Fur Lined Gloves Take your time- but don't wait too long before you start in to do your Xmas shopping. Buy your gifts for men here. We can help . you think of many useful things he would like to wear A Fur Cap ( Lounging Robe Smoking Jacket Manhattan Shirts Silk Neck Tie Silk Handkerchief Silk ,Sox Silk Muffler Silk Umbrella Fine Leather Grips J C. E.Wescott'sSons Always the Home of Satisfaction REV. ALLEN G. WILSON NEW PARISH PRIES! Ceremonies of the Institution of New Priest Yesterday Eent Lonp to Ee Remembered. These and Many More Await Your ' Choosing Silk Lined Gloves -Ii.-P ..f .V -11. . Allan i. priest, ! i l -1 1 . r and ' III 1 1" ; ! i ill St. I.f.;.- ai,i at d l-.-ir- I ? llishnp ! bl t. wii-j y CHILDREN RESCUED FROM Dr. Q. W. Todd's Little Ones Are ' Dragged to Safety in the Nick of Time. Tin; ful lowiiiK account of what came near being a very tragic lire appeared in tin; Omalia Itce of yesterday. Dr. (J. W. Toil. I, al whose home the (lit! occurred, is a former resident, of this city ami a son of tin; late Mr. K. II. Todd. The doctor was here yesterday visiting his brothers and reports that tin' lillli! lots escaped un hurt, which was a source (if ureal joy to tin' parents. Tim loss to the house and contents will amount to quite a sum : In response to a telephone call that burglars were trying to break into Hie residence of Dr. (!. W. Todd, fin 17 Capitol avenue, David r.lirnriech ami Louis Sonuuers rushed into the house and found l.hi! two small children of Dr. and Mrs. To. i cuddled up in hed in an upstairs room asleep, enveloped in a mass of llames. They rescued tin children from the burning house before they were burned. , The children had been left in the care of a neighbor girl 12 years of age, while their parents went out for Hie evening. Short,, ly after l o'clock, after they had been put to sleep, Hie girl beard a noise near one of the windows. Ilelicving burglars were endeavor jug lo break into Hie bouse, she rushed downstairs and telephoned lo Mrs. J. 1. Jensen, Dr. Todd's mother. in. law. Mrs. Jensen telephone Khrnreich and SOin iners at their grocery store a few Mocks from the Todd residence, and said burglars were breaking into the bouse. Armed with revolvers they hur ried to the Todd residence. The girl met them at a door and told them the thieves were upstairs. They found the bedroom afire. The bed clothes were burning, but the (lames had not, reached the chil dren. The lire was caused by an over heated furnace. When the (ire began breaking through the wall the girl thought, someone was trying to enter the house. Tl residence was damaged to Ihe ex tent, of 8:mo. The Omaha fire department was called out, but before it reached the scene neighbors bad the fire under control. GREATEST OF ALL PLAYS "BOUGHT AND PAID FOR" The Omaha M if this morn ing, in a lengthy criticism of "nought and Paid For," which opened at Ihe Krandeis theater in Omalia last night for a four nights' engagement, speaks in the highest, praise of the excellency of the company that is presenting the great play. The Itce is not much in the line of (lattery, but when a company is worthy of it it is not slow in saving what it thinks of Ihe production, and its endorsement of the company speaks well for Hie show. The cast embraces all those who ap peared in the original New York production and includes those two stars of the American stage, Miss Julie Heme and Charles Millwanl, both of whom have ap peared in some of the greatest successes thai, have appeared on the stage jn recent years. Thi company appears al the Parmele next Saturday night and they should have a packed house, as this is one of the greatest plays that has been staged in years, and the company is composed of (lit; top-notch actors and actresses. ! . -(!. lay Hi- I! ; br;i"ka i:i-l il ut--d 1 !i ' Wll-.ill. t lie II. 'V. pa!' In al! t h- riu hi -, i pi i i!i -i.-s w Inch are ;il,e ; .-cl, u li ji ..f ! Parih. ' I'll' Ibdy l'..iiiifi;iiiii iirai.'.l at 7 :-io a. in. , a. m. Mat i 'i- 'a as said by t he ipaiih prie-t. Al lu::n a. m. the iollii-e of Institution .,f Mini-ters t vv as u-cil for t he -eeoiid lime in .the history of St. Luke's 1'arish. Promptly at tU::jo a. in. the ! vested choir entered tin; church, singing as the processional Oi ward, Christian Soldiers." In the procession besides the choir were j Mr. Long of Trinity church, ! Kansas Citv, Mo.: Miss W alter J. White, senior warden, and Ccorge Dodge, junior warden; the Rev Allan (I. Wilson and the Hi of Nebraska, the HI. Hev. Dr hams, the letter of institution by appointment of the bishop was read by Mr. Long of Kansas City. After the exhortation to the peo ple, given by the bishop, the senior warden, in Ihe words of the prayer book, presented the keys of Ihe church lo the newly instituted rector, who acknowledged the re ceipt of the same. At, Ihe con clusion of Ihe .service of jnslilll liun, (he bishop preached a masterly .sermon upon the sacerdotal powers of the parish priest and rector and the rela- IIOI1S existing lieiweeii tie peon'e and their rector. The bishop text was taken from A l(l:2!l-:U, "Therefore came I unto you w il bout, gainsaying as soon as I was sent for. I ask therefore for what inlenl you have sent for me? And Cornelius said, 'Now there fore are we all here before Cod, to hear all tilings that are command ed thee of Cod.' " After the sermon the rector celebrated the Holy Kncharisl, which was fully choral, being" Redhead's selling in "F," and was rendered in a magnificent manner by Hie vested choir, under the leadership of Mr. II. S.rAusliu. vvilh Mr. Kennel h Widenor of Omaha as organist. The anthem for the day was, "My Defence Is of Cod," by Mruim Iliilin. Altogether Ihe services, taken us a whole, will be bered by the large present . long remein confregal ion ST. MART'S GUILD HOLD VERT SUCCESSFUL MARKET Holiday joys would be greater if you get the Christmas presents for the boys and men where boys' and men's things are the whole stock. This store is the Christmas headquarters for the kind of gifts men want. Here you'll find a beautiful line of suits and overcoats no better Christmas present could be made. But we'll show you hundreds of other good things that men and boys want; that's what you want things they want. Suits $10 to $35; Overcoats $10 to $30 Other things from 25c Up Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Open Evenings from December 12th to December 24th The ladies of St. Mary's Cuild of SI. Luke's church closed a most successful market Saturday even ing at the room in Hie Kiley block. The market was open Thursday and Saturday, and as a result of Ihe efforts o" the ladies over 20(l was secured from the market. This is a splendid record for the ladies, as only two or three small articles were left after the market closed and these will probably be soid. The ai l ides displayed at Ihe market were very handsome and the purchasers were lucky to secure I hem at the prices offered. When the ladies of St. Mary's Cuild lake bold of a proposition il is pretty sure to be a success, and this market was certainly all that. invone could ask. PI fl - O W 2 E si. 3 - n n 11 w mi ait c , j 1- : tl Wit rr tLl J t m tunm I i k n I Fl O 3 PI l O 5 P ' I H jo e3 (fl s - -o ' X 2. fh , f is. u k-i esM r r w i 'w- ri w ii oB) IB- i Ilk 3 s 0 a t s 1 n u s 5 pi y 1 1 i i u Q ? S U 11 J) jtrnmmmjmntTtt irir -n rTTiirTir Hold Election of Officers The Cerinan Turn-Vcrein met at their hall yesterday afternoon and elected their ollicers for the ensuing year. The following gentlemen were selected to till the positions: President, Louis Lein er; vice president. .C. II. Tains; treasurer, Clenn llawls; cor responding secretary, Kmil Walt ers; linancial secretary, Fred lawson; directors, William Web er, Henry Kaufniann and J. P. Silt Hi : physical director, Fred I law son. Prel I v dishes at Mordock's. 1 2-11-21 -vvkly Revival Meetings Start. The revival meeting which were inaugurated last evening at the Christian church, were largely attended and the sermon by the pastor of the church, Hev. I. L. Punkleberger, made a deep im pression upon the large con gregation present. The choir of the church gave several very pleasing and inspiring numbers, which added much to the ini pressiveness of the service. Largest linen f fie, lOe and 25c handkerchiefs in the city at Mor dock's. 12-9-21 -vvkly Lecture Is Postponed. The lecture that was to have I u given by Mr. Craham of Omaha at the Young Men's llibln Class rooms tonight has been postponed, owing to the inability of Mr. Crahani to be present, as circumstances demanded his pres ence in the metropolis (his evening. We are now proprietors of the Home liry Cleaning Works, and guarantee all our work in every particular. Call and see us in our new ipiarlers iu the new Leonard Muilding. Vejvoda & Kelcek. SELLS 300 BUSHELS OF CORN 10 SEED COMPANY William t'erguson, who resides southeast of this city, lias just sold to the Shenandoah (Iowa) Seed company, ;i(H bushels of seed corn al l.2r per bushel. Mr. Ferguson has been ipiite suet-ess ful with his erops this season, his corn averaging ;io bushels to the acre. The company furnished the seed lo Mr. Fergerson and he at tended to the planting and culti valing of Ihe erop in a very suc cessful manner, lie luis 1 n sup plying the company with different kinds of seeds and they have a very high opinion of the output "f his farm. Plattsmouth Christmas Buying Center offers the largest variety of practical and beautiful gifts. An immense showing of fascinating Christmas things for little ones. Newest Dolls! Newest Games! ; Santa Claus ; in Toyland every day. He ; wants to meet every boy and Rirl at The Variety Store. Nevest Toys! Frank llerold of Lincoln, who is representing the J. L. Teeters wholesale house of that cily, visit ed here for a few hours vvilh his friends this morning, en route to lovva to attend to business mat ters. Frank's many friends here were greatly pleased to meet him, as he was n very popular young man when a resident of this city. u i" Black Boards, four kinds and .sizes, 33c, 5(h 73c and $1.23; Doll heads, unbreakable and bisque in every wanted size for any doll body; Toy Pianos, upright and baby grands, 23c to $2.00. ft-Thc largest line of Doll Carts, folding rub ber tired, 23c to $ 1.50; Doll Furniture, Dishes, Air Guns and Pop-Guns; Toy Trunks, Horns. Drums, Tools, Tool Chests, Wheelborrows, Handkerchiefs, Aprons, Lace Collars, Lace Sets and Mufllers, Kid Body Dolls with moving eyes and hair eye lashes 50c to $4.50 I Assortments of heauti- rpi IT - Q - Do your gift buying ful gifts for every body. I hp V 5111 AT V l"flll now' Co'ne early in the Piatt smouth's most JL 11C YClllvlj KJLUlVday. Avoid the later convenient store. crowds shop in comfort Xmas buying easy here. 3rd Door Eait of Bank of Cast County and get the lowest prices.