The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 19, 1912, Image 8

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$ Today and Continuing all Through the
Month of December
$ Our sales in the past have been so successful that we have decided to give the people of Cass county the advantage
H of securing some genuine bargains at the season of the year when they ought to be appreciated by the care-
ml ana snrewa unristmas snopper. r or me Daiance oi mis inoiiui we oner me ionowing articles.
Ladies' and Men's Coats and Suits, Millinery Furnishing and Holiday Goods
The Greatest Bargains for the Careful
Christmas Shopper
For Lady Shoppers
For Gentlemen Shoppers
Ladies' black broadcloth, chinchillas, caracules, sibelines Men's Suits and Overcoats We carry
and mixtures in coats and suits, $15 to $30, M O a line absolutely guaranteed to be all-
during this clean-up sale at $7, $9, 12.00 . . . . J-U WOol, and unexcelled for service and
Misses' coats in latest styles, with prices ranging from style, will be sold during this Holiday
9.00 to 15.00, during this clean-up sale 10 Clean-up Sale, for
at 5.00, 8.00 and . 1U .
VUllUl isii o wuio ii win x.iiy cf.vv.
For Christmas Shoppers
Ladies' and Misses' fine furs will be sold during this
clean-up sale at astonishing prices. '
These suits are well worth from $16.00 to $28.00.
From the above prices you can readily see that when
you purchase your goods here you are in a position to
save enough money to present gifts to all your family.-
o i j i A. A i. t i 1 T-v m .'i. mi
T , i -.r. r i . ii, Ann 1 n nn oucn oous as me meii-reaooay uress snins. ine
Ladies and MiSSeS fancy dreSSeS WOrtll 9.UU tO 15.UU, Arrow brand collars. Silk Neckwear. Silk Handker-
Will be SOld during this Clean-Up Sale at 5.75, 7.50, 9.75 chiefs Silk Hosiery. Silk Mufflers. Silk Umbrellas.
ouit Cases and irunks.
We have just received a large line of Ladies' Silk Waists, from $2.98 up.
A large assortment of Ladies' fancy Aprons, from 25 cents up.
If you want to see a nice line of Flannette Kimonas from 98 cents up to
$2.25, worth $3.00, also in crepes, silk, at $4.75 to $5.75.
In Ladies' Handkerchiefs Linen and fancy, also ladies' silk hose, gloves
in golf and kid, for ladies and children. Bar pins, hat pins. Beauty pins,
lockets, Barrettes, Back Combs, fancy Comb, ties.
Umbrellas, Hand Bags, worth from $1 to $3, at 69c, $1.19 and $1.95.
Mesline, silks, scarfs, ribbons of all kinds; tailored waists; collars and all
kinds of beads; Sterling Silver thimbles. All those items will be sold during
this clean-UD sale at a very low Drice.
Notice this picture, the Latest Improvement just If you want to save money buy them here at this sale.
received. A new line of Madame Mae Corsets. This
corset is laced in front With a protector underneath As Mr. Jack Frost has made his appearance on our windows and
i- le ,KeAi..iu ononH ruined our display, we cordially invite you to step inside and we
uiw ii will, law auw it mm jvim bMM"
For good service and first class form. This corset will be sold during this
Just Received A fine lot of Silk Lined Gloves, Sheep
Lined Gloves and Mittens, all of which will be included
in this sale at clean-up prices.
Boys Clothing
We have a large assortment of Boys Fine Suits and
Overcoats at the very lowest prices.
Men's and Boys Shoes.
, j
will show you around.
Cfyright, iifit. A. B. Kimkiaum'Ctt
clean-up sale for $4.00 and $5.00. Make ThlS Store YoUT fkloflVlO QVlinninrvf
Please bear in mind that this sale is for cash Headquarters for all AnnSlIIlaS UllOppiIlg:
Bear in Mind thai We Can and Do Clothe the Entire Family for Less Money than Elsewhere
Millinery Below Cost:
$5.00. $10.00 end $15.00 Hat will
b sold for $1.98, $2.98 and $4.98
V. ZUCKER, Manager. Home Made Comforters. Call and See Them.
Famger's Big Department Store
James T. Reynolds, I.. F. Rey
nolds and l-rank Finkle of
Union were in Hie city this niorn
inp; for a few hours attending lo
some mailers of husiness.
O. II. ParkeniiiK and wife, of
Omaha, wlio liave heen visiting at
the home of Chris l'arkeniiiK near
this eily returned lo their home
yesterday afternoon.
The Ideal Christmas Gift
M A tPIPnhnnP Pnmhin0 OVOnrtklnrl mtt ttntrn
j-.... vvmuiiivo , vt j ttnii juu nave nn
agined an appropriate Christmas gift should.
It is a remembrance that will be treasured by
the entire household as an indication of your ex
pression of holiday sentiment.
Add pleasure, comfort and security to the lives
of those about you. TODAY order a telephone
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager
The show which comes to the
l'armele theater next Sunday
w'Hihl is one of the hest, and it
presents u realistic picture of
modern social and business life,
each character as true as though
translated from real life lo the
hoards of the slap'. The appear
auYe of "The Final Settlement" at
the l'armele nn Sunday nit; lit is
HtniHliini; new for l'lattsniouth,
but such shows have been llllintf
Sunday nilit eufraiiements in all
the leading cities, such as Lin
coln, Omaha, (irand Island, Cres
ton. Iowa, and hundreds of other
towns throughout Ihe country,
and Ihe best people of these
towns do nol hesitate to p, he
cause il is Sunday ninlil. There
are at least a hundred people in
lMatlsmoulli and icinity that ko
lo Omaha every Sunday afternoon
and evening to attend Ihe thea
ters, and wilh such shows as ap
pear in Omaha, Lincoln and other
towns at l'lattsniouth Sunday
ninht these people will remain at
home. It is a new idea for lMatts
mouth, but the Journal can see no
particular harm in coin lo see a
first-class play on Sunday niffht
instead of enijairinir in some other
amusement that is really harm
ful. "The Final Settlement" is a
line, play and there will bo no use
iroinff to Omalm lo see ono per
haps no bettor. They will at least
nave rar fare.
Mrs. Mary Brady Very III.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Mrs. Mary llrady, the aped
mother of Thomas Kildow, living'
north of this city, is laying very
low at the hoino of her son, suf
fering from blood poisoning the
result of a scratch she received
some time ago on her left hand,
and although everything possible
is being done to relieve her there
is great fear that she may not re
cover from the attack, as her age
and feebleness Is greatly against
her. Mrs. Hrady is a very bright
old lady and has many friends
here who will learn' w ith regret of
her illness and hope- she may re
cover from Ihe, sickness.
From WerinoiHlay'a Dally.
Hurlingtou telegraphers and the
company have ended their confer
ences over wage sclieuuies ami
working conditions, the llnal
meeting having been held at Oma
ha on Monday, when adjustment
of the schedule to conditions on
lines west were made. It was said
that about one-half of the operat
ors will get an increase in pay.
Increases in wages in the past few
years have been the same at all
stations, with the result that a re
alignment was necessary If the
wages were to bo kept in line with
the. amount of actual labor done.
Where work was light and the
positions most desirable because
of light station work and wages
being as high as at heavier points,
little or no increase was made.
Where work is heavy the operat
ors will get an increase in pro
portion lo the amount of work.
Costumer Will Be Here.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Cosmopolitan club has
made arrangements with Lieben,
the Omaha costumer, to come
here with a large assortment of
costumes for their mask ball on
Tuesday evening, December 31.
The costumes can be secured at
Coatos' hall during the afternoon
and evening of December 'M.
There will be some of the llnest
costumes ever brought to this city
in the assortment and parties de
siring lo secure them should see
him early in the day as possible to
get the pick of the designs. Hood
cash prizes will be given at the
dance for the best costumes.
It begins early, ends late, and
is full of work. She often lias
kidney trouble without knowing it.
Her back aches, and she is tired
and worn out. Sleeps poorly, is
nervous, no appetite. Her bladder
gives her trouble, too. Foley
Kidney Pills will cure all that and
make her strong and well. They
are tha best medicine made for
kidney and bladder disorders. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Booster's Shining Parlor.
Tho new Booster's Shining Par
lor, in the new Leonard building,
is now open. Hero you can get
the best shine at any time. Nice
line of cigars and tobaccos. See
Tom, he will treat you right.
Real Estate
Bought and Sold
Insurance Placed in Best
Farm Loans and Rental Agency
- Virgimullis -
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at the Journal office.