The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1912, Image 1

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    Neb Stale Historical Soc
nrtoutb Journal
NO. 102.
U 1
Quite a Business Session, Matter
f New Burlington Depot Being
One of Greatest Importance.
From Tuesday's Daily.
There was only one absentee
last evening wben Mayor John P.
Battler rapped for order at the
couucil meeting, it being Coun
cilman Hichey, who was out of the
city on business.
. The city clerk had received a
reply from the letter which had
been written to (Jeneral Manager
Holdrege of the Burlington in 're
gard to the remodeling of the
depot in this city, and the man
ager stated brieily the plans that
tbj company had made in regard
to enlarging the depot in order
to accommodate the business
handled there. This communica
tion was placed on file.
The council also received
communication from Bruce &
Standeven, the paving contract
ors, in regard to the completion
f the work on paving district No
i, which was read and placed on
The finance . committee, after
duly investigating the following
bills, recommended their pay
ment: C. M. Manners, moving
lire apparatus, $3.50; John Fitz
Patrick, salary, $10; B. (!. Wurl
expense, $1.25; Bert Thomas
police, in place of Trout, 810; Ben
Hainey, salary, $05; C. Boetel
fcurying dog, 50c ; Lincoln Tele
graph and Telephone Co., rent for
'phone. $2.52; J. V. F.genberger
coal and labor at library, $10.05
1. N. dumniings, burying dog, 50c
James Hebal, street, work, $27.90
L. Holler, street work, $10.00
I'd Snodirrass.. street work
t25.20; John Swan son, '$i."00
M. Hild, chair rail, $i; M. Archer
salary, $:J0; Woyrich it lladraba
supplies to police, $2.51; Ne
braska LiKhting Co.. light at
library. $2.50; James Donnelly,
salary, .$4.50; library expense for
November, 81.30; Henry Trout,
salary, $i(); Olive Junes, salary as
librarian, $35; Bruce it Standeven,
3 j)cr cent of contractor's esti
mate of paving and extra change
of plans, $124.05. The original
bill of Henry Trout was for $50,
but the council decided that I In;
cost of the substitute, who was on
while Mr. Trout was in quaran
tine, should be deducted from this
amount, which was so ordered.
The claim of Bruce it Stande
ven was read, and on motion of
Buttery, the mayor and clerk were
ordered to draw a warrant for the
The chief of police reported
seventeen arrests for the month
of November, and I he report w as
referred to Ibe police coinmittei
City Clerk Wurl reported the
following amounts collected by
him during the month of Novem
her; Mrs. Hhoda Coiner, one-half
cemetery lot, $10; J. N. Johnson,
one-half cemetery lot, $10; John
Iverson, occupation tax, $7; W. A.
Tulene, tool house on Chicago
avenue, $25; V. V. Leonard, oc
cupation lax, $5; Hugh Norton,
cemetery lot, $20; Nebraska
Lighting Co., occupation tax, $50.
City Treasurer Fricke, reported
Ibc city finances to be in the fol
lowing condition on Novem
ber 30:
Paid. Balance.
.$ ilD.H!) $ 103.02
Denotes overdraft.
The report of the lire depart
ment, stating the condition of the
various apparatus and the re
moval of the hose carts and fire
lighting apparatus to the now
room in the city hall was read and
The report of the police judge
. i . . i ... . i.
was read anu roierreu w no-
police committee.
Councilman llallstrom of I lie
lighting committee staled that he
had interviewed the management
of the Nebraska Lighting com
pany and they had requested more
time in which to place their lights
in proper condition and to test the
current in this city, and on
motion, the company was granted
until the next regular meeting to
get the matter fixed up. The
management of the light company
also requested that any time that
citizens notice street lights out
they should report the matter to
the company, so they could be
placed in the proper condition.
Councilman Buttery requested
to have some work done on West
Vine street, and the street com
missioner was requested to see
(hat the work was done.
There being nothing else of im
portance to come lie fore the coun
cil, on motion of Patterson, ad
journment was taken.
Few Important Pointers for
Postoffice Patrons to Keep
in Mind.
Building New Cottage.
From Tupsilav' Dally
Tom Isner, the boss carpenter,
is engaged in constructing a new
modern six-room cottage on one
of l lie farms of Theodore Stark
jolin. six miles west of this city.
Mr. Isner is an experienced car
penter and his work has always
given universal satisfaction and
be will undoubtedly put up a
house that will give Mr. Stark-
john a very pleasant home on his
Undoubtedly Greatest and Most
Interesting Play That Has
Visited Here for Years.
Joseph McCoy Has Reason
Claim Place in Ranks of Bur
lington Veteran Engineers.
7 40. 5!)
1 1 .'.HI
1 2 2. OH
Building . . . .$
l ire Dept
Fire hydrant
rental ....
Light ing ....
Cemel cry ....
Business lax
(ien. school . .
Teachers' . . .
Paving Disl.
No. 3 ;
Khij. warrants i, 131.40
2,8 4'.). 10
III. '.5
121 .3 i
. 270.07
4 20.'.) 3
0 48.71)
1,19 i. 02
r'rom Tuenday's Dully.
The Omaha News of Sunday
contained an article on the old
time railroad men who are run
uiu.on.. the, Nebraska railr.oads,
and among them was a short
sketch of Joseph McCoy, the
veteran Burlington railroad en
gineer, who runs through this city
every day on No. 2i, and who is
well known lo a large number of
our citizens. The article is as
Another railroad man who has
good reasons to claim a place in
the ranks of railroad veterans is
Joseph McCoy, engineer on the
Burlington, running from Lincoln
to Pacillc Junction, Iowa. Mr. Mc-
Cov is known as the engine stud
ent. He knows every part of his
machine, and knows the system of
evolution by which it has been
created, for he studied each im
provement. Mr. McCoy entered railroad sor
ice in 1801) as a telegraph oper
ator, but the call of the road won
him, and in two years he started
whyre all engineers start as a
"I've run everything from a lit
tle engine that would be consider
ed as a toy now lo the largest
locomotive ever made," says Mr.
McCov. "and f know all about
them. When 1 first started rail
roading, the onlv signal we had
was a little red Hag, and about the
onlv laws we had we made our
Mr. McCov's greatest ambition,
which he says is the greatest
ambition of 4-vcry engineer, will
never be attained. That, ambition
is to be able to say when the en
tiineer makes his last run, "I
have never kill a man."
"t'nlil two years ago I had that
sort of a record," said Mr. Mcoy,
a few weeks ago, "but a man final
ly got in the path of my engine.
II was nol my fan 1 1 . but I was at
the throttle when he ' was killed."
Old engineers say none of their
brotherhood has ever attained
that record, but that all would
rallyr have that than the highest
compliment their road could pay
I hem.
For (went y'-live ears Mr. Mc
Coy has been running passenger
engines. His record has been
such that passengers on his line
say they feel safe when Joe Mc
Coy is on the engine.
Mr. McCoy is 03 years old and
looks about. 55. He says it isn't
true that running a locomotive
makes men grow old early. "Of
course, I've taken care of myself,"
he says.
A few of which if followed
closely will noLonly save trouble
to yourself, but will assist the
postmasters a great deal during
the few days before Christmas:
ltemember always to put the
stamp in the upper right hand
To register your valuable let
ters and parcels.
To have your mail addressed to
your street and number.
To notify the postmaster when
you change your address, giving
both the old and new addresses.
To place your own name and
address on the upper left hand
corner of your letter or parcel,
and if you desire special return,
so state.
Thai the postmaster is forbid
den to furnish addresses of
patrons of the office.
That the past age slumps are
sold in book form for your con
That a 10-cent special stamp
insures delivery of your mail up
on arrival at destination.
That objectionable postcards
are withdrawn from the mails.
To tightly seal envelopes en
closing postcards bearing par
tides of glass, metal, mica, etc.;
and to put on letter postage 2
cents per ounce.
That forwarding orders or
change of address orders cannot
be taken over the telephone.
To promptly report in writ in
to the postmaster any irregularity
in service, any request or sugges
lion for improvement in the serv
ice and discourtesy of any em
ploye. In making complaint con
cerning the delivery of mail, al
ways accompany same with the
envelope or w rapper.
To be sure lo wrap and lie your
packages well. ,
fo be sure to address pack-
ages Willi iiik aim in a legime
To be sure to have your pack
ages weiglied at I lie siamp w in
dow, lo insure proper amount of
postage thereon.
To be sure lo mail your pack
os early so as to avoid the
Christmas rush. . You can mark
on them "Do , not open until
Thai lo place postage stamps
or Christmas stamps over strings
or wrapper on parcel seals it, and
it is subject to letter postage.
That foreign countries prohibit
the placing of "Christmas" or
charity stumps on address side of
letters or packages.
Mrs. Rose Jensen, Formerly Miss
Rose Batton, Passes Away in
Newman Grove, Neb.
from Tuesday's Dally.
A telephone message was re
ceived in this city this morning
by II. T. Ballon, announcing that
his daughter, Mrs. Hose Jensen,
had passed away at her home at
Newman drove, Neb., at an early
hour Ibis morning. The bereaved
parents and two sisters, Misses
Nora and Jennie Batton, left this
afternoon for that place to attend
the funeral.
Mrs. Jensen's death came as a
very severe blow lo her parents,
as they had only recently received
a letter from her staling thai she
was in good health. Mrs. Jensen
was formerly Miss Hose Balton,
and possessed a host of friends in
this city, who will be greatly
grieved lo learn of her untimely
. Mrs. Jensen was very proiuin
inent in church circles, here, hav
ing been a very able worker in the
Methodist church, and everyone
yilh whom she came in contact
was cnarrncu ny ner pieusani,
manner and lovable disposition,
and her passing will be greatly
fell by those who were fortunate
enough to be numbered among the
circle of her friends. She was
married about four years ago to
Dr. Frank Jensen of Newman
drove, who, with a little 3-yeai
old son, are left to mourn ber
loss, as well as her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. II. T. Balton and four
sisters, Mrs. uiaries iirassman
of Alliance, Mrs. John Wcherbein
and Misses Nora and Jennie Bal
lon of this city. The date of the
funeral had not been set when the
realtives left for Newman drove.
Total 5,IG2.70
Less overdraft 3,254.19
Balance Nov. 30 $1,908.51
Cabbage, apples and cider for
sale by S. 0. Cole.
From Tuusdav'H Dull v.
Manager .Milaes of the I'ar-
mele theater and T. B. Bates of
t he Journal al tended "Bought and
Paid For" at the Brandeis in
Omaha last night, and both being
excellent judges as to what should
constitute a llrst-class play in
every particular, they declare this
one' of the greatest shows they
ever witnessed. The play is one
of great interest, and the manner
of its production, with such
artists as Charles Millward. Miss
Julia llerne and den. Wright, in
the lending rides, was simply per
fect ion in ils rendil ion, and t li
amusement -lo ing people oi
Omaha are profuse in their
of "Bought and Paid For." The
company carries its own stage
sittings, niiil some of the lluesl
scenery ever placed in an opera
house. In fact, they carry enough
furniture to furnish a four-room
cottage. Sunday night standing
room was at a premium, and last
night Hie Brandeis was filled lo
its utinol, capacity, which is suf
ficient, lo testify that "Bought and
Paid For" is one of the greatest
of the great shows of the present
age. You will get to see this pro
duction at tho Parmcle theater on
Saturday night. Reserve scats
now in order to be sure of one.
From TuesdaVn Dnllv
One parole granted and two
more taken under consideration
were I no results ol a day s session
by the Nebraska slate prison
board yesterday. William F.
Becker, serving a live-year sen
tence for receiving stolen goods,
was paroled last evening and left
for his farm home in Cass county.
Frank Parker, runner to Late
Warden Delahunly, and Leon
Angus, head baker of the prison,
presented the oilier applications
taken under advisement. The two,
according lo an impression al the
penitentiary last evening, will
probably be granted their liberty
at the next meeting of the board.
Some 50 or 00 applications were
considered. Becker had served
about a year and a half on his
five-year sentence. lie was a
farmer of Cass county when con
victed, but previous to the con
viction he bad borne it good repu
lal ion. Lincoln Journal.
Asks for Divorce.
From Tin-Hiliiy's Dully.
Suit for divorce was filed to
day in district court by Mrs. Julia
0. Dwyer' against Patrick H.
Dwyer. The parlies were married
at Council Bluffs, Iowa. January
28. 181)3. and moved lo Cass
counl v in 1805, where the plaintiff
has resided ever since. The peti
tion alleges that the defendant
has been guilty of extreme
cruelty, drunkenness and non
support and asks absolute divorce
and the custody of the minor children.
Paper Napkins at this office.
"Bought and Paid For" is a
play that should be greeted by one
of the largest audiences that
ever assembled in the Parmele
theater, next Saturday night. And
if our people fail to give this com
pany such a patronage as it justly
deserves, they should never talk
any more about getting llrst-class
plays to come to Plattsmouth.
Sunday night "Bought and Paid
For" was played to an immense
house at the Brandeis theater,
and the Omaha Bee, in speaking
oT the acting, is profuse in com
plimenting the company, as fol
lows :
It isn't hard to understand why
when "Bought and Paid For" was
put on at William A. Brady's
beautiful "Playhouse" theater in
New York a year ago, it was with
the belief that it would serve to
till out the fortnight, left open by
the failure of another play, before
draco deorge would be ready to
enter with her new piece. Also, il
is easy to understand why the
play proved the most popular of
all Ibe productions of the year
and why it is still drawing big
houses wherever il goes. As a
literary product ion, il is even be-
iw the Broadhiirst standard, and
that is down some; as a human
note, il sounds clearer than any
thing he has ever written. II tells
the story of a man and a woman
who met under strange conditions,
w ho came lo love each other fond
ly, but did not gel down to work
ing conditions of life until each
had bail a great shock, i no wne
felt shew-as upholding a principle
dearer than all else in the world;
the husband thought he was
maintaining his manly dignity
and pride, and each was as foolish
as the other. But they were
brought together again, and the
end of the play sees the prospect
of everything coming out well.
Mr. Broadhiirst has a well-lried
capacity for developing "situa
tions," but he has never worked
up such a climax as that which
comes at I he end of the second act
in Ibis play. It is dramatic lo the
utmost degree, and ils culmina
tion, when lloberl Slall'ord lireaks
open I he door to his wife's bed
room and strides in, determined
lo have what he "has bought and
paid for," conies with crusihng
force, because the building up
process of the act does not pre
pare for the shock of the action.
Mr. Millward and Miss llerne wnrK
splendidly together in this scene,
and make it, one of tremendous
power. She embodies and sets
forth the good woman's horror
of what he has become, a brule
tired by drunken lust; he shows
how low a man may fall when in
spired by passion sprung from
overmuch wine. They spare noth
ing in their portrayal of the con
flict between them, though not
with shrieking and much "emo
tional" effect is Ibe scene en
acted. Aside from this one overwhelm
ing outburst of primal passion,
met by the resistance of civilized
refinement, the play partakes al
most entirely of the nature of a
light comedy. In the third act the
breaking up of the home might
become tragedy, were it not that
the nil imate end of the drama is
so obviouslv forecasted. Fvcn
this strain i relieved i comedy
I hat is all I he more eujo able be-
all'ord some relaxa
ensjon of I he sit ua-
sl ami fourth act
. . nil
ricliesi oi uii
Broadhiirst duality, which is also
quite some comedy, for dent
Broadhiirst was in I he front rank
as a writer of farces before h
turned his hand to melodrama.
No more laughable llgure than
Jiininv, who just wanted a chanoi
and who was obsessed with his
own ideas, has ever been con
ceived, nor a character more
humanlv satisfying than that ol
Fannv. his loyal, loving, sensible
Mr. Millward is bringing his
splendid powers into full play in
the role of Stafford; even in the
tlrst act, when he approaches the
girl he asks to marry him, he
does it much as he would arrange
a bargain for a new bit of bric-a-brac
or some ileal in stocks; his
voice holds its even lone, no lone
of passion breaks in on I hat level
(low of words, no suggestion of
tenderness for a moment sup
plants its key of command. It is
in the last act that he shows how
much of genuine feeling be can
put into his tones that one for
gives him for his apparent lack
of interest in the first. And this
same artistry marks him all the'
way along. It is more than good,
it is great act ing. Miss Homes
work is marked by a splendid
sincerity, a depth of understand
ing, a degree of wistful sweetness
that appeals most potently. Her
role is one that offers much of
temptation to which an actress of
lesser ability might easily fall tho
victim, but Miss Heme keeps it
always on a high plane and shares
with Mr. Millward in the triumph
of the play. Thoir efforts have
boon more than any other thing
the cause of its success.
Mr. Wright is a joy beyond ex
pression as Jimmy dilley, and
Miss Davis is capital as Fannie
Blaine, afterwards Mrs. dilley.
The company is exactly the same
as appeared in the play during its
long run on Broadway, and it is
offered here just as it was in New-York.
The Brandeis. theater had one
of ils biggest Sunday night audi
ences lo welcome the play last
night and (he success is attested
by the laughter and applause so
general. It is not often in Oma
ha that a scene is interrupted by
applause, but Ihisi happened last
From Tuftrtay Dully.
The district court , yesterday
made a record in the number of
cases handled and the jury was
excused until January. In Ibe
case of the City of Plattsmouth
vs. Fail (1. Wescoll, el al tin
cause was continued over until
January and trial before jury
waived. The suit of O. P. Monroe
vs. C. Law rence SI nil w as con
tinued over the term. The Mauley
Co-Operative drain Co. vs. the
Missouri Pacillc railway was con
tinued until January. The case
of A. O. Ault vs. John W. Frwin
was settled and dismissed. In Un
case of Fdward YanKleeck. vs. the
Hock Island railroad Ibe matter
was settled by the company pay
ing the plaintiff the sum of r(
ami I he suit w as dismissed. This
method of handling these cases
will mean a saving of several
thousand dollars to the county,
as the jury will nol be ailed un
til some time in January.
cause il docs
t iioi from I In- I
lion. The Ili
are eoiuedv ol
Manager Shlaes of the Parmele
theater has received the follow
ing message from Manager
Managhan of the Brandies thea
ter in Omaha, in regard to
"Bought and Paid For," which
appeared at that theater:
Omaha, Dec. 8, 11)12.
Manager Shlaes, Parmele Theater,
Plallsnioiith, Neb.:
We plaxed "Bought and Paid
For" loniglil to lu biggest Sun
day night house ever in Brandeis
theater: I consider il lo be Km
best play of ils kind ever seen in
Hie city of Omaha in my llfleen
years' experience; hence you can
not lioom il any loo strongly.
F.ddio Managhatn,
Manager Brandeis Theater.
To Secure New Plant.
From Tuosdnv's Dally.
Frank P. Sheldon and A. F.
Sturm of Nehawka. who are here
attending the district court, were
passengers yesterday afternoon
for Omaha to see about securing
a new gas plant for that village to
replace the one destroyed by the
explosion Sunday.
The Journal for Calling Cards.