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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1912)
0 (MfeMff IK DETROIT FURS One of these mornings you will awake, an 0! how you will wish you had bought that set of Furs. We are showing some beautiful Furs in SrLBear $5.00 to $12.00 Black and Brown Coney at $3.98 to $15.00 $16.50 to $25.00 Russian Wolf in Black $12.50 to $18.00 Red and Grey Fox $22.00 to $35.00 We are glad to show you. Come in and look them over. Russian Mink NrMT Clio 2 old, Ht Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Walker expects to be absent about two eek., ami on lier way ex perts to visit ber daughters at Clearwater, Neb. Sun. lay, November - I. Mrs. Jake Miller was very pleasantly sur prised by her Sunday sehool class, it being her bii'thilay.' They made her a present of a lovely cake knife, birthday raids and a tine In", rake with name and age on it. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in social conversation, and as I lie uuesls left thev wished Mis. Miller main more happv birthdavs. Alvo Hews vvvvv Hv-W-K-: ?-r MAN LEY. ! v Omar Coon was in Lincoln one day last, week. William Hoover went, to Min nesota last week. Ed Kelley was in Omaha Mon day and Tuesday. Mrs. Will Kssick has been very sick the past week. bn and I.enora O'Hricn have be(;n sick with dihptheria. .lake Miller moveil the bridge camp o Nehawka Monday. Mrs. John Mills is recovering slowly from her sick spell. Miss Kliza O'Mrien has returned from her visit, at 1'almyra. Miss Daisy .Jewell returned to her -rhool work Wednesday. Then, Harms was a passenger to Omaha Tuesday morning. .). I'orlis drove overland to Misouri to visit his brother. Will. w:u:..... n.... Tli . n L i it- V I I 1 I L 1 1 1 llilll SMMl I 1 1 i 1 1 n ,i ). i i - ing with pa and ma at I lira, Neb. Clyde and Clara .Jenkins drove to Weeping Water Tuesdav even-in!-". M. C. Walker look dinner with .lake Miller and family last Sat urday. Mr. .lake Miller and family drove to Louisville last. Saturday to do trading. Mrs. doehry of Murdock was railing on friends in Mauley We,.lnesday. Mr. and Mrs. Damme of Lotion isi'ed with Mr. and Mrs. Harms Thanksgiv ing. F..I and John Fleischman and daughlers motored to Louisville las! Thursday. Tom Keckler, Will Schliefert and (ins Krccklow autoed to Omaha Tuesday. Charles ( ierlac and family spent Thanksgiving vvilh James Terry tierry and family. Mrs. Hen lluby is very sick at Ihis writing. Dr. Welsh is the at tending idiysician. Mrs. Louisa Bourk and family spent a couple of days this week with Mrs. O'Leary. Mrs. Ed l'ankonin of Weeping Water visited in Mauley with her father. Mr. Srhaffer. Eli Keckler hauled out a loud of furniture from Weeping Water to his home Tuesday. Howard Johnson's little brother and sister of near Nehawka spent last week in Mauley. Mrs. Hugh O'Mrien was visiting in Mauley with Mrs. Howard Johnson Wednesday. Key. Lambert and Itev. Vance of Weeping Water were calling on friends here Monday. .Mrs. Louisa Hourk enjuved a a month'. friends al visit from the Misses Elniwood Thanksgiving. Tc of (ieorge Coon and family look dinner with Aaron Jenkins and w ife Thanksgiving day. Karl Ouinn arrived Mondav evening from Manendi., where he has been picking corn. The Misses Kdilh SI rough and Cleo Wright, visiled with Mrs Jake Miller Sunday afternoon. 1' "red I'leischman and family spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. I'leischniaii's parents at Louis ville. Mi', ('.apron's parents and a brother and family, of Lincoln, spent Thanksgiving at the Capron home. Mrs. Capron enjoyed a visit from a lady friend and her hus band of Washington, D. C, re cently. Mrs. Will Kssick has been en joying' a visit from her Ihree sis ters from Kansas the past two weeks. Mesdames Alex Miller. Jake Mil ler and Kd and Fred Fleischman spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Helen Coon. Mr. Kelley and family have moved to Mauley, which is another pleasant addition to the town. Welcome to them. Virgil Miller made a trip to Murdock Monday, and while there called on Henry Wesllake and his cousin, Miss Olive Long". A. Ileeney, who was operated on not long ago in Omaha, was in Mauley Wednesday morning and says he is feeling just line. Dr. Tuck, the slate veterinary, was in Mauley Tuesday, and while here was called out to John Tighc's to see a sick Mrs. John Tighe of Stanton. Neb., returned to her home Tues day morning, Kddie Sheehan go ing as far as Omaha with her. Louis Krccklow and Oris Schlie fert departed Tuesday evening for isil with relal ives and Harnell. Wisconsin. Charles I ierlac shipped a car load of rattle lo Omaha Tuesday. I an Hourk and i family had friends visit jug them this week. I'adily .Murphy has been isil ing relatives in and around Mauley for the past week, returning to his home in Western. Neb., Tuesdav. Virgil Miller, a II or bis Thanks giving vacation, started in to school at the academy al Weep ing Water on Weduesdav morn ing. Cl.vde Jenkins and sister. Clara, ami Mis Hazel Crew, of Weeping Waler. spent Thankgi jug at Havelock with Walter Jenkins and familv . Mrs. loodmau of near Mv mini i- v iil ing her diiiighler ami fam ilv. Mrs. fid Sleincamp. She visit ed Tuesdav evening with Mrs. Jake Miller. Miller. Itavmond Rockwell.- Helen and Mable Coon. Cal lir Miller ami Carrie Srhaffer one d.n last week made a trip to Weeping Water. Mesdames Frank Rooney, Ed Itiiby ami (ieorge Wiles were in On aha shopping Wednesday of last-week, and while in Mauley called on Mrs. Jake Miller. Mrs. John Itaulh returned home Monday evening, after visiting Aaron, her son, who is attending school at SI. Mary, Kansas, she spending Thanksgiving there. The protracted meetings at the I Hion church were postponed on account of diphtheria being in the neighborhood, but will be pom iiienced as soon as all dauber is ov e'. Clarence F.rharl celebrated his :'lsl birthday last week by giving n dance in I he hall here. Treat s for the boys were cigars and candy for I he girls. All reported a splendid lime. The little child of William Ash I i ft I his week of membraneous croup and was buried Monday at I he College Hill cemetery. The community extends sympathy to the bereaved parents. Miss Daisy Jewell gave a nice Thanksgiving program the after iioon before Thanksgiving;, and school has been closed ever since on account of sickness, but re opened again eWdnesday. Mrs. M. C. Walker is visiting with her mother, who is ir years ! MURDOCK. ! (Special Correspondent.) J Ivuchn was in Omaha Tuesday. Miss Pearle Keefer of Alvo was in town Monday. Miss Viola Kverell returned last Friday evening from Klliott, la., weeks. William Weddell has recently were shopping in Omaha Satur day. C. F. llite of near Alvo, ale din ner Monday vvilh John Amgwerl and family. Orandma Wallingcr has been over from Klmwood for a few days caring for little Miss lluby Kuehn. Mrs. (1. V. Pickwell and daugh ters, Kva and May, also Mrs. Cole, were shoping in Omaha Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Amgvvcrt and daughter, Marvel, were Sun day guests of Paul Sell ewe. and family. l'aul (ileason and Miss Cathrino Harrington of Waterloo spent Sunday with Henry Oulhnian and family. Miss Martha Ooehry returned lo her school ut Valley, Neb., on Sunday after her Thanksgiving v acal ion at home. Mr. and Mis. Mays and daugh ter, Nellie, of Lincoln, were Thanksgiving guests of Will Schewe aiul family. Misses Thorps ami (lieseker re lumed from Lincoln Sunday even ing after spending1 their Thanks giving vacation with home folks 'here. Cliai les i j t hn i a 1 1 of Murphy, Idaho, who i visiting his parents al I'latlsmoiil h, spent Sunday here ,v it Ii his brother, Henry and I'.iiiii!) . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald and daughter. Maripieritc, re turned Friday from their two weeks' visit at Murray ami Plalls lliollt Ii. We are now proprietors of the Home Dry Cleaning Works, and guarantee all our work in every particular, ('all ami see us in our :!e..v quarters in the new Leonard Luildiiig. Vejvoda i Kelcek. The Journal office carries Kinds of typewriter supplies. all Cabbage, apple -ale bv S. O. Cole. ami cider for lL'-'Jl-Clvvkly Attention, Farmers I My Dear Farmer Have you your ow n farm or are you renting-.' I have land in Minnesota, cut over limber, from 81(1 to SM.r per acre. One-third cash, balance at ( per rent. have good, smooth land in Stevens county, Minnesota, from si.") to !?Ci5 per acre. This land is sold direct from the own er of the land. No land company in Ihis deal. I also handle the best land in eastern Oklahoma. Corn runs from sixty to seventy bushels to the acre. Now if you want land try me and see. T deal with no agent. If you come with an agent you must pay him your self. Write or call. Henry lluiinnels, 1 121 North 2fif,h St.. Lincoln. Neb. (ieorge Curyea went to Omaha on business Tuesday. K. M. Stone spent Saturday and Sunday with his family. Miss (Jladvs Applemau went lo i.incoin i- ritiay evening. Mis Lvda Howe went to Lin coln Weduesdav morning. Mr. Charles II, Suavely was shopping in Lincoln Wednesday. J. II. Slroemer went to Lincoln ''uesilav to gel telephone supplies. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. I.'ptegrove were Kiiiivvood visitors Wedues dav . Mrs. F. M, drove returned home from lloldrege. Neb., Sat urday. Jacob Kaunn ami son, Lewis, and family, were Lincoln visitors Friday. William Hays and family left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Iowa. Mrs. It. A. Stone and children were Lincoln visitor Friday and Saturday. Moses Keefer of Lincoln was visiting friends here last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Charles Strong and daugh ter, Miss Emily, were Lincoln visitors Friday. Mrs. J. II. Slroemer and daugh ter, Miss Marie, were shopping in Lincoln Saturday. homo a goodly number. Charles Hill of South lb'iid was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor William son of Lincoln visited friends here last Thursday. Mrs. (Ieorge Foreman, jr., and Mrs. Elmer Hennett were in Lin coln shopping Tuesday. Dr. Munger and wife came in from the west Friday, en route to Eagle, their former home. Miss Orpha Mullen, who teaches al Rockehy, Neb., visited her father several days last week. The Misses Pearl Keefer and Vi'i'iia llyder were passengers for Lincoln on No. 13 Wednesday. Miss Alia Linch of York. Neb.. spent her Thanksgiving with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linch. Miss Flo Movies came home Wednesday, visiting her parents during her Thanksgiving vaca tion. F. M. drove returned from the central part of the stale Tuesday evening, where he went in search of laud. Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen, from South Dakota, came to alleml the funeral of their nephew, little Irwin liinl. Mrs. S. C. Movies, who has been suffering vvilh a bad case of tonsililis, is recovering nicely at I his time. J. V. Parse'll of Lincoln and J. K. Parsell and family ate Thanks giving turkey with relatives near (ireenwood. Mrs. Campbell left Friday for her home, after visiting several davs with her brother, Dell Tyson and family. Win I'plegrove went, to Peru, Neb., on business Wednesday. Mrs. Tiiublin went to Lincoln Friday to do trading. T. N. Mobbill returned Friday evening from Tekainah, Neb., where he had been vvilh his son, William, for some time. Mrs. Mary A. Carey of Hot SnrifiL's. S. D.. came last Fridav lo spend Hie winter with her daughter. Mrs. Ella Prouly. Charles Applemau of Millings, Monlana, spent Thanksgiving with his brother, L. M. Applemau, ' until Tuesday evening. J. A. Shaffer went to South Mend Thursday and look a tine shot at I he squirrel "on the wing." He returned Friday, bringing Mr. and Mrs. Strain and chil- l . H K- v. v M t v v-Cxvi h I Days -lo- XMasi Miss Orayce Bailey went to Lincoln Saturday. Miss Orace Foreman spent Thanksgiving in Lincoln. Mrs. A. C. Taylor, who has been sick several months, died Novem ber 28, 1912, and was buried Sat urday, November 30, in Alvo cemetery. Nine children, six sons and three daughters, all at home, survive her. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Boyles came in from Lincoln Wednesday to visit relatives for a few days. Mrs. E. M. Stone entertained Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Stone and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of Uni versity Place. Schoolmates of La Verne Stono surprised him Tuesday evening, December 3, by gathering at his homo to celebrate his twelfth birthday. The Misses Carr and Slroemer had planned the games, having a new game for every 20 minutes from 8 until 11. Miss Ruth Mailey won the prize, a book, in the advertisement guessing game, and Miss Cecil Newkirk won on the shadow photographs. Lunch, consisting of sandwiches, fruits and cakes, was served, and after all had their fortunes told they went to their homes, wish ing La Verne many more happy birl Inlays. A very sad accident occurred lasl Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mini, where their lit tle sou, frvin, 3 years old last June, fell on a sharp butcher knife, cutting the arteries in the right side of his neck, just, after dinner, and died in the evening from the loss of blood. Dr. Mc Candless of Waverly was hasily called and stopped the How of blood, but as the child became nauseous it was impossible to save his life. Funeral services Averc Held at I lie Home Sunday at 1 1 a. in. and the remains wer; laid lo rest, in Alvo cemetery. The bereaved parents have I he sym pathy of all. BOS Get Your Scats NOW at Riley Hotel FOR . - 1 . . - "Thelma!" -Parmele Theatre!- One Night Only Saturday Night! 25, 35 and 50c and a few at 75c Market at the Holiday Shop Saturday, December 7. Come in and buy spring chickens, breads, pies, cakes, meal -loaves, cookies, patties, doughnuts and everything good for Sunday. An elaborate luncheon will be served at noon. Remember the place Riley block. 12-l-ll-d&vv dren of Melhany spent Thanksgiv ing with. Mrs. I). A. Vincent. Paul Frohlich and son, (ieorge, of Lincoln, ale goose Thanksgiv ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Muck ni'll. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and son of Exeter, Neb., came down Fri dav, visiting their cousin, Mrs. L. It. Applemau and family, until Saturday evening-. They spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Miirkncll. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Applcman of Lincoln came down Thursday to visit the hitler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .!. L. Uptegrove, a few days. Miss Marie Applcman came Friday, all returning home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sutton and children came in last Wed nesday from Chappell, Neb., to spend Thanksgiving with home folks. They returned Wednesday to their home, accompanied as far as Lincoln by the Misses Delia and Kate Sutton. We have a few boxes of excel lent stationery which we are soil ing at 22 cents a box, and the fol lowing letters in the initial paper: 2 I, 1 P, 2 E, 1 C, O, 2 J, 2 C. which we are selling at 3flc each. Stoves of all kinds nt reduced prices. Set! Eastwood. 201 - CHRISTMAS - Candies and Nuts -Fruits of All Kinds!- You know where you have always found the best. You know where the prices have always been right. This year we will be better pre pared than ever to supply your wants in Christmas Candies, Fruits and Nuts of all kinds. Call and See Us JOHN SCHIAPPACASSE i mi- r