The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 09, 1912, Image 5

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The Honor!-of thei
ISy Jam
Up in the "Big Snows," near
the dome of the earth, lies the
scene of this story of real men
and real women, who have all of
the virtues of their hardening en
vironment and few of the failings
of their more civilized relatives.
This is a tale for reading when
one is tired of the artificialities
of civilization or at any other
time when a good story is appre
ciated. You will find in it ro
mance and adventure and mystery
mixed in such skillful manner and
in such proportion that no ingre
dient interferes with another. Yet
atl go to make fine reading for
women who like to hear of brave
deeds and sacrifice for love's
sake and for men with even a
drop of the spirit of adventure
in their veins. And one thing
more the author has livedamong
the people whose lives he de
scribes, and he knows how to tell
a story.
Jan Returns.
ALL that spring and summer Jan
spent In the thick enribou
swamps and low rldgo moun-
tains nlong the Barrens. It
w3 two months before he appeared at
the post again, and then he remained
only long enough to patch himself up
and fiocure Iiesli supplies.
Mclisse had suffered quietly during
these two months, a grief and loneli
ness filling her heart which none knew
but herself. Even from Iowaku she
ktjt her unhappiness n secret, and
yet when the gloom had settled heavi
est upon her she was still buoyed up
by a persistent hope. Until Jan's Inst
vh,1t to Lac Ilaln this hope never quite
wcjit out.
Tlic first evening after his arrival
frora the swamps to the west he came
to the cabin. His beard had grown
agflln. Ills hair was long and shaggy
nni fell In shining dishevelment upon
his ahoulders. The sensitive beauty of
his great eyes, once responsive to ev
ovf passing humor in Mclisse, flashing
fun Ht her laughter, glowing softly In
their devotion, was gone.
This time Mclisse knew that there
was left not even the last comforting
spark of hope within her bosom. Jan
had gone out of her life forever, leav
ing to her as a haunting ghost of what
they two had once been to each other
tiro old violin on the cabin wall.
After he went away agaiu the violin
became more and more to her what it
had once been to him. She played It
as he had played it, sobbing her loneli
ness and her heart break through its
strmgs, iu lone hours clasping it to her
breast and speaking to it as Jan had
talked to it in years gone by.
Once during the autumn Jan came in
for supplies and traps and his dogs nnd
sledrc He was planning to spend the
whiter 200 miles to the west, In the
country of the Athabasca. He was at
Lac Itain for a week, and during this
tlHe a mall runner came in from Fort
'Hie runner brought n new experience
into the life of Mclisse her first letter.
It was from young Dixon twenty or
mwe closely written pages of It, In
wliicTi he informed her that he was
yolug to spend a part of the approach
ing winter at Lac Itain.
Hlie was reading the last page when
Jan came into the cabin. Her cheeks
wore slightly flushed by this new ex
citement, which was reflected in her
yen as she looked at Jan.
"A letter!" she cried, holding out her
tw hands Oiled with the pages. "A
lefctcr to me, Jan, all the way from
Fort Churchill:"
"Jho in the world" he began,
smiling at her, and stopped.
"It's from Mr. Dixon," she said, the
fluHto deepening In her cheeks. "lie's
going to end part of the winter
wttti us."
"I'm glad of that. Melisse," said Jan
quietly. "I like him nnd would like to
ktiw him better."
He did not see her again uutll six
inrt.hs Inter, when he came in to the
nrrtKu roast with his furs. Then he
lvnraed that another letter had come
to Mellsso and that Dixon had gone to
London Instead of coming to Lac Itain.
Mio day after the carnival ho went
had; Into the country of the Athabas
ca. Spring did not see him at Lac
Hnifl. Knrly summer brought no news
of him. In the floods Jean went by
the waterway to the Athabasca and
fowui Thoreau's cabin abandoned.
There had not lieen life In It for a
long tli:;t Tho Indians said that
sice the melting snows they had not
seen Jan. A hnlflirced whom Jean
met at Fond du Lac said that he had
foind the bones of a white man on
the Itcnver with a Hudson's bay gun
and a horn handled knife beside them.
Jean came buck to Lac I'.aln heavy
nt heart.
"There Is no doubt that he Is dead."
he told Iowaka. "I do not believe that
11 win hurt very much if you tell Me-
o day' early in September a ion?
flCWWtte.. .Into, jhikjwjst nt nopn
Copurlflhu 1911. bu the Bobbs
Merrill Co.
. .n
when the company people wore at
dinner. He carried a pack, six
trailed at his heels. It was Jan Tho.
"I have been down to civilization,"
was his explanation. "I have return
ed to spend this winter at Lac Bain."
On the first snow came young Dixon
from Fort Churchill. Jean de Uravols
met him on the trail near Ledoq's.
"Bless me, if it isn't my old friend
Jean!" he cried. "I was just thinking
of you, Gravols, and how you trim
med me to a finish two winters nsro.
, i .....
Gravols-and Melisse?" he added be-
fore Jean had spoken.
"All well, M'seur Dixon," replied
Jean. "Only the little Gravols have
almost grown into a man ami woman."
An hour or so later he said to Io
waka: "I can't help liking this man Dixon,
and yet I don't want to. Why Is It, do
you suppose?"
"Is it because you are afraid that
Melisse will like him?" asked his wife,
smiling over her shoulder.
"Blessed saiuts, I believe that is it!"
said Jean frankly. "I hate fuivigneis
-and Melisse belongs to Jan."
"A woman will not wait always,"
said Iowaka softly. "Jan Thoreau has
waited too long!"
A week later as they stood together
in front of their door they saw Dixon
and Melisse walking slowly in the edge
of the forest. The woman laughed
into Jean's face.
"Did I not say that Jan had waited
too long?"
Jean's face was black with disappro
bation. He was angered at the cool
ness with which Jan accepted the situ
ation. Deep down in his soul Jan knew that
each day was bringing the end or i:
all much nearer for him. He did not
tell Melisse that he had returned to
Lac Bain to be near her once more, I
nor did he confide in Jean. Dav after
day he saw Melisse and tho Kngllsh
man together, and, while they awak
ened In him none of the tlery Jealousy
which might have rankled in the bos
om of Jean do Gravols, (he knowledge
that the girl was at last passing from
him forever added a deeper grief to
that which was already eating at his
Dixon made no effort to conceal his
feelings. He loved Melisse. Frankly
he told this to Jean one day when they
were on the Churchill trail. In his
honest way he said tilings which broke
down the last of Jean's hereditary
"I like him," he said to himself,
"and yet I would rather see him In tho
blessed hereafter than have him take
Melisse from Jan!"
The big snow decided. It came
early In December. Dixon had set out
nlone for Ledoq's early In the morn
ing. By noon the sky was a leaden
black, and n little later one could not
see n dozen paces ahead of him for the
snow. The F.ngllshmnn did not return
that day. The next day he was still
gone, and Gravols drove alone the ton
of the mountain ridge until he came
to the Frenchman's, where he found
that Dixou had started for Lac Bain
the preceding afternoon. He brought
word back to the post. Then he went
to Mellsso.
"It Is as good as death to go out in
search of him," he said. "We can no
longer use the dogs. Snowshoes will
sink like leaden bullets by morning,
and to go ten miles from the post
menus that there will be bones to be
picked by the foxes when the crust
It was dark when Jan came Into the
cabin. Melisse started to her feet with
a Httlo cry when ho entered, covered
white with the snow. , light pack
was strapped to his back, and ho car
ried his ride in his hand.
"I am going to hunt for him," he
said softly. "If he Is nllve I will bring
him ba.ckt'.i you..w
i ve learned a lot about you people up ;lnto the northwest, Ledoq trailing slow
here in tho snows since then, and I'll l.v and hopelessly Into the louth.
never do anything like that again, j It was no great sacrifice for Jan, this
How is Mrs. Gravols and the little " . . , . .
Big Snows
Annfa0 If "Tte
IDtara0 Trail99
She came fo him slowly, and th
beating of Jan's heart sounded to him
like the distant thruminini: of nar-
j fridge wings. Ah, would he ever for
iget that look? The old glory was In
her eyes, her nrms were reaching out,
her lips parted. He saw her face so
near to him that he felt the touch of
her sweet breath, and he kuew that
one of his rough hands was clasped in
both of her own nnd that after a mo
ment it was crushed tightly against
her bosom.
"Jan, my hero"
He struggled back, almost sobbing,
as he plunged out Into the night again,
lie heard her voice crying after him,
but the wild walling of the spruce and
the storm in his brain drowned her
words. He had seen the glorious light
of love in her eyes her love for Dixon!
And he would find him!
lie went to Ledoq'B now, following
the top of the mountain, and reached
his cabin In the late dawn. Tho French
man stared at him In amazement when
he learned that he was about to set
out on n search for Dixon.
"You will not find him," he said slow
ly in French, "but If you are determin
ed to go I will hunt with you. It is n
big chance that we will not come back."
"I don't want you to go," objected
Jan. "One will do as much as two un
less wo search alone. I came your way
to lind if It had begun to snow tefore
Dixon left."
"An hour after he had gone you could
not see your hand before your face,"
replied Lednq. preparing his pack.
"There Is no doubt but that he circled
out over Lac Itain. We -.ill go that
far together and then search alone."
They went back over the mountain
nnd stopped when Instinct told them
that they were opposite the spruce for
ests of tho lake. There they separated,
Jan going as nearly as he could guess
. .
i KIru"lf' wl" t'"1 ' snows for the
uappiness or .Mellsso. What it was to
Ledoq no man ever guessed or knew,
for it was not until the late spring
snows had gone that the people at Lac
Bain found what the foxes and the
wolves had left of him far to the south.
Fearlessly Jan plunged Into the white
world of the lake. There was neither
rock nor tree to guide lii. fe. ew. ',,
where was tho heavy ghost rul nept of
the Indian god. Day came, only a lit
tle lighter than the night. He crossed
the lake, his snowshoes sinking ankle
deep nt every step, and owe each half
hour he li red a slnule shot from his
rifle. He heard shots to the south and
keew that It was I-doq. each report
.l ining to him more faintly than the
last until they had died away entirely.
Across the lake he struck the forest
again, and his shouts cchnctl in futile
Inquiry In its weird depths. At noon
Jan stopped and ate his lunch; then he
went on, carrying his rifle always upyii
his right shoulder, so that the steps of
his right log would be shortened and he
would travel In a circle, as he believed
Dixon lent done.
The storm thickened with the falling
of night, and he burrowed himself a.
great hole In the soft snow and tilled
it with balsam boughs for a bed.
When he awakened, hours later, he
stooil up and thrust out his head and
found himself burled. to the armpits.
With the aid of his broad snowshoes
he drew himself out until he stood
knee deep iu the surface.
lie lifted his pack. As he swung It
before him, one arm thrust through n
strap, he gave a startled cry. Half of
one side of the pack was eaten away!
A thin trickle of flour ran through his
fingers upon the snow. He pulled out
a gnawed pound of bacon, a little tea
and that was all.
Frantically he ripped the rent wider
In his search, and when he stood up his
wild face staring Into the chaos about
him, he held only the bit of bacon in
his hand. Iu it were the imprints of
tiny teeth-sharp little razor edged
teeth that told him what had happen
ed. While he had slept a mink had
robbed him of his food!
With one: of his shoes he began dig
ging furiously In the snow. He tore
his balsam bed to pieces. Somewhere
somewhere not very far away the
little animal must have cached its
theft. Ho dug down until ho came to
the frozen earth. For an hour he
worked and found nothing.
Then he slopped. Over a small Ore
ho melted snow for ten and broiled a
mice or mo imcnn, which he ate '.villi
tho few blscult'crumbs he found in
the pack. Every particle of flour that
he could find he scraped up with his
knife and put Into one or the deep
pockets or his caribou coat. After that
ho set out In the direction iu which he
thought he would find Lac Bain.
Still he shouted for Dixon and fired
an occasional shot from his rifle. By
noon he should have struck the lake.
Noon came and passed; the gloom of
a second night fell upon him. He
built himself a fire and ate two-thirds
of what remained of tho bacon. The
handful of flour in his pocket he did
not disturb.
It was still night when he broko his
rest and struggled on. His first fears
were gone, in pined of them there
filled liliii now a grim sort of pleasure.
V IClLOil'l JJiue he was battling with
death for Melisse. And tills, after all,
was not a very hard fight for him.
When he ate the last bit of his bacon 1
he made up his mind what he would
do when the end came. In the stock
of his rltte he would scratch a few
last words to Melisse. He even ar
ranged the words In his bruin four of
them -"Melisse. I love you." He re
peated them to himself as he stagger
ed on. and that night beside the tire
he built he began by carving her name.
"Tomorrow." he said softly. "I will
do the rest."
He "lis growing very hungry, but he
did not touch the flour. For six hours
he slept and then drank his till or hot
"We will travel until day. Jan Tho
reau," lie Informed himself, "and then,
if nothing turns up, we will build our
last camp and oat the flour. It will be
the last of us, for there will be no
meat above this snow for days."
His snowslioos were an Impediment
now, and he left them behind along
with one of his two blankets, which
had grown to be like lead upon his
shoulders. He counted his cartridges
ten of them. One of these he fired
Into the air.
Was that an echo he heard?
A sudden thrill shot through htm.
He strained his ears to catch n repeti
tion of the sound. In a moment it
came again -clearly no echo this time.
The shot came from just over the
(To Be Continued.)
From .Siitiirtlay's Ilully.
The big hardware store of (J. 1
Eastwood has some very elegant
find handsome articles displayed,
that embraces some of the llnost
products that it has heen possible
to secure for (he patrons of this
wideawake tlrm. They have chaf
ing dishes in every sie and made
of lirass and silver, which would
make a gift lit for a queen, while
their line of carving sels, crumb
I rays and serving dishes are com
plete in every respect, and range
in prices In suit every pockelhook.
The linn has also placed some
wry allraclive baking dishes in
slock, which would gntilly please
Hie housewife for Christinas.
There is on display here a very
large line of air rillcs to please
Hi" young folks ami I hey come in
a large number of sizes and con
sist of ;!.-,n, r.Oii and l.nno shot,
rifles, which would t ickle the kid
for Chi-i-d mas. This firm has
spared mi money to give I heir
friends the best articles on Ihe
market and any one desiring to
make a purchase for Chris! mas
would do well o drop in ami look
over the magnificent slock offered
by this firm.
From Europe to America.
Tin- oiis and daughters of all
European nations coming to these
l:op liable shores will sooner or
later lie absorbed by the great
American mil ion. This idea was
reproduced by Joseph Triuer,
manufacturer of the 'famous
Tiim-r's American Hlixir of Bitter
Wine, on his beautiful Calendar
for Ui;i. tl shows ships arriving
at the New York harbor with new
immigrants. Around Hie picture
are ina i.lons of dill'erent, nationali
ties, and in their midst ' the ulti
mate result Hie American girl.
A copy of this Calendar will be
mailed to those who will send 10c
to Jos. Triner. m.'ll.T.) S. Ashland
Ave.. Chicago. 12-r-litw-fll
Could Shout for Joy.
"I want to thank you from the
bottom or my heart," wrote C. B.
ltader, of Levvisburg, W. Ya., "for
the wonderful double benefit I got
from Fleet ric Bitters, iu curing
me of both a severe case of stom
ach trouble and of rheumatism,
from which had been an almost
helpless sufferer for ten years. It
suited my case as though made
just for me." For dyspepsia, in
digestion, jaundice, and to rid the
system of kidney poisons that
cause rheumatism. Electric Bit
ters have no equal. Try them.
Every bottle is guaranteed to
satisfy. Only ,r0 cents at F. (1.
Fricke it Co.
An Unavoidable Accident.
(ins Wotchel of (ireenwood was
i:i the city today a! lending to some
business matters. Mr. Wolclicl's
sister was driving in her buggy
near Oreenwood yesterday after
noon ami the buggy was accident
ly struck by the auto of J. E. Mc
Danicl and the buggy quite badly
mashed up. Mr. Mclianiel settled
the mailer by paying Ihe damages,
although the accident was nil
aviodable. After the buggy was
struck Marshall Seybert at. Louis
ville was notified by telephone of
the number of the machine and
at once notified Mr. Wotchel who
the owner was.
When ordering flour ask your
grocer to send you a sack of
Forest Rose Flour the best flour
Local Hews
rom Saturday's Dally.
Thomas Stokes returned last
evening from Omaha, where ho
had lieen visiting for .some time.
Henry Kaufniann. the gardner,
was iu town yesterday afternoon
transacting' some business mat
ters. Will Jean of the precinct drove
iu yesterday afternoon to attend to
some business mailers for a few
I.. 11. Young of .Nehawka was in
the city today en route to Omaha,
where he is taking treatment in a
i. P. Meisinger of Cedar Creek
came in this morning on No. 4
and attended to business matters
for the day.
11. 11. Nickels of near Union
drove up yesterday to do some
trading with the business houses
of the city.
William Puis, sr., the good old
reliable citizen from Mt. Pleasant
precinct, was in the city today at
tending to business matters.
Mrs. William Ballance was a
passenger this morning for Oma
ha, where she attended to some
business matters for Ihe day.
Miss Mary K. Foster departed
yesterday afternoon for Louis
ville, where she is holding a
teachers' meeting this afternoon.
T. W. Vallery of Ihe precinct
was in Ihe city ycslerday after
noon attending lo business mai
lers and visiting with his friends.
Charles Miller, the sturdy der
ail fanner from south of Ibis
ly, w as in I ow n yesterday doing
me trading will) Ihe merchants.
John Kraeger, who is one of the
siibslaulial farmers from Mt.
Pleasant precinct, was in Ihe city
today attending lo business mat
ters, i
Hon. Fred I,. Nulzman and wife
of Nehawka were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they
spent, the day attending o busi
ness mailers.
.1. F. Clugy returned this morn
ing from Huxley, Iowa, where he
is engaged in doing some grading
for the Chicago. Milwaukee it St.
Paul railway near !ml place. The
job is (piile a large one and it, will
take some lime lo complete the
work. Mr. Clugy , has a number
of teams employed on the job and
will return in a few days to that,
place lo attend to them.
Workmen have been engaged
for several days iu llxing up the
driveway on the west side of the
government building and it, now
presents a very handsome appear
ance. Crushed rock has been
placed on (be roadway and I ho
men are smoothing Ihe ground of
the park so that it can be sown
to grass and in the summer it, will
present a line sight, as the post
olllce building is one of Hie hand
somest jn the citv.
From Friday's Unify.
C. Bengcn, jr., of near Mynard
was in the city today attending to
some mailers of business with the
W'ililam Caygill ,,f Wnbash was
in the city today attending lo
some business mailers nt the
court house.
Frank (irouf ami wife of near
Murray wero passengers this
afternoon for'irwin, Towa, where
they will visit a daughter for a
short lime.
Sheriff Quinton, Deputy Sheriff
Manspeaker and Mrs. Manspeakcr
were passengers this morning for
Lincoln, where they took Mrs
ltosa Wise, who was adjudged in.
sane by the insanity board yes.
Business Visitor.
, Mike Kime, one of the stalwart
democrats of Nehawka precinct,
and one of the best fellows in the
world, was in the city today and
made a social call at the Journal
olllce, which was most pleasant,
as Mr. Kime is a whole-souled,
genial gentleman. Mr. Wilson, one
of Ihe wealthy fanners nnd land
owners of Oloe county accom
panied Mr. Kime lo this city.
Preaches In Lincoln.
Fal her M. A. Shine departed
this afternoon for Lincoln, where
he will preach tomorrow at St.
Mary's cathedral in that city, it
being the feast day of that church.
Itev. Father YVeis, S. J., of
Creighton university will say mass
at St. John's church in the
absence of Father Shine.
From Tuesday's Dally.
W. M. Richards of South Beud
was in the city today attending to
business matters at the court
(us Itein, who is employed at
Pender, Neb., came in Sunday for
a short visit with his family in
this city.
Lig Brown, the genial mayor of
Kenosha, drove in this morning
and spent the day looking after
business matters.
W. (I. Meisinger, wife and child,
or near Cedar Creek, were in the
city today doing sotre shopping
with the merchants.
I). J. Pittman of Murray was in
I he city yesterday afternoon look
ing after some matters of busi
ness at the court house.
Will Mordock, wife and little
babe, who spent Sunday in this
city, returned to their home at
Nebraska City last evening.
C. M. Robinson, the insuranco
man, came down from Omaha this
afternoon on No. 24 to look after
the interests of his company.
County Commissioner lleebne1
came in last evening from his
home at Nehawka to attend tho
rommissionciV meeting today,
County Commissioner C. R.
Jordan came in from his home at
Alvo last evening to attend tho
meeting of the county board to
day. .
E. M. Godwin and son, Albert,
drove up today from tho farm
near Murray and attended to some
business mailers in the county
Miss Dorothy Britt returned
this afternoon to her studies at
Ihe University School of Music,
after spending her vacation hero
with her mother.
Mrs. Kale Oliver returned homo
this afternoon from Lincoln and
Omaha, where she had been visit
ing her (laughters, Mrs. llallam
and Mrs. Fades.
William and II. 0. Bailey, from
west of Murray, were in this city
today, en route in an automobile
to Omaha, where they looked af
ter business matters.
John Cory nnd wife arrived
home last evening from Pender,
Neb., where they spent Thanks
giving with their daughter, Mrs.
Eil Brant ner and family.
Frank Schlotnian, a former
resident of this county, but at
present living at Valpariso, Neb..
who is visiting with friends at
Mynard, was in Ihe city (his morn
ing in company with It. I,. Propst
taking in (lie sights,
Edwin Bales and wife departed
this afternoon on No. 3;i for
Washington, when1 they expect to
make their future home. The
Bales family will be greatly miss
ed iu this city, where they have a
large circle of friends.
Mrs. Alvin Murray came in
from Omaha last, evening, where
she had been visiting her husband
at Ihe hospital. Mr. Murray is
gelling along nicely, although it
will be several weeks before ho
will be able to return home.
Visits With baughtor.
Trmn Wednesday's Dally.
T. W. Vallery and wife
daughter, .Miss Margie, returned
Monday evening from Creighton,
Neb.; where they were visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Porter and
little son. Mrs. Porter is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Vallery. Walt
and his wife made the trip to see
their new grandson and were very
much ulcnsed uilli tlw
,. The Pm-n, f,nv ..".."
- - - i-ibv iiiiij uit;
ing very well in their new loca
tion and have had a most success
ful year.
Famous Stage Beauties
look with horror on Skin Erup
tions, Blotches, Sores or Pimples.
They don't have them, nor will am
nio1, who uses Bueklen Arnica
Salve. It glorifies the face.
Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish be
fore it. It, cures sore lips, chap
ped hands, chilblains; heals
burns, cuts and bruises. Un
equaled for piles. Onlv '.'fie at V.
(i. Fricke it Co.
For Sale or Rent.
Store room, formerly occupied
by Fliatt it Tutt, in Murray, 34x00.
The original and best locating in
Murrny. Jas. YV. Holmes.
District Court.
In the county court today a
hearing on claims against the
estate of If. C. McMaken was held.