The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 05, 1912, Image 8

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    1 L G. DQVEY & SONS'
is all ycu need to pay this season for a suit fully as good as
you ever paid $22 or $25 for before, if you come here.
You must see these suits to appreciate the unusual beauty of the fabrics,
shadings and patterns.
You must try them on to comprehend their perfect fitting qualities.
You must wear one in order to understand what unusually hard service
they will stand.
A $20 bill never bought such remarkable
values before, as you will acknowledge when
you have made comparisons.
If you would like to pay $15
for your Suit
These suits which we are' selling at $15 are positively
the greatest values ever made of absolutely all-wool fa
brics, guaranteed fast colors, have cloth shape retaining
fronts, hand-made buttonholes many different models to
choose from and you can have a new suit for any that
fail to give you perfect satisfaction. See and try them on.
We urge you to compare these suits with the
best you can find elsewhere at the same price.
- Always the Home of Satisfaction
Many Improvements in the Past
Year, Including Eight Largo
New Show Cases.
'ik tli i l-Y' i
j From Friday's Dally.
hj Tin' large ilry goods depart iient
I of F.. (i. I i i vy .V. Sun's 1 i jc .-'ore
2fJ' m upper Main street lias jusl
been equipped willi eight new-
large show eases and I hey cer-
jiiainiy ami greauy lo nie appear-
anee oi nie iicparlmenl. one ot
i!llie show eases is ijiiile large and
B-'li extends around (lie archwav that
connects the Iwo rooms llial are
used for the display of the exten
sive line of dry goods thai is ear
ned hy this firm. The firm have
also placed a large lino of dolls
and Christinas novtdlies in stock,
some of which are the finest that,
has lieen displayed in any of the
Plattsmouth stores. The firm of
F. (S. Dnvey & Son is the oldest in
i the city and I hey have always been
in the forefront of the merchants
in CHrrying a stock of goods from
which their customers could find
what they desired, either in the
dry poods or grocery line and with
the improvements that have been
made in the store building in the
last two years they have one of the
most up-to-date stores and stocks
of goods thai, can be found in any
town of this size in the slale.
Thi9 Highway Is Being Placed
Fine Shape for Travel by
Road Supervisor.
l'Vom Veilni!H(lay'8 Dallv.
The new road that has been
constructed out to the govern
ment rifle range is a splendid
piece of work and speaks well for
the work of Koad Overseer Mike
I.ut and his force of men, who
have been engaged for Hie past
three weeks in placing the road
in coudil ion.'
The munly road slails north
of Hie ". 0. Hamilton place ami
follows the base of the hill to Hie
Iturliugloii (racks, and hen' the
road is being made ocr the lop id'
the hill, jut west of the old road.
The hill is being cut down and
the dirt secured ill Ibis way will
be used lo (ill in on I Ii" east side
of I he road nci lo the harks. Tin'
job of culling down I he hill is a
very difficult one, hut I he m s cm -ploved
on the job are making pood
headway and will soon be through
with Hie most dillieull portion of
the work. The work of opening
the road has been considerably
handicapped by the large stumps
and Idols of the trees along Hie
route laid out for Iho road, bul
they have pushed through very
well w ilh I he work by blast in g and
grubbing, and loinm-row- Hie ex
pecling lo be able lo begin scrap
ing the loose dirl off and they will
then go ahead Willi Hie work of
culling down 1 In rest of Ihe hill.
The road has been made wide
enough so Dial Iwo learns can
pass willi cae on it, and when the
entire road is completed it will
be one of I hi; best in Ihe county
and will afford a very beautiful
drive for anyone who may desire
to lake a short spin, and it. lies
along some very beautiful scenery.
Itoad Overseer Lulz is a very
capable workman and is certain
ly on the job in the construction
of lliis road and has been I hero
every day looking after the work
in person and allending lo the
breaking oT the ground himself,
as well as the direction of Ihe
men doing Ihe digging ami grub
in g.
makes a good Christmas gift. Our stock of
Sterling as well as Plated Ware offers a wide
range of selection ami the prices are right.
If you hau; a favorite pattern Chantilly,
Plymouth, Wreath, Montieello. Mt. Vernon, Hep
peiwhite o any other, we can assist you in the
selection. Extensive line of souvenir spoons at
(iOcto $1.50; Sterling Tea Spoons $3.50 to $0.00,
set of six; Knives and Forks $.100 to $22.50, set
of six: Berry Spoons, Cream and Gravy Ladels,
Child's Sets and other odd pieces.
John W. Crabili,
-Watchmaker and Jeweler.-
More Mail Carried Out of Platts
mouth Over Rural Routes Than
One Would Think.
during the month. The total num
ber of pieces were 7,527, and Ike
weight, !)72 pounds. The carrier
on this route received from the
patrons of his route 757 pieces of
mail, weighing 15 pounds.
Jury Out but a Few Moments, Re
turning With a Verdict in
Favor of Mr. Gcring.
From Wcilm-Hiluy's Unity.
The Young Ladies of SI. Luke's
Parish met last evening at the
residence of Mrs. James H. Don
nelly and oruani.eil "The Junior
liuild," for Parish work among
I lie young people.
The following ollleers were
elected: Directress Mrs. Allan
(1. iImui. President Miss
Marie oDnnelly. Vice PresT.
Miss l'.lhel Uallance. Secretary
Miss Jessie Robertson. Treas.
Miss r.dilh Dovey.
A I Ihe conclusion of the busi
ness meeting light refreshments
were served ii I lie hostess, wlucli
were greatly enjoyed hy all present.
(.annage, apples
sale by S. (). Cole.
les and cider for
From WediiPHduv'a iJally.
Last evening the jury which has
been trying Ihe Ilednion damage
suit for .?25,OO0 against Henry
11. (iering, former mayor of this
city, brought in a sealed verdict,
alter being out only (If teen min
utes, and this morning the verdict
was opened by Judge Kslell. The
jury finds for the defendant and
does not allow lledinon a reni for
Ihe alleged alenialion of his wife's
affect ions.
The case attracted a great deal
of af lent ion here, as all of the
parlies are known in Ibis city, and
a great many Plaltsinouth citizens
were called upon lo testify in Ihe
case. Mr. (iering's victory in the
case will be very pleasing lo his
many friends in Ibis cily. Mat
Ihew tiering of this cily appeared
as Ihe attorney for his brother in
Ihe case.
It begins early, ends lale, and
is full of work. She often has
kidney I rouble without knowing it.
Her back aches, and she is lired
and worn out. Sleeps poorly, is
nervous, no appetite. Her bladder
gives her I rouble, loo. ' Foley
Kidney Pills will cure all that and
make her strong ami well. They
are Ihe best medicine made for
kidney ami bladder disorders. For
sale bv F. (i. Fricke & Co.
From Wednesday's lially.
The old saying thai "the coursi
of true love never runs smooth"
was very aptly illustrated in Fin
coin the other day, when Carl YV.
Cook, who had I raveled all Hie
way from Falirande, Oregon, lo
wed Miss Frances ltvs of Havelnek.
discovered thai Ihe fact thai be
lacked a few days of being' 21
would not permit his securing a
marriage license, as he did not
have the consent of his parents.
He finally got into communication
with his father by telegraph and
Ihe written consent of Ihe father
was secured for Ihe young man lo
procure the desired license. The.
ceremony was performed at Ihe
home of Ihe bride's parents in
Havelock. The Uys family were
former residents of Ibis city,
where Ihe bride was very popular
among Ihe young people.
Commencing Monday, December 2
I will sell for ONE WEEK ONLY
Strap and 7. Hinges
at the fotlowing prices:
4 inch with screws 10c per pair; 3 pair 25c
I will make for this week only a rate of $2.50 on nails. I have field fence
corn crib, barb wire and a ood supply of galvanized iron roofing.
Krnin Woiliicsdiiy's I)ully.
II. II. Philpoll, formerlv
newspaper reporter in Lincoln,
now editor of the Francilas (Tex."
Fee, was .stricken willi paralysis
al his home one week before
Thanksgiving and for Iwo days
lay in a stupor, lie is now able
to be up, but is still weak and
may not be able lo attend the next
session of the Nebraska legisla
ture, as he bad intended. A trace
of paralysis on one side of his
face is yet in evidence, but t In
ductors hope it is but temporary.
Lincoln .Journal.
The editor of Ihe Journal re
grets to learn of Mr. Philpott's
misfortune. While a member of
Ihe legislature four years ago we
became int imalely acipiainted
with the gentleman. He was then
reporter for (he Omaha1 Bee, and
he commanded Ihe respect, of
every member of both branches of
(he legislature. We I rust the
misfortune is not serious and that
he will be himself again as soon
as possible. He was a perfect
gentleman at all limes, and one of
Ihe best reporters in Ihe busines
From. Friday's Dally.
There is a large amount of
mail handled over the rural mail
routes running out of this cily
I hau one would thing for, as the
following ligures will show what
Ihe lolal for November amounled
lo and will also enlighten Ihe
people along the routes as lo Hie
amount, of business their car
riers do:
On route No. i. of the lirsl-
elus mail, I here was carired I,
Cp'.m'i pieces, weighing ;' I pounds
ami ounces; the second-class
mailer amounled lo 1,81'J pieces
and weighed 8 5K pounds and 5
ounces; while the Ihird-class was
1, :.':'. pieces and Ihe weight was
KM pounds, 7 ounces; the fourth
class matter consisted of l'2
pieces, weighing 25 pounds, 5
ounces; while Ihe franked matter
was very lighl, only 2 pieces pass
ing over Ibis route. The grand
lolal of mail taken out, on this
roule consisted of 7,8 1 8 pieces,
weighing 1.(10(5 pounds and li
ounces. The carrier receiv ed 77 i
pieces, weighing 18 pounds and
H ounces, on his (rips over Ihe
roule during Ihe monlh of No
vember. That the amount of mail car
ried on Ihe roules is about equal
ly balanced is shown by the fol
lowing amounts that were taken
out over route No. 2 Ihe past
month: First class, 1. 1 (5 0 nieces,
weighl 28 pounds, 12 ounces; second-class,
i,i71 pieces, weight
78:t pounds, I.'i ounces: third
class, i.r.20 pieces, weight I 50
pounds, F! ounces; fourl h-class,
weighl 1 7 pounds, I i
e franked mailer was
on Ibis roule, as well
t here being only 1 I
through his hands
From Wednesday's Daily.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Presbyterian church held thoir
regular meeting yesterday after
noon and were entertained by Mr.
Frank Dunbar at her rooms at the
Hilev hold in a most delightful
manner. i ne lauies Held an ex
cellent business session, after
which I hey were entertained with
some splendid instrumental se
lections by Miss Fva Allison and
vocal solos by .Miss Matilda Val
lery, which were very much en
joyed by the unusual large num
ber in attendance. Delicious re
fresh men! s wore provided by the
hostess at the proper time, and
after whiling away a few moments
in social conversation the large
number present departed for their
homes, very much indebted to the
hostess for her kind hospitality
and the splendid aflernoon afford
ed I hem.
d.i pieces,
ounces; Hi
very light
as No. !,
pieces pas
Wedding at the Court House.
From Wednesday's Dally.
This morning Judge Heeson
nllirialed in a wedding at his office
in the court house, Ihe contracting
parlies being Miss Myrle Williams
and Mr. John S. ('howning, both of
Soulh Omaha. The bridal couple
were accompanied by fleorgo
Jacobs and Mrs. Iterlha Hicks, of
Ihe same cily, who served as wit
nesses for Ihe ceremony.. Mrs.
1 ( irks was formerly Airs. Gus
Ithode of this city.
The name Doan's inspires
ronlhleuee Doan's Kidney Pills
for kidney ills. Doan's OintmcH
for skin ilehing. Doan's Hegulets
for a mild laxative. Sold at all
drurr stores.
The uuickest. simplest way lo
rid Ihe children of dangerou
croimv coughs and wheezy, stulVy
colds is lo give lliein Foley'-
llonev and Tar ('.oinnound. It
wives almost instant relief and
stops a cough promptly. It
soothes and heals, t.ontams no
oniales. For sale by F. O. Fricke
"Oenerallv debilitated for years.
Had sick headache, lacked ambi
tion, was worn oul and all run
down. Hurdock Wood Hitters
made nie a well woman." Mrs
('has. Freitoy, Moosup, C.onii.
Stoves of all kinds at reduced
We sold a Suit Saturday to a
St. Louis traveling man. He was a total
stranger to us we had never seen or heard of him before.
This is his comment after making the purchase
"I would rather buy in a good clean
small town store (like this) than to buy in a large city
store. In the small town store I can deal with a man who
has authority, who knows his business, and takes special
pains to give me what 1 ask for; whereas in the large city
store I am waited on by a S12 a week clerk, who would
rather sell me undesirable merchandise, and make a qood
fat p. m. pin money) for himself, than to give me what I
really want."
In other words, the proprietor of a
large city store offers a fat premium, known as a p. in. to
his sales people who are sufficiently glib of tongue to work
off undesirable stuff on an unsuspecting public.
Our stocks are fresh and clean. V e
own no merchandise upon which we have to offer a pre
mium to get rid of.
Suits and Overcoats $10 to $35
Interwoven Cashmere Hose 25, 35 and 50c
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
prices. See F.astwood.