The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 06, 1913, Image 6

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Th3 Stones Announce the Signs
ot His Presence.
Pistor Russell Preaches His First Pas
toral Sermon at Washington Temple
The Message of the Hour Not the
Burning of the World, but the Rolling
Away of the Curse and the Uplift of
Humanity Will Result From the Mes
sianic Kingdom of a Thousand Years
Washington City
Jan. 5. Pastor Hub
sell, having accept
ed the call of t'J
Washington Temple
Congregation (u n
sectarian), preached
kin first pastoral ser
mon In the Temple
today. lie announc
ed that bis first
three sermons here
will be based upoD
texts cut In the
stone front of our
handsome Union Station. The first of
these nerved him today: "Thou hast
put all things under IIlui." (Fsulm 8:0.)
The speaker said:
Our text Is :i prophecy respecting the
Divine Intention that eventually Mes
siah k Kingdom Hhall be established in
majesty mid power. Victoriously It
shall overthrow the Prince of Darkness
tnd his reign of sin and death Grad
ually It will vmnnclpate humanity,
healing their hin sickness, opening their
blinded eyes of understanding, and un
stopping their deaf ears to the Message
of Divine gru.-e and eace. Eventually
every knee shall bow and every tongue
confess to the glory of God. In the lan
guage of our ti-tt, Divine Power will bu
excic i-eil through Mexstah and Ills
Kingdom to the full subjection of every
earthly thing to lllin.
From day to day we repeat tho Lord's
prayer. "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will
be done on earth, us It Is done In Heav
en" Its fulfilment would bo Impossl
ble nsldo from the associated promise
of the Iillilo that tho prescut Dispensa
tion of preaching the Gospel Is event
ually to give way to the Messianic
Kingdom and Its reign of force. Many
Christian people entirely overlook this
feature of the Divine Program that
the New Dispensation Is to be ushered
In by a Time of Trouble which will
wreck everything not fully In accord
with the Dlrloi standards.
A Kingdom of Power and Glory.
I remind you of the Divine decree re
specting Messiah's Kingdom recorded
In the Second Pss'.m: "I will give Thee
the heathen for Thine Inheritance, and
the uttermost parts of the earth for
Thy possession. Thou shall break them
with a rod or iron; Thon shalt dash
them lu piece like t potter's vessel."
This prophecy Is referred to by our
Lord, who declared that Its fulfilment
would be nfler the completion of His
Church, to participate with Illm in the
worn or nnngtog me wonu into proper i
objection to the of righteous-!
ness. Justice and love. He says. "To
him that oveivnuieth till I grant to
sit with Me It. My Throne." "To film
that overcount h will I give
power over tl.e nations; and he shall
rale them with a rod of Iron; ns the t
vessels or n no"er snail ttiey tie nroken
Into Nhlvers: even as I received of My
Father " -Revolution 3:21; 2:'J1. 27.
A failure ti apply the Scripture por
traying the transfer of the government
of earth from the Prince of Darkness
to the Prince of Light has confused the
minds of mnpy tnd led them to expect
things rnutrury to the Divine Word.
The verv Scripture ho frequently quot
ed In support of a gradual conversion
of the world dwlnres thnt this transfer
will not be by the conversion of the
world thnt it will bo by Messiah's tak
Ing possesion ot man's Inheritance pur
ehnsed iy film for humnnlty at Cnl
vnrv The nations will become Christ's
by the l onquering power of the terrible
trouble In wh'eh the nations will be
angrv and God's wrath will come.
Revelation ll tr, H
The Pendulum's Swing.
In the long ngo past our forefathers
etudied these ftxiptures. but misun
derstood and Misapplied them. They
assumed thnt God had given to tlio
Church authority to establish His
Kingdom. Th. espoused vlrgiu Church
te time united or married " the world
to civil power-and ceased to wish
fot mid to poiy for the nenvenly
Bridegroom t- whom she was espous
ed through the Gospel. Under the de
lusion that x't had been authorized to
establish M-siih's Kingdom and that
ber share In cirthly dominion brought
about by union with civil power con
stituted it the Kingdom of Messiah,
the fhivrh endeavored to apply and to
fulfil these prophecies).
Au attempt, was made to rule the
world with i rod of Iron through the
civil governments, and to put under
the Church's feet everything antagonis
tic to her auppjNed rights and Interests.
As a result of this mistaken interpre
tation of th Lord's Word, the world
was drenched with blood, and atroci
ties were committed by professed fol
lowers of ChriHt. who, however sincere
tbey were la umuy respects, served
the cause of Niton and misrepresented
the Cause of G
Imperfect human reasoning is apt to
go frttn on? fttrenie to the opposite.
. .. .
' ' -: . '
'. ' . i
euce, revolting from the thought of
the Church's conquering the world by
word ami flame, by thumb-screw and
rack and stake, the general miscon
ception turned to an expectation of
conquering the world by the Gospel
Message. This second mistake Is not
so serious in some respects as the first
It does not Involve horrible atrocities
lu the name of God and iie Savior.
However, it Is equally misleading as
respects the Truth, it sets asid't the
Word of God and substitutes the bu- j
ninn theory that the preaching of tht
Gospel Is to convert the world The1
Divine Word is that the preaching of
the Gospel Is for the purpose of select-.
ing a Church to be Messiah's Iut
huirs in Uli Kingdom
If the Church could convert the
world with the Gospel, it would be
very tine. But it is surely absurd to so
expect In the face of our experiences of
the past century and of the plain state
ments of God's Word to the coutrary.
All sec that the world Is not being con
verted; and that If Christianity cannot
convert the people at home, it would
be vain for ber to expect to convert
tho heathen abroad. If great religious
centers such as London, Rome and
Washington are no nearer to having
Ood's will done in them as It U done
In Heaven, what hope would there be
of better results In heathendom T
I am not saying one word against
Foreign Missions. God forbid! In pro
portion as we are able to send the light
of Truth Into more benighted lands, let
us do so. Hut, If possible, let us send
the True Light from God's Word. And
let us trim our lamps that we our
selves may have that True Light in
our favored land. What we urge is
that Christian people should come back
to the teaching of the IHblc. In order
to do this, each denomination should
throw nway its crcedal spectacles,
which have Injured the spiritual sight
of all of us. All true children of God
should study afresh the Divine Chart,
which shows us where we are nnd the
Port for which wo should strive.
Heirs of the Kingdom.
Thus doing, all Is plain. The shad
ows and mists of darkness flee away.
We begin to realize and to see that
tho Elect Church are all that arc be
ing saved as yet; nnd that they are
being chosen out of tho world for n
very special high office In joint heir
ship with their lledeenier,
Tho non-elect are not consigned to
endless misery nor to purgatorial tor
ture, but simply sleep, awaiting the
glorious awakening In the morning of
the New Dispensation awaiting the
establishment of Messiah's Kingdom
with power for their release from the
chains of sin and tho prison-house of
the tomb. If this Message goes to the
heathen of the Orient, it will doubtless
dfcl with thorn ns It has done with
the peoples of the Occident all will
receive enlightenment; a few will bo
drawn to salntship and prepared un
der the Lord's providence for glory,
honor and Immortality with Jesus at
His Second Coming, by the glorious
"change" of the First Resurrection.
Let Us Connect Up Our Text.
In the Eighth Psalm we find the
Prophet expressing amazement at the
greatness of the Creator as manifest
ed In nature, especially In the starry
firmament. He then expresses amaze
ment that so great a Doing should
take heed to humanity In Us present
deplorable, fallen, sinful condition.
Prophetically he Implies a knowledge
of tnp fact mt God from the bpgln
,,iff purposed h redemption for even
member of the race.
The Pronliet then answers his own
questlou as to what man Is, explain
ing that as he left the hand of his
Creator he was crowned with glory and
honor, as au earthly image of his Mak
er, only a little lower in gradation or
,., Ulfll, the ailKols IIe W(ls ,nado
to have dominion over the enrthly
works of God. The Intimation Is that
God's visiting of humanity in due time
will mean the reclamation of tho earth
ly dominion and Its human king from
sin and (tenth. Nothing in the proph
ecy goes into detail, because It was not
then duo time for details to be revealed.
Centuries Later St, Paul Commented.
St. Paul declares, "Now Is our sal
vation neuter than when we first be
lieved." The greater nearness should
make uuiuy features of ttiat salvation
much taore conspicuous. Taking up
David's prophecy, he shows that it Im
plies human Restitution, the bringing
of mankind back to tho Image and like
ness of God nnd to tho full dominion
of earth the redemption fully offset
ting the curse. "Rut," the Apostlo pro
ceeds, "we see not jet all things put
under mm. (Hebrews 2:8.) Do we
see anything' Has any star of hope
arisen guaranteeing the coming bless
Ings? Yes! The Apostle declares, "We
tee Jesus, made a little lower than
the angels, crowned with glory and
honor" Just as the first man was and
this In order that He might suffer
dcath-ln order that He might be the
Redeemer or Ransowcr of the first
man and his family, humanity.
Thus wo see t'jat the foundation has
been laid for God's return of favor to
humaulty a Sfa-Offerlng and Atone
ment, covering Adam and all of his
race. What a grand superstructure of
blessing will ultimately be erected
upon this broad uud gracious founda
tion! But we ask, Why the long delay
of more than eighteen centuries T and
yet the work of uplifting the race of
Adam from sin and death has only
been started only the Church have
had their eyes and ears of understand
ing opened, permitting them to come In
to relationship with God through Christ.
The Answer Is Important
Unless it he seen thnt the work ot
this Gospel Age has been specially to
select tho Church, Christ's Jotnt-helra
In His Messianic Kingdom, no answer
can be given as to why the Almighty
bus to long delayed to bring to earth
the Heavenly Kingdom Its blessings
.waited for and prayed for are still fu
ture. They cannot come uutil the First
fruits shall have been harvested. St.
James (1 : 1 St declares that the Church
Is a kind of First-fruits unto God of
His creatures Through this First
fruits tlie Divine blessing will operate
amongst men for u thousaud years, to
restore that which was lost human
perfection in the Image and likeness of
the Creator.
St. Paul's argnment proceeds along
this line He declares that the first
feature of the Diviue Plan is to bring
many sons to glory as Joint-heirs with
Jesus As Jesus was made perfect
through sufferings, so these fallowing
Him as their Captain nnd Leaner, walk
ing In Ills steps, are also to be made
perfect through sufferings, for "If wo
suffer with Illm. we shall also reign
with him."-Heb. 2:10; 2 Tim. 2:12.
Proceeding, the Apostle discusses this
sanctified class. Head and Body. They
are sanctified or set apart under a
special covenant, which reads. "Gather
My saints together unto Me, those that
have made n Covenant with Me by sac
rifice.' (Psalm 50:5.) This special
sanctification or setting apart to sacri
fice marks this little company of eons
of God as separate and distinct from
all others of God's creatures. Wltn
their Lord and Head, they are heirs
of God Joint-heirs with Jesus Christ
their Lord, if so be that they suffer
with Him. The Redeemer who sanc
tifies them and those who are sanctified
through Illm "are all of one Body or
company, for which cause He Is not
ashamed to call them brethren, saying.
I will declare Thy name unto My breth
renIn the midst of the Church will
I sing praise untoThee."-Heb. 2:11. 12.
Christ Jesus and His Children.
Then the Apostle's argument broad
ens so ns to include the general scope
of Messiah's redemptive work extend
ing beyond the Church. His Body, to
Adam and all the families of the earth.
St Paul quotes In proof of this. "Re
hold, I nnd the children which God hath
given Me." This statement evidently
applies to those who will be saved to
the human, earthly salvation during
tho Millennium. They will all be the
children of Messiah. That it could uot
refer to the Church Is evident; for we
are never btylcd the children of Christ,
but Ills brethren, His spouse, His mem
bers. St Peter elsewhere emphasizes this,
saying. "The God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ hath begotten us."
(1 retcr 1:3.) Jesus emphasized this
also, saying, "My Father and your
Father." Never did the Master speak
of Himself as the Father of ills
Church class, nor would It be an ap
propriate figure that ne should be rep
resented as espoused to His own chil
dren. On the contrary, He Is pro
phetically declared to be the Father
of restored humanity. To the world
lie becomes the Second Adam. The
first Adam, the qualified bead or fa
ther of humanity, failed to give ever
lasting life because of his disobedience,
by which he himself came under the
sentence of death.
The Logos left the Heavenly glory,
was made flesh and was crowned witb
glory and honor like the first man
that He might taste death for every
man that He might redeem the race
from tho sentenco of death. In mak
ing satisfaction for sin He associates
with Himself tho Elect, who present
their bodies living sacrifices, holy and
acceptable to God. as His members.
Then In dealing with the world He will
officially take the place of LIve-Glver.
or parent to restore, to regenerate, tc
revive, to resurrect, to uplift, all th
willing nnd obedient, during the thou
sand years of His Messianic Kingdom.
All obedient to Him will thus be en
abled to regain all that was lost
through the first father. Adam-human
perfection lu an earthly Paradise, with
everlasting life and fellowship with
God. Since Jesus will bo the Life
Giver to all of tho race ot the cost ol
His own life, He Is appropriately styled
their Father, and they Ills children.
So also we rend in the prophecy that
He shall be called "The Prince ol
Teace." the Father Everlasting-the
Father who gives everlasting life.
All Things Put Under Kim.
At the dawn of this thousand-year
Day In which Ills Kingdom will ac
complish tho full rolling nway of the
Curse, how appropriate that this text
should have our consideration! And
how appropriate It is that this text
should greet the thousands who enter
and leave our Union Stntion! As we
ruu to and fro in these chariots which
go like lightning, let us have In mind
their newness, and also the fact that
tho Lord has specially declared thnt
they will be signs by which His people
may know that they are living in the
time when they may expect speedily
the fulfilment tff the gracious promises
of our God to the effect that He will
through Jesus' Kingdom wipe away
all tears from all faces, bind up the
broken hearts, liberate the captives of
sin, and deliver the captives of the tomb.
8t Paul refers to oar text when dis
cussing Messiah's Millennial Reign. 41
Corinthians 15:27.1 Here be declares
that Dlviuo Power will put all things
under Messiah, that He will reign glo
riously and victoriously, and that at
the close of His successful work He
will deliver up the Kingdom ot earth
to the Father, restored to the original
glory of manhood, with not ft rebel to
be found-because all the wilfully wick
ed will be destroyed.
How beautiful, how complete and
how logical are all ot the Divine ar
rangements for the great work outlined
in the Bible as the Divine Plan of the
Agoa! When all mankind shall come
to see His Wisdom, Justice, Love and
Power, many knees shall bow and
many tongues confess to His glory and
majesty. Surely the number destroyed
In the Second Death will be propor
tionately small!
J Ledger. 4
Mrs. Mont Ilobh of Lincoln ar-
! rived Tuesday lu visit her son,
i Hugh Hobb and family.
I C. It. Frans of I'laltsinolli was
jviiting relatives and friends here
I last Friday and Sal urday.
I Mrs. W. II. Mark went over to
'Syracuse et'nlay fur a visit
jvwlh her daughter, .Mrs. Harry
! ( ira es.
, Mi.-ses Nellie and l'carl Brainb
! h'l departed Ti.eMlay for SI. Jus.
j opli, where I hey will spend two
! weeks v il I) relaf i eS.
W. A. Cline Inirp and family of
Toe umseli were visit inp relatives
in (his ir in it y a few days last
week, departing- fur home Friday.
ft. ). Powers, one of I he Mis
souri Pacific operators, returned
Tuesday from Murray, la., where
lie had been spending his holiday
vacation with relatives.
Fred Johnson of Hamburg, la.,
brother of Mrs. Mans Christenson,
made a few days' visit with the
Chrislenscn family, near here, re
turning home Tuesday.
Attorney A. I.. Tidd of IMatts
tnoufh changed ears hero Wednes
day evening, returning home from
Avora, where lie had been attend
ing to professional business.
M. (J. Churchill and wife and
daughter, Clara, aufoed down
from Murray last Sunday after
noon and went on the evening
train to Lincoln to visit relatives
for a few days.
V. C. Browning returned last
Friday from W'olhaeh, Neb., where
be and his wife spent the holidays
with their relatives, Mrs. Brown
ing remaining there for a longer
Lois and Thomas lliebards of
Syracuse and Mar.jorie and Law
rence (Irahani of Lincoln came
lasl Salunla and visited a few
days wilh Miss Lola Wolfe and
ot her friends in I'll is village.
Howell Smith arirved last week
from Oklahoma ;unl made a visit
here wilh his relatives, the Clark
families. He had lime to peep
into the Ledger otilce for a short
time, a visit that we enjoyed.
Dr. H. Thomsen, dentist,
of Plattsmouth, will make
Union one day of each
week for the purpose of
looking after tho dental
work of this community. He
will be In Union on Satur
day of each week, beginning
January 4, 1913, until fur
ther notice.
Drives Off a Terror.
The chief executioner of death
in I lie w inter and spring months
is pneumonia. Us advance agents
are colds and grip. Hi any attack
by one of these maladies no time
should be lost in taking the best
medicine obtainable to drive il
off. Countless thousands have
found this to be Dr. King's New
Piseovery. "My husband believes
it has kept bun from having pneu
monia three, or four times,"
writes Mrs. Ceorgc W. Place,
llawsonville, VI., "and for coughs,
colds and croup we have never
found its equal." duaranleed for
all bronchial affections. Price
fn cents and ? i .00. Trial bottle
fi at F. C. Fricke St Co.
C. ft. Lorenz ami son, Marry, of
Logan, Iowa, are spending the
week with ftlmwnod relatives and
Miss May Barker of Mynard
came up Monday morning-for a
visit with her aunt, Mrs. W. A.
Mrs. Frank Creen and daugh
ter, Frances, of Palmer, Neb., are
visiting at the home of Attorney
DelesDernier this week.
Juan Tomas Ouitierez, a Porto
Ilican friend of Dr. and Mrs. Van
Fleet, is n most welcome visitor
at tho M. K. parsonage.
Mrs. John Kunz is enjoying a
visit from her uncle, Henry Deem
er, of Philadelphia, Pa., whom she
had not seen since she was about
1 1 years old.
Miss Mary Bornemeier of near
Murdock is a guest at the home
of her brother, Emil Bornemeier.
Miss Bornemeier has just relum
ed from a visit, with friends at
Mil ford.
Mrs. J. H. Harnsberger enter
tained the following at New Year's
dinner: A. II. Weicbel and fam
ily, John Weicbel and family of
Alvo,, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Orecn,
Mr. and Mrs. Alger Bedson, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Keckler of Mauley,
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. Walker, Mr.
and Mrs. John Walker, Mr. and
Mrs. Warner of Lincoln, and Miss
Ruth Elliott.
L. W. Roettger has just been
seclected ns one of the delegates
to represent the district compris
ing Nebraska, South Dakota, Kan
sas and Oklahoma, in the Luther
an general senate, which will con
vene in Atchison, Kas., next May.
This is the second time Mr. Roett
ger has had this honor bestowed
upon him, being a delegate two
years ago to the assembly in
Washington, D. C.
Republican. J
Mrs. J. B. Uimgute accom
panied tier daughter, Mary as far
as Lincoln Monday on her return
to her school work in Kansas.
Miss Pearl Johnson returned
to Klmwoiid Sunday evening, as
the school there coiniiiencpd Mon
day morning, after the holiday
Mrs. Julius Kngelkemeier and
children returned Saturday morn
ing from a three weeks' visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Schrader. at Newkirk, Oklahoma.
Julius met them in Kansas City.
Mrs. (i. II. Oliver is enjoying a
visit from her brother, Ben Deli
baugh, who has been engaged in
the automobile manufacturing
business in New York. The two
spent New Year's with relatives at
W. F. Langhorsl was called to
Klmwood Sunday on account of
the serious illness of his brother,
Louis, who was seized with a
stroke of apoplexy. Later re
ports are that he is improving
Mrs. fieorge Ilitcbnian enjoyed
a three days' visit last week from
tier sister, Mrs. C. V. Leonard, of
Kansas City. Mrs. Leonard was
formerly Miss Elizabeth Jacquelte
and is known to a large number of
people here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Amick de
parted for Shelby. la., Friday
night, for a visit, wilh an uncle of
Mrs. Amick. They were accom
panied by Mrs. Atnick's brother,
eUnjamin Pierce, of Hadilam, Kas.,
wlio has been 'here for some lime
building a barn at the Amick farm.
Mrs. O. K. Cromwell has been
brought into bereavement by the
death of her mother, Sarah F.
Wilcox, which occurred, at her
home in Lincoln last Thursday
morning. The deceased was 7(5
years old and had been a resident
of Lincoln for S2 years. Mr. and
Mrs. Cromwell and Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Davis attended the funeral
at Lincoln Saturday.
Two young men of the (own
were fined by Justice Barnes last
Thursday for exceeding the speed
limit provided by the city ordin
ance. The safety of people on
the streets has to be protected and
if the other guilty ones do not turn
over a new leaf the beginning of
this new year, they should have
the same measures taken with
them every one of them.
Dr. H. Thomson, dentist,
of Plattsmouth, will make
Murray one day of each
week for the purpose of
looking after the dental
work of this community. He
will be In Murray on Thurs-
day of each week,' beginning
January 2, 1913, until fur-
ther notice. .
FOR SALE Thoroughbred
B. P. R. Cockerels, $1.00
each. Eggs 7!)C per selling in
season. Mrs. J. W. Hendricks,
Plattsmouth, Neb., Route t.
'Phone 3-L, Murray.
Tho Modern Woodmen of
America will give their first
annual mask ball on the
evening of January C5, 1013.
flood prizes will be given
and a royal good time is
assured to all. Music by the
M. A. orchestra.
Turning Classes Resumed.
The ladies' class at the fier
man Turner hall will be resumed
this evening at 7:30, as the new
floor has been finished. All other
turning classes will start as
usual on Tuesday and Friday
nights and the members will gov
ern themselves accordingly and
be on hand.
You will f) lift that druggists
everywhere speak well of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. They
know from long experience in tho
snle of it Mi a t in cases of coughs
and colds it can always be depend
ed upon, and Hint it is pleasant
and safe to lake. For sale bv F.
O. Fricke . Co,
Buy your fancy stationery at
the Journal office.
Im Ike Dtatrlrt Court U ! ft Cm
Nettle J. Holmes, I'lalntiff.
W a Hhera, Joupph H. Kpenan, Aiigirota
Keenaa li'-lon M. Alwlt.e, formerlv
Helen M. Kwrntn. Oor H. Alwir,
i J. Ke"nn. Annette Kfenan.
Jutin Jtanilulph Krenan. James Keen
an and Jumr W. Holme.
. . , Defendants.
v, . iH tVr, k'y Klven that under an
D.V virtue of a derree entered la thm
V;l,e,u0,n. U,u'" 10th lav of lumber, A.
Lin . -,i,h1 Vn' '"''d ole referee,
will on the nth day of February, A. D
!'. "J 'l,'v'n "'clock a. m., at the
youth door of the Court House In the
ity of i'lattumoutli, fa I'ountv, Ne
braska, sell at put.lie auction the fol
owinn . -scribed real estate, situated
Inllu- ounty of Cass, Nebraska, o-
ConimeneitiK at a point on quarter
M'ction hue running Kant and Wet
through Section nine (9, Township
eleven (111. l'.anKe fourteen (14). ij,
( ass (.ounty, Nebraska; 1574 6-10 feet
l.ast of the quarter Pectlon owner on
Weat St(t Of Section r.t..u A, rr
whip eleven III). Kane fourteen (14)'-
.......... i,,rii,:rT nouui im reel tnence
hast 4U0 f.-et: thenco North 266 feet;
thence cast feet; thence North 5H2
feet; thence Kast to the bankw Of the
Missouri river; thence aloiiir the hanks of
the Missouri riv.r In a northerly direc
tion to u point where said hanks ef the
Missouri river intersects the quarter
section line running Kant and Wont
throuKh Section nine 9, Township
eleven (11), Hanse fourteen (14); thence
West aloiiK said quarter aection line to
the place of beinnlnw, together with
lands formed upon and against said
described lands by accretion, alluvion,
reliction and evulsion.
Also lots one (1), two (2), three (3),
fHr Av (5), six (6). seven (T)
e Jsfht (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven
U,?nd ,twelv in block three
(3) West, In the Village of Itock Bluff
C.aMg Countv, Nebraska, Said oropcrty
Will hn nnM fnr na.h n , v...
, . ... , . . wio uiKiicoi re
sponsible bidder.
uaiea at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
31st day of December, A. D. 1912.
C. E. TRFPT, Referee.
The LvlnRston Loan and Bulldins As
sociation, I'lalntiffs,
Adelaide Rates and John T. Bates, her
husband. Defendants.
To Adelaide Bates and John T. Bates,
her husband, non-resident defendants
in tho above entitled action:
ou and each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff has com
menced an action against vou in tbo
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of foreclosing
a morttfaKe given by you to the Living
ston Loan and Buildlne: Association on
tho Kith day of January, 190S, covering
the following described real estato In
Cass County, Nebraska, to-wlt: Com
menoliitf at a point in the center of
Bryant street, said point bein 156
feet west and 15 feet north of a Htone
at the southeast corner of the NHi4 of
Section 24, Township i north, Itanpe
l.t. cast ol the 6th p. in., thence north
:'li.S feet to a stake, thuicu weft 2u0
feet, thence south 217. S f?ct to a slake,
thence east 200 feet to l:,,; place of
bvlnninn, containing one aero, bo the
same mo:e or less and I nown as rub
lot 1 of lot 46, in the .SK'4 of the NH
of Section 24, Township 12 north. Range
13 east, of the 6th p. in., in Cass County.
Nebraska, which mortgage appears of
record in Book 3.1 or Keal Kstate
Mortgages at page 275, in the otiice of
the Register of Deeds of Cass County,
Nebraska, and to recover $10.70 for In
surance which plaintiff has been com
pelled to pay, and to recover taxes for
the years 1908-1911 inclusive In the Bum
of $14. 4S, with Interest thereon from the
12th day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief.
You mil each of you are required to
answer sakl petition on or before the
17th day of February, A. D. 1913, and
In falling so to do your default wilt be
duly entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's peti
tion. The Livingston Loan and Building: As
sociation. Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD, It's Attorney.
The Lvlnfrston Loan and Building As
sociation, I'lalntiffs,
DeWitt Stanley nnd Anna Stanley, his
wife, Defendants.
To DeWitt .Stanley and Anna Stanley, A
hise wife, non-resident defendants ln
the above entitled action: ,
You and each of you are hereby
notilied that the plaintiff has com
menced an action against you In the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of foreclosing
a mortgage given by you to the Living
ston Loan nnd Building Association on
the 10th dny of September, 1906, cover
ing the following descrlhed real estate
to-wit: Lots 3 and 4, In Block 10, In
Thompson's Addition to the City of
I'lattsmouth, Cass County Nebraska,
which mortgage appears of record in
Book 32 of Ileal Kstate Mortgages, at
page 236, in the office of the Register
of Deeds of (.'ass County, Nebraska; and
to recover the sum of $8.60 Insurance,
which plaintiff has been compelled to
pay, and tho sum of $77.11 taxes, In
terest and costs for the years 1907-1911
Inclusive, with Interest thereon from
the 12th day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before thn
1 7 til day of February, A. D. 1913, and
In falling so to do your default will be
duly entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for In plaintiff s peti
tion. The Livingston Loan anil Building As
sociation, I'lnlntllT.
Bv A. L. Tim;. It's Attorney.
District Court In unit for '
County elirakn.
in tin-
Louisa I lav
an. Albert M. Bay,
Nancy J. Dysart. Kllz.ibeth Wolfe.
Henry Wolfe, F.lleti Krelger, Adolph
Krelger, Ida Clino, Hrunson Cliue,
.liwnes A. Dysart, Frank I'. Sheldon,
Kmimi Sheldon, Thomas 1. Dysart,
Louise Dysart, Jessie It. Dysart. Clari.H
Hysnrt, Charles II. Dysart an
Ogarettn Dvsart, Defendants.
To the Defendants. Kllen Krelger,
Adolph Krelger, Thomas P. Dysart
nnd Louise Dysart : ,
Vou are hereby not Hied thnt on the
24th day of December, 1912. plaintiffs
filed their petition against the above
named defendants in the District Court
of the Countv of Cuss. Nebraska, pray
ing partition of the following described
real estate situated in the ('ounty of
Cuss Nebraska:
The Southeast Quarter (SK'i) of the
Southeast Quarter (SKU) "f Section
twentv-seveti (27), the Northeast,.
Quarter (NK'4) of thn Northeast Quar
ter ( N K 1 i ) of Section thirty-four (34).
tho North half of the Northwest Quar
ter (NW) of the Northeast Quarter
(NKVJ) of Section thirty-four (34), all
in Township ten (10), Rnnge 13 Mast
of the th p. m. and setting forth the
Interest of plaintiffs and defendants
therein. .
This notice Is given pursuant to nn
order of tho court and each of you are
required to answer said petition on or
before Mondav, the 10th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 1913, or your default: will
be diily entered of record, nnd partition
nf sab! lands made In nccordnnce with
tlu findings and orders of the court
Auctioneer, Murray, Neb.
! Public Sales u specialty,
J and care taken to pet tho
high dollar for your poods
N and slock. Your business
solicited. Telephone 5-N.