The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1912, Image 4

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    - The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Seml-Weeklj at Plattsmouth, Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postolfiee at Plattsmouth, Nebraaka, aa second-das
Whi'ii I In:-, .lilt (tf day lias risen
Till In Mauds right over town,
Ar.d tiii'M- gonial rays of his'n
N-tw are coining squarely down,
When liie niHiilli is called De
cember, And Hie winds begin lo roar,
twarcsl will you then remember
What nu'vc heard so oft
Uo your Christmas shopping
Frc the first faint I race of morn-
' Lights l he hillock and the plain,
fsa the sunlight is adorning
Here an I there a window pane,
Ere you ,hakc tin: stupefaction,
Fol'inwi ! Ihe night of rest,
rVe. you tret yourself in action,
Are von with this thought im
pressed Do jour Christmas shopping
, " early?
, (Ciml inucd.)
Ruy ii pretty soon or you won't
buy il earl.
Only fourteen more days in
which lo do il. Time Hies.
lew while days before
Christinas will serve lo help solve,
the Kilt problem.
If thy: corn is not all picked it
is not the fault of the weather
William Randolph Hearst is
willing that President-elect Wil
son shall make his own cabinet
appointments, (iood for Willie.
Some of the Nebraska women
have made up their minds to vote.
Hut this is a matter in which the
men will have a great deal to say
whether they do or not.
A Chicago man lost 117,000 in
currency and resorted to the
newspaper want columns and
found it This shows how im
portant, a factor the little want ad
has become in modern civilization.
Twenty-four stales have rati
fied the income tax amendment,
lour have rejected it, and two re
main lo act upon it. Alliriualive
action by thirty-six stales is ne
cessary to make the amendment
:o :
Archbald is gelling all that is
coming to niin, and .jusl what, he
needs. !! is guilty.
I'latl sniout h Christmas stocks
were never belter at this season
No use going away from home lo
do your shopping.
A New York preacher assei
that the Sunday newspaper is one
of the seven curses of that city.
Piuhcadcd preachers is another.
What me i lie remaining live?
:o :
"Eat, eat, eat," is the advice of
a dietetic authority. That makes
three eats, which is the daily aver
age of most persons. Not bad
advice if the family pockelbook
can stand the strain.
"Public just ice demands serious
punishment for serious offenses,"
says Governor Mablvvin of Con
necticut. II does, hut. the tricky
lawyers, the incompetent jurors
and the soil -hearted governors
will see lo it thai Ihe demand is
no honored to any great extent.
Wall street is striving to trap
congress into passing the Ablrich
eurency bill i". "sugar coaled"
form. Well, Hie people elect Hie
congressmen, and if any of the
western members want to place
Ihoir own necks in Hie halter, they
will be to blame for Iheir own
;o :
Hasten! papers are comment
ing admiringly on the action of a
Kansas woman jury which decided
a case in three hours after a jury
of men had disagreed. If tho
truth were known the lady jurors
probaHy decided in one hour and
spent ihe remaining two in dis
cussing fashions, Christmas
presents and their neighbors.
It must lie conceded that Gov
ernor Blease, if you please, of
South Carolina, has the courage
of his convictions, such as they
are. He is not. afraid to speak out
in merlin'. And while he may be
a little radical in his views on the
lynching question, the most of
the husbands and fathers of the
Miuth, where the negro outrages
arc committed, feel just as he
loes, and so would nearly every
father and husband of the north
if placed in like situation. Jack
Johnson should be taken out and
horBcwhippod, everybody will
rce lo this, and not only this,
hut the girl he married deserves
h a punishment.
Governor-elect IMorrhead is op
posed to any great display of
pomp at bis inauguration, and we
think he is right. If be has his
way about il, ami he no doubt, will,
his iinlucl ion into Ihe ollice of
chief executive of Nebraska will
be verv simple.
The Omaha Uee is authority for
the saying "that married people
enjoy 'Hought and Paid For' more
than any show that has been in
Ibis country for many years."
"Hought and Paid For" will be at
the Parmele theater Saturday
night, December 1 i. Go and take
your wife.
Our merchants now have their
holiday poods on display and the
wise shopper is beginning to se
lect her (for most of it is done
by her) holiday gifts. In purchas
ing your gifts now you do not
worry the clerks lo death and
escape a great deal of trouble, for
yourself. Iniy il now and sleep
In Ihe United States the Pro
liant churches have a mem
bership of 22,000,000, an ad
heiency of C0,000,000, a Sunday
school enrollment of 1(5,000,000;
11)2,000 ordained ministers, 215),.
000 church organizations, 210,
000 church buildings, with a seat
ing capacity of 00,000,000, and a
total valuation of $ 1,30(1,000,000.
:o :
Forty-live farmers, eighteen
lawyers, II f teen real estate men,
twelve "retired" and ten active
merchants, ten bankers, live grain
dealers, two newspaper men, two
physicians, two druggists, a tele
phone engineer, one insurance
man, a lumber dealer, a dentist, a
laiindryinan and a couple of
manufacturers and live men of
various oilier occupations make
up Hie personnel of Ihe Nebraska
leg islature.
:o :
Th cold wave from the north
west Saturday night was sure
enough a gentle reminder from
Santa Clans. He sure and buy it
before the next one come along.
Civil service does not mean
that an ollicc.hohlers post
master or any other appointee
can hold over from one admin
istration through another of an
entirely different political com-1 1 he position?
recalling a judge and forcing him I Weare now proprietors of Ike
to .r,, . - pamnaiirn for re- I Home Drv Cleaning Works, Ofld
election when nobody wants him
recalled and all are satisfied with
the manner in which he conducts
his court? Why would it not be
the proper thing to elect a judge
for life, saving to the people the
right, to recall him if he proved
to be corrupt, inellieient or for
anv other reason unlit to occupy
guarantee all our work in every
particular. Call and see us in our
new quarters in the new Leonard
Huildinp. Vejvoda & Kelcek.
For regular action of the
bowels; easy, natural movements,
relief of constipation, try Poan's
Regulets. 25c at all stores.
plexion. And it does not mean
that the outgoing president can
re-appoint a man whose lenn is
about lo expire, to serve another
term. .Vi law will Hold such a
proceeding fair ami just, and a
democratic senate -will so decide
when it gels to handling such
business. The democrats will
stand no such skulduggery for
that is just what such a proceed
ing would be termed.
:o :
:o :
Many a little lot w ill go with
out a Christmas present unless
some of our charily-inclined men
and women lake some means lo
provide (he poor children with
something to remind them of the
Christian spirit for which Christ
mas is truly intended.
Wonder if it is true that Wood
row Wilson's school teacher forty
cars ago, predicted that one day
he would be president of the Unit
ed Stales? The same old story
is reported every time a new man
is elected president, so it must be
true with . all Hie presidents
A pigeon recently Hew from
Niagara Falls lo New York City in
six hours and thirty-three min
utes, or at the rale of nearly
seventy miles an hour. While the
aeroplane can beat this rate, it
will probably be some-lime before
an aviator equals this record for
a flight between Ihe Ivvo places.
The man or woman who asks
for credit Ihe year round and I lien
goes to Omaha lo pay the cash
for Christmas presents is not
treating those merchants who
have accommodated them the en
lire year jusl right, and they who
do go to Omaha for this purpose
don't believ e I hey are doing right,
The democrats generally believe
in civil service, but not to the ex.
tent of being abused by the out
going president making federa
appointments that should be done
by Ihe incoming president, inas
much as they have lo serve four
years, or during the extent of the
incoming president's term oT ad
ministration. :o:
The Christmas shoppers are
"doing it early" with the mer
chants who have already done
Christmas advertising, telling of
the kind of articles they have for
suitable presents. The proper
advertising saves the clerks many
minutes' time explaining to the
hundreds of shoppers after they
enter the store about tho many
articles in stock, and during a
lime when there are many lo be
wailed upon.
The New York Sun has recently
conuuciei an in eresi njr uiscus
sion on the question, "What is a
Ccii! leiiian ?" Here is one of I In
best answers received: A man
that's clean inside and out; who
iieilher looks up lo the rich or
down on Ihe poor; who can lose
without squealing and win with
out bragging: who is considerate
of women, children and old peo
ple; who is too brave to lie, loo
generous o cheat, and who takes Clans to ii!
hi share of Hie world and lels peop
The department of justice at
Washington is one that come in
as close touch with the people as
any other and from the nature of
its business the apopintments in
it must be left lo Ihe discretion of
the attorney general and the
president. Ihe civil service law
can never be applied to it in any
real degree. All 'the United
Stales district attorneys are ap
pointed by this department and
the United Stales marshals. -The
(olicies of the department must be
carried out by tneu in sympathy
with I hem and Ihe consequence is
that nio. of Ihe appointees are
changed with each administra
tion. A law yer at Hie head of I his
department who was determined
on the destruction of the trusts
would sTion make things lively all
over Ihe United Slates.
I'o.-I master General Hitchcock
is a confirmed bachelor, say (lie
que mi v a-nrngiMii. mil mere
hit sign.- llial lie i warming up I
I he beau'l il odes ol' lite in a most '
encouraging way. .lusi because
lie lias') l anv j.uhlics oi ins own
is no reason vvliv In- sliould iml
work hand in liaml Willi s-anlai
I In- kiddies of o her j
F.videiitly this is
The founders of the govern
ment prov iib'd a life tenure for the
federal judges 'because they dis
trusted the people. In the form
ing of stale government the peo
ple provided for frequent recall at
staled periods because they dis
trusted judges. It could be
forcibly argued that too great a
distrust was manifested in both
instances. It is true that a round
about way, and one that is almost
wholly impractical, was provided
by the founders of Ihe govern
ment for getting rid of bad fed
eral judges, and one such case is
now occupying the whole atten
tion of the United States senate.
Hut there ought to be some more
practical way of disposing of
them, while the judges in whom
the people, have confidence should
be left lo pursue their duties un
disturbed. World-Herald.
Forest Rose Floor
Guaranteed to Be the Best oa
the Market
i 11 .'' ..iii: ":";t"i
Real Estate
Attention, Farmersl
My pear Farmer Have you your
own farm or are you renting? I
have land in Minnesota, cut over!
timber, from 810 to A 1 5 per acre. I
One-third cash, balance at (5 perl
cent. I have good, smooth land I
in Mevens county, Minnesota,
from $5.") to .fr per' acre. This
land is sold direct from the own
er of the land. No land company
in this deal. I also Handle the
best land in eastern Oklahoma.
Com runs from sixty to seventy
bushels to the acre. Now if you
want land try me rind see. I deal
with no agent. If you come with
an atieiil von must pay him your
self. Write or call,
I Henry llummels,
1121 Nrrth 201 h St..
Lincoln, Neb.
others have theirs." What is
there to prevent any yong man
from qualifving?
:o :
Political pie hunters are jusl
Mr. Hitchcock feels aboul il, be
cause ii" nas issued an order io
all nosl masters to lak
Farm for bale.
135-aere farm, four miles from
town, between r0 and 00 acres
way! under plow, 7 acres hay land, bal-
! ance pasture. Running water,
j Seven-room house and other iin
I in'ovcinenls.
pecial Inquire al the ollice of flawls
Bought .d Sold
Insurance Placed in Best
j Farm Loans and Rental Agency
Virgil Ttlullis
pains w il li sanla Jans letters and Honertson.
see thai Ihev're delivered prompt-
I V 111 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J ! 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 I vill
gel them in lime to till the orders
y contain. This is good news
for many IliMiisands of Hide boys
and girls who have written letters
to Santa Clans in the past and
now reading senate document No
H.K) with interest. No. 83(5 shows
that exclusive of enlisted men
iml olllcers of the army and navy,
there are il 1,1122 olllcers and em
ployes of Ihe United Slates gov
eminent. Of these, 2f2,(08 are have never received any answers
under civil service regulations These Idlers were held up by the
and, therefore, cannot be re- p'lollice department either for
moved by the president except for insiiftlcient address or because
eausV. Of. the remainder, 137,- I bey did not carry the required
SOT) are in the classified service, amount of postage. Hut the little
takiner them off the nie counter, writers never Knew why Iheir
and onlv 10.810 are tilled direcllv communications to Santa were
by the chief executive. The con- neglected. I Hey looked in vain
Urination of the senate is requir- i'' H"' loys and beautiful things
ed for 0,8 Ifi of these presidential Ibey knew Santa would bring them
appointments before Ihey can be if H'"i his list. So
secured, but 093 can be made bv Ibis year the postmasters all over
the president without conllrma- H"' country will take every let
lion. Nebraska Cilv News. ler that is addressed to Santa
:o: Clans and see that it is delivered
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire to pay their subscriptions
in wood are requested to bring it
in before the roads get bad, as
we desire lo place it in the dry.
Come in with it, boys, right away.
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at he Journal office.
One of the nmsl enterprising
II. won't make a bit of difference
! f I L . J I t 1 M
little cities in Nebraska is Louis- " 1,10 ,s scravvien, ii ii is
ville. The business men of that P'1'1''' or if ll,, vHope is dirty
town are wide-awake all Ihe lime 1111,1 tear-stained ami lacking a
and are up and doing for any and """"P- An(l msands of men
rvcrylhing that is calculated to "' wom,n out of ,h( P11 noai'ls
benefit the town. They are after ,hal honl ' n,oir lsoms are go
evervthmtr in sicht. that will assist U,r" in n,,, holl' deliver
in hmi.iimr ,lW,,n,.,iu i these letters lo Santa Claus and
f I I'MIIIIMip '' " 'l OCl I'l 11,1 IV.'" lit I
A pollerv is one of the latest ,'ijhl " Uu jh l,ntil ('vpr"
1 I nil I
,.i.,....i..w n,... k,.n oruer is nneii
iih i 'i i-t.-", f i ii'i huh lim j inn u
organized u water power company,
which is calculated to utilize the RECALLING JUDGES
water of the Pintle river for It is gradually dawning on
manufacturing purposes. Home some very intelligent and con-
capilal will be used in Ibis enter- servative people that "the recall of
prise, and if successful, it will judges might not be such a lei
prove a big inducement for manu- rible thing after all. They have
fiicturing establishments to locate discovered that there is a recall
there. The men at the head of the of judges in everv state in the
movement deserve to succeed and union and always has been. They
Ihe Journal hopes Ihey will. Just are recalled at stated periods
as well an organization of this whether Ihey have been good and
kind at Louisville as at Fremont efficient judges or not, and Ihe
or any other town on the Platto working of the present recall is
liver, and we aro pleased to seo about as unreasonable, a drag as
Louisville possesses such men was ever tacked onto a system of
who have grit and vim to lackle a government
proposition of this character. I What is the common sense in1
No Flour EquaJs It
Every Sack of Gooch's Best Flour is Guaranteed Use half a
sack or more and if it does not make the best bread, cake, biscuit ot Die
crust you have ever made if it is not absolutely satisfactory en every
essenuai your ueaier win reiuna your money without argument. Buy
the finest the purest flour you can buy that's GOOCH'S BEST
Gooch's Best Flour is made from the choicest Nebraska and Kan
sas hard winter wheat the finest grown. This means that bread that is
every bit pure every bit good, blood-making food. Gooch's Best Hour
makes more lighter, whiter, tastier loaves by actual baking tests than any
other flour you can buy. No other mill grinds the same high grade of
milling mixture. Your Baking simply can not fail with Gooch's Best
Flour. Accept no substitute. For sale by
A. W. White, Plattsmouth
A. G. Bach & Co., Plattsmouth
W. T. Richardson & Co., Myuard. Neb.
Hiatt & Tutt, Murray, Neb.
Mrs. Ruth Thomson, Cedar Creek, Neb.