The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1912, Image 7

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    1 (T
Today and Continuing all Through the
' Month of December
The Greatest Bargains for the Careful H
4 -11 i JK
ZZ2 Lhnstmas ohoDoer
Our sales in the past have been so successful that we have derided to ftfvp Hip npnni nf Poeo
. - i , i , O ' wjuvy V7i vcioo VyV7 till L V UIU CHI V ClllLCli;
a of securing some genuine bargains at the season of the year when they ought to be appreciated by the care- H
o mi cixivx oiiiv,vu miouiiao onuppci. rui uie uciiunce ui uus montn we oiler tlie iollowinL art r ri
1 Ladies' and Men's Coats and Suits, Millinery Furnishing and Holiday Goods!
For Lady Shoppers
For Gentlemen Shoppers
Ladies' black broadcloth, chinchillas, caracules, sibelines Men's Suits and Overcoats We carry
-w w w f f V VVA1 X J
a line absolutelv Guaranteed to he all-
wool, and unexcelled for service and
and mixtures m coats and suits. SIR to $20 (UH n
7 w
Misses' coats in latest styles, with prices ranging from style wil1 be Sold during this Holiday
cf.uu iu.uu, uuiin tins uicaii-uu saie VL 1 i l
at 5.00, 8.00 and $111
Children's coats from 1.75 to 5.00.
For Christmas Shoppers
Ladies' and Misses' fine furs will be sold during this
clean-up sale at astonishing prices.
Ladies' and Misses' fancy dresses worth 9.00 to 15.00,
will be' sold during this clean-up sale at 5.75, 7.50, 9.75 suifcased0Trunks.Si'k M'""ers- Silk Umbrellas
mnchbaum Qothei
Clean-up Sale, for
$10, $12.50, $15, $16.50, $18.50
These suits are well worth from $1G.00 to $28.00.
From the above prices you can readily see that when
you purchase your goods here you are in a position to
save enough money to present gifts to all your family.
Such goods as the Cluett-Peabody Dress Shirts. The
Arrow brand collars. Silk Neckwear. Silk Handker-
ill mm
oil In
We have just received a large line of Ladies' Silk Waists, from $2.98 un
A 1 . . - ( A. f T 1 I A J.
itiiue ummhlii ein i)i i.ikikw ranpv anrnnc trmn vi nnnio .m
co oJf y0U Sf e a. nice line of F,annette Kimonas from 98 cents UP 10 in this Bile rnt Xnn iin nri?i.
$2.25, worth $3.00, also in crepes, silk, at $4.75 to $575 in iniS saie at c,ean"llP prices.
In Ladies Handkerchiefs Linen and fancy, also ladies' silk hose, gloves
in golf and kid, for ladies and children. Bar pins, hat pins, Beauty pins
lockets, Barrettes, Back Combs, fancy Comb, ties.
Umbrellas, Hand Bags, worth from $1 to $3, at 69c, $1.19 and $1.95.
Meshne, silks, scarfs, ribbons of all kinds; tailored waists; collars and all
kinds of beads; Sterling Silver thimbles. All those items will be sold during
this clean-up sale at a very low price.
Notice this picture, the Latest Improvement just
received. A new line of Madame Mae Corsets. This
corset is laced in front with a protector underneath
me rront lace ana it is absolutely guaranteed.
,t,.A 1 " i 1 f mi . . . . .
Just Received A fine lot of Silk Lined Gloves, Sheep
Lined Gloves and Mittens, all of which will be included
an-up prices.
Boys Clothing
We have a large assortment of Boys Fine Suits and
Overcoats at the very lowest prices.
Men's and Boys Shoes.
If you want to save money buy them here at this sale.
As Mr. Jack Frost has made his appearance on our windows and
ruined our display, we cordially invite you to step inside and we
,ii -iuihj 5uaidiiicuui wm snow you arounu.
t' Tor good service and first class form. This corset will be sold during this ... .
clean-up sale for $4.00 and $5.00. Make ThlS Store IOUr
C'frright, tqii. A. B. Kirtthtaum C
Values 9
atrcfrr ti
& Plattsmouth
clean up sale tor $4.oo and $s.oo. Make This Store Your PL. I CL ?
Please bear ;n mind that this sale is for cash Headquarters for all UiriStlliaS OllOppiIlg I
Bear in Mind that We Can and Do Clothe the Entire Family for Less Money than Elsewhere
1 Nebraska ie anger s Big Department Store
V. ZUCKER, Manager.
. it. Krans ili-iiiirtcil veslrnlav
il'UinnKiii fur Onl. N'cli., wIhtc he
ciniil.ivc.l liy I he Uiiinn Pari fic.
hl'ti'l' MX'iidinu Siindav willi his
-i.uiiny Asscssdi'-clcrt W . 11
Hryaii panic ilown this moi'iiin
fi'uin Soutli Itfiid to make ar-i-annt'iin'iils
for I In? removal of
liis family lo this city.
We have fitted un soventv-five mnvpmpnfn in ('.
various kinds of cases and have priced them r
Beautifully engraved cases, hih grade move-
inems in laaics sizes as iojiows: ViV
cxira smnii size, zu-year goiu lined case, iiin
iivv nil t i ii.iiu iiiiivi'iiii'iii .n i .ni i -
0 size, 20-year, gold filled case, with Standard unjC?
movement, regular $9.00 value $6.50 .'U
Elgin and Waltham movements, in fine gold in7S'
filled and solid gold cases at $12 to $50.00 Vr
A fine line of diamond set solid gold and filled -'14
ladies watches, $15.00 to $50.00 ; ;00-
A . :... I ... ........ i. r. 'xflAl't
tii" piiui worn iuiu wuiin, lur your, ,
dSrri: Gents' Klpin and Walthnm watches, K'-size. Hunt- r V
. . m.. ...Ill t . I I r:n..i ; .'
lilLf 1.1111 I ri I'll I' HI'H III ' -VI'Hr irillll (HI I'UHB I mt
12. 50 ".N.
Men's Klpin or Waltham watches in strong, scr-
C. vireauiv; cases 4,75 i
rKiu wuil-iich, io Bize, ii jewel, ii-ycar goui linen , ' ,y
case 16.50 jYS!2r
j lie nu are oniy b iew oi me many Liurpains we
are onering. iau ana pee mem.
Watchmaker and JsWeler.
Loader-Echo. .J.
Henry Miller returned Monday
evening from a few clays visit with
a daughter and oilier relatives in
W. Ei Hosenoraiis and son,
Clayton, of Plaltsinoulli, and Mr.
Knnner of Imperial, Neb., were in
town on business Friday.
The Misses Flora and Hertha
Herper went lo Omaha Wednes
day morniriK where they expect
lo remain this winter.
loll ii Haird leTt Mi unlay for llo
chester, Minn., lo consult a spe
cialist, lie was accompanied by
his niece, Miss (iertrude (iraut.
I'ncle Henry .Murfiu was up
from Wabash Wednesday. He says
Mrs. Murfin is still quite poorly,
bciiif,' unable lo take scarcely any
nalural nourishment.
Miss May liurbin relurned Sun
day evening- alter a few days visit
Willi her sister, Mrs. Edith Myers
at Thin-man. fa., and other rela
tives at. Council Bluffs.
i. M. Morrow of Cenl ral Lake,
Mich., who has been a rucsl at.
Hie home of his sUter. Mrs. A.
McEall. I en. Monday for a visit
with his sou in Eldorado before
reliirninp home.
Mrs. II. L. Clapp returned last
w'ek from a visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Dr. Harder, oT Chicago,
The stork has just recently favor
ed Dr. and Mrs. Harper with a visit
ieavintf a fine baby boy.
Phil Henderson, of Oakwood,
Okla., came in Saturday evening,
and enjoyed a few days visit at
Hid home of his brother-in-law.
James Durbin. Phil has sold his
Oklahoma land and boimbt. in
Pierce eounly, .Nebraska, and will
soon move lo his newly acipiired
The Slaplcy farm was sold at
executor's sale Tuesday at I ho
American Exchange bank to How
ard Capwell, the consideration be
ing J?I21 per acre. The city prop
erty, and residence of the late
Grace J,. Slaplcy, was sold to
George Kunz for 1 , 0(1(1. G. S. Al
drich, executor of I lie Slaplcy es
tate, conducted the sale.
Victor Maaspeaker sold bis in
terest in the West & Manspeaker
barber shop Wednesday morning
to his partner, Charles West. We
have not, been informed as lo Mr.
Manspeakor's future intentions,
but entertain the hope that he will
see it to remain among us and be
successful in whatever he may see
fit to undertake.
(Special Correspondent.) .J.
C. Eienhul was in Lincoln Fri
day. C. Ilaiiingarliier was in Lincoln
Mrs. Oscar McDonald um shop
ping in Omaha lat Friday.
William Itiick of Murray v isiled
a friend (?) b,.re Sunday.
Misses Eva Sorick and Helen
Moomey were shopping in Omaha
Gal Lois has recently sold his
town property to Mr. Shrader,
north of town.
Mrs. Emil Kuohn spent Tues
day with Mrs. Herman Kuehn.
Miss Pearl Keefer of Alvo was
in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tool and
son. Harold, ale Sunday dinner
Willi I'm rl Kuehn and wife.
Lacey McDonald left Monday
for Slrallon, .Neb., where he will
spend a few weeks with relatives.
Will Tolloy and wife returned
Saturday evening from Leigh.
Neb., where they had spent the
pal two weeks.
Passengers to Omaha on No. 18
Wednesday were: Mrs. W. O.
Gillespie, Mrs. Emil Kuehn, Mrs.
Paul Schewe and Miss Grayce
Law ton.
Miss Lida Sorick entertained al
supper Sunday evening, when her
guests were Miss Gravce Law Ion.
Homer Lawton, ir Wabash, and
Joe Ilyiner of Lincoln.
The Elinwood Dramatic club
will present a pla enlilled "The
Dutch Tutor," in the hall here on
Tuesda.v evening. December 17.
Tickets for snle at the barber
i Tln Flmwood High sch'iul bas-
Kci Irani (girlsi came over
Friday afternoon and played our
llih school girl learn, winning by
a score of ? I lo ri. This is the
llrsl game our nrls have played.
I.illle Mis" Irene McDonald
was (1 ears old last Monday, and
a few of her lillle girl friends
helped her to celebrate by going
lo her home and spent the after
noon in games. Al the usual lime
a luncheon was served, of which
a birthday cake, with six lighted
candles, was a pleasing feature.
Have you Read
the article in the paper entitled,
'It's a Wonder?" If not, hunt it
up and read it.
feel Kood.
It will make you
L-ocai s'iews
From Tucsiliiy'H luilly.
Troy W iles of the vicinity of
Cedar Creek was a visitor in this
city yesterday.
J. W. Low I her of smith (,f this
city drove in yesterday and looked
after some trading for the day.
C. F. Vallery of I he precinct
was in town yesterday attending
to some trading with the i ier
chanls. L. II. lleil, who resides in Eight
Mile drove, came in this morning
and was a passenger for Omaha
on No. IT).
A. L. IlulTer came in from his
farm near Mynard Ibis morning
and was a passenger on the early
Ktirlinglon train for Omaha.
D. .1. I'll I man and daughter,
Mrs. O. A. Davis, ami son, Dick
Pillinan.ol' the vicinity of Murray,
motored to this city today and at
tended lo some business mailers.
While here Mr. Pit I man look time
lo call at liis ollice and renew his
suhseripl inn o t lt Daily and
Semi-Weekly and also for the
paper which he is sending to Al
bert Stover al Corydon, lnd.
The haunting fear of sickness
and helplessness is I he secret ter
ror of the working man. Health
is his capital. Kidney diseases
sap a man's strength and vitality.
They lessen his earning capacity.
Foley Kidney Pills bring back
health and strength by healing the
disease. They are the best medi
cine made for kidney and bladder
troubles. Tho genuine arc in the
yellow package. Refuse any sub
stitute. For sale bv l G. Fricke
A Co.