The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 25, 1912, Image 6

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lilies Strengthen Their Forces
Capture of Ochrida by Servians With
' cut Resistance Only Operation In
the Field Bulgarians Using Greek
Transports to Place Their Men.
Ixiiulon, Nov. 23. No serious fight
ing is lOjioi tuil on the 'I'cliutalja. hni;ti,
where Loth sides appear to he wailing
tin- issue ot the armistice ncgmiiitioiib.
.Moinwiiile all the necessary disj.o
tiitif.iits arc bi iiiy made lor u resuuip
t'on ot the war should the negotiations
Vuljiariu is shipping her forces from
Saluniki In (Jnck transjiortH, presum
uh'y to trai'.sier to Galtipoll peninsula,
where TurLey Is also MrengllieliiDK
her forces hy Anatolian troops. Here
an attempt will he made hy the allien,
assisted by the Greek fleet, to take the
The rest of the allied forces libera
atert In Macedonia will be sent by rail
as speedily Hi possible to reinforce
the .Bulgarians attacking the Tchatalja
linen. Their places will bo taken by
the Bulgarian 1912 recruits, who, after
three weeks' training, are being draft
ed into Macedonia for garrison duty.
The only news of military Import
ance Is the occupation of Ochrida, a
large town near Monastlr, by tho Ser
vian8. The positions at Adrlnnople und
Scutari are apparently unchanged.
Ofllclal statements Issued at Vienna
continue to d"ny the reported war
preparations Letters from Vienna
have reached IiOiidon, however, con
firming the reports that the strength
of six nrmy corps is being increased
and that a large number of reservists
.iave been called out.
Socialist Leader Is Accused of "Ob
structing Justice."
Fort Scott, Kan., Nov. 25. On a fed
eral Indictment returned here against
Bugcne V. Debs, Socialist candidate
lor president; Fred f. Warren, editor
of the Appeal to Iteusoil, a Socialist
newspaper, published at Glranl, Kan.,
and .1. I. Shephard, Warren's attorney,
Warren and Shephard were arrested
here by a deputy I'nlted .States mar
shal. The Indictment charges "o!
Ht'uitiop ol' justice by Inducing wit
iifssis to leave the country." Warren
and Hlcphard were released on $1,0HC
bond eai'h.
lh offense i harced In the Indict
nient Is alleged to have been commit I
ed in cnnneeiion with the ense of J. A
Wnyland. owner of the Appeal to Rea
son; Cllv I'M 1 1 or Pilfer or that paper
and Fred Warren, (barged In a fed
era) indictment issued last May with
uisuse of the mails In posting obscene
matter concerning the federal prison
In Ijcavenwnrth, Kan.
Policeman Chased Rider Because He
Was Breaking Speed Law.
Chicago, Nov. -Two Chicago!
motorcycle policemen pursued a
speeder mounieil on one of the niu
chines through Lincoln park at. the
rate of forty miles an hour and were
astonished to s"c the man turn bis
motorcycle into the lagoon, in which
he vanished In a cloud of spray that
splashed as high as the tree tops.
The officers arrived In time to drag
the man from the water, lie thanked
ihem for saving his life, as It was bis
maiden ride on a motorcycle and he
had forgotten how to stop It. ICvcry
time he tried to slow down he made
the machine go fastT ami he turned
into the water in desperation.
Rk dalbahh Leads Lot Angeles Officers
to Cache of Explosive.
San Bernardino, Cal., Nov. 2.V
ICnough dynamite to blow up an entire
city was found at the exact spot where
Carl Rledelbnch, the man who terror
Ized the Ijos Angeles police, said It
would bu found
Rledelbach, accompanied by a
den of officers from ls Anceles
reached San Bernardino and Immedi
ately led the party to a cache In the
Declfse hills, ten miles west of here,
where he had "planted" the explosive.
"I stole that dynamite three months
ago," sold Rledelbach. "They seem to
think I'm crazy, hut I'm not, and be
fore they get through with me they
will find out that I'm not."
Fatal Lamp Explosion.
Chllllcothe, Mo., Nov. 25 Ruth Rob
inson, four years old, was burned to
death, her sister, Inilse. aged six
years, was fatally burned and their
two-year-old brother was seriously In
jured by the explosion of a gasoline
lamp In their home 15. J. Robinson.
father of the children, and several of
the neighlsirs were severely burned
while trying to save the children.
Accused Labor Leader Nominated.
Rome, Nov. 25. The Socialist union
hau proclaimed the candidacy for the
chamber of d putles of Arturo Glovan
nlftl to represent the constituency of
Carpi, province of Modena, which seat
is now vacant. Olovanuittlt Is now on
trial, together with Joseph Kltor, at
Salem, Maw., on the charge of murder
during the Lawrence strike
Director of National
Red Cross Society, Who
Is Raising War Fund.
Mr. Rlcknell la nromlnfnf In. netirlnB
money to alii tht wounded and dciititiitn
In the liulkun war (Inn nf th Intent hi
contributions was I",,uoo from. John K
lantlty ol Hay Destroyed anil
Many Farm Houses Burned.
Norfolk, Neb., Nov. 23. Spec iuls
from many points in southern South
Dakota and northern Nebraska tell of
the most disastrous prairie fire ever
known here. One fire starting on tho
Pine Kidge Indian reservation swept
through the Rosebud and south Into
Nebraska. The town of Crookston was
In danger for a time. This firo ran
over Iimi mile;-. Another fire went into
Tripp county, South Dakota, whet.
Winner was In peril.
The life of a fourteen-year-old Indian
boy was saved In a dramatic way by
J. II. Brown, an nutomobllo driver of
Valentine. The lsy, fighting fire, be
came surrounded by flames and would
have perished. Brown, with a passen
-,r ,i-,o i.i.. i,..n,.i. .. ., ..
f0 n,,d, ?ln- at full speed, the pas
senger seled the boy, carrying li 1 in
In tb car on through nnother wall of
(lames to safety,
A freighter hauling hardware near
Winner was compelled to abandon his
wagon, which was consumed, and seek
safety In a wheat field. Thousands Of
tons of hay burned nnd a number of
farm houses were destroyed.
Railway Officials Puzzled Over What Become of Tramps.
On, alia, Nov. 2.". What has become
of all the "W-ary Willies" who at this
season of the year usually almost clog
the wheels ol' freight trains in their
efl'oits to get to a warmer climate!
Tin1 an.-wcr to this question Is bother
lug the operating officials of western
There seen'n not to be a single
tramp In a'l tue transnilsslsslppi conn-
I'-y. At Vast. If there Is one be Is
kcepin.' und'T cover. Railroad officials
are at a !om to know whether the
tramps have quit the road and gone to
work or have decided to winter In the
north this yoar.
Douglas County Election Contest.
Oninl.ii, N.)V. 2!i. Notice of content
of the elections of the twelve state
representatives and four state sena
tors elected from Douglas county on
the Republican ticket at the recent
general election was served upon
fiem by depity sheriffs. Arthur C.
Pancoast, the only Republican candi-
cor-1"11"' ,! thp fR'H'at,ire who was de
i ii'iueu mi imngiuH couniy, servea no
tlco that he will contest the election
of John II. Grossman, the lone success
ful Douglas county Democratic candi
date for a legislative job.
Norfolk Man Has Fourteenth Operation
Norfolk. Neb.. Nov. 25. City Clerk
Kd Harter went to the hospital for his
fourteenth serious surgical operation
An ulcer of the stomach is believed to
bo the trouble. He has bad nine oper
ations on one leg which was ampu
tated twenty years ago, when a friend
accidentally shot him, has had part ol
his stomach removed, his appendix re
moved and an operation for hernia.
6tato Poultry Show at Grand Island.
Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 25. Secre
,tary A. II. Smith of tho Nebraska
State roultry association announces
that the twenty-olghth annual evhl
bltlon of the association will be held
In Grand iHlaiul. Jan, 20 to 24.
Indicted for Rebating.
1'ueblo. Nov. 25. The Denver and
Rio Grande railroad and the Colorado
and Southern railroad were Indtctorf
by ti e federal grand Jury here charged
wun grunting rebates.
f i
I -;'- i ) Y
f V V U
a. k- ir , . . i
" r"-,:. . " j i
Mr", II. h. Swansoii of Julian
is vi-itiiiji her parent.-., Mr. arul
Mi. Charli'.s Brinier..
.N'olilc Taylor is making a few
weeks' visit, with his sister, Mrs.
SI it.S af Auburn.
J. i. Johnson,, who has been
iloin-r carpenter work, at Cailaius,
-Neb., ivttirneil home Thufstlay.
Jaiel I'ors.lh left, Tuesday for
(iolhenbenr. .Neb., to speml a few
lays with his daughter, Mr. ieo.
Win. Oesl.x'lila-er left Welues-
ilay for Texas to look after laud
itilere-ls there. He expects to he
rinii' about fifteen days.
Mr. ami Mrs. (leorge Myer.s
left Wednesday for Uieir homo at
Hroken How. Mrs.. Vaiilandinfr
hani accompanied them as far as
Misse.s Myrlle and' Mabel Foster
arrived Friday evenin,' and left
Monday niorniiiR for their home
at Springfield, Neb. They were
the guests of their father, W. .
Foster, who is agent in Mr.
Myers' absence.
(leoige Trunkenilolz put' in a
cement crossing Just north of lire
tracks on Main street: last' week.
This will make it much more con
venient for tho school children,
as there are now good walks all
the way to tho school building.
Work is progressing rapidly on
I lie new garage. The walls art) all
ready completed, 2,600 cement
blocks having been used. Car
penters are now busy on the roof:
and if the weather will permit the
door will be put in next week.
Anson Burdit'k, Noble Taylor,
llama Fender and Edith Peterson
motored to Brock Saturday. Mrs.
Fredrick returned wilh them
Monday to make a few weeks' visit
with relatives and friends before
leaving for her home in Colorado.
.Vorman Dixon of Iowa spent
the first, of the week with friends
and relatives here..
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. While
are the happy parents of a baby!
hoy, born Saturday afternoon.
(iilberl M. Marrow or Central
Lake, Mich., is enjoving a visit
Willi his sister. Mrs. A. McFall.
Mrs. Irani Campbell oT Allan
lie. Iowa, spenl a portion of the
week with her brothers, 1.. A.
Tyson and M. If. Tyson.
Ernest Fesenbeck of Mound
ville, Mo., returned to his home
Wednesday, after a visil of sever
al days Willi his mother.
Al I.oring had (lie misfortune
to have one of I lie fingers of his
right hand severely mashed Tues
day afternoon while working with
a pump at the Fred I.enz farm.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rosencraii.s
and son. Clayton, motored out
from Plaltsnioiilh Wednesday
evening and were guests over
night at the F. A. (taker home.
"Ilosey" drove out in the country
from here to attend to some real
estate matters.
t'ncle John Turner is now able
to be about considerable, which
fact we are glad to chronicle.
I'ncle John was in town Saturday,
wnen ins joy was complete in
meeting a large number of his
warm friends who were also
pleased to see him looking so well
after such a long siege of sick
ness. William Buster of Ashland
came in Friday afternoon from
Nebraska City to spend a few days
with his many warm friends here,
and In discuss incidentally the
obsequies of the republican party.
Mr. Busier hail been at "tho city"
to attend the funeral of his old
time friend, Captain Enyarl.
Frank Thorne has moved up
from Weeping Water and will en
gage in the lunch and light con
fectionery business in tho build
ing occupied by Frank Maker as
a barber shop. Mr. Iaker will
continue his business in tho room
Willi Mr. Thorne, using the same
corner as heretofore. The lunch
counter is expected to be ready
for business tomorrow.
Given by the
M. W. A. Camp No. 332.
Music by the
M, W. A. Orchestra.
To be held at
M. W. A. Hall
J Saturday Night,
J. November 30, 1912.
Everybody Invited.
Tickets 50c,
T,. M. McVey of near Union was
in Ihe city Saturday attending to
some trading with the merchants.
Local Hews
From Friday's Dally.
Henry Hirz of the precinct was
in the city today at I ending . to
some matters of business.
Mrs. Arthur Baker departed
tin's afternoon for Omaha to look
after some matters of business.
T. W. Vallery drove in this aft
ernoon from his farm to attend to
some trading with the merchants.
W. If. Seybert and wife of near
Culloin were in the cily today
looking after some trading, with
I tie merchants.
Will Mordock, proprietor of the
Racket store in this cily, came m
this afternoon to look after his
business interests.
Mark While and wife of Hock
HI nil's drove up this morning to
look after some trailing and to
visit, with friends.
Iavid J. l'iltmau and Charles H.
Moe.di'ker of Murray were, in the
city today looking after some
matters of business.
Harry Smith, the rustling. farm-,
er from west of the city di;iarted
this morning for Omaha, to. look
after business matters..
Mark While and, .wife were, pas
sengers this afternoon far, OmaTJ
ha to. attend to , some business
matters for a few hours,.
Henry Long, one of the -woi-thv
farmers from the vicinity of Mur
ray, was in the city today attend
ing to. some matters-of business-
Byron Clark; the. general at
torney for the Burlington, was io
the city today, being-called her
in connection wilh thei MtllM'-wiill
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Clutter of
Mouelt, Mlssourij who haw bm
here visiting George Earnnher and
family, departed this morninjr: for
their home.- Mr. ami' Mrs.,
phor accompanied 'them as. far as
Herman Sin it If and'wil'e of near
Neliawka are in the citv todav
visiting with relatives, having
motored up this .-morning witJi J;
I,. Smith, wlio was a passenger-to
Omaha to visit, his brother, T; B:
Smilh, at the hospital'...
Attention, Farmers!.
My Dear Far.niei: Have you.voi.j
own farm or are yon renting? I
have land, iji Minnesota., cut over
timber,, from $10 to Bt.r per a'ii:e.
Oue,-!.lur,i casli-. balance at. (i per
cent.. I have- gou.J. siiioolh- '.and
in Stevens, county.. Minnesota.
from 7 to. $(') 5 pei; acre. This
land is soli.l. 4krect, ffoiii l.liieown,-
er of 111;. land, Nm laud, (mm una nv
in this deal. I also ban Jle- tin i.
l)esJ. ranu; m wasli.'i.n Okiab.yjna.
Corn runs fnuii sLxt.v to. svvenlv
------- n.
bushels tu the acre.. N..,w if you
want land try me and s'e.. I deat
willi no agent. If yuu fiuini with
au agent, yon must pay him your
self. Write or rait.
Henry Hummels
ti:M Nortli 2(Uh St..
F-iacohu N'eh.
H. J. Strefght Bolter.
William J. Sh-eiL-tit was a M'sif-
r in Omaha yesterday, where he
visited his fattier at the hospital.
Mr. Streipht is recovering nicely
and feels better than he' has for
some time and ureal hopes are
entertained ttiat he will soon be
able to return home in a much im
proved condit ion.
Hero From Western Nebraska.
William Metier, from the
western part of I he stale, was in
tlie cily a few hours last Saturday
afternoon. He is here visiting
with his mother and family near
Cedar' Creek, also his brother, G.
K. Melzper, near Mynanl. Mr.
Metzprer is one of the prominent
stockmen in the western part, of
the state.
Dies In Omaha.
William P. Fisher, a former
resident of this city several years
ago, passed away yesterday at his
home in Omaha, the message of
his death received in this city did
not slate the cause of his death.
The body will be brought to this
city Wednesday morning and in
terment will be made in Oak Hill
Fop Sale.
A number of full blooded Rhode
Island Red roosters, both single
and double comb. See Jake Ma
son, IMattsmoulh.
Christmas Sale.
SI. Mary's Guild of St. Luke's
parish will hold a Christmas sale
and market December 5th and 7th.
Wait and buy your Christinas
present then. 11-21-tfd
John Newman and wife of Deni-
son. Iowa, and Mrs. ineodore
Granenciser and Mrs. Ella New
man and daushter of Omaha wer
in the city Sunday, beings guests
at the home of Oeorge H. Tarns,
superintendent of Iho county
far m.
I'l-iLU'iiontli. X.-b.. Nov. IS, 191'
i.-l . ... "'.M.' J,ul,"?"''t to aJjournme'rU.
f i rrh,'.K'r' 'uty Commlssion.
tis, an-1 .J i. t. .Morgan. ,1'ountv Clerk.
Minutes of previous sexsion read ami
w.-. much ,,, ronowiiiK fiistni-ss
was trunsaeted in., regular lorm;
Hon.1 of.ileo W. Leach, roa.i overseer.
Kuail Xixtrl. t No. U. Api.mve.t.
H'Jiul of V. J. Althouse, road over
seer, lion. Disl.i.-t No. 16. Approved
HoikI ot J. a. Keedy, justice ot tlu.
peace. Center IWinct, Approved.
Mond of K S. Harries, uistiee of. the
pea.e. WeepoiK Water City, Approved.
H'Mid of A. I-. Heyl.ert. loud overseer
K.m.l I'.stri. t so. :. Approved.
., M",'"' ."f.WUer. Hyers, road overseer.
Load -t .k -7, Approved.
Jlou;l..of .1. II. VVAKner. road overseer
Load l.isti -irl o. J, Approved.
I.ond r C. U. Taylor, a) inted
oun.y ludu,- t,,.- one case, Approved.
A mo Ion h,i.s made .y M. l. Fried
el, and seconded oy v. It. Jordan tliai
the V,.inty l lKe, Marrl, 1st. l- i ;.
he insU ucled t. cull for l.ids for l.wild
in the lollowinK roads out of the In-
I und. CoiuiiifiieinK at the I', li. eluireli
south of l'lattsmouth. thence ru, k
ob-l.-U, .thence lunnlaK south to the
K h. corner of section 1-1-1 1-13. tjieni e
iu"iliJ,nRi-t,,tw ,he S- w- rw f
I-,. , !',J' tlie," e l unnijiK south
iV u, ,, st!:,,'tr.("ttl- Also emmene-'mKi-i,
tl.'f b" U- corner of. section
I t.""1'' tllelce runiting- soutli to the
h. VS. corner of section 13-U-il. Also
commencing in. section. 1-12-U. wheva
roarila 'ii w,l Su7 interseet. and run-
o .l.!.'111 .a'ud w1' Hlon'' new- road
to JMatte river. waKon brld. Alo
commencinK on tho center of the north
line of secUou iy-ll-Lt, thence runninK
s.Mith oa. the half section line t" the
vllliiKe of Nehawka. Motieai earrle t
I he following claims were allowed
en the Cejieral fund:
JudKen and Clerks f. election for
V1?! ('!JU"ty t Kneral election
heJa.N'Avemher 191 $775 no
liooms for election and care of
ejection, booths 9S 61
C. M. Kvyhert, nnace ollliier "at
e ecti.m. polls.. Louisville I're-
, el net (iiefusedl 3 0n
'.. II. Jordan, salury 33 00
Woltf fi Ault, merchandise to ,"&'.'
I-rarke ' 40 qq,
II. A. .Schneider, postal supplies' 31'i
Al. L. lriedrich. sulni-v nn.i ov
piJJCj ... . h.
C. K. Heebnef,. saiary'"'and "ei
lie use
Creens Drua- Co..' nu'rVhiinrlu...
to County
Zuck.welier A. Lut... Mdse.'"to.
County Farm
Koruinental Koinixuintl Co
s.we,epnK Comi'oiiiid
The lTnyei-My Publishing: Wo.,
Supplies to County Supt...
Klopp Haltlett. Co.. election,
The I'liiversity I'ublishins" Co.',
liemlnKtoiv, Typmy titer Co.- rib
bons to Couniy Attorney
Ci. Iv, I'arniele, Ilverv to, Conir
The Laurel llook I'., u,,,l,Vi'iLL'
, County Supt. " ,
The I'luttsmoiit!) Journal., nrlntl.
inif unji! supl'llrs
lv. L J'Hius, Al.. I)., salaiv. third
marter count v .',.' i.k.
(net No', it '. ... . 15,00.
The following claims were allowed
en t!!t Load funds:
i.. 'i. I'ooi, I u ii .her for L..)ad Ms-
,. "'!,! N'- 7- J 39.:,S
1 I ed 'til:., i-oii.l u'oil I-,,,,. i in..
K iel. No, 1
Wali.uit liters, road worit, ' ii.j&.i
lu,strl.. l No. 27
Win. Atchison, road work, Lo'ud.
l.'rJ.rict No. 15 . .
ila'.po C!, road work, Ko'iiii
l.'-St.Klct No. 6
I;', llnilhut, roa.l work! itoad
C. lioiu-her, ron.j" work. Load
liiWru-t No.
Ceo. V. Lea. h rovij. work. Uoatt
Uistrh-i No. It ..
C h'. lionchcr. roid work, l.'nu.l
Matt ivt No. 6 . 3 40
harles Ay res, road work. Load
I district No. 6 21 10
Conrad Woilzel, road work. Load
Mstrlet No. fi s 00
Alv Miller, Load work. Uuad
Kistilct No. H 1S6.00
.vuoipn sciinnler, road work,
fuad Iiisti-1,-1- Xo. tK
13. 0Q
S. Lodaway, road work. Hoad
I list i-l, -t V,, o;
Henry Miller road work ' Load
lllslrll-t Vr R
Snin l. Casiinm,. mater iai "for Load
I 'ISO H I .NO. t
Sam l. Cashner, malerial for Load
IMHIVIl-l .o. 1:,
Clyde Newklrk. road work.
Load I dstrlct No. tt
Christ Klchnian, road work, Load
District No. 6
Frank Louse, road work. Load
histrlct No. 6 .
Mike Lutz, road work. Load
District No. 1
Ceo. K.. (.lehlerkins-. Road work,
Load District No. 1.1
II. A. Kiinke Lumber Co., ma
terial Load 1 Mstrict No. 3 . . . .
Luiiene Hall, road work, Load
District No. 15
Frank 1'latner. road work. Load
I Usti-i.-t No. 2 ' 131 r.5
W. H. I'.aimlnK. material, Load
District No. 11 30.po
lien Hockmnn road work. Load-
District No.' 10 HtUB
J. C. Lomeyer, road work. Load
District No. 15 1011.20
jonn naiier. road , work, Koud
District No. 8
(i. N. Schnfer, rond work Itoaj
District No. 8 i
Venls Itockwell, road work, Load
District No. 8
J. A. Waton, road work, Load
District No. 8
Howard Johnson, road Work,
Load District No. 8
Lobcrt O'l'.rlen, road work, L.vd
District No. 8
The Austin-Western Co., Ltd.,
repairs for grader. It. (ad Dis
trict No. 2
The Austin-Western. Co.. Ltd.,
repairs for grader.' rtoJ Dis
trict No. 5
T It' 1.- I I , . .
2. 90
.j. . ien, rou.i wiu'fc Koau
District No. 2 . 10.40
Tho following olaiRis were allowed
on the Bridge fund:
V. H. Baldwin, brldxe material. . 13.74
Will Strable, brhlKo work 21.R
W. U. Banning, bridge material 60i75
Union Lumber Co., bridge ma
terial 20I.S1
Nebraska Construction Co,,
bridge work 2tT3.0o
The follovvong claims were allowed
on the Commissioners' road futnl;
C. K. Heebner, road work. Load
District No. 13 $ 2.00
C. 10. Heehier, road work. Load
District No, 12 .".fi.40
The boatj adjourned to meet Tuesday,
December 3, 1912.
t. C. MOLC.AN, IVunty Clerk.
Basket Social at Mynard.
A basket social will be given at
the. Woodman hall in Mynard, by
School District No. 15. on Wed
nesday evening, November 27. A
box of bon-bons will be given to
the most popular young lady, to
be decided by a vote. All will be
An excellent program will bo
rendered previous to the sale of
baskets, and a delightful social
lime is assnrred.
For Sale.
About fifty head of full blood
e IVdand-China spring shoals.
Alf. Nickels.
If you have anything to sell an
ad In the Journal will sell it.
.XOTTCE r St IT Til U IKT T1T1.K .
k. KU.rir Curt . m4 for Cmni
" J. -Xrkraiika.
EJitha C. Woods, Plaintiff.
the Detendants. ietirKe T. McCollum
Kith MtOdiam. Jn McCollum'
Ani;!it Mc-oIlum. Carl C WrS
and Mrs. frt C. WrlKfit: 1
a Xu? ,r, kUv ntlied that on Siay
112. pUlntlrt filed her suit in th
M.vrrk-t curt of Cas Countv Ne
braska, to ,uiet the title to thefl.Uow
n described Und In Cass County. Ne
braska, to-wit: '',
Th West Half (WU) of the
Jrthaat Quarter ( ,K ) , the
jontheast Quarter .SK'.4) of the ..
Nortiea.f Quarter (NK, and the
Northwest Quarter (NW). all of
ictU.ii tw elve 02 . nd it tliirty
?(.ur CM), in tli Southeast Quarter
!':' ,oC lhe s"uthest Quarter
lM,y lot thirty-live CU, In the
:-out!!wa quarter (SV'.4) of the
.southeast Quarter S1-:V and lot ,-thlrty-x
CM, in tne yorthwest
iiuartr (N'Wi4 of Southeast ,
Quarter (SK , of Section one (1)
u I ot said lands in Township ten
101 North, lianiie eleven (11)
Last of ( he 6tti 1'. M.
And toat on Nvembr 7. 191" aai.l
Vjuintiff V.ii her supplemental petition
-liow n th death of William .11
R-iiuht, and ulK-tim' that you. amoiiK
ai.l!!n H. WfifAht, and praying for
relief. a pra.d for i her original
petition, be.-aiue of ier adverse pos-
, s'"iurs oi said
, 1 it nils more than, tea years prior to
enjoin each ana all of you from having.
...... .,, iiRii, iicie. iiert or in.
rest, either le?al or eipiitable, in or
.-..,..., or any pari tiiereof. an.'
reua re von n,i f .... " :
rth voor Vi h it C ; "u.l."
e.niltattl. ard to have the tame ad
JuUkoJ inferior to tlie title of plaintiff
and inr general etjuitabto relief,, this
notice is made pursuant to the order
of th court.
Yo, are- reuireil to answer this
puticon oil r before the 2;ird dav of,. A. LX ll or vour.. default
will be duly eijterwl therfin
K1J1THA C. VVi)r)S, IMaii.tiff
la. th- Otouirt tWrt f Ci;,(cwlrv,
Frank. CUus, Plaintiff.
WUliam Smith, et al Defendants,.
Tu-Williim, Smith. Mrs.' William. Smith.,
rtla wrfe (first name, unknown)
Jn?m? U rTvlmr. M- Jan, Palmer,
ami the tTnknown Heirs and De-.
viseoH of -WilHam Smith, deeeased
)10u ni ch of you will hereby take
7 lceiri.hat0A,the 2n,J day of November,
1912: Frank; Clans, plaintiff In tho forei
going entitled caus. Hied .his petltiou
In the District Coun of Cass County. '
Nebraska, atnst you, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which isjto obtain .
a decree from said Court removing
cloutl from and quieting the title of
record to lot rive (5) und throe (3) foet
on of and along the west. nt int
)'cln..b,(ck '6'hteen,18), In the .
City of Ilattsmoutli, Cass. County, Ne,
braska, in plaintiff, as against you and :
to, xclad and enjoin you and each ot
you from ever asserting or clalmlna
any riffht. title or interest therein ad
verse to pfalnttur and . for such other -and
further relief us. may be Just and
You are required., to answer said
petition on or before tfc 16th day of
rieeembffr. 1912. or the alienations con
tained In said petition will be taken ax
true and a decree l en3red , as prayed
for therein. jv..
Dated: Novfrn her 4t, 1912
FRANK CI!T.s, Plaintiff
By JOHN M. LKVDA. ills Attorney.
ru the t ounlj Court r the Couniy, et
Chh, .Nvmranka.-
In r.e Kstnte ol Oritla KlemltiK,,
recea.sdi "
Notice is hereby f;V-en that hearings
will be had uuon ulirlaims against the
above estate, at the ollice of the.
County Jiidtfe, Court - llouae,, I'latts. .
mouth, Nebraska, n Dftemlwr,. 2;ird,
112. and on June 2:trd. 1913, at nine'
o cluck a. nv of-,.icli dav; al claims
rnust be ruled Iiiioib said last named
hour and all cIj.i.h not (lied will be,
forever barred.'
By the (.'inirt;
t.seall AtlXKX J. B.WSON.-
. .... , .. , County JudKe.
II.WM.S & lailfRUTSON,
Here is a chance to buy a dandy,
well impriMed rami at
your own. figure. Title perfect,
and it ge to the Ivighest bidder..
Sale to Iv held on
Sale at 1:30 P. M. on the Pnmisea
Located two and one-hall' mile
soiiUvwest of I.iKiisville, Nebraska,,
in (:!$ coiinty:,V.r acres under the
plow: to acres of wild hay land;.
3 .teres paslurv and building spot:
a No. I ,r;-ro ,?n house, pantry and
n'stern in house; barn for four
horses and place for hay; double
rib for 2, (mm) bushels corn; grain
ery and chicken horise; good cavft
and widlr i 00 fine hearing apple
trees nn.r plenty of other fruit.
Sr.OO down. SI, I no more Janu
ary 25, llMU: $2,8nn more March
1st ; balance in 5 years at 5 V, per
Fft.VNK CIUHAM, Auctioneer.
Springfield. Neb.
R. Nielson was attending to
business matters in this city to
day and called at this ofllee to see
about his subscription account.
In conversation with Mr. Neilson
he told us that ho had disposed
of his i.h.eo emith, nf thio nil,, t r
n v. '... i .
v.. ini. niui was removing t
Omaha, where he expects to maKe
his home in the future.
Mrs. Joseph Adams of Mynard
returned Friday evening from her
extended trip in the western part
of the state. Mrs. Attains had
been visiting her relatives there
nnd reports a most enjoyable
Miss Mary F,. Foster was a pas,
senger this afternoon for Omaha,
where she attended to some busiJ
ness matters.
Mrs. Alice Drazee of Henson
was in the city today visiting with
her brother, Harry Kuhney and
W. F. (tillespie the Mynard
grain dealer, nunc in Saturday
noon from Omaha nnd visited here
with his friends for the dav.