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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
r -0 0 The Honor IBy J&w PROLOGUE. Up in the "Big Snows," near the dome of the earth, lies the scene of this story of real men and real women, who have all of the virtues of their hardening en vironment and few of the failings of their more civilized relatives. This is a tale for reading when one is tired of the artificialities of civilization or at any other time when a good story is appre ciated. You will find in it ro mance and adventure and mystery mixed in such skillful manner and im sach proportion that no ingre dient interferes with another. Yet all go to make fine reading for women who like to hear of brave deeds and sacrifice for love's sake and for men with even a drop of the spirit of adventure in their veins. And one thing more the author has lived among the people whose lives he de scribes, and he knows how to tell a story. CHAPTER XIII. The Rescue. WAIST deep In the light snow, Jan began the ascent, drag gins himself up by the tops of the slender saplings, stop ping every few yards to half stretch MmHPlf out in the soft mass through wHrh he was struggling, panting with exhaustion. He shouted when lie gain ed the top of the ridge. Up through th h i the Other, flic white Mur of snow on kHo there came to lilm faintly a shout; yet, in spite of its faintness. Jan knew that tt was very near. 'Something has happened to Ledoq," he told himself, "but he surely has food, and we ran live it out until the storm is over." It was easier going down the ridge, aad he went Uirkly in the direction from which the voice had come, until a niotis of huge bowlders loomed up be fore him. There was a faint odor of swokc in the air, and he followed it in among the rocks, where U grew stronger. TIo, Ledoq I" he shouted. A voice replied a dozen yards away. Slowly, as he advanced, he made out the dim shadow of life in the white gloom a bit of smoke climbing weak ly In the storm, the Waek opening of a brush shelter and then, between the opening and the spiral of smoke, a liv ing thing that came creeping toward him on all fours, like an animal He plunged toward It and the shad ow staggered upward and would have fallen had it not been for the support of the deep snow. Another step, and a sharp cry fell from Jan's lips. It was not Lcdoq, but Dixon, who stood there with white, starved face and staring eyes in the snow gloom! "My God, I am starving and dying for a drink of water!" gasped the Eng lisfcman chokingly, thrusting out his arms. "Thorcnu, God be praised" He staggered and fell in the snow. Jan dragged him back to the shelter. "I will have water for you and something to eat very soon," he said. His voice sounded unreal. There was a mistiness before his eyes which was net caused by the storm. He suspend ed his two small palls over the em bers, which he coaxed into a blaze. Another Step end a Sharp Cry Fell From Jan'e Llpe. It Wee Not Ledoq, bat Dixon. Both he filled with snow. Into oue he emptied the handful of Dour thnt he had carried In his pocket, into the other he put tea. Fifteen minutes later he carried them to the Englishman. ixon Bat up, a glazed passion fill ng tils eye. He drank the hot tea pwJUyand as greedily. jto. the boiled dr ' V1Ti c 5. o of thef- 1 Copurtoht 1911. bu the Bobbs Merrill Co. flour pudding. Jan watched him "nun grily until the last crumb of it was goue. He refilled the pails with suow, added more tea and then rejoined the Englishman. New life was already shining In Dixon's eyes. "Not a moment too soon, Thoreau." he said thankfully, reaching over to grip the other's hand. "Another night and" Suddenly he stopped. "Great Heaven! What is tho matter?" He noticed for the first time the Plnched torture In his companion's - 1n'a li.l b ilmnnl wonl-lv upon his breast. Ills hands were icy cold. f "Nothing." he murmured drowsily, "only I'm starving, too, Dixon!" lie rolled over upon the balsam Itoughs with a restful sigh. "Let nie' sleep." Dixon went to the pack. One by one in his search for fond he took out the few nrticles that It contained. After that he drank more tea. crawled back Into the balsam shelter and lay down beside Jan. It was broad day when he awoke, and he called hoarse ly to his companion when he saw that the snow; had ceased falling. Jan did not stir. For a moment Dixon leaned over to listen to his breathing and then dragged himself slowly and painfully out Into the day. The fire was out. A leaden blackness still tilled the sky: deep, silent gloom hung In the wake of the storm. Suddenly there came to Dixon's ears a sound. Just beyond the hanging palls a moosehlrd hopped out upon the suow. Slowly Dixon forced his right foot through the snow to the rear of his left nnd as cautiously brought his left behind his right. working himself backward step by step until he reached the shelter. Just Inside was his rltle. He drew It out and sank upon his knees In the snow to aim. At the report of the rifle Jan stirred, but did not open his eyes. He made uo movement when Dixon called out In shrill Joy that he had killed meat. lie heard, he strove to arouse himself, but something more powerful than his own will seemed pulling him down Into oblivion. It seemed an eternitv Itofore he was conscious of a voice again. He felt himself lifted mil cponed his eyes with his head restii g against the Kngllshinan's shoul der "Drink this. Thoreau." he heard. He drank and knew thnt It was not tea that ran down his throat. "VYhNky Jack soup." he heard again. "How Is It?" ( He became wide awake. Dixon was offering him a dozen small bits of meat on n tin plate, nnd he ate with out questioning. Suddenly, when there were only two or three of the smallest scrap lft. lie stopped. it was whisky jack!" he cried. "1 have eaten It all" The young Englishman's white face grinned at tilni. "I've got the Hour Inside of me. Thoreau. You've got the moose bird. Isn't that fair?" The plate dropped between them Over It their hands met In a great, clutching grip, and up from Jan's heart there welled words which almost burst from his lips In voice, words which rang In his brain and which were an unspoken prayer "Melisse, 1 thank the great God that it Is this man whom you love!" Cut It was in silence that ho staggered to his feet and went out Into the gloom. "This may be only a lull in the storm." he said. "Wo must lose no time. How long did you travel before you made this camp?" "About ten hours," said Dixon. "1 made due west by compass until 1 knew that I had passed Lac Bain and then struck north." "Ah. you have the compass!" cried Jan. his eyes lighting up. "M'seur Dixon, we are very near to the post If you camped so soon! Tell me which Is north." "That is north." "Then we go south south and east If you traveled ten hours, first west and then north, wo are northwest of Lac nnln." Jan spoko no more, hut got his rifle o - Big Snows AMfar IF "UTta umiOT Traill99 from the snviter ami "put" only "life tea and two pails In his pack, leaving the remaining blanket upon the snow. The Englishman followed close behind him, bending weakly under the weight of his gun. Tediously they struggled to the top of the ridge, aud as Jan stopped to look through the gray day about him Dixon sank down into the snow. When the other turned toward him he grinned up feebly into his face. "Bushed." he gasped. "Don't be lieve I can make it through this snow, Thoreau." There was no fear In his eyes, there was even a cheerful ring In his voice. A sudden glow leaped Into Jan's face. "I know this ridge," he exclaimed. "It runs within a mile of Lac Bain. You'd better leave your rifle behind." Dixon made an effort to rise, and Jan helped him. They went on slow ly, resting every few hundred yards, and each time that he rose from these periods of rest Dixon's face was twist ed with pnln. "It's the flour and water anchored amidships," he smiled grimly. "Cramps ugh! I wish you'd go on alone." he urged. ""ou could send help" . "I promised Melisse thnt I would bring you back if I found you," re plied Jan, his face turned away. "If the storm broke again you would bo lost" "Tell me tell me" he heard Dixon nnnt encerlv. "did she send you to hunt for me, Thoreau?" Something in the Englishman's voice drew his eyes to him. There was an excited flush In his starved cheeks: his eyes shone. "Did she send you?" Jan struggled hard to speak calmly "Not In words, M'seur Dixon. But I know that If 1 get you safely back to Lac Bain she will be very happy." Something came in Dixon's sobbln breath which Jan did not hear. . little later he stopped and built a (Ire over which he melted more snow and boiled tea. The drink stimulated them and they went on. A little later still and Jan hung his rifle in the crotch of a sapling. "We will return for the guns In n day or so." he said. Dixon leaned upon him more heavily now. and the distances they traveled between resting periods became short er ami shorter. Three times they stopped to build fires and cook tea. It was night when they descended from the ridge to the snow covered Ice of Lac Bain. It was past midnight when Jan dragged Dixon from the spruce forest Into the opening at the post There were no lights burning, nnd he went with his half conscious burden to the company's store. He awakened Crnissot. who let them In. "Take c;iv of Dixon," said .Ian. "and don't arouse any of the people tonight. It will lie time enough to tell what has happened in the morning." Over the stove in his own room he cooked meat and coffee, and for a long time sat silent before the fire. He had brought back Dixon In the morning Melisse would know. First she would go to the Englishman, tlien-then-she would come to him. He rose and went to the rude hoard table In the corner of his room. "No, Melisse must not come to me In tho morning," he whispered to himself. "She must never again look upon Jan Thoreau." He took pencil and pnper oad wrote. Tage after page he crumpled In his hand nnd flung Into the fire. At last, swiftly and despairingly, he ended with half n dozen lines. What he said came from his heart In French: 1 hnve brought htm back to you, my Melisse, ond prny that tho good God may Rive you happiness. I leave you the old violin, and always when you play It will tell you of the love of Jan Thoreau. He folded the page and sealed It In one of the company's envelopes. Very quietly he went from his room down into the deserted store. Without strik ing a light, he found a new pack, a few articles of food and ammunition. The envelope addressed to Melisse he left where Crolsset or the factor would find It In the morning. Ills dogs were housed In a shack behind the store, and he called out their names softly and warnlngly as he went among them.' As stealthily as their master they trailed behind him to the edge of the forest, and close under the old spruce that guarded the grave Jan stopped and silently he stretched out his arms to the little cabin The dogs watched him. Kazan, the one eyed leader, glared from him into the dimness of the night, whining soft ly. A low, mourning wind swept through the spruce tops, and from Jnn's throat there burst sobbingly words which he had heard beside this same grave more than seventeen years bo fore when Williams' choking voice had risen In a last prayer for the woman. "May the great God care for Me lisse!" He turned into the trail upon which Jean do Gravols had fought the Eng lishman, led his dogs nnd sledge in a twisting path through the caribou swamp and stood at last beside the lob stick tree that leaned out over the edgo of the while Barrens. With his knife lie dug out the papers which he had concealed in that whisky Jack hole. It was near dawn when he recovered the rifle which he had abandoned on the niountaln .bjl. . A JJttJeJntrJtJie- gan lo snow. TTtTSvas g1a"TC7oFft""w&uTd conceal his trail. For thirteen days he forced his dogs through the deep snows Into the south. On the fourteenth they came to Le Tas, which is the edge of civilization, j It was night when he came out of the forest, so that he could see tho faint glow of lights beyond the Saskatche wan. For a few moments, before crossing, he stopped his tired dogs and turned his face back Into the grim desolation of the north, where the aurora was playing feebly In the skies and beckon ing to him and telling him that the old life of centuries and centuries ago would wait for him always at the dome of the earth. "The good God bless you and keep you nnd care for you ever more, my Melisse," he whispered. And he walk ed slowly ahead of his dogs across the river and Into the other world. There was music that night in Le Fas. A door opened and a man and a woman enme out Tho man was curs ing, and the woman was laughing at him laughing as Jan had never heard a woman laugh before, and he held his breath as he listened to the tauuting mockery In It Kazan, tho one eyed leader, snarled. The trace dogs slunk close to the leader's heels. With a low word Jan led them on. Close down to the river, where tho Saskatchewan swung in a half moon to tho south aud west, he found a low, squat building with a light hung over tho door Illuminating a bit of humor in the form of a printed legend which said that It was "King Edward's ho tel." The scrub bush of tho forest grew within a hundred ynrds of It, and in this bush Jan tied his dogs nnd left his sledge. It did not occur to him that now, when he had entered civilization, le had come also into tho land of lock and bolt, of robbers and thieves. It was loneliness nnd not sus picion that sent lilm back to unleash Kazan and tike him with him. They entered the hotel, Kazan with suspicious caution. The door opened into a big room lighted by an oil lamp turned low. Tho room was empty ex cept for a solitary figure sitting in a chair facing a wide window which looked Into the north. Making no sound that he might not disturb this other occupant, Jan also seated him self before the window. Kazan laid his wolfish head across his master's knees, his one eye upon him steadily and questlonlngly. Never In all his years of life had Jan felt the depth of loneliness that swept upon him now as he looked into the north. He did not know that he was surrendering to hunger and exhaustion, the cumulative effects of his thirteen days' fight in the forests. It was the low. heartbroken sob oi grief thnt fell from his own lips that awakened him again to n con sciousness of the present He Jerked himself erect nnd found Kazan with his fangs gleaming. The stranger had risen. He was standing Th Stranger Had Risen. close to lilm, leaning down, staring at him in the dim lamplight, and as Jan lifted his own eyes he knew that In the pale, eager face of the man above him thete was written a grief which might have lieen a reflection of his own. Something reached out to Jan and set his tired blood tingling. He knew that this uiau was not a forest man. He was not of his people. His face bore the stamp of the people to the south, of civilization. And yet some thing passed between them, leaped all barriers aud made them friends beforo they had spoken. Tho stranger reach ed down his hand, and Jan reached np his. All of the loneliness, the clinging to hope, the starving deslro of two men for companionship, passed In the long grip of their hands. "You have Just come down," said the man half questlonlngly. "That was your sledgo out thero?" "Yes," said Jan. Tho stranger sat down In the chair next to Jan. "From the camps?" ho questioned eagerly. "What camps, m'sleur?" "The railroad camps, whore iVy are putting the new line through, neyond Wekusko." "I know of no camps," said Jan sim ply. "I know of no railroad except this that comes to Lo Tas. 1 come from Lac Bain, on tho edge of the Bar ren lands." "You have never been down before?" asked the atranger softly. Jan won- dered at the Ibjhilri his" eyes. "A long time ago," he said, "for a day. I have passed ail of my life up there." Jau pointed to the north, and the other's eyes turned to where the polar star was fading low In the sky. "Aud 1 have passed all of my life down there." he replied, nodding his head to the south. "A year ago I came up here for- for health ami happiness." Ho laughed nervously. "I found them both, but I'm leaving them. I'm going back tomorrow. My name is Thorn ton," he added, holding out his band again. "1 come from Chicago." "My name is Thoreau Jan Thoreau," said Jan. "1 have read of Chicago In a book and have seen pictures of it. Is it larger than the city that Is called Win nipeg?" Ho looked at Thornton, and Thorn ton turned his head a little so that the light did not shine in his face. The grip of his fingers tightened about Jan's hand. "Yes, It Is larger." "Tho oflleers of the great company are at Winnipeg and tho commissioner, are they not, m'sleur?" "Of tho Hudson's Bay company yes." "And If there was business to do important business, m'sleur, would it not bo best to go to tho commissioner?" questioned Jau. Thornton looked hard at the tense eagerness In Jan's face. "There are nearer headquarters at Trlnco Albert," he said. "That is not far," exclaimed Jan, ris ing. "And they would do business there Important business?" Ho drop ped his hand to Kazan's head and half turned toward tho door. "I'erhaps better than tho commis sioner," replied Thornton. "It might depend on what your business is." To them, as each stood for a mo ment in silence, there came tho low wailing of a dog out In tho night "They are culling for Kazan," snld Jan quietly, as though he had not read the question In Thornton's last words. "Good night, m'sleur!" i Continued. LADIES AUXILIARY MEETS From Wi'dnoilav'M Daily. Tho Ladies' Auxiliary of Hie Pi esliylerian church were delight fully entei'lained at I he hoiiie of Mr W. I'., llnsoiicnin.s yesterday afternoon. A large number of the ladies were in attendance and wliiled aa some very pleasant moments in stilehiug on dainty fancy work, social conversation and oilier amusements. The reg ular business session was held at which lime I he ladies decided that. Ihey would give one of those pop ular chicken pie suppers during I lie last week of December. Anoth er feature of I he business session was the arrangements made for the treat, for Ihe children of Ihj Sunday school al (Christmas lime. They also voted 75.11(1 lo the trustees of Ihe church which will be applied mi some of the church's indebtedness. During the course of Ihe afternoon's cnlcrlainmcul an excellent luncheon was served lv Ihe hostess. JOSEPH THOMPSON MEETS WITH A SERIOUS ACCIDENT From VVeilniisday's Dally. This morning while Joseph Thompson was engaged in deliv ering his express to the merchants on Maih street be started lo gel oiil of his wagon, which be had slopped in front of Ihe store of I'eler Clans, and in some manner slipped mid fell striking Ihe wheel and falling lo the pavement. It was thought, for a few minutes that he had sustained some broken bones, but il was found that he had only received some very severe bruises. Mr. Thompson was carried into the store of Mr. Clans and medical attention sum moned and the injured man con veyed to his home, where at last reports ho is resting easy, though he will probably be up for several days with Ihe juries. Al- laid in- Brothers Bought Lot. The Journal has been requested lo make a correction of the state ment in Ihe council proceedings in regard lo the sale of a ceme tery lot to Mrs. Hhoda Cottier This statement was a part of the report of the city clerk and rela lives of Mrs. (Irani Coiner claim it is wrong a Ihey stale the lot was purchased by the brothers of I he. deceased. Change In Hours at Shops. The Hurlington shops yesterday began work at 7:30 instead of at 7 o'clock, nnd quit work at 5:30 ji. m. The coach shop department are to work eight hours, quitting nt 4:30. The most useful gifts in tho world at Kastwood's. FIRE BOYS WILL HOLD En ii'l iiitiiiny Jniiur.ii l From Wednesday's Dally. The lMattsinouth lire depart ment held their regular session last evening at the council cham ber in this city, which was quite hugely attended by the members of the department. The depart ment lias made arrangements to hold a banquet at their room in the city hall on the lirst meeting in January, and a very sumptuous "feed" will lie served to tho boys and the occasion will tie one long: to he remembered in the history of the department. Anything that is possible for the citizens to do lo aid the department should be done, as they are always on hand to protect the property of the citizens whenever the occasion demands. LECTURE TO THE YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CUSS From Wednesday's Dally. The next number in the free lecture course offered to the young men of the city by the Young Men's Bible class of the Methodist, church will be a stere optican lecture by Dr. V. 0. Henry of Omaha, who will speak in the parlors of the church at 8 o'clock on Monday evening, December 1(5. I'liis is a rare opporl unity and every young man in ttie city wno can do so should avail himself of it. No charge of any kind is made for these led ores, ami this one is of such importance Mint seats for IdO will be placed in the larger room instead of the usual class room. Makes Way With Velocipede. Monday night some party or parties desiring a ride, stole a railroad velocipede, which was be ing used by K. V. Savegren of the liui'liuglon al Smilh Head, and proceeded to gel away with it, leaving no trace of the direction in which Ihey went. It is very probable that Ihey transferred the velocipede to the Hock Island tracks ami rode into Omaha, as no sign of tin1 car has been found in Ibis part of the county. Will Sure Be Here. Principal I. arson of the High school has received word from Superintendent Martin of Ihe Ne braska City High school that their basket ball team would sure be here the "(II h lo play the local team. The Nebraska City bunch are a fast aggregation and a lively coolest may be looked for, as the leant here is determined to hang another scalp on their belt. Epidemlo of Ditherla. There is quite an epidauiic of diplhcria about seven miles west of Murray. The families of llird Dawsoji and John Philpol, are now under quarantine and four of the schools in I section have been closed down. F.very thing possi ble is being done to stamp out the sease. Manderson Books. The splendid volumes and there are hundreds of them donated to our public library through the courtesy ami kind ness of Mr. Myron Clark, must have some room to be placed in and new shelving will need to be constructed at once. Soon there will be heard Ihe rasp of saws nod Ihe hammering of nails. Departs for Kansas. Jesse H. McVey departed this morning on the Missouri Pacific for Sterling, Kansas, where he ex pects to visit relatives for a short, lime. After visiting at Sterling. Mr. McVey will go to Mississippi, where he expects lo spend the winter, returning lo Nebraska about Ihe last of March. An Enthusiastic Committee. The Misses Verna . Leonard, llarbara (lering and Olive Jones were appointed at Ihe last library board meeting as a special com mittee to assist in gathering funds for the cataloging of tho library. You may feel sure that they will do llieir duty. In fact, Ihev are hard at. work. Doath of Infant Child. Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. arj Halstroiu were called upon to mourn the loss of their new born baby girl. The parents will have the sympathy of the entire com munity in llieir bereavement. For Sale. A number of thoroughbred white Wyndotte cockrels. Inquire of Julius Pitz. 12-9-81-wkly