The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1913, Image 7

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Place Your Order With Us NOW for
Quick Delivery!
Tuesday evening I he Cusiuo club of lliis cily gave I heir
first masquerade hall, which was
attended hy a very large crowd
that lilleil C.oales' hall, ahd it was
one of I he most en.joyuMe events
that has iieen liehl so far this ea
son. 1 5c fore the hall the famous
Cosmopolitan hand, under the
leadership of llerr Von llolie.
appeared on the street and gave
several very pleasing numhers,
and then proceeded to the dance
hall, where the crowd had began
to gather for the big event. The
costumes on I he floor were
numerous and very handsome and
attracted a huge crowd of spectat
ors, who were delighted with the
ball, as well as the handsomely
decorated hall, in which was dis
played the (lags of all the differ
ent nations, as well as a plenti
ful display of the American colors.
The grand march was a very bril
liant one and the judges were
greatly at a loss to reward the
prizes among- so many handsome
and comical costumes, but finally
awarded the first ladies' prize to
Miss Ella Neuman, while Miss
Brown secured I In; second prize;
Percy Fields won (he first gentle
men's priz? and the second was
given to George Adams. The ball
was a grand success throughout
and everyone present was delight
ed with the event.
The lirst parcels post package
sent out from the Mynard post
oflice was sent January 1 by J. M.
Young, the rural mail carrier. It
was a pound of comb honey placed
in a tin box. wrapped in heavy
paper weighing J pounds, and was
sent to K. K. Phipps at Pierce,
Neb., a brot her-in-law of Mr.
The Round Oak Base Burner will burn suc
cessfully, economically and satisfactory Solvay
Chestnut Coke and gas house crushed Coke with
magazine also uncrushed gas house Coke by re
moving the magazine.
Makes a hot, bright, clean fire costs much
less per ton.
The only Base Burner with exclusive feature.
Ample capacity in patented flue construction
makes it possible.
Estate of P. D. Beckwith, Inc., Dowanica, Michigan
Makers of Good Goods Only
Lumber Co. -
- iL .L , J?
Young. This package was sent
merely for an experiment on the
new system. Pierce is in the sec
ond zone and the postage was
only 10 cents. To have sent this
package in the old way by mail
would have cost 1 cent per ounce
and -T) to Wl cents by express.
They have been shipping Queen
bees by express for a good many
years, and now it. is possible to
ship bees by the pound by mail,
!he same as I hey have been by
express, although the parcels post
instructions does not, say bees by
the pound, but s;iys Ollcell bees
may be sent.
An Image of Death,
The celebrated French physi
cian and philosopher, Rabelais,
said: "Without health life is not
life: it is only a stale of languor
and sull'ering, weak, until for
work, dying before our eyes the
result of their own negligence to
take proper care of their health.
We should check every indisposi
tion as soon as noticed. It is
usually I he stomach that is affect
ed first, and Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine should bo
used at once. It works promptly;
it warms up the stomach and the
intestines and gives them new
strength. II cleans oul Iho body,
helps in the digestion of food and
in making pure blood, the founda
tion of health. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner. 13 3H -3D So. Ashland
Ave., Chicago, III. Still' joints
should be rubbed with Triner's
George Jung at Hospital.
t ieorge Jung, formerly of this
county, but now residing at
Plcasauldulc, Neb., was in the city
a few hours on New Year's day.
lie was reluming home from
Rochester, .Minnesota, where he
had spent a few days in the Mayo
hospital, where he underwent an
operation for a diseased nerve,
; having a portion of I he nerve re
j moved, lie was feeling tine and
I went to the lleil home, west of
! Plallsinoulh. where he made a
I brief visit, Wendell lleil having
i met him here in the auto. He was
-, briefcaller at the Journal olllce.
Brothers -
One of the most delightful!
social events of the holiday sea-1
son was the New Year's matinee
dance given yesterday afternoon
at Coates' hall by Misses Ethel
Ballance, (iretchen Donnelly,
Madeline Minor and Marie Don
nelly, and it was enjoyed to the
utmost by the large crowd of
happy young people who were the
guests of these charming young
ladies. The hall was decorated in
a manner that attested the artistic
taste of the young ladies and
served to make the scene one of
great beauty, green and red, the
colors of the Christmas season,
being used in the color scheme,
while white curtains at the win
dows added the finishing touches
to the beauty of the scene, with
the .shaded light of red and green
casting a soft glow over the en
tire hall. The dining room had
been handsomely decorated also,
and here delirious refreshments
of ice cream and cake were served
lo the guesls and added much to
the enjoyment of the dclghtful oc
casion. The merry crowd of
dancers whiled away several
hours in the enjoyment of the ex
cellent music furnished by Miss
Pearl Milium and (ieorge Weide
nian. and if was with great regret
that they saw the hour for parting
roll around, and everyone depart
ed feeling that as entertainers
these young ladies are certainly
without any rivals.
Local Sews
Mrs. A. Tboniseii departed this
morning for Omaha, where she
will visit for the dav with friends.
Miss Elizabeth lleil of Cedar
Creek is in the city, being a guest
at the home of J. II. Decker and
Mrs. Cora Hughes of (Iretna is
in th! city, a guest at the home
of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Rosen
era ns.
T. W. Yallery drove in today
from his farm and looked after
some truding among the mer
chants for a few hours.
A. S. Will was a passenger this
morning for Omaha, where he
was called to look after some mat
ters of business for the day.
Mrs. Luke Wiles vyas a pas
senger on the early train today
for Omaha, where she attended lo
business matters for the day.
J. W. Edmunds and W. A.
Drown of Murray were in the city
Tuesday afternoon attending to
some business mailers of import
ance. Herman (lansenier and wife of
near Murray were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they
were called to look after business
Don't use harsh physics. The
reaction weakens the bowels, leads
to chronic, constipation. . Oct
Doan's Regulels. They operate
easily. 25c at all stores.
Mrs. J. P. Keil, of this cily, and
sons. August and Louie, of Cedar
Creek, were passengers this morn
ing lor Omaha to visit Mrs. A. F,
Seyhert at I be hospital.
A. F. Seberl of Culloin was a
passenger for Omaha Ibis after
noon lo visit bis w ife at Immaniicl
hospital, where she is recovering
from I lie effects of an operation
and is reported as getting along
very nicely.
Herman Smith and wife and
Mrs. T. D. Smith came up this
morning from their homes near
Nehawka and were passengers on
I he early lturlinglon train for
Omaha, where they go to be pres
ent at the operation upon the
arm of T. D. Smith.
Miss Ruth Johnson, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Johnson,
returned last, evening from San
Diego, California, where she has
been for the past yea' and a half.
She relurns reeling line and has
had a most enjoyable visit, al
though she is mighty glad to gel
hack to Nebraska.
Foley Kidney Pills give just the
help elderly people need to lone
and strengthen their kidneys and
bladder and regulate their action.
John McMaslers, Slreator. III.,
says: "1 feel belter and stronger
than I have for many years, and
Foley Kidney Pills did it." For
sale by F. (. Fricke & Co.
J Deacon. J
Miss Pearl Helts came home
from Peru la -I Friday to spend
her vacation witli relatives.
Ernet Schroeder arrived from
the western part of the state Mon
day for a visit with home folks.
Lester and Ethel Scattcrgood
left Friday morning for Stewarts
ville, Mo., for a week's visit with
an aunt.
Frank and Nellie Young of
(iolhenberg, Neb., arrived Wed
nesday o attend the (ierhard
Creaiucr wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton have
been visiting Mrs. Hamilton's
folks, Mrs. Wacbter. Ed works
as operator on the Rock Island,
and is transferring to Salem. Ne
braska. A. E. McDonald disposed or 100
acres of land in ltlaine. county,
Nebraska, belonging to .Mrs, Tillie
Ynnmeter of Eagle, lo Arthur II.
Roberts, grain dealer, of Lincoln.
Consideration, LNr0.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. I.yell enter
tained the following guesls on
Christmas: Mr. and Mrs. .Maurice
Deeson and C. C .Whilnack and
family of Lincoln, and Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Setz of Plattsmouth.
On Wednesday evening, Decem
ber LT), at 8 o'clock, at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. I. L. Creamer, well known
and respected cilieus of our city,
occurred the marriage of their
daughter, Clara Lucy, to Mr. Clar
ence (ierhard, Rev. Mi-Donald of
of the M. E. church ollicialing.
A deal was made the fore part
of (he week whereby Messrs. P.
F. Yenuer and O. A. Anderson be
come ow ners of I In' hardware
slock of M. W. Spahnles. The
implement slock formerly owned
by P. F. Vernier will he con
solidated wilh the hardware
slock. The new linn will occupy
the building where the present
hardware slock now is and will
lake possession on January I.
We wish the new linn success.
! (Special Correspondent.) 4
HHJ H-l-M M-M-M W- v
Emil Kuehn went to Lincoln
Miss Eva Sorick was in Lincoln
Mrs. Edna Jones was in Omaha
Mrs- August. Oelerking is sick
with pneumonia.
A daughter was born lo Mr. ami
Mrs. Harry Davis on Monday.
Warren Richards has recently
purchased a Maxwell louring car.
Mrs. A. E .Lake is recovering
from a light attack of pneumonia.
Charles Lett and wife of
Council Hluffs visited here last
.Will Herman of Rupert, Idaho,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Sorick
and family.
Max (inchry and Edgar Mooincy
attended I lie dance at (Ireenwood
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T, Tool ami son,
Harold, were Sunday guesls of A,
J. Tool and family.
Mrs. Williams ami daughter,
Feme, are visiting home folks at
Fnadilla this week.
Several of our young pie
skated the Old Year out and the
New Year in at Wabash.
Chester Mooincy returned Mon
day from a few days' visit wilh
relatives at Overton. Neb.
A pound social was given for
Rev. Cob; and family at the bony
or Mrs. Crawford Monday evening.
Miss Martha (Joehry returned
to Valley, Neb., on Sunday, aHer
spending her Christmas vacation
with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shank re
turned to their home in Lincoln
Sunday evening, after a week's
visit wit h relal ives lu-re.
E. T. Tool and wife returned
last Friday from a week's visit
with their son, Rev Howard Tool
and family, at Dawson. Neb.
Miss Theresa Kelly of Plalls
inoulh came Monday evening for
a short visit with her sister, Mrs.
Oscar McDonald and family.
Emit Kuehn and wife entertain
ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Kuehn and daughter,
Ruby; Mr. and Mrs. John Amg
werf and daughter, Marvel.
A large number of reiuhbors
and friends gathered a! the home
of Al Leis and family Monday
evening lo hid them farewell be
fore their departure for their new
home al lleminingsford, Neb. As
the house was nearly vacant they
enjoyed the hours in dancing and
social conversation. This estima
ble family will be missed from
the vicinity in which they have
lived practically all their lives,
but Ihey will be accompanied to
their new home bv I he lusl uislns
' of their many friends.
Alvo fJcws
Miss .Marx Wolfe is ivportcd u
the sick list. N
Mrs (irayee llailex went to Lin
coln Tuesday.
E. M. Slone spent Christines
w il li his family.
J. A. Shaffer was in Lincoln on
business Monday.
T, N. Habbitt was a passenger
to Lincoln Tuesday.
Martin Nickel left Monday on a
brief trip to Mohaska. Kansas.
Henry Clapp and Dan Skinner
auloed lit Lincoln Tuesday morn
ing'. Dick Itrooker of Kansas is visit
ing al the home of Mrs. Helle llen
uelt. (Irani Watson of South Dakota
is xisiling his sister, Mrs. II. A.
Mai ley.
Mrs. Lia Craig went to Lincoln
Saturday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Dewey.
L. E. Dobbin and family and
Paul Thnrason returned to Lin
coln Monday.
Mrs. W. M. Powell of Lincoln
was visiting his sister, Mrs. ,1. A.
ShalTcr. Tuesday.
Miss Hazel Foreman of llavc
lock is visiting the Misses Ing
werson this week.
Dr. Muir ami family spent Xmas
willi Mrs. Muir's sister, Mrs.
Dewey, in Lincoln.
Miss Camielia Condra of Lin
coln spent several days recently
wit h Miss Flo Doyles;
Mrs! J. A. Shatter and sister,
Miss Violet Ough, were in Mur-
dock Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. August Cleiiime returned
Tuesday from Oklahoma, when'
she has been xisiling her parents.
Mrs. Mary Campbell and Vernon
Homes came in Sunday from
Samlia, Kansas, for a two-weeks'
visil with Miss Mabel Skinner.
Mrs. 0. II. Doyle:; of Lincoln
visited relatives here Saturday and
Sunday. Her father, Paul Froh
lich, returned home with her Sun
day. L, D. Mullen, W. S. Johnson
and Win. Kit .el shipped a mixed
car of stock to South Omaha Mon
day. The two former gentlemen
accompanied I lie shipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Manners and
children of llavclork and Mr. ami
Mrs. (ieorge Ellison of Waver ly
spent Christmas with their
mother, Mrs. Nervia Knoll.
Mrs. Helle Mennell entertained
al dinner Christmas Messrs. and
Mesdames John Murley, J. II.
Slronicr ami family, Elmer Men
nell ami (ieorge Foreman, jr.
John Murley shipped a car of
lings lo South Omaha Monday.
Elmer Homer of Seaudia. Kan
sas came in Wednesday, visiting
al the home of Dan Skinner unl il
Sal unlay.
Mrs. J. II. Simmer ami daugh
ter Miss Marie, left Tuesday for a
visit with relatives al I'.arueslon,
Neb. Tbex were accompanied as
far as Lincoln hy Mrs. (ieorge
Foreman, jr.
Mrs. William Proulx of Kansas
City, Mo., came Saturday evening
lo visil relatives here for a few
days. She went to Nebraska Cily
Saturday laflcrnoon lo visit a
Rev. Einbcrg preached the
morning service in I he M.'E.
church Sunday. Rev. Hunter of
Hoslnn. Mass., was in attendance
ami called on friemls in town. He
was en route lo Itoslon, where he
is al lending school.
Mrs. Thomas SI ml ami sister,
Mrs. John Woods, .of Morton,
Washington, left Friday for an
extended visil in Illinois with rela
tives. They xvere accompanied as
far its Omiiha by Mr. Sloul ami
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klyner.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner gave
a Christmas dinner lo Mr. and
Mrs. Sain Cashner of I'liiversity
Place, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
Cashner of Denver, Mr. and Mrs.
W. I. Jordan and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse stone and chil
dren Lasl Friday evening the
Mothers' Council and relatives of
Mrs. (ieorge Dohbilt held a fare
well reception for her and family
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Rouse. Fresh
oysters xvere served and a general
good time was enjoyed. Mrs. Itob
bitl was presented xxith wilh a line
tablecloth and napkins. Mr. ami
Mrs. Itohbill. will move to Kansas
in I he near fill lire.
A very sail accident occurred
near Waverly last Friday after
noon about o'clock, when (ieorge
Curyea of that, place, who was on
horseback driving cattle, was
fatally injured by the horse fall
ing upon him. He was so badly
hurl that he died Hie following
morning at i o'clock, remaining
i. nconscious to the last. He is
survived bv his xxife and four lit
tle girls. Mr. Curyea. who was
about .'iti years of aue, was a
nephew of our townsman, (ieorge
Curyea. The remains were laid
to rest M lay in 1 Waverly
cemetery. Relatives and friends
from here alien. led the funeral.
The bereaved family have the
sympathy of all.
The quickest, simplest way to
rid the children of dangerous,
croupy coughs and wheezy, stuffy
colds is to give them Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound. Ft
gives almost instant relief and
stops a cough promptly. It
soothes and heals. Contains no
opiates. For sale bv F. fi. Fricke
&. Co.
The quarantine has been taken
oil' of Alex Miller's.
I'M Fleischnian and Will Hau
drove to Louisville New Year's
Jake Miller has he'ii sick the
past few days front strilchena
poisoning. i
John Fleischnian and Clyde
Jenkins autoed to Avoca New
Year's day.
Joe 1'ort is of Wabash visited
Jake Miller and family Tuesday.
Roy Wiles and family have been
sick with the diphtheria, of which
their oldest son died Sunday
morning. The-sympathy of the
community is extended to the
bereaved family.
Omar Coon and family have
been on the sjek list this week.
Ib rhie ami Ernie Shipman and
John and Ed Fleischnian autoed
to I'latlsiiiouth lasl Saturday on
(irnmlpa Miller relurned from
Summers, Iowa, where be has been
spending the summer, to visit with
tils son, Jake, and expects lo go
from here to Plainview. Neb., to
isil. anol her son.
Leslie Wiles' children have
been having t he grippe.
Theo. Harms ami wife attended
the funeral of Raymond Rockwell
The children of John (iregory,
easl of I own, who have been fjuit e
sick, are reported on lite improv
ing list.
Howard Johnson ami family are
in (piaranline at his folks' home at
Nehaxvka and if is hoped thai none
of them lake the disease.
Mrs. Aaron Jenkins is still suf-
fering some with the rheumatism,
hut it is hoped she will recover
Dr Fordyce and xxife are enjoy
ing a visit from his brother and
Social events are al a standstill
in Mauley for the pas) few Weeks
on account of the diphtheria.
Miss Maggie O'Leary and Mas
ter Henry xvere visiting in Louis,
x ille I lie past week.
llerbie Shipmaii ami xxife of
llavclork visiled last week with
the families of John and Fred
Miss Clara Jenkins has been
sick the past few days.
, Obituary Notice.
Raymond Rockwell, son of Mr.
Daniel Rockwell, died Saturday
morning of diphtheria. Raymond
was xvilli his sister visiting at Xc
havvkar when his dealh occurred.
Raymond xxas a remarkably bright
child ami was a faithful attendant
at Sunday school, from which he
will be greatly missed. The fam
ily has be heartfelt sympathy id'
all in their hcivnvcmcnt. To our
short .sighted w isdom I be deal I) of
such a child seems a sad mistake,
but xve remember wilh some com
fort the following which Long
fellow said :
The Lord hath n I of these
How ers gay,
The reaper said and smiled.
Dear tokens of the earth are they
Where he was once a child.
So the father gave in tears ami
The llower he most did love,
Hut he knew that he should tiud
him once uuain
In I he I'.ehls of light ami love.
Oh not in bitterness, not in wrath.
Did the reiier come (hat day,
'Twas an angel visited the green
earl b
And look I be llower axvav.
Dr. Win. Sadler, author u! "The
Cause and Cure of Colds," says
that common colds should be
taken seriously, especially when
they "hang' on." Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound is a reliable
household medicine for coughs
and colds, equally eU'ectivc for
children and for grown persons.
Take it when you feel a cold com
ing' on. It will avert danger of
serious results and cure quickly.
No harmful drugs. For sal,:- by F.
C. Fricke Co.