The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 16, 1912, Image 7

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a Today and Continuing all Through the
The Greatest Bargains for the Careful
g A M M I o
g Month of December L-A Lzzi Lzzi Christmas Shopper g
Our sales in the past have been so successful that we have decided to give the people of Cass county the advantage
of securing some genuine bargains at the season of the year when they ought to be appreciated by the care-
oi securing some genuine Dargams at tne season 01 tne year wnen uiey ougnt to be appreciated by the care- &
K ful and shrewd Christmas shopper. For the balance of this month we offer the following articles.
Ladies7 and Men's Coats and Suits, Millinery Furnishing and Holiday Goods I
For Lady Shoppers
Ladies1 black broadcloth, chinchillas, caracules, sibelines
and mixtures in coats and suits, $15 to $30, O
during this clean-up sale at $7, $9, 12.00 . . . . M1U
Misses' coats in latest styles, with prices ranging from
9.00 to 15.00, during this clean-up sale Q 1 H
Children's coats from 1.75 to 5.00.
For Gentlemen Shoppers
at 5.00, 8.00 and
For Christmas Shoppers
Ladies' and Misses' fine furs will be sold during this
clean-up sale at astonishing prices.
Ladies' and Misses' fancy dresses worth 9.00 to 15.00,
will be sold during this clean-up sale at 5.75, 7.50, 9.75
We have just received a large line of Ladies' Silk Waists, from $2.98 up.
A large assortment of Ladies' fancy Aprons, from 25 cents up.
If you want to see a nice line of Flanne tte Kimonas from 98 cents up to
$2.25, worth $3.00, also in crepes, silk, at $4.75 to $5.75.
In Ladies' Handkerchiefs Linen and fancy, also ladies' silk hose, gloves
in golf and kid, for ladies and children. Bar pins, hat pins, Beauty pins,
lockets, Barrettes, Back Combs, fancy Comb, ties.
Umbrellas, Hand Bags, worth from $1 to $3, at 69c, $1.19 and $1.95.
Mesline, silks, scarfs, ribbons of all kinds; tailored waists; collars and all
kinds of beads; Sterling Silver thimbles. All those items will be sold during
this clean-up sale at a very low price.
Notice this picture, the Latest Improvement just
received. A new line of Madame Mae Corsets. This
corset is laced in front with a protector underneath
the front lace and it is absolutely guaranteed.
For good service and - first class form. This corset will be sold during this
I ft
i Mr
1'' 1 1
Men's Suits and Overcoats We carry
a line absolutely guaranteed to be all
wool, and unexcelled for service and
style, will be sold during this Holiday
Clean-up Sale, for
$10, $12.50, $15, $16.50, $18.50
These suits are well worth from $16.00 to $28.00.
From the above prices you can readily see that when
you purchase your goods here you are in a position to
save enough money to present gifts to all your family.
Such goods as the Cluett-Peabody Dress Shirts. The
Arrow brand collars. Silk Neckwear. Silk Handker
chiefs. Silk Hosiery. Silk Mufflers. Silk Umbrellas.
Suit Cases and Trunks.
Just Received A fine lot of Silk Lined Gloves, Sheep
Lined Gloves and Mittens, all of which will be included
in this sale at clean-up prices.
Boys Clothing
We have a large assortment of Boys Fine Suits and
Overcoats at the very lowest prices.
Men's and Boys Shoes.
If you want to save money buy them here at this sale.
ta&f As Mr. Jack Frost has made his appearance on our windows and
ruined our display, we cordially invite you to step inside and we
will show you around.
(, a )
bfyrighl, igit. A. B. Kirnkbaum'Ct
ciean-up Saie for $4.oo and $5.oo. Make This Store Your fL 'pim-c nr. Jri rr 1
Please bear m mind that this sale is For cash Headquarters for all VlllIolIIlao ullUpplIlg
Bear in Mind thai We Can and Do Clothe the Entire Family for Less Money than Elsewhere j
g Nebraska
Millinery Below Cost:
$5.00, $10.00 and $15.00 Hats will
be sold for $1.98, $2.98 and $4.98
Guaranteed 8
Values H
V. ZUCKER, Manager. Home Made Comforters. Call and See Them. S
Fanger's Eig Department Store
Local PJews
Nice am warm al the (iom
Steam heat.
Frank Gobelman, painting and
paper hanging. 4-9.
(Jeorge A. Kalfcnbcrger of Fight
Mile (lime was here Saturday al
fcnding lo si urn week-end shopping.
T. V. Vallery of tin: precinct
was in town Saturday afternoon
looking after some matters of
Mike Meisingcr was in the eily
Saturday afternoon, driving in
from his farm in Fight Mile Grove
C. F. Mefzger was in town Sat
urday, driving, in from his farm
mar Mvnard, In attend to some
1 usiness mat tecs.
Fd llughson of near I'nion was
in the eily Saturday afternoon
visiting with his friends and al-li-m'ing
to business mailers with
lli merchants.
KiI'.M) Stray iron grey mare,
t I he home of Myron Head, south
of I his city. The ow ner can have
same by calling for horse and pay
inir for notice ami keep.
The newest thing in stationery
correspondence cards, in plain,
gold and silver edges. You will
find a choice assortment of this
line at the Journal office. Re
member that if it's in the line of
paper, the Journal office is the
place to get it.
Herman Spies is headquarters
for all kinds of pipes. See his big
F. (.. W. Murray was in town
Saturday attending to some mat
ters of business.
Stoves of all kinds at, reduced
prices. See Eastwood.
Fritz Fricke returned this
morning from Omaha, where he
visited over Sunday with relatives.
V. II. II oi 1, wife and daughters,
Mamie and Helen, were in the city
S.iturday attending to the week
end shopping.
Miss Mildred Cook spent Sunday
here with her parents, returning
lo her duties at (ilenwood this
morning on No. fi.
A. I., and A. F. Todd, from west
of I he city, were in tow n Saturday
looking after some matters of
business for I he day.
Fi ed Kear, wile ami son, of
Alvo. who have been visiting at the
h ine of .1. M. .eker, returned to
llii'ir home yesterday afternoon.
(iuy (ioiili) returned this morn
ing from Lincoln, where he visit
ed ner Sunday. Mrs. Gould and
little .lanes returned Ibis afternoon.
Miss Muriel riarthoblL was a
Sunday visitor with her parents in
this city, returning to her duties
at Glenwood this morning on
No. fi.
Franco Ballance returned to
Glenwood this morning, after
spending Sunday her with his
father and mother, William Hal
lance and w ife.
Cleaning, Repairing, Pressing
and Dying done, on short notice al
the tailoring house of Yejvoda &
Kelcek, Leonard's New lHiikling.
Fred Yv'augh came down from
Omaha Saturday afternoon to visit
for a short lime with friends in
this eily.
Mrs. J. M. Johns returned Sat
urday from Red Oak, Iowa, where
she had been visit ing relat ives for
a short time.
Chris I'aikening drove in from
his farm Saturday and spent the
afternoon looking after business
matters in the city.
William Richardson and wife of
Mvnard were in the city Saturday
l icking after some business mat
ters for a few hours.
C. L. Wiles w as among I he
Tamer visitors in I In city Salur
iLiy, having some shopping to al
le!ii to w ilh the merchants.
Miss Minnie Gulhinan returned
Sa! unlay afternoon from Murdock,
vhcro she had been visiting her
1 ml her, Henry, for a short time.
Claude Fverelt drove up Satur
day afternoon from his farm near
I'nion and attended lo some mai
lers of business in this city for
a few hours.
Miss Hilda Hrinkman, who is
leaching at Greenwood, spent
Sunday here with her parents, re
turning to her school yesterday
Dance at German Home.
The German Turn-Yerein held
a very enjoyable dance Saturday
evening at I heir hall on Washing
ton avenue, which was well at
tended by a large and merry crowd
thai passed I he hours dancing to
the excellent music furnished by
I he M. V. A. orchestra, who gave
several of Ihe latest offerings in
I he line of dance music.
Masked Ball January 18.
The Katolicky Sokol society of
this city have made arrangements
lo hold their second annual grand
mask ball at their hall on West
Locust street on the evening of
Saturday, January 18. Ml 13. Se.
veral excellent prizes will be given
for Ihe different costumes, which
will be announced later. The best
of music has been secured and a
royal good time is assurred o all
those attending Ibis enjoyable
Have you seen the excellent line See Ihe Holiday line of sla
nt' holiday gift, stationery al the lionery at Ihe Journal olllce.
Journal olllce? We have just what
vou are looking for in all lines. Basket ball Friday, December
The prices are just right, too. 20, P. H. S. V3. Nob. City High.
mi .d .m i .
Useful Christmas Gifts
Do Not Delay
In placing your Xnias orders for
holographs. About the last, week
before Christmas we hear wails
from lost souls "procrastinating
parlies" who failed to take lime
by the marcel wave. Order now
and save your tears, fears, doubts,
goosedesh and heartburn. Old
pictures copied and enlarged.
Tailor-made suits, built to
you, any style, from $25.00 up.
Yejvoda & Kalcek,
When ordering flour ask .your
grocer to send you a sack of
Forest Rose Flour the best flour
Buy your fancy stationery at
the Journal office.
In making your selections this Christmas
allow us to help you hy suggesting a pair of
stout shoes for "little sister," a gymnasium
shoe for "big brother," a soft pair of felt slip
pers for dear old grandmother, a pair of
cushion sole shoes for daddy, a pair of col
ored slippers for grown up sister, a pair of
soft leather slippers for grandaddy, and then
there is the best woman in the world -the
mother no one will forget her; perhaps she
may want a pair of dress-up-boots or a pair
of boudoir slippers; she ought to have both
kinds. Come in and see the splendid assort
ment of shoes and slippers we have this
season. Useful Christmas gifts will be appreciated.
Fetzer's Shoe Store