"ILDTIIEHH'CABTY Notice to Builders!; DEFEATS PALZEP. Murray Department. PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OK THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. If any of the readers of tlu Journal hyjw of a t'cialei-eiil or uii item of interest w thin vicinity and mil mail savie to thin office it will appear under thi heading Vemutt all item of inerext. Editor Jmir ial. DC 3 CHi5 Home Bank Owned by Home People Murray Stat e Bank CZD MURRAY, NEBRASKA 0 Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000 CIIAS. C. PARMELE, President F. L NUTZMAN, Vice-President W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier 0 We have every arrangement possible for the conven ience of our patrons. We write drafts and can save you money when de siring to remit away. Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex perience may be of some benefit to you. Depositors in fhis bank are protected under the State Guarantee Law. Study Club Meets Tuesday. Tin- Study Huh will meet Tues day afternoon. January 7, al Hie library room-. Following will be I In- program rendered : lloll Call. "Quotations From l)irkcn." Review of l)oinhv & Son Fay Ohiham ickens, the .Man and Author. . Mrs. Hamilton 'arcels Post Mrs. E. Tult I'oinls of Law a Woman Should t'nderstand Mrs Smith How Domestic Life in This Country Differs From the Same in Germany. .Mrs. pitman Opinions of Recent Hooks Read Dy All the Class Parlimentary Drill. All vistors welcome. Lessons icgin at 2 o'clock sharp. 0 C. HenhiT, sr., has been very sick for the past few days. A. F. Nickels was a Plaits, mouth visitor Friday afternoon. Elbert Queen was I ransnct inn business in Piatlsmouth Saturday. Miss Aliee (iohleman, from South Dakota, is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis are at home to their friends in their new home, moving Saturday. John, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chriswisser, has been quite sick for the past few days. Miss Winnie llutcheson ami Will Oliver, jr., were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Cole Sunday. Thurmaii and Exa Finns of Union are visiting friends and relatives in and near Murray this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hoss Williams and family spent Christmas week with relatives and friends in Council Bluffs. School district. No. NO, which has been Hosed for the past three weeks on account of diphtheria, opened against Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Country man and two children spent , Christmas al the home of Mrs. Countryman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. I'.. II. Dillchay were shopping in Piatlsmouth Tuesday afternoon, ami while there called at the Journal ollice and enrolled their name for the paper. Miss Elizalii'ih Oliver spent Saturd.iv and Sunday with friends in ii ml, attending the party Salon! . evening given at the borne of Albert Welenkamp. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Steve Copepbaver, on Dcrendier 'JH, a line baby boy, Itotb mother and little one are doing nicely and Steve says the little fellow looks just like bis dad. Mr. and Mrs. (i. S. Hay enter tained at dinner Sunday in honor of D. C. Creamer and wife of Wood River, Neb., and the following guests were present: Robert Wood and wife. Meek Davis and wife and daughters, Marie and Lena. M. R. Nickels and wife. Miss IJe.rllir Nickels and Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Crosser. Thirty attended the meeting of the Library association Friday evening. The eVening was spent with dominoes and tlnieb. Mes- dames O. A. Davis, L. (lapen and Hamilton were the committee on refreshments. Fruit, coffee and cake v ere served. The next meet ing will be January 2L The sub ject v iU be, "The Labor Ques tion." Lee Kniss will have charge of the paper. Sieve Copenbaver was seen on the streets of Murray Saturday with " smile guaranteed not to rip. r- el or run over at the heels and npossible to wash off. Steve's cause for such a smile is the arrival of a t O-pound boy al bis home early Saturday morning. With careful consideration Sieve's friends have hopes of bis recover''. Nickels has been numbered I lie sick for the past few Lee Nickels was a I'lal I snioul b visitor Saturday. Horn To Mr, ami Mrs. Slagb a sou, Saturday, December L'8. Miss Isabella Young spent, Sun day with Wall Sans and wife. Charles Wiser of Omaha is visit ing E. II. Queen and family this week. Alf with days. Mrs. Nick Klaurem was looking after business in Piatlsmouth Sat urday Mrs. Kd Midcalf of Merlin spent Thursday with Mrs. Frank lUlOlll'l), Miss Pearl Dugay spent a few days with Miss Mae Lewis lb past week. Art bur Sullivan and family sient Sunday with Will Wehrbein and family II. C. Creamer ami family wen looking after business in Platts mouth Thursday. Mvs. mair roller or near I nion has been on the sick lb for I lie 'past few w eeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mark While look dinner with Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Hay New Year's day. Mrs. E. (I. Levi is and daughter, (Hive, are spending the holidays willi Mrs. Lewis' sister in Omaha. The Aid society of the Christian church and the Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met at I lie Presbyterian church Tuesday ami served for a benelil. fund. Din ner was served in the kitchen of the church. Mr. and Mrs. S, ( I. Pit man in vited a number of friends to a watch meeting Tuesday evening. Dinner was served al, 0:30 and the evenintr was spent with cards. An alarm Hock was bidden in the dining room, and as the old year went out and the new one was ushered in the alarm sounded. Covers were laid for Messrs. and Mesdaines T. J. Hrendel. W. S. Smith, James Holmes, O. A. Davis, W. O. Hurdick, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Mrendel, Dr. and Mis. (ieorge Oil- more, L. D. II ial I, Kd Tult. S. O. Pitman, Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham, Margie Walker and Mes srs. Albeit Young and Dick Pit man. The ladies of the K. N. K. met with Mrs. A. F. Nickels Friday, December 27, and a very enjoyable time was bad. Mrs, Nickels served an excellent dinner, assisted by Miss Pert ha Nickels. The ladies spent the day quilling and visit ing. A business session and dec tion of officers was held in the afternoon. The following officers were elected. Etta M. Nickels president: Mrs. Nick Klaurens vice president; Mrs. Minnie Mc Vey, treasurer; Mrs. John Hend ricks, secretary. Mrs. William Oliver, Miss Elizabeth Oliver, Mrs E. M. Codwin ami Miss Rober Oood were secured as new mem bers. The next regular meeting will be held with Mrs. Joe Sans February 8. All members are re quested to be present. Mrs. M. O. McQuinn has been piite sick for the past few days. Harmon Heck and family ate Sunday dinner with Dr. J. F. Ilrcndel and wife. Mrs. Alva Long, who has been (plite ill for the past few weeks, is repruied some belter. Mrs. Wes Hill has been suffer ing lor I lie past lew days will! an attack of asthma. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Will lloinan, on December 27, a baby girl. All are uomg niceiy. Misses Mary and Orare Jame son oi weeping water visiicu in Murray last Saturday and Sunday. Uncle Louis Hint of near Union, who has been sick for the past few weeks, is some better al this lime. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. John Eaton, residing southeast of Union, on December 28, a baby girl. Dr. F. Hrendel and wife ate New- Year's dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Young, near Ne-hawka. " Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Crosser, Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Hay and Esther, spent the day Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs-. William fiilmour. Dr. Will Hrendel and wife and Mrs. Marquard! of Avoca auloed to Murray Sunday afternoon for a short visit with home folks. Hev. Hubbel preached al I tie Christian church last Sunday morning and evening, while Hev. Williams tilled the pulpit in Coun cil Hluffs. Edirar Lewis, while chopping wood a few days ago, was struck in the eye by a piece of I lie timber, which was a very painful injury for a few days, but nothing of a serious nature. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Corne lius Hengen, jr., on December 30, a nine-pound baby boy. Mother ami little one are doing nicely, ami Cornelius ami Oramlpa Hen gen are well pleased with their New Year's present. W. K. Shepardsou was looking liter some business matters in the county eal Thursday of Ibis week. Mr. Shepardsou is prepar ing for a public sale in the near future and will soon leave Cass i i i i couniy, taking up nis iuiure nonie in I he Rig Horn Hasin, in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. (i. S. Hay and daughter entertained at dinner Sunday, January 20, in honor of Mrs. Hay's sister and husband, Mr iml Mrs. D. C. Crosser, of Wood River, Neb. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Davis and daughters, Marie and Leona; Miss Alice (iobelman of St. Lawrence, S. D Mr. and Mrs. Crosser. Mr and Mrs. R. R. Nickels, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Oond and Miss Bertha Nickels. Runaway Near Mynard. Wednesday evening while Ohm Perry was driving along the road with a load of wood near bis home, west of Mynard, his team became frightened and ran away, willi the result thai be was thrown off Hie wagon and received several severe concussions and remained in an unconscious condition until !) o'clock this morning, when he regained consciousness, greatly to the relief of the doctors, who greally feared that be had sus tained some severe injury. The team was found later in the pas ture of Mr. Perry with only the two front wheels of the wagon left, the rest of it and the wood being scattered along the route taken by the horses in Iheir iwld run. Mr. Perry is feelin slightly improved today, although very- sore ami unused up. We now have an expert drafts-j GOnqUSfS IQW2U tliUil All IS 111 tllllWJ , U11U U1IJUI1V. V.V11 I templating building will do well to see us first. We are prepared to! furnish plans and specifications for, any kind of a building on very short notice. in Eighteen Rounds. LANDED BLOWS AT WILL Peters & Richards, -CONTRACTORS- Mrs. Thomas Slagfe. Mrs. Thomas Slagle passed away al her home near Murray December 1 i, 11)12. Nancy Staple was born in Wisconsin April 30, lH.'ll), and died December 1 i, 11)12. at 2 o'clock a. in., aged 73 years, 7 months and 13 days. Nancy Hurnelt was raised in Ohio and was married to Thomas Slagle on January t i, t8i2, coining to Ne braska in tHiil), where she has since resided till the time of her (team. Mie. leaves one nroim Lewis' Reiunion. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis and daughters, Thelma and Elsie, oi Craig; Mrs. Will Kellison, daugh ter and son, Ruth and Raymond, of Mynard; Miss Alice Lewis of Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lewis of Mound City, Mo., spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Lewis and famJ ily, residing west of this city. A tine time was reported Mrs. Anna; 5 places hlm at the Cowles of Hrainard, Minn., could heavyweights. not be present, which was much regretted by all, she being the only one of the family absent. Man Who Conquered Jim Flynn Three Weeks Ago Clinche Title to White Heavyweight Championship Loser Game Under Punishment. Los Angeles, Jan. 2. Luther Mc Carty, ths Nebraska cowboy, shattered the heavyweight championship am1 bition of Al Palzer, the Iowa glantl at the Vernon arena. For nearly eight een rounds he used tho huge frame of the Iowan as a punching box. When the middle of the eighteenth round found Palzer staggering blindly about under a volley of lefts to his battered face and when Referee Charles Eyton walked between them and hoisted the right hand of the smiling cowboy pugilist, the decision was received with cheers. Mccarty's victory, following his de cisive defeal tRreo weeks ago of Jim top of white Riley Contest. Mesdaines Mira McDonald. Floyd (iapen. William Seybolt. Thomas Tilson, Will iain Troop and E. P. Main will be the con testants in the Riley contest Sat urday evening, January 18. Miss Harriett Adams, Rev. Ross Williams and the ladies' quartet will have charge of the music. two sister and eight children to mourn her loss. , ' I (ear I ired heart lias tlown to the shelter of (iod's breast. What can hurl thee or alarm Within the circle of His arm? We only know thai thou has gone Where sorrow 'never comes Hey ond the darkness of the tomb, She is al home. 'jTliis entertainment is being look. We give our most heartfelt thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who assisted us dur ing the sickness and death of our dear mother. We also thank the K. X. K. and Royal Xeighbors for I heir kindness in sending flowers. Mrs. J. 1. Filch. Mrs. W. H. (iood. A. W. Slagle Andy Slagle ? A. H. Slagle.' D. E. Slagle. Frank Slagle. Levi Slagle Card of Thanks. We wish to thank I tie many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the sickness and death of our dear boy, Wash ington Dillchay. The many kind nesses shall never he forgotten y us. ' E. J. Dillchay. E. H. Dillehay and Wire. Jake Dillehay. 11 I I!t'I Dr. H. Thomson, dentist, of Plattsmouth, will make Murray one day of each week for the purpose of looking after the dental work of this community. He will be In Murray on Thurs day of each week, beginning January 2, 1913, until fur ther notice. IIII' FOR SALE Thoroughbred H. P. R. Cockerels, $1.00 each. Eggs 75c per setting season. Mrs. J. W. Hendricks Plattsmouth, Nob., Route 'Phone 3-L, Murray. 12-30-lmo-wkly in A Want Ad In the Journal will bring what you want. ed forward to will) a great amount, of interest. Jas. Wbilcomb Riley, the Roosier poet, is loved by all; children find entertainment in his verses and the grown-ups con-1 sola! ion and contentment. Today lie stands at the head of American poels and to have an evening's entertainment with his poems can't help bill have beneficial ef fect upon the public. Those ladies who will recite Riley's best thoughts to you January 18 rep resent our best speaking talent, and I bey are putting forth every effort to make the entire program a success. THE SECRET TERROR. The haunting fear of sickness and helplessness is the secret ter ror of the working man. Health is his capital. Kidney diseases sap a man's strength and vitality. They lessen his earning capacity. Foley Kidney Pills bring back health and strength by healfng the disease. They are the best medi cine made for kidney and bladder troubles. The genuine are in the j vlrtlm. t,,e veteran Flynn yellow package. Refuse any sub stitute. For sale by F. C Fricke & Co. McCarty ha3 announced and reiter ated the statement that he would never fight a negro. Palzer, in spite of his superior height, weight and reach, was no match for the cool-headed, agile youngster. He literally stumbled through the fight, assimilating awful punishment, and his rushes were whol ly ineffective. Ho scarcely landed a clean blow throughout the fight. Palzer began the fight with an ag gressiveness that indicated a desire to finish Iiis man in short order, but Mc Carty had little difficulty in eluding him. Only enca Palzer appeared to have an advantage. In one of the early rounds McCarty slipped to tho mat. Palzer rushed in, launching a right uppercut to catch the rising man, but McCarty ducked out of danger. Nebraskan Clever Fighter. McCarty fought cleverly throughout, taking his time and beating down his man systematically. He seldom wast ed a blow and hit with deadly pre cision. Palzer had practically no de fense against the Nebraskan's whip like left, delivered straight from the shoulder, and seldom was he able to block the right swing or uppercut, which Invariably followed a series ot straight lefts. McCarty landed at will and with ar. accuracy that became monotonous. Palzer'a eyes were kept almost con tinually on his manager, the veteran Tom O'Rourke, who shouted instruc tions to him through a megaphone. He appeared to have no initiative whatever. O'Rourke's instructions" were as audible to McCarty as to Pal zer and every move of the Iowan was anticipated by his foe. Palzer'a face was badly disfigured ( and ho showed the effects of his beat Ing even more than did McCarty's last IM-W 'K-I-W I-HW MK REX YOUNG, Auctioneer, Murray, Neb. Public Sales a specialty, fr aud care taken to get the high dollar for your goods '? and stock. Yoir business. ! solicited. Telephone r-N. J frfr I!!!'! For Sale. A 3-year-old registered Perchon stallion. For particulars call on or address (.lias, countryman, Nehawka, Neb., or telephone 7-D, Murray. WALTER GREEN Social Gathering. A social gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Porter last Friday evening, De cember 27, IIM2. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. ('barley Cole of Weep ing Water. A number of the neighbors and friends were invil ed in to spend the evening. The evening was spent in social con versation, after the excellent oyster supper Mrs. Porter had prepared for I he visitors. We are informed thai Heorge Lloyd' captured lirst prize for eating the largestnumber of bowls of oyster ' soup. Alter supper .Miss ivsinor Lloyd, Mr. Cole. Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Lancaster furnished some excel lent music. Those present to en joy the evening were: Messrs. and Mesdaines fieorge Lloyd, Charley- Cole of Weeping Water, Hert Lloyd, Earl Lancaster, Jake Smith. Tom Smith. Esther, Aggie and Frank Lloyd, firace Porter, Halliei Rover, Rlanrh Smith, Frank Mc Vey, Efllie Smith, Roy (Iregg, Frank Morley, Anderson Lloyd, (ireen Picket I, Howard Hoyer, Waller Rover and (irandma Mc-Vey. In the eighteenth round Palzer walked unsteadily to the center of the ring and literally fell into a left hook that dazed him. He clung tn McCarty's shoulders and when they 8fparntd. McCarty shot two lefts tn the jaw. McCarty, apparently unwill ing to administer the finishing punch, backed nwny and the referee stopped the fight. McCarty's only mark was a slight cut under the right eye. HORSESHOEING General Dlacksmilhing and Wagon Work Ferns Gets Decision Over Brewer. Kansas City, Jan. 2. Clareno ("Wilicat") Kerns of Kansas City, claimant of the welterweight chain plonship of the world, was awarded the decision over Harry Brewer of Kansas City after ten rounds of furi ous fighting here. St. Kilbane Beats Kirk. l)uis, Jan. 2. Johnny Kilbane Journal for fancy Stationery. Horseshoeing is Our Specialty All Work Guaranteed Murray, Nebraska Mark While and wife of Rock Hluffs drove up this morning to attend to some trading with the merchants for t tie day. Mrs. Hattie Davis of Virginia I)ale. Colorado, arrived in this city this morning and will make an extended visit with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dill, and other relatives in this vicinity. Can't look well, eat well, or feel well will) impure blood. Keep the blood pure willi Hurdock Rlood Hitters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean, and good health is pretty sure to follow. -SI. 00 a bottle. featherweight champion of the world, rendered Ollie Kirk helpless in les? tnau two rounas, ana uereree Harry Sharp stopped the fight, giving tho decision to Kilbano. j SULZERPLEDGES REFORMS New Governor of New York Walks te Inauguration. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 2. William Sul r.er was Inaugurated forty-second gov ernor of New York. He cut out all the usual display. His only conces sion was an address from the cap itol Bteps to thousands who could not get into the big building. With the declaration that he was free from ulterior influences and de termincd to serve the will of the peo ple, Governor Sulzer practical served notice on Tammany Hall that he is not its figurehead. Soon after 11 o'clock, Governor elect Sulzer nnd Governor Dix left the executive mansion with theii staffs and walked to the capltol. The marching suffragettes, headed by "General" Rosalie Jones, clapped their hands enthusiastically, anc shouted "Hurrah for our governor." Governor Sulzer's address pledged him to carry out reforms demanded by the people. Agreement Made for Loan. Peking, Jan. 2. A preliminary agreement was arranged settling the details of th" proposed six power loat of $125,000,000 to China. '