lo make "harmony
bat lie cry for 1913.
released because their terms had
expired. More than 270 who had
been convicted of crimes by the
juries who had beard Iheir cases
and sci,t'ticed by the courts that
were familiar with the facts sur
rounding such crimes, were re
leased before lliey had expiated
such crimes. Of this number 2
were killed while escaping, 3 died,
1 was executed. 1 was murdered
by a fellow prisoner, 2- escaped,
lL' were remanded by courts, 15
transferred lo asylums, 5 were
The quickest, simplest way lo
rid the children of dangerous,
j croupy coughs and wheezy, stuffy
colds is to give them Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. It
gives almost instant relief and
stops a cough promptly. It
soothes and heals. Contains no
opiates. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Masked Ball January 18.
The Katolicky Sokol society of
this city have made arrangements
lo hold their second annual grand
mask ball at their hall on West
Locust street on the evening of
Saturday, January 18, 1913. Se
veral excellent prizes will be given
for the different costumes, which
will be announced later. The best
of music has been secured and a
royal good time is assurred to all
furlougbed, 13H were paroled, yj those attending this enjoyable
commuted and -! pardoned. There
were received at. the prison 550 j
prisoners during the year. The!
number pardoned commuted and
paroled was 40 per cent of the
number received al Ihe prison.
Lincoln Star.
Everybody's doln It.
Dcln' what?
Smoking ACORNS, 5c cigar.
Made by Ptak & Pajek.
(Jne bad cough can keep the
whole family awake at night. Phil.
Hisorneau, SchalTer, Mich., says:
"I could not sleep on account of
a bad cough, and I was very weak.
I used Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound, and soon Ihe cough
left and I slept soundly all night."
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Modern Woodmen of
-I- America will give their first
annual mask ball on the
evening of January 25, 1913. j.
Good prizes will bo given 4
and a royal good time is J
assured to all. Music by the 4
J M. W. A. orchestra.
We have a few boxes of excel
lent, stationery which we are sell
ing at 22 cents a box, and the fol
lowing letters in the initial paper:
2 I, 1 P, 2 E, 1 G. 4 O, 2 J, 2 C,
which wo are selling at 30c each.
never had a better chance to in-
crease the value of your clothes money than we're
giving you now we've put a clearance price on every suit and overcoat in the
It is an opportunity you men ought not to pass up;
a chance to get the best suits made at the price of the ordinary kind.
The following reductions from regular prices will be
All $15.00 suits and overcoats $11.25
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
"HF Mff fplFZftt NIW,Vkvlll f I (W, JHIW
I Tl I Mil fc IM ilifltlil