The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 16, 1912, Image 8

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    are priced to suit your pocket-book. Ties in Christmas Boxes 29c to $1.50; Guaranteed
Sox in half dozen packing GOc to $3; Linen Handkerchiefs 20 to 50c; Silk Initial Hand
kerchiefs 25 to 5Qc; Garter Sets25c; Silk Umbrellas for $2.25; Leather Grips $3 to $15;
Housecoats $3 to $7.
Always the Home of Satisfaction
fcns Is Preparing One of
These For His Bride.
pastor Runell Say th Jwi Hoped
For Earthly Paradise Restored Jesus'
Teachings Concerning a Heavenly
Nature and Home Were New His
Leaving Was Necessary, but He As
sured Them He Would Come Again.
Meantime the Spirit of Truth Would
Comfort Them.
Buffalo. N. Y.,
lee. 15. One of
PiiNtorKusseH's dis
courses here todny
wus from the text:
"In My Father's
House art! many
inn iihIoiih. I
go to iirepiire a
liliicp for you.
I will come ngnln to
receive you to My
self."-John xlv,
For more titan
four Ihoiisaml years before t lit Savior
came, no siiKjjestlon hud lieeu niiule re-
hcIIiik any hoinp for liuiiianlty aside
from this piit'lli. 'I'lic paradise of
Kden, lost through disobedience, and
Ood's .linage In litmianlty, almost
obliterated by sin and death. Cod
promised to restore. The rlj,'ht to life
forfeited by Adam for himself and his
rmv, Cod purposed to restore to nil
fho willing mill obedient. Itnt all these
blessings were to come through a Jte
deeiuer, the Mediator of the New Cove
nant, the Messiah.
Humanity knew not the posslhllil les
of Restitution, l.ut Israel had the fart
tyi'itU'd In their Jubilee year of ltestl
tutlon, which occurred every Hfty
years. Thuy -also had typical sacri
fices of a I'assnvcr hnnli and Atone
nienl lay otTcrluits, representing some
means Ity which Cod Justly met for
them the rciiilivuiciits of Ills own
Law. They realized not thai tills
Kfltlsraclioii of .lusticp would he ac
complished by (he dciith of the very
lleilccluer who sulweipipnlly would lie
the Itestoier,
Their minds naturally dwelt espe
cially upon the fact that Mes
siah was (o de of .lewlsh stihk; and
that Israel was I., huve the lirst chance
f the chi'iccst lile-sinns in connection
With Messiah's Kingdom. As they
walled for Messiah ami Ills Kingdom,
they fondly anticipated . tjielr ,ow n. na-
is invited to call at
Christmas Pre
Chafing Dishes, a largo assortment; Chafing Dish Forks and
Spoons, Olive Forks, Coffee Sets, Pcrculators, Pcrculators,
Ramekin Rets, Casseroles, all sizes and kinds; Serving Dishes,
all kinds; Dcautiful Trays and Bread Boards; a full line of Alumi
num Ware; Copper and Nickel-plated Ware; a complete line of
Community Silverware warranted thirty years.
Santa would say-
"Try Plattsmouth First
Your gifts for men and boys are best found here. No need
to take the trouble and expense to go away or send away
for them. We have assembled right here at your door a
complete and comprehensive stock of everything from a
5c pocket handkerchief to a $40 silk lined overcoat arid at
prices as low or lower then you will pay for the same
thing elsewhere. The latest and the finest of Furnishings
tlfrnunilcisKlng. STeTufiiBly"7"they 'over
looked the fact that the blessing would
be an Individual one, In harmony with
the Divine arrangement. They hoped
for a resurrection from the dend "at
the last day," in the great Seventh
Thousnnd-Yenr Day or Epoch, and ex
pected it to brl!r them from the slepp
of death hack to eartlily conditions
Some of thoin hoppd for a "better
resurrection" thnu the majority, be
catmo of their loyalty to God and their
willingness to suffer for righteousness;
but evpn these expected to be, not an
gels, but men. Was not Abraham him
self promised that all the land which
ho could see should, pvpntually, be his?
What could this mean except that he
would lie rpsurrected, as an earthly
being, to enjoy this promised Inheri
tance? St. Stephen points out that
Abraham never received, in fulfilment
of Cod's promise, as much of that
land "as to set his foot upon." (Acts
vll, fi.) Undoubtedly, therefore, the en
tire promise of the land Is future. The
possession will come to Abraham, and
will be given to his seed. Ids posterity,
after him.
Heavenly Promises "Like Unto An
gels." Coil's plan was allowed to rest as
though forgotten until Jesus began to
accomplish another and different work.
lie began to call the Hride class from
amongst mankind both Jews and Con
tiles. Without explaining the full de
tails, He Invited all who desired to be
come associated in Ills Kingdom to
take up their cross and follow Him.
lie promised them a Joint heirship
with Himself lo Ills Kingdom. He told
them that those who attain unto that
Age and the resurrection, would nei
ther marry nor be given In marriage
"like unto the angels" sexless.- Luke
xx, :ir. :m.
No wonder the Apostles were sur
prised: No wonder Mcodemus hesitat
ed to endorse something so different
from what he had anticipated in the
way of blessing; and he came to Jesus
by night to Inquire further! No wonder
the Master's words were perplexing
when He said. "Ye must be born
iigaln!" No wonder Nlcodeinus, in per
plexity, asked about this spirit birth
and fnvinl th answers perplexing!
Jesus did not irtieiupt to give him a
full explanation, but merely said that
If he had dllllculty In understanding
earthly things, how could he expect to
understand Ileaveulv things. John
Restitution Waits, but Not Abandoned.
The whole matter Is plain in the light
nf the New Testament teaching. l!e
fore the lime for blessing the world.
Cod s selecting therefrom a class to
constitute the lSrlde nf Christ, the
faithful Utile Flock. The Church Is to i
be associated w ith Him in blessing the
human family with Restitution. Hut
the Itride class itself Is to experience a
change of nature from human to spir
itual. This was dlllicult for the Apos-
Ucs to understand. Their minds would,.vcrt Ji'in. ,:irthb'.i-."
nfuwi rrw
my store and look at the beautiful display of useful
1 wil1 m ore open evenings through the holidays
douT,"TjiTtlbe ' ilaler'TrrKiuleaTy "iTfe
their attention away from the earthly.
He declared, "My Kingdom la not of
this Age," and told the disciples that
He would con again In power and
great glory, and all the holy angels
with Him; and that then He would sit
uion the Throne of Ills Glory upon
which they would sit with Him, If
faithful even unto sacrificial death.
The Heavenly Mansions.
The Lord endeavored to draw the
minds of Ills followers away from the
earthly hopes of au earthly kingdom,
which they held In common with all
Jews. The disciples knew of various
orders of beings on the angelic plane
cherubim, seraphim and ordinary an
gels. Jesus made no suggestion or
changing His disciples Into any of these
angelic orders. Hat her, He gave them
to understand that they would consti
tute a new order of creatures. The
questions then naturally arose, Is there
B possibility of having a still different
order of beings on the Heavenly plane?
Did' not the creation of mnn n little
lower than angels Imply a sulllcient va
riety of creations on the angelic plane
and higher?
These questions would seem proper
enough; and to these oiir Lord's "words
make answer: "In My Father's House
are many mansions" many apart-
i nipnts, many divisions. Yet all are
holy, all are in full accord with nim
j and with each other. "I go to prepare
I a place for you." My followers a
I Heavenly mansion.
St. Peter, discussing the subject, tells
us that in Cod's providence the Church
Is not only a New Creation, but n crea
tion on a higher plane thnn any other
of Cod's creation. St. Paul says, that
our Lord Jesus, having tlnlsheil the
work which the Father gave Him to do,
"ascended on High," to the right hand
of the Divine Majesty, to the place of
chief favor. He declares that this po
Hit Ion Is "far above angels, principali
ties and powers and every name that Is
named." Kplieslans 1, 21.
St. John, speaking of the Church, de
clares that we may not yet fully appre
ciate what we shall be, but we may
"know that, when He shall appear
lour Hedcemerl, We shall be like Him;
for we shall see Him as He Is." (I John
iii, '2.) St. Peter, however, tells us the
real height to which the Church, the
Itride of Christ. Is to be exalted. He
says, Cod hath given "unto us exceed
ing great and precious promises, that
by these (working In us Ills wllll we
might become partakers of the Diiinr
nature" U Peter 1. 4.
The Heavenly Three.
I Follow Ing the testimony of the Word
of Cod, we recognize Jehovah God
Himself, fi'om everlasting to everlnst
ng Cod, tin
Head, the King, the Fa
ther, of whom are all things. Next to
the Father we recognize our Heaveulj
Lord, whose name tit first was the Lo
gos, the Word of God. His Messenger,
who subsequently wns mado flesh
dwelt among us and redeemed us; and
whovas a reward, has .been
iw-' rrsr
the Divine nalufe "nnd"ls Vet "It" "the
r!'!it hand of Jehovah Gm1, 'to begin
His work of bl.'ssiug mankind. He
waits also until the Church, His Bride,
shall have been completed and shall
have passed beyond the veil, to I for
ever with Him on the Divine plane.
His Joint-heir.
These are the Heavenly Three all
of the Divine Nature, far above all
ether natures, all other planes of ex
istence. Yet always we are to re
member that the Head of the Church
is Christ, and the Head of Christ Is
God, as St. Paul declares: for although
all of God's blessings are by the Son,
yet those blessings are all from the
Father. I Corinthians vili, 0.
In passing, we should note how
these Scriptures and all the Scriptures
continually show that the Heavenly
Father was not His own Son and that
the Heavenly Son was not Ills own
Father. In our text the Master de
clares, "In My Father's House are
many mansions." Jesus, the chief Son,
has special privileges and special pow
er; and It Is by the Father's arrange
ment that the P.rlde, the Lamb's Wife,
Is to be brought Into the highest of
Heavenly mansions, the Divine na
ture, to be Joint-heir with her Lord In
His Messinnie reign and In Ills ever
lasting glory thereafter.
"I Go to Prepare a Place."
But why did Jesus need to go to pre
pare a place? His disciples did not
wish IHm to go and leave them. When
ever He spoke along this line they
were grieved and perplexed; and on
one occasion St. Peter brought upon
himself a special rebuke by saying,
"Be It far from Thee, Lord; these
things sha 1 not happen unto Thee."
The disciples were like children. They
had absolute confidence that they were
to share with Messiah the glories of
Ills Messianic Kingdom. They won
dered why Jesus did not stay with
them and attend to the establishment
of the Kingdom at that time; or if It
were necessary to wait for a season,
why He might not tarry with them
instead of going to the Father, as He
had often told them that He would do.
Our Lord did not wish to give them
any intimation respecting the length of
the Gosel Age, lest the knowledge
should discourage them. Therefore lie
merely said, "It Is expedient for you
that I go away" necessary for you.
Unless He should go away, the Holy
Spirit would not come upon them. They
would not receive that power from on
High, of which He had told them,
which they saw exemplified in Him,
and which they experienced when He
put His power upon them and sent
them forth as Ills representatives to
work miracles and to proclaim the Gos
pel of the Kingdom.
After Pentecost, when enlightened by
the Holy Spirit, they could understand
the necessity for Jesus' leaving and for
Ills receiving the Holy Spirit begetting
to the Divine nature. They, like all
mankind, were children of Adam nnd
therefore Inheritors of his death sen
tence. The Father could not, according
to His own just laws, recognize sinners
as sons. Before they could receive the
Divine begetting of the Holy Spirit
they must first be justified in the Di
vine sight.
It was to justify the Hou-vi'iold of
Faith that Jesus ascended on High,
"there to appear In the presence of God
or us." He imputed to us before the
Father the merit of His own sacrifice,
and proposed to adopt us as ills mem
bers. Then Divine Justice accepted the
Advocate's proposal, and that meant
the acceptance of our proffered sacri
fices, as the members of Jesus.
Ten days nfter our Lord left. Ills
Apostles, the Pentecostal blessing
came upon them. St. Peter explains
that It was the Heavenly Father's rec
ognition of Ills acceptance of the fol
lowers of Jesus who were entering into
covenant relationship through Him by
the covenant of self-sacrifice. The
transaction involved all subsequent
members of the Household of Faith to
the end of this Age. As n result, the
Holy Spirit came upon the consecrated.
They were to be made children of God;
and "if children, then heirs, heirs of
God nnd' Joint-heirs with Christ, our
Lord, If so be that we suffer with Him.
that we may be also glorified together."
Romans vlil, 17.
Growth In Grace.
Mistakenly, in the past, many of us
have supjMtsed Justification to be the
goal of the Chrlstlan-merely the for
giveness of sins. Now we see that
this was a great mistake. Now we
see that Justification by faith Is only
a stepping-stone to snnctlflcntion-the
begetting of the Holy Spirit as New
Creatures in Christ. Moreover, we
see that even our simplification by the
hPirettlniT of the Holy Spirit Is not
sulllcient, nor our goal.
The Sptrlt-begotten ones must grow
In grace, In knowledge, In nil the fruits
and graces of the Holy Spirit. They
must be tested and proved as to their
loyalty and faithfulness. Fiery trials,
testings, tribulations, must, be allowed
to come against them to prove the
depth and sincerity of their love for
God. Graciously, their testings are
not along the lines of the flesh, which
Is acknowledged to be Imperfect, weak,
and which is acceptable as a sacrifice
only through the merit of Jesus. Their
testings nnd acceptance are according
to their mind, their will, as New Crea
tures In Christ.
"I Will Come Again."
The Master would be absent during
the period of the selection of the Bride
class In Heaven Itself. Yet by His
Spirit or Power, the Holy Spirit, which
Is also the Spirit or Power of the
Father. He would have full knowl
edge of all the affairs of Ills people
and would irovldentlnlly make "all
things work together for giod to them
that love Him." Suffer they must; en
dure Mali and testings they must. In
order to prove their loyalty even unto
teath; butnis grace would be snf
rf You Will Miss Something
if you don't take a look at this beautiful display.
We have for your inspection
Watches, Diamonds, Rings,
Lockets, Fobs, Missing Links,
Hat Pins, Fountain Pens, Safety
Razors, Shaving Sets. Smoking Sets,
Cut Glass, Umbrellas, Carving Sets,
Silver Novelties, Leather Cased Manicure Sets, Hand Painted
China, Ivory Goods, Russian Brass, Etc. The largest line ever
shown in the city at the right prices.
B. A. IMlwain,
On the Sunny Side of Main Street."
mrieni ror tnem, ana Ills strength
would lie made perfect In their weak-'
nesses; and He would never leave
hem, In the sense of abandoning
them. So long as they would abide
In Him by faith and by loyalty of
heart-Intention. He would overrule all
things for their good.
After the selection of the full num
ber of the Rride class, He would come
again to receive them unto Himself.
He would come relatively in the same
Reuse in which He went away, In, the
sense in which He has not been pres
ent throughout the Age. He would
eonie In the sense of taking charge of
the affairs of the world. He will take
to Himself Ills great Tower and begin
nis reign. Ills first kingly office will
be In respect to His Church. He will
call Ills own servants and reckon with
them first, lie will reward the faith
ful by allowing the unfaithful to pass
into tribulation with the world.
As Satan has for a long time been
"the prince of the power of the air,"
"the prince of this world," so Messiah,
after binding Satan for a thousand
years, will assume His rightful title
as the King of this world, the King of
Glory. His Power will also be the
"Power of the Air," or a spirit power;
but, unlike that nf Satan. It will be n
Holy Spirit, power. His saints will be
called away with Hlin. to share IPs
Throne and F.mplre. "the Tower of
the Air." His Spiritual Kingdom.
Thus the Pride of Christ will be
completed, wheu the foreordained
number of the Fleet shall have been
found and proved worthy by trials
and testings, and shall have gone be
yond the veil. Then the glorious King
dom of Messiah will begin its work
for mankind, restoring and blessing,
very much as Israel had understood
and as all the Holy Prophets had ex
plained. Describing the coming bless
ings, which will begin with Natural
Israel and extend to all people, St.
Peter says, "Times of refreshing shall
come from the presence of the Lord;
and He shall send Jesus Christ, which
before was preached unto you, whom
the Heavens must retain until the
Times of Restitution of all things,
which God hath spoken by the month
of all the Holy. Prophets slnre the
world began." Acts ill, 10-21.
I exhort yon, brethren, in the words
of the Apostle Paul, "Let us fear, lest
a promise being left us of entering
into His rest, any of us should seem
to come short" (Hebrews lv. 1). If we
have been begotten by the Holy Spirit.
let us walk in harmony therewith. Let
us endure faithful.!' the necessary
trials and discipline, that we may be
perfect and entire, lacking nothing.
For If ye do these things, ye shall
never fall; for so an entrance shall be
ministered unto yon abundantly Into
the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord
nnd Savior, Jesus Christ." If Peter 1.
to. n.
You want to give a man
such a gift as he wants; and the best way to do it is
to come to this "man's" store. Here we specialize in
men's wear of the highest quality; and every man
knows it.
Any goods bought here that are not just what
are wanted may be returned at any time before or
after Christmas.
Beautiful House Coats and Bath Robes. Special
values $5, $G.50, 7 and $8.
Neckwear of every description; very large show
ing at 50c. Special values at 35c or 3 for S1.00.
Others as high as $1.00 each.
Interwoven Sox (4 pairs in a box) $1.00.
Great display of Manhattan and Eclipse shirts,
in the neat new pattern ' effects. Extraordinary val
ues at 51.25, S1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and S3.50.
Interwoven Silk Hosiery in black, tan, gray, red
and navy 50c nothing better at the price.
Adler's Gloves and Mittens, unlined, silk lined or
fur lined, $1.00 to $3.50.
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Open Evenings from December 12th to December 24th
Many a Plattsmouth Household
Will Find Them So.
To have the pains and aches of
a bad back removed to bo entire
ly free from annoying, dangerous
urinary disorders, is enough tr
make any kidney sufferer grateful.
The following advice of one who
has suffered will prove comfort
ing words to hundreds of Journal
Mrs. Hay Smith, 1000 Rock St.,
IMailsinuulli, Neb., says: "I know
that I loan's Kidney Pills are a
good kidney medicine. I have
seen I hem used in my own family
and I hey have always given relief.
A member of my household had
been suffering intensely from
lameness across the back and
could get no rest at night. Seeing
Doan's Kidney Pills advertised, we
got a supply and their use brought
relief. We always get Doan's
Pills at Ilynott's Drug Store. I
recommend them."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United Slates.
Ilemember I he name Doan's
and take no other.
Elks Have Fine Time.
From Saturday's Dally.
The Elks lodge of this city en
joyed a line social time at I heir
club rooms in the Coales' block
last evening, the chief feature of
which was a most delicious buf
fet luncheon. These social events
are the source of a great deal of
pleasure to the members and
bring nut a feeling of good fel
lowship among them.
A Dcs' Moines man had an at
tack of muscular rheumatism in
his shoulder. A friend advised
him lo go In Hot Springs. That
meant an expense of $150 or more
He sought for a quicker and
cheaper way to cure it and found
if in Chamberlain's Liniment.
Three days aflei- the first applica
tion of this liniment be was well.
For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co.
! The most useful gifts in the
world at Eastwood's.