The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1912, Image 8

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    I V. Ik l " I
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:V- Vf' i : J'.
Depot Buildings Repainted and
Eloctric Lights to Ea Installed
in Flace of Oil Lamps.
Case Is Continued.
From Tuesday !) nily.
'I w. bastardly case oi .miss
Martha Woilzcl against r red
Kthrcdge. of Greenwood, which
was set tor trial m Justice . rea
r's court this' linii ning, was con
tinued until Ilcccmber 27, ownm
to the sickness of the plaintiff,
wlin was injured in a collision be
tween the buggy in which the was
riding ami an automobile near
(Ireenwooil last week.
We are showing just a3 swell a line of. Kimonos
as the city stores and at less money.
Flannelettes $1.25 to $50
Crepes $1.65 to $3.50
Silk at $5.00 to $6.00
E. G.
! From Wodnusilay's lallv.
' The Missouri I'acilic Itailroad
j company this morning' began the
I work of painting I heir passenger
I station in this city, as well as the
hviiitrlii liniise ami I In residence
of the section foreman. This work
is part of the general plan of im-
h nnilet'l aken hv this
i road, which was outlined in the
Journal some time since, and will
place their properly all along the
Nebraska lines in good condition
and will prove a great comfort to
the traveling public
. . .
The depot here is to be painted
I all over, the interior varnished
and tin; entire structure overhaul
, rwl !iml cleaned and made one or
the neatest passenger stations in
this narto f the state. In addition
to the painting of the station the
comnanv will install electric
litrhts to renlaeo the old out-or
(late nil lamps which, will make a
big hit with those traveling over
i this road, as the light furnished
in the depot has been miserable
in the past and Agent Norton is to
be congratulated on having se-
fiir-od ttiis imnrovement in the
comfort of the depot.
The railroad company has been
debating Ihe iiueslion of moving
i the depot, further east, but then
li:w been some doubt as to
whether or not they could do this
without having to take up part of
Hies treel, hut whether I hey are
able to do this or not, Ihe new
improvements made at the present
lime will he greatly appreciated,
not only by tin; patrons of the
road, but the cilizentf in general,
as it will add very much to the ap
pearance of I hat portion of the
city, and when the contemplated
changes in the Murlinglon station
are made Plat I smoul h can boast
of two very handsome and modern
depots, which will make gateways
I to Ihe city of which we need n t
I be ashamed.
Synopsis of the Story From Which
This Great Play Secures Its
AND PI 1011
From Tm-h'tiiVH Dully.
Joseph Peters, of the conl rivet
ing firm of Peters & Uiehards, has
returned to this city for the wili
er ibeir work at (ilenwnud hav
ing been practically' finished, and
will look after their business here,
while Mr. Itichards is engaged in
completing Ihe line new residence
of Harry Todd, near Murray. This
firm has had a very successful
season and haV handled many
large contracts, which have all
proven very satisfactory, both to
the contractors and to the parties
for whom Ihey were doing the
When bah suffers with croup,
apply and give Ur. Thomas' F.e lec
tio Oil at once. Safe for children.
A liille iroes a louirwav. '-Tie and
fiOc. At all drug stores.
Chickens Scored Very High.
From Tui'Hiluy's Dally.
llev. W. L. Austin, who had
soine of his line White Plymouth
Hock chickens on exhibition at the
poultry show al Ashland last,
week, made a great hit and his
fowls succeeded ill carrying oil a
large number of prizes and were
scored very highly as follows:
'.ll'f., '.'., tClVj, IKPi, 1)4 and !4.
Thev also received prizes in Ihe
lilTerent classes as follows: Kirs I
cash premium in American class,
second cash premium in American
class, tiil prize ribbon for hen;
first prize ribbon for pullet; sec
ond prize ribbon for cockrcl, cash
pecial for highest scoring Ply
mouth Hocks, sweepstakes ribbon
for highest scoring bird in Ameri
can class, which included Ihirleen
vai'iet ies of chickens. Hev. Ausl in
is very proud of his line chickens
and has devoted a ureal deal of
lime to their care, and Ihe results
sneak well for. the time spent in
the improvement!) f his pen.
Marshall. Dentist, Coatos block
Sold to Satisfy Mortgage.
From TuiiFilay's Dnlly.
This morning Sheriff Ouinton
sold Ihe land belonging to the late
William Savles lo satisfy a mort-
caire and note held by the estate
of his daughter, Miss Kva Sayles
The mortgage was given to the
iliiuubler several vears ngo. and
on Ihe death of the daughter se
veral months ago, the ud minis
Iralor, Mrs. fieorgia Hykert, ask
ed for the foreclosure of the
mortgage, and Ihe properly was
ordered sold. Mrs. Hykert pur
chased Ihe properly at the sab
On Ihe dealh of Ihe wife of Mi
Savles several years ago Ihe lit
daughter was taken by hci
aunt, Mrs. Hyker s mother, lo
bring up, and she made her home
with Idem in New York until her
dealh. William Sayles was killed
at his farm, south of this city,
about a year ago, by Henry lUir-
rows, who is serving a life sen
tence in the nen it ent iarv for the
It took seven years for George
liroadhurst to construct "Bought
and Paid For," after the main un
derlying idea of the play, which
has run a year at William A.
Hrady's Playhouse, had taken root
in his mind.
"Hought and Paid For" will be
the attraction at the Parmele
theater next Saturday night. A
very vital part of the play is
founded on fact. A woman, the
most brilliant and accomplished
woman the author ever knew, re
lated to him the incident which he
afterward turned into the kernel
of "Hought and Paid For."
The story was introduced in il
lustration of her theory that un
happy marriages most often r
suited from the fact that in court
ship both parties in interest r
veal only one side of I heir natures,
concealing the other phases unti
ttiev come to the surface in tin
day-to-day intimacy which fid
lows the wedding.
A young girl, who was just out
of a convent, met a tine, dashing
fellow in her native city, who was
a periodical drunkard. When in
toxicated he was a beast. His
parents concealed the fact in the
blind hope that through his love
for this girl he might be induced
to reform. She married him, and
in three weeks' lime he came
ionic drunk. The bride ne.xer had
seen anyone in thai condition, and
was horn cd. She leu nun im
mediately. Next day Ihe husband'
rini-pnts. who were rich and of
Take your time-
but don't wait too long before you start
in to do your Xmas shopping. Buy
your gifts for men here. We can help
you think of many useful things he
would like to wear
A Fur Cap
Lounging Robe I
Smoking Jacket
Manhattan Shirts
Silk Neck Tie
Silk Handkerchief
Silk Sox
Silk Muffler .
Silk Umbrella
Fine Leather Grips J
C. E.Wescott'sSons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
C more
One of the Most Enjoyable Events
That Has Happened in the
Community for Years.
Esther Ray, Willa Moore, Mar
garet Moore, Vera Moore, Ernest
Hutcheson, Charles Clayton, May
Lewis, Lloyd Lewis, Wayne Lewis,
X. Frans and Thurman Frans of
Union, Cora Smith, Versa Albin,
ltay Cline, John Pearsley, Henry
Meeker, Ezra Albin, Let tie Niday,
John Hecker, Agnes Pearsley,
Ruth Cline, J. I). Shrader and wife,
Misses Isabel, Maggie and Marie
Stoves of all kinds at reduced
prices. See Eastwood.
Impure blood runs you down
makes you an easy victim for dis
ea.M For pure blood and soum
digestion Hurdoek Blood Hitters
At all drug stores. Price, $1.00
n n rc -scry c
IfJc Guarantee Comusiity for 50 Year
Come in I have plenty of clerks purposely to show goods
hiirh social siandinsr. went to' set
Thev admitted thai they had
been wrong in a measure, and mi
plored her not to precipitate
caudal. Thev occupied a great
Mansion and begged thai she conn
lo live with them. She would have
apartments adjoining Ibeir own,
and her husband should be quar
tered in another and distinct part
of Ihe house. She should be pro
tected absolutely from contact
with him, should not even see him.
e voung wife yielded to the ap
peal and matters went along upon
this basis for some months.
One night the husband's par
ents went to Ihe opera. The wife
was ill and remained secluded en
her rooms. The husband came
home, brutishly inebriated, and
finding himself locked out of his
wife's apartment, kicked in Ihe
door bv way of asserting his
nuptial rights. Next morning she
lied from Ihe house. The father
and mother sought her out again.
"It is hopeless," said the old
gentleman, "(let. your divorce. I
w ill help you."
The distracted girl asked Ihe
reason for this abrupt change of
front. "We believed there was
still a chance for his reforma
tion." explained Ihe father. "We
know now I hat if is impossible.
Yesterday he received a check for
the pay-roll of my business em
ployes. An hour ago I was called
up on the telephone by the keeper
of the most notorious resort in
the city. She told me my sou
came Ihere late last night, had the
check cashed and spent, Ihe money
in a vile debauch. The woman
suugeslcd Ihal a man in my posi
tion might not wish lo have his
check collected through her bank
and carrying her indorsement,
and that she would hold it until I
scut over Ihe cash lo lake 11 up.
We cannot ak you to sacrillce
yourself furlber for a man of my
son's character and associates."
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last Saturday evening Ihe
lospitable home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. I). Shrader, northeast of Union,
was the scene of a most enjoyable
gathering, about, sixty of their
friends coming in to spend a most
iovful occasion, and the Shrader
home is certainly the place to
nve it. The Shrader-Lewis or
chestra furnished some very
pleasing musical selections dur
ing the course of the evening, as
welLas a iiuartet composed of
Misses Mabel Shrader, Mae Lewis,
Wayne and Lloyd Lewis, which
sang several numbers that were
highly appreciated by the merry
As a titling climax to the en
joyment of Ihe evening a most de
licious four-course luncheon was
served lo the iruests. which, if it
were possible, added to the already
delightful evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Shrader are royal entertainers
and Ihe guests were very sorry to
see I lie hour lor mem 10 leave ron
around, and they all departed
wishing to again be guests at Ihe
Shrader home.
The guests on this delightful
occasion were: Miss fieri ie Long
of Omaha, Miss Pickwell of Mur
dock, Miss Anna Rys of Plalts
inoulh, Alex Rhoden, Verna Rho
den, Thelma Rhoden, Don Rhoden,
Clara Young, Al Hartlett, Olga
Minford, Re Young, Flo Morton,
Jimie Airhart, all of Murray:
(icorg'O Shrader of Xchawka, Mrs.
Ceorgia Creamer, Charley Cream,
er. Alex Campbell, Robert Sbrad
er, Omer Yardley, Vera Yardley
Major Isaac Hall, Elizabeth Hall.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The family of J. C. Britlain had
a very close call last evening from
asphyxalion from the gas escap
ing from a base burner in their
home. The family had retired lo
bed and when Mr. Hriltain return
ed home from the fire meeting
he was greatly alarmed at the-
amount of gas in the room and at
once aroused the family, who were
in a very stupifled condition, and
opened the doors and windows,
letting the gas escape. Mrs. llrit
tain is still feeling quite sick
from the effects of the gas and
had Mr. Hi-it lain been an hour
later in returning there is no
loubl that some of Ihe family
would have expenenceu ven
serious results from the gas. fit
regulating the.stove for the night
some of the drafts had been left
opi-n, causing the gas to escape
into Ihe room, with the results as
noted above.
"Doan's Ointment cured me of
eczema thai had annoyed me for
a long time. The result was last
ig. lion. S. W. Matthews, Com
missioner, Labor Statist ies, An
gus! n, Me.
Tailor-made suits, built to
you, any style, from 23.00 up.
Vejvoda & Kalcek,
iff Will
I will keep my store open evenings through the holidays
Work on Now Building.
Frmn W.-dnrsdiiv's Dully.
u'..i'l.iini! :u-i cummed today in
niacin'-' Ihe .stringers for th
floor in Ihe new Soennichsen
building and Ihe work is being
nwliod ns rnnidlv as nossible in
order to gel. as much done as thev
can before the stormy winlei
weal her sets in. The brick walls
for Ihe cellar are all completei
and the structure is beginning lo
loom up in great shape.
Journal for fancy Stationery.
Li in. i - - - - - w lift- I--'' -' -'
Holiday joys would be
greater if you get the Christmas presents for the boys
and men where boys' and men's things are the whole
stock. This store is the Christmas headquarters for
the kind of gifts men want.
Here you 11 find a beautiful liiie of suits
and overcoats no better Christmas present could be
made. But wcll show you hundreds of other good
things that men and boys want; that's what you want
things they want.
Suits $10 to $35; Overcoats $10 to $30
Other things from 25c Up
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Open Evenings from December 12th to December 24th