The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 21, 1912, Image 6

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IfunyoftlteruidvrtoftluJounudkwwofasocialeveidoranitem of interest
Wicant all items of interest. Editor Jour ml.
MM Cm!
Home Bank Owned
Murray State
Capital SIO.000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law.
Miss Bertha Nickels was shop
ping in Omaha last Tuesday
Miss Filial Sherwood spent
Sunday willi Miss Ella Nickels.
Fxa Frans of Union was visit
inf; willi Wayne Lewis over last
Filwnnl L.vnian of Molilalia is
I he gucsl of l. A. Young and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Good were
iiiiidiiK I he Plallsmoulh shoppers
last Salurday.
John llidiselieidl and wife drove
lo l'lal Isinoulli. Sunday morning
to attend ehurefi.
Mrs. (1. M. Minlonl and (laugh
ter. Miss Ox lit. were Omaha visit
ors last Salurday.
It. II. Nickels was looking after
business mailers in the county
seat last Saturday.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Alba
Y m ii v, of Murdock, Minn., on No
vember Cl h, a girl.
A. F. Nickels and wife were,
looking afler business matters in
Omaha last Friday.
Frank Sehilzlanarks and fam
ily spent last Sunday willi Frank
Hendricks and family.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Farris wens
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Klaurcns last Sunday.
Will Oliver, jr., ami sister,
Kliabel h, were Plat I snunil h visit
ors Sal unlay aflcrnoon.
Flla M. Nickels was looking af
ter Spirella business in Murray
Wednesday of this week.
Henry Os ami wife of Nehawka
were guesls, of Miss Klin Nickels
last. Saturday ami Sunday.
Mrs. George Slimier and sisler,
Mrs. William Mario, were visiting
friends in and near Fnion Tues
day. Mrs. Addie 'Stokes was calling
on friends and looking after busi
ness matters in Plallsmouth last
Rev. Haiimili will comlucl the
Thanksgiving services at I he
Presbyterian church Sunday
morning. .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raingo, sr.,
and daughter, Edith, of Plat Ls
moutli, spent Sunday nt the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver.
Mrs. Thomas Slavic si ill re
mains in a very critical condition,
and owing to her advanced ago,
her return's very slowly.
Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Ohlonhausen
of l'lallsniouth panic down Wed
nesday for u short visit at. the
home of (heir daughter, Mrs. J.
M. McCullueh ami family.
Mesdames Nellie Long, He. ft,
John ami (lassie Lloyd will enter
lain the Thimble Hee at the
church Friday afternoon. Every
one is invited. Bring your fancy
John ilobscheidt., the handsome,
oratorical and eligible young- auc
tioneer, of Murray, will bo present
al the Thanksgiving bazaar at
Kenosha, and will sell lo you at
popular prices the bazaar goods,
lie sure and be present for the
Murray Department
by Home People
Surplus $5,000
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
3 C
O. A. Davis made a business trip
to Omaha Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Farris spent
Sunday al the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nick Klaurcns.
Miss Iticknell nnd Miss Adams
were guesls al the Charles Spang
ler home Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gotlnlrynian
and babe were guests of Charles
Count i y man and wife Sunday.
John Frish was in Murray Wed
nesday, where he received a car
load of feeders Ihal were shipped
down from South Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Waller (ireen were
isiling with Mrs. Oreen's par
ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Hudig, in
Plallsmoulh Salurday evening.
Mr, ami Mrs. Oscar McDonald
ami daughter, ol .M unlock, an;
spending a few days in Murray,
guesls at, the home of Mr. Mc
Donald's mother, Mrs. Mira Mc-
I lomtlil.
Mr. ami Mrs. I). J, Pitman, Ml
;and Mrs. Albei t Stover of Corydou,
Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pit
man. Mr. ami Mrs. O. A. Davis and
j.I. V. Pitman spent. Sunday at the
pleasant larm home of Olen Perry,
north of Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stover and
Mr. ami Mrs. S. (). Pilman drove
over lo Flniwood Tuesday, where
they spent the dav al the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Willed. The trip
was made in Mr. Pitman's car.
Mrs. Nick Friedricb and Mrs.
John Farris entertained a number
of lady friends al the home of
Mrs. Friedrirh lasl Thursday. A
delicious Iwo-course luncheon
was served and a mosl enjoyable
lime was had by all.
Mrs. Charles Carroll accom
panied her mother, Mrs. Hend
ricks, as far as Omaha lasl Salur
day, as she was returning to her
homo in noi l hern Nebraska. Mrs.
Carroll relumed homo via l'lal Lf
moulh in the evening.
About, eighteen ladies met at
I he home of Mrs. II. L. Oldham
! 'r,...o.i.. mm... i :i.
iiiriiiij. i in i were imisiii en
gaged in win king on fancy articles
for the coining bazaar that will bo
held by (he Presbyterian Mission
ary society on Salurday, Decem
ber Tib.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stover went
to Nehawka Wednesday afternoon,
where they will make a brief visit
before departing for Kansas and
Oklahoma, and later taking up
their journey for I heir home in
Indiana. S. O. Pilman drove
them lo Nehawka in the auto
mobile. Mr. ami Mrs. D. A. Young gave
a house warming lo a few of Iheir
friends last Salurday evening. The
addition of the new rooms and the
remodeling of the old pari, when
finished, will give Mr. and Mrs.
Young a very pretty dwelling. The
guesls spent the evening playing
union, ami refreshments were
served at the usual hour. Those
present were: ,Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Raingo, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. llamge,
Misses Mary Moore, Pauline Old
ham, F.sler Smith of Weeping Wa
i or aim rir. men or weeping
n this vicinity and will matJ name to tu-8
II. 0. Long was an Omaha visit
or 1 uesdav.
In-. M. F. ltroiidel and wife were
Aoca visitors last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long were
J'lal I sinout h visitors last Salur
Mrs. John Edmunds has been
on I lie sick list lor I tie past tew
August Kngelkciiieicr spent a
couple oi days in Omaha tins
Mrs. A. L. Maker and daughter,
Miss Opha. were Omaha visitors
lasl Friday.
J. T. Porter ami lillle son went
visiting with county seal Iriends
lasl Saturday.
James Brown has been sunder
ing for the past few days with an
abcess on bis hand.
M. L. Furlong has been sufl'cr
ing from a very severe attack of
gall stones this week.
Albert Schafer, from west of
Murray, was here Wednesday
visit ing with friends.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Lloyd has been on Ihe sick
list for the past few days.
l W. II olmes and wife and A.
!L- Holmes were Plattsmnuth
visitors Monday afternoon.
Mrs. M. llialt spent a few days
in Weeping Water this week visit
ing with her daughter, Mrs. A. M.
Considerable work is being done
al the depot Ibis week. The sta
tion is being moved several feet
from the track and a new founda
tion placed under it.
Mrs. L. F. Thimpe of l'lal ts
nioulli has been in Murray for Ihe
past few days, taking charge ol
the Murray Stale bank during Ihe
absence of Cashier I'.oodeker.
Dr. Cook of Plallsmoulh was in
Murray Wednesday, called here
in consultation willi Dr. H. F.
Brendel to see Mrs. Andy Camp
bell, who has been quite sick for
some lime.
John Farris delivered Ihree
shoals al Ihe Murray market Wed
nesday afternoon. Thev were of
Ihe Duroc-Jersey breed, and Ihe
Ihree lillle fellows weighed with
in a few pounds of 1,800. Fair
sized pigs, were I hey not?
Miss May, a (rained nurse from
Omaha, is now al, I lie bedside" of
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. While, who
have been ill for the past few
weeks. Their daughter, Mrs.
David llialt, has relumed to her
home in Sidney. Mr. and Mrs.
While are In l h improving al this
Sheriff Ouinton was in ami near
Murray Wednesday of this week
summoning witnesses in the Mil-
er vs. Wirt li case, that comes up
al lint coming lerm of district
court. Mall hew (lering appears
for Ihe plaint ill", while Haw Is &
Robertson will represent the de
fendants in the case.
Mr. 0. P. Hates has been work
ing in this locality for Ihe past few-
days in the interests of the Bank
er's Reserve Life Insurance Co.,
and has been doing some business,
loo. There is no reason why he
should not do so. He has a good,
si rung company and Ihe people
are always looking for good in
surance, so why should ho not do
some business under these con
ditions. We are Informed (hat J.
W. Holmes will take up the work
here as local representative.
The best of musio and a genuine
good time as3urred all who attend
the Cosmopolitan club dance at
Coate's hall next Saturday even
ing. Ships to Omaha.
A. B. Becker, the boss stock
man from Fnion, passed through
Murray Wednesday evening with
a carload of hogs for the South
Omaha market. Abe is one of the
good stock men of south Cass and
one of Ihe best fellows lo meet in
Ihe land.
For Sale.
12 horse power engine and elec
tric pole wood saw, nt a very low
price if taken soon.
L T. Rover, Murray, Neb.
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are
duo to impure blood. Burdock
Blood Bitlors as a cleaning blood
Ionic, is well recommended, $1,00
at all stores.
office it will appear under tltis lieadimj
The handsome new store room
of llialt & Tult, in Murray, is now
Hearing cnmplel ion. The finish
ing touches are now being made,
amj within the next few days the
linn expects to get. into their new
room. The handsome, modern
plale glass front is in, the (louring
is being laid this week, ami M. M.
Heal and son of Plallsmoulh are
on Ihe job Hilling on the paint.
All llio now fixtures are on the
ground and with no delay they
should lie in the new room within
a couple of weeks. The new room
will sure bo up-lo-dale in every
particular and a credit to a town
much larger than Murray.
Library Social Meeting.
The regular business and social
meeting of the Library Associa
tion will be held Wednesday even
ing, November 27th. Business
session at 7 :30.
1 Roll Call Your favorite
book that you have read from this
2 "Why Connor's Books Are
Popular," by Waller Hamilton.
3 "What Appealed to Me in
the Calling of Wild," by "Jack
I ondon, Ralph Kennedy.
1 "Paper of Vocational Educa
tion in Ihe Public Schools," by
Lloyd Capon.
5 Refreshments, under Ihe dirt-el
hn of Miss Harriett Adams.
All members are urged to bo
In a Critical Condition.
Washinglon Dillehay, i
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs
lehay, who was struck by a
ball al Rock Cret
school house a
result of which
few wei'ks ago, I lit
I lie lad received an
. . ...
I ii i -" ol I he
1 1 1 ; 1 1
itale an opera! ion, !
in a very eril ieal '
is 1 ill in I lie ims- .
is al -litis
- Illll,
(oinli!j'ir. He
pilnl Srf! ( mi
hopes of hi
ha. Iil there are no
rceove rinir. The hid
was operated upon for sarcoma,
bu! there has been a recurrence
of the same and Ihe tumorous
growth has greatly increased and
passed into Ihe young man's neck.
Helier is beyond Ihe skill of all
modern surgery, as the trouble
increases very rapidly.
The Bazaar.
The bazaar of Ihe Missionary
society will be conducted in Ihe
dining room of Die church on
Saturday, December 7lh, all day
and evening. Dinner will be served
at. noon. The booths will bo open
for sales at 2 o'clock. Nothing
will be sold before. You will llnd
some very prelly Xmas presents
here, such as guests' towels,
doilies, pin cushions, pillow cases,
aprons, hand-painted china, rag
rugs. The prices will range from
10c lo $10. Remember that you
can get your supper any lime af
ler 5:30. A good lime nil day and
Has Thumb Amputated.
Byron Road, who has been suf
fering from blood poisoning for
the past live weeks, caused from
nn injury he received upon his
thumb, had Ihe injured member
amputated Wednesday of this
week. Dr. Gilmoro of Murray per
formed the operation. Mr. Read
as sulTered a great deal for the
ast Ave weeks, and while his con-
dil ion nt this lime is quite serious,
every hope is entertained for his
permanent recovery.
Box Supper and Corn Show,
At the Buck school house, Sat
urday, November ,10th, al 8 p. in.
Prizes ns follows:
For Ihe best 3 ears of corn. .$1.50
Second best 3 ears of corn. . 1.00
Third best 3 ears of corn. . . .50
Corn to bo sold to pay for
Accepts Position In Bank.
Elmer Ilallstrom. son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hallslrom of
Plallsmoulh, has accepted a posi
tion as assistant in Ihe Murray
Slate bank and enters upon his
duties this week.
One way to relievo habitual rou
st ipal ion is to lake regularly a
mild laxative. Doan's Regulols
are recommended for Ibis pur
pose. 25c a box al all drug stores.
A Pleasant Evening.
The country home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Fitzpatrick, three and
one-half miles west of Murray,
was the scene of much merriment
last Satunla evening, the oc
casion being Ihe birthday an
niversary of their son, Arnold
Filzpatrick. The evening was
spent in music and games, in
which the merry visitors indulged
quite freely, and the host looked
...Mi i 1. i ,
mmi io uie enn oi periert enjoy-,
men! of all. The dining room
was ery asieiuiiy decorated in
bitler-sweels and Indian berries,
and the parlors willi evergreens
and chrysanthemums. During
Ihe evening a delicious three
course luncheon was served, to'
which all did ample justice. At a
.'ale hour Ihe guesls departed for
their homes, congrat ulal ing Mr.
Filzpatrick upon his abilily as an
o.ucrtainer and wis hinir mm manv
happy returns of Hie day. Those
in attendance were: Misses Agnes
Lloyd, Klhel Murdock, Addie Dill,
Ruth Beverage, Adele Fitzpatrick,
Ester Lloyd, Vivian Filzpatrick,
Margaret Beck, Myrtle Rice, Birdie
Johnson, Ethel Dill, Lola Filz
patrick, Helen and Emma Beuch
ler, Frea Marsh, Messrs. John
Rice, Garland Tulson, O.-car
Shrader, Jim Erhart, Harold Todd,
Adolph Beverage. Lester Murdock,
Fred Bcuchler, Fred Flrich. Frank
Marler, Arnold Fitzpatrick,
Charles Vallery, Marion Delyar
nett, Roy Fitzpatrick, Anderson
Lloyd, Curtis Filzpatrick, Albert
Coiner, George Shrader, John
Buechler, J. 0. Beckner and son,
B. O. Beckner, of Huntington, W.
Va., Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Beck,
Stephen Beckner, George Fitzpat
rick and Mrs. Margaret Corbett.
Northern Nebraska Fine.
V. G. Boedeker, cashier of the
Murray Stale bank, who spent
several days the past week with
friends and relatives in Ihe north
ern pari of Ihe slate, ' returned
homo Tuesday evening. He visit
ed in both Ccilar and Knox coun
ties, spending a short lime at the
borne of his sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Young, at Cole
ridge. John is again engaging in
Ihe cattle business pretty strong
ibis winter, lie now has a nuni-ie"-
on hi farm and came lo Oma-
na mis ween lor -jno Head more.
I I Here is pie Hi y id
feed in thai
meanly and Ihey are going lo feed
i ' al borne. lie met our old friend,
i N"i ris, al Coleridge, who was
looking (ine and enjoying life;
likewise Jesse ami Gus Lovvther
ami F. W. Kloeppiug, all former
residents of old Cass coiinly.
i (-!"' 'l,s were good in both of these
! '"'Mil ies and all the old Cass
(oiinly people are doing tine. Glen
returned to Omaha Tuesday even
ing and drove home willi Vilas
Sheldon, who was in Ihe me
ld 'polis with his car.
Miss Nickels Entertains.
Miss Etta Nickels entertained a
company of friends last Salurday
evening at a "tack party." The
uuests all came just as "tacky"
as possible and many excellent
costumes were out. Games and
social conversation whiled the
short hours away. Frank Rhodon
was costumed as a hunchback and
carried away the ribbon. Miss
Vera Moore, as Topsy, also won a
ribbon. The "laeky" lunch con
sisted of cornbread, bacon and
onions, and caused much merri
ment, the hostess exerting every
effort to the end Ihal the guests
might enjoy the repast, by with
holding a nice Iwo-course lunch
eon until every scrap of dodger
had disappeared. Those present
were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Osl,
from near Nehawka; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Rhoden. Fritz Tigner, John
Rhodon, Gussio Good, Glen Hack
enberry, Waller Read, Wayne
Lew is, Fred Campbell, James Tig
ner, Lee Nickels, George Nickels,
John Ilobscheidt, Lloyd Lewis,
Frank Dugay and Exa Frans from
Union, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
j "haver, Ella Harris. Clare
P"". Lsl her Ray ilia
Moore, Elizabeth Campbell, Mai
garet Moore, Anna Rysl, Vera
Moore, Pearl Dugay, Bertha Nick
els, Ileurella Creamer, Ethel Sher
wood, Vera Yardley, Mrs. E. R.
Cabbage, apple
sale by S. O. Cole.
and cider for
ftching piles provoke profanity,
but profanity won't remove them.
Doan's Ointment is recommended
for itching, blooding or protruding
piles. 50c at any drug store.
! No More Valuable
! Than a Life Size Portrait of J
One You Love.
Murray, Neb.
rH -M-I-M' M"K-I-I"M-I
J (Special Correspondence.)
v -K-S-K- -H-K-K-H- -K-r
V. II. Puis and James Tilson
made a business trip to Murray
William Puis and Rev. Ueubner
spent Monday with Prof. Asch,
near Murray.
Mrs. Levi Rusterlndtz delivered
some porkers to Ihe Murray mar
ket Tuesday.
William Puis and Rev. Ueubner
made a business trip to Platts
iiiouth Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Puis spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. arid
Mrs. Louie Friedrick.
Otiile a number of friends and
relatives were (he guesls of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Gausenier Sunday.
Miss Laura Engelkenieier, who
was operated upon Tuesday at St.
Joseph's hospital, is getting along
Basket supper Saturday night,
November 23, instead of Thanks
giving night, as stated in last
week's issue, at Pleasant Hill
school house.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bailey and
Mrs. Charles Henen were county
seat visitors Saturday. They
made the trip with M Bailey's
new Flanders car.
less, Smokeless, Never-Bum Fry
Pan. Our proposition is the
agents' bonanza of the twentieth
century. Union Novelty Supply
House, Offlce 2338 Tea St., Lin
coln, Neb. li-21-ltwklv
Basket Social at Mynard.
A basket social will be given at
the Woodman hall in Mynard, by
School District No. 45, on Wed
nesday evening, November 27. A
box of bon-bons will be given to
the most popular young lady, to
be decided by a vole. All will be
An excellent'' program will be
rendered previous to the sale of
baskets, and a delightful social
lime is assurred.
Attention, Farmersl
My Dear Farmer Have you your
own farm or are you renting? I
have land in Minnesota, cut over
limber, from $10 to $15 per acre.
One-third cash, balance at 0 per
conl. 1 have good, smooth land
in Stevens county, Minnesota,
from $55 to $05 per acre. This
laud is sold direct from the own
er of Ihe land. No land company
in Ibis deal. I also handle the
best land in eastern OklalToma.
Corn runs from sixty to seventy
bushels to the acre. Now if you
want land try me and see. I deal
with no agent. If you come with
an agent you must pay him your
self. Write or call,
Henry Hummels,
H21 North 2Cth St.,
Lincoln. Neb.
For Sale.
About fifty head of full blood
Poland-China spring shoats.
Alf. Nickels.
Christmas Sale.
SI. Mary's Guild of St. Luke's
parish will hold a Christmas sale
and market December 5th and 7th.
Wait ilnd buy your
present then.
Remember that next Saturday
night is the date for the Cosmo
politan club dance at Coates hall
and be sure and attend.
Elegant Hats at
Great Reductions, as
Long as They Last.
If you have anything to sell an
ad In the Journal will sell It.
General Blachsmilhing
and Wagon Work
riorseshoeing is Our Specialty'
All Work Guaranteed
Hurray, Hebrasks