The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 21, 1912, Image 7

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    . . i u i - I II I 1 I i ....... .. .-..-,., ... n iilinl iiMJ"'ir ' " i - -i. .1 i 1T Hurt nlM-fB II I l ,W.lf
TuTxiTi iln'iifiiV :iT..'..,-,..T..T-T..'.
J Beacon. 4"
Mr. Oelschlager- starts for
Texas next Tuesday to attend to
some business.
Miss Pearl lMts left for Peru
Monday, after a few days' visit
with her parents.
A deal was made the past week
whereby F. W. McManis became
owner of the Beacon.
Mrs. Agnes McDonald returned
Friday from a two weeks' visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Burdiek at Albion, Neb.
William Baldwin of Sterling-,
Colo., came Wednesday evening
for a short visit with his nieces,
Mesdames Henry Stall and Con
rad Crabtree.
Mrs. Phillips left Monday for
her homo at St. Ansgar, la., after
a two months' visit at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Copple near
Alvo, and other relatives in Lin
coln and Wabash.
Tuesday forenoon Miss Emma
Rudolph had the misfortune of
burning her forehead quite badly
while relighting the gasoline stove
after having turned the fire out
and refilling the tank.
K. Williams was showing a
huge potato Tuesday that weighed
one pound and eleven ounces. We
are not informed where the potato
was grown, but Mr. Williams says
it made a meal for the family and
then some.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Yoho and
son, Darwin, loft Tuesday, No
vember 12, for Hebron, Neb.,
where they attended the marriage
o.f Mrs. Yoho's brother, Dr. W. E.
Hagan, to Miss Mario Ilolcomb.
Mrs. Yoho and Darwin returned
homo Wednesday evening, while
Mr. Yoho remained over a day
and returned Thursday evening,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ilol
comb. '
HH-S H"!M H-M-! H-W
Miss Grayce Lawlon is on the
lick list.
Fred Lake went to Omaha Fri
day morning.
V. 0. Beall went to Omaha
Tuesday on No. 18.
Mrs. Edith Jumper was quite
sick the past week.
Dr. I. D. Jones was in Omaha
Tuesday of last week.
Lewis Hito of near Alvo was in
town Saturday evening. .
Several in this vicinity have
finished husking corn Ibis week.
George Moomey and wife ate
Sunday dinner with his parents.
Robert Stack and family spent
Sunday with Henry Westlake and
Ernest St ice of Omaha was the
guest of the Hornheck boys here
Miss Pearl Keofvr of Alvo, who
has a class in music here, was In
town Monday.
Mrs. Turner McKinnon and son
rf near Alvo spent Tuesday with
relatives here.
Misses Lyda Soriok and Grayce
Lawton spent Sunday at the lat
lfM's home in Wabash.
Miss Viola Everett left Monday
noon for Elliott, Iowa, where she
will visit relatives and friends.
Bernard and Miss Chelsie
Resack of Springfield spent Sat
urday and Sunday with relatives
Harry Gillespie is clerking for
F. O. Beall now and is helping
to make ready for a big sale which
will be bold soon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Britlian
returned to their home in Lincoln
on Thursday evening, after spend-
ing a few days here.
Fred Leutchens and wife and
Merman Schweppo and wife spent
Sunday afternoon with II. Sch
weppo, sr., and wife.
Andrew McNamara and Mrs. W.
O. Gillespie returned Wednesday
evening from a week's visit with
relatives at Fairmont, Neb.
Alvin Neitzel and Mr. and Mrs.
: Jones and daughters, Dollie and
Josio, of Ilavelock, spent Sunday
(with Louis Neitzel and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald
;'and daughter, Marguerite, left
; Saturday for Murray and Plalts
; mouth, where they will visit rela-
lives and friends for two weeks.
Alvin Murray Seeks Relief.
; This morning Alvin Murray and
.wife departed from (his city Tor
malm, where Mr. Murray will
enter Immanuel hospital, where
he expects to be operated upon to
morrow morning. Mr. Murrav has
i not been enjoying the best of
j health for some lime and on the
advice of physicians will seek
relief through tin operation.
H-M-I- 'I-I-I-I-Z- I-K-H-H-H-
H-H-v -H-vvv -I-H-K- -H-M-
Davw Braun is painting the
hotel this week.
Jake Miller made a trip to Mur
dock Wednesday.
John Terryberry and sister were
in town Wednesday.
Mrs. Eli Keckler has been on
the sick list this week.
Ed Kelly sold the pool hall to
Eli Keckler this week.
Charles Gerlac shipped a car
load of hogs Tuesday.
The Beatrice Creamery is pay
ing 31 cents for cream.
Mrs. Glaubitz is visiting her
son, John, at Elgin, Neb.
Harry and Agnes O'Brien were
in town one day this week.
Mrs. George SchafTer is enjoy
ing a visit from her cousin.
Floyd Rockwell made a Hying
trip to Louisville Wednesday.
Mrs. Purl Long entertained the
Ladies' Aid society Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Embury spent
Monday with George Reckard and
Mrs. Tom Keckler is suffering
from a severe attack of rheuma
tism. Joseph Tighe and wife of Lin
coln are visiting relatives around
George Reckard and family took
dinner with Jake Miller and wife
Jim Murphy and wife are spend
ing a few weeks in the country
with Ole.
Walter Slohlman was a pas
senger to Omaha Wednesday
Give and Clara Jenkins visited
Sunday in Weeping Water with
Miss Crew.
Mr. Caperon and family were
moving into the Essick house
Mrs. John and Josiah Tighe
took dinner Saturday with Mrs.
Tom Keckler.
Editor ' Maylield of the Louis
ville Courier was in town Wednes
day forenoon.
Will Capron's brother and wife
of Lincoln visited at the Capron
home Sunday.
Will Honor and Ed and John
Fleischnian autoed up to Louis
ville Saturday.
Dr. Welch and wife of Weep
ing Water attended the funeral of
Mrs. Sheehan.
George Coon went to Archer,
Nob., for a few days' visit Wed
nesday morning.
Mrs. McCurdy and daughter,
Mrs. Bud Grove of Alvo, attended
the funeral Saturday.
Mrs. John Tighe of Stanton,
Neb., is spending the week with
her brother, Ed Sheehan.
Mrs. Dr. Fordyce has returned
home after a few weeks' visit with
her mother at Falls City.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Pankonin, Monday morning, No
vember 18, a (5-pound girl.
Misses Mary Bornemier, Lucia
and Sena Boone spent Sunday af
ternoon with Lily Steincamp.
Mrs. Bill Tighe and niece of
Bancroft, Neb., called on Mrs.
Jake Miller Saturday afternoon.
George Dennis and wife of
Weeping Water autoed up to Will
Slohlman's Sunday and spent the
Mrs. John Bills is very sick at
this writing. Drs. Hungate and
Fordyce held a consultation this
Born To Mr. and Mrs. John
Fleischnian, a 10-pound boy on
Wednesday morning, Novem
ber '.'(I.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Walker spent
Sunday with Harris Rose and
inol her. Mrs. Rose is very sick at
this writing.
Conrad Weteneamp and family
of Eagle attended the funeral of
Mrs. Ed Sheehan. Mrs. Welten
camp is a niece of Jim Carper.
Ed Tighe of Omaha was visiting
wilh relatives and friends around
Manley last week. Ed has not
boon seen in these parts for about
seventeen years.
Virgil Miller, Helen and Mablo
Coone, Caliler Miller, Raymond
Hockwell, Howard and Franklin
Reckard spent Sunday evening
with Carrie Scliall'er.
Mrs. Dick Boone and little son,
Albert, left for Falls City Thurs
day afternoon, where she will
visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Claude Jan is, until alter Thanks
giving. Jim Carper motored to Lincoln
Tuesday morning, accompanied
by his daughter, Miss Dora, and
Eddie Sheehan, where Dora took
Hie train for York, Neb., to return
to her srhool.
Word was received here of the
death of the little 3-year-old son
of Arthur Wiles Wednesday
morning. Dr. Hungate reported
the child died from diphtheria.
The family has been quarantined.
George Reckard .and family
moved to Weeping Water Tues
day, where they will make their
home. Mr. Reckard will work in
the stone quarry. We are sorry
to lose this good family from our
A wagon load of folks from
Manley attended the protracted
meetings at Weeping Water last
Wednesday evening. Those that
went were: Alex Miller, wife and
daughter, Callie; George Reckard
and wife, Mrs. Jake Miller and lit
tle daughter, Mary; Mrs. Ed
Fleischnian and Master Leland,
the Misses Helen Coone and Daisy
Jewel and Joe Portis.
Alex Miller and wife, Jake Mil
ler and wife and little daughter,
Mary, Mrs. Riockard and Mrs. Ed
Fleischnian, Messrs. Charles
Schaffer, Vena and Floyd Rock
well attended the meetings in
progress .at the Menonite church
at Weeping Water Sunday even
ing and listened to a very line ser
mon given by Mrs. Vance, the
evangelist. It is hoped that Rev.
Vance anil wife may bo able to
come to Manley and bold meet
ings. The people of Manley and
vicinity were greatly shocked and
grieved over the death of Mrs.
Carrie Sheehan, who died at 2 a.
m. Thursday morning. Her death
was unexpected, as she seemed to
be recovering slowly. The fun
eral look place at the St. Patrick's
church Saturday morning, of
which during her life she was a
devoted member. The entire com
munity extend their sympathy to
the bereaved husband and chil
dren and Mr. Carper and family.
Temporarily in Charge.
In the article in last evening's
Journal the impression was creat
ed that Mr. Warga had been ap
pointed to take the position of Mr.
Mauzy in the blacksmith shop.
This is not true, as Mr. Warga is
filling the position temporarily,
as the resignation of Mr. Mauzy
has nol been filed with the super
intendent and no appointment will
be made until after it has been
-K-H- MM i
r Republican.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Meyers on Saturday, November 1),
a '.(-pound girl.
Rev. Green and family left Fri
day for Hinton, Okla., to take up
his paslorial work there.
Mrs. Charles Hanson and
daughter left Tuesday morning
for Wausa, Neb., in answer to a
telegram announcing the serious
illness of her sister, Mrs. R.
William Bales, east of town,
enjoyed a visit from his uncles,
James Bates of Walla Walla,
Washington, and J. F. Bales of
Piatt smouth, ' last Friday and
D. M. Johnson is enjoying a
visit from his brother, W. W.
Johnson and wife, of Sioux Falls,
S. D. They came in Tuesday on
their way to California to spend
the winter.
Mrs. D. E. Jones departed on
I he morning train Thursday for
Longmont, Colo., to be present at
an operation for appendicitis
which her daughter, Mrs. Louie
Wing, will undergo.
Word comes as we go to press
of the death at 3 o'clock this
morning of Mrs. Edward Sheehan
at her home northeast of town.
The funeral services will be hold
at the Catholic church at Manley
at 10 o'clock Saturday morning.
Mrs. Mamie Davis of Hill City,
S. I')., is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Lacy. Mr. Lalcy
went to Lincoln last Wednesday
to meet her, but the train was late
and they didn't see each other un
til they reached Weeping Water.
II. Klielsch has purchased a
threo-passenger Maxwell and
hereafter he will visit his custom
ers in the nearby towns on lime.
There will be no use going with
out Hour now, just call Herman
and he will be there with a sack
of K. and H. in time for break
fast. Lewis Kear returned homo last
Thursday from Oakes, N. D.,
where he went to work in the
harvest Holds. Lewis was driving
a team of mules on a bundle
wagon and dropped one lino and
in trying to got it the loam ran
away and in the mix-up that fol
lowed, Lewis was pretty badly
jammed up. After two weeks in
the hospital there he is able to
make slow progress on n pair of
The bogs are still dying around
hero and at the price it is quite a
jolt to lose any number of them.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Baier are the
proud parents of a baby girl, born
November '.), and she weighs ten
and one-half pounds.
Mrs. William Sehlichtemoier,
sr., has been on the sick list fur
the past week and her condition is
considered quite serious.
Nick Opp has boon bothered
with his old enemy, the rheuma
tism, for the past week and at
times it is said he uses language
that we dason't print.
Mrs. Bennett Chriswisser, who
hail boon visiting her son, Charles
and family, for several days, re
turned to her homo at Platts
niouth Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brunson,
who have boon identified with the
East quarry boarding house for a
long time, loft Saturday for Louis
ville, whore they will have charge
of a quarry boarding house.
John J. Long came over from
Vesta Monday for a few days' visit
with the editor and family. Mr.
Long is a staunch democrat of
the old school and part of his visit
was for the purpose of crowing
over the success of the party.
Vernon Fleshman, on his way
home from school in the rain
Tuesday evening, had the misfor
tune to have the horse he was rid
ing slip and fall upon his ankle in
such a way as to break the bone.
Ho will be laid up for some time.
L. M. fngwersen has just fin
ished putting in a furnace for
Henry Strum in his new farm
homo. This house, which has boon
all slimmer building and remodel
ing, is one of the best farm resi
dences in this part of the county.
Frank Moore did the contract
work and it, is a credit to anyone.
Hon. Hugh Lamaster was hero
from Tecumseh last Saturday on
business at the farm he owns
north of town.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. V. C. Browning was very
sick for several days, but at pres
ent the' child is getting along
Judge Reuben Foster went to
Nebraska City on Tuesday to at
tend the funeral of the late Cap
lain Logan Enyart. Mr. Foster
was one of the honorary pall
bearers. Willis Clark arrived hero Sun
day from Craig, Mo., lo spend a
few days with his nephew, Wess
Clark and family, ami will also
visit with his brother, K. D. Clark
and wife, at Weeping Water.
William Buster of Ashland was
here Wednesday visiting with his
friend, William Mueller, and met
a few other old-time acquaint
ances w hom he knew w hen he re
sided in this county in 1800.
J. M. Solledor of Thurman,
Iowa, came over last Saturday to
make a visit wilh the Ervins, east
of here, and came up to town Sun
day for a few hours' visit with
Wes Clark and other old-time
Fortunate that nobody has yet
been killed at those dangerous
turns in the road just west of
town, but it may happen any time
two auto accidents there in the
past three months and miraculous
escapes of men, women and chil
dren. Attorney W. C. Franiplon of
Lincoln changed cars here Mon
day, going lo Nebraska City. Mr.
Franiplon taught school here 23
years ago, being I he first teacher
in the new school house erected at
that time and which was destroyed
by fire a few weeks ago.
Attorneys C. II. Taylor and D.
O. Dwyer came down from Platts
mouth Monday, and soon after we
made a court room of the office
and a notary of the editor, for the
purpose of taking depositions to
bo used in a case pending in dis
trict court. The lawyers wore not
very pugilistically inclined, prob
ably in fear of the wrath of the
Born November 11, 11M2 to
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ward, a girl.
Born Monday, lo Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Masters, a girl.
T. F. Parnielo. and Jim Terry
berry left Wednesday for another
hunting trip in the vicinity of
Broken Mow.
Lute Boedecker is suffering
from a protracted siege of rlieuma
Steady Growth Proves
Service Value
People only acquire those things which are of
more valuable to them than the cost thereof. The
steady growth of the Telephone System in Nebraska
is irrefutable evidence of its worth to the public, and
of the excellence of its service.
Every day many new telephones are installed in
the State. This is convincing proof of the sincerity
of the public's appreciation of the value of the ser
vice. The telephone is a vital factor in the pleasure,
comfort and prosperity of the people who use it.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager
tism and is not able to got around
without the use of a cane.
Chas. Motz of' Oklahoma stop
pod over in Louisville this week
to visit his brother, Clove, on his
way homo from an extended stay
in Canada.
Philip Ducrr informs us that ho
has purchased another 80 acres
of land adjoining his 100-acre
farm at Alvo. lie paid J? 1 i 5 per
acre and considers that ho obtain
ed the land at a low price.
Mrs. William Slander has re
ceived word from her brother, W.
II. Borger, of Farnam, Neb., that
his family is quarantined on ac
count of scarlet fever. His mother,
Mrs. George Borger. of Elmwood,
has gone to assist in caring for
Mrs. P. A. Jacobson received a
letter from Sweden Monday an
nouncing the death of her sister,
Mrs. Anna Johnson. The news
was not unexpected, as the latter
had been a sufferer .from con
sumption for the past year. She
has two daughters, Miss Anna and
Mrs. John Siindslrom, living in
Grandma llcicharl celebrated
her 77lli birthday last Monday by
inviting a number of relatives and
friends in for the afternoon. She
served coffee, rolls and fancy
cakes. Mrs. Iloichart was the
recipient of several useful gifts.
The Courier joins wilh her large
circle of friends in extending con
gratulations ami host wishes for
many happy returns of the day.
Leader-Echo. .J.
Mrs. G. L. Borger is enjoying a
visit with her son, W. II., at Far
nam, Neb.
Mrs. David of Waukon, Iowa,
came Tuesday evening; to visit her
sister, Mrs. Turk.
Miss Bertha Bryan of Ashland
These are made November 15th and 19th, December 3rd and 17th. South
ern Tourist rates are in effect every day; the increasing Winter patronage
has developed a large number of moderate priced stopping places besides
the palatial hotels. The Panama Canal Had you thought of seeing this
great work before the water is turned in? Complete steamer tours from
New Orleans.
This country draws each year an increasing number of Winter tourists.
The Burlington's through sleeper service is via Denver, Scenic Colorado
and Salt Lake, with choice of route beyond, whether to San Francisco or
Lob Angeles.
.To Los Angeles via Sante Fe Route through tourist sleepers leave
Omaha every Tuesday night and Denver Wednesdays, going via Santa Fe
direct line-Grand Canyon Route, to Los Angeles. This'is an ideal Win
ter route.
This show, which interests thousands of Western growers and others, will
be held November 30th to December "th.
H'Gct in touch with your nearest ticket agent, or with tho undersigned. Let
us help you plan any kind of a Winter tour you have in mind. Free literture
"Cahfornia Excursions." "Pacific Coast Tours. "Southern Tours; and all kinds
i.JlliiSS W. L. WAKELY,
visited her sister, Mrs. Woolcott,
the fore part of the week.
Orloy Clements and Miss Emma
Kunz motored to Plattsmouth
Sunday for a visit with Miss Dora
Miss Freda Mueller returned
Monday to resume her school work
after a few days spent with her
'parents at Union.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Zabel and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Zabel arid son, or
Lincoln, spent Sunday with II.
Dottman and family.
Miss Jessie Bragg, who is prin
cipal of the Raymond school, re
turned to her work Sunday even
ing, after a visit with the honie
H. L. Greeson of North Platte
was calling on oh Elmwood
friends yesterday, having stopped
off on his way homo from a visit
with relatives in Missouri.
Miss Cecelia Brekenfold left
Monday morning for Lodi, Cali
fornia, whore she will spend the
winter. She was accompanied as
far as Omaha by Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mis. It. W. Green are
rejoicing over the arrival of a
handsome baby daughter, born
Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Harry
Green has been shouldering the
burden of responsibility in the
drug store.
Mrs. Rosa Manning is able lo
sit up a little every day and take
nourishment. Her man friends
will be pleased to learn of her im
proved condition, and bright
hopes are entertained incident
thereto. Mrs. Manning has suf
fered severely from typhoid fever.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire to pay their subscriptions
in wood are requested to bring it
in before the roads get bad, as
we desire to place it in the dry.
Come in wilh it, boys, right away.
oi illustrated descriptive publications of Southern and
California Lines.
R. W. CLEMENT,. Agent,
General Passeneer Agent. Omaha. Neb.