a q o o j The Honor -of- the 1 sv4s'a PROLOGUE. Up in the "Big Snows," near the dome of the earth, lies the scene of this story of real men and real women, who have all of the virtues of their hardening en vironment and few of the failings of their more civilised relatives. This is a tale for reading when one is tired of the artificialities of civilisation or at any other time when a good story is appre ciated. You will find in it ro mance and adventure and mystery mixed in such skillful manner and in uch proportion that no ingre dient interferes with another. Yet ail go to make fine reading for women who like to hear of brave deeds and sacrifice for love's sake and for men with even a drop of the spirit of adventure in their veins. And one thing more the author has lived among the people whose lives he de scribes, and he knows how to tell a story. CHAPTER XIV. Temptation. ' I IIE dogs were sitting upon their I haunches waiting when Jan and Kazan went back to them. Over a fire Jan hung his cof fee pail and a big chunk of frozen cari bou meat and tossed frozen fish to the hungry dogs. With, his sickness, his deathly feel ing cf loneliness and heartache, there had entered into Jan now a strange sensation that was almost excitement an eagerness to fasten the dogs In their traces, to hurry on in spite of hl3 exhaustion to that place which Thorn ton had told him of Prince Albert and to free himself there for all time of the thing which had oppressed him shice that night many years ago when he had staggered into Lac Bain to play his violin as Cummins' wife died. He reached Inside his skin coat, and there - he felt papers which he had taken from the hole in the lob stjck tree. They were safe. For twenty years he had guarded them. Tomorrow he would take them to the great company at Trlnce Albert And after that aft er he had done this thing, what would there remain in life for Jan Thoreau? Terhaps the company might take him. and he would remain in civilization. That would be best for him. He would fight against the call of his for ests as years and years ago ho had fought against that call of the other world that had Oiled him with unrest for a time. He had killed that. If he did return to his forest he would go far to the west or far to tho east. No one that had ever known him would aear again of Jan Thoreau. Kazau had crept to his blanket, dar ing to encroach upon it inch by Inch until his great wolf head lay upon Jan's arm. It was ten years ago that Jau had taken Kazan, a little half blind puppy that he and Melisse had choseu from a litter of half a dozen stronger brothers and sisters. Kazan was all that was left to him now. He loved the other dogs, but they were not like Kazan. He tightened his arm about the dog's head. Exhaustion and the warmth of the Ore made him drowsy, and after a time he slept, with his head throwu back against the tree. Something awoke him hours after ward. He opened his eyes and found that the Arc was still burning bright ly. On the far side of It beyond the dog sat Thornton. A look at the sky, where the stars were dying, and Jan knew that it was just before tho gray break of dawn. Ho sat upright. Thornton laughed softly at him and puffed out clouds of smoke from his pipe. "You were freezing," he said as Jan utared, "and sleeping like a dead man. I waited for you back there and then huuted you up. You know, I thought" He hesitated and knocked the ash from his pipe bowl. Then ho looked frankly and squarely at Jan. "See here, old man. if you're hard up had trouble of any sort bad luck got no money won't you let mo help you out?" "Thank you, m'sicur; I have money," aid Jan. "I prefer to sleep outside with the dogs. I guess I would have been stiff with tho frost if you had not come. You have been here all night?" Thornton nodded. "And It Is morning!" exclaimed Jan, rising and looking above the spruce tops. "You are kind, m'sicur. 1 wish I might do ns much for you." "You can," said Thornton quietly. "Where are you going from here?" "To the company's olllces at Trlnce Albert. We will start within an hour." "Will you take mo with you?" Thornton asked. "With pleasure!" cried Jan. "But It will bo a hard Journey, m'sleur. I must hurry, and you may not be ac customed to running behind the dogs." Thornton rose and stretched out a hand. "It en n't bo too hard for me," he said. "I wish"- CoDurlaut, 1911. bu the Bobbs Merrill Co. -o He stopped, and something in his low voice made Jan look straight into his eyes. Then he turned to his pnek upon the sledge. "I've got meat and coffee and hard biscuits," he said. "Will you have breakfast with me?" It was early afternoon of the fourth day later when Jan and Thornton reached Trlnce Albeit. "We will go to the offlees of tho great company." said Jan. "We will lose no time." It was Thornton now who guided him to the century old building at the west edge of the town. It was Thorn ton who led him into an office filled mostly with young women, who were laboring at clicking ninehines, and it; was Thornton who presented a square bit of white card to a gray haired man at a desk, who. after readiug it. rose from his chair, bowed and shook hands with him. And n few moments later a door opened, and Jan Thoreau alone passed through it, his heart quivering, his, breath choking him. his hand clutching nt the papers in his breast pocket Outside Thornton waited. An hour passed and still the door did not re open. The man at the desk glanced curiously at Thornton. Two girls at typewriters exchanged whispered opin ions as to who might be this wild look ing creature from the north who was taking up an hour of the subcoinmls sinner's time. Nearly two hours pass. sed before Jan appeared. Thornton, still patient, rose ns the door opened. Ills eves first encountered the staring face of the subconnnissioner, Then Jan came out. He had aged five years in two, hours. There was a tired stoop to his shoulders, a strange pallor In bis cheeks. To Thornton bis thin face seemed to have grown thinner. Willi bowed head, looking nowhere but ahead of him. Jan passed on, and as the last door opened to let them out into the pale winter sun Thornton heard the mutlled sobbing of his breath. His fingers gripped Jan's arm. Ills eyes were blazing. "If you're getting the wrong end of anything up there," he cried fiercely: "If you're In trouble, and they're tak ing the Mood out of you. tell me. and I'll put the clamps on 'em! They'll bui-k the devil wIumi they buck Jack Thornton, tun If it needs money to show 'cm so I've got half a million to teach 'em the game!" "Thanks, m'sleur." struggled Jan, striving to keep a lump out of his throat "It's nothing like that I don't need money. Half a million would Just about buy what I've given away up there." He clutched his hand for an Instant to the empty pocket where the papers had been. That night, leaving Thornton still nt supper In the little old Windsor hotel, Jan slipped away and, with Kazan at his heels, crossed tho frozen Saskatch ewan to the spruce forest on tho north shore. He wanted to be nlone to think, to fight with himself against a desire which was almost overpowering him. Once, long tigo. ho had laid his soul bare to Jean do Gravols, and Jean had given him comfort. Tonight lie longed to go to Thornton as he had gone to Jean and to tell him tho same story and what had passed that day in the olllce of the subcommlssiom r. In his heart there had grown something for Thornton that was stronger than friend ship something that would havo made him tight for him and die for him as he would have fought and died for .lean de Gravols. It was a feeling ce meuted by a belief that something was troubling Thornton; that he, too, was filled with a loneliness and a grief which he was trying to conceal. And yet ho fought to restrain himself from confiding In his new friend. It would do no good, he knew, except by reliev ing him of n part of his mental burden. A week It might be ten days, the subeommlssloner had told him and it would be over. Lights were out, und peoplo were In bed when ho and Kazan returned to the hotel, but Thornton was up, sitting by himself In the gloom, as Jj.i.LimiLfltt'J'iLlM'U aJJ.e.Tasv Jan Bio Snows AeAit IF "Tte mot Trail" sat down beside hltu. There' was an uneasy tremor In Thornton's voice when he said: "Jan, did you ever love a woman love her until you were ready and will ig to die for her?" The suddenness of the question wrung the truth from Jan's lips in a low, chok ing voice. For an Instant he thought that Thornton must have guessed his secret. "Yes, m'sleur." Thornton leaned toward him, grip ping his knees, aud the misery In his face was deeper than Jan had ever seen it before. "I love a woman like that," he went on "tensely.. "A girl not a woman, and she is one of your people, Jan of the north, as innocent as a flower, more beautiful to me than han nil the wo men I have ever seen before. She Is at Oxford nouse. I am golug home U to save myself." "Save yourself!" cried Jan. "Does she not love you?" "She would follow me to the end of the earth!" "Then"- Thorntou straightened himself and wiped his pale face. Suddenly ho rose to his feet and motioned for Jt.i to fol low him. Ho walked 6wiftly out into the night nnd still faster after that un til they passed beyond the town. From where he stepped they could look over the forests far into the pale light oi the south. "That's holl for me!" said Thornton pointing. "It's what we cnll civiliza tion but it's mostly hell! I wish to God I could stay here always!" "You love her." breathed Jan. "You can stay." "I can't," groaned Thornton. "I can't unless" "What, m'sleur?" "Unless I lose everything but her." Jan's fingers trembled as they sought Thornton's hand. "And everything is is nothing when you give it for love nnd happiness." he urged. "Tho great God, I know" "Everything," cried Thornton. "Don't you understand? I said everything!" Ho turned nlmost fiercely upon his companion. "I'd give up my name for her. I'd bury myself back there In the forests and never go out of them for her. I'd give up fortune, friends, lose myself forever for her. But I can't. Good God. don't you under stand?" Jan stared. His eyes grew large and dark. "I've spent ten years of worse than hell down there with a woman." went on Thornton. "It happens among us frequently, this sort of hell. I came up here to get out of It for a time. You know now. There is a woman down there who who is my wife. She would be glad If I never returned, si . j i. . ........ i nappy now much i uui unj, I nnd I hnve wen nanny for a time, i know what love is. I have felt It. I have lived it. God forgive me. but I am nlmost tempted to go back to her!" He stopped at the change which had come In Jan, who stood ns straight and as still as the blank spruce be hind them, with only his eyes show ing that there was life in him. Those eyes held Thornton's. They burned upon him through the gray gloom ns he had never seen human eyes burn before. He waited, half startled, and Jan spoke. In his voice '.!cre was nothing of that which Thornton saw In his eyes. It was low and soft. and. though ij had thnt which rang like steel. Thorn ton could not hnve understood or foar- j d It more. "M'sleur, how far have you gone- wit h her?" Thornton understood and advanced with his hands reaching out to Jan. "Only ns fnr as one might go with the purest thing on earth," ho said. "I have sinned in loving her and in let ting her love me, but thnt Is all. Jan Thorenu. I swear that Is all!" "And you are going back Into the BOUth?" "Yes, I am going back Into the south." The next day Thornton did not go. He made no sign of going on the sec ond day. So it was with the third, the fourth and the fifth. On each of these days Jan went once, In the after noon, to the office of the subcommls sloner, and Thornton always accompa nied him. At times when Jan was not looking there was a hungry light in his eyes as ho followed tho other's move ments, and once or twice Jan caught what was left of this look when ho turned unexpectedly. Ho knew whnt was In Thornton's mind, and ho pitied him, grieved with him In his own henrt until his own secret nlmost wrung It self from his lips. The ninth day was the last day for Jan Thorei'ti. In a dazed sort of way ho listened ns tho subcommlssloner told him thnt the work was ended. They shook hands. It was dark when Jan came out from the company's of fices, dark with a pnle gloom through which the stars were beginning to glow with a ghostly gloom, lightened still more in.thn north with the rising fires of the northern lights. Alone Jan stood for a few moments closo down to the river. Across from ldui was the for est, silent, black, reaching to the end of the earth, and over It, Hko a signal light, beckoning blm back to his world, the aurora, s.c:it out.lts. shafts. of red and goitT" An3 'asnre''flsTehed'tFer came to him faintly distant walling sound that he knew was the voice from thnt world, and at the sound the hair rose along Kazan's spine, and he whined deep down in his throat. Jan's breath grew quicker, his blood wnrnier. Over there across the river his world was calling to him, and he, Jan Tho reau, was now free to go. This very night he would bury himself In the for est again and when he lay down to sloop It would be with his beloved stars above lil in. and the winds whispering sympathy and brotherhood to him In the spruce tops. Ho would go now. He would say goodhy to Thornton and go. He found himself running, and Ka zan ran beside him. lie was breath less when he came to the one lighted Street of the town. He hurried to the hotel and found Thornton sitting where he had left him. "u is enuea, nrsieur, . no criea in a low Tolce. "It is over and I am going. I am going tonight." Thornton rose. "Tonight." he re peated. "Yes, tonight now. I am golug to pick up my things. Will you come?" He went ahead of Thornton to the bare little room In which he had slept while at the hotel. He did not notice the change In Thornton until he had lighted m lamp. Thornton was look ing nt him doggedly. There was as unpleasant look to his face. "And I I, too, am going tonight," he said. "Into the south, m'sleur?" "No; into the north." There was a fierceness In Thornton's emphasis. He stood opposite Jan, leaning over tho ta ble on which the light was placed. "I've broken loose," he went on. "Tin not golug south, back to thnt hell of mine. I'm never going south ngalu. I'm dead down there dead for all time. They'll never hear of mo again. They can have my fortune, everything. I'm going north. I'm going to live with you people aud God and her!" Jan sank into a chair; Thornton sat down in one across from him. "I am going back to her," he repeat ed. "No one will ever know." He could not account for the look in Jan's eyes nor for the nervous twitch ing of the lithe brown hands thnt reached half across the table. Thorn ton would never know that Jan's fin gers twitched for an Instant in their old mad desire to leap at a human throat. "You will not do that," .he said quietly. "Yes, 1 will," replied Thorutou. "I have made up my mind. Nothing cnu stop me but death." "I will stop you," said Jan. rising also, "and I am not death." He went to Thornton and placed his two hands upou his shoulders, and In his eyes there glowed now that gentle light which had made Thorutou love him as he had loved no other man on earth. "M'sicur, 1 will slop you," he said again, speaking ns though to n brother. "Sit down. I am going to tell you something, and when I have told you this you will take my hand, and you will say. Man Thoreau, I thank the great God that something like this has happened before and that it has come to my ears in time to save the one I love.' Sit down, m'sleur." i Continued.' i You will II ml that, druggists everywhere xpoak well of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. They know from long experience in the sale of it that in cases of coughs and colds it can always be depend ed upon, and that it, is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by F. C. Fricke Jfe Co. She would like a nice We have them all Sizes, all Prices and all Kinds from $1,25 Up to $26.00 i Local Howg from Wednesday Daily. Will Rummel was in the city yesterday afternoon attending to some trading with the merchants. Clarence ami Albert Cottier were passengers this a ft onion for Om aha where they visited for a' few hours. V. A. I.aughlin of (ireonwood was in (lie city yesterday looking alter some business matters at the court house. J. V. Holmes ami family motor ed to (his city (his afternoon from their home at Murray to at tend to business matters. Charles Miller, the sturdy (ior inan farmer from south of the city relurned this afternoon from Omaha, where lie has been for a few days attending to some busi ness matters. J. F. Wcherhein ami wife de parted this afternoon for Newman drove, Neli., to attend the funeral of rs. Weherbein's sister, Mrs. Rose Jensen, which will be held there tomorrow. Dr. (5. II. (Jilniore of Murray was a passenger this afternoon for Omaha where ho was called on business matters. Mrs. Oil more and Mrs. J. A. Walker ac companied the doctor lo the city. Mrs. Walker departs tomorrow lor enlucky and Tennessee for a pleasure trip. From Friday's Dally. i-narios uinrn ami wile were among the Omaha visitors today, going to that city on No. l.r Ibis morning. James Holmes ami wife of Mur ray were in the cily today attend ing to some business matters for a short time, W. (i. ltoedckcr came up from Murray last evening in his line automobile to look after some matters of business. Mrs. Luke Wiles and Miss Ursula Maimer were Omaha visit ors today, where they alt ended to some business matters. I,. 1. llialt, the Murray merch ant, was a passenger on No. 23 Ibis afternoon for Omaha to al end to business matters. I'-eii Heckinan of near Murray was in the cily this afternoon al- Icnding In some mailers of busi ness wil h I lie merchaul s. John Rotter and wife departed this afternoon for Omaha in re sponse to j message announcing I lie illness of I heir grandson. CharlejValleiy and sister, Mrs. Tom Tilson, of near Murray, were passengers this morning on No. 15 for Omaha lo look afler busi ness matters. J. I.. Smiln and daughlor-iu-law, Mrs. Herman Smith, drove up from their farm near Nehawka this morning and were passeng ers for ( linaha. Mrs. lterlha Ooulhelt ami daughter. I'.ililli, oT Osceola, Iowa, who base been" here visiting the Morgans for a shorl lime, depart ed this morning for their home. l II. .Meisinger, one of the re liable fanners of the county, drove in this morning from his farm in F.khl Mile drove lo at tend to Mime business mailers. RUG for hrisf mias. M. Joarnett, one of the pros perous ynung farmers of near Nehawka, was in the city yester day doing some trading with the local merchants. We are glad to see the farmers of that section come lo IMaltsmotith to trade, as they will find the merchants here sell goods cheaper than else where. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are excelelnt. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. "Am I using Red Cross Christ mas Seals?" reiterated a good natured old cobbler as he looked up from the shoe he was repair ing to I he person w ho stood block ing the doorway of the little shop, anil who had asked the questipn originally. "I don'l know' of them. What are they for?" he asked. When told I hat the little stick ers were being sold all over the United Slates lo raise money to prevent tuberculosis, the cobbler became very much interested. "Now, I cull that a good cause," he drawled. " can't afford many because I don't get very much work away out here in Ibis end of town, but you can leave me leu of lliem. "No, I don'l wrile any letters and I don't send any CUrislmas packages. There's just ine and the old woman left. I can't use 1 1 1 seals that way, but I'll tell yon how I can use them. I will stick a seal on the side of every shoe I lap!" GOAL and FUSE) We are now handling a complete line of coal. Call and let us quote you prices for your fall and winter coal. We handle wheat, oats, corn and chop of all kinds. Ind. Telephone 297 Nelson Jean & Go, $m$tt ;