The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 16, 1912, Image 1
NcD SI ale Uisj ttamoutb Joucn VOLUME XXXI. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1912. NO. 103. be UllEAIESS FELT ACROSS m The Old Missouri May Cut Away More Land Above Folsom Station. From Friday's Dally. The treacherous oid Missouri river, which caused so much ex pense and trouble to the Burling ton railroad and tho residents uar Folsom, just across the river i Iowa, is aagin creating some uneasiness among those residing there, as it is feared that the river is undermining the "made land" above Folsom, and that as a result it will slice away its eastern bank during the spring rise and cut in buhind the two miles of riprap ping done by the railroad and the government, which cost nearly $300,000. The Glenwood Tribune kas the following to say concern ing the matter: The riprapping, begun where tke river made its savago attack ou the Mills county bank, just be low Folsom, last summer, has been extended down the hank of the river for one and three fourths miles. The mails of wil lows and wire are eighty-seven feet wide and are sunk in the river along the bank with carloads of rock until the bank has almost the strength of a bank of rock. There are 79(5,880 square feet of the rock-paved riprapping now pro tecting the Mills county shore of the river immediately below Fol som. The protection has cost the railroad company and I he govern ment about $280,000, .$12,000 of which has already been paid by Ihe government. The greater part of that total was spent by the rail road company in May and June of last summer; when such a light was made to keep the current from undermining the tracks. Since the river has fallen to a low water level the work has progress ed rapidly and at a lower cost. The danger of an attack from above Folsom was first noticed last week. Government engineers aud engineers from the Burling ton headquarters al SI. Joseph were immediately summoned and came lo look the situation over. It was found I hat the current had set in stronger against the west ern side jusl above Folsom and had already started culling. The ice How in I he river had helped in I he culling, I he large cakes bump ing into lh. bank and carrying away huge pieces. During the last week I he ice llow has been heavier and I he damage lo Gie bank has been more noticeable. Iliver men told I he engineers that a gumbo point of la ml on the Nebraska side was veering the current Inward iliis side and causing I he trouble. The point caused trouble years ago, when I lie railroad company put in a line of riprapping to protect the land between their I racks and the river. Tho current, changed by Ihe new riprapping, lias whittled away the sandbar on the Nebraska side un til it struck Ihe gumbo point again. It did not si l ike as low down this time, but set in against Ihe bunk above the old riprapping and threatens to cut in behind I hat protection. If the river got a start at thai point it would come in behind the old riprapping ami attack Ihe rail road tracks just above Folsom. The danger that il would cut in Inward Pacilic .Juiu1! in:-,, destroy ing thai town and thousands of dollars worlh of trackage ami leave Ihe l'lal I smoiil h hridge'high and dry would be increased, as the river would hae a si art above Ihe protected point. Several of Ihe engineers were inclined lo scoff al danger f null the river at Ihe point unhealed. Several more experienced men at Ihe site also expressed I heir iloubl as lo danger from the river there. Itut others of the author ities, who had gained I heir knowl edge of Ihe treacherous stream by bitter experience, laid stress on the danger threatened and are doing- everything to get the point protected. They say you can never bi sure just what tho stream will d'i. next and are ready to cite a umnber of experiences as authority. Funeral of Frank Severin. From Friday's Dally. The funeral of the lute Frank Severin will be held here Sunday afternoon, December 15. The body will arrive at 1:15 from Omaha over the Hurlington and will he taken to the. Holy Rosary church, where funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock and the interment made in Oak Hill cemetery. L! L Some Mall Order Houses Are Legitimate, While Others Are Biggest Frauds on Earth. from Friday'! Dally. Some of the trade papers have been discussing the question as to whether mail order competition is legitimate. That depends on the kind of mail order competition. Some kinds of mail order business is fraudulant. They depend on absolute swindling for success. Other kinds of mail order busi ness is rbsolulely legitimate. Just because goods are offered by mail does not brand the busi ness as legitimate. It depends on how they are offered. We venture to say there are some mail order houses which are doing about as honest a business as (lie average merchant. They are selling goods for what they really are, and are not making any false statements. There are other mail order houses which by shrewd use of words and black type aj'e able lo mislead without making any statements which are positively false. They are able to induce the customer lo take an inferior ar ticle under Ihe impression (hat he is getting a superior article. That kind of competition is illegitimate, no matter how much the mail order concern may brag about its honesty and integrity. The great (rouble with the mail order business is I hat it has seemed lo run to Ibis excessively "clever" kind of advertising which misleads and deceives without making any statements which can be absolutely branded as false, or any claims which can be held up as fraudulant. Merchants Jour nal. A NUMBER POISDNED FROM EATING ERIGK CHEESE From Friday's Dally. The home of John Lohnes, near Cedar Creek, was the scene of what came near being a wholesale poisoning Wednesday afternoon, as a result of some brick cheese which had been eaten by the fam ily and neighbors who had gather ed to assist in butchering that day. There were about len persons in Ihe parly, and all of Ihem were affected by Ihe poisoning and one of Ihe parly, a young son of Coon Meisinger, was in very bad shape for several hours as a result of the poisoning, aud il required constant attention lo bring him out of the sickness. As soon as Ihe double was discovered medi cal attention was summoned and the victims were attended to. It is supposed thai Ihe cheese had become spoiled in some way, wilh very disastrous effects ,, those ealing it. Death at Manley. From Frlduy'H Dully. 1 The Journal is very sorry to chronicle Iln death vesterday at his home near Manlev of I,eo, Ihe son of llohcii O'lirien, The young lad had been siitl'erinii from diph theria for si lime and Dually succumbed lo the ravages of Ihe disease. The funeral was held today at the Catholic cemetery, northeast of Manley. There is a ureal many cases of this disease in that locality and efforts lo stamp il out. are not proving very successful. For Sale. A number of thoroughbred white Wyndolte cockrcls. Inquire of Julius Pitz. 12-9-8Lwk!y 6 6 0 1 ORDER HOUSES SHIPPING CHRISTMAS ll!l PRESENTS BY EXPRESS Following Instructions, If Adhered to,' Will Insure Safe Delivery of Christmas Presents. From Friday's Dally. I'at rons of express companies, who contemplate sending presents for Christmas, should have them in the hands of the company not later than December 18. There is nothing quite so disappointing lo the donor as the delay of a pres ent after Christmas day. II takes away the sweet sentiment em bodied in these gifts and very greatly disappoints the receiver. Express companies are furnish ing patrons- with labels reading "Do Not Open Until Christmas," which may be pasted upon your packages. Use wooden boxes for packing when possible. This re duces the risk of loss and pre vents damage. Write Ihe address plainly with ink or crayon, giving street num ber aud county. Write your name and address on Ihe package fol lowing the prolix "From," giving your street and number, and also enclose in the package one of your cards. Do not enclose money or jewelry in packages of merchan dise. Such articles, should be sent in a separate package through the money department. hisi'sl upon your receipt and have the value of your package placed thereon. Mark the package paid, if so in tended. Write the word "Perishable" on your package, if it contains mat ters of a perishable nature. PLATTSMOUTH MERCHANTS REPORT EKCELLENT CHRISTMAS TRADE From Friday's Dully. The business bouses through out the city report that Ihey have done a mosl excellent Christmas business so far and that the shop pers are awakening lo Ihe. fact that the early shopper gels the cream of the articles and is not. compelled to take what has been sorted over ami handled by those who preceded them. The early shopping also proves a boon to the clerks and employes of the stores, who are not compelled to rush through the last days be fore Christmas by those who put off buying Iheir gifts until the lasl minute. Itemember lo do your shopping early and also re member the poor and needy of the city in making your purchase and In and slip in something that can be given to some deserving person in need. Ten Thousand-Gallon Tank. From Saturday's Dully. Ilichey Hros. have lilted up an oil tank on runnings gears and will furnish the local merchants kerosene oil from Iheir large len-Ihousand-galloii tank, which Ihey maintain at their sand pit works west of town. Louisville's oil has come from Weeping Water here tofore, being hauled by learn, and if is but reasonable lo believe thai Ihe local company can fur nish oil at the same price ami ycl make a fair profit and not have to haul il so far. Louisville Courier. Motored to This City. From Saturday's Dally. Fred Sclilei I'erl of Louisville niulored lo this city vesterday, bringing with him Julius I'ossjn. wife and little daughter. Viola, and Kruesl ltiis, all of Heaver Dam, Wisconsin. These gentle men are nephews of Ernest I'aulsch of Louisville ami have been visiting with him there, and Mr. Schleifert brought them to Ibis cily in order that they might lake in the sights in Ihe county seat. Forest Rose Flour guaranteed lo be as good as any flour on the market. Sold by all leading deal ers. Try it. . Not for One Hundred Years. from Friday's Daily. Yesterday was the twelfth day of Hit1 twelfth mouth of the twelfth year of the century and Ihe dales will never fall on the same day again until the year 20 12, and I here w ill probably not be many of us on hand lo cele brate thai event when it comes rolling around again in Ihe course of Father Time's journey, but our descendants can point back to the great strides made by the world since that dale. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD 1 ELECT NEW OFFICERS From Friday's Dally. One of the most largely attend ed meetings that has been held in the local camp of the Woodmen of the World took place last even ing at the (i. A. II. hall. The ses sion of Ihe lodge was presided over by State Manager Edward Walsh of Omaha, and the meet ing was one of Ihe most en thusiastic that has been held in this city. The ollicers for the en suing year were chosen as fol lows: C. C, II. It. MofTel, A. L., Philip Hhin; clerk, W. B. llishel; banker, II. L. Kruger; watchman, J. W. Hale; escort, George Sitz man; senlry, Kmil A I ford; physi cian, Dr. E. W. Cook and Dr. E. D. Cummins; manager for three years, II. M. Soennichsen. Two new candidates, Perry CotVman and J. W. Hale, were admitted in to the order. The dale for the in stallation of the new ollicers will be Ihe second Thursday in Jan uary, i'JIU. Everygreen Camp No. 70 has been growing very rapidly in Ihe last year and Ihe members are expecting lo break the record drring the coming year in their increase of membership. CASS CAMP NO. 332 1 W. A. HOLD ANNUAL ELECTION Cass Camp No. 332, Modern Modern Woodmen of America, held Iheir annual elect ion of ollic ers at their hall in the Woodman building Wednesday evening. The meeting was well attended by Ihe members and a most profitable time was enjoyed. The following ollicers were elecled: Consul, O. C. Hudson; advisor, F. J. Liber shall; banker, William llassler; clerk, II. F. (ions; escort, II. M. Wilcox; watchman. J. D. Parker; senlry, W. II. Mason. Following the regular business meeting the members enjoyed a smoker and a general good lime among them selves for a few hours. Cass camp has been very forlunale in Ihe last year in retaining Iheir member ship, as (here has 1m a great ileal or l issal i s fac I ion throughout Hi camps of the stale over Ihe proposed increase in rales, bul Ihe membership here has taken a very wise view of the mailer and recognizes (lie fact thai Ihe rates will aid in maintaining Ihe stability of the order and place Ihem in a position where they can pay all Ihe death losses that may occur in (he order. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF -AMERICA ELECT OFFICERS From Friday's Dully. The lloyal Neighbors of America met last evening at Iheir hall in Hie Woodman building and elected Iheir ollicers for the en suing year. The meeting was not as well attended as it should have been, Ihe fact that il, was pay-day interferrinu' wilh the attendance. The following ollicers Were (defi ed: Oracle, Mrs. Hcs.sie (Iravill; vice oracle, Mrs. M. Ilild; chancel lor, Mrs. Frank Itullery; record er, darnel t Cory, receiver; Miss Pearl Sivey; inner sentinel, Mrs. Fred Kunsmaun; outer sentinel, Mrs. Hobson; trustee, Mrs. Jennie Tulene; physician. Dr. E. W. Cook. If you are troubled w ith chronic cont'tipalion, the mild and gentle effects of Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially suited to your case. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. WEDDING DOWN III 5IFR STATE Marriage of W. P. Hewitt, Known to a Number of Our People, and Grandson of Mrs. B. Hemple. From Saturday's Dally. The following account of the wedding of Mr. Will P. Hewitt, a grandson of Mrs. It. Hemple and a nephew of Miss Teresa Hemple wf this city, is taken from the (ireenleaf (Kansas) Journal. The groom is known to a number of our young people, as he has been a visitor here several times, and all who met him were deeply im pressed by his genial and gentle manly manner: There was a nice quiet wedding in (Ireenleaf Tuesday, November 20, 1912, at 9 o'clock, at which" Miss Louise L, Poulre was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Will 1'. Hewitt, the ceremony be ing performed by Hey. Father Heidel at the Catholic, church. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Skovgaard, The brides maid was Miss Eslher Mullery and the groomsman was Glenn Hewitt. Afler the beautiful and impressive ceremony, Ihe immediate relatives all went lo the home of Ihe bride, where the day was spent very pleasantly and where the wedding dinner was served. The bride is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of D. I'onlre of (.Ireenleaf. She has grown lo womanhood in this country, and it might be added that she has a large circle of friends who will regret to know that she is moving so far away. Will Hewitt is to be congratulated on his choice of a wife. Mr. Hewitt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I). O. Hewill of (ireenleaf, our round-house foreman; he is a young 'man of good habits and sterling character, lie is a ma chinist ami has a good job wilh the Sanla Fe at Alhurqucrque, New Mexico, at which place Ihe couple will make their home and for which Ihey left on Ihe after noon train. W'e wish Ihem abun dant happiness and prosperity. The only out-of-town attend ants at the wedding weie Miss Esther Mullery of Omaha and Dr. Fred Poulre of Purcell, Kansas, and Dr. Ed Poulre of Clallin, Kansas. T I E From Saturday'H Dull. The Past Chiefs of the Degree of Honor held their regular meet ing al Ihe home of Mrs. Fred Haiuge yesterday afternoon and were entertained in a most de light fill manner. The ladies held Iheir regular business session, afler which the hours were whiled away in social conversation, games and the like. As most, of Ihe ladies had brought Iheir ken singlon bags, some very pleasant moments were passed in stitch ing on dainty fancy work. Al Ihe proper lime an elegant two-course luncheon was served by Ihe bos less, which was mosl thoroughly appreciated by Ihe guests. There were fourteen in attendance. WILL ASSIST IN MANAGE MENT OF ENGER LAUNDRY From Friday's Imlly. Henry Kauble, who for Ihe past several years has bech employed in the leading laundries of Des Moines and Omaha, has returned lo Ibis city and will assist Mr. linger in Ihe management of his laundry. The securing of Mr. Kauble for Ihe laundry here will prove a most valuable addition, as he has had a long experience in this line of work and has univer sally proven a most valuable man wherever he has been employed. Mr. Enger will endeavor to place his laundry on a plane with the best in the state and (he services of Mr. Kauble will help materially in attaining the desired end. IS IS Funeral of Mrs. Sullivan. From Saturday's Dally. The funeral of Mrs. Charles N. Sullivan of Omaha was held yes terday afternoon at Ihe I'.ikeu berry cemetery, southwest of this cily. The body arrived from Oma ha on thti 1:15 train and was met at the depot by an escort from the Eastern Star lodge, of which order Ihe deceased lady was a member. The services at Ihe grave were conducted by Key. W. L. Austin of the First Methodist church. A large number of relatives accom panied the remains to this city. II GOMES BUT 0,'ICE 11 YEAR Let Love, Brotherly Love, We Mean, Go With Every Gift Sent or Given. From Saturday' Dally. "Christmas comes but once a year. Therefore, let's be merry." Such is the sentiment of an old jingle, and such is supposed to be the sentiment of Ihe American people today. If you don't spend a couide of month's salary buying Christmas presents of a more cosily and less useful nature to distribute among your relatives, friends and near friends and then gel mi early, go about shouting "Merry Christmas" to everyone and wind up by eating- so much hard and harmful candy and other indigestables that you are sick for a week, you are branded as an "Old Crouch" and probably you are. We sincerely hope that every one of our readers will be re membered by a lot of relatives and friends this Christmas time, and that each one will have the in clination and the ability to return these remembrances. Hut we also hope lhal not one of Ihem all will spend a lot of good money buying some costly affair to make some one else "feel cheap" at Ihe less cosily remembrance he has given. The great gift from a Divine I'at her to this world w hich estab lished Christ mas day, w as a free gift promoted alone by love. If every gift which will be received Ibis Christmas could be given for lhal. same reason, on lhal same basis how much different some of (hose gills would be. Lei love, brotherly love, we mean, pick out your gifts ami uo wilh Ihem all. And if Ihe gifts you receive I hough Ihey be few and poor, come lo you in that same spirit, you will have reason lo feel that il is a "Merry Ch'-islmas" iml . Entertains Social Workers. From Saturday s Dall.. The Soical Workers were very pleasant ly entertained at the home of Mrs. C. S. Johnson on Thursday afternoon. Whenever invited o the Johnson home Ihe lailies always expect a delightful lime, as Mrs. Johnson is an ex cellent and mosl hospitable enlcr lainer. The regular business ses sion was held and Ihe remainder of the afternoon was devoted lo a mosl enjoyable social time and plying Ihe busy needle. The bos less served a most delicious luncheon. There was a large her in attendance. Nineteenth Annual Ball. From Saturday's Dully. The T, J. Sokol society of this cilv will give Iheir nineteenth annual grand mask ball Saturday evening, January 18, IDL't. These mak balls have grown lo be looked forward lo by the dancing public, as Ihey always have a most enjovable time al Ihem. The music will be furnislied by Ihe M. W. A. orchestra and a number of very handsome prizes will be given. Able to Co Up Again. From Saturday's Dally. John Nemelz, the popualr candy man, who has been sick for several weeks with pneumonia, has recovered so lhal he is able to be around a little and hopes in a short time to be able to lie down town lo meet his friends, who will be delighted to see him, as Mr. Nemelz is one of the mosl genial and popular business men in the cily and his sickness has been the cause of a great deal of regret among our citizens.