I Murray D IT tmei if if fit PKErARKD IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. lfanyoftnemuUrioflhiJmr,t(Ukmnnofa ialei'e,it.oraiiiUm of interest n this vicinity and will nail same to this office it mil appear under this heading (icunt all items rf interest. Edit' Jour mL MAPLE GROVE. 4 (Special Correspondence.) I-H-l-I-HH-I-l-I-I-H-H- DC DC Sj Home Bank Owned by Home People Murray state Bank MURRAY, NEBRASKA 0 1 ft Capital $10,000 Surplus S5,Q00 U CHAS. C. PARMELE, President F. L NUTZMAN, Vice-President W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier 0 We have every arrangement possible for the conven ience of our patrons. We write drafts and can save you money when de siring to remit away. Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex perience may be of some benefit to you. Depositors in this bank are protected under the State Guarantee Law. D C 3 C 0 See Hie II iai( I Si Till I ml in Hi is issue. Colonel Sejlioll was a Plaits mouth visitor Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. J. Stokes was transact ing business in IMal tsnn nith Tuesday. I,. I. Iliall ami K. S. Tut I were visiting with I'lallsiimulli friends lust Friday evening. Ir. (i. II. (iiliinoe. Mrs. A. J. Walker ami daughter, Miss Margie, were I'lal I sinuiil li visitors Wednesday. Mrs. .lin I, iiiiR was an Omaha Nisiloi' Monday of this week. .lolin Mrlioiiald was a business isdor in ( luialia Monday. Mr. M. Iliall, wlio lias lieen xisilinu 1 1 1 r daughter, Mrs. Cole, in Weeping Water for the past few days, has returned home. Iion't fail to attend the liig lie nmval Sale of Iliall Toll, as per announeeuieul in Ihis iaier. Read Hieir ad. They are olleriug ou some bargains. Head the adxcrliseiiienl of Iliall Tutt in annl her colunin of I his page, ami then attend their Itig Iteinoval Sale. You will llml 1 ! Iiae souie bargains to offer xmi. Head Ihe I'.iu llemnxal Sale ad of Iliall A. Tul I in another eoluinu oi inis issue, i ne are olleriug .Mm some genuine bargains in order o keep from moxing the goods. Mr. ami Mr. II. C. Long xxere I'latlsiiiouth visitor last Sal unlay. Mr. ami Mrs. White are gelling along nicely this week ami in a few days XX ill be elorei to their former heall h. Mr. ami Mrs. John Karris and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. I., Maker ami daughter, Opha, Al Martletl and Miss llosa Shaler were enter tained al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick I'riedrich last Thursday evening. Mr. U. F. Itrendel, Mr. .1. F. Mrendel, J. T. Mrendel and A. I.. Maker ami Will Seylioll were Oma ha visitors Monday of this week. Mrs. Hughes of Havelock is in Murray this week visiting with her sister, Mrs. Chambers. John Connally, from near O'Neill, Neb., was visiting a few days this week with his mother and sister ami his many Mtirrax friends. John was looking hale and nearly ami in every way living on the sunny side of easy street. Men Mill experienced a silght. wreck and a little damage to his buggy Tuesday evening, when his . team of trusty nags took a shy to Ihe side of the road when lliev met Mr. (iilmnre's auto. There was no serious iimage done; only a broken tongue in Mr. Mill's buggy. Tom Smith, who has been in Ihe hospital for Ihe past two weeks, where be has been receiv ing' treatment, for the injury be re ceived in the engine accident, n fexv weeks ago, is gelling along nicely and will be able to return home in a fexv days. He is gelling along nicely and when he returns home his recovery will be permanent. Mrs. K. R. Oueen spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. R. II. Filch. Mrs. Andy Campbell is report ed on the sick list the past few-days. Jain- TigiiLT was c. ssijr on friends in l'lallsinoulh Saturday evening. Mrs. Charles Creamer was look ing after business in IMalt smout h Sal unlay. Oscar McMonald and W. F. Moore are doing the bunting stunt, these days. Mr. and Mrs. I'hilip Keil attend ed the family reunion al IMalls- tit 1 i Tuesday. Mrs. Alvan Long and Pauline and Fay Oldham xxere shopping in Omaha Monday. Frank Mugay xxas visiting John I'd, and family near Nehawka Saturday ami Sunday. Miss (ieiirude Long b'l'l Satur day for dilVerent points in Iowa for several weeks' visit. Mrs. .1. M. I.exxis and daughter, Mae, were calling on friends in Murray Friday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon the Study club mel at I be library and a very interesting program was given. Mr. and Mrs. S. (I. Pitman at lemh'il a birthday parly given for Herbert ShallVr Wednesday even ing. Fverybody at Kenosha is gelling their bib and dicker on for the Thanksgiving dinner to be held al Kenosha Thursday. Miss Allies Kennedy came home Wednesday evening from her school at Fag le to attend Ihe I.y man Young wedding. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. (iilmoie, Mrs. V. A. Kennedy and Pauline Oldham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Klaurens Thursday. Miss Villa (iapeu came home Wednesday evening from Peru to spend Thanksgiving with her par ents and attended Ihe l.vnian Young wedding. , Mox Social at the Rock Creek school. District Xo. it, Friday evening, Meceinher (, HM-'. Fvery body welcome. Alberta Thomas, teacher. 1 l-'JH.atd-'.Mwkly Sam Oapen returned to his home at llyatlville, Wyo., Tues day after several days' visit with relatives and friends in Ihis vicinity. Mrs. Mini McDonald entertain ed at dinner Thursday Mr, and Mrs. Kelly of Piatt smooth and Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. McDonald ami daughter of Murdock. Mrs. John Karris ami Mrs. N rriedrick entertained a large company of friends Thursday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. N. Fredrick. A delicious three-course luncheon was served. The telephone company has had several men in Murray this week placing all the lines leading into Murray in a new cable. The cable extends as far as the rail road tracks on the east. They will install new switch hoards in the service here also. Numerous oilier improvements will be made. Jeff Lewis xxas calling on Mur ray merchants Tuesday. Mrs. Addie Stokes was a county seal visitor Tuesday of this week. Ray Campbell and wife were shopping in Plaltsmoulh Satur day. Robert (iood and wife were l'lallsinoulh visitors Saturday aft ernoon. Mrs. Fd Leach of Union spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Lee llison. Peter Campbell and wife were calling on Platlsnioulh merchants Saturday. Sam Swabs and wife were look ing after business in Plaltsinouth Saturday. Lee and (ieorge Nickels were hauling hard coal from I'latls iiiouth Monday. A. F. Nickels and family were transacting business in I'latts rnouth Saturday. Fverybody in this section spent Thanksgiving at Old Kenosha, and they had a goo1 time, too. ieorge and Mont Shrader, from Nehawka, spent Sunday with their grandparents, (S. W. Shrader and wife. FOR SALK Hand-painted china for Xmas presents at Pit man & Davis Store. Agnes Ken nedy. Will Carey and wife were visit ing friends and looking after busi ness in l'lallsinoulh Saturday ift-ernoon. Miss Ktla Nickels, the Spir.ila corset ier, of Murray, wag looking after business in Plaltsnioulh Saturday. Mark While was in Murray Tuesday afternoon l.o see his father, who has been very ill for some time. Ted Mrown and wife ami Mrs. Waller Sans were transacting business in Ihe county seal Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. F.liuer Hoedeker is suffer ing with an attack of appendicitis, taking ill a few' days ago. She is gelling along nicely under the doctor's care. It seems almost impossible lo prevent some people from throw ing bottles and various articles of glass along the public highways. Possibly (bey do not, know there is a heavy penally for such work, which might be a line ami im prison in en I, Some of these part ies will be delected some day, and when they do il will go hard with I hem. All the relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Mrendel were entertained al the obi home last Sunday. Those to enjoy the day at the pleasant Mrendel home were: Mr. and Mrs. Mrendel of Indiana, Jell' Mrendel and wife. Mr. Will Mrendel and wife of Avoca, A. L. Maker and wife and daughter, Opha. Will Sex boll and w ife. The day was a very pleasant one for all. The new store room of Iliall, ov Tult is now almost completed and Ihe new room will be thrown open o Ihe public wilbin the next two weeks, W illi one ol I lie nicest lines of goods thai you have seen in Murray (his season. The new tlxlures are certainly about the tinest that can be found in any lore many times the size of Mur ray, i heir display oi goods will be up lo the standard in every re sped, and you have known them long enough to know that their prices are always about right. They are offering you a removal sale Ihis xveek, after which they move to their new quarters, where they extend all their patrons and friends a cordial invitation to call and see them. The regular business ami social meeting of the library association met Tuesday evening at the library rooms. Mrs. (lapen read a paper on "Vocational Fducation in the Public Schools Dial was very greatly appreciated and was beneficial to the hearers. Waller Hamilton told why Ralph Connor's books are popular, and that his books make up the story history of the great northwest Misses Micknell and Adams am Mesdanies T. J. and J. F. Mrendel, Joe Cook. W. (i. Moedecker, M. (1. Churchill served the refresh ments. The meeting as a whole was very inieresung. i.ioyo (lapen. T. J. Mrendel, S. O. Pit man, Mrs. Ross Williams and Mrs. S. O. Pitman were chosen as a committee to secure new members for the association. Mrs. Mira McMonald was a Plat I sniouth visitor Tuesday. R. R. Nickels was a business visitor in I'latlsiiiouth Saturday. Mrs. Will LaRue and daughter, Miss Fdilli. were Omaha visitors Monday . Mrs. J. A. Walker was having some dental work done in I'latls iiiouth Wednesday. O. F. Nickels of Murray xxas looking around the court bouse in l'lallsinoulh Saturday afternoon. Miss Truda Long went over to Shenandoah, Iowa, last Saturday, where she will spend a few weeks visiting with friends and relatives. lion. William Puis and wife are rejoicing this week over the ar rival of a tine ten and one-half-pound baby girl at their home on Wednesday of last week. The lit tle one and mother are doing nicely and "Hilly," well he is the happiest "daddy" in Ihe precinct. Successful Operation. Mrs. Andy Campbell, who has been sick for some time, under went quite a serious surgical operation on Wednesday of last week. Mr. M. V, Mrendel of Mur ray and Dr. Cook of Plattsmoulh performing the same. Mrs. Camp bell had been suffering for several years, and while the operation was deemed advisable some years ago, she dreaded the lime when il, would be necessary, and put it. ofT lo the last moment. The operation was successfully performed at her home on Wednesday of last week and she is recovering quite rapid ly, and before many days will be restored to tier former heall h. The Boys Were Sorry. Last Saturday evening some of the boys of Murray entered the school and proceeded in ear up Ihi'igs Ihreabouls generally. Tops were taken from the desks, books wire destroyed, ami more or less ihiniage do lie in various porlioii? oi lie rooms. i ne people o Murray have ;tii ely too much ' resp"e fr he pa; enls of the i boys i, fiir I heir nan.es, but are determined thai snoiiid such pro- c liit'-s occur nt:;i;i! they will be si"i',i ihe reform school. At the I'eooel nf llle I c :i e ) i n i' Mr Jlil I more went over lo Ihe school room and made a talk o the en tin' school on Ihe subject, "What II Takes o Make a Man of Honor ami a Tramp." The children were very attentive to Ins remarks, which xxill no doubt be very valua ble to them in Ihe future. Herman (iansemer is spending this week in Cedar county. R. A. Young delivered hogs to the Nehawka market Tuesday. Frit l.utz and W. II. Puis made a business trip t Weeping Water Tuesday. Ouile a large crowd spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. Puis. Mrs. Olio Puis spent last week with her mother, Mrs. West, at l'lallsiiiuulh. Miss Maude Ruslerholtz, teach ing near Louisville, spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and .Mrs. 11. C. Kailey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hoedeker Sunday. Miss Lena Fngelkemeier spent Sunday with her sister at St. Jos eph's hospital at ( imalia. Mr. and Mrs. William Puis spent Sunday at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fngelkenieir. Corn husking is nearly com pleted in this community. The average is about HI bushels per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Fdward (Iansemer and Mrs. Schafer and son, Adam, spent Sunday with relatives in fiage county. They made the trip in Mr. Oansemcr's new Maxwell car. The basket supper at the Pleas ant Hill school house was largely attended and the baskets sold at a good price, $22 being collected, according to the secretary's re port. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hailey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herren spent Thanksgiving at Cook, Neb., visiting at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Renner. They made the trip in Mr. Hailey's car. J-$-J. OTlCK OF SI IT TO Ql IKT TITLB. la tae Vlatrirt toun la ami lor immm taunt)', .Nrhranka. Editha C. Woods, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas K. Clark, rt a!.. Defendants. To the Defendants, (ieorge T. McColluui, Uuth llcColluin, Jean MeCollum Wright MeCollum, Carl C. Wright and Mrs. Carl C. Wright: You are lierehv notified that on May S. 1812. plaintiff nled her suit In the District Court of Cass County, Ne hraska. to quiet the title to the follow ing described land In Cass County, Ne hraska, to-wit: The West Half (W'il of the Northeast Quarter (NK'i), the Southeast Quarter (SK1) of the Northeast Quarter (SK'j) and the Northwest Quarter (NWi4l, all of Section twelve (U'l, and lot thirty fruir (.'Hi, in the Southeast Quarter (SI'.'4I of the Southeast Quarter iSK, ) lot thirty-live CITO, in the Southwest Quarter (SVV',i) of the Southeast Quarter (SK'4 and lot I thirty-MX (.ill), in the Northwest j Quarter (NVV4) of the Southeast I Quarter ISK', , nf Section one (1), 1 all of said luiuis In Township ten i ilU North, Knrw eleven (11), I Kast of the 6th 1'. M. I And that on November 7, 1912, said ! plaintiff tiled her supplemental petition j showing the death of William 11. i XX'risht, and allclim; that you, among: I others, are tiie heirs at law of the said William 11. Wright, and praying for i relief as prayed for in her original ! petition, because of her adverse pos session by herself and grantors of said , lands for more than ten years prior to ' the commencement of said suit, and to enjoin each and all of you from bavins or claiming any rignt. title, lien or In terest, either legal or equitable, in or to said lands, or any part thereof, and to require you and each of you to et fortli your right, title, lien or Interest therein. if any, either legal or equitable, and to have the same ad judged Inferior to the title of plaintiff, and for general equitable relief, this notice is made pursuant to the order of the court. You are required to answer this petition on or before the li.lrd day of December, A. D. 1912 or your default will be duly entered therein. EDITHA C. WOODS, I'laintlff. IIAWLS & ItOBEKTSON, . Attorneys. WALTER GREEN HORSESHOEING f fieneral Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Horseshoeing is Our Specialty 11 Work Guaranteed LEGAL NOTICE, la the District Court of Csnm County, Nebraska. Frank Claus, Plaintiff, vs. William Smith, et al., Defendants. NOTICE. To William Smith, Mrs. William Smith, his wife (first name unknown). Thomas G. Palmer, M. Jane Palmer', and sthe Unknown Heirs and De visees of William Smith, deceased: ' You and each of you will hereby take notice that on the 2nd day of November, 1912. Frank Claus, plaintiff In the fore going entitled cause, filed his petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against you, the object, pur pose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree fom said court removtnfr clouds from and nuletinfr the title of record to lot five (5) and three (3) feet off of and along the west side ot 4l ' four (4), in block eighteen (UW In the City of PlattsmouJti, Cftss County Ne braska, in plaintiff, as against you and to exclude and enjoin you and each of you from ever asserting or claiming any Tight, title or Interest therein ad verse to plaintiff and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of December, 1912, or the allegations con tained in said petition will he taken as true and a decree rendered as prayed for therein. 1 Dated: November 4th, 1912. FRANK CLAUS, Plaintiff. By JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney. NOTICE TO CHEOITOHS. Ill the County Court of the Counljr of Chmm, Nebraska. In lie Estate of Orllla Fleming, 1 icceased. Notice is hereby given that hearings will be had upon all claims against the I above estate at the olllce of the Countv Judge', Court House, Platts moiith, Nebraska, on December 23rd, 1912, and on June 2Hrd, 1913, at nine ' o'clock a. m. of each day; all claims must be Riled before said last named hour and all claims not filed will be forever barred. Hv the Court. (Seal) ALLEN J. B..ESON, Countv Judge. I! AWLS & KOBKUTSON, Attorneys. Murray, Nebraska Wood Wanted. Those of our subscribers who desire io pay their subscriptions in wood are requested to bring it in before the roads pel bad, as we desire to place it in the dry. Come in with it, boys, right away. XXil ix'ill Lunfc&k 11? rltaafMfi taBM aliff BIG SIISMl Saturday. evQiiibor mm In order to reduce our stock before moving into our new quarters we will for Z2 BEGINNING rvn offer you more for your money than you ever purchased before any place or any time. LOOK MEES Winter Dress Goods, regular 50c value at, per yard 29c Cotton Suitings, 18 and 25c grades at, per yard. 10c Whip Cord Serges, sold everywhere at 65c, on sale at, per yard 39c Ginghams, 12c kind at, per yard 9c Apron Ginghams, per yard 7c; and Calicos, per yard Gc Ladies' Wrappers, worth $1.00 to S1.50, on sale at .65 to 90c I5fShoes, Corduroy Pants, Winter Coats, Hats, Etc., at prices that will make you money. REMEMBER SIX BIG SALE DAYS r mi ';u ci"""j (O) (six3 MURRAY, NEBRASKA ruT T awi aWlafejakJUbWaMk'