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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1912)
vv-r-H- -H-H- -S-H-K -I-H-v J l NEHAWKA. Will Stoll is under Or. Ciilinore's care. J. C. Wtinilerlirli is slowly im proving after a siege of neuralgia. Mr. anl Mrs. Frank Cox am! mii. Fail, ami Miss Minn if Stoll woif i;i .tits In Omaha Saturday. Charlc l-llrll a-, county - Mi- miil'iiH'il II PLAnE RIVER Enterprising Citizens of Louisville Organize a Company for This Purpose Mean Business. ('.In iswiser ami John I wife motored In Urn at Saturday on business. Caroline Hanneislor is In Iht bed with heart I i under tln iliirlnr's trouhle am ran1. F. (',. Sehuiuakcr made an effort to shred his fodder Thursday, but the liad weather put I In- shredder mil of commission for a few days. John Knalif ami wife ami ('.has. Hansen ami wife nmhirt'd In Oma ha one day last week in Mr. Knabc's car. Alpha Hell ami Mr. and Mrs. Thiele, accompanied h.v Mrs. Frank Masscy and Miss (ieorgia, niolorcd to Nebraska City on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. (icorge Hansen, accompanied hy Mrs. (lust Man sen and daughter, Doras, motored to Nehraska city Saturday lo do some shopping. .J. WEEPING WATER. '.J. Republican. I Fred ami Kdna Stoll. from east of (nun. left, Monday morning for Chicago to isil relatives mil il af ter Hie holidays. W. C. Clark ami little son of Kansas City came in Sunday night for a few days' visit, with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Clark. F. A. Davis left Tuesday iiiin ii ing for Crawford, Neh., lo look af ter his f,u in Ihere, which was his homestead about oars ago. (ieorne lless of Wahash is cn lu iir-: a v Nil from hi- hrol her, I. I , of Tacoma. Wash., ami also his hrnt her, Fred, of Topeka. Kan -a-. Mrs. William Spanglcr cujoved a vi-il from tier niolher. Mrs. Fliaheih Wiles, ami her sisler. Miss Isahelle Wiles, nt IMalls iiioiilh, from Saturday to Monday. Dr. F. I'. Il"cd left Tuesday for Denver with the intention of per manent locating there to prac tier medicine, lie has ,jus linish ed a posl-tiradualo course in im Kansas Cily Medical college. Dr. Welch reports the hirth of n hoy at Ihe home of S. A. Jack man, smith of town, on Thursday. Niivemhcr -S, ami at. the home of Rudolph Shoemaker, east of town, on Saturday, November :iu, a boy; at the home of Finest Stone!', cily, Deeeinber 1, a boy. Mrs. II. F. Huhy died at her home, norlhwe.-l of town. Wed nesday eveninu of abress of Ihe stomach. Funeral services were held at Hie home Friday at 1 a. m., ami interment made at I'.i-hl Mile Clove cemetery, I.. F. Townsciid nllic ialing. On Wednesday til. 3 p. m. Olie Carmicliael succumbed suddenly to a brief and severe attack of iuiuy at the home of Mr. and Mi's. Hoss Dennis, where she was making her home. The funeral was hold at p. m. Thurs day from the home, conducted by I.. F. ToWsend. Interment was made at Onkwooil cemetery. Hev. John II. Andres has signed a contract with a western ( haul an qua bureau to spend bis vacation time next summer in a rip lo the Paritie coast in Chau tauqua lecture work. The trip will take him in southern Cali fornia, thence to the slate of Washington ami back into Mon tana. The remuneration is suf ficient to enable him to take Mrs. Andress with him and meet all expenses. They are looking for ward lo a line trip. We con gratulate Hev. Andress on this de serving recognition of merit.. When Koiinte Urns, of New York applied for a stale charter to tap the l'lalte river at Fre mont ami lead it by canal to Oma ha at an approximate oust of imo.null, (hey demonstrated their failb in a project which will ulti mately be the means of bringing this vast western country into her ow n. Today we are privileged for the Hist lime to give to Ihe public the particulars of the organization of a company with an authorized capital stock of .oo.nno under llm name of the l'lalte Klectric Light, and Power company. W. H. Letler of Springfield, Neb., is president; James Slander, Louisville, secretary, and Peter C. Slander, Louisville, treasurer. The object of the new corporation, as staled in their printed matter, now being printed in this otlice, is the manufacture and sale of light and power. The Courier reporter called on Mr. P. C. Slander, treasurer of the new company, this morning and learned from him the pro posed location of Ihe plant. Mr. Slander was very enthusiastic over Ihe possibilities of the new company. At a point between Louisville ami South Demi, where Ihe bluffs are abrupt on either side ami the bed of (be river is formed of solid limestone. This extends from bank to bank. Near the center of the river is a ual ural channel of H.IMUI feel in width, of considerable depth at low water season. Here they propose lo put in the water wheels, about twenty in number, although they estimate II. al six wheels will give Hiem all the power necessary. A bridge will be Imill across the river at Ibis mini, 1mm which Hie ap paratus w ill be operated. . The water whi rls are a new patent by Ihe presidi-nl of the company ami are so coiisi i iieled thai Ihcv will raise ami fall wit 1 1 the river. One fool of water will operate Ihe wheels al full capacity, nl- llioiigh al this point the only fine in the l'lalte river Ihe depth of lb" water never reaches less than three feet. The fall of the river, as determined by the Burlington Itailroad company, is seven feet to the mile. The llow is from six lo seven miles pei' hour, which is sllllicienl to generate all the power necessary to revolutionize the cost of fuel for iiiamifaelur ing purposes throughout eastern Nebraska. Mr. Stamb-r is of the belief Dial Willi an expenditure of say 20, om, better results can I btain- ed than will be possible for Kniintze Itros. of New York to give wilh Iheir canal, which they esti mate will cost 1.000.(1(11). The establishment of this gigantic power plant in the sub urbs of Louisville will mean more In (his city than I lie average citizen will at tirsl imagine. Let's all bnos for the success of the Platte Fleet rie Light and Power company. Louisville Courier. Fountains for Chickens. C. C. Wescott and Ilex. W. L. Austin, the boss chicken fanciers of this locality, have just received two new Pagel's sanitary foun tains for use in their pens. These fountains are modern and up-to-date in every respect and are made somewhat on the principal of the tireless heater, keeping the water warm in the winter and protecting: il from the heat in summer. The fountain is double lined and is considered one of Ihe best on the market today. AND MRS. ALBERT WHEELER'S ORANGES GROWN IN OUR 01 COUNTY OF CASS Mrs. (ieorgia Creamer presented the editor of the Journal with an orange plucked from a tree planted seventeen years ago on their home place, near Murray. This tree has been bearing fruit for several years, and this year in a greater quant'ty than ever be fore. Seventeen years ago Mrs. Creamer planted a small twig, you might say, and today she can boast of quite an orange tree. The specimen she brought to Ibis otlice has the color of those sweet, delicious oranges that come from Florida. We haven't lasted il yel, but are keeping il to show our friends that Nebraska climate is adapted even to the growing of oranges, as well as all kinds of other fruit. Accept our thanks, Mrs. Creamer. TRUIE SOUTH MARRIED Last Friday evening a large number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheeler and tendered Mr. Wheel er a complete surprise. Mr. Wheeler had not even suspected that there was anything doing, and when the guests, about forty in number, walked into his home lie was sure some surprised. The evening was very pleasantly vvhiled away in games ami music. At a late hour an excellent tvvo rourso luncheon was served, after which the guests dispersed, voting Mr. Wheeler a splendid entertain er, hut a very much surprised man. Those in attendance were: Misses Jessie Harrows, Winnie Ilulcheson, Harrielte Adams, Jen nie Livingston. Clara Young, Susie liintner, May Lewis, Hose Mae Creamer, Lillian Wheeler,; Messrs. Cilenu Wiles, Percy Wheeler, John Livingston, Myron Wiles, Sherman Holderness, Rex Young, Ernest liintner, Charles Sans, Krnest Ilulcheson, Hoy Cole, Flhert Wiles, Charlie Vallery; Messrs. and Mesdames T. S. Har rows, Walter Sans, J. E. Wiles Will Carev, E. 0. Lewis, C. H. Cole, i A. O. Ramge, Tom Tilson, Albert Wheeler. MICHAEL HILD Furniture and Undertaking Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum South Sixth Street Plattsmouth, - - - Nebraska PhoneS tel'n'c. 247 REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the BANK OF MURDOGK CHARTER NO. 678 Of Murdock, Neb., Incorporated in the State of Nebraska at the close of business, November 26. 1912. Saturday afternoon Judge A. J. Heesoii pronounced the words that united the lives of Mr. Harney Wampler and Miss Truie South, two of the popular young people of our city. The wedding came as a great surprise to the friends of the contracting parlies, as there was no intimation given that they intended to be married until they appeared before the judge to have the ceremony pec formed. The bride is Ihe daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas South and has been reared to woman hood in this city, where she has made a host of friends by her charming personality 'I is a most estimable Voting man. who is employed in the Hurling liiil shops, and possesses the esteem and friendship of every one with whom he is acquainted. Tim friends of the young couple last night, after recovering- from their surprise, were busy shower ing their good wishes and con gratulations upon the newly weds. At Christian Church. Cospel meetings will be held each evening this week, except Saturday, and over Sunday. Some of the most vital subjects will be presented by Pastor-Evangelist l. L. Dnnkleberger. You cannot allord to miss these services. Come out and bring your friends with you. Services begin at 7 : ; i 0 each evening. Come and let us reason together. . I). L. Dnnkleberger. Hev. Ir. I. N. McCash, sec retary of the Home Missionary so ciety of the Church of Christ, has this lo say of Evanimlisl 1. L. I Mltikli'liel'ger : "This is to certify that I have known it. I.. I e i n a l ciierg e r lor a number 'of years. Since he graduated from Irnke university he has baptized about J.omi peo ple. Mis reliability, earnestness ami preaching ability make him a very valuable servant of our Lord in evairrelislie campaigns. I recommend him lo churches groom jcvervv here. aki!".r fop such service. KESOriVES- Loans and discounts t overdrafts HuoU Inir house, furniture and flx-- t II it's Current expenses, taxes anil Interest paid Due from nat'l and state hunks'N - Currency l.C.if' on (J old eoln ,")4.'i Ui) Silver, nickels and cents. U74 lis 14.13!" W OT.K'il 77 TtiO 411 4,000 00 I.inH 73 REPORT OF THE or CONDITION The Bank of Cass County of riattsmouth, Nebraska. Charter No. 642. Incorjioriited In the state of Nebraska, at the close of business Nov. 2ii. I in 2 RESOURCES Total. SI 12,1m IW LIABILITIES Capital stork paid In Surplus fund I'mliviili'd profits individual dciusl'.s subject lo check i:.7.r71 f4 Time cert if leal es of deposits .'s.r.'4 7." Cashier's checks oiitsanldititf 4'.i Kills imyahle Pi'IKisllor's tfuiininly fund Loans and discounts Orerdrafts lkinds, securities, judsments. claims, etc Kanklnic house furniture and H x - . l'es (i..n)0 (ni lu-aiesiaie outer man tianklntrhouse 8.77 7." C urient cMienscs. taxes and interest liuiu Cash Items Hue from nat'l. state and private banks. ...3 0,07l 14 Checks and Items of ex change 55:) 47 Currency 7,:!h;.' no Hold coin io.i7.'i no .silver, nickels and cents 3,4i!i 72- . In;, biO 01 3,751 4X 1.KH SI II. lis 71 f2 :w Hi.401 ;i:i Total . 47 ?ir..ono on i 4111) (Ml 2,073 27 LIA1III.1TIES Mi.TiO 7s 7,fK) (V) (177 HI .$112,100 IH Total STATE ' 1' NEHRASKA I County oM'ass I I. II. A. I.ulliiiuinn. Cashier of Ihe above nnnieil hank, do hereby swear that the above statement Is a correct and true ropy of Ihe report made lo Ihe Stale liunklir Hoard. II. A. (il THMAXX, Cashier. Atlest. I'. Wolf, director. Henry A. Tool, ilinvlor. Siilisrilbcil mill sworn lo before me this 7th i. ay of llii'cmber, I1M2. Ii.iin M Ciii:,uua:. Notary Public. Iseall My commission expires .1 line ii. I'.'Kt. Capiial stiH'k paid In $ W.otiu 00 Surplus fund 30.000 00 I'ndivliled prollts l!U2fi 21 Individual deposits subject to check.... I.'0.ii22 4s T 1 m e certificates of ileiKisIt 202.r4." 00 Cashier's checks out standing Il.iilj in Due to national, stale and private banks 2;.."i74 01- 400,:t."7.22 2.203 04 -Mrs. I). C. Wesl of Xehavvka is l.v' lceemher. 1012. iii the city for a few days' visit, at the home of Mrs. .Mary Allison. Deixisltors' guaranty fund... ' Total J.-.02.I4T) 47 Statk or Nkhhaska, I County ok Cass Cs I. R. 1'. Patterson as slstant cashier of the above tunned bank do hereby swear that the above statement, Is cor rect and a I rue copy of the report made totho Slate Hanklnir Hoard. U. Patterson. Assistant Cashier .(('MAS. C. I'aiimki.k. Director. I U. V. l'ATTEitsox, Director. Siitisi'iilHii and sworn lo lief ore me Ibis 7th V F.ltNA 11 ATT. Niilai v Public I Seal! M.v commission explivs.luly 2."lh. 1017 Attest: Mrs. 1'i'eil Jones of Norton. Kan sas, js in the city for a visit over C.liiisl mas al the home of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Haird. GAS PLANT AT NEKAWKA i Mr. and Mrs. John Stones and " " jliille son, John Jacob, from west From Wear Manley. jof Murrav, were viii ing and shop .1. C. Itaulli ami sou, Herman, ! ping vvil Ii county seat friends last ami Paul ami l.eo Tiglm, from Saturday, near Mauley, ami Will Kennedy,! from near Klin Creek, Neb., were visiting with county seal friends Saturday. Mr. Ilatilh is one of the most, prominent ami prosperous farmers in Cass county, and has always been a mighty good friend of the Journal ami its publishers, A. W. Ward of Kighl Mile drove, one of the jurymen for this lerin of court, came in this morn ing to be present at Ihe opening of court. liKPOKT OF THE CONDITION Plattsmouth State Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska Charter No. 7sr. I ivi'tn im ii ati d In the stale of Nebraska, at the close of business November 20, 1012. RESOERCES Loans anil discounts .17().5T.I 20 Mi- DEPARTS FOB BOHEMIA TO COMPLETE HER MUSIC Returns From Hospital. Henry J. Stivighl. was brought home from the hospital at Omaha Saturday afternoon by his son-in-law, Arthur Jackson, in an auto mobile. Mr. Streighl. is feeling belter than be has for years and llnds that the treatment at the hospital has greatly benetlted him. The improvement in Mr. Strcighl's condition will he most pleasing news lo his bust of friends and they are all delighted lo see him return home in such splendid shape. If you are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and effect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially suited to your case. For sale by F. C. Fricke & Co. Today Miss Agnes Knolleck de parted for Mohemia. where she will complete her musical educa tion. This little 13-year-old girl is a very skilled violinist and her work has received Ihe highest praise from Ihe masters of the violin who have heard her play ing, and her parents are sending her abroad in order that she may receive the finishing touches from the masters of the old world Miss Knolleck has studied under Prof. Kohlbaba for several years ami under his skillful training she has developed into a marvelous plaver, whose artistic perform ances have delighted Plattsmouth audiences on a number of oc casions. Musical experts who have heard Ihe little lady perform on the violin have predicted with out hesitation a great career for her ami lln're is no doubt that her name will be famous in a few vears in the old world, as well as in this country. Miss Knotlec has memori.ed a large number of Ihe inosl difllcull pieces written for the violin, ami at her age has displaved a talent that is un usual in most of the profession! players of the country. Yesterday morning the gas ant al the village of Nehawka lew up, with the result thai Ihe uilding and its contents were oinpletely wrecked. The gas that is used for illuminating pur- itises is manufactured from a ombinaliou of carbide and water, and just about ten minutes before e explosion happened Andrew Sturm, who has charge of the hint, had paid a visit to the uilding and attended lo the mix- ure of the gas. He was seated in us ollice wiien, Hearing an ex plosion, looked out of the window in time to see Ihe building going up in the air. It was very for- unale that no one was in the mibling at the time, as it is al most certain to have resulted in Iheir death. Come In Mordock's to buy candies. 1 2-l-2t-wklv M:ii'''iiril( .... ..r i:.l ....i p..:l i.. ...... i am., o. com so, ,,, ,,L ,u y,,,.,. );jv a.,.iv(l(1 us a visit when in Hie city lasi, Sal unlay. The trip was made in Mr. Ilanth's aulo, and Ihey return ed home after the play al (lie I'ar inele Saturday evening. Mrs. Lorenz Returns Home. Mrs. K. W. Lorenz, who has been recovering from an opera lion at Immanuel hospital, Oma ha, returned home yesterday and is feeling in the best of health. Mr. Lorenz went up yesterday morning to Ihe metropolis lo bring his wife home and was delighted with the improvement in her condition. The doctors at the hospital pro nounce Mrs. Lorenz's case the most successful they have had, as it usually requires a long time be fore they are allowed to leave the hospital. Shull of New this morning and will visit for a time al the home of her uncle, James Robert son ami family. For Sale. A number of thoroughbred white Wyndolte cockrels. Inquire of Julius Pilz. 12-0-RI-wkly A Ies Moines man had an at tack of muscular rheumatism in his shoulder. A friend advised bim to go to llol Springs. That meant, an expenso of 9150 or more He sought for a quicker and cheaper way to cure it and found it in Chamberlain's Liniment Three days after the llrst applica tion of Ibis liniment he was well For sale bv V. (. Fricke & Co. Men's heavy fleece lined under wear nl. 75c a suit at Mordock's. 12-9-21-wkly J. F.. Wiles drove in from his farm Saturday afternoon to look after business matters for short lime. L. C. Todd and wife of Ne hawka were in the cily Saturday afternoon doing some trading with the merchants. (). W. Laughliu of Greenwood ame in this morning lo be pres. nt at Ihe opening of the jury term of the district court. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Creamer, from south of the city, were, shop ping and visiting with county seal friends last Saturday. A. W. Meisinger of Mynard was in town Saturday afternoon look ing after business matters and visiting with his friends. M. II. Pollard oT Nehawka, who has been drawn on the jury panel for this term of court, came up Ibis morning lo be present at the opening of court. Miss Hosa Mae Creamer depart ed Friday evening for her home south of this cily lo attend the surprise parly given in honor of Albert Wheeler that evening. In the district court Ibis morn ing Paul Ilawkinson was ar raigned before Judge Travis and entered a plea of guilt to the charge of carrying concealed weapons. The judge will not sen tence the prisoner until a later dale. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. Mint M llniiUni: house. furniture anil flxliiivs 1,479 00 Ileal estate other than banking house 12,000 P0 Current exiH'iises. taxes antl Interest Paid 2,5Srt 21 Cash items 1)4 ful Hue from national, state and pri vate banks s,ti7 Currency (U40 00 tlold coin 2,KiO 00 Silver, nickels and cents tK M Total i:XH,m 01 LIAI5IL1T1ES Capital slock paid In ?.'i0.000 00 Surplus fund 1,0110 00 I'ndivliled profits tt,s45 SO Individual deposits subject to chirk. It'.i.HtMl 4 i demand cerlltlcates of deixtsit I.filil 7r Time certltlcatesof deiKisit 77,0;i Hi 1 iciKwitor's guaranty fund (HI Total J20M,lrt.t 01 STAT OK NKIIKAsKA. I roiTNTYorl'ASN t I.. I. 51. KoIm'iIs. cashier of Ihe aliovn named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the n-iNirt. made to the State Hanklnir Hoard. J. M. KoltEKTS, Cashier. ii..o ) NV- ' Nweu Director. AU,M I.I. II. Hkckku. Director. Suhscrilied and sworn lo Itcfore me this 7th day of December. 1012. Ma MtUd'nr, Notary I'ubllc. tSeall .My commission expires Nov. 10, HUT. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Todd and three daughters ami Clare Thom as of Long Heat h, California, were entertained at dinner and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Todd yesterday. Marshall, Dentist, Coates blocK. Miss Lillian Schuldiee and brother, Ocorge, came in this morning from Omaha, where Ihey visited over Sunday with relatives. A. F. Strum of Nehawka came up Ibis morning to serve on the jury at the November term of district court. Joseph Creamer drove in Sat urday from his home south of this cily and entered the employ of the Warga & Cecil garage. Mr. Creamer is a bright young man ami will doubtless prove n valua ble addilion In the garage. Christmas Shoppers should not fail to see our brilliant display of Watches, Rings, Bracelets, La Valliers, Lockets, Chains, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, China, Mani cure Sets and Novelties. Exclusive Styles at the Right Prices! The largest stock we have ever carried. You are invited to inspect the goods before the lines are broken. B. A. McEIwain, Jeweler - "On the Sunny Side of Main Street.