The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 16, 1912, Image 4

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    -The Plattsmouth Journal
t 1 fc&llshelSeal-fttklyit Plitlssoihl, Netraski CZD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas
IIav ou done it yet?
ln it right now.
If not,
Who'll lie thi; new post mailer
:i! Amapi'keir
Now is (lie lime for all good
Santa Clauses lo (rot busy.
A safe and sane Christinas is
promoted by parly shopping.
The eold storage egg trust
wouldn't work its shell game on
the people this time.
The Journal for the next two
Nveeks will be a pretty good index
of the bargain counters in IMatts
mouth. :o:
Only two more weeks till Santa
Claus will he with us in great
slyle. Remember the poor chil
dren of l'latlsinouth.
The di'inocials will have ten
majority in the legislature on
joint panoi, vuiirii is gonu enmigu
f ir all prael ieal purposes.
It i plenty of lime to go else
where to do your Christmas shop
ping when you can't find what you
want in the home stores.
Sometime Mr. Carnegie must
feel provoked enoiiL'h a to lie al
inost tempted lo let the country
die pi"r in-lead of himself.
:o :
Sin f the big Kuropean
pi i we r speak of themselves as
peacemakers. Their increaiu
army and navy Inidu'els doii'l ex
actly look it.
The only institution greater
than a page ad is a two-page ad.
Are you thinking about that
good resolution
adopt for 11M3?
you intend to
No package is too big to carry
the Christmas Seal and none too
small to be without one.
What is an armistice All
Kurope is looking up the word
and finds the dictionaries de
fective. :o:
What really troubles a presi
dent is not the March storm on
inauguration day, so much as the
fierce storm of office-seekers be
fore and after that date.
The wife of (ienernl Sickles has
saved her husband from his
creditors, but she cannot save
him from the old reaper, who is
coming along with his sickle.
Nebraska keeps ahead on every
thing'. She now can boast of a
champion prize-fighter Luther
McCarthy, who whipped Jim
McCarthy is from O.Neill,
Only nin little shopping days
Now is the time to get it while
gettin's good.
Christmas trees and Christmas
slickers are here, and there's no
excuse for further delay.
This is the season when the
cost of giving is apt lo be a bigger
problem than the cost of living.
Send your Christmas presents
now and save the postmaster and
his assistants an awful lul of
oxl ra work.
No gold lace and glittering
swords, pompoiiss colonels will
mark the induction of (iovernor
Morehead. Simplicity will reign
supreme in I he inaugural cere
monies, :o :
I'.very wife, every husband.
every daughter and every young
man who is thinking of getting
married should see "Bought and
I'aid For" at the I'armele theater
The Japanese are now eating
beef -(i thai the) can grow tall. If
I hey do iiil actually grow tall,
they will at least become associat
ed with tall prices.
:o : :
A sulTragelle threw her shoe at
a magistrate down in Kansas. The
earnestness of a woman who
Ihrew her sole into the cause she
talking' for cannot be qnes
I h'tied.
Women are cheerfully acting
on the advice to do I hoi r Chrisl-
mas snooping early. nut. as
sua!, they will do most of their
buying in Hie mad scramble of tin
osing days, when the men
start in
M i'. Carnegie is said to have
The first all-woman jury in
Kansas began its deliberations
with prayer. This is a decided
improvement over a game of
scveruup, a some all-man juries
have. done.
The vigor with which the holi-
lay trade will lireak loose in
I'latlsmoul h next week will be a
wonder. lion't wait, you folks
who believe in doing your Christ
mas shopping early.
:o :
The holiday season shouldii t
lie a eold-blooded season, but out
of good fellowship and good cheer
Keep that idea in mind and try
yourself lo make Hie joyful season
one that all around you can fee
Hie good cheer.
It is reported that a stale-wide
crusade is to lie begun against
dealers for selling cigarettes. It
i", stated that prosecutions are to
be commenced on dealers general
ly who sell cigarettes and tobacco
in any form lo boys under 18
years of age. I,e it come as soon
as possible.
at unlay night.
Oovernor.elecl Morehead Js
his home in fall City looking
over upplical ion for appoint
ments lo be given out by him in a
few weeks. It is a sure thing
that the applicants who visit him
in person, unsolicited, will not
fare as well as some of those who
remain away ami let the governor
nee his own judgment in regard to
Mich matters.
lanned a final gifl of $475,000,-
niMI through his idiilanlhronie
irusiccs. i ins is aiioul llie size
of Uncle Sam's investment in the
anama canal, which also sug
gests peace on earl I), good w ill to
1'here are 1 '. inmates of the
ee insane hospitals in Ne
braska, not to mention the manv
who are housed in county jails
am! provide saniloiims because
llie slale has not been able to
build fast enough to provide room
for all. Lincoln Star.
The harvester trust, which is
being conv icted in court of having
bribed legislators in Kansas,
North Dakota and other stales, is
Hie same harvester trust of. which
Mr. Perkins, who stands at Amag
edden is director and the chair
man of its finance committee,
The Omaha Trade Exhibit never
made a more truthful assertion
than this: "The merchant who
doesn't carry Christmas presents
in stock good enough for his own
family lo send can't blame the
rest of Die people of his com
munity if Ihey also feel superior
lo hi goods."
The biggest damper
If President-elect Wilson
proves as good a winner as Taft
a loser, llie country is safe and
the people should be happy.
Somebody remarks that what is
wanted in the egg market is some
means of taking age out of stor
age. Or of taking old out of cold.
Or, better still, of taking greed out
of middlemen.
The New York World believes
that presidents should go into
office on the first Monday in De
cember. Hut wouldn't that be
taking snap judgment on the
California reluming boards?
The commercial club has made
an excellent record for the sea
son of 1012. Now let everyone
interested in the continuation of
llie good work resolve to do more
to help the chili do belter in 191. 'I.
If President Taft insists on
making appointments at this late
hour of hi administration, Hie
democrats should vole against
coonfirmation. That's the way the
republicans would do with demo
cratic appointments.
The Nebraska hull inoosers. or
progressive, as they have chosen
lo call themselves, have declared
that, they will not fuse with Hie
republicans again. II would be
heller for them to wait until 'asked
by I he republicans for a fusion.
The lale university should be
removed out of the city limits, un
less the people of Lincoln put up
money enough to extend the
limit s of ils present location.
Lincoln wants everything in sight,
but they don'l waul lo put up the
money to secure what Ihey waul.
Make it a good Christmas by
Who will be speaker of the new'
house of representatives of Ne
braska? ..There seems to be
plenty of candidates. But very
few of them are old members of
the house. The responsibilities
are great, and the one selected to
till the position should be one of
firmness and who knows how to
wield the gavel.
iov crnor-elcrl Hodges of Kan
sas is imi slow in lelting it be
known that the democrats, hav
ing won in I hat slale, Ihey are go
ing to gel the offices, especially
those in which he has the say-so.
"To the victors belong the
spoils!-' And this should hold good
in every state where the demo
crats have been victorious.
"Bought and Paid For" is a
play containing a fine lesson to
young married people and will
prove of much interest to those
who contemplate matrimony. It
is, indeed, the greatest play of the
age. Those who fail to see
"Bought and I'aid For" at the
I'armele. theater tomorrow night
will regret it all their lives.
Those who are thinking of
"turning over a new leaf" on the
last day of the old year, should be
Ihiiiking pretty hard in that di
rection. Not many days unlil the
dawn of the new year, and there
nre many new leaves you can turn
over in the old hook that should
he taken seriously al heart by
many in Plattsmoul h. There are
very few exceptions.
:o :
There is talk of passing a law
Ibis winter by the Kansas legis
lature that will recjuire a jury lo
be made mi either of men or wom
en exclusively. The argument is
made that it will be impracticable
lo have a mixed jury in a hard
fmighl case where Hie jury inighl
be locked up for I wo or three days
in an effort lo reach a verdict.
Many men declare Ihey will imt
permit Iheir wives to serve on
such juries. In order In min
imize the number of family jars lo
llie limit llie proposal law is be
ing considered very seriously.
Are you in doubt a.s to
what to choose for the
Christmas Gift for
relative or friend?
A visit to our store will suggest at once
many useful and fitting articles. Many
are solving this question by selections
from our extensive line of Watches,
Jewelry, Diamond Rings, Cut Glass
Silverware, Sterling Silver, Novelties,
Toilet Sets, etc. No charge for engraving
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Attention, Farmers!
My Dear Farmer Have you your
own farm or are you renting? I
have land in Minnesota, cut over
timber, from $10 to $15 per acre.
One-third cash, balance at 6 per
cent. I have good, smooth land
in Stevens county, Minnesota,
from 8 45 to $65 per acre. This
land is sold direct from the own
cf of the land. No land company
in this deal. I also handle the
best land in eastern Oklahoma.
Corn runs from sixty to seventy
bushels to the acre. Now if you
want land try me and see. I deal
with no agent. If you come with
an agent you must pay him your
self. Write or call,
Henry Ilummels,
1 121 North 26th St.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Farm for Stale.
135-acre farm, four miles from
town, between 50 and CO acres
under plow, 7 acres hay land, bal
ance pasture. Running water.
Seven-room house and other im
provements. Inquire at the office of Ravvls
.v Itoberlson. 10-10-tf-vkly
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire fo pay iheir subscriptions
in wood are requested to bring it
in before the roads get bad, as
we desire to place it in the dry.
Come in with it. hoys, right away.
Bought and Sold
insurance Placed in Best
Farm Loans and Rental Agency
Virgil Uullis
Wilkinson & Hall
Drives Off a Terror.
The chief executioner of death
in llie winter and spring months
ii . .. i. ,..,i
are colds and grip. In anv attack Th.e ho,d'ng ?f successful sales is
bv one of these maladies no time 0UJ hne- .ur interests are with the
should be lost in taking the best seller when it comes to getting every
medicine obtainable lo drive jt 01iar your property is worm, ror
off. Countless thousands have
found this to be Dr. King's New
Discovery. "My husband believes
il has kepi him from having pneu
monia three or four times,"
writes Mrs. George W Place,
Rawsonville, VI., "and for coughs,
colds and croup we have never
found its equal." Guaranteed for
all bronchial affections. Price
50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle
free al F. ft. Fricke & Co.
open dates addiess or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at f.he Journal office.
Watch for our Xmas ad. You
will stay at home and buy at Eastwood's.
on any
town is people who pretend to
have some pride in Hie building
up and the prosperity in the town
they have chosen lo make their
home and going out of town lo do
Iheir Christ mas shopping. The
man who has the least interest in
his town will not do it.
remembering, in addition to the
rest, someone more tin fori umtl e,
ill or lonely. Help those who are j
unable to help themselves. This
is the way to exercise the true
Christian spirit, and I he proper
hour is during the Christmas
IT Hie siilVragelles of this
ounlry are to enjoy the ex
periences of I heir, sisters in Eng
land are enjoying, Ihey had bel
ter nol make any further attempt
lo Iry lo control politics in
America. The suffragettes in the
old country are having what some
I oriii it, "one h I of a lime!"
:o: .
In the Heath of O. C. Morton
Nebraska City loses one of its
most enterprising citizens. He
was one of the city's most ener
getic citizens always having an
eye lo the best interests and to
ils upbuilding. He was an inces
sant worker, a thorough-going
business man, and his dealh will
be greatly fell' by the business in
terests of Nebraska City in gen
eral. :o:
After many years of wailing on
official favor, Saul a Clans has now
gained the formal recognition of
of the jiostolllce department and
hereafter will receive his mail
along with the rest of us. Why
the genial old fellow who never
did anv body any harm, but whose
long life has been a general
benediction should have been de
nied I he use of the post al servico
could never he understood
especially by (he youngsters.
l!udnute f
the two best and oldest
manufacturers in theU. S.
Our new stock has just ar
rived. Better take a look
now and get your first choice
10c to $5.00
Manicure Sets
Traveling Cases
for ladies and gentlemen of
Ebony, Rosewood
and genuine
nil made very compact
and of the latest design
$1.00 lo $9.50
10c to $5 per box
Our this year's stock of gift stationery,
has never been excelled in the city. We'
give you the best for less money.
All Kinds!
All Sizes!
All Prices!
for men who KNOW!
Special attention given
to lady purchasers
You could not find auy
better if you looked over the
United States.
Our Holiday Boxes
are excellent
60c -Fenway's
Chocolates -60c
3 XMAS c
beals, Kibbons, and in fact everything to make your gifts more attraction. WeJ
sell only Dennison's because they are the best. 0! Yes! Red Cross Stamps too lc